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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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around so numerous questions that have remained onset for many years. watch on it, see the little kids rain down near us facilities in a rock opposite it wrong launch is what it cools, retaliatory price in response to a tax on kits tower trade. people offset that. are people starving in areas and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to display as a desperate lack of food, both at high chain in golf house for the us as the radio forward to the office build refusing access to age groups and then move to the and tonight we're going to get to ukraine. warsaw affiliated against the israel. a situation saw donald trotter says, one of his bus priorities. if he reached out to the white house, who,
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bates, it stops in ukraine as off to the former president took a significant step back towards the overall past winning the republican iowa. the hello on. good morning. we are live from las vegas it tuesday. the 16th of john, welcome to on use program. we do have notes for you this now it's been a busy 12 hours and we're going to begin with the titles situation in the middle east. what reading and sources say, but they have carried out strikes, targeting us facilities and neighboring a rock. the will tyrone claims and see rain and terrace for it is raining for my son since the talkative and address that tara self and syria, welcome so destroyed. according to us media sources for people were killed as
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a result of those twice. none of the victims were said to be american 8 buildings moving us concept in the move in a rock to city of, of bill will hit water on considers it strikes for tyler 3. like i said, washington has cleared the right plus unimed precise. no us personnel of facilities, what talk to it. we have been in touch with sinew, rocky officials, as well as officials in the code of some region it wrong is claiming this is in response to the terrorist attacks and come on and rusk with a focus on isis. we will continue to assess the situation, but initial indications are that this was a reckless and imprecise set of strikes. what on your screen is right now is claimed to be a sight of one of the radiance strikes with smoke still rising from the apparent attack. so you can save you off the mouth, so severely damaged facilities, even nothing but debris and its weight. local emergency services all at the scene
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is nomic revolution. god has since released a statement. the simon revolutionary gods court in response to the recent crimes of terrorist groups and their i'm just killing of our countrymen and carmen and rustic identified and destroyed a number of key tyra commandments and elements. especially dias. in the occupied territories of syria by firing a number of ballistic missiles. well no, you're set, but the revenge would come on the right time and place. and finally, less than 2 weeks after the carmano died. it was as long television bars cord targeted isis positions in syria, with a barrage of ballistic missiles. the strikes were made public midnight, most of the time of the statements police plugging on our gcs. they're also con, confirm reports the body. so strong holes in afghanistan have also come under missile attacks. the, the i r g q rates were in response due in january 3rd, terrorist attack in the southeastern city of care mon targeting the procession
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marketing the 43 of the last assassination of that. it was prominent or do you seek him under general sense of the money you'd be on your gc? please choose other statements after words, announcing the targeting of the most good corridors. it was curtis. then we jet as well as the r u. s. consulate wants or view the statements. i read that and i'm paraphrasing that the attacks are in response to the recent operations carried down by as well, which is the commander's will be as long as driven lucian bar score and the resistance front. it further read that the targeted building was this was the center for planning espionage operations and quote, terrorist actions in the region. your call me i have on the skirt is done also reported this sound of explosions in our view. the reason iran has targeted is ready bases there is that 1st of all believes that his will had orchestrated an
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engineer the care ma, etc, etc. again, seconds as well as allegedly waiting for the reset. the serial killing of the top resistance commanders from a senior come awesome, you're solid for you to all player gc was for special, say it was 70 less than a month ago, a service believe that is really the actions try to inside a reaction from your mind to pull the contribution to you would be the complex to now to one has finally pulled the trigger in a highly volatile situation that's viewed as a powder. ok, so everyone is now waiting to see how israel under us. well, we actually want to move the attacks comm games to back the top of rising tensions in the middle east. washington is planning to satisfy the 1500 trips were brought. i'm serious about despite the rock you probably going to study of this month cooling for any remaining us soldiers, police, his country for pentagon security on this mike,
