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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EST

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even genocide, the west is quickly losing any claim. tomorrow's fury or the the many armed forces emphasized the responses to american and british defense uninhabitable boots, the armed forces struck another american ship near him and of the rebels followed the deep red tele, a thing for relentless western attacks. on the r a pen, 3 the us president dollars to keep the bombing e m, and despise admitting. now the week of western strikes us so far as fail to deter the duties from attacking commercial ships in the red sea. the while in southern jobs at 5 civilians are reportedly killed in the latest idea of
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strikes. the near total communications blocked out across the pallet, standing in place on the idea of destroys the last university standing and goes up making it the latest known latrete target to be reduced to rubble of the across the globe around the clock. this is our t international, it is 9 am and most a welcome to then use our the u. s. military house confirmed that's who's a rab. busy launched missiles out in the american own cargo ship off the coast of human this friday morning. the us central come out and claims the best sold was not it, but the who t's say otherwise. not the human enabled forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel, came ranger in the gulf of ad and using the number of naval missiles. thanks to god
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city. the most precise and direct of the many armed forces emphasized the responses to american and british offences are inevitable, and any further offence will be made by retaliation and punishment. it comes a day after american forces launched a fresh round of strikes on scoots the targets inside them and washington state use . it's miss files targeted more than a dozen rebel military sites. tensions in the region of been spiraling since january 12th, when the us and british military's began bombing multiple areas held by the who tease the western coalition, a sold came and response to hootie attacks on cargo ships linked to israel over it's assault on gals that president biden stays, the us will keep bombing in despite ceiling to the turn of the who t's after a week of the strikes the
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well in terms of water reaction, rushes foreign minister has accused the washington leg, coalition of a legally bombing human on further destabilizing the middle east leasing us along with the u. k. and some of its other allies have violated and trampled on every conceivable rule of international law, including a security council resolution that nearly called for the protection of commercial shipping. nobody gave anyone the authority to bomb young and what is being done regarding young man is may him, the excuse is coming from washington. i would say, sound pathetic. well, we got analysis of the situation from canadian untoward act. this kennestone who's up in the washington is feeling at its military current. it's falling back on its military might as us global influence. he says, increasingly in the united states, i think realizes that it's still, even though it's not a unipolar world anymore,
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i think they are beginning to realize that they still have the vast miss for ponderings of military might in the world. and i think that they are going to try and use their military force to restore their hedge and monique, over the middle east, that they had since the end of the 2nd world war. and they had all over the world. but they have rapidly frittered away in afghanistan, can ukraine and, and syria, and other places. but they're still intent on being staying the top dog. and it's very profitable for the us to do so because they has a huge military industrial complex that makes trillions of dollars for the the, for the one percent in the us. so why should they change or the relevance foreign minister has endorsed the hoots a stance that the rebel troops attacks on ships and the red sea are essentially
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retaliation for israel warren gals. and an end to the genocide in gaza will bring the end of military action on the crises in the region security. and the rest is tied to developments in gaza and everyone will suffer if israel's crimes that do not stop bull front. so the resistance will remain active. washington however, has claimed there's no connection between the us bach. there's really assault on gals that on the actions of the who t rebels. the arguments, this is about the war and guys mean they're just driving the stake through a strong man. there's nothing there, what's happened and what is happening actually. and they would see is absolutely committed to what is happening to the people of goza at the u. s. and now it just escaping forward and releasing and cause inconsistent statements of i don't know just to comply with the reality. the many people have supported these attacks as they are only against this really vessels that they are absolutely supporting is
