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tv   News  RT  January 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the, and iranian military connell is report that they killed in an attack near the pakistani border shortly after you. ronstadt is struck a terrorist group within like this tiny territory. the 1st on nipples here. we need to stop supporting the killing of slows. if this does not stop, then we slots will heat noise product with brother. i think we will you nice and we level west in europe to the ground. a member of europe in parliament, ones that slavic people will unite as he pushes for the training in conflict to n. something he says, the west has no interest in for an hour to speak to the south africa stop. if the current case against these are all in the united nations quote, she says that the idea is committing genocide with the goals are on the 10s of
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thousands of civilians. there is a terrible, terrible smell to that is underway in gaza. people unprotected, the innocence of being killed, women and children, public institutions that should provide supports of health, just being decimated. the numbers are huge, 60 months, somebody's french, much of age, allegedly q in the struck put injured brush in the temporary conducts procession strikes and take south west and fighters in the northeastern ukrainian city of kind of called the i, the desire to international reaching you live for my new center and the russian and capital i, a michael watched out with the updates a report say on the iranian mini,
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3 condo has been killed in an attack near the pakistani border. iranian authorities said of the group of silence, open fire, and his vehicle of the incident came shortly after a ron sadie conducted the mess. i'll strike against the caraway's group impact this type of territory. you rodney is affected by the respects you respect. pack the stands sovereignty and conducted the attack to take out the nice thing, militant group in the 8th border in response practice that has demanded that iran provide proof of that assumption argues use of july the has more interval southeastern border as quickly heightening as the change on august has now responded to it was tuesday bombing over the groups positions in pakistan, virginia short of it has taken responsibility for feeling good. or do you see a virtual in divorce video start off on in southeastern, want your jeezy has announced that terminal will say 90 joe, the founder was returning from an administrative mission on wednesday when he was
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shot dead on the harsh road. the i r g c member was about to be exact along with 2 of his body guards as a result of which he and those 2 bonnie guards weren't killed. it was a, it's investigating visa that breakdown and vowed to punish the perpetrators. the assault took place and day after he wants to use precision this all the drums does try, can destroyed choose, chronicles of injury shown on the in pakistan. southwestern battle, just on the progress is one of the website. the attack on its territory killed 2 children and warranty, one of serious consequences. it is one of the attacks as unprovoked violation of its aerospace, why you're wrong, and now that runs that is always targeted way called which terrorists, august, 1 of the national attack is bad for kills. and as far as you want, also said that the air rate was an actual free advantage to the recent search and
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the judgment attacks. i guess they're one of your border bars. it was seized on a battle just on products. jason on has a history of attacks against the walls armed forces last month. they took responsibility for striving to check point to the city of last is east on and battle, just ongoing 11 border bars and wounding 6 others. jason or the army of justice is known any one has changed to more the army of injustice and is designated here as a tourist organization. jason, i've is actually a separate his own group that operates on both sides of the border with the stated goal of separating it honestly started, but a just on promise from the country which neighbors package that package, that it has the now if he runs the methyl striker in his territory and recalled it's in bassett, a from ted ron last night's unprovoked and blatant breach
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of buck is done so rented by iran is a violation of international law and the purposes and principles of the charter of the united nations. this a legal act is completely unacceptable and has no justification whatsoever focused on results, the right to respond to this illegal act. and the responsibility for the consequences relies clearly with 8 on we have conveyed this message to the government i'll feed on. we have also informed them that bach hassan has decided to recall if some best to do from here on. and that the iranian ambassador, too focused on who's going into visiting here on may not return for the time being . and we have also decided to suspend all high level visits, which were ongoing. our work plans between focused on ended on in the coming days
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boxed on. it goes to bob. but according to luther, pakistani authorities for missiles were fired by uranium forces last night on a residential area in the baluchistan province. according to that information, the attack was on january 16th, around 8 pm. there were rumors about casualties, but today a statement verified the 2 children were killed and 4 girls were severely wounded. their house and the nearby mosque were also damaged. the area targeted by reading and forces is in a mountainous region, about 80 kilometers from pon, score, or reading and authorities claims that they targeted try use audio hide outs with missiles and drones to pakistan for an officer strongly condemned the attack. instead, it's a completely unacceptable violation of pakistan's sovereignty, and there will be serious consequences. such unilateral acts are not in compliance
