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tv   News  RT  January 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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on the, the breaking news on our team, the u. s. u. k. take a but you haven't had a new round up on boardman. a sports person for the who, the group health, i'll shoot you an exclusive interview to the west and campaign wouldn't make his group change quotes. the strikes which have occurred more than once, have had no impact on her decision at all. we still adhere to our firm position on palestine. iraq recalls in baset a to rodney following. to have ron's metal strikes against the cold valley supply center and tara groups in the right. the and the idea of strikes the south of guides are leaving comfortable t, as in the streets of drop off time at the cottage in the region. the desktop keeps
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all rising. the huddled watkins are t international reaching you live from a new center in moscow. i am michael porter with the updates and we start this out with breaking news, the u. k and the u. k. u k. and the us right, i have reportedly conductive new strikes and who are the positions and given the us a set to have targeted anti ship missile facilities, this is a bit on estimation between the who would fees and western powers on monday, the who'd be struck on the american cargo ship in response to multiple attacks of the groups position by the us and u. k. this past week alex don cross live to yemen based john list and political analysts 1st said all the book id. cool saying is good to have you join me right now. what is your reaction to the latest west and strikes on?
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yeah, man, i think they should let me put them. uh, the bodies uses that. i can add taxes that they didn't actually still, but yeah, many photos is a little my thought to get in. is there a link to both chips hit in the door? the is it i. but actually after that, you okay, and are you as an attack against them? and then menu item has expand at that i talked about he thought of getting committed to a chip at been on into the united states. like you said, they only believe and they would as well expand that back to thought a good at u. k. has so much that ship in that it see or in the, in an aiden on us today as well. they have uh, the um, the school books, and if you have any ottoman has announced that they have thought of going to another ship just a few hour ago with james, etc. which was, as he mentioned going, and he didn't add towards it. i, i'm the united states a new case with as we're letting the pm any has been on the attack. i'm so the, i guess in any light that of image with the support of you. okay. i knew as a floater over the 8 years, more than 250000. as that i go to conduct it against
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a human into is a dad is on what, what was that? it's all. yeah. many has become a strong guy. they actually defeated, so the, i know that the image unfolds a divorce. that has been my motor than a yet. i know that of, of that they, i don't know. actually they put him in a blue case against a, a, is it i the leg ship and actually was an insult to injury. is this time to for the u. k. i united state, they always say what the am and have to do with ballast items, thousands of miles of them. and they took the day when i said i knew ok, came thousands of miles towards the side in south florida. is that aly to continue the attack on that a dental site and found out that what was that they as well as in the 5th to sylvia many for them attacking the f. what am i attacking the ship and you ok specially they ok. they totally forgot that the 1990 uh uh, in 1959 at that. but i mean instead of you, okay, uh, september late,
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it has declared war against net me add your money this 2 days after the invasion of poland. and the reason of that is like the crime, i'm the invasion and they ask us in yemen why we do that. we are actually exactly doing this a new money declared war i guess is right. because of the genocide because of the attack, i guess because uh, because of the blow. okay guys because uh they are demanding one thing the for or that the stop. let the guys the alone still for the war, let food and me this input instead of a to input or does a on a believe here, the them, my man, personally, my message to the bright minister of the. okay, don't do the same mistake and you did it and i doing this part of united state the based on lie, remember the weapons of mass destruction and at ok, it was a 2000 like they should listen. actually the government give you guys would listen to millions of people who bought a boat that didn't investigate the bonds in the same demand that the money out of me is demanded to. so bad that i thought was, what are you into?
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because the use of this is going to tell you to get another unit out of the nice nation. yes. cause for the attacks of soap until that's 4. then what does an oaks on, and this is the last of the human rights, and what is really, really, cindy, why the out of soul kids in doing or that incessant the entire region on fire? just to do is that any event to save us to continue that getting on to continue with the blue k on the policy and be able to, inc, does that, does exactly at this time the united kingdom and u. s. has exactly been exposed. they are actually the new and as the of the out of the one was a both in the 80 in the could i, uh, which is actually like the crime of, of then as the um, the one who is a bonus and then you will not be in okay, all right. now where we are in seeing any signs, the tensions are dying down between these movies and the washington led to red c coalition. what kind of escalation can you, or can anyone expect in the region?