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the palestinians. and the many army has made it clear that if you want us to stop these attacks, we have to stop the attacks against the policy and people and goes about no america . it does not want to maintain its interest in, in the region. i believe that they want to turn the region into a box. it was viewed by uh, targeting the many people and is parking a regional role. and maybe they will even use the proxies in the region in the coming days. well, washington maintains it still pushing for the creation of an independent, palestinian state. our that hygiene has not been explicitly rejected by israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu stubs was rebuffed by the us state department without a tangible path to the stablish man of a palestinian state. there are no other partners in the region who are going to
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step forward and help with the reconstruction of gaza. there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and help establish palestinian lead governance of gods. and there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and integrate with israel and make further assurances about israel's long term security. so that's just the reality is that the united states exerting pressure or not is the reality of the situation that is real faces. and without making some of these tough choices that we've outlined, that will continue to be the reality and there will be no actual solutions to any of those very real short, medium and long term problems before is the bucket. and any arrangements in the foreseeable future with an arrangement with allison arrangement, the states of israel must have security control over all the territory west of the jordan river. this is a necessary condition and it conflicts with the idea of palestinian sovereignty. what can we do? our shed this truth with our american friends, and i also stop the attempt to impose reality on us that would harm as well. security prime minister in israel should be able to say no,
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even to our best friends, to say no when necessary. and to say yes, if possible, can say, well in a recent interview, us talk, diplomats, i'm think like in said the countries around the globe wants to see washington's leadership in their regions. but the pronouncement contrast shop with plenty of public statements to the country from those officials worldwide. here's what i've taken away from, from about 30 years of doing this. the one when america is not engaged when we're not leading them one or 2 things, either someone else's and maybe not in a way that advances are interesting values or maybe just as bad. no one is and you get a vacuum that's filled usually by bad things before. so by good things, what i'm hearing around the world everywhere i go is i'm a 1st hunger, a desire for our engagement, for our leadership. after over throwing government's killing the leaders of sovereign nations and disregarding international law, washington somehow convinced that people are just begging for the us to spread
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democracy to their country by blinking comments, commas, the iraqis are trying to get the americans out as the us prepares to send another $1500.00 soldiers to a rock and syria. baghdad is trying to get the ball rolling on the withdrawal of us troops as soon as possible. lets degree and the time frame for the coalition is exit that a squeak so that they don't remain long and it's ex, keep happening. iraq's pm, even double down on his position to the wall street journal, saying there is no longer a justification for the us led coalition existence and with washington's on yielding support for israel and its war on gaza. the u. s. is becoming more hated by the day evidenced by the increasing number of attacks on us troops that insult to injury and the arab world. washington was even saying, tel aviv does not plan to occupied gaza. it's also clear that israel cannot talk you guys are um now the reality is that there may be
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a need for some transition period at the end of the complex. we don't see a re occupation. and what i've heard from is really leaders is that they have no intent to we occupied guys and we take control of guys. that's as rarely officials are literally saying the exact opposite. there is no way to restore security to as well other than a full occupation of the policy and in territory. voluntary immigration of the residents of gather should be encouraged. we need to encourage emigration from gaza if instead of $2000000.00 arabs, they're only 100000 or $200000.00 in gaza, then it will be a completely different discussion on the following day. washington's lack of connection with reality isn't only confined to the middle east before russel launched its military operation, the new crane joe biden was even fed, the sizing about and all out war between nato and moscow to put the tax in nato ally if he keeps going in any attacks and nato ally, or we've committed as
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a nato member to we defend every inch of new territory. want us to wonder where that idea came from. because ross has always made it clear, it has no desire for world war 3 to choose. fullness is complete. nonsense. and i think when you're president biden understands that the rest of it has no reason and no interest. whether do a political, economic, political, or military to fight against nato countries with curly ends of taxpayer dollars spent on washington's wars in the middle east and the trail of death that the us military is left behind it. lincoln's claim that the world is just dying for a more democratic interventions, promises more of the same if the us gets its way. well, a former serena imposter to turkey assured his both with us on u. s. foreign policy, the del kalb alone said washington's global interventions are not as welcome as the claims. astonished as a journalist, sat as a diplomat,
