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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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i'm, i'm a script in the region the and these really strike kills 5 iranian islamic revolutionary god core advisors in the syrian capital, domestic, vice, israel has gone as far as to create from us itself. yes, i'm us has been financed by these really government use top diplomats accuse this the rate is very government of tracing and sponsoring her boss to prevent the formation of a policy. i mean, states also this author, you locked in american countries, requested international call to investigate reports of these very crimes. daughter, [000:00:00;00] the
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disability and police use was kind of didn't take us against protest is in the countries north turn approach on this thing in the system. the 7 in it must go. this is all to international with the latest world news. thank you for joining we saw this all in the city and capital domestic us where it's rarely forces killed 5 range. and then if you advise is in a strike on stop today. that's a going to is runs is let me revolution regard cool. a residential building before to the collapse after the strikes. and israel has hit targets inside syria with increasing frequency since october, the 7th. local say they were terrified for the attack. yeah, the most cool thing that happened there are people still under the rebel, there are people screaming for their loved ones. what did they do? the sound of the bombing was very strong in the house shot from side to side. what we saw was har, is really, is brutally written down me,
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solves on the residential building, their bodies on the ground, destroyed cars. what scene did we commit to die like this? vanessa bailey, who was a journalist in damascus. it says it wasn't just rainy and really tried vices caught up in the strike. you know, just says, even though israel will claim that this is the target as far as the nation, it has claimed the lives as far as i understand of terry and civilian so just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. what is sadly happening since the genocide and goes a begun postal type of the 7 g u. s. has to be held responsible because have the u . s. at that point not to be tied a ceasefire. none of this escalation would have happened including in the red c, including in syria because had people come about in gauze, or are there been some negotiated solution, none of the countries that are supporting or trying to prevent it. so genocide and
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garza would have responded in this way, and that of course, includes in southern lebanon, as well as now taking out a ground invasion in some spots. i'm lebanon, which then brings escalation into loving. and also i wish my son also include syria. so the escalation is going ahead, we just were kind of preparing ourselves for it here. and everybody feels that it's impossible to stop it right now. staying in the region, the several us troops suffered minor injuries and one member of the rocky security forces was badly wounded. that's up to that's like on a military base in west new rock used by us led coalition forces on saturday. us central come on says the, i'm a loss of base was hit by ballistic missiles and roll kits 5 by many and bytes minutes ins from inside the right. it says most of the missiles would subsidy. the some did hit the base, the number, the exact number of casualties is get to be confirmed. since the outbreak of the
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war in gaza, us submitted to interrupt cows coming to attack at least $58.00 times, and another $83.00 times in syria. on these top diplomats, joseph beretta has accused these rhetoric of minutes of helping to create an sponsor have must you also slums, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu for not supporting a 2 state solution device. yeah, israel by continuing to reject the solution has gone as far as to create some us itself. yes. how much has been financed by these really government to try to undermine the palestinian authority of fetch? well, if we don't intervene strongly, the spiral of hate and violence will continue from generation to generation, from funeral to funeral, when the seeds of hate that are being sold in garza today grove. the comments, comments a foreign ministers scheduled to host these rarely foreign minister in brussels on monday kinds of circle for years the nest,
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yahoo governments has provided funding to have boss and allowed thoughts funds gaza . is there any government strongly pushed back against barrels, comments? although nothing you know who have this to say fucking 2019 anyone who wants to prevent these tablet? spence of a posting on state needs to support strengthening come us. we spoke to elijah magneer, who was a veteran watch and list of political analyst explain the death of yahoo as always opposed a 2 state solution. and he's fighting a war he con, when these really, governments cannot achieve the desired objectives and they cannot stop the war because that means the failure and the phone all been, i mean that's and you know, i'm to be put in front of freezing steaks on the 7th of october that took place and there he's watch, he's not capable of defeating him, us. and the only person that are free, the other one can buy these really occupation forces in gaza. and he come to really anything but to continue to go,