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with good neighborly relations and can seriously undermine bilateral trust and confidence. additionally, the rainy and charged affairs has been called to the pakistani for ministry. so the government can convey its strongest condemnation, parks pakistan has also expelled the uranium and basset, or in protest and has asked pakistan's the best during t ron to return to his lama. but meanwhile, pakistan's military leadership was summoned to review the situation. here in, pon score, military troops have cordoned off the area and the media has not been given access erosion in political on lives. a said mohammed mirandi believes that the groups targeted by iran, where links to western military intelligence of all of these terrible organizations, whether in northern iraq or in august on or in uh,
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syria in the area is occupied by the terrace. uh, these, these, all these groups, all these tower groups have links with western intelligence agencies. every single one and with this, right. and now that the war in garza is going for me, the united states, there's riley's, they want to increase the pressure on the run. so we've seen the inc, an increase in terror attacks any wrong. so the writing is carried out strikes of syria, which is here, and government had no problem with because these were extreme is that we're also finding the syrians, the rocky government. they protested, understandably, but they also know that they don't have proper control over know the rock in and get the, the, the, the local government is highly influenced by the americans. and so you have, you run into their groups and terrace groups against the wrong base. there and even western a documentary makers and use channels go there and interview them. they have be
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open base and they're, they're out there in the open as well as it does. right? so, of the rocky governments is not happy, but they can't do anything about it. so the money is had to take things into their own hands and they have to strike the same is true and congress on iran is not happy to carry out these traits, but these terror attacks are happening repeatedly any wrong people in the run are very angry at that, that's the running government for doing nothing about it. the pock assigned, the government knows the can't do much about it because it doesn't have much control over there. those areas, your audience have held back for a long time. but ultimately they calculated that they have to hit them before we have uh, another wave of dance in the event in new terra tax. other us, the u. s. has officially classified the many who in this been service? well, the white house said he would, we consider that assessment if a group stops attacking ships and the right c today in response to these continuing
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threats in the tax, the united states. and now, so designation of answer. i'll also known as the who would fees as a specially designated global terrorist. this designation is an important tool to impede terrorist funding to the who fees further restrict or access to financial markets and hold them accountable for their actions. if the who these ceased their attacks and the red sea and gulf of 8 in the united states will immediately re evaluate this designation. while in 30 day is it will go into effect. and essentially, this is the highest level of sanction that the united states government can put on an organization. i will essentially become very serious crimes what any way aid them provide them with financial support or cooperate with some hand. this is not the 1st time they've been designated as such, donald trump listed them as a designated terrorist organization. and it was the bind administration that
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removed the on several off with the movement from the terrorist list because they said that humanitarian efforts to bring food to young men were important. and they wanted to negotiate an end to the war with saudi arabia. and so they lifted the designation shortly after joe biden. so office now at this point, according to the united nations food organization of the food relief organization of the un. uh, roughly 21300000 people in yemen are in danger of mountain nutrition. and that's in a country that only has 31500000 people in the entire country. so there's a huge humanitarian situation there with many people are worried about where their food could come from. and now the united states has designated them as terrorist size designated the who, the movement that controls the area where the bulk of the population lives has designated them as terrace. now this designation. busy make it much more difficult
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to negotiate. a peace resolution, we have forces in the country that are aligned to saudi arabia. the don't recognize that with the movement there's been a truce, there's been declared, but it's still not a single unified government for the entire country. now the whole situation, the red sea started a few months ago, where in response to his rails continued bomb bar is bent of gaza. we had the who's the move, but i'm sure a lot stopping ships in the red sea. essentially, a picket line in forcing a boy in the red sea, demanding that israel stop bombing garza. well, the united states and the united kingdom think this is unacceptable. they say violates freedom of navigation, maritime trade. and rather than putting any pressure on his rail to stop their bombing, they have now taken military action against the how many force. so what's interesting is that joe biden, at the time that he lifted the designation of on this or a lot,
