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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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of gina's size, the stillness in video is you'll see more around the world and millions steining and solidarity with policy. sunday mopping a 100 days. there's the start of the conflict with israel leading roughly 24000 people that approximate because i think the buyer. now that is the man in washington. the message is crystal clear, is the massive crowds market towards the white house, the bonding an end to the violence in gaza. and as a pro independence candidate wins the presidential election in taiwan, the islands foreign ministry called on china to face the reality of aging, such as dogs, it's fun. the wells must recognize taiwan and as of the talk to the mainland,
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the with so much happening of the world today and the mainstream media, just about ignoring all of it. let's give you the scoop on this life program from most. com. so beginning this out on a grim anniversary is bidwell now a 100 days since the start of the war and gaza. is there any campaign is claimed the lives of nearly 24000 people move in? 60000 have been wounded by the id f bombing campaigns now from europe to africa, to elsewhere around the world. hundreds of thousands have been taken to the streets to riley and supported the palestinians, malaysia, south africa, the u. k. america, and in an easier as well as thailand, japan easily greece, i'm like this on demonstrations old kind of a global day of actions of palestine and coldest israel to stuff. it's a tax workforce. auntie is world wide, we hit the streets and we spoke to some of those people like the united states
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government is complicit in this genocide. sale funding is all to the to use it. um and is that all the forms that are dropping on guys? are you estimate and the think about this, we have been saying that like from the beginning of domestic, that of the genocide, that's what is taking place right now. is that genocide because we would have to 5, is it a leak water cut? the defense minister, the prime minister, the president himself of is it, i want us both and on a doing those sites that they wanted us to leave jobs off and to, to egypt. in other words, they would call in for an insignificant and saying is open the world every month. they don't have a right to kill, is forbidden to take the lots of mothers, fathers, and children. they have no right. is that a, this is a crusade and everything was planned in advance. and that's in yahoo as objective us to take gaza and wipe out the palestinians. she wants to take the entirety of our land and we need to ask before he does so i'm happy to stand here in solidarity
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on this important day of health science alliance is real. my stop is slaughter and america should reconsider its support for the nation. the freedom of palestine is the freedom of all humanity in washington, what began as a riley ton into a much headed straight for the white house of the thing all along the perimeter security fence, a collective effort to rustle the battery is a line of law enforcement stood inside the grounds to ensure that the situation remain mostly on the control level. jarlet, somebody like sean has this report. i am presently right now. i believe the model for god. the rally here in downtown washington dc added freedom a lot that at least $10000.00 people that i thought was be the crowns are going, bending down pappy or close drawn, which is the main avenue, the main drag. and one of these the,
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the speakers are the moment to are currently family members and survivors. the oh, the god and bard meant the lot. there's family where they're voices for the dad right now we've heard some very tearful stories. some are breaking images shown. there are no other makers, including doctor cornell, west the candidate here in the united states, as well as dr. joe stein who is also the guardian for president of the united states. and we are we are in fact an on. 7 mobile majority and then on stop mobile floors for p. c just says for an n to genocide now. 7 is where we served that international
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law. 7 and human rights are the law of the land and the law of the future, the crowd, we're continuing to grow and we're hearing chance of the free god. the i actually the yeah, a lot of the jewish people does this, that are saying you else up, the state of israel does or not will represent world jewelry. the bottom there is the table of power 9 building is very, very easily. there are no counter demonstrators that i have the very people in the middle there grew to do the big national rally that in writing and by some national coalition. after listening to a number of speakers that were on the stage sharing park reading,
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stories of family members who were lost in gaza. we're still continuing to see a flow of thousands and thousands just in here on washington. and they say this battle is not yet over until they take all their messages to the halls of congress and a ceasefire happens now that across the atlantics, that will have pro palestinian protest over in the german capital, as well by thousands highlighted the dia, crisis, and gaza, i made just the crowds ought to contribute original mazda. i am at the national day of action for how sides. and this is part of a larger global movement today where people are congregating and various cities around the world in order to draw attention to the costs of the palestinian people . now i got a chance to talk to a lot of the people involved here and many are very, very young. and they all kind of have the same story. and it's quite shocking. many of said that they've attended several of these protests and they've made posts on
