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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the the disturbing images from the capital city of the donuts republic where 25 civilians are killed and 20 more wounded. as a crane shells and busy market sunday morning. russia lashes out in germany for intervening on israel's behalf. in the genocide case, south africa has taken to the international court of justice and we hear from a palestinian and now living in nigeria about how his relatives are struggling to survive in gaza falls. some have already been killed by is riley bombing raids.
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last more than 25, the number of my house has come. my father also this is where we are as old, but assuming that's not put in the they are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. recovering the top new stories from around the world and weeks gone by. we start with breaking news from dunbar square, ukrainian shelling of a busy market this sunday, and donuts cuz killed at least $25.00 civilians and wounded 20 others. as according to local officials, some distressing images are emerging from the scene of the attack. the official is report and 2 children were killed in the attack. would choose munitions applied to the training and military by nato countries. and ask has been seldom multiple times
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by cab troops in just the past week with civilian infrastructure bombarded r t correspondence to sweeney reports from dentist city. while the state of absolute cottage here in the care of the district of don't yet city which came on the heavy, shedding by ukrainian forces around 1030 this morning. now it's difficult to describe the scene. hey, as you can see behind me, the street is listed with dead bodies. people with that name was missing. blood's best, i miss all is were 5. these are the 155 millimeter west and supplied weapons that of course they haven't struck a minute to talk. it like struck a multi place which according to authorities, was at it's a busy as many a. so think of a genocide, many saying that this is a wall crime beula. even the problem that cause a direct strike against civilians is it's a big city markets. never lots of people that hate the place during rush hour so
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that more people would cry. and so far, for my friends died, the officials said the marketplace was bustling when it came under attack from ukrainian forces. investigations are on the way to determine exactly what width is we used with the death told expected to rise. and you're going to be trained in troops carried all of the charges attack on the market, presumably around 10 am where they were a lot of people, but was currently working on identifying ammunition which was used by the ukrainian forces. one shopkeeper explained to the area has been under attack for 10 years and that she just wants to live in peace. the shelley has been going on since 2014. we have no words, no patients anymore, but everyone good use to it. we don't know when it will and ultimately people a suffering. this is the dead. the single talking don't. yes can recent times. but these will not soldiers. these were ordinary people shopping as a marketplace. old man and women carrying out that day the activities west and
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supplied weapons have been used to come you out more crimes. yes. again, leaving a community devastated on these people terrorized with many, all skills. why? why us and when would this our and this is these really all to you don't yet city the russian foreign ministry. it says the attack shows the unwillingness of key of to reach a peace and calls on its allies to condemn this act of terrorism. the neo nazi regime with the support of the united states and its satellites has once again committed a barbaric terra stacked against the civilian population of russia. the terrorist attacks of the key regime clearly demonstrate its lack of political will to find peace and to resolve the conflict through diplomatic methods. russia calls on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to put forward a strong condemnation of this brutal terrorist attack. their silence will mean tacit approval of the killings of civilians and encourage ukrainian neo nazis to even more bloody atrocities. author and war correspondence,
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thomas roper says this is one of many cases where ukraine has directly targeted it civilians. i don't know, i'm the thing is the why is it beaut, credit and government to your credit armies shooting bomb being civilians? as a question, you have to ask them. this is the view and these are especially asked and several types of domestic. i know this market foundational military that there is nothing except for us to go. so, and don't forget that ukraine says these are the people they want to get them back into ukraine. they want to be the ukrainians and, and then they show that directly. and if they had some of the people, then why they don't want to be your trains. so this is the same as the premiere, and so i've seen this and then there are provided them where in several regions. if people at 1st didn't really know about that, after 3 months of shelling, but you frame the people change their mind that wants to be