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me to explain is that the only one benefits and noticed escalation as well. you know, for some time that the israelis have a base up there for training and what have you. and that's what they've raymond, that's the concern that the allegation from the i r g c. as i understand it is that the people who did the attacks and carmen in iran on the anniversary, the 4th anniversary of the death of. 4 a general sort of money, what and who was killed assassinated by americans? this is a quickly becoming an escalator, tory situation. and this is, of course, is what made, you know, who wanted he wanted the united states involved. he wanted the united states to do with military operations for it is the best and, and this, this, once again, is getting us involved in a and, and, and creating a far larger and expand of war. that'll make it, that a,
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put it up to 5 front just within this particular worth it, if it run, it's going to get more engaged as the i r g c a, suggesting that it's involved in. now that they could even start shutting down the state of 4 moves, which is another major into the persian gulf. and that's a major, a trading route as well for oil and gas and, and other commodities at the, and food, food products and agriculture products that people need. so this is a, this is a quickly escalating and there's no way, no one seems to be around to try and stop it or quit, or try to bring it to a halt at some point. it feeds into netanyahu's narrative and he would be very happy for the united states to assume that responsibility of taking iran had on it will save him the trouble. and frankly, he would, he doesn't need a 5th front, but the united states is going to be confronted with
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a 5th frontier moment fairly well, the sides and tensions in the middle east has many people around wealth pumped drink, just why it's who having a website has an excellent analysis on opinion on whether the reason us strikes on yelman's examples could ignite a wide conflict and find out about the throwing gap and positions up to us and his radio forties. they'll get all that and so much more at all to help them. now to golf, why the death toll hasn't broken through the 20 to 1000 mach while almost 161000 have been left wounded. the one office that says is way too far to have denied access to most of it age mission, which had hope to bring desperate in need medical on fuel supplies to the most of the n type around 95 percent 18 out of 19 of admissions involving the allocation of fuel medicines to water was f was war to wells and
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health facilities in the north of why the guys have been denied access. biased rarely, of sorties like a feel for water, sanitation. the hygiene increase his risks of health and environmental hazards. lack of medicine debilitated the functionality of the 6 partially functioning hospitals. while this puts it has been released by the palestine red crescent. it shows the dia conditions in which is pointed to struggle to provide medical treatment to the wounded, out of shelter, and to find the move in golf. that issue, monetary and organization says it has lost contact to this team off the israel once again, cuts off communications on the internet services a slide, palestinian civil defense shows it's west to operations inc. also, city warrants has continued to pick through the wall. but as you can see, this thing so says of concrete in an attempt to find any devices. meanwhile,
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the wild 3rd party runs representative and calls us as a next. this is why is the only way to meet the death of the people so far we've, we've set on 1400000 people with food, but everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring for possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas and we are not able to give basic food for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. we need to be able to bring in more supplies and we need safe access to reach people everywhere in gaza. not just those who are close to the borders, we need the long lasting cease fire to stop the suffering. meanwhile, people who have been sheltering in the brush, a refugee camp in central garza have been back to see what's left of the homes where it's nothing in the city is reckon nice old what was once as thriving community. people say they had hopes to pick up the pieces of the lives,
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but the city is now watching a uninhabitable now to the west bank, where the situation remains. pence following a series of sweeping rage by his rady forces and a period of just 24 hours. a 3 palestinians were killed while 10 all this stuff with gunshot wounds, as according to the gauze at health ministry. while it's a morning tradition for us now here at all to you, we're going across life and i want to know put you on this mohammed and shave his in ramallah. there's no past and back to tell us the real situation on the ground as always. good to see mohammed. uh so can you just give us the latest? what's the, what's the feeling amongst people in the west bank at the moment? the ceilings. i want people of those bank of the month on its thing, the frustration because of the ongoing design and here they cannot down on those bank um and they couldnt what you guys got that created by you as well and be able to print it. 200 to 1000 the seeing us to uh walk in as while um deduct uh about