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social media, which they consider relatively benign or maybe slightly provocative. but they've ended up being visited by the authorities and the equivalent of what they say are the members of the german guess you'd say f, b i or the police officers. and in some cases they've been arrested sometimes multiple times and even charged with things like incitement. and i asked them why do you think that is that you're being charged with just saying particular things that the government doesn't want said. and they said, well, a lot of it has to do with the kind of qualification that the government against certain kinds of speech that hearken back to the kind of language that comes from germany's very complicated history. so things that evoke faster as a naziism, that kind of thing. lot of college students in berlin are being visited by the police are being intimidated and interrogated at the protest. certain chance are being forbidden on a daily basis. really. we face oppression and extreme police brutality. we're being
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beaten or being taken and we're being arrested. and we don't feel welcome here as german citizens, and we also don't feel safe anymore. i've been the rest of several times. i've been asked to, yesterday, how many times i got arrested. and suddenly i realized that i don't know the number in germany, every culture is here are what is coming on. i saw these and every. 1 of abuse is here also very common yet, but when it comes to the parties, cnn's todd, your buddy, cnn is sure it is from their side. it doesn't come in the lives of the war and gaza has not entered. can you believe it? it's $102.00 at the day the leader of hezbollah has insisted that israel kind of achieve a military victory us on not the dollars cited in a speech to be is really economy has also been heavily impacted by the conflict. and the address came to mock one week since the death of a senior has,
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but i'll come on to with some i'll to, we'll who was killed by and is really strike in southern lebanon. well, it's possible i'm not to be rude and speak with local journalist, am i like highlight? he's joining us here live or not a very good evening to you about like what, what were the main issues are from a natural as speech. this time he started to be making the reality what speech number 3 and the past 10 days or so, right? yes, yes, yes, been, so can you look at this and say i liked the 1st the 2 weeks and the word. he was actually highlighting the fact that the word needs to stop and smoking the word with that will need to solve the other issues like just security and that it teach . and on that, that more than by the end of the enough drunk, which is a from that has been an escalating since the days we have more than a few 1000. they've been used. the villages will have to wait and but the state, due to the contract, we have for the $250.00. that's been market since home today. and we have,
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as so many nation kid in that positive suburb of what i'm sending the destination of all the hot item these i'm going to send you that i'm that finished up with some of you in the morning and say that it's a genetic check book as below, as of today that so it was basically like cut out of the hand with the bus. they acute a message to that is really easy. and 3rd is a society that you are unable to getting on with the war on this. been strong because we cannot even get finished with the opening other front, but the one on it i can see the on the on the was also stating the fact that the x ray is actually heavy. that's in use. and the words, the or the dimension of support of best buy each mode or what they call the defense the porch is that you think of. so basically he was like putting them as a,
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as a button. then that's the as fine, or that's fine for that. i'm coming uh on vacation or the way things go on. he mentioned the stuff in the board on does that. then we can talk about other issues like how just one level or how that, how to just and, and whatever they are basically what was the, is a positive thing if the cost on us of ally is courtney for peace instead of holding full revenge because from the israeli side, we've, we've seen so many calls for revenge against the palestinians or, or have mass for example. so, so it's good to see the leader of his block holding a piece and calling for an end to the violence missing. estrada also spoke about economic issues and by like, i've just seen a report saying that since the who these are doing that thing and the read seats uh the suez canal right now is down by 40 percent. that was normal. revenues are nearly 50 percent of the shipping revenue in the red sea is now being costs and
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nearly caught in the fall. because what about these are doing? and that's right. i talked about economic issues. he also said that israel is economy is being impacted. can you give us anything, tell us about what, what mr. nothing at all a said about these ready economy a while he said that this is going to cost them a lot. yeah. does that, that a cut on because aspect is one aspect of the last of the is that it, is that doing the sport and it's due to affecting them because because they also have the supplies they used to have to embed it the different that that yeah, many army is the target. think evidence ship that's trying to reach for the as the easiest to provide them what they have been. so as long as the locate, something is part of the function you port is a, is that you just on the, from the left and 1st by evacuating those from. but that's that only of the, i'm from the northern settlement and northern, but that will get by specifying and that post office award instead of in addition
