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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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of the pocket sound carries out for times, trying to be getting through raining territory with local officials, saying 9 civilians has been killed also ahead the us phones additional sites in yemen, claiming to target who'd be in for a structure in an apparent violation of international law us along with the u. k. and some of their other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable ruler of international law. and indonesia is set to a pay in front of the international court of justice to present arguments against the is wally occupation, a palace to the entire pre. the
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very will welcome to you. this is on the international we didn't get the very lights as well as news out. days as always is great to have your company. now the top story this, our pockets done has confirmed that it has car without strikes against the rain. the entire tree is mom about the stage that targeted quote, terrorist cells in the neighboring country is but it shows the optimize of the bloss, local officials say, 9 civilians were killed in the attack. the deputy security chief of the se iranian region set the following details. it was that the, today we became aware that an explosion happens in a village near serve and city at 4 30 am. after the analysis, we have determined that the explosion happens at a village, 3 kilometers from the border. we understand that the victims are not uranium citizens, the cases under investigation and we will inform the public, our border patrols the i r g c and our friends in the army are now securing the
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border of the as and there are no concerns regarding security. their purchase that's at a target at the height, allison training camps have a separate his group, in se iran who are designated by pakistan as the terrorists around 4 30 am local time. several explosions were heard around the city of set off on india, on cspan. and beto just found province which neighbors package them. shortly after the incident packet, spence foreign ministry announced that the country launched a precision strikes targeting of the sanctuary. use of quote, the terrace sheltering and ungoverned parts of it runs bordering areas with pakistan. she attack came a day after pakistan vowed serious consequences over a wrongs tuesday attacked on the j shore to either the militant group and south west pakistan, which is little more about granted as a violation of its air space. on wednesday, the judgment either which is designated by your want as a tower group, which highly aided by killing and they want it on your gc member. now pakistan's to
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solve seems to be a response to it. once tuesday strikes is normal, but i said that it does not mean to violate it wants territory, but it was a pursuit of the national security of pakistan. bach. hassan will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. focused on fully respects the silver empty, intentionally, the integrity of the stomach republic of fear on the sole objective of today's act was in pursuit of focused on its own security and national interest, which is that amount and cannot be compromised purchased as the tax also target attempts belonging to the battle just on liberation, army and the battle just on liberation. front 2 militant groups that seek succession from package, then the b i have has now confirmed via text by releasing his paper. and the surgeon group has in the past, claim responsibility for several operations. impact is bad. now,
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pakistan's for industries as it has in the past, shared its concerns about what is called the safe havens of the terrorist. but due to lack of action on the part of the groups continued to quote spilled a lot of innocent pack is that he's so bored are violations aside. it's safe to say that $101.00 is mom about to have not targeted each other, but have essentially helped one another illuminated by the surgeon groups that both have long been fighting. china is a partner and ally of those pockets done on the ron. and how's cold on countries bordering the conflicts to exercise restraint for the sake of security and stability to fund the chinese side, sincerely hopes that the 2 sides can exercise calm and restrained and avoid an escalation of tension. we're also willing to play a constructive role in de escalate in that situation. if both sides need that we're just doing the less down to political on the less the robots in like hash stays around, is responding to washington, sponsoring of different attacks throughout the region. i may feel emboldened with
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these by remaining lots of accountable for its assault on gaza. well, there's a few things to on back here. obviously we don't have all of the details yet, but we've heard that these are all non ronnie ends who were killed in the strikes. so it would suggest that there was a sort of trade off here that the iranian struck inside of august on against a terrorist organization that is carried out dozens of attacks inside of the iranian territory in which the box on the authorities haven't done anything about. and then don't prescribe is a terrorist organization over inbox on as well, but of course boxed on and says that it's sovereignty is violated. another aspect of this here is that when the united states is historically carried out, it strikes on pockets donnie territory against various different groups. the buckets, donnie governments, has not acted against the united states in a way. a run is also maybe in bold and because they look at what is religious doing very little accountability to their actions on the run say as well. why can't we