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200 bucks money. so the reason for it, because with the tax that somebody's bought it and we use the, the i did rates continue to those bank as just for the evening can like do that, you rated by the not in town and the people on the house on the 2 palestinians were accused of protecting give us. so what are the southern got that? no, no, no, yes, stop the lift one did. and if you enter the commission of the, the house on split science, which means they going to do most of those houses later and sick went back to the field instead of guessing was that somebody is give me a buzz on those 2 guys as well as here i'm a large witness rarely, but i'm on the wi fi, they fucked recently every night to the idea of put it on the super on the neighborhood. so from a lot you have a, it is also a box of metal for me to send. was that a? so the thing is a good on the additions, that chief went up to the shooting got stuck outside grandma one bus. it was also during the scene as dozens of it just is a close. i faxed it this morning,
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it goes into a policy and it happens in single style and also from a loss on the semester, thoughts, cars, factually that's as low as by the us is the concerns for policy knows on the, on the screen god ballistic as a result on that, one of the increase of that said lot of veterans getting kids the default call yesterday night with that that shift for an if i missed the i will start one to us . and one of his latest briefing see, is really defense minister, subject beyond was about to end it's intensive ground operation in garza. so, i mean, does that suggest that we're going to see a major reduction in civilian casualties? the pressure is going to pressure by the next a stereotype. values awards, countries on design is because of the size of the cars amongst civilians. the in guys which was sort of a way to push it in as well as to the doctor. this one of the missiles and the kinds of things, obligations, but so right now the next fits the book is ready to continue about 5 minutes at
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ocean and does on the we don't to you it's, it's showing your voice is full of is i just to exclude to see if anybody else on the web is what is submitted for the fact except finds that this is the way that they can operate on the gaza. so uh, i'll call you back a growing internationally confusing because that's when the booth is support for that. this again at the beginning of the meet that open edition the on the civil. so, but i know so that is why it is on the pressure on the bedrooms or the piano from the what countries they change the effects on will out forces and change the clips and gaza is to avoid getting i want to see videos, that's just a lot of times also, so i was looking for a well he received on food and they really got supplies because he told her about as well coming on to increasing pressure, especially from his main sponsor. the us, um, i do want to get your take on generally, what you think the palestinians feel about the south african loose or against as
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route at the hague. this people feel up lifted. someone is coming to that defense to they feel hopeless, but really this is unlikely to go anyway. what's the aptitude as to what is the outbreak of the water system in october? i know they want us to feel helpless on the gold on for getting by the auto countries by the part award. and the whole award support is why they have to restart operation. and guys of that for 5 videos on the punished to watch the video kind of thing, those and guys of up to also after you can appeal to the information of the court of justice, gives the exactly the what they're listening. so the voice was on to this of both of them and they were heavy with that stuff up to us. hopefully because of the efforts to reach us is filed on the watering guys. this will allow that you for your water food supplies because supplies evacuate the injured garza to get everything actually from earth into a sprinkler. some folks feel that he's really
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a buffalo that is on government to listen if you're going to buy that just fits their next steps as pressure is low as 2 bits of extra money for the seeing as far as the appointments. what they've been. so it is, uh, usually for a session, i'm also gonna send people out of the self warranty. that is why it is behaving but its own on the totally central. i mean, if i show it from even, it's was a lie that you'd like to speak. right now, as always, thank you so much. how much it was such a beautiful blue sky behind you? it's very difficult to imagine, but really not far away. that's a very dark cloud hunting. i bought gauze up, i can see that what should i put you on less than how much in the shape moment. thank you. thank. you're just finding a time for trump top stairs and like take away from the iowa pool cuss, while the former president easily be talking to his rival challenges vine for that republican to get to this use race for the white house. now, if he were takes his place and the full office, donald trump said the one of his bus problem is this,
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the american people will be to solve the war in ukraine. and again, it stopped but associated because it should have never started. and so say it would have never ever happened. and likewise, israel, what is never been attacked, and we're going to get things solved. we're going to get to ukraine war soft, we're going to get the israel a situation solved. we had the tara band, we had the tower band that caught the trump travel then, but it was really the trump terror event. we don't want people in our country that are going to blow up our shopping centers. thank you very much. there's a growing friend of republicans opposing us military intervention has them around the world that's pretty apparent. if you listen to trump's latest jabs of dividing administration, we're dropping bombs all over the middle east again, where i defeated isis and our secretary of defense who just went missing for 5 days is running the war from his laptop in a hospital room. remember,
