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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

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should we're also not surprised to learn that the usa did not make any efforts to release it citizen. moreover, we assure that these champions of freedom of speech with double standards of morality will try to hush up the gentlest stuff. so in some ways, more questions than answers you know, what it comes out to stay in, in the halls, in the midst of this, a brutal crack down on free speech in your brain. remember present valencia's bind political opposition. he's a title to church and even defending against the narrative that this is a war of russian origin and would be very quickly shut down. gonzalo was very brave and some would say no, easily, still challenging the regime. and it seems he's taking a big risk and maybe pay the price for that se, ask you what a lot of questions now, but the americans, what's this mean? what's to say about what they would do for their own citizens will just be brushed into the carpet. will the americans ignore his death in much the same way that they ignored his captivity? well, a new favorite was of the white house,
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the books possible. they circle back to this issue at a late today. that was the archie correspondence shapers bring us will delay so not pretty shady store. thank you very much shape and all the big news. the 2nd day of a public hearing all the genocide case up, the international court of justice has wrapped up south africa, which brought the mazda to the hague, said, is really who is, had failed to actually address any of the arguments present. so this data visit i had to do is phase to disprove. so that's what it does comparing to that was presented before the court. yesterday. we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence we have submitted yesterday. and we believe and stands very confident that those but the law in violation of the genocide convention in particular, really does highlight some few areas this date, if it is close to this,
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they've been laid out by no. is there anybody to gun in military sites and do this? is that it tells the court that these statements, simple rhetorical. how can you ignore this been handled, the prime minister load, the statement of the defense minister ignore the ground, forces sing, repeating what department is the eclipse? that is the implementation of the south african team also presented videos of various is right. the officials on soldiers talking about the plans for garza, but it's really gotten protested saying that those statements were misunderstood. well, let's have a list of some of those misunderstood states. i don't know what the lead my border with a complete c. jim garza, there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel, everything will be cut off. we're fighting against human animals,
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and we're actually accordingly cool. um the entire people and the leadership of the people down embraced them and believe in them. remember what on the look for it to you tomorrow, but we remember and we fight and was a while. those 2 days of parents have now wrapped up over the situation in garza and the conclusion that we came to was that as well saw me rejected the claim that it's committing genocide while also denying that the idea has boned any hospitals in place. now that as you might remember, despite numerous testimonies of different age groups on medical associations proving otherwise, a hospitals have not been bomb. rather the idea of send soldiers to search and dismantle military infrastructure, reducing damage and disruption. indeed the tunnel that sat directly under the main building and chief a hospital was exploded without damaging the building above the damage and harm have occurred. as a result of all its still at ease in hospitals vicinity. sometimes my idea of fire
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sometimes by home us. but always, as a direct result of how mazda is abhorrent method of warfare. you huddle, the jewels and such, this is maybe, you know, maybe to argue this is pollution that uh, how much does include your tax pro, due to the truth. if i structure this, what was because i so is a concern to kind of see the boat. what do you kind of argue that maybe 10 to 20, the fox is the rest of the huge suitcases industry minutes after all these 2 shots. so civilizational as hospitals, schools and homes, um the rivers costs are asked to be on just a fire. so for a funder as it is what it says to those guys are the results of
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strange operation. blue to farmers on the wall. that's a sticky shoot or do or less of a cousins. quick pay for some local news. a huge fire has torn through a warehouse and bushes. northern capital of some pizzas, bug the building was set. the size of around 13 foot 4 pitches. no clue 40 is a say that what, no casualties as personnel a, how does being evacuated from the site to emergency services? why dispatched the same 5 flights as my, which to contain the plays reports to suggest that the white house has been almost completely destroyed as yet the close of the font is not? not counting is underway. and taiwan is presidential election candidates from the warning party and the opposition to courtney not connec thoughts, at least according to ty one's central election commission post closed about an