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hoping that something can pull from this guy or something doesn't happen to change the course of events. because add the closer to event of going, he doesn't have any solution. really. the positional is right, is exactly what be here means that then yeah, i would say a lot of political lives or what not to give the police to unions estate. so what the joseph beretta saying, he's not completing the sentence when been here. i mean that then, you know, said he wanted to support him, us is only 2 week and the police doing in the state and we can move the bus and for some us and foot doctor flight one another. and this is why and it didn't. yeah. who said in the last days, i am nobody to allow me the from us has done all that she has done in god's and we will control it. of course, he's not capable of controlling because he's army has failed to achieve any of the state objectives, to alter by gazda, to the fee,
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come and to freeze the president's over to south america. now nicaragua is set to file a case against israel in the international court of justice. calling for the prevention of genocide and gaza not come to show that the mexico international criminal court to investigate a legit. it's very welcome. the referral is due to the growing concerned over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets. and the alleged continued commission of crimes under the court's jurisdiction. specifically, since the october 7th, 2023 attacked carried out by her most militants in the subsequent hostilities in gaza. i know the last in american country chile has also endorsed the investigation, is also not a member of the international criminal court. so it does not recognize as jurisdiction but the i c. c, prosecutors trust that he's called hassle authority over a legit war crimes committed in gaza. this comes up to israel faced and know the investigation last week by the international court of justice. south africa presents the case,
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alleging israel is committing genocide in gaza. is wanting to deny the judges to saying his actions and the enclave in self defense. it's not some lawyers though, say the i c j positions and they expect your expect it in february. let's go and list them in their offering is says, because for is very accountability or precedents, a 1000000 people or from a human rights perspective, it's completely of noxious to even claim that this is a battle for defense or for human rights. we see that over 24000 palestinians have been brutally murdered. there are so many countries in the global south like me could i why like she left like south africa and also mexico that have very long and dark histories of is really involvement that are not really talked about. and now these countries with the rising multiple, their world order, with the ascendancy of russia, china, iran, and powers that are not beholden to western imperialism. now you have countries are able to speak their voice. this has something very unique in history. this has not
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happened before, and this has things to be rising multi polar world order. the monopoly of power, the i, c, c and the i, c, j have over water affairs is declining in terms of the west. now they're still operating within these organisms. we know that the i c, c is not necessarily the best friend of the global solid community, but the signal is that something positive is happening. but it's only in protest as have clashed with the police in the city of visions, in the north of the country that has locals together to voice the supports for palestine. the dentist, i just want to come in and take us while riot police attempted to subdue the crowds . it's an it says it doesn't deliver at any weapons as well. since october. the 7th, the does seem to be some confusion when the country is politicians as to whether
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that's really the case. we must face the issue of avoidance of fuel, this conflict of avoidance, sons, and exposing us to conflicts to the conflict in the middle east. in this case, particularly to israel, because we can not to risk weapons being used to commit to what could be considered as war crimes. and since the war began, will have suspended all shipments of weapon systems, old military material of any kind. and so slain talks about things that do not exist. it's buell propaganda. the democratic party should be by the influence. we spoke to a political analyst who says the western policies of a weapon sales are often flouted and governments and now keen to distance themselves from occupations of complicity in as well as what we've seen in quite a few cases actually. and what is described as the left in western countries that they pivoted and we see that the language and the rest,
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a lot of international players are now trying to go on rec, ward, i believe in or physician. so what's the israel is, are doing, or at least in opposition to aiding and a bad thing. war crimes, we've heard that in many cases, weapons have been sold and there's been weapons transfers without the knowledge, for instance, of certain members of congress or parliament in the case of the u. k. and us air strikes on young men, recently the parliament and the congress were not consulted. now of course, they say that they issued the statements to them and brief certain members of congress, or are they, you know, when for a specific legal proceedings, or they'll get some sort of legal argument as to why what they did was legal. but we see that in a lot of cases, that there is no knowledge whatsoever on what their government is doing. and this
