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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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gaze until june, easy again, the independence. in 1956, the french defense minister says that a number of the country's citizens all fighting for ukraine. it comes up to powers denied. did there any french mercenaries in the country up to 60 electric point? soldiers were killed in a rough and striking 4 cases, image of palestinian civilians and medical workers, allegedly tortured by it's ready for us. as a lawyer describes the troubling human rights situation. that a $1000.00 in presents, but unfortunately there is any present service and the patient on thursdays are not responding to any other requests concerning the data. thousands of these un. so this supports any negotiations on the wind gusts that lead to the ceasefire . and the release of hostages, that's as a top how most efficient in an exclusive into utah. he says he's organization shows
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the same own gypsies for peace. we are looking for a final total comprehensive cease phase which come out of the waters to live the seas con. no. the need to initiate the launch and there's another exchange of saudi arabia. pushes a ceasefire and gosh, i've seen the creation of a palestinian state would lead to the normalization of relations between vs some of the most skilled to the rest of the world. you are watching archie international. my name's pizza scouts here with all the latest this saturday morning. thanks for joining us. there are french nationals fighting for ukraine and price con. stop them as it would be on democratic that's according to the french defense minister. it was ever this between infancy, sarah french civilians who went to fights and ukraine wearing ukrainian military
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uniform. these people have no connection with the french armed forces. they do not wear a french uniform and they have no association with french military institutions. we combine them from doing so, we have still a democracy. the admission comes after the russian ministry of defense announced to the killed 60 foreign fights as many french nationals and a stock on a building and the printing city a product of on tuesday. the french of bosses, it was summoned, see the version of foreign ministry early on friday when he was told that the responsibility for the death of these compatriots rest with paris official refrain from coming send to press on the situation. so the, well, the admission appears to be somewhat of a but track of to power as early as the claims of french messner is a fight seeing you create a baseless russian manipulation out into the military. a to provide secure isn't
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strict accordance with the law. the bronze helps you bring with supplies of military material and military training in full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others, so, especially in france, knows nothing about any fresh mercenaries, a new crane spots. french bodies are piling up there, which is why russell's summons, the french from baset or 2 is foreign ministry on friday. but of course, nothing is expected to come out of that. the, the fisher has been saying that therefore, in mercenaries, a new crane all along is something that has been documented as well. but frances, having none of it claiming it knows nothing. of course they know nothing because there's no reason in legal there,
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but that's not stopping their media from openly discussing it. is, can you do what you need to see? is it public knowledge that the dawson's possibly hundreds, so french 5 to send you claim today. if it's one of the new toy attribute in data, it's most of those precious nationals. i currently find some ukraine. according to the said, he had still money regularly because of the troops and ukraine between the 6th and 7th, the frenchman, integrated into ukrainian eunice, hides for a minimum wage. he also mentioned that between 20300 to french nationals was dual citizenship. might have previously subs in the foreign religion and no fights for kids. in the very early days of divorce, the printed president raised what he calls the international legion of territorial defense. so this frenchman may well have belongs to these formations. all these french moment is going on with the approval of the 1st born ministry, or is it actually a private initiative? well, no, under no circumstances, would they go with the official approval?
