tv News RT January 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST
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license as this done by the headlines on our team to national is what i'm about, rick hold as i'm back to the from tara, off to iran strikes. so tara group inside practiced on which had to claim responsibility for a pair of deadly attacks over the last couple of months. based on nicholas feel that we need to stop supporting the killing of sauce. if this does not stop, then we slots will heat noise from the width. rather, i think we will united with the level of western europe to the ground. a member of the european parliament belongs of slavic people will do the purchase for the ukrainian come fix to come to a close. something he says, the west is not interested in the devastating scenes you're looking at. southern gossip 20 people killed and it was an idea of strikes
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that makes the daily total across the enclave to $106.00. the victim and stuff just in 24 hours. the . all right. heading into the night time, hours here in the city that never sleeps. it's all the international life from so iran unpackaged ons for ministers have helpful to discuss the strikes tyrone carried out on august on the territory. iranian diplomatic confirmed to ron respects the sovereignty of as i'm about and the attack was aimed exclusively a terrorist is focused on the account about aust, to be provided more information about the targets earlier is all about how to condemn the military action number cold at some boss of the from to iraq of last night's unprovoked and blatant breach of buck is done. so randy, but you wrong is a violation of international law and the purposes and principles of the charter of
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the united nations. this illegal act is completely unacceptable and has no justification whatsoever focused on results, the right to respond to this illegal act and the responsibility for the consequences realize clearly with 8 on we have conveyed this message to the government i'll feed on. we have also informed them that bach hassan has decided to recall if some best to do from here on. and that the iranian ambassador, too focused on who's going into visiting here on may not return for the time being . and we have also decided to suspend all high level visits, which were ongoing. our work plans between focused on ended on in the coming days and verify for the chair emerging are showing what's left behind off of the around
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him strike, basically fire and destruction. toronto has said it was conducted in defense of his national interest, the indefensible and national interest. some people, we do not place any restrictions and deal with authority. we condemn terrorism all over the world. we do not set any restrictions or on respect to the rights and interest and territory and integrity of old countries, especially its neighbors. but we will not accept miss cheap on our borders. and we will definitely deal with the video search your boss this on the tax on isis that is great on just a ball and get serious the country has now launched errors trying to pakistan, targeting the pretty serious all the change short i the group which one designates as a terrorist organization. the or do you see says it had a disorder to what the group space is by missiles, the drawings, the target size or quinn, to be a one, the largest headquarters of the army group which are located or is it not just any by what you stop promise and a mental disability are called cool guest jobs were of
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a central gun which of pakistan originally does not have full control. and therefore the g. sure, i uses the existing power, matthew, for its activities that the training of the force is the or do you see the error rate against the change for an appears to be a response to the recent search for the groups attacks against iranian border of origin. it was still and then back to just on pro i switch or stack is that may december last year or the j a go to old event in the morning a board of ours that one to 6 others by attacking another chick point in roster. journey short, oddly, it's fully to be no issue. it's of the formidable, jumped the locker room with my eyes to demonic ricky doors. capture to execute it. it was the backings. wait that it was yours. producer of has intensified his operations against your one of the seas. found in battle just found college. well, the group that was struck by iran calls itself the army of justice. it was found
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that just over a decade ago, it has claimed responsibility for a pair of attacks and a rod which killed $84.00 civilians this january and 11 police officers this month . excuse me, last month i should say. and also that december attack iran, a wall and the group will be punished. we asked the government of pakistan to protect its border, so not allow terrorist groups to build nests in this country. the perpetrators of this incident will definitely be punished for their actions. but let's get more now of this on crossing live to assistant professor of the university of tyrone l. come cut the cult kite. in fact, i do beg your pardon. that guess is going to be joining us in just a moment here on how to international. uh, for the meantime though, we get back to our regularly scheduled program here on odd c. so this wednesday is mocking 63 years since the death of congolese independence leda patrice loved them by the 1st 5 minutes to of the democratic republic of congo who was murdered after a poorly being marked as a lead,