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is the way that these so called western democracies function is that they're not aware of at the level of support that they're giving or not getting to conflicts overseas. and it's really dangerous, especially they claim to be democracies. we see that in the case of italy here, they don't know what's going on, even within their own governments. the people across the front have also taken to the streets install a dar 2 with palestine as a cold front end to us to the war in gaza. also to date the streets of leon, well wash with palestinian flags as locals accused israel of committing mass murder uncalled for an end. so what they call, genocide police steps. and when the process threatened to spill over into and mcdonald's restaurants, us during the demonstrate to say it should be boycotted in the french capital. apollo stein, solidarity march to brussels and neighbor in belgium, kicked off, which is expected to be just destination by february. the 1st that's when a special european council meeting will take place all the funds correspondence,
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not dish of does the does like the poets from the scene. or something, several 100, demonstrate or set out from deposit level leak and perish their products to robin brussels on february. first, the start of the european sonnet. it's an opportunity for these demonstrators to grow once again international attention to the assessment and discriminate is really boned because of gaza. they didn't all of the genocide against the post. you know, people in the organizer of this march for paul's time is calling on as many people as possible to join down was posted because of the oldest. i believe the deceased by would did each because of how powerful the, what the support was for. you claim, unfortunately, it wasn't the case. the innocent, a dining garza and thing given yeah. whose government stance is ridiculous. we cannot sit id, but we have to act to support the students and the creation of the boasting and
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states. it is. i assessed israel nor jerome my calls on police. this is one of the slogans being counted by the demonstrators for denouncing the crime. so that is really army and accused friends of complacency due to it's like a firm condemnation of sanctions on israel. this march for palestine from paris to brussels of 312 kilometer root will require approximately 68 hours a full kink. but nothing will put of the participants in northern israel protest as to the streets almost seem crushing with lakes. the hundreds gathered for the unseen will protest where police attempted to remove the bonus. they were tardy, and the demonstrators were calling for an immediate cease finding gaza, as well as the return of his very hostages. and this is the largest city teller. these people floated the streets to voice the fury of the nations governments. they
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called for the return of these very hostages, still held by a mouse in gaza, as well as early elections to house these radi 5 minutes. and that's in yahoo. as the much moves through the city, central square signs on display blast and that's in yahoo as the face of evil. while a similar valley was held outside the front music, jerusalem residents by minister is under intense pressure to secure the return of the hostages. especially have to have must announce the depth of 2 more of his captives on monday as well. some of the process just have to say, this is a crisis point. people are dying because of all government. we need to get rid of it as soon as possible. we urgently need to reach a sci fi to stop to use this killing in gaza. the destroys every hope we have for the region. this is the only way to really use the hostages. we need to look to the future. the next step to be settlement with the palestinians and about a student authority. the only solution is to get rid of the main barrier, the ease really government and the prime minister for the prime minister really was
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this for to continue and to never end, where he had to stop it to say enough is enough. we already lost the war and knocked over the 7th when now people were kidnapped, so we can expose a good outcome, no declaration of victory. we want our family, i'll get enough people to come home. for relatives, the remaining hostages addressed the assembled crowds and shed the message with the media of the protest. across to leave the current commence full fading to bring their loved ones home encore for a swift and decisive action. check a bundle of guns. we came here because we've had enough of being polite and speaking nicely. you need to come by the way. i'm telling some minister newton yahoo direct. we need to bring my son latan home. there is no reason to delay. he needs to be home. so i got the 2 for the medication saga is only the tip of the iceberg that threatens to please them into tunnels for ever. the threat to their lives is no longer from the hands of homeless, but from a criminal cabinet directed by an extremist government,
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leaving them to die in agony. i'm moving on to other news now. if i has broken out a major coal terminal on the gulf of filling in north west in russia, the facility is part of a baltic c energy help owned by the russian company. in nova tech report suggest the work is with successfully of actuators. and then there were no casualties. the ministry of emergency situations is working to put out the blanks made so baltic members have announced funds default if i that borders with russia and bella roost by building bunkers to repel a possible aggression. yes, the block recently expanded to include finland after the war, and ukraine broke out. moscow says it has no interest in picking a fight with the west and the lions. meanwhile, the needs are chief, has acute china of moving closer to the north atlantic block nation. the sign of the heavy investments in a mold on military capabilities, including more and more advanced nuclear weapons and a china also
