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tv   Going Underground  RT  January 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

12:30 pm
the sites and the, the absence of the ideas and the, and these ladies, i mean, they were coming on explaining that stays a professional. and that was not that we haven't seen any evidence of that. there was a, i mean i was cutting notes of very, very, very extreme and does it this, that goes to i'm civilians that destroyed uh 30 minutes of them and houses some of these dismissing the population. and most of these countries, i don't, i don't know exactly what's going on in uh it is right. and i mean, not my biggest itself was turned it on. so click on any kinda australia and he's in the countries. so and many of them at the corner of nissan can we do that goes against the indigenous community. so they have know, i'm one of the best of the us is claiming that the basic they'd be dealing with, that they haven't provided any evidence. this was the case that i actually gave, he said he called me and see what it is. and then that the document they provided
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with a number of evidence from credible sources about what's going on in uh the medium to buy this thing. and then it towards the over to easer now. well one woman is reported to have been killed and at least 17 people when that and the suspect is called robbing and stabbing attack. and that's according to these roles. national emergency services, local journalist robbie bomb and report from the scene. and i'm here in ranada, which is basically a very affluent community in israel, which is a lot of americans is really citizens. i'm just branches really citizens, but there was a terrorist attack where to relatives living in everyone which isn't the westbank for here illegally. they stabs and killed a 70 year old woman including stabbing a 6 year old man. then they hijacked the car and ran over a bunch of people crash into a pole. then they hijacked another car, ran into a few other people and then did it again with
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a 3rd car. they were arrested by security forces. about a few people have been seriously injured. one person has died. a lot of people are in critical condition and the owner of the car wash, i presumably and is rarely due, that has been arrested probably for on flowing 2 pallets sitting and some did not have work permits. now this is going to have wider implications because ever since the war of october 7, israel has shut down entrance into israel from the west bank. and there are about a 100000 palestinians that cross that border every day to find employment as laborers as construction workers. and they've had no work and no income for the past 3 months. so the government actually today was considering opening up the borders to a limited amount to try to let more palestinians back into the as well to work. and no doubt this will have an impact on those discussions. right, that's the update this time. but sure to get most stories at the top of the i'll see again
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the the hello, thanks to join us in our t exclusive interviews. my guess today is professor, but you can hear me is a professor of political science, the full mouth far enough as administrative of federal republic of nigeria. professor. okay, thank you very much for talking to us. that's the oddity the dice moment. thank you for inviting that professor considering south africa's move to take israel to the international court of justice. for the genocide. we've also seen both parties make
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their presentations at the international court of justice at the hague. what's easier assessment if this development? i'm so proud of south africa to this i will say are the best times for software for, for africa, for the word, because soft surface cock talk out east. next. on a more route issue, my dba mondale will be give you some. so wherever he is now, that yes, this is the nation that i left to be find. because when q story ounce writes and the history of these
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times this war in gaza, believes me is probably what that going to use to a judge or left thoughts on south africa will get a good mation. so i'm very proud of south africa adaptive task lead. what i have on this card i demand deadline role in the water south africa made that narrow definition of genocide, you know, is just such a narrow issue. that is where i imagine for it's they give both the idea, hold on things jump to you, same brands do made and that present dition as to why watts is rose j fit the definition off uh,
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dental side on deal to hunt. when do is read list came, the why ruffling or low budget is not talking about what the how much the on that but a domestic non noise, very glare varies. no just different gifts under rules to guided wolf, rice, fessler. just if additional for genocide, none whatsoever. so that's that then no. how much do these, how much did that and so on and say you now call month. so where we are going this or where i agree to do these, to pre, to prevent genocide when the president, your prime minister,
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your defense minister, we have men sufficient. see now government officials have said down record for say we wipe out a mouse and there's so many for where as far as quoting purposes, animals, yes, precisely. now, professor from south africa requested various provisional measures including the suspension of israel's miniature operation and gaza. i've given his israel's history or for ignoring resolutions, do you believe it will comply if granted, especially considering potential consequences from powerful allies like the united states and the united kingdom? no, i don't expect, i don't expect a need will be due to the ruling of that costs. so on. it is a well being very good company. uh, i've never have through the united states itself. i had um,
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disobeyed did it costs a britain? i disobeyed difficult. i can give you a whole list of people who are disobeyed vehicle, so it's are going to have been good. dec company. uh this'll be victim with our on on me, terry. i mean junction. all of course this is a weakness. this, the weakness of the best option i've talked of just is the main judgment. it's not going to come on to it can tell me yes, by which time the war is over. i that the palace now since i've been wiped out or is there were life going with them, right? j snapped in this to go on best way, estrada important that the, the i c g mix. i mean,
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tarion rule name with them wings professors over to you, the sake of humanity. yes. yes. that professor academy, south africa is a state policy. it's of the genocide convention. it mentions it's a publication to prevent genocide in its application to the i. c. j. a. why do you think south africa, especially in this case uh, you did mention in your opening statement that your proud of the nation of south africa for sticking its neck out is why are they pursue with this case? despite potential backlash from israel's inferential allies? and will probably be a state for them. i'm in the united states, said it's better, less. israel is condemned it as blood libel, as some of even described to south africa as the legal representations of most. so they will see all those this will during the day. what do you expect? south africa has down's. this is said rough policies. i
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have said that varies a that soft software costs rule in the word is a month deadline session of what we ought to be doing on not to what we're doing for the whole world. don't forget vista, some who went to prison the side that trust to do duels don't get out of prison. so many times, he refused to buy something for us at that, and they kept some done. i would say he was principal on the longer and longer on to find natalie. i'm in the the simply a touch to see fancy. so we got stuck to one mass 6 brick faced.