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what are the scenarios you're looking at? the i think at the beginning who have actually the upper hand is the many opposes because open throw that on is the one who control the c. and they believe that they might expand the effect against it would be not only are you assess uh, owned or you, okay. your own chip, either button chip or comedy says and as well as not only is it i exhibit, they could extend that effect as the targets any see if that's coming to actually put them a port in in, in is it? i know this outside of things have been going this way so they might do that as well as they could conduct the attacks against the united states. the buttons have because what i believe that the united states had no loans i for was against the young men because they know that that button to actually they would be a sitting duck in, in, in this novel area. above and beyond that, because you have any good conduct attacks by using hundreds of nice size and bodies
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signee size and drones on united states. it, it may be they could the, for the company that he didn't do the use that as a basis. but i don't believe that this is the, this is going to happen because this company actually, many of them has been on, well, i guess them and for 9 years they have actually had the button for them. yeah. many attacks against the success. that's why, you know, i said, is it any in that, you know, done you the situation at this moment and we hope that they can actually listen as the people who talk to the city at millions of them to serve the effect again. does the unable to locate and allow food and medicine so instead, because you have many, we continue with the effect and they will do with if i break eva, if it's going to be at ease network, they are really happy to do that, to support at this of genocide against policy or why we have to leave here at our office saying i'll was i see human bays, john list and political analysts. thank you very much for your insight. or
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now earlier this folks busing of the who, the groups gave an exclusive interview to r t. he said west and the aggression of government would make the group change calls. this reliable minded behavior. the attack on human by the us is unjustified. we consider it to be a blatant violation of the many sovereignty and active aggression against thinking how many people the how many army targets is really ships heading to israel and has not intercepted any other vessels including american and british ships. therefore we considered that the militarization of the red sea represents a blatant violation of the many sovereignty and a major shift in the conflict. this may lead to a major disaster by turning the red sea into a military arena that could threaten international navigation, which will lead to the expansion of the conflict outside the scope of the red sea. the strikes which have occurred more than once, have had no impact on under decision at all. we still adhere to our firm position on palestine. that position is still to prevent is really ships or those heading to
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occupied palestine from crossing the many armed forces decision to prevent american and british ships from crossing. the red sea is a response to their arrogant and aggressive attacks against the many people. the rock as a now as to its recalling its in bassett, or from the rod for emergency pulse of the move follows overnight by selves twice by your right e and forces on targets in the rocky curtis. then you runs, i'll gc command to confirm the attacks. no good, much allows going i'm good. thanks to a lot. everything went according to the plan, right at midnight for k barsha. khan missiles were shot from the south dakota san province to target extremist groups. also for missiles from the comer, shop province, and 7 from western azerbaijan were shot to hit design. this targets in show last night. another missiles will target the 2nd group of i salt in the upcoming hours, general hodges, not as review,
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new details about the missiles that were fired and the slides from where they were shocked in the early hours of tuesday. work on time. you're described as being capable of penetrating missile fields. what time meant over ability during the landings that agent can have targets as far as 1400 kilometers away with pinpoint accuracy in this whole system. what size espionage base in a box our view as was isis on holes in syria, the latest reports say 4 people were killed and 6 others were b o g c, a, c, k c. we action from the forties and he wants current assembly jen. um, mr. mos on e with all the move a client against the courage people over just one has described as far as a legitimate act of self defense. any means to punish the violators of their laws and national security. the measures carried out by the i r g c. was in line with the mighty defense of the country, sovereignty and security, and the fight against terrorism,
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and was part of the slimy group public fair punishment for the violators of the country security. these logic republic of around always support the original piece, stability and security, and is committed to the observance and sovereignty into total integrity of all countries. the united states seems to be caught by surprise and has now issued a statement condemning b o l d c a times sympathizing with your walk you government. out of time. one can walk is seriously pursuing the expulsion of the remaining american forces from his territory. the united states strongly condemned, runs a tax inner bill today and offers condolences to the families of those who were killed. we oppose the runs reckless missile strikes, which undermined the rocks stability to really do everything in its power to stay on the confines. but it seems that it's inevitable. the west has been igniting in a new war near this 4 digits, free to fall with my dad was targeting your want, keywords has been spaces as well. first part has also been trying to provoke you
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want to send towards the, with the was most as initial wage on the most side espionage base interview was carried out in response to these weighty assassination of a number of commanders. they'll be all yard g, c. and there was this fence why it won't now says that's just the tip of the iceberg. and there's more to come to the west side as well. plus ahead with their actions in that region which could be anything from shutting down this freight of our moves into purging off the targeting american bases in your walk in syria or even it shoots in the front of us. of me is just coming inside of the rainy and the military has reportedly conducted the strike against the militant group in pakistan . iran, the stage media agency says 2 facilities that belong to the guys of id. so need militant group were destroyed, will bring you more updates as the come in north korea's foreign