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to the 5 steps on the so called army base and the board is not supporting. and then stop reducing that, the estimations are that, that is that you, the government is being as the, as the paying $50000000.00 a day. you just support compensation for the step of the tool from the front lines with the law or with how much and you have the which is basically puts a lot of bad money. a lot of the for that is that you just add them up. i question, so i learned ward and this is the home since day for them, for the, for stamp and support has law. and for the how much, what, what do we have to do is we are fee. so what, what they pass on said that if you want to vote more for the day before the court, we have been preparing all the time for the. so he is basically pointing down the as a quiet and as an image of quiet. and just as a court for peace in terms of peace as things are his calling for the for this he's
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fired right now and all of that stuff because she is on the next. what is the 2nd stage, or is that you continue to pay on the, the, on the social make says the bench and there's the site. yeah. and he was actually ready to be, can you tell you about the situation when he spoke about the, the, the community? when he talked about the pros, the mazda of elk grove, this is requested to bring back the most, to just from mazda on something about the different owners that, that, that he put. what do you do any award box that you can afford starting to see them? so basically he was like a lot of bad names, points toward outside a bad that effect of the board or the continuous water on the site itself. but it was mentioning all the other sites that we are said before the what i'm going ask
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one of the thoughts and things like we are not afraid of going in florida box. we don't think that we have to go towards we were going to go to what i'm just thinking. we are talking about how to stay and just give me post things that people think that somebody just that's how big like you wait this whole thing that lives best. most of the things as in most of the farmers and they have they, they have to do that. that's not the only on design be, but also the start. you just, i do think watch 1st, but it's and they are starting to fall on a daily basis that these are the, and the landscape in the south, which is also costing us. but if and on the, on the east side, it's a whole different story because this is how we have been living since 1948 with us, right? this is what it is to be living by and then use that was the, is what you do. and they claim that they are just a funding and then some. so on the other side we are the,
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it has to be fun. our so we want us to have all the same boat. and that is that you just wouldn't have no other choice. but to pull for it to be quiet as it was, there are losing boards, then we are say, no, i mean like how does the local journalist joining us live from a baby? we really appreciate your time. thank you very much for that report or to iran and our crowds are gathered. and tyrone in a show of support for south africa's case against israel to the international court of justice. all to use it use up too loudly, filed this report, 20000 lawyers on legal experts and to have on and across the country. you have staged simultaneous rallies in support of south africa's case filed at the international court of justice, but accuses as well of committing genocide and it's ongoing war and gaza. here in the capital, iranians have gathered in front of the un office to demand a v. i c, j rule for the media accessed ation of things is really strikes of course on jobs
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are there now drawing off a list of thousands of, uh, signatures to deliver to the united nations office in toronto, urge, and immediate action, or to and the guns a crisis, now people here say the number of casualties in gaza is entering onto the 24000 mark. and yeah, it is well justifies its actions as self defense state. it goes to south africa as argument that tel aviv has reached the 1948 genocide convention drawn off in the aftermath of world war 2 and the hall. the cause many countries have now walton, south africa's i c, j case against israel, including members of the organization of as long as the countries um and the arab league, of course, turkey and malaysia, brazil and several other nations have voice their support for the south african
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case these wonderful public copy, ron was quick to voice and support for pretoria as finally call and get a responsible, courageous and honorable move in solidarity with the palestinian nation and a viable measure that can and what it called the raft of crimes committed by israel in guns on the warranty and foreign ministry says israel has enjoyed unconditional unwavering. again, unrestricted support from the u. s. u. k, and other western governments to carry out a full scale new latoria dogs, the guest house, the ends and the besieged gauze. this rep can be occupied, west the bank over all the past 3 months and has been infringing upon all international conventions concerning palestinians, especially now that the american and british governments have directly been drawn into the conflict bombing b o. c targets. since you have an active as your war and that the non con effects