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it was the movement as terrorist. he also said that he was going to and the war and yeah, and, but now it seems pretty clear the buying has done the office. yes, escalated the were in yemen by getting the united states and britain directly involved the united states is carried out airstrikes against forces. uh the who. the forces have retaliated against the united states shooting missiles, etc. we're now seeing a wave of strikes from forces that are similarly sympathetic to iran and friendly to iran. this is a situation that many fear could really lead to an escalation and perhaps an all out war in the region. and many look on and say, this is the united states really showing how fully committed it is to enabling israel to continue as bombard. because not only are they protecting israel at the united nation, they are going as far as bombing, those who would block is really ships in protest. it is really activities. and now the forces that have blocked the ships are designated as terrorists. let's not
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cross live to political analysts, sean stone. johnny is from california and the united states. sean is good to have you join me right now. what are your thoughts on the united states reclassifying to who the movement as a terrorists out or as terrorist after previously withdrawing the designation? yeah, i can't say that i'm particularly surprised about designated them as such a given that 1st of all, the us loves that designation. of, of political movements that it doesn't, that doesn't agree with globally. but obviously the us has already launched spearheaded this coalition of about 20 countries to try to sort of, you can save by the hudy's. i mean, they're trying to keep these 8 the red c channels open for shipping. but yes, they've obviously speedo and had missile strikes against that. who do so i don't see this as being a, any kind of
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a surprise or shock. alright. i think you're saying the washington is designation of those who these as international terrorists will affect the situation in the red sea and the broad region. yeah, i mean it's, it's very curious to see how this will escalate things. i mean, again, we know that the us has branded many organizations around the world as terrorists and it terrorism is a label that, frankly, and i'm sure many people around the world would call, for example, the democratic party of their public and party terroristic. for some of their bombings of other countries, for example. so it's, it's very much in the eye of the beholder. the who to use uh are, are clearly they are targeting ships and shipping. so they are constructing commerce. and this is going to be a big issue for the supply chain as, as, as we know. and you know, the by the administration is calling for a supply chain awareness month or something in april. i mean, it's kind of a silly concept, but the point is that we realize that this is going to be
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a major issue going forward and you know, in who knows how long this lasts. if this continues, i think duties. main issue is, is over the israel war, but um, and the underlying problem is labeling. someone has a terrorist group just like we've seen now with them us doesn't mean that you're necessarily going to be able to obliterate the right. now what is a likelihood by the united states forces would escalate and expand their bombing campaign across the yeah, many territory with this new designation. that's right. so i think the most interesting publication we saw a couple of days ago with the us navy seals when missing, present perhaps they, they, they are dead. but they basically were trying to, uh, target a ship and they successfully target is a ship that was apparently coming from a ron to supply weapons to the who, the so this really is the, the bigger, you know, i'd say the, the bigger issue at stake here. is escalating to bring a run into a direct conflict with the us. we know the neo cons would love nothing more than to
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go to. ready the wrong but it would obviously inflame the, the whole region and would so anyway, be a, for example, in particular, in a very precarious situation. the saudis had been at war with the, with that, with these, you know, for the last, the 767 years, and then finally made peace and as well, they may be so there on. so if this escalates, this would could create serious problems between sony and she and will, and golf the region. now this is not the 1st time. washington has to use the tyrell cards to justify boosting its military presence in the middle east. what the, in your opinion, what's the end gave me here in the larger picture of us and not are you. right, right. so again, i mean, we talked about the potential and games. and the neo con perspective is going to be a war with the ron, which again, is almost uh, you know, a new becomes almost like a world war because it involves so many countries, as we know, the countries like the china, you know, china and russia,
