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tv   Documentary  RT  January 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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a near this movement and the cows are found the is the one of the most powerful groups in the room. and the one of the most popular refreshes groups. that's a big effect in this precious thoroughly in the room. all right. what are the potential implications of a he was silence on the issue, at least i'd be of personal level. the problem is that uh, unfortunately i looked over the insurance that the are now in the gold a month. and then some of the truck position in italy have up boss the in the italian precious bar. italian social movement isn't. it was the name. that's what was the 1st, but it's all of them now. flesh just barked after the 2nd one of the war and the unfortunately, they do this, this question on this situation. i looked over politicians, so this boss and they don't affect it. they don't want to convince or
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eliminate the certainly because it's a part of their of you want because she's starting next generation. so in the fact the implication is that, uh we have the risk that some breakfast can stay an important position in the administration on a frequently. but right now pa, minutes time along these political parties reported that links to the radi organizes. how does the public react to all of these ties? yeah, the political part deals malone its implicated and nothing is really about the some exponentials, some seamless point at the front of this part to take apart the bond on saturday morning uh, separate from the riley of nails fractures. uh, does this happen because uh, the park, the front end of the time. yeah. it's a um the sides of the task formation of a. 1 switch on moment,
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the more you meant those to try to tell ya know that uh in uh 19 so was the last 4 of my been uh, laptops, remodeler and now. 7 it's for the lady, the uh brother associate and the yeah they try every year to have a separate set, a money florida member this $3.00 uh, octavia silver far right to that there was caleb. uh, during the year. um, which he, i'm sorry, i don't remember in 78 and the 1978th uh, 325 minutes on so where keeler visions all right in front of this building and they try to have a separate upsetting money. but the fact that they are assigned for the eyes of the for know fox years. all right, we have to living here now, 100 other to the tale. and john list at war. correspondent, thank you for your insight. thank you for the invitation. mike is like the
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somali as prepared to go to war with the fuel p a to stop the country is recognizing the break away territory of somebody lined. and that's a warning from a senior advisor to the some of the president out for a minister as a set to hold at emergency meeting on the situation with more on the brewing crisis here is archie is know the wheel k out of sar, administer as a fits you can v urgency via a virtual conference to address the ramifications of a controversial memorandum of understanding between ethiopia and a brief place of molly reach and known as somebody land. the meeting comes off the land locked at the o. p. i signed a deal with some on demand for port axis as put the deal. the appeal will recognize the self governing to a cheap of somebody land in exchange for c access and the military base small, the land having to pay the independence from somebody
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a $9.00 to $9.00 to $1.00. but lacking broad international recognition for that has no issues whatsoever. what this new deal for had one or 200. yeah, we're pleased to announce and once express gratitude to the prime minister. and i feel the, according to our agreement recently here, that will give 20 kilometers of c, and that will recognize us to a political change. so it was created by the pact with somebody land could exacerbate feel p has problems. and those off the region in general, but despite the risk, both sides believe they have much more to gain a step ahead and the right direction for this and generations to come. federal democratic republican, easier hope you signed a memorandum with some of the land for partnership and co operation, which paves the way for accessing a least military base on the red sea at the ok, i did find the pos to access the poor to fit better. i and some of the land through a slide that's a little deal between the u. a. d. if you'll p a as the model. and the coming deal
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is a bilateral agreement that does not include the u. a. e. the agreement is expected to diversify a few of his access points for the sea and listen it overall me dependence on should be cheap for international trade, but it also has potential to tree guy conflict and land so much so that somalia has reacted strongly to the deal and will be under pressure to do something. as a government, we have condemned and rejected the illegal infringement of ethiopia into our national sovereignty and territorial integrity yesterday, not an inch of somalia can or will be signed away by anybody. so malia belongs to the somali people, this is final, the arab legs, the bridges immediately requested by somebody and supported by 12 hour countries will be said by morocco. the deal has potential to feel uncertainty and instability, and they will read you tablets, continental and maritime space. of the home of africa, sedan is in the groups of