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and i have said to this, that's when the was watsonville would expect of south africa. is this more outstanding? yeah, 5 more of standing that just looked extracted of issue like that stuff that forgot scanning these every loads because in terms of national, not an interest that i've trans trouble, they've got to know or is a to do on expect my to rare ward reward for that, that's, that will not be south africa. you know, professor, let's talk about the united nations. i did see your name on the internet. i'd describe to you guys have nations as the united. nothing's referring to its inability to stop at this master cousin garza, the united nations involvement and the creation of israel. they was involved in the
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creation of these or do you believe the organization is played a sufficient role in addressing the root causes of the conflicts such as the occupation and the suffering of the promising and people be careful of what you wish for? because what you get me come round to on to the 9 to 40 a convention on genocide believe me came into existence, be cause of what the mattress deed to the jews actually in fact i was listening to to during the presentation 8 drawers, i drew a survivor of program we invented the word genocide on now. it to be used to hong v vi these right in the nation.
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now the united nation assessor actually said you're in true most responsible for the christian offices, right? but vis. israel is not. what did united nations created and then this age group on man, i know this aged on a fan, this your fan, this is in the is really thing cause i did beginning. i expect that the nation is ready to be shy, a new modem for the war of what the world showed to be the thoughts that they will continue to remind. and that was also what progress
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gen the site had been on now. and the site never get understood, they're very game. but then with what they mean now by nearby a game is, i mean, dr. net, the yahoo. yes. and have a game. will they be things if this was a bit victims, they more inflict punishment. they wouldn't inflict genocide, they wouldn't st. paul grow on, not that big port on, on people who cannot fight back. i know, i know you, i agree to say yeah, but i'm on the other side table but 7, p l o is fact in background, su desk does desperation that discussion so. so there's a saying that i'm in, if a m k d i'm,
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we can go to and see if there was no profit vision. there wouldn't be a creation of that if the british were not so pressing the iris i right would have not been great at the bridges with no oppressive the mama in k. i would love to great at that a my separation is a, is really aggressive. the local patient quite, quite a bit here. no. resistance is so risky, reaction a so oppression? yes. so with a reaction drop pressure approach still from the united nations as to how about spotlights on the u. n. at considerate the united states. consistent use of it's v to, to protect each row in the united nations security council. do think that reform in the united nations. it comes, it comes to particularly eliminating veto. paula could make it more effective and impartial and addressing conflicts like this one for witnessing in the middle is
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none. and then they'll select us to just text back before the united nations us created the lead go from this was, was previous to on be calls do united states. so it just interests will not be protected. it didn't seem johnny on the rank dryly. did you need golf initials on last video night to new shows? me to existence? precisely because of the power of vigil was there to protect the interests of the sofa powers. now times more to you get may not be the best, but so let's practice. to car a few i,
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but least they did you unite this? this will walk. i mean, all the simple problems i see. so it's a type of protective mechanism to do that. now, professor, given the significant number of positive and casualties equal strategic goals, do you believe israel is pursuing this disproportionate use of force and containers bombardment of gaza? i mean, they must be something and, and go and what, what, what sorts of go. so you get this sort of high numbers of casualties. many of them, the civilians, women, and children. we all, we have would be making the mistake. we've all been focusing on guys. how about the west bank? are try live before a mass action is right outside of being in the event in the west bank
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in video. the or no, uh, either the sentiment, demolishing bill do set domains enough that didn't mean going in this is that had been pop from the military action before a mass event of victor. so that in terms of how much a and i believe that the whole one store wipe out all the palestinians not, not just come out on the list and asking guys more to really wants to do is to drive them in to sign that as a that and then she creates new areas for is really set domains in gaza in gaza. fast that sort there wants to do. now is there a perceived double standard in the way west and countries have responded to use
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rose actions in gaza compared to that versus miniature operations in ukraine? does israel seem to get a different type of treatment on the falls? the whole would to feels t o c o y, the poor girl, that the masterpiece inflicted don't do just the costs of that we talked about was applied on line i on what the advice is trying to dos is like we've got to come pay, say the jews for watson, this stuff. i know the last thing, the last thing i public for going the west was to be tab desantis. let me take a look to precedent or medical. your new best this i've lost
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that job on this matter. yes. what happens to be black? right. your 1st black president of the crowd, but the other one is president of the university of pennsylvania. i'm still sure of us be cause jewish. i don't know, said of the tool mid noon. that type play. i will not donate on to this president goes and they had his way. oh yes. yeah. just right. now we'll do this to a visual add. let's read vast things later. i'll say on out, i mean i brush president said i said o i stop watches, wrote a defy the list in nancy in guys i must be dealt with do use and they were removing