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a part of russia. so i don't understand. the logic said that at all, how do they want to get these people back into your brain if they're shooting them? and ukrainian, and foreign minister demetrika label has reasons that since only the lives of kids, soldiers are at stake instead of american troops in this conflict, it's benefiting the us. the diplomat has also in the system, the 80 ukraine is an advantage for americans. most importantly, ukraine is probably the 1st country in the world, cities fighting a war against another country. has the united states as an ally and is not asking americans phillips on the ground. so you saves the most important to you safe. she why? so few soldiers. so we kind of all for the best deal on global market of security, you as the weapons, you was the money and we will finish the job. the friend does not feel any money from the, from american tax. there's a vast amount of this money stays in the united states because he's invested in the
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production of weapons that goes then to the into the ukrainians. it needs to be explained to american taxpayer, said the communities benefit from instead of the new jobs that created to his statement comes, as us has increasingly said that funding for further military aid for ukraine is running out. president biden had proposed a $16000000000.00 a bill for key, but congress had a wall when democrats and republicans failed to reach agreement due to policy differences and funding priorities. political analyst and author nicole america, which says ukraine is no longer an independent nation. i'd be ashamed by what cuba says. this means that the, the elite to jeff, have sold out 2 or 4 countries. he's not even finding for ukraine. there's not even speaking about some defending ukraine sovereignty or whatever. he's fighting a war for nato. he's fighting a war for the west and he is admitting hopefully that ukrainians who are on their
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side, on the on chip sides are spilling their blood, are getting killed because of their war for the west, against the rest of the city. the there people to, to, to manslaughter. we, we know this and it's a, there cannon fodder for the west. and this is actually quite shameful. that administer would say, just for his own country, people in the west today, voters are asking themselves, why are we spending so much money? billions and billions and billions of dollars for ukraine, and they don't understand more investments. people don't understand this. i mean, there is an impact, they're not as rich as they were before us situation. economic situation is not going so well. so this is getting quite important. and we have seen, even in the house of representatives, people from the republican parties today, challenging the democrats, challenging the president of us. and we don't want to supply more money to uh, to ukraine because we don't see the use of this. and we want to use american taxpayers money at home to repair routes, to bill airports, to build a better schooling, better universities better. the better health care in northern does,
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a civilian building was targeted in and is rarely strike as local emergency teams struggle to ease the ordeal of residence. a local journalist springs us more. this house was targeted by a number of odd tillery shells and coat fire. the frequency of strikes with shells and missiles on northern garza has escalated a game, but what we are currently seeing all the attempts of the civil defense crew as well as the owners of the house to evacuate this room that was targeted by an artillery shell. thank god, there was no one in this place when it was hit. the rise in the number of attacks in the north means a new disaster due to the inability of civil defense cruise. to deal with these incidents, there was only one civil defense vehicle left which is a fire truck. this vehicle operates very poorly as there are no sources of water to fill the vehicle with. in order to extinguish the fires,
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the value of the this place was showed and the room caught fire and there was no warning before the bombing neighbors and young man came and did what they could to help until the civil defense crew arrived. we faced artillery bombardment every day . we are afraid to stay in our homes. everyone stays on the ground, floors. the situation is scary. the humanitarian catastrophe and dies worsens every day with people trying to find ways to survive. and to help each other. a local journalists, monuments abbas, and us this report setting more lights on the dire conditions in guys as north the most of the most. i gave me the lady, i think the hearts of giovanni i camp in northern cause stands a mil for grinding black, slower people, switch to this alternative when wide flour vanished from the markets. this meal has an incredibly low production capacity insufficient to meet them all because the months of vital staple for the people in northern garza, the mills owner decided to reopen it to assist the people and alleviate the
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hardships. citizens purchase grains originally intended for birds and animals, at inflated prices. the middle stock is minimal, and within a week a weed supply in the market may be entirely depleted. the catastrophic humanitarian situation in northern gauze is worse and by this cast it to your fruits and vegetables and risky, inaccessible eastern regions. the conversation 1000 to the challenge and humanitarian conditions involving garza with the looming possibility of a genuine salmon compound, advised bailey authorities hindering a delivery since the humanitarian se is fine, no assistance has reached northern gauze, leading to a significant depletion of the local market shortages and soaring prizes, we can see here the outputs of a simple machine, all probated by its own, the who took it upon himself to bump the mail a me to leave a, the citizens button and prevents and impeding salmon immoral and