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that have been essentially, economically supplying and militarily supplying iran. and then obviously the sushi division that will be sparked by that type of conflict. it would, it would be, have global implications. but, but right now it seems that again, the us is, you know, claiming they're trying to keep the supply chains. you know, moving already ships are having to redirect around the red sea, which will slow things down to lay things in it. it really is. it could, it, could this, could this think this, the supply chain issue through the red sea, you know, frankly the who tease on a very strong situation there. but there we have very strong position. and as we've seen just bombing them as not made them back down, it's only in fact i think in bold in them to, to basically, to pursue this path. all right, we're saying this conflict stringing more countries into it, into the ring. acetate, if we have to look towards the issue of the escalation peas and normalcy,
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which country is being you see bringing all of us to the table to say guys, i think it's time to for us to call and quit here when it comes to that you know, getting, finding a way for them there. what are you seeing in that regard? yeah, i mean, it's a, that's a curious thing, isn't it? that maybe us clearly is not gonna play a better role in which you know, it's so unfortunate because finally we did see the escalation of the conflict of the civil war and in the i'm and, and then here we obviously coming right back to it because of the israel war, there is some the, the escalation, i understand in israel itself pulling out a division of troops for example, from, from gaza under us pressure. so i think that a, if you see the, i think if the israel war with i'm us, squires down and find some piece, i do think that would lead to a to the, to the duties. the basically quieting and not being astride and tear. and there are tax, the, maybe the key country could be saudi arabia and d, u a, because again,
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they were involved in the war so heavily in bombing of, of young men and, and fighting the booty. so actually they, i think, as i mentioned because they are more, let's say sony at the country is that there, there are a leaders of, of, of this, of sony as long as very wealthy countries in the region. i don't think they want to see a total regional if not global war escalating in their back yard. so i think that they have a they could play a key role here and funding piece, right? we have to living here. now sean, still in political analysts. thank you for talking to us right now. sure. the over now in this trash but pensions are high. you the, you upon event where officials had been debating the blocks latest weapons in cash packet for ukraine is locked in member of european parliament cold in the west of nations to stop shipping bombs to key if he wants of a unified slavic retaliation in the blood shed does not stop the best on maple seal
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that we need to stop supporting the killing of sauce. if this does not stops, then we slips. well, he night brought up with brother. i think we will you nice and will level west in europe to the ground. i'm sure no one here wants that the crating and conflicts is us problem, things that a global interest, the u has become a vessel in the united states. we must stop peace towards been without the participation of the americans. we must stop this mode. so it looks like i'm very impressed. mister victoria obama has found an ally within the european union in driving cleaners. the low rate of the wall when it comes to you free. and now i assume vacuum prime minister robert feet. so elected just last october. now, during bilateral talks between the 2 countries, due to pass on monday or bon, explain why he refuses to bias on viewing the another or massive cash windfall of european tax their cash for ukraine to give away 50000000000 euros from the budget
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for 4 years in advance is a violation of the u. sovereignty and national interest. we do not even know what will happen in a quarter of a year. fairly leaders are set to meet again, brussels on february, 1st to see if they can approve this funding for from the use on budget. but they're already reporting the i'm a plan b whereby countries could contribute voluntarily and also voluntarily commit political suicide with their citizens. wonder why say, from gary ends to just your own tax money now. so you lawmakers are so exasperated by on getting in the way of the establishment agenda, which they really seem to want to show on the toes down. everyone's throws that $120.00 of them have now signed a petition earlier this month, demanding that we're about to be stripped of voting rights, all together for us to bring democratic institution. so just this up here to defend
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democracy. they want to basically just separate it themselves, so the, so is it to, with the idea on res, right? just be taken away just as the president that says for all of the you. meanwhile, inside b u clout and this week in european parliament, this is a war the could have been preventive. a lot of the stuff is there is a protected to what we didn't want piece. we want the war. we once it's more than us, they help poxy war in the effort to damage russia. we spent billions of the your types because money, if you're doing a water, wasn't in our interest, i just had to destroy your pray and for. busy good reason war that it's now openly acknowledged co defendants. in the 1st few months of the west cabin space of the april 2022 p steel. you want the citizens of your up to cost more fuel for the fire in military assistance. and you have the gas to be,