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look out for our own interests? there's the fact that the israelis and the americans are carrying out frequent attacks or using terrorist organizations throughout the region to target their, on their ronnie and officials. iranian interests. and of course, the international community does nothing about it international laura is not upheld . and then when iran, for instance, carried out its retaliatory attacks just a few days ago when it struck inside of syria and iraq in, nor for the iraq. this happened in accordance to what has been the president said in the region. international law is not respected by the israelis and the americans . it is not respected by these various terrorist organizations. and so the iranians look at it, well, why not do the same thing and protect our interests? and then the us capital for members of congress have created a cool cause to support the exiled a rainy and function, much ahead data, a cadillac. the group was full, many listed as a terrorist organization. fine,
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washington state correspondent don't quote, to explain or from terrorist or freedom fighter. and that's how a new caucus of congress warhawks is flipping the script when it comes to a rebel group called the people's moods or high d nor m e k. and iran. congressman goes there supports freedom in iran, the ashcroft locust chairs that go the expectation is for a peaceful change to organically come from the people of iran at no point has congressman goals are supported us military intervention in iran, nor would he congressman goals are would never support military intervention, according to a leaks letter from the head of this new caucus, they're already talking about fighting for regime change against what they call in able dictatorship and the organization they want to do. their bidding was officially considered a terrorist organization not so long ago. 1 it's got many baffled as to just how far politicians are willing to go to attack or wrong. the fact that the documents, it's called like organization, with a history of terrorism, human rights abuses and committed atrocities along side. so don't say that again
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endorsed by lawmakers in washington is a testament of how much money and power is behind the poll with their bond infrastructure here. because itself is comprised of both republicans and democrats, some of which are former trump administration officials like mike pon, pale, and mike pence, high profile players in washington. throwing their weight behind a group whose headquarters in albania was rated on suspicion that its members were committing cyber crimes and other provocative activities. on top of that, the organization seems to function more like a cult than a political organization. according to human rights watch, its leaders have ordered meetings and torture against members accused of stepping out of line. i feel my n q, a members reboot abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave the organization. the length is sold, 3 confinements severe, beatings and torture discipline members. the m q. health, political dissidents,
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and it's internal prisons. you're going to not noises, and later, 10 to the many of them. do you rock? yes. will reduce will help them novel, great terrorists, criminals and torture. it's not a great book for washington's foes turned friends, especially if the us actually believes they're going to be able to rally the arabian people for a full scale regime change. now to southern garza, where are these 20 civilians, including children, have supposedly been killed overnight as the as well booms. the city of rasa that brings being played. dest told her, of a 24000. and since october, the 7th, as according to palestinian officials, video footage shows the moments off the latest blanket, a residential building which had been full of people. 2 small children were reportedly killed, one of them just 2 years old, 12 rescue was managed to recover a go from the rebels. the south of the young clay, which has been deemed to say so now hosts around 2000000 displaced, palestinians,
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local journalists, rami, on the gallery, reports from the area. the said over night, there have been dozens of people killed and dozens others. and your because of is really iris drags oliver for various parts of the gaza strip, including gruff off city hey, are in size, rain guards, us tube aware about 20 people have been reportedly killed during an error strike on a home and eastern rough uh city. and that this is not the only a home target advisor, 80 hours strikes and drop off over the past at 48 hours or the past few days. actually, a series of various drives had the rough i city, which is the home to now home to hundreds of thousands of this place, follows to indians from different parts of the gaza strip. to make suggest that
