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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EST

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the on the continent funds and like jerry told us about their expectations, there's a lot of work to do as a room for improvement was there's a way who in the whole thing is going to work together. we're just of with us. we're going to do what we need to do to support them and then we go for the goal. my efficient frontier, opening the internet full play us with the database. so we'll cut and give those that made that obvious that we hope to get you guys a very highly that's a guy. yeah. how do you get to watching them enjoyed? yeah. game they have the zip codes seems like, you know, like well, that is how the news is shaping up this monday so far will bring you all the latest developments throughout the day on next. tyrone auntie it's trustworthy. enjoy the
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with the end of world war one. the movement for indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal, violent repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people. on the day of the sea bass at t festivals. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm
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gonna start in northern india seeing base as our defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms the both the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians. including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the
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hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered 9 people bluebell m in in the spot like washington says it wants to de escalate regional tensions. but instead expands the conflict. this administration is simply out of control. also, what are we to make of south africa's legal breed? charging israel with genocide in gosh, to discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my usual guess george. send me well we in budapest, he's a pod cast, read the capital which can be found in youtube in locals and america. we have mark j is an award winning journalist for i start out with georgia in budapest, georgia. you and i been watching very closely. um, uh, secure a state blankets of a recent trip say shuttle diplomacy is like the trying to do in the,
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in the middle east, private de escalate. but why is the set of states these de attacking? yep. and if they're looking for de escalation, please explain to me in simple words because i'm a simple person. go ahead, george. well, i wish i could explain, but as you say, it is, uh, the uh, the boss would all the bind in administration, other because of nato in general. they can say you're doing one thing and you're doing exactly the opposite. so the email and he goes in there, it says, well, i'm trying to de escalate, and that's what admiral copy of the white house spokesman say yes, you know what, everything we're doing in the m and in order to de escalate. when one would we're seeing is what was obvious really from the beginning, once the by and the ministration completely. where did it so to israel in and what is the gaza? that it is escalating the conflict that was all this of this was going to happen. and it is now launched to these attacks, really without any kind of uh,
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justification in any international law. i mean there's no un security council resolution. no state has come along and said, hey, can you organize a policy for us and go in and do some bombing for us as a model that has happened? um and so they've just a little launching attacks without the slightest prospect of the it's a of a cheating success tends, they're only just vacation is while it was very discriminative, it was very proportionate and very, it's all gets it. and there's nothing to worry about the way it is in the market. it's very interesting is that how government comes back on the scene. but for those of us been watching this has been front and center and regional politics for a very long time. and if you think you can scale to who with these with buckling, i mean you have to be left out of the room. i mean, they have been bombed with american bombs using sarah kits for many,
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many years. and fortunately, unfortunately, depending how you want to look at of the, the very tenuous to 1000 to choose that the hope these had with you. maybe even the saudis worried about that because i got whipped there as well. so the united states is stoking something, were to go into a direction of like, i always say, the law of unintended consequences. you know, we've, we've been for a number of years now. we've been watching the saudi ration from the, the, who t's in what is some more or less the wisdom bits of human unannounced icing them and pretending that we don't really, whenever you are really happy about how they become indiscriminately to hit people of winning policies and those are risk images we saw for years and years and years . they got a piece to about a year ago. so this put saudi arabian already or the position now because how these lights to the west. but i think there's a, there's a huge amount of miscalculation which has happened the last few days. and i've been wanting, i've been, i've been saying this on your show for the last few weeks. now. the miscalculation
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with 2 t's is the, i'm not here. this was a lot in press coverage. this is a warning. so given who did a warning, you know, and who does this looking at this thinking? you're going to be kidding. it says that we've, we've, we've probably, the power is, comes on the planet. we've really been literally, you know, reduced to rubble. we've got nothing left and the worst people in the world. you can 5 people are going to lose. and, and that's really the less than, that's not been hated by the way. so, you know, um, so that can be okay, less than this to off poodle all for a bite and miss been making these statements. you know, it was in ukraine just a few days ago, but just talking about, you know, the, we need to exclude send a message to the who cheese. well, the messages were ready for it all you up for it. you know, because this is going to talk about what to do with these messages to the united states. and it's a pretend coalition is that what they end up with these are doing what they're doing in the red sea in solidarity with the me genocide,