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that out and that's yeah. so in light of the ongoing conflict, do you see any potential diplomatic interventions and the mediation efforts that could be escalates the tensions between israel and palestine? and is america the united states of america fed meeting to be fit they where to interceded won't be able to go there. no, unfortunately, this is the election a year. you'll know that on by didn't pass to be pro is right. if he wants to have that chance really about what top want to clubbing? jeremy cold is got to see what's the answer symmetric. it was tab dentist submit to believe me that my wasn't on to send me to. but it was that i knew was driven out of the shipper delayed by the after that used to be the jewish
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interests, regardless of the political party with a conservative whole label, the democrats or republicans big, big, big, the friends my food is still there. every budget has said that tool state solution a fly. zack, just assume this, but who is going to force his right? so how does that back? as we begin to wind down on this interview, how would you assess the role of international public opinion and grassroots movements and influence and at the resolution of the palestinian is ready conflict? a particularly given the rise of global activism and social media, we see protest with thousands of people on the streets of europe. and it seems some of these governments don't even listen even in america to their own people. yeah.
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because the question is good to be good, they both do the so we have the evidence now and i'm sure you're aware of it that they may judge of the young people went to the beach when beat that was voted on. when does that issue remain in the real fee? i us it? yes. well then this soft or is for gone. we know no, nobody's going to will fire on still new. so that's all we will go out of the day off and then the reality the reality shift. so is the same thing. the reason that part of this just shows you know, who are very good, i gras truth and will be less vision. don't pay accusation. so all these young demonstrate charles garage rules movements on is that when it comes to
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the time of what they've done. sure, that's way. now considering as we speak, i mean i'm sure by the time we finish this interview, more children that would have died in thousands of and most people would have been suffering from this event, effects of hunger and starvation. not considering the enormous humanitarian crises, a garza and the west bank, well steps can be taken to ensure the delivery of aid and so pull to affected populations. and how can the international community navigate to potential challenges and providing assistance? because it's almost a life and death situation as the clock ticks. they did promise before the international court of justice big and for you straight data from nice that you know there are gonna open up chance for
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a change to go in. and i don't believe the thing. yeah, they will open up a few. john notes trickles. let me save this for my men and women of the year. ah, the journalists deduct us the united nations walk us through, goes into their or off today i lies, was from a list. why, why doubt they did you have to say recorded lot of last day i might, people of the year on i hope i hope is that will be a chapter. so your no wish you mind being south times is
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when you have the exact stuff like conveys that the funds you saw that you said the best. but that eventually honestly doesn't concept a force that you are not expecting as drafting the most our faults. you also send the best stuff was most people have the best of your money to the funding, the profess so i can be looking ahead. what do you see as the last is solutions? these are the promising and conflicting. do you believe us to states solution is produced by the united nations in the 1967 resolution is still a viable possibility. your task is to be. if you want to use top the hum us resistance to deal with zip p a low is task to be is drew high stores,
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recognize verify that the palace in those last 5 whole of their own may be the $67.00 room boundary is no longer active. available, maybe we will have to think we booked the 2 states. so there's junk. is this service and if not where it got from b k. yes, on the will be sitting here. i'm talking about, oh my god. see what has just happened. this been an absolute pleasure talking to you, professor black jack in the thank you very much talking to us about the right. thank you. thank you very much. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. 8 my la, devastated as a result of decades long fighting, extremely hard. changing grew ended, 1948. the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency in response patriots. united him to the malay in people's liberation army. and began a guerrilla war london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass deportations. executions of civilian n, sprain of chemicals, scale being and cutting off it. these were the barbaric methods,
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the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by the scots guards against the arm. it's best because that particular stirred, the entire male population became victims. trying to surprise the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, drill deep or its fruit. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent, the british army losses in low, le, we're the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay and independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia.
1:00 pm
the the chaos on the coast of guys it was 3 civilians are killed when the idea of open fire and a crowd and not at the local, the delivery of humanitarian supplies that arrived in the waters nearby. we got comments for me on a walk. i have bought a dire situation in the region. full of these continuous relations are happening, and those are relations for the international humanitarian law. civilians have been a target whose have been targets. most searches. there's no particular places in casa. as the warring gas that has raised for $100.00 days,


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