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the 2 here blinking the bragging eyeball towel while come us meddling in. and the internal affairs of nations around the world has been the uh and that to the they want to buy them. and the us to, to be leaving for slow. the us has been the lead and ices unless i and all that of us, the groups in syria, the us has been leading the is really, uh and they are not see games in the ukraine. is riley's who have been committing unprecedented genocide against the civilian population of gaza. it has been supporting harper in front settings, a supply and intelligence military training. everything financing for isis and other kiddos to groups. they have established
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a number of illegal military bases in syria. they have been plundering city, annoy, um they have been a smuggling boy land guys across the voters, into you that the, to american forces. and then exporting some of this oil and gas to through to can to other parts and other nations in the, in the region and beyond. when the blinking folks about how, what come to us is, we see how well welcome they have been by the host using the, let's see in the gulf of aiden in the c. o. oman, for example. how welcome the weather in new york. how, what company, whether you never got a son, this is pathetic to the us is a major water monger in the world. and it has to be in behind almost every single catastrophe and water that has taken place over the past few decades. the metallic capital of well more updates analysis to can be found on our website,
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including a closer look at how the warning calsae is increasingly spilling over across the region to mid washington's on wavering support for israel r t dot com. as you cover the okay, reports of more deadly id for tax are trickling out of guns. i made a near total communications block i that's lasted a whole week in the southern city of con eunice. at least 5 civilians have a party being killed in the latest strikes with the unclear of death at tools since october 7th, not a surpassing 24600 people. according to the gals and the health ministry. the same time, the idea of claims that in the southern part of telling us that strips moments to eliminate dozens of some of the militants with the assistance of the tank fire under our support. intense fighting has turned some parts of the city to uninhabitable revel. well,
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the dire situation is forcing locals and those already displaced to flee further, sought to the border city are put off by over $1000000.00 palestinians, around half of the, and paves entire population are seeking safety there. at the moment, the local reporter run me on the car a takes a closer look. now how desperate civilians are simply trying to survive. in rough we are now in the most the crowd is power tilt west through and rough last city where hundreds of thousands of follow stadiums from different parts of the gaza strip has taken shouldn't. because of that is where 80 was on the gaza strip. right to visit place, people have lots of things to share. some of them out, the roads and some blankets for those co way to make their own tens because of their ability to get some tens. being assisted by
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international brothers or our budgets, even i buy one kilogram of coffee from data available for $160.00 to $170.00 shekels, plus transportation costs me $25.00 shekels, and then i can sell it for 200 shekels. some others out vegetables and the like versus 10 others. others fill out some canned food that they can get from the local market. i collect waste the parts of the fire, dispose of my displacement home to make a coffee. let's see, because i don't have money to buy firewood. let's walk down right now to figure out what these people can have. and they say new life that they have been forced to live because of the days are either war. well i'm, i can never afford 3 leaders of cooking gas for 50 shekels or one kilogram of what
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to cook for my family. i can't even afford a candle, tomato sauce, which costs only $10.00 shekels. the bottom of this is a lot of the got to rate that got to read governments at age for the policy, the and people in gaza pay or other 6. and this situation of this, it placement drawer. pay money is to bring this from the loca. the set the black markets to sit it out for the low coast right here at this corner of for a 5 city. there are other tents that are being sold and sold out for considerably inflated the prices on this raises a question about where these aids come and go and goes off to john on a month. but we were able to take show to that rock my most because it is a place of worship. but to us surprise those in charge of this shelter and nothing but saves we applied for tense. and they had already handed out the receipts, but when he wants to pick up our time,
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they told us they had run out. we like to sort of those tenants which been provided by checking of being sold at toyota. a marketplace guy, real getting price is actually and drop off, not all the coffee cards, food tens, there's your tables, and what that was, what so ever available, and the end, the mazda is the place here, 1010 drop off is being sold for inflated skyrocketed price as most of the people cannot afford, then as you might hear, that from that people we have been able to get in, such as this marketplace, which is the most famous market place and the district placement region of western drop off city or on the other mid r e r t drop off of 16 sizes of the gaza threat on to northern gas or where the idea of say is it's used over $300.00 minds to blow off at a funding palestinian university building the euro. med human rights monitor,