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their, their 1 point one pointed 3000000. palos 10 is displaced and drop off the city and the northern gauze of the ideas used $315.00 minds to blow up a deserted palestinian university bill was a, according to palestinian authorities. oh universities and guns that have been damaged or destroyed. you are a much human rights melissa. it says it was the last university still standing in the enclave. meanwhile, a video allegedly showing in his way the soldiers shooting the palace, sending us a check points near jerusalem as gains traction. according to reports, the incident occurred in late december tease middle east bureau chief, maria, for notional has more days. house. it says this video was filmed at the end of december. this area has gone through quite a transformation is really forces have removed an orange barrier, replacing it with blocks that you can see behind me. soldiers are no longer
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stationed at the blog posts. nothing remains that could tie this place to the side of a deadly shooting by the i d. f for the edge of the attack has recently done viral in it. we can see what the check point looked like before it was swept clean and the shooting itself. wide car pulls up to the bay area from the side and we see that the woman gets out of the vehicle. most likely surprised at the appearance of this new check point. one of many that were erected off to the start of these really military operation and gaza. this particular check point was set up to block the road that leads to jerusalem for what these rarely is called security reasons. the woman who go out from the wide called notice is a man named mohammed approaching the bay area. we would later found out that she was his neighbor. she asks him for help and relieved that someone would finally open the gate. she returns to her con,
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as mohammed continues to approach the barrier, looking relaxed and confident. as soon as he tries to open the gate, he's short buys, where the soldiers, who were not visible before they opened fire, while we were filming the area and threes. rarely, soldiers came up to us to check what who were doing, and they confirmed the shooting. had happened as being that the gate smoke had been broken into the morning, leaving them on high alert. we reached off to mohammed's family to hear what they have to say about the incident. they refused to talk on camera, fearing for their safety. how much was 37 years old, left behind a wife and 7 children. so as a war began in gaz, attention as have reached the boiling point all across the was student territories . while the west bank, israel has increased its military presence, conducting res, bringing at least 2 units and officially arresting $2701.00 to palestinians. his real claims that almost half of them belonged to him. as the probably student house
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ministry says, more than 360 palestinians have been killed including miners and more than 3500. others have been wounded in the west bank since the start of the war. the number of violent attacks on palestinians by is really settlers have also increased exponentially across the west bank. experts say the current touring guys on has and least new anger and that anger is being directed at ordinary palestinians. and while the situation here is always being tens, it is now certainly escalating very good option oxy, resulting from palestine and denisia is now challenging as well as okey patient of palestine on farm. and as the rest of them as 2 days says that preparing legal arguments for the international court of justice, international law must be upheld the right of the posting and people to self determination must be respected. israel's occupation of palestine which has lasted
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for more than 70 years, will not erase the right of the palestine and people to independence and into the mason. international law are exposed phase. the main, the list that the i c j's decision can only be advisory. contrary to the south african legal case against as well. it is of course uh the advice of opinion is not the same as a uh, i see the court decision. advisory opinion has only a quote unquote uh, more binding. and this is addressed to the uh, organs of the united nations, which, uh, in this case uh, address through the united nations general assembly i bets one. secondly, uh if uh the i c d, meet that advisory opinion and, and if it is it and people are off. uh the people of the tell us fine. uh the question is whether it's ro,
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we'll observe the advisory opinion. really i, caesar, i'll say that yes uh you know, is that i don't have uh the pipe palestine illegally because that is the main question being asked to the i see to us both is have long stay fresh round it strikes on who's the rebels and yeah, and then who was supposed to be open, i to talk against the u. s. best. so the russian environment is like a non profit accuse. the washington led coalition of legitimate bullying and facing may have in the middle east release of the us along with the u. k and some of their other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that merely called for the protection of commercial shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb human. what is being done regarding government is may him be excuses coming from washington?