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illegal russian foreign ministry spokesman maria as a har of described germany's decision to intervene on israel is behalf against accusations of genocide. moscow slammed berlin for only mentioning the holocaust and not other crimes committed by the german empire in africa. in the presence of the republic of the me, beth called in germany not to take any action in relation to this extremely sensitive story. since germany itself has not yet redeemed itself, but its crimes against humanity committed in africa. reconsider the behavior of the leadership of the current government administration. unacceptable, illegal and immoral. the heart of a referred to the ethnic extermination that the german empire committed on soon the may be in tribes at the beginning of the 20th century. over 150000 people died of starvation and the hydration because german forces prevented the tribes from leaving the desert. germany says accusations of genocide against israel have no
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basis raising questions over historical double standards when it comes to crimes. berlin had no roland in view of germany's history and the crime against humanity of the show. the federal government sees itself is particularly committed to the you and convention against genocide. however, the federal government firmly and expressly rejects the accusation of genocide that has been made against israel at the i. c j. this accusation has no basis whatsoever you did in the 1st interview we, i've seen a lot of tv on social media do. most of, you know, some people in, in data corporate richard by this will probably, by the, the, the simple, nothing, no, but germany is there a once again, but just in general, try the extra ideas you know, seems to be there so that let's move to not just what is one of the just wanted to apologize for the kinds of college and i do know maybe drones would encourage you
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to do the jews within the big beginning of the middle of the printer century by supporting again another time i guess you wanted to introduce the filter to read the drum, wanna apologize. i think the drum on the putting it into the politically the should be looking for in power because this quarter 2020 the ship is pushing the import, the data showing of denazi's something that i believed a new job. one to most set of france also joined to the israel bandwagon at the i. c. j. parents claims telling me it cannot be a tooth of genocide and guys because of the holocaust. the words have meaning and accusing. the jewish state of genocide is crossing a moral threshold. we cannot exploit the motion of genocide for political purposes . that is our consistent position and then say in that one it involves a, another kind of dream. it is not the west. so you'll have, i know that definition of genocide for every jones,
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maybe the one for robot side will be different. one for the west is different when they go to the drum. so is the rush. that is the european good for nato is different about so you know, you hear me say no, you but i was is really 3. which on what is happening. it is not fits into what you have seen on television, on children and women. these are not how mazda people, i'm them, so to malcolm and begin to say that, that is, that's going to be good for the touch of war and defend themselves in court. let nobody, and let's see what happens. the displacements of palestinians hasn't just been happening. this past number of months has been ongoing since the establishment of israel in 1948. we spoke with and guys in native ramsey, abraham who lives, who lives in nigeria, but says the war and his homeland has still had an impact on him. as a person, i loath more than 25, the number of the family, my house is gone. my father also is gone. so this is
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where we are as owned by the city. it has not been the me. the numbers of families wipe out of the disco dental motor existing. imagine if i'm a little 8100, the father of the children, the gun 10, glen, underground gun tingler. all at once. baddest, they fight in how much will fighting the student called the police simians in does i'm there is 2 different things to defend the mention. one of the more government officials say the enclave is confirmed desktop since october 7th has surpassed the $25000.00. the northern part of this trip has been reduced to rubble by as rarely bonding res. well, some $2000000.00 displaced policy fans are now sheltering in the south,
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which is also coming under fire ramsey. abraham again says the decades long oppression of the palestinians justifies their desperate acts of resistance. what is going on to de? it's continue sisterhood or the police to means to have the liberating freedom and creating the country on the island. i guess the government of is of that aggressive mission of israel and the take you as a human the take you to be nothing to them. they can do when they can do the can undo it because of the some parts of the west. when you're on the queue patient, you have the light, you have the light to fight for your freedom in own aspect. so when the tech came, why the attacking that tech came because of it causing prisoners of police team use and these are the prison. nobody is talking about them. about $600.00 of them the
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in the police in for more than 35 years. why do you know how much is looking for to capture it is a lot of these it's because to exchange, they don't want prison ups to be in the prison for so long. they want to free. got it that people. i believe the with every little in this stuff. when your brother is in the prison, you want to bring the code to bring it out. you will fight for your land to be free . you will fight for your freedom. you will fight for your nation. and in central until the pay of thousands have flocked into the streets to rally for the immediate return of hostages held by hum us protest. or is it called for an immediate cease fire in gaza and relatives of hostages joined to the rally. locals, voice or anger at netanyahu's government and demanded his resignation. don't we