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oh, no french soldier is officially fights in ukraine on behalf of france. we know that friends is interested in prolonging the conflict and ukraine because their politicians are admitting it themselves when they call for long term military support for kids and highlighting how much it benefits their own military industrial complex. and this is as apprised of emmanuel, my chrome announced this week that around a 40 scale massage, also known as storm shadow mess, miles as well as hundreds of other bombs will be delivered. so you pray in the next few weeks. and now these long range storms shuttle missiles are a key weapon, any praise arsenal. so once again, the west is escalating, a conflict that could have ended a long time ago. and they're doing this by continuing to send weapons for their own benefit and getting body bags in return. that'd be advice from a former french general to mercenaries out there. you're on your own as
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a legitimate target. so be aware, at the moment we are in the state of war, were needed, and russia clashing on the territory, few crane. so french, most numerous decide for personal reasons to join the war on one side or the other . they are obviously aware of the risks they have chosen, their own feet. haven't entered the game they have already lost. russia is absolutely correct. you can see that these french most and there is a legitimate military target, just as ukrainians would not hesitate to. should french mercenaries fighting on russia site? it seems that price will continue to know in the existence, all price mercenaries and ukraine. because if i had met snow in about them, it will have to at least appear to be doing something about it. and that's definitely not very good for weapons sales or their long term anti roll. so strategy nikki, on spoke to geopolitical analyst, serial deluxe. so he says, defense people challenge fights and ukraine, phone number of reasons. the speak about french messing. there is a new brain,
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then you have to understand that we have different kind of people, different kind of pro 5. we have madison or is a who can because the belongs to the new meds, the movements. the 2nd part is people we decided to go inside and ukraine against the russian federation because they believed in something those people, most of the time the, what i call the useful idiots were believed in what they're told. and they say all we need to go and fight for liberty and we go and fight for democracy and things like this. all the kind of nursing are, is that you can find it's full, the praying soul yours, that we're serving in the french foreign legion for example, but decided to break that contract from the legion and will conduct defense. so this whole concept of most scenarios, just more complex. yes, and it seems however, as far as his view on paper,
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when it comes to the situation to crate that they've been steadfast on it, that they fully support ukraine. if they, they this be no significant changes on the front line that we've seen in terms of ukraine. save us yet. that saying, well, weapons are needed, funds will continue to support ukraine. how does process position nice view effect, though is he might want to be willing to leave for us to go and fight for ukraine. when you find people in the streets in paris that are giving flyers to french cities and go and fight with me. as of battalion, it all really means that in france we have a problem because we cannot muster this problem. in the june 2024, we have your up in the elections, right? and with the situations and with the situation that we have actually in your opinion and in friends, it's much better to draw people's attention to something else then to draw people that functions to do, no problem that we're moving on to other news now is,
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is rarely forces continue, rates across garza and the west bank more allegations, image of palestinians being arbitrarily detained and tortured by the idea of local human rights group of showed the accounts of one medical worker. he says that he was seized by his very soul just while on duty. when a red crescent uniform will lead is from garza city. and these upon medic and the father of 3. he spends the total of $41.00 days in our deaf detention where he was allegedly tortured buys very troops and threatened with death. there's only have to say if i'd be able to remove the blindfolds and i saw what a soul just in dreams, uniforms bearing the american flag. suddenly they started punching me in continuous for a long time, fracturing some of my breast bones. they kept bidding me and showed me pictures of a tunnel, accuse me of coming out of it, didn't happen as railways and americans and being formed to have mass elite forces
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spying on these rarely soldiers and existing in a combat zone. i denied all of the by they electrically shocked me 5 times and severely beat me all over my body, causing unbearable pain due to breaking my ribs and injuring my had when i couldn't bows a pain anymore. i admitted to all the accusations involved for the investigation violence. they took me, they could, except for my box the 2 yards. paused cold water on me and turned all depends causing me to freeze. while i will see invocation inside the prison, one of the detainees died in the same page. a low striking similarities between while lead story on the accounts of many of the palestinians who claim to have been repeatedly beaten despite the age or health conditions. meanwhile, videos posted online show palestinians stripped to that on the way the humiliated buys, where the soldiers, human rights advocates investigating believes case tells us how traumatic these experiences can be unfortunate to you when you get is