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ministers in moscow where she's just met a russian president vladimir put in the area. she met with her counterpart to foreign minister, said of a lot of where the pair of tip top diplomats praise the cooperation between the 2 countries during the meeting for an minister said again, a lot of highlight the importance of peace in north east asia in place but just as i am left with, we re assigned principal position in favor of a comprehensive and fast settlement to the existing problems. we've always favored the establishment of a negotiated process without any pre conditions in order to achieve lost in peace and stability. in the home of northeast asia, the pressure has submitted relevant proposals to the un security council only. so then together with the people's republic of china and then now on the negotiating table. however, we have to note that the policy of the united states and its regional satellites to create threats to the security on the d p. all case is not at all conducive to moving in a positive direction. we will continue to call for the rejection of any steps that
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lead to escalation and tension. now of course, as we just saw, the foreign minister said that the goal here is to discuss and negotiate to help tackle existing problems and achieve long last since he's in northeast asia. this meeting is also one given was the forward to really strengthening the relations between both countries. this is a high level diplomatic meeting between the russian foreign minister and he's north korean counterparts. and this visit comes after lab rugs visit in pyongyang just a few months ago. in october of last year, and russia really is set to build stronger ties with north korea in all sorts of spheres. whether that would be in the, the economy, military or also the political spheres. now, on her part, the north korea and foreign ministers for us. how important this meeting is to
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develop the relations between both countries. not only that, but she also seemed to express her delight over the zip for medic pumps as well. now this visit is also to further discuss the agreement that was reached between the north korean leader kim jong born and the russian president. demi puts in sweetness, face alarms, facility in the russian. far east to a health north korea bill satellites. now president puts in is also going to be meeting with the north korean foreign minister later today. and you know, previously a young young and most goal were have denied the on, still good or is that were brought up by the west. and the north korean foreign minister herself had previously mentioned that the criticism from the united states and its allies, when it comes to north korea and russia, is simply politicized and distorted. and she also emphasized that ties between
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multiple and t on yang. i quote that they would reach a new hire phase. now, all of this really signifies the diplomatic engagement between russia and north korea. and the ongoing, frightening of ties between both countries and together now for a residential area in the southern city of rafa has come on the idea of fire. israel says that the quote intensive phase of a conflict has been completed in the norful vancleve. the country's defense minister added that this phase will end in the south as well. a warning that the disturbing images ahead, the, the boy was cut off in the latest idea for a time, as well as gas collated, it's a tax in the south. the spies previously designated the area, as i said, so low hold on the list around me. i will carry,
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bring sauce best report and the salary and gaza strip, which has been the most the highly volatile region in the gaza strip, as well as tribes and dig around reparations. the gun on the beach. it overnight over the past to 24 hours. with that at the intensive as well, ever strikes angle bergman's over the downtown, of tanya in this city, in which it v as a 80 army had become operations across this particular policy. and since the end, the south actually and in terms of the contributors out of these as strikes, at least 8 people have been reportedly killed at a jury and get a jury is really feeling around that civil defends, the civil defense services center. and the city also around the hospitals, the mazda of hospital and con eunice. there has been at shilling intensive feeling
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around the hospital and which one people, one person, was reportedly killed and several others at where injured. that is the situation for you is the idea of has rejected a new claim by have mass about hostages, allegedly being killed in guys by use ready forces. the military's books busing insisted that one such hostage in particular are you tight is basically a could not have died in on the idea of attack, a die loan. oh uh i live there. cool. see, ty was not shocked by our forces. that was a lie by home, off the building in which they were kept was not a target. it was not attacked by our forces. we did not know their location in real time, but we do not attack any place where we know there could be hostages. we hit targets near the location where they were held. have mazda is accused israel of killing another 2 hostages, who was said to be in the building that came under attack by the idea of those
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individuals were believed to have been abducted by him as during it up to the 7th. the attack on southern east? well, the idea of previously admitted to a mistakenly killing another small group of hostages during a raid. now, this comes a day after i have mas release a video showing all 3 huff that is alive. it demanded the use of stop funding g as in order to secure the everybody's and on the 100 day of the guys, a war protest us to do the streets of useful once again, the families of these ready hostages still being held by him, i demanded the government do more to bring them home. we've heard from some of them are people have been taken hostage on the 7th of october and we wouldn't have gotten into this situation. we've had better leadership leadership, it can lead the country sick to lead the people. we want to change the government.