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want a new government because benjamin netanyahu is corrupt? we want a better government. we want them to take care of citizens. we think the current government is now bad. the thing that's will change in these though, and the thing that we need now is the time you all and all the government, the set down. this is the only chose to get to the agreement to get to piece. this is the only choice because within the i was just not the one piece. meanwhile is rarely president isaac curbside describes how is country is defending the western world as the decimal in guys continues to rise. the force is that's the way of fighting a war for the entire universe. for the free world, i always say is, is, when was not there, europe will be met. because these barberic g a, there's want to get all of us out of the region and want to get all of your about of its place as well. and united states is next to for this course. now to
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journalist and editor of the mind grabbing dot org news outlet, martin j. martin, who was more posted in civilians, dine every day. what do you make of these really presidents words? they're actually pulling and shocking a con, help student feeling that would involve individual, essentially as relates to, to use the basis the, the platform of dental and international business to shop to actually defend the actions of the is really a lead in this genocide is kind of is really beyond the pay it i think you should be ashamed of yourself and he's not kidding anybody. nobody is full. but his idea that, you know, he's sort of a crusade it for free. well, again, so cool jihad just, you know, 1st thing is don't want to take it over there. well, that's known since they just wanted the country back. and they've been victims of, of bruce lucky patient. ready for the look, a patient for decades now. and you know,
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it's up to have the same thing with the turning point. yeah, we've seen many is riley's demanding a states fire protest within israel. why is there's really leadership not listening to their own people? i think the last thing that cut themselves into, it's like going to on the one hand, the lights here, so they managed to pull the ministration into original war which is escalating. and so i the day. so don't the other hands missing on having some self knows that he's on the political future now is really based on keeping this will going and keeping the genocide going every single day. so he's not looking for how much. that's conflict, ridiculous it is. an objective is to wipe out so many civilians as possible and try and convince neighboring countries in this, in the international community to take the remaining thousands out of causal together. and that's really attractive. you go to class now of a power struggle if you like, between us and you, i find in both disagree quite strongly. i have uh,
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what should happen because it in the future who should still on it? who should police it? and so i think come really with looking at just desperation. now, what are you gonna tell us? been all the seeds that makes no sense to anybody. and i think as the days go positive because of the nose, popularity just plummet, some plummet, he's got one most noticeable. now you talk about how netanyahu invited or have classed in the us. of course is israel is the strongest ally. do you think that, you know, who cares at all about what the us has to say any, is there any influence anymore in israel is decision making? let's think is what is what i'm worried about. his own is and isn't a survival. that is really, is his main objective. now, you know, i've done the relationship between us and you know, and, but it is never good, never in full decades since they've known each other that you can you comment on the price? i don't see like, you know, in a lot of matches, but nothing, you know, who is now really testing. so i to is really pushing into the line and we will see
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in the coming weeks where the body has the seals as of now to actually show that you know, who is the mazda impact assessment in this relationship is gonna throw up a huge amount of questions, i think, and he has to on the, was a america should even simple is rather, you know, is this idea pumping money into this country to say to west, from a gee, how this uprising was, was never really kind of built in the old days, you know and now it's just just ludicrous. so we really should work for it. kathy, this relationship and i think uh, comes time is coming quite soon. missing out of it has really uh thrown the dice now and he's gambling. and we think that keeping america engaged in origin, we'll take payment house and he's even have enough to say to design an electric look. you know, the americans want a 2 state solution. we don't want so vote for me because i'm really the only one in the as well. you can actually make sure the american start gets what to what they