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a devastating civil war field is recovering from its 3 year long civil war. and there is no in these sites for the current war in gaza. if you open some bushes for regional primacy, add another dimension to this evolving strategic dynamic. all right, that's the all big. now i'll see you again as i'll be off the the, the day most grip is the mouthpiece of these maggard corporations that are basically playing nation states off against each other and using international crises to consolidate power. the same people that come to upcoming 19 and release to another cause world wide log downs and and then rolled out the experimental
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shots so so dave boss is now basically a meeting of the public masters and the washer and all the guards that control much of europe, the united kingdom in the united states. and so instead of presenting a peace deal to russia, of course are trying to present a peace deal at day boss. and i know when i bring the plan out, i'm predicting that it'll just be russia. it should just completely leave ukraine and let the ethnic cleansing in the east of ukraine. continue on because that's the only piece deal that zalinski. and here's controllers like george soros of offered . now the, do you expect any of the last keys kind of pots in the you to bring out the case of american journalist gonzalieras, who was critical of the recreating government. and was joe by kia for that and was recently found dad, any your trade in prison cell? no, i doubt it. when we know he went to the state department, asked them to help him get out. he said he'd be a dead man if they didn't. and then of course, a were reported, he was beaten and,
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and absolutely, you know, physically attacked over and over again the last 10 months. and then, and then allowed to die of doubled ammonia. and so they don't want that because that they want to pretend like america is run by all these loving, wonderful, liberal people. but it's not, america isn't run by americans. it's run by black rock. it's run by big central banks, basically use america, hijacked america, to project our power to the world, and basically terrorize other nations into submission. so as an american patriot, my goal is to get control of our government back. and that's why i'm trying to support president trump, or clearly had the election stolen from him 3 years ago, back into power. so we can bring the world back from the edge of thermal nuclear war so. so my main mission is being a loyal to god, family and country. and because i'm a loyal to america and our republic,
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i don't want us to be any legal wars with russia or china, or anybody else, but i'm zillow. lira was an amazing journalist, have a lot of courage, was very articulate, very well spoken and really hit the nail. and they had about 4 out of the state department, 9 years ago staging the coo and key of and then all of the militarization by nato in a cohort proxy war or hybrid war against russia. to, to, to either test russia and push up to rushes border or try to entice russia to, to, to respond to the invasion. but now we know the nato is shot almost 2 years in the despite their $200000000.00 in all of the advisors and troops there that despite heavy loss, russia has now decisively won the war. so i would hope, even like henry kissinger, helpdesk that we could now have a peace deal and demilitarize you frame and move forward into the future.
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or right, everyone's looking forward to that. the future that is especially beneficial to everyone that you, you talked about travel comfortable, you will come to that soon. of the world. it cannot be far and these expected to focus not only on ukraine, but also on the warring guys that they are saying the confidence will be able to come up with any kind of solution to either of those conflicts decisively, you know, i don't think the scripts going to come up with any thank you, close of late because the multinational military industrial complex that makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year. all of these are legal wars, wanted to continue and benjamin yet he also said he wants to take all of gaza and the trillions of dollars of oil and gas that are there and in the ocean in his territorial waters. so i'm not anti israel, but i'm a, i'm also pro truth. and so we know that was is really stand down october 7. we know they allow the attack to happen. and it's now being used as a pretext to not just punish has the law but to also the people of god. and
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so that's why i want a real ceasefire and a real peace deal. but, but i don't expect that. i think that y'all, it was just buying time while they ethically plans, the palestinians have pushed them into the sea. so i don't want to push the jews embassy. and i want to push the palestinians of the say, i don't agree with a massive slogan from the mountains of the c. uh, they'll be no more as real. but i also don't agree with the as rarely statements. so they'll be no more palestinian state. the arabs have been there as long as the jews, and i do want to try to collect for some type of 2 state solution to finally bring peace to that board torn region. and uh, i know that's also been what a lot of other states been around the role of and supporting. so that's that, that's really my goal is i, that is what everyone around the world to say a 2 state solution to all of this. so that can be, you know, cost and peace about another issue on the agenda is