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we have to speak up a, again, this is a government that part of it is because it's a what happened is because of it's, it's called and they brought this mess and they cannot be the one to fix it. it was solve them, use will have has shelves from guys that this morning, but knew the casualties were reported previously. these were one woman was killed and not least 17 people were wounded in the power and called rounding and stabbing attacks. both main suspects and those incidents wherever report the lead policies teen in the residents of the west bank. well let's trust live now to the head will be easy. roll institute for strategic studies . dr. martin shipment up. if you haven't is good to have you drawn me right now. now the, the thank you now the idea of previously admitted to accidentally killing hostages in guys that now he says it definitely didn't kill this other group of hostages.
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how can the idea of the shore of that? well, i much so i don't have any of the details as to the exact uh, the incident, but i didn't think that the idea is shied away from text and blame for stakes. so you know, all things being able, i would tend to give credence to the ideas, accounts that they like, you know, they've already taken the blame or for, for much more serious issues that i don't see any, any engaged in them for trying to trial. and people knows that there's been a joy in this, a close quoted urban urban warfare. there's always a chance of you own forces, the same thing as your, you know, your own forces. so i didn't see that the idea is would try to cover this up and i think it's very difficult for a small country like israel to cover up things like that. so i would, i would tend to, to get created this to the ideas account. well,
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the idea of says it's not targeting civilians and guys, but so many civilians have been killed by listing an authority say the death toll is about $24000.00 and counting. what do you think about the idea of the claims in this regard? well, what do you think of the russian claims in the ukraine or in drugs any, whenever there's wolfish as it is correct or damage? the saying was the united states in the rack. and then again, it's been such a try and a get his role to minimize casualties to 0 seems to be are all the severe case of the double standards. not only that in this particular case of us is targeting its own civilians. it's putting them in arms way as a matter of its own policy. i think very few always of taking the kind of mission
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as advised us, is taken to try and reduce civilian casualties. but uh, you know, unless you expect use to drive me crazy and not to attack the rest of these. i think there's very little way to events, credential to images, especially when the to the interest of the, of the summer months. yeah. but even, even in the case of the both cases that you talked about just in less than a 100 days, we're having over $24000.00 a. if you compare that to the case of ukraine, this has doubled what, what the number of casualties if you create and for over 2 years of conflict. i would, i would take the commercial sticker with a pinch of salt. and on the other hand, uh you know what, what, what am i to aust, egypt? why they wouldn't let him out since you signed and escaped the hunger, the best plans. and the perils must have brought upon, you know, i,
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i'm quite sure what you would suggest though, is that i should go about this in the, in the, in the, in a more and discerning mesh. and imagine it's, it's almost, and for me and this, this, this is such a, a close quarter offer it and it's been inserted into civilian and sick to on top is but by some us. so i think this, the blame will civilian casualties should be, is a square in the, on some us doorstep. why the un secretary general had mentioned sometimes that even in war rules and there are standards. and it is the receiving validation of the standards that is leading to all of the demonstrations across the weld calling on. these are all to stop what is going on now as well, has been accused of genocide any case, either united, but here's what the the hey, here's the thing that is the issue. yeah. so the,
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the other thing is what is committing genocide with its killings of civilians? no, i think it is on is trying to prevent civilians being good and bad. the civilians being being targeted as it's really trying to prevent that. and you know, i have an idea, so that's really good. so worried about the genocide and the feeling of status didn't use whiteness inviting to live in so that we can say the that all right, how much did you i didn't have all that. we don't have all the time here anymore, but so we, we look forward to more time with you, dr. martin chapman handled the israel institute for strategic studies. thank you for speaking with us. thank you for your invitation. i tie on for some that's the overnight take away from the iowa caucus say that the former president kept his arrival time and just vying for the republican ticket for this. he has res, for the white house. if it's we takes his place in the oval office,