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a dangerous to the economic interests of the united states and former colonial power of belgium. so let's our cost life now to send me a in chroma. the daughter of the gun in liberation later on, the 1st prime minister as well. let's so welcome. i'll get to the program and a very good evening to you. can i just off the top of my head? what can you say about patrice that members, legacy for the african continent? i know it's a broad question, but i'll be very grateful if you would. yes indeed, and petri slumbers, legacy is the value of the bridge loan and the want to all africans. and, and i know that's he and our father call me through my gun, his 1st prime minister and says, presidents, as you said, they were both very good friends and politically. and of course on the person at 11 and new mom, but was
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a bit younger than our father. and i was talking to kim on as this tommy and in the association culminated in the secret agreements between donna and the cold go in 1960, then very few people know about any basically was and to pay the way to both countries to work closely together. in climbing the economy and having even one quarter and see eventually, but in having a common targeting policy and comment defense strategy. so a legacy is one of african unity as one of african integration. and we con memory, his memory and he's and his work. and his ics thompson and we know that dust can
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never defeats us. and these great pan african icons, when we remember them, we are strengthened in our results to make sure that one be hopefully now a lifetime african countries can work very closely to get that for our trust spreads. well, i think that's a lovely encompassing statement there. i appreciate you saying that um when it, when it comes to patrice but mom, but though obviously as you say, you're leaving behind really a very impressive legacy for the confident. but as i understand the mess of very tragic demise, who do you think may have been mostly interested in his desk? as you see, by the time the congo became in dependence? 1960. by the way, 1960 was no one has to be accurate. k. yeah, because so many countries about 17 african countries gates independence. so you can
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imagine to be the impact of that globally. that must have been trends africa. what's rising, it's worth the moment. talk to you for young menu cases for us, for african integration. now, the congo a, a big country, and by all accounts, very rich, it's not the richest country and the confidence, and what's the focus of attention. so it's the focus of months, the national corporations. it's was a full cost of the cost of the colonial power. and, and, and unfortunately by the time it didn't didn't depend, she gained independence. there was still some remnants, you know, of colonial control, and i will start the role to book change of the comb go way he, he talks about fluency. yes. and, and patrice number one and in the elections,
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and he managed to organize it majority. but at the same time, there was the coughing stuff kept time go, which was, i think almost the richest carpets in the country and lead by somebody. and they wanted to see, so you can imagine the country gaining independence and then there's been strapped up. the section by one province was the province at which is that the whole country relied on its exports from bats properties. so things were very shaky. no longer comes to gardner, and so the congo by that we gains independence in on the 30th of july of june. the search is up to one year before the gun. it becomes every public on the 1st of june. 1960 now it's just
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a month to so after that shopping begin and up. yes, we do have some main seats by the bench and by the. ready by the, as i said the, so the warranty corporations interested in the main roads that they don't want it to come under control of a progressive sense for 9 government. and that's what the members government before or can i get started? can i just jump in just and just from i do apologize for interrupting. i'm just trying to get as much as i can from you in such a little time that we have available here on, on network television. i wanted to turn this conversation to you personally and the daughter of a prominent fighter against european colonialism. and you just mentioned colonial control a moment ago. and i wanted to ask you a minute today. how do you see western influence on the african continent? is it is the other still stars? is it still a sentiment? ling during that, do you think that's ok. so let me know from,
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from wherever i stopped, at what time was about to say, that's even though countries date, independence, politically, there were still economic don't mediation as 2 big corporations. and this is the struggle that's we have a today and that's we need to build our industries. so we need to unite this african countries. so based on what extra structure and our industries ads pernesa can be, that's like how far the and remember what coding for. because it's only i see you at the unified block. since we weren't divided into small ones, you can normally keep on via but nations. it's difficult for us to spend on our own and to challenge big corporations on our own. but if we united so we can become cents for diet. so we need to not rely on so me imports very expensive and
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imports to build our manufacturing base. our manufacturing capability and to, to build our countries by putting the interest of our people the 1st. so we gave publish, it kind of dependence. so that's we begin the road towards economic liberation. and this is where we are today. as we are in cards, we are hired. we are guided by leaders like tell a father who gave us the blue crate. in his famous book, new colonialism, he talks about the situation, how our country is to get to get that to be able to restore our dictates by making us sex or die and, and not resigned so much on, on, on, on, on, on imported goods, that costs that so much and deeply our resources,