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to say that that is going to help ukraine, the only people you're have, but are the shareholders in the arms companies. now your commitment to ongoing more might be on shaky people, don't expect a citizen. so if you're up to follow suit, the sounds like a phone, please come newton made so on why and some of the voices are demanding peace. but over in the other cloud right now at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, you free and president myers wednesday, who's american made training. wheels are still very firmly attached. so he's trying to argue that he needs more weapons to teach defending the entire western world. no less than that needs to do with alaska. i'm to strengthen our economy and we will strengthen your security. oh, yeah, sure. body. when the world needs defending the guy writing the field calendar events, it will totally be at the top of the list. wonder to wall street,
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big wigs is these hang out where it's over there and those are where that is. economic advisor was threatening now personally with war crimes, prosecutions for engaging with russian energy companies back in august of 2022. not sure nonsense about ukraine defending the galaxy is going to successfully convinced to throw more cash or maybe just bring a pull next time and somebody's 5 deals. last year it has conducted the professions tried to destroy military facility in the northeast, and you create in the safety of how to cough the building was used as a temporary deployment point for foreign troops. subbing and key of armed forces. russia as defense, ministry, set of astride, killed 60 soldiers, and when did at least another 20. i'll take a response where i've got the, i've got the details. well, this is the latest strike strike on a building or a base. where for much as soon as you create in naturalist of staying have go to
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the over the last several weeks, then be the get. a few of such strikes will, will be great and good. the not lose a huge 60 months and these fridge. much of these allegedly killed in the struck put get injured, which is especially the huge drop, a considering good off to the 1st few months of uh, of this conflict waiting for much do you need most of these? um, are you kidding me? that you had loved the last time, they tried not to place too many people in one place. at the same time, evidently here they had gotten neither complaisant uh, lazy. this comes on the heels of a statement uh, by the administration of preference president, divide your macro and saying that they have to put a huge new arms package for you credit, even though it's the united states and other european nations pulled back on a well. well i,
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that's who stop it completely the way the and foreign minister retreat clear, but in a very characteristic fashion has been a, a dramatic p all campaign to convince western countries to provide ukraine with more weapons with more mutation. saying that if need be great means would fight with shovels in one stripe with 60 to have died is indeed a huge loss, especially considering that you can use to reflect to, to secure and to keep safe international troops because them died. obviously is a huge blow the gradient reputation to the pre pre stage, especially at the time when weston countries haven't watched the media or having 2nd thoughts about the creative compensation. increasingly the piece towards negotiations all the way forward as opposed to what we uh, in the past where we have you, if you need to,
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officials coming out and saying that victory will piece because it's complete because it will be achieved on the battlefield. a political commentator, john, brake mon sides of the western powers should receive their commitments to ukraine each engine. most of these, i think friends should think about these commitment to this. well, we just nothing. there ain't that thing. there's nothing deem that i. so if any of you in counseling, the work with every name the, the name for the 2022, is that the negotiation and now expands and the acts of a n s. the and the see that the chain ends are mobilizing more and more people that mobilizing women that's trying to be nice. people are afraid up on and try to get them send back to the chain readings and up to the disaster. and the solution would be negotiation, but it seems to be the case that the americans are pushing for well, and then i think the present administration, we'd like to walk through last,
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at least in the next election. so that it doesn't look like the fetal then of about like i believe it's time to make sure that international conventions a use for the good, the regular people. the country is foreign minister and the lady ponder said this and an exclusive interview with archie. she explains why suffice like a has a key was these role and validating the genocide convention and the war in gaz. it is a terrible, terrible slaughter that is underway in gaza. and despite to a whole host of promised protections of the civilian population that is innocent of the home that was done by how most people unprotected the innocence of being killed, women and children, public institutions that should provide support and help just being decimated.
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and we felt as a country and as a signal treat to a range of international uh, conventions that just time we make conventions work for the good of ordinary people . and that we could not idly as a member states of the u. s. s. search by and watch this as though it's a full that we needed to step up. and the drawer to the world's attention. a better genocide is underway in our view and let the world decides through the international court of justice. whether there's merits in finding that the is genocide underway and whether they could provide provisional measures to at least offer protection to the palestinian people essentially being aware of oppression.


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