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this is the same gang that surrendered if dennis that when no one was held accountable or fired, it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of the united states. now we have more than ukraine is real and human, but no war on our southern border. oh, that makes a lot of sense. crooked joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. historically, republicans where the war hawks stuff on the commies, big on the panel gone, but not anymore. then it's not just donald trump with his america 1st slogan. policy experience is not the same as foreign policy wisdom. i want everybody at home to know that was the 1st person to say we need a reasonable piecemeal in ukraine. now a lot of the neo cons are quietly coming along to that position with the exceptions of nikki haley and joe biden, who still support this. what i believe is pointless war in ukraine, and i think those with foreign policy experience. one thing the joe biden and nicky aly have in common is that neither of them could even state for you. 3 provinces in
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eastern ukraine, but they want to send our troops to actually fight for. so reject the smith that they've been selling you, that somebody had a cup of coffee, sent it to you, and that makes a 1000000 bucks. after has real foreign policy experience, rama swami has been nailing nikki haley, a darling of the neo conservatives to the wall for her advocacy of military intervention isn't. and the crowds at the debates just can't get enough of it. shortly after he took office, joe biden promised that he would and the warranty on it. now he's done the opposite . he drag the united states into it. at this point, the united states has bombed yan and saying, i want to put a stop to the activities of the who's these in the red sea down in solidarity with gaza? well, randa sanchez is not exactly thrilled. he seems to be a bit more concerned about america's border, then ukraine's the federal government let people come across the border. they wouldn't even try to stop them. and now you just have new york city. they are common during a school in brooklyn because of so many uh,
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illegal aliens that they have in their city. so they're having the school kids stay home so that they can use the school to house these people. and i'm just thinking of myself is that just not like the, the perfect snapshot of everything that's wrong with this country to put your own citizens last to put your own school children? last, the economy is not so good either. republicans won't let the white house forget that bite. inflation is crushing families across texas and america. let's take a look at the numbers under biden's leadership. energy prices are up 31.2 percent. gas is up 34.2 percent. groceries have rise and 20 point one percent. natural gas is up 27 percent. thanks to bite inflation caused by reckless out of control spending. americans pay more for everything. under jo biden's failed economic agenda, americans are spending $11400.00 more annually just to buy the basics. byte,
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inflation is out of control. long time us on policy and critic ran. paul says it's plenty of money is being made from the pentagon's born adventures, but not for the american people. and like many republicans, he is not thrilled about dumping. more funding and weapons into ukraine is elected officials. we have an obligation to pursue a foreign policy that advances the security and prosperity of the american people. funneling billions of dollars into the meek, rudder in eastern view, cream dust, neither. so why has the republican party shifted so far from its position during the cold war, even during the bush years? well, some might say that it's because of the big conspiracy between donald trump and vladimir putin. but the democrats should really look closer to home. maybe look in the mirror because poll after poll is showing that americans are far more interested in dropping prices than they are and dropping bombs, failed. mauppin, artsy, new york. while that's got the thoughts on all of us now and speak to talk so ho,
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steve. miles about joining us live from new york. steve. great to see you. i mean look the time because i had a couple of brushes with the know ms. han thing, classified documents hoss money to a pool, install real estate, food, and yet the photos seemed to rallied around him. so what did the democrats misjudge it so much that they thought that that would just complete enough me wipe him out as well. uh, the word is that the democrats want trump to be the nominee, and don't want nikki haley, for instance, because nikki haley in the head to head polls. some of them show her beating joe biden in a general election by double digits. trump, although he's consistently been a head of joe biden, it's neck and neck. it's good sometimes within the margin of error. but what trump did tonight, in, in iowa, is historic. the he,
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he won the best at last count with over 96 percent of the votes counted. he has a almost a 30 point lead. he's just over 50 percent. uh and around the santa 2nd is just over 20 percent. and no republican is ever one iowa by more than about a dozen points. so he just romped tonight in iowa. and the, by the way, remo swami also dropped out, suspended his campaign. he came in a very distant 4th place. um, so next is new hampshire. and trump is leading nikki haley in new hampshire. uh by about 15 percent its points. and it just seems like it's good to be trump trump trump top. i also do want to ask you, is this a trauma victory, or is it a bite and fade? yeah, you mean uh i was specifically, no, i said no because i was is a litmus test, right. it's generally seen as a most important cool cause kind of seen as a bit of a, a prediction,