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hour ago. the item patient is awaiting the final results. each content that has a distinctly different se one, the domestic on foreign policies of the territory. for example, supporters of pipelines voting policy begin to gather and type pay cities sent in on to the patient of the results. announcements. so for now, all tease shot it depends, it brings us more details on the elections. the walls gay is, is focused right now on the smooth chinese island. why? well, because how the people on taiwan vote this weekend could have to take global implications . island as a choosing whether they will forge close it ties with the mainland china or take a step closer to breaking away with the packing of washington. china will surely be re unified, an old chinese people on both sides of the taiwan straits should be bound by
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a common sense of purpose. i'm sharing the glory of the rejuvenation of the chinese nation. so unlike ukraine to be clear, sir, us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes, the decision. oh, but what happens next? lie is in the hands of one of 3 candidates. so who are the man who could hold the power in this piece and who election 1st up? it's like shooting to. he's a current v p from the ruling democratic progressive policy. he's a set portez tooth looking to shake things up and pushed in dependence. the 2nd favor to in the races who you e. he's a candidate for the k n t, which is the chinese nationalist policy. he's a former police chief, i'm being company met of a new type page city. he's called a dialogue with beijing to reduce tensions. cool when j is
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shaking up the to paul, the traditional race. he heads up the c p. p, a full of matter of type pay. he's focused on bread and butter issues such as the cost of housing, which is going well continued in recent years. on the big issue at stake. he favors maintaining the status quote with the mainland, the idea of one country to systems. while this should be a loopo election and just that, it's not many to see what's on folding in taiwan as a proxy will between china, i'm the us. it's the d p because of the wins and pushes ahead with independence. he will do so with the support of the u. s. military. one year ago, our congressional delegations arrival in taiwan sent an unequivocal message. america stands with k one as a defense itself and its freedom. the election is january 13th inauguration won't
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take place until may. so what we need to do is a country is to provide study unwavering, resolve and support of taiwan democracy. and of course, we need to continue to critically enhance cross straight. the turns showing that has a two's the us of interfering in the election. and america certainly has a long track record of doing just that in many parts of the globe. beijing also fired a warning shot at washington over the military. a that's being provided to taiwan. the us side leads to take chinese consent seriously and do more things that contribute to the growth of the military to military relationship. the chinese site emphasized that china will not make any concession or compromise on the ty, one question, and demand that the, the us to bites by the one china, principal,
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owners relevant commitments stops and taiwan and does not support. so i want to use independence. china has sanctioned by us defense companies over on sales, which it says violate the one in china principal and also try lateral communiques. if with the p p, wins tensions in the region could blow up a wind by the d. p. p could also see the bye didn't administration coming in to move pressure from not just the republicans, but also many democrats to took celebrate army deliveries to taiwan. a move that would make beijing livid and could provoke a major military crisis this year. but of course, that's just one scenario as if either the k m t, all the cheap, the candidates not to be election will may just be able to take a deep breath. well, at least for now joining me now. police club. so unless thoughts on some bearing
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from that just call to 4 to 5 strategy on secure textbook for me to best submit out of the contents, showing you keep of quotes for most of the peanut presidential spokes passed and harry rock gentleman hello. thank you for joining us. i'm a problem. i just want to ask you kind of generally speaking, can you fuzzy just to give us a sense of why visa, lex and specifically at this moment in time of grabbing so many headlines, why are people interested? yeah, uh, i think this is a significant event. uh for not only of most, uh, 24000000 people off by one, but also the world. this a collection of, uh, buy one will be, uh, be a customer of how this year in the future of the region will proceed. not to mention uh there are also uh, $6.00 to $8.00 other uh, companies or economy which are holding the local and national election uh,