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a patio dedicated to this so called disease x, hypothetical poverty, and that may cause new pandemic many times more data to be then cool. that what do you expect to come out of those thoughts? well, we know what disease access the government from russia to china, the us to france, the japanese, the, they all know what diseases are. here, you have new mutations of diseases, but there's no disease acts. there's an invitation of an art existing disease. so disease acts is a, is a holding place or a catch all or gain of function, bio weapons where they genetically splice viruses. and also mutate viruses with radiation and other techniques to make the more communicable and more dad like. and so we have the you in then once a world wide treaty to take control of nation states and borders and transportation and trade. whether you in a pandemic treaty really trying to establish a corporate world government, the name of
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a high thing up disease acts and say it's going to kill 50000000 people and it's emmett. well, how can they be developing a vaccine for a disease that doesn't exist yet? and we know in china, in the united states, in ukraine all over the world, western governments debit card producing weaponized, biological weapons in these labs. not for defensive purposes, but for authentic purposes. those top scientists have reported it would take a 1000000000 years for the n perfect conditions for the cub of 19 to occur naturally. 5 different viruses from around the world splice together. it's basically impossible. and so what you have is the legal gain of function going on around the world in 2015 was a big scandal when obama was caught, allowing gain a function of the university of texas galveston and the university north carolina at chapel hill. so they moved it to well on, so they relisted big of that apt,
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probable, plausible deniability about who made it to. now they vary, the russian authorities have speculated that the focus on hypothetical disease x could actually be a 10 for the learning further investment into the health care sector. well, what do you think about those claims? you talked about it. can you elaborate more in that? well, look, whether you're russian or whether you're norwegian, or whether you're french or whether you're mexican, these bio weapon labs, a set up an expanded under george w bush. more than 15 years ago are the real threat. so i oppose these bio weapon labs, not because i'm a russian agent or not because i'm of the south african agent. but because i'm an american that loves my family, and i know that the head of the russian ministry over chemical and biological weapons came out a few months ago. there excellent presentation showing that the west is preparing
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a new pads of gin to release it. and that's as proof, show what somebody's telling the truth. i will agree with them because i align myself with the truth. and of the russians were openly developing in a function of biological weapons and building laboratories in mexico. i would called for the us to invade and, and stopped those laboratories as rusher did in ukraine because i care about self preservation and life. and so the reason the criminals that run my government, that is an enter, literally waging war of the american people, they dissolve, our borders are shipping and fentanyl, other destroying our families. i mean, they're at war with us. they're not americans doing this. that's what we, what we've been hijacked. they are literally building bio lab and labs in 3rd party countries. so they have plausible deniability, and the whole world is in danger. so i agreed 3 months ago when the russian
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defense minister, over chemical and biological weapons came out a warrant of this, i was already saying it before he did because i was interviewing all the experts and all the insiders and watching the day about scribe, the mouth piece of black rock and the builder of our group and the new white order . i mean really, the real james bond villain is that, that's all based on you literally specters what you should probably call it. they are salivating, saying they're going to use a virus for global domination and to bring down the nation state. so i have family died from the cupboard they're released. and i that friends died from the shots, 17000000 or data according to insurance company, actual aries. and so i am literally being bombarded by this occupational force here in america. i'm peacefully trying to get trouble acted. i'm trying to get governors elected. i've tried to get the crazy people from control of these hijackers that have hijacked this country. and so i want the world to know, not just russians that the american people are absolutely against this. you know,
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i would get a tad some, i was still mainly popular on the street, but i would get some attacks 34 years ago for supporting trump. i go to the grocery store by myself. i go to the shopping mall. i go to church. i walk my dog down the street. all i get is loved now from everybody. so i'm, i'm telling the world, the global sure way, weaker than you think because i'm well known the average person as well now, which is great. they have their privacy, but i'm the i am well now, and i'm telling you i'm getting 0 plus back 0 and you're in america. all i get is we appreciate you keep what you're doing. so i want the world to know. the american people want peace. we do not want world war 3, we're not wonder where, where we want our country to be under our control. we want your country be under your control. we have so many resources together. we want to go to space together. we want to work with each other and it like travel to north korea to make a deal. and you know everything else we want progress. we,