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a more being that know waged in gaza. so if they stop, there's a cold there. there is a ceasefire. been who diesel react accordingly, but that's never part of the story. is it? if he's like it right and, and types shapes the immediate coverage. well, all of the focus is on what the, uh, the quote is oh, the timeframe with international commas. the freedom of navigation is in danger. so i mean, i won't just forget about, well, how many times has the united states boarded, uranian ships, the seas condo, or the is, this is a regular thing. they with you, right? is that who is this is a violation of law sanctions. well, who said with these assignments that have no basis and ends and actual israel, as on a regular basis bound iridium time, cuz there's another color, you know,
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there's a part of that isn't the threat to freedom of navigation. well charge i, i, i talked to you so often i can actually preempt your thoughts here. so i get a little bit of homework in advance here. i lied. george brought up freedom of trade. well, let's take a look here. i did the research the past 9 years while she didn't realize it maintain the blockade of human impeding trade. the us substantially was big strain with north korea, co cuba in his way. what russia, china, syria, afghanistan, era. what about the beating train with the finish of george? yeah, no, that's right. there goes to you. k which still holds on to venezuela's gold. and uh, you know, the u. k, which your mother again sees than a ready new tank or kept it into bro to because it was filing, essentially providing oil specific actions. they got it wrong. you're right there on the what was the sanction against the syria provide or getting oil,
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but you know, so they didn't even understand that. so the whole idea that the, the world trade is in danger and therefore we have to the bomb is absolutely nonsensical. and you're actually right in, in what, what you say there's a simple solution. and if you, if you stop with a ceasefire, then we'll have to assume that the uh, the who does campaign against the shipping hit it for israel olive as well. we'll stop. but that's, that's the solution that's off the table right away. as well as money. when we started out, we're talking about the got to de escalate. you have to escalate that, but i need to get my head around that one, but maybe maybe it'll come to me eventually. but this is sending an indication that the united states is willing, with its junior partner. as usual, i be kind of be headed mcmann of, of foreign policy on the world stage. i hope our viewers get the reference, but this is just pursuing israel's foreign policy objectives. i don't see what the
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strategic interest of the you pay in the united states are. it's a, it's a short term solution because the big thing cuz of the way they are thinking is that we need the destruction away from the genocide. because it's getting way too much press coverage and what better way to do it then to have some strategic strikes. i hate that phrase is going to come up again. strategic strikes against these, this rac todd, you know, kind of, literally, they haven't been very strategic and they haven't been pretty precise. that's according to the new york times this morning, even though haven't killed, they haven't killed anybody. and that's the point that i find these have anyone in this? no, i think this district, the strikes haven't killed anybody. i can go into by the usa as they have. and we will see in a few days it might, could a few people, but he's, he's thinking of it when, when you have this abysmal disrespect for international law, they own a gun. so it's only natural that the, the powers of the world will take as long as out to have other, you know, examples of some of disrespect of international law. and that's what we're seeing,
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that we're seeing kind of it with repeating the on yet every time you implement layer off, you know, you see something else which, which is you can compare to it. but i think this is the thinking from u. k. and america, is this a small scale? this is very strategic. so this could be something manageable and a mistake for that makes it a huge mistake. and i mentioned this in the last. so is the key word here is relationships, you know, will blink come and bite and all kind of thing blinking is going full. just back was a full list of television. he must have written the palm of that. we want to just live that would have he's asking us every lot. but blinking, apparently by doing this is probably more talking about this in the 2nd part of the program. but he might have to share a jail cell with somebody from the clients and made some telephone calls recently to this new yahoo apparently according to the question, to post pleading with him to not make this war escalate further between israel and his book. so this is what we're trying to avoid. and the idea that we can have
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a sort of a bite sized conflict in the red seat with the 2 teeth, because they noticed a powerful that one of the poorest countries in the world, you know, and then not a proxy officer, right? and we should make this distinction there allies of a run, but another field proxy. and this is where the mistake lies. the arrangements will not take this lying down, there will be response. my money would go on a measured response. in other words, the readings are very cool headed. people are very smart people, they might not respond this week. it might take several months. they may, will decide. let's let the americans do this a bit more. so that when we come back and we do find the hit, american soldiers and the rec, for example, without munitions there, perhaps they'll be some sympathy in the west to some understanding of the west. you know that this is a response. i wouldn't, i wouldn't be too surprised they did that from april and my almost just when biden's election to re election campaign kicks off. and so that might be a result of one of the responses. the other thing that they might, it rings might be thinking about is a strategic strike themselves. now let's roll up and loving them. so many times.