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i would say, sounds pathetic. the tensions in the region have been spiraling since january. the 12th when us and u. k. forces began filming multiple areas held by the government. a who's the group dependency going to say is the goal of the right taxes to we can the who's the rebels? yeah. many groups claims to be targeting ships affiliated with as well. and its allies that are so supposed full garza aussies showing the jeep and ski takes a closer look now would be, who sees in yemen on that object? the u. s. and u. k. have attacked. yeah, i'm in the pack of west and will power has struck cruise the positions in the country saying the group has terrorized the key in to national trade route of its shows. we will make sure that we respond but over the last month we seen a significant increase in the number of who's the attacks on commercial shipping in
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the red sea. and that's why i made the decision without always to take what i believe to be necessary, proportionate and talk through the action against military targets, to degrade and disrupt capability. we wouldn't hesitate to protect lies and ensure the safety of commercial shipping. who sees have said they would not step back and any of the us attack would trigger an even greater response in the american and british animated bass full responsibility for its criminal aggression against all. yeah, many people, it will not go on that, so it's unpunished. this isn't the 1st time america has attempted to bring those who fees down it previously backed saudi arabia, which tried for almost a decade to fight the great but failed time and time again for many across the world. the who sees all the face of a winning resistance,
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love and respect to host the fighters fight the color noises. imperialism bravely who sees a hero's. we respect the who sees for what they fight for a cease fire and they to be sent in the west of the bad guys and the public is against them. so boy scouts beginning us u. k. embarrassing. i've loaded my hats and presented my respect to the fifty's heroes of this great sacrifice. so who all the whose face the group takes its name from the so name of it's really lead to this is who saying i'll who feet of the who feet tried a creating to permanent spelling a civil war in him. and that the term on in the country eventually led to the removal of precedents law. that was back in 2011. now he was replaced by a new government which was backed by saudi arabia and the us. but the new president had the i'm good money with plans to change the way the funds were being dvd up
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across. yeah. many regions now opposition groups including the for the fees claim. this would see the countries oil will confined to the to least populated preferences who sees playing that the government was corrupt and based, managing the country. it took control of the capital son forcing present and had the to flee and read. no, i think a civil war. we are forming a revolutionary committee and the transitional national council, which will replace the now the solve the house of representatives and the office of the president international phase. things started to really heats up with saudi arabia and the us got even more involved now as the, who's these power expanded, the gain control of what nearly all of the countries north. and as you can see, this land bowed his head with saudi arabia, the kingdom, and other countries in the gulf corp counsel offered that backing to press students,
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how deep the security and stability of the m. and have been shaken by cool. that the who is the malicious, carried out against the legitimate authorities. these developments also constituted a major threat to the security and stability of the region and the threat to international peace and security over 8 is the saw. the lead campaign initially launched with the monica operation decisive stool boomed areas of young men held by the who fees. it was supported with the us logistics and intelligence was an array of western countries, provided weapons to saudi arabia, the intervention to help push young men to the brink. what followed was a humanitarian disaster. human remains the world's worst communitarian crisis, an estimated 4500000 people are permanently displaced. the risk of a large scale farm and in the country has never been more acute. it was costly for
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the saudis to, it's estimated that the kingdom was spending some $200000000.00 per day to sustain the at ground in c opperation. but despise it. all the saudis failed to make a dent on who sees power and its military bases. now in 2022 a ceasefire, it was agreed who sees, have since consolidated, holding control of much of the west. and also the north of you had been the business went up to 80 percent of the country's population lives in these lands. and yet, despite the clear failure of the saudi level for ration over many years, and one that was back to the health by weapons from the west. hey, we all again, western countries, giving it a 2nd shot, and seemingly unable to learn the lessons from the past. political analysts who say
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now because he says that well, washington's bronzing of the who seizes terrorist will not make much of a difference for him. and it does so the us is sticking to prism the conflict a stadium and we didn't have like a good ties with united states could almost died out of this type of things. i mean, it will make no difference. that's why they should actually lead and know that the m and will continue with that. that is a clear message ad, do they nice day that or this at that as well? both in on satellite and in this circle at the list actually will look at defeat the many, using force. it will get the united states no way to do. it just gets more support for a you have any army. i believe that they nice that will keep the continued. i thought it would be i like than the world and indeed united you could break out everywhere . so the out of the one who is actually a beautiful responsibility so i can do to the ukraine conflicts. now,