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a way of behavior, especially in the south china sea and the weight and china is actually violating core principles. the for nice to see that the role of the we also have to understand that this is all about nathan moving into a show. but this, the about the fact that china is coming closer. those, of course, need to has to address what happens in a shop. uh, nope, because we order a global security lines about the goals for purpose. they're not as roles and vice versa. as the north atlantic treaty organization continues to expand its rates into the far east, brussels seems a bit overly concerned about some apparently aggressive chinese behavior in the south china sea. it's a bit strange because nato has troops stationed in taiwan, which is let's not forget, a part of china itself. makes you wonder who is the real threat here, especially when beijing is the one calling to refrain from military activities. had
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an end to the finger pointing from nato's american overlords. we asked us to stop misleading, international public opinion with false narratives to strictly control and restrain from the line military activities and reframe from any provocative actions. more recently, a chinese delegation to washington again calls on the us to stop provoking beijing around taiwan. the whole situation bears a stark resemblance to the way rushes military operation in ukraine went down. according to the west, russia was the aggressor from the beginning. no matter how many nato countries were propped up on its border over the years, the 1st and tooth, and that went toward against the drain, with the, the cleared aim to get less. nate, he's getting the exact opposite, is getting more data presence in eastern parts of the lions on who's getting to new members. i would say no. no. susan, no mention of nato's broken promise not to expand past. it's 1991 borders or it's
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study military build up over the years as opposed to the new email i do have. the nato military blog has increased its overall activity dramatically of late. considerable forces and resources from the united states have been re deployed to our board, us, including aircraft. the number of nato troops in eastern and central europe has increased. let me remind you of what we all know. in 1991, they promised gorbachev. no, no, not an inch to the east. well, here we are. this is the kind of partners they are. they shamelessly lie through their teeth. at the same time, the block is no longer hiding its aggressive nature behind defensive rhetoric. i was told, years ago, it was not a military block, but a political organization. and last time i checked, article 5 was still in place at the same time, as i said, the aggressive nature of the blog is not being hidden. us policy doctrines explicitly spell out it's claims to global supremacy. i've got through spectrum with continual nato expansion in the far east and no sign of the west giving up on taiwan separatism,
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calling china and aggressor looks like another classic case of the west gas lighting. everyone who doesn't agree with them, why not? it's not good. who's a senior fellow at the ty, hey, institute, photos of the nato chief woods likely represent washington's position is why they've taken on partnership organizations. they've been invited in japan and south korea, etc. this is, are, you know, kind of a creeping way of changing the status quote. it is unclear though the john stolen or he actually represents any constituency other than, than down of the united states. the issue here really is us a, jeremy. the fact that the taiwan is one card along with sion. jones. yeah, the hong kong, also 2 beds, south china seas where the u. s. is trying to distract a china from its economic progress by inserting these kind of military concerns. it's a game that the u. s has played
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a many times before and call back in the seventy's that did this exact same thing with japan, although less on the military side. this isn't a bit of an attempt to contain china because the u. s. is concerned as us, you know, and china tree grows. this becomes a competitive threat to the us. and the us will react against anything military, political, or economic. that is, she's a threat to it's a generate moving over to african now west security services in between a fossil dismantling and network. this allegedly attempting to destabilize the country that's according to the can not be government spokesperson. he says the group is fond from the of the snatch bulk reaching holes, both serving and this about the soldiers civilians inactive a simile, now those plans to destabilize the institution. so between a false so and put a pro, they'll stop to the re foundation for the dignity process, the integrity,
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freedom and sovereignty of our country. men to reduce it by government to end the properties to innovate local press as clean that 7 and sort of this and the cv on the plan in january 14 for i that's a good survey of headquarters to offer citizen and monitoring. for me, we have planned for him to demo, belies the corporate law support for refunds, press release. i do that to see really societies or the visual with supposed to receive x amount of funding of the big 5 invoice i sent over to acceptance fee. but i would not be able to reduce the show dr. services and the depressed and security policies that we traded for people to answer up to this attempt to ha, i form to our why is this in the institution investigation i end up