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now the last few speeches that i've watched to deliver and by root has mentioned that the new generation rock is the, has no southern j as a 100000 of them. but they're, they, the precision of these rock is, is pretty scary. and he's often mentioned, power stations, and ministry installations that he could hit. in other words, we can do strategic strikes as well, with what we talk to, but many is raised, but we put power out for thousands of people. or we, you know, create a new to incident and which generates a massive amount of me media attention around the world, increased debates and un level. and i think it's the strategic strikes might be something that we should watch out for on the right side, or whether you know that it's in a rapid rate, lowering a time, it'd be no charge. it's is actually in this conversation around keeps getting mentioned here. i think that's really what it's all about here. i mean, you know, a hezbollah, you know, sponsored by around the who these folks, you know, that again is martin, puts it up. i mean they, they, they have moral support,
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all kinds of support, maybe diplomatic support. but i mean that's kind of support that been around can afford, has the law and, and the who these is not comparable with the united states. that is with israel. but it's a way, i mean, getting it over for a minute. for western public school thing is, well, you know, what do you use? well, what are you talking about? read? oh, i read that always extra, but they want to push george. yes, exactly. and i know without a question, there are many, many people in washington who are itching to have a war with iran. levy say they, you know, they, lately, they haven't quite got bad war with russia off the ground. you know, they were busy with that for the past couple of years, or maybe we can get one of the grown up with a wrong year. we have obviously the, hey, they isn't far from saying that lindsey graham is a brothers and the assumption the underlying motiv. this is of course that, well, iran was bo, they'll, they'll be the grown ups in the room so we can do what we like. but we can rely on,
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you know, russia, china, is that his ball a iran, you know, they will be accident restraint way. well, it may well they may not. all right, hold that, thought george, we have to go to a quick break. and after that quick break, we'll continue our discussion on somebody on the state of the cartridge, the, or the,
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the welcome back to process the bull, ours, i'm peter the about your mind you were discussing. so we'll minutes. okay, let's go back to martin their cash. obviously one of the biggest news out there right now is the young genocide case against israel sponsored by south africa. and it's actually quite fascinating and it's for me, it's almost kind of a turning point of paradigm shift the merits of the south african case for a non lawyer. and i think it was written very well for non lawyers to understand was part of it. okay, very, very comprehensive, very um, in the silver in its presentation, in written form and then oral arguments. these really response well as well. they're just sarah, good stuff. i'm us, they are allies from us. i mean, they had
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a, if the south africans presented a breed, but it's legal and comprehensible with these really is made their brief political. okay. if you disagree with as you are, you work with that you're a terrorist, you work with a mouse and all of that that's, i'm a very bad look and it's not an argument mark. and these ladies lent very heavily on this idea of self defense. but it doesn't work and it's nationalism or you're all complying, a part of your own country. and in this case, um, does that. so it doesn't, the argument's gonna hold up. i think this is going to be a test case for the code itself. i think this will be a make to make a break in a lot of the skeptical gentleness. let myself kind of look at it and think, is this going to be a pay or exercise? is it going to be a way of the west taking a box and saying, well, you know, we took these rails to the quote, you know, but they cut off on a fine detail. oh, oh, we do punish them. but how do we go about punishing them? you know, how do we, how does it, how does that happen?
