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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the, the, the russian for ministers circuit live, rob addresses the one security council about them, the training attacked on a don't ask market. the emphasize that the blood of $27.00 civilians is on the hands of those who arm this within the region. the hospitals and southern dogs that come under intense is rarely attack. well, the red crescent ambulance center is surrounded by idea of forces. we hear about the dire medical situation in the enclave. we didn't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. there's no gas to cook, it's no need to add to it all the basic necessities are expensive. the cheapest thing today is a human being and relatives of hostages and gather outside these rarely prime
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ministers. residents to demand a deal with the laws for the return of their loved ones. the rental rouble live in moscow, you are watching r t international russian foreign minister, a circuit lod rob has spoken at the un security council on ukraine's latest deadly shelling of doing that. he stressed the west complicity in cabs actions by sending weapons to ukraine. the looks of some you'll see this good can use which sure is the death much and do not have a problem with the fact that the weapons including cluster munitions and those with depleted uranium methodically, mercilessly and deliberately so as being used against civilian facilities as it was during the strike on residential areas of belgrade on december 30th, and on the market and shops and don't ask yesterday, the blood of thousands of dead civilians is on the hands of the those who um
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zalinski is regimes as kind of the same time claimed that the key of government to, to has a right to choose targets to strike. but if we remember how the anglo saxons bomb dressed in the 2nd 1945 without any military need or how not so long ago in rocky muscle. and syrian rock were raised to the ground, but now they have raised a worthy successor of the above barrack and terrorist methods. the russian foreign minister is here in new york at the un headquarters. and he spoke before the security council in the direct aftermath of that brutal attack and on at the showing that killed 27 civilians and the smoke before the council. going over the history of disregard for civilian lives and brutal bombings and atrocities committed by western leaders. the also highlighted the fact that gonzalo lira an american citizen was tortured to death and died in a ukrainian prison. 90 talked about that case as well. and then from there he highlighted how the flow of weapons to the key of government. this is not going to
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be good for anybody in the long term already. these weapons have shown up on the black market. so the usa has dumped the billions and billions of dollars of weaponry money, etc, and to ukraine, and the long term effects of this effort to not only continue the flow of weapons, but pro long the conflict is going to be deadly and consequential for the entire region, we will, is going to put it in a church where you go to russia, had to stop the military operation against the criminal regime, lost its mind over its impunity. and despite multiple and long lasting efforts and refused to give up the war against its own citizens in the south and the south east of ukraine and the policy of total discrimination of russian speaking ukrainians. ups that still make up a majority in the country. zelinski is regime, did it not only in violation of the men's grievance approved by the un security council, but also against the basic principles of civilized society to you and to basic
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human rights. instead of including those of ethnic minorities who the west that was behind the anti constitutional cooling key of 10 years ago. not only didn't call the heads of the key of click here to order, but also use the means agreements as a cover to a crane state. the secretary blinking points out that the continuation of help to ukraine is a guarantee of the creation new jobs in the united states. as if we are talking not about the wall claiming hundreds of thousands of lives in ukraine. but about some profitable business venture european should wake up and understand that via zalinski is regime the us not only conducts a war against russia, but also sharply weakens europe as an economic competitor. we also heard from the russian foreign minister about how at the end of the day, there is really nothing for the ukrainian people to gain in this conflict with russia. it is their lives that are being thrown away on the battlefield. it is their country that is subjected to war conditions and the games are coming for the
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anglo saxon elite in britain, in the united states. and they are also coming for the ukranian corrupt regime that has been propped up by them in the aftermath of over throwing the constitutional government of ukraine in 2014. um, now the other members of the security council spoke and emphasize the need for a peaceful, negotiated solution to the conflict. just stop the death that has an every day aspect of the ongoing situation for you to include the idea of what the consequences of nato's east would expansion in the tape of seeking. so cold absolute security at the expense of public countries. security will only widen the security deficit and trust deficit. it will do nothing to make our world more peaceful and stable in this regard, nature will do well to learn. it's less than what the chinese representative was saying. actually echoed a lot of what was said by the russian for and in