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in the world, including indonesia, on uh, february the 4th this and these united states in, uh, november this year. uh, there are 3 candidates from uh, coming phone uh the bbc and the htp uh, leslie elections uh, one by the dp, the incumbent who are seeking continuous efforts off the independence from china and grabbing the fortunately the awesome global stage. uh, to be recognized by one as a whole different entity with china. i think in other hand, they're both plumbing, tongue and p. uh, they have a different approach of having this type of score is still there. uh, ford pay on these people. i think this is the only, uh, the most viable uh, sort of approach for peace uh, maintain the industry but also uh for the region itself. or regarding the significant sense uh, from what we can observe here indonesia. because we also currently busy with our
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own election, but there is only a few people who are closely paying attention to tell you when he spoke to go, they nomics and the elections. and this for you, the nation. the significance is not on the about the security issues, but also because we have approximately 300000 uh indonesians, uh, working as a blue collar workers and also uh split instead of being uh, in pilot and uh, particularly uh for us, you know, say on also uh, the distance uh, the graphical distance is not that far. so we are not only hoping if there is a territorial conflict that we'll pack the all the displays, but also from the, the trading ruins of the monica strain that will surely impacting on global economy . so yeah, i think this is very significant, at least for i've seen an engine. i personally cannot imagine if there is a cows or escalations in display. it is a very, it will be
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a very challenging for your nation government, at least to secure that many a month of indonesian civilian hold on a can i also, i'm going to go longer to attend to the question of the straits on intentions on any minute treat conflict in the us. a said the taiwan is a beacon of democracy in the region. i mean to by that is not why it's developed increasing a close, but political and pulls ministry ties with the tire tree as well. that one of them is a critical, strategically for both china into us. we have seen how virginia has consistently argued that cost. that why don't we have the ultimate resign. and now for, for washington, of cause of the most critical in different spectrum of you know, domains. we can see that i'll call you yourself critically important as for washington, for a kind of want to remain in your state, this point of defending beautiful freedom and democracy. and we have also seen how
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the importance of treat supply chain as well as the importance of the technical not the last week. and that seeing that one is adult for mostly themself, you know, and showing disability in global trade and supply of these critical resources, especially in the whole 70 point up the different not to a capacity is we have also seen house how wind software decides that idea like this and sales people fleet from, you know, in east east asia. that's what i thinking if they ship this obviously issue into the, you know, i to the middle east. so we have same house of costs. washington is trying to maximize the value of all taiwan use, you know, overall con, payment. and 2nd, most china can see how the bulk of democracy and freedom and allies from india as a service asia to this issue. we have seen that we new presence infinities, but it's also seeing how renew i forcing former no of course export and also you know, renew capacity is by existing that's, that's what you have to reset and come to somebody. you know, so didn't talk us about the new deputies. so how, what do you mean it's at the present of us and how you're cheating off, you know,
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sort of income statement of washington. also preventing, you know, regions efforts to, we don't increase the capacity. yes. and the assess the where the diet we thought we did in the region. that's why that's, you know, ensuring that you just don't have the capacity to run hospice 1st. and 2nd i didn't change from on. that's what i seen it using taiwan as to get me to with it's for the i'd be good picture of the pacific expansion. that's also been including a specific island presence, their level, the level of fund implication on the i mean this by, by the west. it does a freaking this line of, i know, no renewal power projection of capacity both in fantasy. i saw this in the pacific ocean and also it creates a positive one. i mean, i'm sorry, it's good to see you. i just, i just wanted to ask you when i was looking online. it's interesting what the media is writing now using words like chinese modeling chinese interference pressure from beijing. and i was wondering how should we in top put that?
