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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  January 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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was more explicit, but hardly a more effective global sympathy for the power steering cause continues to grow as they is really offensive planes, more lives and destruction has israel and its supporters and become entrapped by their own pursuits of to discuss that i'm now in joined by s b s on the retards, major general of the indian army general standards. great to talk to you again. thank you very much for your time. the better speaking to you a yes. now what i like about your analysis is that here tend to focus primarily on strategy here rather than morality. retracing is pointless to discuss a base stage of the conflict, but a discussion on them on a strategic aspect of what's happening may offer some live saving insights. so here we go. you wrote recently that israel's on declaring strategy is to make guys that uninhabitable. putting aside the, the moral uh, aspect of that,
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do you think it is a realistic strategy, given the number of people still remaining in that and clave? it might be a little distracted. you always have to be able to be don't, either declared, automatically or both are that you can let me look at this part of it. this is a good thing i would say is that ok if you want to finish out the most you want to release all of us. that is that would be wonderful. declared to be under the preventative work next that they haven't been of what was the 3rd grade. so none of that has happened. you know, matter that uh, how much do this do then. secondly, the data strict targeting, uh no, the whole thing has been released. the cause of many of the pressure i don't know what the, what, what, what it, at least was because of the got the dimensionality negotiations. secondly, let me talk love, i'm a, it's a, i don't know g usa but not limited by the want. the style
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there is more that is it again blue. so it's not possible. the 30 w does that old site uh some of the other day and say, now the kind of instructor name is their adopted. once they've done it a little bit more to destruction and then that destruction the what the people, the use of video, something like that. so that doesn't look and the model of that uh the, the model compared to the window. uh, the international support to, uh them is all the way down to is it altered, pleasing, and more importantly, as well as the start to the partners mentor. next to the 33000 and enjoyed about 69000. it is $23.00 in the population. you want to just call, you know, like, let's say, another 100000. what does it mean? does it the know? so you're going to be the other company that all to wait onto the committee.
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their committee wondering that is once you get all the number one number to like, because like you did in the, on the bottom of it for me to and then the reason it will only be what will be out of place a visit the situation. i don't know, it's not that you, as if i'm interpreting your correctly ending, it is ro is are pursuing a lose lose trying to do on the, on the friends and yes and they are pursuing, if not the last. i'm specifically, i wanna focus our attention on this issue of weapons. rising, the survival needs of the powers team and people which they're doing. and in open side you wrote that in your view. it ways that it may add to a new definition of states had arisen what was qualified as such, b, o d. anyway, i did listen to, nobody has defined that. and therefore,
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uh, every day i just wanted to finish and instead of this, there is no doubt that the fort used by innovators is disproportionate. it looks facing the condition i live. i mean, if you are, if you have to do almost almost none of these movies that you should be within your house. and uh, disney been back on the hospital and then the, all the, uh just will be plugged in there. there is not much that it would be directed to uh, therefore uh, as far as, uh, the longer instructed to get it doesn't go and uh, then the fear is that gonna be part of it will be an issue next. what that the police damage i left the almost and therefore just by this dns
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are under pressure by cutting off their water supply. if you need medical supplies, etc, etc, then maybe that didn't put pressure on the elected body of how much the deal was. that is not that doesn't definitely because unless i. busy what am i big big, the 2 of them won't be on for bullshit. and they have also become a that is not going to use the people. and then what if anything is certainly not listening to them. so the nice uh, on the end of the noise is that one of the cases, the, the folder for the guys, because in the i see this against them is the good part of the defense. is there any fees that you don't want the don't full don't to play up some of them and you know, with your site statements on a regular basis i, i wanna play for you and our viewers of something that one of the m p
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is in the is rarely permanent, permanent ascent, the bustle of them, so lots of money, the least bomb up. so there should be lots of money all for the key blade of it's some, it's an old me see, i sucked it up. so the yes stop. the gas will be blown up, so we have some kind of machine that some bill said it was the full good day, i think will be the same shipments. you have to help with the name of the, the so the bottom it's up to basically these notes on branch bigger. she is a representative of benjamin, nothing. nicholas liquid party. and if that is a new norm, if by subjecting a large numbers of civilians to hunger, to search for you on a pro ration all necessity is military operational assessed. as a data is considered legitimate, this base,
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i wonder what else could be considered as a proper and because after all, are we all know that israel is supposed to happen on the clarity of well known about a new career stockpiles. when would you as a military analyst, as a military strategist, would become concerned about things potentially going to clear? okay, 1st lady, the statement that you played up, it's that it doesn't have been convincing. literally, principles begging. because when we talk of the elegance, there is no way that you've been the people in i'm going to test on somebody, i get off what i'm doing this, i'm doing some warranties and things that the, the agent there is a lot of them because even have these that's the end of the village, and it'll give you the vision or the vision. probably you wouldn't be able to the other side as it happened on the 7th of book in a manner that all the people who are serving in from code 6 points.