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a stern. they were talking both of them about the need for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. and in his remarks, the russian foreign ministers are gay lab ross said that there is no reason that the ukrainian people in the russian people can't live side by side in peace. that the efforts to incite the 2 peoples against each other to demonize the history of the soviet union. that was done intentionally by the united states for propaganda purposes. and that there was a long history of ukrainians and russians living together. and that ultimately, the future of ukraine is a future in which they get along with russia, which they are not having hostility for their neighbor and that they have for it to divide. the 2 peoples is largely the result of western propaganda to serve western g o political goals not to work in the interests of the granting and people are ti correspondent and steve sweeney visited the size of the little assault to bring us more updates on the shelling and it's after mass, flowers mom,
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this fault where at least 4 people were killed. as i miss how struck this in the markets, the orange is lying on the floor. the blood is still yet to dry. don't yet is known as the safety of a 1000000 roses. it just said that one flower has been prompted for every person that lives here. but it has been under attack since 2014 civilian navy. a shelled is people terrorized. or they wanted to live in peace, but instead they said nothing but war. some of the set sundays, the talk was an act of desperation. as keeps ease its form, a strong hold of the of slipping from its gross. what happens that matches to the people here for them, a russian victory mean some relief from the day. the bombing, the glimmer of hope for the future. there's no frequency for us. what we need to do it is it's very important totally the rate the entire republic. although we realize that this may not happen so quickly, but at least at least move the front line away from residential areas,
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the lead. among the whole row, there are tales of individual acts of heroism. one mind explains how he have saved lives in the off to most of the shelter will look like you sure. there's a lot of dead people here. there was a man lying here with his right leg blown off. i shouted to the men to help me and ran on. there was a girl. she had a light wound. she was on her feet. however, i still offered helped her and then i went further and saw a 2 men who could hardly move, holding onto each other. i ran and took the car and i drove up and then they helped me to load the people. and then i took them to the hospital. there's also 24 hours after you creating an attack on a busy marketplace. don't yet, because the morning, the death toll has risen to 27 of to west and supplied weapons cause carnage. breaking the peace of a bright sunday morning. the process for ministry described the strike as a bump on rec terrorist attack against civilians. with the incident set to be discussed at the un security council, locals, an official with
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a return to the scene to light flowers, the memory of those killed and the biggest single loss of life in the region. in recent times. for now, the fighting and the shedding continues. britain and france have recently placed that long term sub pool for ukraine, reading more weapons, more crimes, old carried out with totally impunity. this is these reading fidelity in don't yet see through the turning to southern gaza now where the mass are and l m. all hospitals are under intense is really attacks by the palestinian red present society reports. ambulances are surrounded by as rarely, army forces and unable to reach the wounded. both medical facilities are under a communication blackout, according to the organization, and deadly overnight strikes and con eunice caused a rush of injured to master hospital. 190 people have been killed and 340 wounded
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across the palestinian enclave. over the past 24 hours. as the is really defense minister promises the army will continue to expand its attacks. we are carrying out an intensive operation in the con eunice area and it will continue to expand the plumes of smoke from the tanks, artillery and air force. planes will continue to cover the skies of the gaza strip until we achieve our goals, chief among them, the defeat of home us and the return of hostages to their homes. meanwhile, the medical situation in gaza remains critical and shortages of fuel, electricity, and medication on the 108th day of the war. the death toll is more than 25000 was at least 63000 injured and attacked by the israeli military. we heard from locals about the current conditions in the palestinian enclave. a bunch of one that you saw it hadn't been weighs yet under the siege, which takes a shortage of medical services and critical medications for all patients. this includes patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure,
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and comes onto biologics. in general, and a lot of medications mean we'd diagnose patients prescribed medications, and they go to the pharmacy and come back without the medicine. and on the job hospital, 3 quarters of the patients come in need, and medications that we can provide the results, they show up which of bads, if alien and subjective in the 2 months ago, the hospital, the russell was treating 3 100000 human beings. now there are 1000000 and 300000. many patients come needing treatment, but it's not available. it is especially difficult for blood pressure and diabetes patients and for children needing diapers in milton or we have significantly lacking all of this. and then we hope that the supplies become available, but most of them have them go ahead and share my need ointments to my sons rush. the price of diapers today is $120.00 shackles as a displaced persons you're going to, it's all on me with my wife and my children. where can i find 120 shekels to bind