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want to get an objective. so um, you know, i think i've a display for now and then now who are putting aside to hit him fighting for his own political survival. what do you think israel is ultimately trying to achieve with its actions in gaza? unreasonable, no questions about it. i mean, not if you look at and that's known as history. his dream is to create a regional war which pulls america in and uh, keeps that momentum guy and keeps the hatred on a pound or against iran, stokes to the, to the maximum. and um, you know, all the time mix america um more and more of a play. uh, a simple to this uh, extremes, honest regime and keeps as ro, relevant in the regions. that's really as objective in the very beginning is not remind buzz about it. you know, i mean, we know this is not really um, it hasn't been very mysterious or anything magic. i'm proud of. you know, that's, that's been his objective. but what shots a lot of people is the speeds and voracity of how quickly biden's been pulled into this scan. and now is really stop, you know, i mean, really is facing
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a real regional escalation now of the kind of scale that we couldn't imagine before . i'm with fund selections coming up. now we're going to the election campaigns to, to kick off fairly soon. buttons and such as like on he's, he's lost the emissions. oh, he's lost the american jewish product to, you know, he's lost a young people site and he's now really everything he has now. i have him to play full and i think come, i've written in my own. and so it was. but some we weren't seen as 1000000 pounds. right. well i, i think that the real question is how long she got. all right, journalist in the editor of the men grabbing dot org news outlets. martin j martin . thank you. meanwhile, major cities around the world are seeing pro palestinian settlements on the rise with thousands flooding the streets to express their point of view. the a huge crowd has immersed in spain and people not only chatting slogans and waving
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power, sending flags, but carrying bundles to imitate the bodies of those killed as a death one does a has already surpassed 25000 people. also the new york city dollars march down the street for the class with police and called to the end of genocide and dogs and the sub sponsoring of israel protest erupt in france and new zealand for participants. space picking up is vital at both the routes and governmental level got to that, that all $80.00 to $100.00 that every day the mess it goes and the genocide must stop. it's unacceptable and unbearable mediaspace and c spy needed. now i think that it's very important that we speak for the people of palestine. thousands of them are being found every day and they come to escape. the new zealand government sofa has done nothing as
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a face to face. the genocide was the place of both of your crimes. they should be taught, it is douglas and it shows no more power on the behalf to stay. so they need to be on the right side of history. i mean, way more than what they're doing are supposed to pay full of palestine, and i don't want to see innocent families and it's in children dying and unnecessary conflict. the african, a couple of nations tournament is underway in the ivory coast. 24 national teams have taken to the field to see who's the cream of the football in crop. a journalist site a my bodies sent us this reports, the default african kappa phoenician is being held in good div locks 8 the bean for the he is seen zoo country. all the do. quoting of the footboard short piece, the one country is behind the national team. hoping for a good title on home. so is tonight we pay tribute to the civic spirit of the
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players. they showed us that we could count on them when needed. all these people came out for them and we will never lose our hope. hope that the couple remain and i'll be john where it belongs. we're happy everyone. he is happy. i want the trophy to stay here. we're behind the place all the way and they must not let us down. i the hey, know, bill health clones helping much between good. the why and do you need be so i wrote in front of that edition prove to be right, has the national team one to 0. if the results that swing in this funds believe in the rest of the competition, ronda along with the 5 star break for the toner with good thing while we still have to pick up points again. so let's go to this, such as, and i do, and people, what do i need one known for the in these 50 to is that if be how to prove this be 100 group stage despite the all days that i've already and don't seem to be worrying about the chance ease the read is born. this has been
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a request by 40 percent by the african foot local physician for this very, for a freaking cup of nations offering the some of save in the median and daughters. so we news on the bathing of that you live in february 2024, with the referees vessel below and on the 1st matches over the weekend. football fever has firmly taken hold on the continent. fans and nigeria have high expectations. there's a lot of work to do. there's a room for improvement. how also there's a way who in the whole thing is going to work together. we're just of with us. we're gonna do what we need to do to support them. and then we go for the go my additional from the oil for me and getting serious for yes. yeah, this will come and people is that made the obvious that we hope to get you guys a very highly that's a got to yeah, i mean why what you enjoyed?
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yeah. game they have the zip codes. like to move or do. all right, well that's what the news for now. but for more in depth analysis, the latest breaking news and updates do please visit our website r t dot com and back in half an hour with more of the the joseph conrad wrote hall of documents and.


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