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a among the thousands of fed. but it seems to have the who have been detained by the israeli occupation forces since the 7th of october, when he, the, i've come out alive and but the thousands who are still in prison. but unfortunately, those are the present service and the radio completion of authorities are not responding to any of our requests concerning the thousands of detainees. water in inside, is there any present? so we don't know date of grades our lawyer is in is or is they don't have access to them even. is there any organized human rights organizations? they petitions, the supreme court, but they have got to notice bonds except that is there a release. it is releasing and those be obtained today, but unfortunately, um, the situation is unbearable for them because we have many reports of torture, as we've seen from what needs case. just how wide scale is this problem or as other
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people are being tortured by the ideas. this is a word that started getting, he said the police unions for being police damian's. it's not that we're with time us, but it's against the board. but it's the needs including body, seen and civilians should be punished among those to be deemed or very prominent. the individual was like the director of and the she for us, but the data instead of command i do, i am hospitalized. and the we have a unfortunately no idea what, how many are allies, how many of the kids, how many a have been subjected to torture? and endorse the teens or not, the bone needs from inside the gaza strip. when the, when the and offensive actually when they got offensive, i've been launched. we had studies, tv and or there's thousands of but as seen in workers detained on the 7th of october on some of them have been released. but unfortunately we have people since
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the 7th of, of the door looked over well, not yet been released. the white house has the denied israel's committing war crimes in gaza despite bouncing evidence of alleged violations. the body and ministration also be a threat. it is opposition to a cease fire. a local journalist sense is a report from northern gaza, but people are storing to purchase the face because the most that is still standing now being used to house the displaced products for more than 100 days of war and gaza. and specifically, it's northern areas, there is significant destruction to mosques, and the disruption of peoples prayers. over 90 percent of mosques in the region have been targeted, worshippers tried to observe friday prayers under challenging conditions and limited resources, as there is no space for prayers and displacements. centers despite the destruction worshippers endeavour to pray regularly, particularly friday prayers, amid the wreckage of mosques in northern gauze, rebuilding and setting them on the ground. these rarely occupations were on mosques
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and the destruction, especially if historical sites has significantly impacted the religious infrastructure. the devastation inflicted on these mosques is part of the broader targeting and northern cause of the destruction of mosque, some of which were built, and aga rated less than a week ago, was a severe blow given the repeated targeting of these mosques and religious structures. and general footage from a refuge center shows citizens trying to pray and challenging conditions due to limited space and inadequate cleanliness. despite these hardships, people gather to perform friday prayers. and on this, not the in a shelter son saying the only thing caused the boy has left no mosque standing with every most bones and demolished press and the call to prayer have been absent for 100 days by the grace of god. we have conducted friday prayers and be sent to aiming to boost people's morales and then still tranquillity, unable to pay most due to the destruction when all striving to create a sense of normality. even the reading of the koran is a challenge,
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has the holly boats up every time the rubble, the relentless destruction rolled by the enemy had saw as they call to powerful days. there was not only talk to religious institutions, but also disruptive, essential services, such as electricity needed to broad costs, the call to prayer. this was theirs from god's us. so the city of rafa shows the funerals of some of the thousands of palestinians killed relatives card the bodies to the final resting places and said goodbyes to the loved ones. you had once local people at this we have nothing to do with homos. we don't even support them and there is a white flag on the door. what does this room one from us? what does this real one from slipping, children from women are these their goals? everyone is watching the arabs or sleep. they're having fun. what you the murder of children, i'm an hour for. yeah, i'm kind of woman working on the to kind of because a mother was killed in the bombing and the child was the, we have nothing to do with military organizations. we didn't expect that one day.