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i've got a feeling of good already bad feeling deep down to that is going to get focused somehow along the way. you know that we're not gonna get, you know, the, the lucid and uncompromising outcome that we hope for, which is to make a president against israel and say, look, you're breaking international. know this is a genocide. let's go to stop. i know those people involve letting us know who and all those of generals of going to be pulled into the course, you know, like like noon, but trial say to the best way we should be going with this now. but you know, it's, it's hard to say whether we will, this actually will lead in any one particular direction. i'm really, i mean, i'm not really sure it, you know, in a sense, george, i don't, i'm not really convinced it really matters. okay. is because it is all okay, this has already been made. it is the brought into a proper recognized venue. it is from a nation state in good standing. ok, a nation statements south africa that knows something about apartheid in and colonial rule. and they've got a lot of, they've scored
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a lot of points in the corner and i, i do not deny there's public relations all over the place. it's not denied that, but it's towards which the court itself is very politicized. these are representatives of nation states and they're going to vote accordingly to politics . so i'm, i'm not sure it really matters at the end of the day. the fact that israel is in the dock is enough for the world to turn around and say these last about the genocide convention were made because of the suffering of european jews in the 1940s. and now here you are. that is a very powerful message, george. so i agree that it is powerful and particularly because of its israel. this and the dog and the genocide convention was off for oil created precisely in response to what happened to the jews in the world war 2. and so if they're in the dog, let me that's a, that's
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a real come down from the days of 1948 when the united nations voted on it. however, the problem is that this notion of genocide has now been so polluted in the the so many states have now banded this around and have gone to the international court of justice with that accusation. but it's law states resonance. so we know we have of bosnia and herzegovina, they broke this genocide case against the so this when we know that dragging them for years in the, in the, the, the quote uh, didn't say. so it'd be, it was guilty of the genocide in bosnia herzegovina. then we'll go, we have correlation that sort of genocide, growth case against the so it'll be into and then go to genocide, case against probation. both will dismiss the eventually by the code. now we've got down this really genocide case against me and all that spending both ukraine as,
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as the genocide case against russia and the going to be more, you know, there's gonna be a, just like a scam. i told him, but the fact that is real is in the dark. i think it is very, very significant. and possibly in the 1st part of the week we bought brother and we talked about the secretary of state anthony blinking. well, you know, he's in a panic mode and it's obvious when he speaks in public t as possible. he is a co conspirator in all of this. the, all of the ones you mentioned, georgia are very important there, germane, and they're testing international law. but now we have very recognizable, powerful players being held to account and i think that is significant. what do you think some are? yeah, i think link to this part. okay. he can see it now. i mean, he, he, there is this palpable sense of the notice that's in and how he speaks, because he's starting to join up with adults funny starting to think this could go very, very badly for the part, the ministration and the shots longer to, you know,
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if some, i think perhaps your point of view about it being enough to the cases, the thing that may will be actually the basis for it to be focused finally is the people will we struck this out and say, look, we got to the quote that's not the bad martin, is it that the court, it doesn't, it's at the end of the day it doesn't seek justice, it's still a political oregon. so i think that be the global public opinion will be satisfied that the process has been released. the process was started and they went through it, but the outcome it will be a political candidate. so that's why i say it's kind of good enough, but i won't be happy with the outcome if it's politically terminates. nato countries versus the rest of the world. then it's a joke. yeah, they won't be very sorry. codes a threshold full. oh so that's exactly where i want to go. yeah. the gold, you know, i know i don't need around the world, but it's really late as
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a next it or is generation of is ready? lead is my will realize that, well we've, we've created precedent now, you know, where by israel, the 3rd country where this quote was created to protect it originally from the logic for what is in the follicles. now israel can be an adult and can be an individual can be held accountable. so it may well spock a new level account of both your new level of governance. but in a short time, in the short time we've, we've caught a world war 3, breaking out a, we've been talking about this for weeks now. and that as of today, you know, i wonder what we'll be talking about in 7 days time next week because, you know, the way things are looking now we're hitting, the who sees and iran now is looking at the map of the region and the seeing. and hearing how nervous america is america's going public biden's going to have it open . i think it's probably a foolish mistakes make military speaking, but he's actually declared where old is witnesses. all he doesn't at any cost, wants a war with hezbollah. that may well be so factor that the range we looked at now to