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of these really hum us for our um, gripping far flung corners of the region, the young men is situated 1400 miles away from the epicenter of the crisis and goes on. now it has turned into another hot spots in the crisis as the u. s. u. k. college and habitats. several cities and young man in response to the who these pro palestine campaign. and the right see of course that has season attack is really bound ships. they are now people here say of course they look at the south african case as a practical staff to bring the snowball in conflict so on and urging that he wants top court to pull the plug on quotes, as well as war machine. for the shoddy of the little document as a political analyst. joining us now live from assembled at about 6 20 pm locally shot. the great to have you on the program. a very will welcome to good evening. so
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evening i just wanted to say, hey, we are at a 100 days. i can't even imagine how we got this far a 100 days into this for right now with every day many hundreds of people still dying. did you? did you think you would have get to this point a uh, a good evening to you and you had all yes. actually i don't look at that from this perspective. i looked at that it has been 75 years plus 100 days. so this thing has been going on already for the past 75 days, the 75 years since 1948 bought this 100 days is the latest wrong. uh. and they are considering that this is uh, the oil which is just started on the 7th of october, but i don't consider it like that. but it, we have seen huge crimes genocide and uh, to be honest i, i knew that is going to be long, but i didn't expect that this one was going to reach to
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a 100 days mark. about doing this 100 days, the posting and people sold it all types of torture on types of the box means they have just an all the kinds of wisdom weapons on them and so on us. but actually, and the, the destroyed the house and the infrastructure, everything. and i was never expecting that this is going to be dogs. i'm looking into the pictures of the old used to be receiving from there. and it is sole said. and when i'm talking to the people, what they're saying that the actual situation is much more said than what you're seeing actually. yeah, no i'm, i'm sure you're not better than i do. i mean, i can, frankly, frankly, shadae is as opposed when you were in gaza, if i'm not mistaken, when the conflict 1st erupt to you. in fact, you are one of the lucky ones who managed to escape. but what can you tell us about your personal experience regarding the conflict when it stopped to
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it, we didn't expect that it is going to be dutch hughes. and when i hear the news that the united states is sending an aircraft carrier, and then we stopped to realizing that what was going on is something very big that this they have a way to plan. and that plan is actually was originally supposed to push the listing used to immigrate, agreed all to the golf industry. they were all the time of getting picked up on a seniors to move to a saw and hit towards that addiction bought this. and i believe it's almost the, the original plan was only to push the people across the board goes and meet a new era to become refugees. we have been reduced for the past 75 years. and now the want to us giving to jump. if you choose from our we can use that so it isn't like they want to race all the history and making new has to be i'm considering the
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history just stuff is on the 7th of october, which is not true. it all the wisdom of media just don't think that's 7 to 1200. it was the start of everything. and they never spoke about and i do for the 26th and 7th. so that situation and all their plans are very clear. and again now that i'm talking about. ready buying the adobe line is between egypt and javascript, which is i really believe that if the saw after the got a case in the international call may go correctly without the interference, the bad interference. so the 9th of states and u. k who still believe that is what it is having is doing their self defense that may achieve something, at least they can expose the appraise, all is well and what they have to be actually on growing in goals. yeah,
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the israel, israel said the pretoria, i will be judged for what it's doing with these allegations of genocide against israel in the i. c j. let someone else go. i really touchy question shot the, because i'm i interviewed recently for my top middle east and prime minister full, my prime minister. i'm looking to mention his name. but we talked about october, the 7th, and i asked him, you know, i understand the cairo had been wanting to be for 2 months before october. the 7th happened. i also sold the allocations shot the, the allegations, the nothing yahoo issue to stand down order to the id s on the night of october. the 6th, which seems rather unusual. i off is full, i'm a prime minister. is it possible that benjamin netanyahu knew the attack was coming? and this for prime minister said in no uncertain terms. it's quite possible. chevy . what do you think? thank you to the i hope this note is very cool. uh,