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our house would be, well, what do we do? meanwhile, i do have soldiers in gaza were in high spirits with video circulating online reports and they, showing troops claimed by government during the count down to the demolition of a building. and the video shows 2 soldiers riding children's bikes inside a deserted house, and others appearing to play basketball in the midst of a destroyed neighborhood. but the law to set down for an exclusive interview with hamas representative and had of the palestine international relations council boss of 9 to discuss the ongoing war and gaza as well as any chunk of the ceasefire. and the phone interview will be available on the international as well as our websites. but for now, here's
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a quick preview. we have looked at looked of proposals and the from different on the datas categories. egypt shows about it's important to cease failed. and based on our experience with the 1st phase, which has been violated by the so he was a total events when it comes 1st to the humidity of it, we were not able to send the need of human to it to the northern part of goes to have they have blocked it when it comes to shorting and killing palistine as you want them to cease for you. and also when it comes to be committed to the conditions or to the names of the list of the scene and present those women and children on this, we can decide to release them based on our list. unfortunately they have, they will not, they have not committed to all. so you're saying that israel keeps violating the terms of any potential ceasefire when when it comes to the terms that you offer. yes, the 2nd piece was we are looking for
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a final it to turn the comprehensive seas 5th. is that is, is that a 5 is how much looking for an it is? yes, this is what we are looking for. which kind of low to open the voters to live the seized on know the aid to get in to goes up to the school. there is to 2300000 busting as auto starving under the see the blue kid and finally to initiate or to launch. and vision of exchange was staying in the middle east. saudi arabia's pushing for a ceasefire and gaza, saying that the past towards an independent palestinian state would also lead to the normalization of the kingdoms. relations with his. the most important thing to realize is the kingdom has not put normalization at the heart of its policy is put peace and prosperity at the heart of its policy. so that looks at resolving the finite cause of the palestinian people who deserve a state. they deserve sovereignty. and while the kingdom flew,
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recognizes the need for israel to feel safe, it cannot be at the expense of the palestinian people. the solution is obvious and the solution is now and the solution is to state solution. saudi arabia has made it crystal clear. again, that's the kinds be talks about normalization with israel without cease fire and gaza. a plan for bro, the piece and the rates are not a clear path to have probably seen in state. i have to tell you that 3 i didn't tell a b had been quite close to breakthrough of his publishing relations before israel launched its deadly military operation in the guise as 33 months ago. that basically buried any hope, rude and previous efforts on the palace. stephen statehood has always been a condition for saudi arabia with 3 other orders now. coves, the un aspirations. and this logic also seems to stay in line with israel's biggest ally, washington the us secretary of state has recently been touring the region expensively
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. and we hear that the washington commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction of gaza and work towards palestine in lead governance of the enclaves off to the war. let's take a listen without a tangible path to the stablish ment of a palestinian state. there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and help with the reconstruction of gaza. there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and help establish policy and lead governance of goals. and there are no other partners in the region who are going to step forward and integrate with israel and make further assurances about israel's long term security. so that's just the reality is that the united states, is there any pressure or not? is the reality of the situation that is real faces and without making some of these tough choices that we've outlined, that will continue to be the reality and there will be no actual solutions to any of those very real short, medium and long term problems. israel seems to be on a different page there from minister benjamin netanyahu claimed he is proud to be
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the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of a palestinian state and repeatedly said he believes israel should have what he calls security control over guys on revealing serious disagreement with the bite and administration. antonia who stated on says they again that he opposes the so called 2 state solution. let's take a listen. the whole in any arrangements in the foreseeable future with an arrangement with allison arrangement, the state of israel must have security control over all the territory west of the jordan river. this is a necessary condition and it conflicts with the idea of palestinian sovereignty. what can we do? i shed this truth with our american friends, and i also stopped the attempt to impose reality on us that would harm as well. security prime minister in israel should be able to say no, even to our best friends, to say no when necessary, to say yes if possible. while the 2 allies seem to have serious issues regarding
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the pro choice on how to end this conflict, and we see that so far, israel does what it ones and guys on which raises questions about the consistency of the american policy. from one hand, we hear about washington's pressure on a 0. it has urged a 0 to scale back it's offensive and keeps pushing. that's the probably students they should be part of the day off there. but at the same time, the u. s. militarily, financially and politically supports is rose war. they've gone so that according to probably students, source has already claimed the lives of $24000.00 people including civilians. thousands of them are on or is clear that without that support age role would not be able to continue and it would perhaps become less radical about the creation of a palestinian state. as opposed to more scenario. what color that's off the saw, the rights of political analyst believes that israel wants to occupy an old policy and territories and push the local people out through it is already being said uh