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russia says it's military is killed at least 60 and wounded 24 in most scenarios, when mostly french nationals and a high precision strike russian forces, talking to the building with foreign fighters and been stationed. their talk is in line with intensified operations across you train with 41 strikes current balance in the last week alone. as, according to the russian ministry of defense, the choice. com is france has promised to send more weapons to kias, including for the loan grange missiles. the russian investigative committee also has filed charges and up send show again 68 to move forward. mess scenarios from 7 countries have been fighting, and the ukraine conflicts for lauren historian joined in the studio by sonya vanden and the an independent journalist. buddy, thanks for joining us in the studio today. it's lovely to see you. so what she says that most of the far and most and every is killed in this latest drive where from, from watching this thing, the french government, housing commented on the danger is tied to participating in the war and u. k. well,
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because the french government is earning money from the ukraine conflict, like my concepts yesterday at the world economic forum. that's, you know, the earning money from the weapons sales there, or the weapons delivery. so, and it's promoted in the, in the whole of europe. it's the, the legion of for the, for legion, for the defense of ukraine. so people throughout europe can apply to, and yeah, i can go to ukraine to fight. so actually it's, it's a european projects. you can come and you can fight. and so they will not say anything because they don't want the conflict to ends and especially with us at france is, yeah, they're all getting money from the conflict. and that's very terrible. if you think about is because, you know, it's war to conflict. so it's a, yeah that, that's why like you were saying friends and this allies that continue to support we have despite no significant changes on the front line that we can see,
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they keep saving more owns and needed to continue this fight. how does this position influence the most and every willingness to join ukrainian forces? well, i think it influenced them a lot. and i think a lot of mercenaries from europe are eager to join this leak. because uh, you know, the, its promoted by their governments and a lot of people maybe like in from state, joins in the early days or maybe they still do the foreign legion. that's very famous. i mean, lots of young man, one to join them to fight. and so, and also the propaganda now is speeding up the they are saying and whole of europe . every news outlet is coming with this last few weeks. that's actually we're going to has a war with russia, which is, yeah, it is a new to a score. so, but this is the propaganda and this is what they are saying. so people get the little bit brainwash that i think there's a lot of young men are eager to come to fight. and when it comes to certain
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mercenaries or from from some particular how transparent, how does the french government being providing the public with either reliable information about the number of mess and every sufficing for key avenue for, well, not at all, or we have to find out i mean, you have to do your investigation and a lot of doing that is this. and what was find out in the beginning? it was around one home that's from from, but now i think often nearly 2 years. so we don't know the numbers, maybe 200 to 300, maybe more. nobody knows. mean there are no list that you can find some names who are killed the and i think ela moved. it's the front of the journal. the from the newspaper did some investigation and found out that there were a few mercenaries in hospital french mercenaries, but this was a while ago. so. but the x x x numbers it's, it's hard to get it so because they are totally in secrecy, they don't want to come without that. so many people are fighting there because of
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course it's, yeah, you can say natal related because actually natal members in virginia are from nato states and they are fighting in ukraine. so it's like, it was like in syria or the other conflict. europe is something it's mercenaries. um of course it's a proxy or the 1st interesting it is they may last. yeah. the french police actually detained 2 french nationals who took part in the hostilities and ukraine. they accused them of suggesting frances national security. so how does serving and ukraine influence their actions that codes? well, i don't know the exact story about this too, but maybe they a joint is neo nazi battalions. maybe they because also a battalion of from who forth was fighting and syria. they are actually do had this, and they say that like in the heart, a 2 months, there was a battalion, but a boost is donny who was fighting dad. so i presume that this to mercenaries maybe
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belong to that battalion. and of course, europe is having this policy, that's a most lim or islam terrorist or that's how they call them. do you have this? are the danger for them? so i think it's somehow in this way, that's why they may be detained because you know, lots of battalions are neo nazis in and ukraine. that'd be awesome fatality. and so, and your, if it's not saying anything because they saying all, you know, the, as the telling maybe a few years ago, they had some rights extremist ideas. but now that's all okay. you know, they are fighting for the freedom for the ukrainian people. so, i mean, this is all going to dixie. yeah, it's a complex 70 life space. thank you so much for coming in and speaking to me today is lovely to see you. we've been talking to independent dutch journalists, sonya, of on demand that. thank you. thank you. very much. mm hm. well we, well e, your commission, presidents, us live on the line so we can get the wells economics for i'm saves. russia is unable to achieve its strategic goals and the conflicts on ukraine has every chance
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to succeed. if suppose continues russia is failing on strategic goals, it is 1st and foremost, the military, family rushes failures. also economic sanctions have a couple of fits economy for modern technology and innovation. russia is now dependent on china and all of this tells us that ukraine can prevail in this war. but we must continue to empower that resistance. ukrainian sneak predictable financing throughout 2024. and beyond the 1st time the president has predicted that russia face is ruined due to e. u. sanctions of the for last year, she will and the sanctions with leads the russian economy into a 10 year recession. however, the russian has managed to avoid risk and policing calling.


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