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the other day and they get it to get ahold of information and that's how that goes . one of the reasons why they works, i believe there's one part of it. uh secondly as well. and then you did ask, dispensing, you see if it is not succeeding, it is not because there is a promotional force up. there is a very strong battery force on the other side. uh, deluxe. a few days ago, i've been instructed use what that is. my price, as i mentioned in the book, is by using the weapons. he started on the tv and the same day he met a certainly piece of mobile contamination without the tv. what do you want? glitching to in my opinion, i don't think this what is wonderful uh the new period. uh, as of now and uh, i do not visualize uh, this kind of situation coming up and the most so when it honors my better claim on this, on this uh that happens infrequently rushing under different. so if you build up
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a little bit of satellite, we're not going to have anybody see a so that then i said, i'm going to try to invest for the turkey is the way things been always i but this is not valid today i'd be, i'd be out of this, a lot of strong as you guys was money to live is new, be, have that much stronger on me. so that's why was not that in our general, we try to analyze it from a rational point of view, but as here, very eloquently laid out for us today. none of the decisions or none of the strategies that israel is pursuing right now is rational. and yet they're still pursuing it either out of personal vengeance or perhaps personal concerns. personal warners, but they're still going river strategy that seems to accumulate more and more harm for themselves. and yet they're not, they're ready to change the course. what could possibly,
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and you'll hear persuading them to consider alternatives. the 3 reasons why they're both really good. one is a political consideration, the date of or is, or even not really only is june. that's number one. the number to the guy is the best way to use the fees on up to work. uh, blue means to be one of the best intelligence systems and one of the best defensive uh, as i said, uh, printing. uh, they still had gone to slip ups and uh, that's kind of them, but it's not a database, but they are basically at the board on vengeance. and i the idea of prevent. so this is not the reason liberal good. and what the point is, even us ignition. uh, i mean on some of the opinions was visiting because whatever it was done was bought, but it, it was a booby and it was required to be good number 19, but the,
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but subsequently, but then the ad. but this doctor because they like it, the cable was it is the internet and the deal. oh, well then it became difficult and be able to see but the like we saw as far as, uh, let them know. and uh, if there is concern. if this at all, then what happens is getting that finished most. then what's the do? now they don't find a scheduled. there's a whole new desktop and that is why they're going to go there is uh, i think a few of them all the caption and that's the from you. and i get your to also to meet them see sense because initially bits of order been added. uh now i think good uh did that terms of becoming how far the fiber boss be for the amenities i say well uh general. uh, i like is where i live in do you know, are a balance and we have to take a very short break right now,
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but we will be back in just a few moments extension the by the early 1950. can you became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism in africa? the british invaders infringed on the most basic right, so the local population, great britain pursued the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers, dooming canyon step father de and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the
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peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement, which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels felt themselves canyon land and freedom army. the spiritual leader of the movement would be anti colonial, active as jo, mo, kenyata, the freedom fighters used guerrilla tactics and attacked the individual units of the british troops. the latter responded with massive air raids and artillery effects. when suppressing the uprise of london relied on the maximum cruelty over $50000.00 canyons were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into prisons and concentration camps. where george here in no way inferior in cruelty to the nazis, was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led the temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain yet, however, the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to me was a 4th with as the spell, not inventory is major in general of the indian army. now in general, as you suggested in one of your articles on b, how masses reigned as glory as it was, was also to some extent the launch account. because what, how much just wanted to, to see is to keep the power steering issue in the conscience of both a airflow old and perhaps the world that's large. and you also wrote that their strategy was not only to hurry them, humiliate is real, but also to provoke and beyond the limits,
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to demonstrate and these brutality here on purpose. so that is real response and disproportionate with me. why interesting the is really leadership to get the babe . did they have any other means of responding and revenging, but doing it without damaging bulls that own reputation, either to some extent on undermining their own security? yes, uh it might, will be the its, uh they actually uh oh boy, i agree with him this night. uh. they took a totally different line. they book this bid and uh, once a developer will be on promotion. uh, and the video was, you know, not really ready to be picked up here. i do show that this is lot and because of that, well, he thought that, uh, if he can finish off on the other. uh then he can get back his body as soon as this position is going to. uh so that goes on part of the. the 2nd issue is that, uh,