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but by doesn't looks pretty weak at the moment. so do you think that play that role here? you know, because you know, the democrats held their own the elections tonight in iowa, although they don't caucus, they just made they act as a matter fact. they had only male in balloting and bite and one that. so i think these 2 are pretty separate. i think this is more of a reflection of how the republicans think of donald trump, with all the turmoil, but you mentioned, you know, basic trials facing indictments. he's been indicted. he has trials coming up along the way. he could wind up in jail and he could still be president. so people had a way that tonight and say, i get a vote for a guy who have the worst of a jail. do i want him to be president to i'm going to wait, wait my vote on him. but they, they, they said yes, i do want trump because we know what he could do. we know what he stands for, and they didn't buy into nikki haley who came in 3rd behind ron de santis,
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and they didn't buy into the sciences. i mean, one of the thing that we did here is it, and he reiterated his wish to stop. and he, us involvement in the ukraine rule. we know that that's what's pretty much propping up the key of government on the minute trip this stage. he's not the only republican of pull suggesting the shift away from whoo mongering politics. i mean, it's an interesting trend. what do you make of the assignment? people understand what the votes is one to need as well. yeah, i mean, i think i poll after poll as shown for quite a while now that when it comes to funding ukraine, people are tired of it. it's uh, a lot of it has been on accounted for it. it seems to be never ending. it's another 100000000000, another 100 billions and, and polls show that people don't, don't favor that. and donald trump said to night, you know, i know vladimir pool. i know. so let and see, it's
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a shame what's happening and i could bring the boat to the table that we could talk to. we could, we could stop this. and he said if it, if you were president, never would have happened. and i, you know, i, i kind of believe that that's very possible because say what you will about donald trump. he's a great negotiate of business. that goes, she had a political negotiator and i think he could have possibly prevented this, but we'll never know. but we'll see if he went to election, if he could put a stop to it and bring everybody to the table, which a lot of people the united states wants that you know, really want to happen. i'm fine, you i to, to the house to get, you'll take, i mean, that's, and they say refuse to both cost trump speech and i why don't saying that it is contending the practice always it of knowing the broad costing on true things. my question is, is, who decides what's on true and what's true, i mean, he seems to be living in a, in a post truth age. nowadays, people just decide if it's a bad truth, i know the truth anymore. you know,
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i was shocked that cnn actually did let him talk because they've done the same thing. they've interrupted his speech is a and said, oh, that check back check if they started. i mean it's insanity. meanwhile, you got joe biden, who can help himself. he's live since since the 1980s, when he had to drop out of a presidential race, he just lives live live and they don't care about that. you could lie if you're on the left and the and the media makes believe it doesn't happen. you can promote by with if you're on the left. joe biden said multiple times. he wanted to beat the crap out of donald trump. corey book, or us senator in new jersey, said that his testosterone makes him want to punch donald trump. that's when trump was president, none of the accounts. but if you get somebody on the right or republican saying any little thing right away, it's page one news. so i'm not shocked to them as nbc. they're the worst of the worst and shame on them. well, i have to say save it is going to be an interesting 9 month american elections
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always and state may never fail to live. i am very sure, but we will be sending you a lot in the coming time as i'm here. yeah, so you'll have a good thing we want, you wouldn't need to bucks that was that steve miles 5 talk. so who's coming to us from your banks and steve? my pleasure as well. that is how things are looking. so now what of course be back at the top but doesn't go any way yet, but this coming away now an exclusive interview with the south african politician and a and say fast that the secretary talking to also things garza including the hottest was big to hold as well, council takes us at the time the,
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the, the, the thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. a very we take take scheduled for members of the national executive committee of the african national congress. 112. yes. on looking at the foreign policies of the african national congress, how have they involved to look at the international twins? do you think they've evolved? thank you very much for inviting us. and also let me convey condolences to members and supporters of living. so who died on that we yes, and it was a said that a experience being informed what was the communicating in the visit to the families for monday? $112.00? yes. what is it?


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