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how do we split that? how do we track this up one, not so that we all. now the ones who are escalating to de escalate. i think this, the foot of the boot is going to be put on the other foot and it could help them very, very quickly. well, we could very well be talking about this next week and the weeks afterwards, but george, one more point and it's already been slightly mentioned here. and i think it's really important is that, you know, a lot of these ideas about international law and even kind of big the political job and legal charges that we have about human rights and international humanitarian law is stem from, from the west. because of the 1st of the world wars of the, of the last century, i'm talking about the ideas of genocide or the word genocide is actually a relatively new word. but what i think is really interesting. georgia is if you have the global saw in bracing these ideas and putting the west in the dock. and i think the south african that's why so
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a part of the country like south africa, is doing this because it is a country that is a, that was colonized and, and we come, we have the word of apartheid it because of south africa. it's very interesting, this paradigm shift with western ideas and the hope of western. instead, the western design institutions could actually work with the rest of the world. even though the west itself won't of honor the, the spirit and letter of those institutions and id id is a. well, it's an interesting way to look at it is, um we have a lesson power control most of the institutions because the international criminal court, which, you know, most of the world assigned on to accept the great powers. and the leading west involves the and i to say, well, who has been targeted by the i c, c. countries of the global south, very all the states,
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other african, it's a, it's africans, middle easterners, and always be their favorite hatred. the search. exactly. and then, and now they've done that they've, they've gone off to russia, but it goes on but know a great deal that they can do about that as, and this is the part of the yes, the, the west has been promo. they did all of these uh, doctrines. however, with the idea of was the not going to be applied against us. we're gonna apply them against all is i'm going to show the world how virtuous we are and how we adhere to international law. but you know, you can't do it to us. and so the, you know, when we bring it in by the, you know, they were riding high when the, the i c, c issue the arrest warrant against the president pull to as well. you know, hey, you know, international lawyers multi boeing, you know, when you bought now in the case of garza, that was already the americans and the germans have condemned south africa,
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so sued. and of course, that would be outraged if he did you, would you say that they couldn't damned it on its merits or because of politics process? i thought it's my politics. right. so there, undermining the institution that they actually created. that's my point much, but why from a rapidly running up time. go ahead. yeah, i, you know, i think the will be going to learn. he'll be going to caesar, i think with this case. so even if it doesn't reach a final point, the final conclusion is that for the 1st time i think we're going to see a new generation, a new wave of countries around the world who will make a stand against israel. so israel, one way or the other, the end of all this is going to face a new position around the world and a new, a boy color those sanctions, whatever you want to call them on a personal level and a corporate level. one on the country by country level. so i think that's important point to, to take away. we didn't mention your claim. so this finish up,
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but it's interesting developments which are going on at the same time in your credit. and you the same problem, same from the lack of governance and so tell spend promises and the rules based on this lovely expression you know, is always applied it with the the primary purpose is marlin georgia. i think that i think this is a pretty good hope. i think i can go to the bank with it that we won't be hearing that term for married. very have changed. goodness. all right, gentlemen, that's all the time when i think my guess in budapest and america's and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time. remember process was the
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the ac of support from a corners of the kind of people around the world stands in solidarity was kind of spins off to the conflicting gauze, i hit the 100 state block either one was 24000 civilians that lot go see the local, you went into the local boxes, so of course the scene didn't have really the money that i'm action. uh, so we'll continue to range on the death toll. now we have from the red cross, which says both sides of the conflict to negotiate that desperately needs it to humanitarian aid can reach the area the south african legal team retarded home from the international court of justice and the hague. on his grades his as
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heroes over the.


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