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that will be dropped off. uh, it's a painful one. do you know with it? uh, the reason is uh that big will find a better option. uh not to continue with it. uh, because the he was a part of partly as far as a month is concerned. uh. they are dentist obligation. uh no matter. uh, which day after the, after the 7th. otherwise, they would also wanna look at organization affiliated with then uh, the people that is being got within the practice uh that you want to be after what has happened. and do you want to understand that how much is even more popular than ordered was n d b for the people in the that's one part which is a very significant the development. then the reason was that's as what it is i was
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was concern that the listing was as becoming going to back. but it did talk that unless it goes something despite is to have gone and probably will get that because it's perhaps the way to the, the district. so that's why it didn't ultimately not only uh, the ability, but also sure given to the, uh, the word based on the, for the also to the i doing how much is going wrong. there's also the out of order for them data, but uh that has been selected because i don't work. so he is talking about the but it didn't cause, but the most important, most policy. let me ask you about the position of the united states because it seems that not only is around, but also the united states, who is entrapped, any way by its own policy, by its own pursuits of the united nations. the, you're still voting in favor of is around,
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but do you think it's since practical interest of america because they're here to reputational costs. they're huge material and, and weaponry costs to or supporting israel. do you think that's ultimately in the us a strategic and operational interest? in my opinion, us as manifested mistakes in a manner that they had been simple thing is that i thought the most uh in the windows and they show they have supported them. and on one end, they're saying that the dental tools bank are so concerned about the brother machine as people uh, because of, uh, the head of genuine and uh, the most names very clearly getting the uh, n u. s a. w and hardwood for you to the company. but uh be as it me. the fact is that the entire setup for life is not following be the better to get only a few of them. regardless of the following us, you get is one of them and maybe going to die and, and some of those uh,
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people have joined the emission as far as that fee is concerned. because many people that gave us it, what's the, are the word, or is it as is, and if there's another normal, then the walk install. and if the water stops in, does that, then, then it will take to lexi. well, this is not working either. all right, so uh, in fix casualties on the whole these and uh, continuing, although what will these are the laws at all? uh and that also must be, the friend must be funny. uh that has ever done that, that this many of the lead that this the benefits with this condition. uh oh, uh that was the that's gonna be in that stuff. then all of the things are not required. literally the only want be extra billed and uh, an older instigating. that's all. mm hm. right now in general you already brought in the issue of the who does the tax on the is rarely
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a target in the ref. see this week we heard about the ring. interactive radians tribes on the american name is really military installations in iraq. and i noticed people are talking about um, possibly a 3rd military front opening up in the middle is, in addition to some of the proxy and wars being united space supports both with a restaurant. i'm just on extent with china before we go any further. do you think that the united states, as a superpower, has enough capacity, manpower, strategic, decision making money? what have you international support to continue fighting proxy wars or direct kinetic wars on civics, around the united states, especially by the decision is what i think from grace's progresses and uh they miss under one and then they find that they get involved in the other one is in otherwise, technically speaking, i think it doesn't get also said once that do not get the especially i'm trying to
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get up as far as us is concerned, he had to do in a digital them the gold and the blue issue. james, together and all the able to is there was 1.0 begin to appreciate the say earlier it to the vendor list inside of rule. uh, but frequently the, uh and, you know, the nice, i know, i know $1.00 and the, in addition you, as a brother is coming up in relation which otherwise it will not be as low as the last that the dispenser i much did you say that you don't have that have been all my disability as a response to that, but you're good with. good. good. uh other ways i don't think yeah, i would have better luck. and one of them being i pull this one because i have these integrated be here at the end of the day. that's where the money was good. what surprised me or very much about the uranium strikes is that they were in
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direct strikes, knows me, or any progress has been direct strikes against the american and his riley military installations. and so far we haven't seen any retribution from the american side to worse in any other circumstance. here we're seeing that the american general, it was fine. this one is extremely provocative. channels on the country, especially described as part of the axis of evil, directly targeting their facilities. and yet, if we look at the american papers, you know, there is very little mentioning of the, of this direct strength, even though i mean they didn't cause that much damage. but it just in and of itself as an act of acting direct, taking a direct military action against the united states. i think that's have printed it . and notable how do you explain this american rep just sense or the american sort of effort to play this incident down? they think they, they want to respond under thing. they actually have nothing to respond to with. i think already that wants to play, don't who it was