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on it because there's no medication, no appointment for diaper rash? nothing. we don't have anything that can meet. they give us is killing us. there's no gas to cook it with a new onion to add to it. all the basic necessities are expensive is the cheapest thing. today is a human being a relatives of the hostages, still held by her mazda of gathered outside the as really prime ministers, presidents to demand an immediate deal with some us for the return of their loved ones, are to the middle east bureau chief, where we have an ocean that has more. yeah. and you're isn't it right now on the street? oh, yeah. so how's the in a row? ironically, this is where is really prominent residents that you were hundreds of people. relatives of these really is how costly, twice, probably seen in milliseconds and together 3 by sharing this sorrow and then the other. it's expressed their disappointment. these really get them into presenters
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that we all think hostages in another. and 10 fridays people draw their pension. the decision maker is worth ramsey's citizens and protests happen in israel on a weekly basis in the last 3 and a half months. all that tries to grow and disappoint things, anger and impatience. their mind is really popular because they're getting here. now people are trying to think now one of them is what they are demanding. bring all their hostages back. now, people, number of times they are planning to stay in here and think faith till the wants of the one stop until they are heard is they can see these practices all the as massive as for example, but it is very loud. they believe these really dealership is not doing enough and does not matter. as a priority. we have been able to speak to you organizers and family members earlier
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. this is what they have to say. we got here today to try and pressure the 5 minutes. so we're outside his residency to leave the issue off the hostages on the table. this is an urgent issue. we want them to be released. not only today, now as soon as possible. we want the government to and the minister to bring us the deals for us to a deal. and if there's no to such a deal that he agrees on so of stifle one that you can, it's their job. it's their responsibility when they get there, they've got to be together because of the mistakes of this to the governments. and it's very sensible to bring them back. you must make it be, they meet the pressure they made it to pressure use for making a better deal. okay. so you did for 50 days, you know,
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and need to strive for review earlier today. also in jerusalem, another group of relative storm depaula, mandatory committee session in the class. so it is rarely parliament demanding that the law makers do more to free the loved ones from for to be t some protest or is were holding signs saying you will not sit here while they die there. you remember in december the idea mistakenly identified 3 hosted isn't guys that you were to come back to the north as militants, although they were waving a white flag. all 3 were killed on the spot. the tragic incidents raise questions about the efficiency of israel's military operation. but has releasing of hostages as one of its main missions. 136 people still remained and could see between gaz a 3 and a half months after october have mass attack on southern israel when almost 3000 palestinian militants passed through security barriers from the gaz us through coming from the land, the sea and the air killing people and these rarely tories are in taking scores
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hosted, including women children, an elderly, 110 of them were freed, following several exchange deals with him as, as a condition, a number of palestinian prisoners were released from these really jails. but in the last 50 or so days that hasn't been any breakthrough. and this is what these people who have gathered here today, how very unhappy about no agreement has been rich so far regarding the remaining hostages, the most recent still broken by the us, catherine egypt. they all play a role of media acres between israel and the mass of this conflict included israel's withdrawal from jazz and the end of the deadly war is real wages in the in place as a main condition, according to the palestinian sources. the idea of military operation took the lives of run $25000.00 people, including those who were just children. the deal also implied another round of fries and are exchanged, including senior militants from the palestinian side,
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and prime minister benjamin antonia juanza or insane israel will not accept any deal that would mean the end of the fight before israel achieve is goal of destroying have mouse and dogs are adding, there is another so called is really deal on the table, but no details have been disclosed so far live in the public and frustration. anxiety, well tensions between the u. s. u. k. coalition and many who these continue ship ensures are starting to refuse to guarantee merchant ships linked to american and british interests whose roots cross the red sea. so i'm unsure as a no longer willing to under right will risk insurance for vessels with ownership or involvement with the us u. k. or israel traveling through the red sea as the rate through the suez canal becomes more risky. european cargo vessels have been forced to alter course from asia and go around to the african continent. and that journey to the us is also look significantly changed and increase the cost of transporting goods. u. s.