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is it the demon eyes ational facing again? or is it kind of playing the ground to cry, filed if things don't go the way, but perhaps the west was hoping they would? well, this is part of the parts of the americas pharmacy won't be in china as rise as the world's biggest economy. and probably as the world's strongest committed by the power right now. unfortunately, for the philippines, this election seen by one is paying for the boss because of victory up at the b. b may be a step towards the war and the which will involve us. because unfortunately, our president box has allowed the americans to use our military bases, which are very, very close, figuratively stores throw away from day one. so what, why do you assess now? is that um, but they one issue obviously will become a proxy wire between china and the united states and the costs. we are the most approximate neighbors to buy. why and because of the government that we have
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entered into with united states, this could mean water for the philippines as well. of a sudden, i mean that we had a how are we talking about a step towards will one would think that will display the wall to be filled with will as it is. i wouldn't want any more. but creative thoughts not the case, especially with the american economy. but i mean, it's interesting because washington insist that it wants to settle any cross straight difficulties without force about co auction. but at the same time, it's sending lessons, it's doing minute treat exercises biden's talking about sending american troops. if china, what to, to land on time in his shows. it seems like america's actions don't match. it's what i would say the media scapes, a remake? no. because on one hand, it was a married guy that start the one china policy that has to be honored by the end by apply that now. and yet it is now the united states that has been supporting the in directly, not directly more minutes. we've been that by one us as exemplified by the platform
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of the, the b, b not upward by one to gain independence. again, this is an opportunity for the united states, the same china, which unfortunately will bring the bridge and closer to the brink of conflict. and stuff, and i just wanted to ask you continuing that minute, tre, same. i mean the philippines is obviously participated in ministry exercises with the us. and i want to ask you, what in your opinion faucet has to go with this? is it to go to china? is it to frighten china? is it just the flex? uh that muscles. what does it yeah, nobody in there a healthy mind. i guess dealt with one another. a war an in the world. yeah. but of course, last august of 2022. and then the policy is such a high ranking. yes. well visual, uh 50 did pay in such a unprecedented uh action. yeah. i think, yeah it's,
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it's not on the be trading. what they are almost like the only thing as one title policy here, but also a propagation to a real effort for uh, piecing the reason that currently is still on discussions. and we are upheld into a more pause and discussions rather than uh, escalations that really unnecessary for everybody. uh and secondly, i mean, this is a clear, uh, the part, the, uh, the, uh, the people of the taiwanese themselves that will, uh, software the most, uh, uh, if there are escalations. uh, not only in the island but also uh in the region. uh, especially for example, the probably whenever you control products are being banned from a chinese market like moving full time sold. so a table of a stick shows and in other communities uh, export to the mainland but thing. but the problem is will the west or uh, the other uh, united states uh, allies the market will, will they be the featured market uh for uh, those payment products. um mm hm. i,
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i don't see that coming that way. and uh, it is not about those big words, and you'll probably to go again to us. i believe it is very much about the daily living condition of the people of high one itself that really needs to pay attention to. now, according to, thanks very much up to a patient, i just want to ask you, i mean, obviously the counting is still on the way. we've only got around 70 percent of posting stations reporting. but it seems that people were predicting that the d p. p would when the presidency, but corman times might uh, uh, somehow take the parliamentary majority. so my question to you is, if the equipment on what to get any kind of victory, even snatching seats from the p. p. would that be seen by washington as a strategic defense and would they then take a step back as well? not entirely as you can see how, you know the difference in the changing, you know, landscape. all you know,
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how was 3 days i picked up jesse's the really back one to see we have also seen out, i know 2022. we have seen just games endorsed being in a cheap i like the key. i'm to delta the elections, but there is no, there's just why did you trust that the trust deputy sitting among the younger population is quincy. how younger both, those have to be know, always resonating the need to ensure that no one wants to do and that was with the news. i always resigned with the freedom of the people the truth and you saw it and not being dictated. fiji, so this holiday vps always be forgive $71.00. and that can do c. s no or with being with the alignment regents agenda and you know, tv vehicle when you're asked for so fine. hopefully you're balancing both, but i can see what so the been about the issue, the ways we can see what's a healthy and beautiful capitalize on the, on rising process inclusion, they know sorting, rental sizes and unemployment classes level to see how the discontinued by miss monique young couple patients dose of this economic future and part of economic difficulties also being played on through this overall, you know,