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i think that's a very good comment. that's a very good comments or for jumping in one more time. so i may have, as a great comment, because, you know, it was months ago, you was out of the last year that i was at the russia, africa summit in some petersburg. and i was interviewing african leaders from all across the continent. and i'm one of the main themes i got from it saw me what was this sense of friendship between africa and the russian federation of friendship that goes back fall far beyond even the soviet union. and yet the african leaders i spoke to, they had a sense of, they were in bold and they were confident they was strong. and they were really optimistic about the future, not just of the african continent, but also the global solve. and how so much of the world is changing today, some of the improvements, i greatly appreciate your time. thank you so much for joining us here on oxy international. you're most trying to over to strasburg now with pensions off high in the parliament. were officials that being debating the blocks
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late as to weapons on cash package was that landscape? well for ukraine as well. vacuum may be called on western nations to stop shipping arms, the key of the want of a unified slavic retaliation. if the blood shed does not stop the best on maple syrup, we need to stop supporting the killing of sauce. if this does not stop, then we slots will hear noise and run out with brother. i think we will you nice and will level west in europe to the ground. i'm sure no one here wants that the crating and conflicts isn't us problem. things that a global interest, the u has become a vessel in the united states. we must stop peace towards been without the participation of the americans. we must have dealt with this mode on it. so it looks like a very prime minister, victoria obama has found an ally within the european union in driving cleaner sl oh, right at the wall when it comes to ukraine. and now i assume vacuum prime minister robert feet. so elected just last october. now, during bilateral talks between the 2 countries in the past on monday or body,
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explain why he refuses to bias on viewing yet another a massive cash winful of european tax. their cash for you free to give away 50000000000 euros from the you budget for 4 years in advance is a violation of the you sovereignty and national interest. we do not even know what will happen in a quarter of a year for your cheerleaders are set to meet again, brussels on february, 1st to see if they can approve this funding for from the used budget. but they're all part of the plan b, whereby countries could contribute voluntarily and also voluntarily commit political suicide with their citizens. wonder why say gary ends can just keep their own tax money injected we benefited from or by rejecting you peer for us or. and there's no really hard proof that we the information services division of the
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largest of the big 3 american credit readings agencies, s and p global ratings. publishing and analysis via or just last week showing the hungry is really the only you have 3 right now with a decent economical financial over. at the very release form, i'm offering you frames and some kind of an installment plan rather than just to be kind of like you do with an inheritance for us for a teenager. so he didn't just pop it disappear of his nose or interest larger use. and fee, so it says he supports that more conservative approach. of course for bonds getting flat from critic suggesting that his installment plan ideas just to give himself opportunities to extract more cash from the u. cast that's been withheld from his own country and exchange for things like listing is vito on your trade funding now . so you lawmakers are so exasperated by on getting in the way of the establishment
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agenda, which they really seem to want to show on a closed out ever went through that 120 of them have now signed a petition earlier this month, demanding that we're going to be stripped of voting rights, all together for burning democratic institutions. so just to sum up here to defend democracy, they want to basically just separate themselves. sounds like feasibility isn't to with the idea on res rice. just be taken away. just imagine the precedent that says for all of the you. meanwhile, inside b u clout and this week in european part of this is award, i could have been preventive award. i could have been stopped as early as april 22 . but we didn't months piece. we wanted war, we wanted to come over to us, they help proxy war and the effort to damage russia. we spent billions of the your typos, money, if you had any award that wasn't in our interest, i just had to destroy your credit and for no good reason. war that it's now openly
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acknowledged co defendants in the 1st few months. if the wes scott and speech old, the april 2022 p steel, you want the citizens of your up to cost more fuel for the fire in minutes, great assistance. and you have the audacity to say that that is going to help ukraine. do you only pay for your husband or the shareholders in the arms companies? now your commitment to ongoing more might be on shaky people. don't expect the citizens of your to follow suit. you sound like a phone cheese canadian made so on why and some of the voices are demanding peace. but over in the other cloud right now at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, ukrainian president myers wednesday, whose american made training wheels are still very firmly attached. so he's trying to argue that he needs to teach defending the entire western no less than that.