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military launched a 6th round of strikes on the who sees in yemen last friday. the attack came in response to the revel group firing on an american over the cargo ship in the red sea. to these claim their attacks on trading ships. links to israel are carried out in support of gaza. all right, let's cross live now to our t contributor, chris and chris. how with the reluctance of insurance to guarantee us and you can look ships crossing the red sea effect, the economies of those countries. yeah, it's a really great question. right joe? i think it's quite substantial really if we look at the countries that the u. k. in the us put them, they need to access through the red sea. they do have all the routes they can take, but that's main, that's the predominately of saudi arabia, right? egypt. but saudis, specifically, as we know, saudi is one of the most will thence regions in the well, it supplies that a huge amount of oil, petro diesel products to do the us. i'm the u. k. the fact that they wouldn't be
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able to pull off to the easiest route to get that oil. that's way to get a have a significant effect to the economy. because even just that taking yeah, the route because of the coming crisis and the price of oil is rising day by day by day. so the cost to actually drive the time to down to pick it up. it's just going to become even even more cost prohibitive. to the people that the need to buy it. sorry, i didn't quite significant. you know, it's interesting, chris, because western countries tried to ban the insurance of russian ships in a failed attempt to decrease the russian exports. do you see any iron a here considering the ongoing situation in the red sea? you want to think it? yeah, it's laser, it is quite ironic really. and the fact is, you know, the, uh, as you quite rightly mentioned, uh, the, the, the, the, the, the assets of the collective circle west to try and find a russian shipping wasn't really very successful. in fact, if we look at the, the numbers of the russian economy, the economy is growing in terms of the exports of those goods that they were trying
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to buy at robin having the, the effects that was designed. whereas here, it's very clear that that, that the actions of the who t who these so far are actually physically damaging. and by taking on hitting the us of you type it on the warehouse press. so given that there is a possibility that some us and u. k affiliated shipments could be destroyed by the who phase. how is that likely to impact the buyer confidence in the targeted suppliers where they look for alternatives? perhaps? i think, yeah, think you went right rachel, it's significant because it's that say on the, you know, on the country, the ones who wants to buy from one of the big oil and gas u. s. u k, but he met, you know, the british petroleum is of the well the, the excellence of 12 then you know, you're going to look at other places because at the moment you've got plenty of as long as you have an allied yourself, totally with, with us foreign policy, you go to other options of, of, of you can buy, for example, from the chinese. a lot of countries can do the chinese chinese shits very in very
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few places in the world. a sanction. or you can even buy from russia as soon as you wish. so yeah, i think it, i think it's, it's just good news or for multi is part of darcy. very bad. the very bad useful. so the so the rules bikes do the press? well, what other economic consequences do you expect to see from this fragile and security situation in the long term? you know, i think in the long term we can just see the prices of, of energy just keep increasing. because by cutting off such as significant rude food, that translates of oil and gas, and you're going to see that i think you will see the price go up. but it will say property, see i pick plus, which is the regions that big sort of group of oil, oil, the air in countries in the region of plymouth lease. and we'll probably see them react to that. will probably see how they deal with it, whether they decrease the supply of the production capacity of the oil that they're putting out right now, just because it will be more difficult for them to sell it on g to the behavior, to have a price of shipment and there's, there's lots of things that can happen,
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but i don't think it's very good for anyone in the west that was looking forward to that. heating those coming down any time soon. all right, chris and start the contributor. thank you. thanks, a lot of the slovak prime minister, robert vito has declared that ukraine is not a sovereign nation and is under us control. he made the statement on the eve of his meeting with the ukrainian prime minister, set to take place this week. the system asked for my dining room 2014 off to the mike, don. ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian president told of the use of military force and ukraine? imagined mexico next to you with its defense ministry, an entirely political scene, including the president and government on the full russian controls is now imagine mexico joining a military organization with russia plays a decisive role. what would you do? this arguments his rational ukraine is not silver and then these entirely on the us control. the slovak prime minister also spoke out against ukraine's possible