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watch dog saves it, was the last university still standing in the in place according to local authorities, all educational facilities in the strip of either being damaged or completely destroyed by time or both. say to a former fessor us, i've caught a university in gals that believes israel is tried to make the post and into a treat uninhabitable. and the seeking to a raise its history or the status of this is why you the water goodness, the girls us the is where it has been very much pounding again, the bombing of civilian interest structured without it's a palestinian civilian homes for hospitals, the clinics, most are you name is the one of those institutions that is run has gone also also for the university at the beginning of this is why the bomb this and this universe, the end of the university. well, i used to or was also uh,
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have really done as a result of this bothering. and now the bomb, the saw university is where it has also bombed some of the who stood. it comes sites and goes, well some of the most and girls are uh like more than 500 years old or some of the archaeological uh, places like a customer, basha and, and the old city of, of gauze. also, it does uh also as well as trying to, uh, uh, wipe out the, the, uh, history of guys uh you know, the story were keeping a close eye on today. the african unions intention to get a seat of the un security council is being heard that the ongoing summit of the non the line movement taking place in the capital of uganda. the country is permanent representative to the united nations till this reformation of the console is already in full swing, a video game console result if you needed to be at the event that the,
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the walk through is that for me till the end of the new new company to walk into the future on the walks as plus plus the we all represent the interest of the big companies in the front of the global government. what it is about the government is that dispute a dentist and what i've been talking to so, so give, it depends on if i'm in particular has been ongoing. what's next the we have a chance the see ups ready the subject of the future. and you know, the means nothing that i'm movement has never been very influential ended negotiations that they us, but we have ordered them. and it's, as you can see through the discussion. and the questions of the some of the feedback jumped up to the subject of the future is about things. and that's going to be some security things we really convinced that we didn't them, we didn't have a number of minutes on that because some must, it feels uncomfortable with a non projecting fall. but now we have agreed some of the future. we have a seat. we need to pursue a security that comes over the phone call and that that is a model or that within the system know the german vice
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chancellor has lost its the alternative for germany party, claiming it undermines democratic governance. and this leading the state towards or authoritarian rule, similar hicks age, russia. right when you're the terry. and so i concerned about, and it's a company, a sense of the republic they wanted to in germany, into a state like russia and a system as really preparing for vis the german vice chancellor. robert, have accessed it as a right wing, wants to turn germany into a state like russia. oh, you mean one that has she gas? that'd be nice. look, all that the right wing alternative for deutschland or a f d really has to do on any given issue, is to adopt the exact opposite position from the schultz government. and the result is that the f d is now the 2nd most popular party at 23 percent popularity behind this center, right? person democratic union, that's a party, a former chancellor angular merkel,
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which stands at 32 percent right now by comparison shows this party. is that just 15 percent with this portion, green's at 13 percent. the average german really doesn't know what the heck discovery is doing. and chances are they probably don't know either and the f d is looking pretty good right now because it has not yet been tainted by the stench of the establishment that screwing things up. so what the shots do to counteract the f d 's rise. he tries to make themselves even scarier than his own incompetence. and now, lo and behold, a report has emerged a meeting that took place reportedly last november at a hotel near patch them, attended by a couple of senior, a safety officials, some business people and activists. where there's apparently some spic following about the porting german citizens of for an origin. and now listening to schultz and how back he thinks that it was actually adopted as party policy or something. which would explain why there have been protests in germany against it. now the a,