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1st and couple of 50 by, by the can data ensure that the also tackled the needs of the younger population. uh, you know, away from this partition of, you know, do you find us on the video screws? you'll find one. so we will see how they're moving forward. how, you know, how the people of taiwan would always ensure that know the how most the top did. it shows the concrete meaning, the precedent will always have to the higher level should also be taking difficult . i want. and that, you know, know that the picture of china now has always been mean sense of center station. no, i have no idea, spends all the fee with on the people i want. so many issues will always be secondary items of, you know, do you do dealt with the level of power with the amount of time just before the cost. it depends on how low and what, what spends that people can, you know, tolerate in terms of having to choose between the 2, g o, r y, in terms of useful freedom to, to the side of that was in the future. also at the expense of the day to day and evening and dressing from difficulties. i'm just very quick to jump to the 20
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seconds each. i'm. i know i shouldn't do you guys for, i mean, still on live television, especially with the results not in, but what are your predictions? how are you all fast? well, uh, i would hope that that could be done. williams, although early indications would indicate that b, p b will been bought because uh, the electricity is also gonna be split the b b the presidency and coming down to the left. so i think that would be a would that would have a sobering effect on that. the b, b and i think that bodes well for piece of the region. collins, i will go for a very big people, you know, the piece we do, and i think the best we can see yes. pick and then for the need. but we have also seen holly know the, the why, why, what do we, why, what do you all called region was? do you have the upper hand of using the book be taxed to ensure that means that the at the bigger picture of the no, no having this great want i want, i didn't know if i, if 70 was there, we don't have this upset. and we also, we can use it so 3000 endeavors to ensure that we have this unification moving
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forward for the next few years to come across. we have well, just seeing how the time traveling through should be and how we know you've entered . and if a patient means the highest agenda and the state, the school has been sought by all truth and it is about then, you know, between has a different complete unification plan. and that also avoids you know, different people in the presence of us and why what the outcome obedience agenda was giving me the same. and just at the i 1st met the strategist book with the photo, according to different presidential outcomes and found a quick find a lot from you. sure. as we speak, the lights and comments enough light, one is still ongoing, comforting the bell of his health. i'm hoping for the best uh for the time when people because uh, i personally also know that uh how it is. uh, not an easy thing to diag just uh for, for the people uh, about deciding. uh, the i come uh for the future off of their uh, economy. uh, by using the phone. i mean uh, the landing with indonesian government um,
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free and accessing the national policy equinox. uh, i think whomever uh its winning the pay on the selection they are, they should come anything uh and of holding the human at the above all. i mean, not only in order to satisfy uh, lots of ident does officially coming from the way as well. that's what we are hoping for, that the timing, these people get what they want. i'm happy that was joining me now. that was pretty cool job. and let's press on some bring into the content for the past trust and secure textbook. from each of us, submit a according to a new key and a full full my philippine and presidential spokes pass. and how are you. ok, thank you so much sentiment. feel time to insight on your patients. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. and that is about how things to shape. not this uh, what brought in just a couple of minutes or you can check out onto. they'll come plentifully that caesar . oh the
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public. are you still nonsense. he's got his new my so you are using the why? it's what i showed them are you and somebody on the phone disposal. so in the front of mind that you said when you go in this tool disposal setting the step, it is of savings and you have some people to see those who managed to free continue the work of undermining russia. nobody needs team is opening offices in the us. that was so similar to the solar eclipse issue. so we need to know about seo menu on the for me at 4 and the office for the other thing is that sam got the do, got up as the to the shots, but allow me shift. so the democrats, you actually deal example because i get asked them that completely correct
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the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have a very quick propaganda. you know, a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the cost of acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show search like why, why something that's so different listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere
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else. welcome to planes or do have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shelves to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the
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the on the us yes. again, strikes, governments capital just out will talk to you as secure to townsend. imagine me thing on fridays. initial attack and ends in asia, a march of solidarity with palestine democratize $100.00 days of waiting called to take the old protests around the globe to jamal on this route and the violent plus to us the state department confirms the death of a to be an american john left in new prayed, put him out and saw the saying he was tortured to fax in prison. over his criticism of presidency, landscape poles have close to counting is underway in taiwan. and what could prove a have a tool by the results.


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