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donald trump said the 1st stop he is going to solve the war in the trade. and again, it stopped associated because it should have never started. and so say it would have never ever happened. and likewise, a israel would've never been attacked. and we're going to get things solved. we're going to get to ukraine. warsaw. so we're going to get the israel a situation solved. we had the tara band, we had the tower band that caught the trump travel then. but it was really the trump tera then we don't want people in our country that a get a blow up our shopping centers. thank you very much. there's a growing friend of republicans opposing us military intervention has them around the world that's pretty apparent. if you listen to trumps latest jabs of dividing administration, we're dropping bombs all over the middle east again, where i defeated isis and our secretary of defense who just went missing for 5 days is running the war from his laptop in a hospital route. remember,
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this is the same gang that surrendered if dennis that when no one was held accountable or fired, it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of the united states. now we have more than ukraine is real and human, but no war on our southern border. oh, that makes a lot of sense. crooked joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. historically, republicans were the war hawks stuff on the commies. big on the panel gone, but not anymore. then it's not just donald trump with his america 1st slogan. policy experience is not the same as foreign policy wisdom. i want everybody at home to know that i was the 1st person to say we need a reasonable piecemeal in ukraine. now a lot of the neo cons are quietly coming along to that position with the exceptions of nikki haley and joe biden, who still support this. what i believe is pointless war in ukraine, and i think those with foreign policy experience. one thing the joe biden and nicky aly have in common is that neither of them could even state for you. 3 provinces in
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eastern ukraine that they want to send our troops to actually fight for. so reject the smith that they've been selling you, that somebody had a cup of coffee, sent it to you, and that makes a 1000000 bucks. after has real foreign policy experience, rama swami has been nailing nikki haley, a darling of the neo conservatives to the wall for her advocacy of military intervention. ism and the crowds at the debates just can't get enough of it shortly after you to the office. joe biden promised that he would end the warranty on it. now he's done the opposite, he drag the united states into it. at this point, the united states has bombed young'un saying, i want to put a stop to the activities of the, who's these in the red sea down in solidarity with gaza? well, randa sams, this is not exactly thrilled. he seems to be a bit more concerned about america's border, then ukraine's the federal government let people come across the border. they wouldn't even try to stop them. and now you just have new york city. they are common during a school in brooklyn because of so many uh,
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illegal aliens that they have in their city. so they're having the school kids stay home so that they can use the school to how's these people? and i'm just thinking of myself is that just not like the, the perfect snapshot of everything that's wrong with this country to put your own citizens last to put your own school children? last, the economy is not so good either. republicans won't let the white house forget that bite. inflation is crushing families across texas and america. let's take a look at the numbers under biden's leadership. energy prices are up 31.2 percent. gas is up 34.2 percent. groceries have rise and 20 point one percent. natural gas is up 27 percent. thanks to buy the inflation caused by reckless out of control spending. americans pay more for everything. under jo biden's fails, economic agenda. americans are spending $11400.00 more annually just to buy the
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basics. byte. inflation is out of control. long time us on policy and critic ran. paul says it's plenty of money is being made from the pentagon's born adventures, but not for the american people. and like many republicans, he is not thrilled about dumping. more funding and weapons into ukraine is elected officials. we have an obligation to pursue a foreign policy that advances the security and prosperity of the american people. funding billions of dollars into the meek writer in eastern ukraine does neither. so why has the republican party shifted so far from its position during the cold war? even during the bush years. well, some might say that it's because of the big conspiracy between donald trump and vladimir putin. but the democrats should really look closer to home. maybe look in the mirror because poll after poll is showing that americans are far more interested in dropping prices than they are and dropping bombs failed. mauppin artsy new york.


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