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with and the address has been made without the students to on the profile of the food pushing it receives the fall for attempts against the transitional. what can we do need by captain e, but i am salary. in 15 months, at least 8 civilians have been injured in the latest a showing in gold left in the dance could reach and overnights us with civilian buildings being hits all see correspondence these we need things. as more details, at least 8 civilians have been wounded in the latest attack on the city of goal of co, with heavy overnight shedding. according to the local authorities, a mixture of gradual kits and the 155 minutes rid of me to western supplied a weapon to use, including the internationally bind a cluster munitions among those wounded included a power medic who is on the same attending to victims of the attack when a 2nd shedding or code, what we call a double top attack now. oh, so let's have also issued a warning,
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urging the citizens of goals cut to remain very vigilant to look out for the remnants of the caustic munitions which often like a buried and they can like babies. and i'm saying i often for a very, very long time for years causing a stream danger to the civilians in the local area. as you can see from the footage, these are civilian buildings, residential buildings that were targeted, including a vocational sense of how this comes in the context of the password for app. do you have good that continues to raise? you can probably hear actually overhead. maybe you can hear the shedding, this continue waving, don't net city right now. the defenses of course are working to keep the safety side. we did just hit a very loud bloss as we came to a uh, which is very close by waiting to see what happened there. but the continued supply of western weapons, particularly from britain and from 2 of recently pledged continued support to
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ukraine. you can hear again another very loud prost i is the civilian areas that continue to suffer the relentless attacks. this is these really for all to in don't yet city. and finally, major protests against the populist alternative for gym. any party took place on saturday as tens of thousands demonstrated in the countries of financial capital frankfurt. both of us followed a report last week alleging that the right wing opposition policy a fee is discussing plans to default believe. and so they met goods including those with german citizenship. if they move to set the record straight, saves it, stating that it only seems to come back to illegal migration and protect the rights of gym and citizens. declared girl of the a of d is the use of legal means to prevent illegal border crossings. the effective border controls expel and deport criminals and migrant suspected of terrorism. one not entitled to state to handle naturalization restrictively, and to the volk citizenship update in an abusive manner. anyone who is
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a german citizen, belongs without question, without a doubt to the gentleman state people. that is, besides, the wide gentleman, citizenship must not be trumped up. and distributed with a watering can so well that's got the comes to us. the idea finds itself a record, 2nd in national polls, placing it's ahead of each party in jimmy's coalition government, i mean you are paying parliament elections coming up in june. it definitely does say that the, the accusations are positive, a smear campaign. so the potters moment little gave democrats, that's how democracy works. ladies and gentlemen, the vote to support the vote, just punish them with a primal force that is unique in the history of the federal republic. panic is spreading. you can almost smell of fear. and how did they deal with it? the higher the asked the pulse, it goes the more viciously that the famous, the top candidates of the free democratic party, the con, think of anything better ahead of the european elections. she describes, they asked is a deep pile of excrement. we spoke to
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a former hum back paul as men who says that while the political parties with championing support for ukraine and sleep walking gym and answer crosses the populace. f the pots, his idea is we're getting traction normally be so called democratic parties. so, democratic prophecies show tacitus drains to be strong. oh, that is such a popular list, right? big pots, even like the f d b, i'm not politically because they don't have no fee of concepts. and they went into a dead end street to be side by side with the u. s. government. and because the train, with a very, very uh how for calls expenses for the general, only because the gentleman know for me was based on his, the ability of europe and friendship to russia and to all. so there
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is a kind of back to your inside of the challenge society of the d. busy dips, i don't like it, but they did well and that's why i got enough to give easy solutions which will not work because the program will be germany, the more cables, even like the government. but they pretend to, and many people just searching for an old and native as the government is conscious this month, they can do it again. and then they start to discuss we have $24.00 bits. this policy that should have been that if they wanted to bed pretty short have started to 4 groups of houses organizations 30 years ago. they show task uh done more uh to have social stability and they should never have gotten into the wall against you for, for from ukraine against russia or bit conflict with exporting and shipping weapons to ukraine. and uh uh,
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and so educating soldiers from ukraine and so on. so they should have gone a different way or whatever you want to. i hope you having a great weekend. that's all for me, maybe to stop. but you know, neil would be taking over in 13 minutes with all the very like suspects vehicle the the


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