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because he needs to give with less come to strengthen our economy and we will strengthen your security. yeah, sure. body, when the world needs defending the guy writing the calendar events, it will probably be at the top of the list. what are the wall street big wigs these hang out with over there in dallas are aware that is economic advisor was threatening personally with war crimes. prosecutions for engaging with russian energy companies back in august of 2022. not sure. nonsense is ukraine defending the galaxy is going to successfully can boost to throw more cash or maybe just bring a pull next time in. somebody's high deals, not that some western leaders, they hear, they need to even justify sending to their own people, german chests or, or la schultz. for example, the military aid for you trade recently while demanding that the rest to be you tonia, even more,
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either not realizing or not tearing the 70 percent of the germans want to take the high. or maybe you didn't notice side, or that is finance minister christian lender is game. same kind of, and suzy as being well, for example, when he briefly grace protesting farmers in berlin with his presence last week. the made no sense except when it comes to pray. apparently not that the farmers are asking for money, they just want the government to stop trying to reach deeper and deeper into their pockets to pay for all of its own scribbles. apparently be so they'd rather
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just face the raw and the condemnation of their own people, rather than that western establishment. these guys are now $23.00 people killed in overnight idea of strikes, which opened about the southern city of con eunice, close to egypt and the enclaves, health ministry reporting $160.00 people killed across the enclave in 24 hours. are you seeing videos? office drive on the con units. those are popping up online reports, claiming several civilian houses targeted and destroyed. no comment still from the is ready for since the one local journalist chat. this report from the out, not the hospital you soon i see the day 3 of 200 boards that not the the last day or the last night. and most, some of the complex as your house is use. the invasion of the times are
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maybe 40 to 50 meters away from us. the soldiers as well. so distribution is really hard. the corporate funding before the swimming was just yeah, i give them beans are really loud and are so close to us. all the storage is complicated. i'm trying to find any internet connections if any, what is happening, whatnot is now your last functioning hospital. i'm trying to find so i can tell you what is happening. people who are displaced inside the house to thousands of thousands are just moving randomly. you cannot find any place to what will they try to go to the schools around the hospital or even to our directv campus. so to find and say, please getting back to our top story, going out to iran, unpack of stones for ministers, have held tools to discuss the strikes tyrone carried out impacts donnie territory
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earlier. it's all about condemned the military action and even recalled this. i'm bassett, of from tyrone. so it's a wrong citizen was conducted in defense august national interests. let's learn more now. first in line to be assisted professor at the university at ron l. i'm kind of hold the just joining us a live on a how to international a very well welcome to you. i know you know the story. i've been discussing this now for the past, i guess, 48 hours. iran has carried out several strikes on iraq, syria, now pockets, dawn. i mean my, so my, my 1st question really is why now across not one, not 2, but 3 nations. yes. well, iran has been showing a great amount of restraints in the previous weeks months. this being all of these, these things happening in, in garza and then the assassinations of the individuals belonging to you on itself to husband law to homicide. uh,
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throughout all of these things. iran has been showing restraint and trying to, to communication. um, somehow and fools the kind of a restriction of use of violence on the spread of these chaos across the region. but you know, it takes, i've been getting out of hand that from the very beginning of this crisis in gauze what you want as being continuously warning, western nations that they need to somehow control israel. and it's the 12 cities, if they don't want the region, the whole region suggesting to a kind of a, a kind of a regional on stuff as well. conflict. but as i said in recent weeks, we had the we had the service attack in fairmont which 2 of the 10s of the civilians, women, children in the people which as you know, marching and were walking in the streets, they were assassinated. they would, children service the facts which according to many sources, the terrace where they have been recruited and they have been working so well,