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a year. that's what everybody wants. go eat on. it said that to me this morning. they did respond exactly the same on a weekend. that thing, there was a good up for discussion that maybe that there may be a lot of bridge in america and you know, but after that i think that came up and uh then uh it was, uh they, they engaged the phone. the dog gets in uh, utah, uh the some of the us made or 2 pieces any up and the end of it. no, because of the i can't hear it. i don't think they want to blow it out of proportion. and they are certainly move to a fight anymore. so apparently, americans want to play down as a home. what about the rainy is how they're doing their actions dressing. they will be involved in by this lack of response or retribution on the american side under expect more actors to become more genetically active in the recall. what it says is that it on has what his director strikes that they've done. uh, they have to lead us wonderful that we're just getting,
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i don't think they really didn't work directly. but the difficulty there to the proxies, whether it is with these or it is uh, it will allow others to indirectly. i think they're just going to be new uh, good evening to get onto the video game to good logically beyond a particular limit. now speaking about suppose a rainy and process i do want to ask here about these attacks launched by the who to move when, because it's been reporting that the one of the missiles launched against these really targets in the red sea was actually intercepted in space making the 1st instance of space warfare in history, at least according to these really officials. and i think it's a pretty, a star combination is what mr. rebels and you know them being able to commence a space warfare. what does it tell you about the nature of the world we're leaving or perhaps the nature of the middle east today?
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oh certainly this. what are the dimensions of what be i am leaving? and the fearful auto bear with certainly be part of it. now the president, most of the news on the sides, they're using spans because they bought and then getting to the space and then just before the, every day to use the get into the oh, but i that will be hard and then they is. so with that they have what appeared to me, i don't know, i've heard of trying to be completely compromises at all to get a little bit already. so this is, i mean i mentioned this will probably be even fee more of a that's and find the way i want to ask you about the us navy mission. the so called prosperity and guardian mission that is taking place in the red sea right now. and what's interesting about it is that the americans, i'm not going into that uh by themselves, they had tried to create a call listen of some 20 countries. but out of those 20 countries at least 8 are
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participating anonymously. and some notable countries like india, or still united way, an american l. a. saudi arabia declined to participate even though they have enormous stakes in obtaining commercial trains within that region. how to explain this someone distancing approach from the, from the american allies, either a non joining and i call listen on joining speaker 3, see the american cause and the american logic of support thing is it a, is getting to live and even the order of seeing the better know what thing in the united nature of that, that moving away from these writers matter to, uh, as, as we get routine. uh, so you want, in this particular case as one is this one is bumped on many fees. that this is the one thing that we definitely get a $130.00 is and stops would be this. we then that will be multiplexing to
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the get involved with the, uh, with this position and also uh, as far as will, these are concerned uh, the methodology may be on what, basically what their fee and then all that and stuff this uh, getting. uh now this is something which i put after that i saw the word local thing . so uh, technically speaking, uh there is hardly any difference then between what the united nation is the and what will be that the uh, it doesn't give a very strong budget. uh, deductible these are the countries it wouldn't move to the full, you know, support the usa uh in uh, in something we just, we just love because that a lot of most as well. well, uh i see more thought of getting the uh, uh, a good escalation. uh if enough people to nobody. so i think people not have it. well. uh, generally we have to leave it there, but it's always as always, its been great pleasure talking to you. thank you very much for sharing your insights,
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but as thank you. thank you with the thank you for watching close this area again on walter part the the, [000:00:00;00] the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia
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with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the most funny, i mean, he stuck up some new shows. all the cars do. and dick's shown the list to the tent . the on the each one of the most horrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the pushing me to download the glassy part of the diesel april the national most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed on that department for us to get the move of nancy. and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the choices generals with a slug drenched roots in an effort to establish value. it's legacy still echoes
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throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of willy and the history of bologna in, in, in the region. the disturbing images from the capital city of the donuts for public were 27 civilians are killed in 25 more wounded. as ukraine shows, a busy market on sunday morning, the russia lashes out in germany for intervening on israel, the half. and the genocide case, south africa has taken to the international court of justice and we hear from a palestinian now living in nigeria about how is the kansas struggling to survive in gaza? both of them have already been killed by as rarely bombing raids. i look more than 25, the number of this,


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