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i don't live to believe in conspirators box it, according to the light is what it is all the time. considering themselves that they are having the ability, useful intelligence, shut box, massage inmate from all the agencies are very active. uh, they are survived. the heavy surveillance from dogs are from see from ground, from air. so to believe that they didn't know completely what was going on is a, is a hospitably, but still, i don't want to underestimate what the, i'm a senior systems have a cheap, but meanwhile, everything is possible with across the life. and it's, and you know, i can't believe anything with him. i can't believe because he only cares about his advantage to stay out of jail and to remain as you consider himself. as the hero appears, well, which is not true. everyone hates them. you know that in the finished remodel,
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he will be in jail for they often. that's why he's trying to extend the war as much as he cancel that he should stay up and do regarding if the that's the plan is that the you, i tend to believe it and i can still say that it does a possible thing was that maybe he didn't expect good news that was maybe also the policy and didn't use that. i think the history will tell us off the was about that uh what happened and then the best the remain best to remain more more questions than answers these days. shut the bill or document as a political. i'd let joining us a live on ology international. thank you so much for your time. i enjoyed our conversation. the well tight ones for administrators told china to face reality. now for a pro independence kind of, it came out on top and the islands presidential election and the vote sold. the
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democratic progressive party went to fill a tub and palate, but failed to secure a majority in parliament. several countries including america, the u. k. in japan, congratulated a lodging, pay on his victory weight, just 40 percent of the vote. got him the top spot, but china has reiterated that it stands on taiwan will not change the results of the 2 elections in taiwan. this time showed that the democratic progressive party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. taiwan is china's type one. the selection cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross straight relations. nor can it change the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the street to get closer and closer. nor can it stop the general trend that the mother lead will eventually and inevitably be re unified both at the p p that one and the position part of k a t. they're basically status quote. part of given the, the presidential candidate light shouldn't do. it has stated just before the election, you said, well there's no need to declare i when you dependents,
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because we have like a china on the tie. why me? it is already dependent, which is really saying that he's not going to start off the water. and let's face it, whatever high one does the, has to be as explicit. go ahead. an approval for washington right now. washington is in broyles, already on a team from work. one of proxy worthington, ukraine, advanced russia. another right now a to us is deeply in involved in middle east to support is really atrocity in palestine. meetings now is the us just bomb, give it to us, does not have extra lead, extra aircraft carriers to send it to tie one at the moment. i is not in us interest to start the eyes. the 3rd following more. um, so i don't think anything will change is showing the the, the candidate lights and the one that you less than q one was 40 percent of the
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vote, which means 60 percent of the electorate voted for opposition. candid and so we reason one is because our position is dividing by the end of the by one legislature, jim t opposition party still won the most seat. they want the one more seats, then d d p, which means somebody into the presidency election day is going to face our legislature . so i don't expect much to change what china has us slammed washington, london and tokyo for quote, interfering its internal affairs off the congratulating tie, ones, president elect to buy it, and said he did not support the idea of taiwanese independence or the regional tensions may put strain on the global economy as taiwan is a crucial semi conductor producer. the countries present as elect says, the industry will continue developing the taiwan semi conductor industry as a common asset for the world. not only type one does cherish it,
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but we also hope that china and the international community can come together to cherish this industry. so what's i want accounts for? what is it now the numbers about that will much cost of the world's production of semi conducted chips. that's how important for computers uh your smartphone. and now the digital devices, taiwan also dominates the manufacturing of the most advanced of those components with more than 90 percent of that production. notably, china is the world's largest semi conductor market. i'll send to conductors, have been the focus of a trade dispute between america and china. 2022, washington restricted supplies of materials needed for micro chip production. although as china that produces most of that material last year, it took that a step further and impose sanctions on the exports of components used for artificial intelligence. the u. s. as also wealth into production of taiwanese micro chips on the, on its own soil with the factory of the company, t s m. c opening in our.


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