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we want the future. but the military industrial complex that president eisenhower warned up being the number one threat does not want that they want global domination. and the bigger problem is they're incompetent. they inherited all their power from their predecessors that were more competent. lloyd awesome, the defense secretary has been missing for 34 weeks. he lied about where he was. reportedly he may even be near death. right now. i looked at the number 3 people that the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of command. none of them are military. they're a liberal, political scientist, they're not engineered or they're not veterans. that is so dangerous. when we have people that come out of the us military and then the hollywood. com. uh well out there promoting, like sean penn a year ago said, nuclear war survivable. we need nuclear war on the table. we need nuclear war t as in and complement scumbag. and it's the same thing that the lloyd awesome and
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lasers of the military and it least wasn't combat. he is in some hospital being eaten alive by bacteria right now or quarterly, close to dev, and the 3 people under him have never put on a uniform. they've never been an engineer. they've never fired a muscle. they've never pull the trigger. they never fought somebody in a dash. they don't know, they don't know what the world flag, and that's why they're so dangerous. so we're all in grave danger. and we have to win the information war against the global has to stop nuclear war for all our children. all right now uh let's, let's talk about from a little bit. not the well, the kind of excite armies happening just as the republican primaries at the getting a dollar. chum has been a leader in the pre election. polls couldn't be a topic of discussion at the conference in davos, but let's hit it now. actually they both said and they're there, they're high praise. you of all know are already out of the article right here. he said a victory by trump will deal
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a guess blow to the global order of the anglo american establishment. and again, for new of yours putting gets arrive because of the anglo american establishment actually call themselves. it doesn't mean white people. it means the access of the old british empire with the united states empire. that is at war with basically humanity and our own people. and so they say the number one mission, stopping from the number to measuring, essentially the american people and the number 3 measurements typing up disease that you have them total power and control. i'll show you again, you have this literal james bond villain. clause schwab up there. lecturing everybody about this world, government, but here's the good news. you go to x, formerly twitter, or you go to instagram anywhere. they'll be bill gates, your class swap video with 10000000 views. they'll be $20000.00 comments and i've looked at them. there might be one positive comment about the w e f,
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or bill gates or gloss schwab in a 1000 literally. so i'm telling you there's a complete collapse in them. they have nothing but that's the problem. they don't have the people's brains, but they have the nuclear weapons, and they are psychotic. and so, yes, they totally, for a drop from so strong president, he's pro america, but he also wants to be french show if people deal with america straight, he wants the giant business deals with the whole world. he wants fair exchange. you watch the middleman, the, all the guards to be removed, and that's why they're there, they're coming after him. so a 10 most of the election, most important election. i think it world history. it's it's, it's such a dangerous time because again, the pentagon is run by the democrats, and that's the big news. they say trump is going to be a dictator of elected. so they're introducing legislation just this week, center blumenthal, district power from president trump,
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who as the executive war power to the senate show that he can't stop riots by black lives matter funded by george soros if he's elected. so they're all fairly planning and from does get elected, which he's about to have a landslide, 50 percent of the vote in iowa against the 3 other candidates for other candidates . so. so no one's ever one. i was more of the 12 percent. okay. right. reagan last it trump is about to win base, but they think with 55 percent of the vote, a giant lance live. so they know he set the weight of the general election. so will they assassinate him? well, they launch a war. well, they watch a cyber attack. well, they plugs the economy. that's all the question, but now they're saying, we have to have a to, to take control the military and the congress never doubted us. that's great, totally illegal. because trump might use the military on them. he's never call for
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that. he's never done that. he's never persecutors, board arrivals. he's all about soft power is all about results and economics. he wants to get nomics, not war. he does think more stupid. he does think it's stupid to have a war for no reason. and they say always here in time military because he doesn't like seeing trips, legs blown off. no, not unless he has to. and so trump is all about prosperity. there are full parenting motives, so they're now saying, wash your post your times. news week. trump is going to be a dictator. so we have to remove the military power from them congressionally before he's elected. so he won't stop wires. they're planning a civil war uprising. it trump gets elected, so these people aren't backing down. the good news is 6 years ago, 7 years ago, the average person didn't know there's, i would tell problem. hey, here's the state behind network obama put these networks and here's their names.