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membership in nato. she has said this could be, i'm quote, the foundation for a 3rd where. busy war and to confirm. slovakia will no longer send weapons to to ukraine. feet so also express support for hon. gary and prime minister victor or bon and his veto of a 50000000000 the euro. e u. a package for ukraine in december. despite being both a nato and the member slovakia has repeatedly supported normalizing ties with moscow and the country culture ministry has left the band on cultural cooperation with russia. all right, let's press live now to george 70, while a senior research fellow at the global policy institute. george, we heard there, pete, so saying that ukraine is not a sovereign nation, but his under full us control given so like his membership in western alliances. what do you make of the prime ministers statement? it was very interesting because he made the absolutely a precise analogy to try to understand rocks as a position because he said,
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well, what would the united states say if mexico uh, formed a military alliance with russia or china say, how would the united states respond? well, of course, the question posit itself, the united states would immediately invade mexico. it was, sees the mexican president, and bring him to the united states and imprisoned him there. and no one in the united states policy making a lead. well question, that's all i would say this is exactly the right thing to do. and that's why the united states has done very similar things that they, that things are in a to, i mean, it did some of the things that gains cube that, that this is how uh is great, how's respond to? so what it's saying is that this was a war that was clearly provoked, and when he says it's under the control of the united states while the disease, it's pretty obvious that when there was a possibility of
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a peace agreement to at least 3 possible peace agreements uh, and in the spring of 2022, it was the united states and this little ally, a great britain that told t if don't sign this deal key, it was ready to sign the deal. but it's a look no, don't do it. so that's why it means, yeah, the united states runs ukraine in charge of seats. so also hinted that ukraine would have to give a part of its territory to russia. let's take a listen to what he said. there has to be some kind of compromises. what do they expect the russians to leave cry me. i don't buy some lou hand, so anything that's not realistic. i went to the speaker. so george, what are your thoughts on that? is that the most likely scenario? well, it is the most likely scenario. i think that territory is lost. the problem is that back isn't really the objective. all they, a roof is supposed special military operation that the real objective,
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there wasn't territory. and there's a book to the said, there's many, many times. this isn't the war about territory. russia has plenty of territory, doesn't need any additional tara trip. the objective was to prevent the ukraine from joining they to. so even if this direction now becomes a boss of russia, it, but you are the and the was no, no, you know, they, there's no prospect that it's ever be restored to ukraine. they're still going to be the problem outstanding, which is what's the future of ukraine when ukraine be inducted into nato. and if it isn't inducted into a native, then it still remains a serious problem for russia. right only. but they're charged samuel a senior research fellow at the global policy institute. george, thank you. thank you. all right, up next, the documentary ukraine's arms, barons looks at the list of trade in weapons from ukraine, which dates back to the collapse of the soviet union by the the,
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the, the the
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altima 2023. a surprise attack the lowest against israel by how much the militaries show the world. the no one had expected the palestinian run. the goal is to have so many cutting edge weapons in the off to minutes of the attack militants open. a multi frame for the rockets and missiles that rain down on these rates. this is the see the over the how can it be? that is a ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments. anyway, blue bus demons,
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us an e u military, a totals tens of millions of dollars will continue to show the power or partnership will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. but where does this stage really go? and who decided to, um, a country that was being one of the biggest supermarkets of some of the width of this for almost 2 years. the the healthy and with the special minus the meal of somebody with them onto that
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heavy. what time i need them, the most of them need open pump them on the 5th and you had the middle to sort of, you know, and, and one box, i don't know, some rod von, more time as an independent lebanese journalist during his career. he's produced hundreds of reports on was intimately he's met with is lemmings you had as late as many times and knows exactly how weapons get into their hands. because she home to receive the assessment office. you kinda have a way to be on and holding with someone and getting the menu. so the, the home mom and i and i mean we're only feeling that amount of mean the minutes can have you come off the menu sort of the drug. vaughn was shown to learn the arms of traffic.


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