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i guess on. and they have be practically supported by elements residing in a rocky record this dawn. um, so is basically things reach a situation where you all have to act in order to actually defend its own civilians and individuals. so i think basically the score is predictable that this is going to happen. if things you know, gets out of control. yvonne has this obligation to defend its own territory and its own individuals and comes very beginning. yvonne had stated that the lives of unions was a red line, which has obviously being closed right now. well, i mean, you know, i, i know that i know that baghdad and his lemme buy have said look, this is a violation of us over and say, and i know they're not happy about that. but at the end of the day, iran was targeting various tyra groups. it targeted most side spice
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centers as well. and the course the wordpress will never tell you that. so iran was acting essentially in that of because of national security, national interest. i hate to do all this comparison, but it's no different frankly, than america saying we're fighting terrorists in america. volleying, you know, miss all is here and that the difference is that a rods missed all right, that's what, what precise they were surgically. pretty yes. all right, the and targets. yes and if they were in our own region where you know, things directly affect people's lives. so one has not gone thousands of kilometers . we haven't drawn our navy, for example, to the international waters and try to have these kinds of attacks. it's basically our region where we're living and we need to somehow in full security and peace in this region, proud of ordinary people to be able to go on with their everyday lives. so basically that's an obligation that the government has its own territory and to
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protect its own people. and i think what's important to add is that you know, many people claim that this service attacks this happened in care was this was the tire. that was part of the deal, but the fact is that the isis is not a group that will be able to carry on these types of attacks on its own. everyone knows the advisors use, it has be back whether directly or directly by ne, to by the americans they have of, you know, they have even confessed this themselves. so on and right now when all of these things are happening in the region, we noticed that has the support by israel far the most side for this type of operation sizes with not being able to and they would not have any intention of kind of such an expensive attack inside the radians territory. so basically you're on views, everything connected. so everything that's happening in the region, including the terrace attacking came on. they are related to each other. so be what
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they call the resistance axis, has to act. so showing restraints has its own limits. we, we have, as i said, you want to assume a loss of restraint or wait for the 2nd page since october, the 7th i do, i apologize. i, i apologize for interrupting you, but i, i think it's fair game fair play. you say that the iran has been kind of, well, it hasn't been on the a friend that was since the 7th of october. and you know, the washington is being co holding tight, ron sayings back off, buddy. calm down. don't get a little crazy. but you know, when you talk about these terrorist groups, when you mentioned ice to so i, so you know, they never talk if american assets, they never talk, it is really, i say, the why, why is that? because as you said, the people yeah is already has, you know, people in cars are being killed every day. so why does not isis as an, is lima group is what they named themselves. yeah. why haven't they done anything they've been even condemning? come off like the, the rest of the west, the very ironic is the raise as you said,
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owned and operated by his western backers, but also a regional package as well. we, you know, it's a shame that so many people today still don't quite understand that at the end of the day i, as, as an isolated the end of the day, our american assets being used to wage proxy was across the middle east. i'm going to give you the final last what he i've only got 20 seconds. your final thoughts on the middle east region right now with the m and gaza. iran. these are radi and stripes. all you looking or expecting an escalation in the middle east these days i'm afraid i've lost its connection. the connection has just about bottom dial the l hama, cut the hold up, is an assistant professor at the university of to ron, who is just joining us here. and sharing a time with us if you're still here, we may. thank you very much indeed. well, that's just about going to wrap it up here on audience. and after we.
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