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and then they came after before it, but trump did understand it. now. he knows what's going on. now he understands who the people are. he'll be able to form a government that shuts this psychotic group down. and so what we're hoping for a peaceful transition of power with the american people to reverse theirs. but the democrats now believe he's going to win with such a landslide in the deep state does that they are literally saying they're going to take control the military. i had a trump getting a power, so this is a huge constitutional christ. all right, about trump and the incumbent to you as president job. i didn't have been accusing utah there are being hit the page at hotmail. that rhetoric effect the image of american democracy within the country and even a broad, well got, i've heard put in say that it's good for russia that they're persecuting trump is it shows that the people running america don't have any place to lecture people. i don't care whether you're russia or whether you're china, whether your america we,
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we, we should stand up against intel, jerry and aspects. and i know the numbers are real, output is very, very popular. you doesn't need just to press things. but my point is that i, i have to disagree with that, and i've seen a shorter club. he may have said more in context. i don't think, but america persecuting a popular president, they stole the election from and persecuting a president who's 20 points, added joe biden. and it was about to get 55 percent of the vote. good for other candidates. the primary i don't, i mean i get it's good in one aspect, one level to say it shows that the people running america are bad. i collect state . what's true by putting but if you look at the 2nd 3rd, 4th, 5th order was a good with nazi germany was run by out of network, just really discredited germany. no, the hailey is in danger because of this. and those of us here in america are facing the faith of gonzalo laira. my own reporter just got out of prison,
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where he was of solitary confinement for no reason. they're threatening me with jail. they, they've got groups try it. all i'm saying is, give america goes down and look out. if a washer thinks they got a problem right now, in the deep states able to take out trouble, take us out. nobody's safe. we have something worse than hitler running our government right now, because it's a bunch of bureaucrats and lawyers passed about. they should around these councils and all try that powerful to each other. almost none of them ever been in a fight. almost. none of them are military and so they just make wars to and they sit around and look vitamins that a year ago. we had seen some tags and have succeeded to russia or attributed to ukraine because that's world war 3. and a 6 months later starts doing, they are violating their own common sense because they are incompetent. and so i'm telling everybody don't fear the confidence of america. you should fear the in job,
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but it's of the people that have hijacked. we got plenty of competent people, but they don't want competent people in charge because they threaten their robbing and stealing and eluding the treasury show. that's that, that's my message. everybody here is that job is that we have a very dangerous establishment of control here in america. all right, before i finally let you go, let me ask this question. what are your traditions of projection for these here, both in america and elsewhere in the world. as well, i appreciate the time here with you today and that i just love humanity and i hope we can all live together and i'll kill each other. my predictions are unprecedented . a year you cannot make term while i've expanded wars. i and i think political assassinations, i add and i think a real change, but i can't make a pure prediction about what's going to happen because it's really up to all of us . the outcome of what i'm always be praying is be politically active. we should be
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informing others, and we should be calling for sanity and peace. because that you have j, f k, in christ, you have, you know, new to talk to each other during the cuban missile crisis. so you have a nuclear war, and unfortunately, we don't have people like that in charge anymore over here. and so that's why we need president trump in there to pull us back from the price of a so unprecedented year. and they're talking about a new pandemic. i hope they don't do it out, they don't release a new disease acts about the global as through desperate their cornered rach and that makes them extremely dangerous. and so i think the rhetoric we've seen out of russia is good. we want peace. we don't want more de escalate. unfortunately, nato and sweden are calling for war and all there's the craziness. but again, the amount of the average american does not want war. many of the republicans don't want war. the democrats are desperate because there's
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a political realignment. everyone is leaving them, they're done. there probably won't be a very, there won't be a democratic party in 5 years, or will be a dictatorship. they're done, they're only move now. is to try to seize total power. the, the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground?
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can the breaking news here on our team to national honey ronnie and ministry connelly is reportedly killed in an attack near the pakistani border shortly. i'll tell you, ron, sadie, soccer tal risk group within package sanitary, treat based on nipples to us. we need to stop supporting the killing of sloss. if this does not stop, then we slip. so what do you nice brought up with brother? i think we will you nice will level west in europe to the ground. a member of europe. yes. parliament ones that slavic people with united keep flushes for the crated complex. the end something he said, the web has no interest in an hour to speak to a set of advocates up different months about the current case against these are all in the united nation port. she says the idea if it's coming.


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