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f, d is trying to put all of this in context declared, go on the age of d is the use of both legal means to prevent illegal board across since the effective border controls expel and to put criminals and migrant suspected of terrorism. one not entitled to state to handle naturalization restrictively, and to the volk citizenship update in an abusive mass. it couldn't. anyone who is a germans citizen, for the last, without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the white gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up and distributed with a watering can shop. actually the idea of stripping someone assistance or if it's already been introduced here in france, 5, the establishment specifically by french socialist party, present tulsa o loans. back in 2015, in the wake of the november 30th terrorist attacks in paris, they even changed the french constitution to be able to do it. and over in the u. k,
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british prime minister really soon act wants to send migrants to vermont. so this expulsion vibe is pretty mainstream in europe right now. actually, not that the german establishment was waiting around for any concrete policy details to trash, the f b. i am grateful, the 10s of thousands of people have taken to the streets of germany and recent days to protest against racism. rabble rousing, and for our liberal democracy. that gives us courage and shows that there are far more of us democrats than those who seek to divide. and we are old, colder now in l. private lives in the workplace at sport, when shopping. so clearly state that voting for the a v is developed for bright being extreme is hope all's a thread, sewage democracy calls are now mounting and journey to ban the the outright as a political party, which sounds super democratic. but what's habits? main concern you just seems to be worried about that backfiring kind of like
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everything else that this government does. it's not a question of political attitude, but a floor. so everything would have to be absolutely legal. be have to think about it very carefully. constitutional and legislative hurdles are also in the way of stripping citizenship or enacting deportations as a matter of policy in germany. but apparently it serves team shots to just pretend that germany would instantly become some kind of mad max style health scape, if the citizens of germany drop kicked him in his establishment pals to the curb. now millions of orthodox christian believers across russia or celebrating the annual festival of the present. a marketing to bump to ism of christ was part tradition. people have been braving the sub 0 conditions to take the plunge into freezing waters. let's see if our teeth shape was that as well. so here you are at
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the absolutely freezing is my level criminal. the say nicholas church to be exact. it's on the morning if you like, of the russian, a tiffany, the orthodox christian activity. an ancient russian orthodox festival. if you like, celebration of the visit of the madge, i the wise man to the infant jesus and to day orthodox russians, orthodox christians here in the russian orthodox faith, they dipped themselves in an absolutely freezing pond. some nursing themselves. it's absolutely freezing here the temperature is reading about minus 10, but the real feel is about minus 16. the water is actually freezing after people to merge. they dip themselves in 3 times in a row, is the name of the father, the son of the holy spirit. it's a cleansing ritual, and it's an incredible culture suspect to go to witness. if it was you version of the see what it was loving, the christian this date is very important. for all orthodox people must collides
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russians. the entire orthodox world. 25 years ago we built the largest wooden temple here with a pool so that people can take the plunge up to a 1000 to come here overnight, even though they have to go to work tomorrow. they still come with the, with the senior. the feeling is indescribable. it's not even cold. we, it was that you called at the 1st it's cold, but then it's really not that we call just loved the new when you get out of the water, it's not cold at all. russian people are the strongest with us since you live this uh, ancient ritual. the st. jude custom has been happening in russia for centuries and centuries. here at saint nicholas's church just outside moscow city. and it seems to be a growing and strength people, you know, really touching this as to this cultural tradition here in russia, as the church seems to be going from strength to strength. and part of that is the community field here. people are attending with the families with their kids the
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it's an exciting evening after the children towards the end of the holidays and the cold weather. it's about minus 14 on the real feel about minus 10. tonight isn't the turing. the heidi swimmers, the heading back to get warm, built shape bows or t the muscles. while i applaud you all from my nice warm studio, discussing whether the west is quickly losing any claim to moral superiority over at spence on the israel's board. again, scales that it is cross complex, counted in moments, and i'll see you again right after that. so 247 r t introduction. the take a fresh look around it. life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground, can the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. the by the ministration steadfast and unequivocal support of israel makes the united states and many of its allies co conspirators to work crimes and even.


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