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over and over again that they want to get set back and they want to even the west bank back and they want but i seen it to look somewhere else for home. and they want them to go to uh, ciena or uh, to uh, jordan or to any bunch of doors uh or uh, or, and greats under the ground. but not, and what they do is the, uh, the that there a god gifts in land. and uh i'm, i'm not a secret anymore or something that said by uh, uh, the dish is not empower. we have, we hear that from the brian minister here that room is ministers and g 's bar, diesel. does the video position today and the boss, it was, uh, it was a lie. it was just uh,
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pretending. but now we hear the truth and that's the only thing that is good about this liquid box, this a ride to a government heading south. now with the us minutes you coalition in the red sea has successfully stuck another 3 targets in yemen on friday morning. as according to the wash hands, the us forces conducted 3 successful self defense strikes against 2 targets, indiana. this is the 4th per a pre emptive action that the us nozer is taking in the past week against to the missile launchers that were ready to launch attacks. in this case uh into ship missiles. the sides come after that, who the rebels launch missiles, it's an american, owed cargo ship of the coast. have given you a sense of command? says the vessel was not said lucy, say otherwise. not for the human enabled. forces have carried out an operation against the us vessel,
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came ranger in the gulf of ad and using the number of naval missiles. thanks to god, the heat was precise and direct. the many um, forces emphasized the responses to american and british offences are inevitable. and any further offence will be made by retaliation and punishment was a lot of them in the latest exchange follows a larger round of strikes on who's the targets inside given the day earlier, tensions have been building since january, the 12th, when us and british on forces began forming areas held by the rebel deep. less than coalition says this was in response to who's the attacks on cargo ships linked to israel, which the rebels say that coming out in solidarity with gaza. as a button says, the us will keep them in yemen despite failing to each other. who sees after a week strikes for the jo. so i'd sit him in the office world, when you say work another stop it with the snow, a layer of it, the venue. yes. a journalist, an editor of the palestine clinical rumsey by rudy says there's only the us and he's allies will suffer following the current escalation in the red sea. there is
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no self defense involved in the american attacks on, on the a. self defense happens when you are under attack yourself. the u. s. is not under a stuck in the whole. these have said repeatedly, and that has been verified by non western powers. that indeed the ships of r b at south, or when does that are bound to is will or coming from the as well. so where is the self defense? and if the american somehow we'd find some sort of a legal justification for the self defense argument. and because why are the british involved in this? it's read, it doesn't make any sense. it seems to me that this is another mist interpretation of international law. american allies, in particular, are the ones that are suffering as a result of this. the americans come to supposedly who tend to the uh, the, the, the, the treat movement in the red sea. the only made matters much, much worse. so clearly the military alternative or the military option,
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is not an option at all. so if the americans escalate, this is going to be in, you know, one of the smores that is still the unnecessarily unnecessary sense list. and it's going to cause the, by the administration ability at the time of critical presidential election. and finally, the soviet president's alexander, of which each has defended his decision not to sign up to sanctions against russia . it says that he would have been hailed by many western leaders. how these to come to pressure to do some estimates of the substances. i didn't want to pose sanctions . does he campaign is being carried out against me? otherwise i would be king, not even a king. i would be it solved democracy, but i respect the people of serbia. why should i be interested in what for this? think of me. meanwhile, european furnace as politicians have called on the lead is to investigate
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allegations of claims of fraud and assemblies parliamentary votes. by then present, alexander, which is declared a sweeping victory over pro e e. u. opposition coalition, which is ruling savvy and progressive policies secured a majority in the national assembly with twice as many votes on seats as the nearest opponents. shortly after pro western demonstrates his attempts to break into government buildings in the capital to protest against the election results. which it said the protests were orchestrated by the west. we spoke with alexander popovich, a newly elated m. p in the sevien parliaments. and he says that after the opposition failed to provide any evidence of election fraud, west impression was brought about as the last result. excuse me, with a strange because this backing, they're getting from many western politicians including the from the european parliament and also a certain political figure, some other view space. so what the pro view of position in serbia is banking
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on is this international women. when i say international, i mean explicitly west started support and applying additional pressure um the government in serbia. they claim that defrauded the elections, but they haven't really offered any to evincing not proof of that. uh so, you know, since they haven't been able to offer proofs, they're now using political pressure outside political pressure. so as an argument, you know, but once again, if, if this they're being government stands firm, you know, that's, that's the most important thing. they, they just have to stand firm, it gives for the pressure no matter where it comes from. as long as the serbian government is firm, you know the pro you up as a vision, is that gonna get its way? so small on any of those stories? you just seem to subscribe to odd telegram channel. if not, my name's beat to scott. i'll be back with another look at all today's top stories in around about 30 minutes time. thanks. pick up
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