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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the, the stuff that was right there will not see as is right, the forces say they haven't circle the city of con units in southern gaza as part of what it calls quote, an extensive high local journalist file. this report has explosions struck the area . the situation and fund moves is different. it's the heavier abutment. so things disruption as pressure on prime minister. netanyahu balance at home. the $24.00 more idea of troops that killed in gaza report say, israel is in the midst of making a deal with him on the list of alleged french most in areas killed in our russian attack on the city of hook up last week. so if it's online,
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of the most co says 60 french fighters were taken out with them on, on some explanation from powers. the it's been the flowery of guests so far on today's program, live on all to international an awful lot of details to pass along to you this hour . so we appreciate you joining us starting and gaza, where israel says is troop 7 circle the southern city of con eunice, according to the palestine red crescent, one civilian tales when the idea of a type, the entrance of the out amount of hospital there, the organization said that is really drones or targeting anyone moving around the facility and we're, we've received this report from a local journalist as explosion, so heard in the background. the situation inside moving is different. it's heavier bombardment, so things destruction and killing people there, but it's on the streets,
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the fire on the flames. it's all very because i all go back from the city and circling the home area. the tasks are just trying to balance the city. they do this for 50 pounds, and that is their stance. it's ready for use. the bombardment could be hit every single 2nd. earlier the world health organization condemned the fighting in the area. oh, urging that the violence must still get screens right now. you're looking at palestinians, basically moving on mass closer south of egypt and border as a result of these really at funds they one of the largest united nations shelters in the city, open out the local journalist happens a child and reporting from about 5. and there's multiple r sykes here in the southern areas specifically. and the main focus in had you in this right now, because there is a escalation. and how do you sound very necessary that uh, this is for the 1st time, the idea of uh, word that the people, uh, the medical uh,
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crew inside the a mazda it hosted with them to stop evacuating uh from there civilians intended to that they because there's less specific, safe car door for the displace posting and inside findings to flee or evacuation many places in town units like the request supp as well as the cap. move the islands the the got wanted by the idea that they should be back a signed release to of the city. a dispute basically now uh the uh the medical crew. um the ambulance is, uh they allow us to have, they are afraid that there's many casualties on the side of roads because the album has got caught, can't move from the center. so i'm talking about the a loss or a hospital and also a direct question. and can use so basically the people here, this, this place, people from gauze on this load and there's
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a whole shelter inside on eunice. they're basically can see that is where any tax of the is really about does is in their own eyes. this is what we see on the videos we receive from low consort, says that the adf is really making making of the a ground operation really wide. and had eunice or un organizations have raised the alarm as the war and gaza has left the enclave. i mistook humanitarian disaster latest grim if it goes over 25000 palestinians killed and roughly 2000000 displaced . now moving 3 months into the wall, we heard from locals on how they just trying to survive from day to day. there is no food. the situation is difficult for me. i go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but i can't find them. there's no work. people have been unemployed for 4 or 5 months now don't have money and the prices are expensive. every in commodity increase 3 to 4 times a day is very minimal and life is difficult. this is more,
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this is destruction. most of the people got the space to rafa. witnessing suffering like we'd never experience before. houses are destroyed and people destroyed. i live near the market and go out every once in a while to shop. here the prices are very expensive and there is no money that just the bullets are very expensive. those are canned foods. even the bag of sugar is expensive. our situation is very, very bad. there is no income and the aid that comes is not distributed as fairly. as for me, i feel like i need financial, psychological and moral health as freight. it does not reach everyone. some people receive some aid and others received nothing. the quality of aid that comes is not sufficient and is limited to canned food. there are many things that we need at this time, but are not available. the age should reach every home in the gaza strip. so that people can provide their livelihoods for themselves and for their children on
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a daily basis. a report by the un office for the coordination of humanitarian f as says 60 percent of the homes in gauze i have been destroyed. on top of that, 9 out of every 10 schools severely damaged and the local journalist as i tossed this report and how locals are now basically living. i mean, we're the, this particular building, one of the buildings of the school is ready on the invite. the dates in recent days causing destruction and damaging this building. they found it with bull plains and several classrooms were destroyed. a number of displaced people have returned here, trying to find shelter after exhausting, or multiple places they could reach in the surrounding shelter centers. i do not know that the address that people are coming back in crowds to the schools because they have no other shelter other than the schools. so we came here but as you can see, the classrooms and not at all suitable for living. and we have nothing we just covered ourselves with some cutting some blankets which are of no real use. the building
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conditions, the bombardment from all sides. as you can see, it's not suitable for living. this entire school doesn't have a single bathroom that you can use properly, that night in the cold when you need to sleep instead of one blanket, you need 3 to cover yourself. so you don't freeze from the code to the fullest, to take shelter in these completely destroyed classrooms, which leak water from the ceilings, especially with the onset winds that we mean here the both of it st saying many pots here are completely destroyed. we also say the destruction of all the 12th rooms in the other wings. people are trying to find improvise blankets made of cousins, and temporary bulls to protect themselves and shelter from the wouldn't that gold, they say is the solution and living with, along with the residents in the jamalia camp area. the shelter replaces the homes destroyed by these radio only the past days. look at this. israel has reportedly proposed a 2 month ceasefire to lead us with from us,
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according to officials close to the top, the deals input of through, through mediators from egypt and cut out. i'm at least bureau chief has picked. the wizard pours, haven't been to the song deficiency yet, but if true, we could certainly talk about the brake. fluid reports all the israel has offered him as a deal that includes a 2 months long ceasefire, which is the longest pause in fighting ever offered or accepted by his ro, according to the deal, whole 136 remaining hostages will be released starting with the women elderly hand, those who are in critical medical condition and then the rest, including is rarely soldiers the bodies of dead hostages, also supposed to be returned to israel. the proposal also reportedly includes the i g s withdrawal from major cities in the gather street, which might a lot of video return of palestinian civilians. they are, according to the u. n. these really devastating the military reformation guys are
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left about 2000000 people internally. this place and exchange a number of palestinian prisoners will be released from is really jails. but as we hear israel will not increase or free all of them. the exact number of names as we understand are yet to be discussed, all the reports, and that the do also offers some senior leaders to leave gaza. which sounds rather surprising and not logic given that destroying the militants. grove is one of the key missions of the war according to israel. but again, these reports are hard to be verified for now, on monday, not to meeting with the families of the hostages prime minister mentions the reason is really pushed still on the table without giving any detail without deliberating . so this could be they offering it to the for talked about their prime minister, made it clear repeatedly. that is why it will not accept any deal that would imply the end of the war. and there were several offers on the table before the most
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recent, one brokers by the us caught her in egypt, was rejected by israel for that fair reason and demanded to stop the fighting while israel remains germans to continue the war. and g, as i have to say that these really public question is the frequency of the idea of military operation. it doesn't seem to help bring hostages home plus have miles, is far from destroyed almost full months into the war. the idea of less around 70 percent of how masses fighting for us intact, according to israel's own estimates and the palestinian milton, the grove seems to remain strong and capable of attacking. just recently the idea of confirmed 24 of its soldiers were killed and a sold by him us. the fema during the fighting in the center of the goals this trip $21.00 was a fight as will killed the forces operated in the space. this separates the authority sacraments from gaza. net case of them, according to what we know at this point and p g missile was apparently followed by
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terrorist at a time that was securing the polls. and at a time, an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. while most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines that our forces planted in them. we're about to explode, the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area of a to the force of all potential deal with him as kind of mean growing domestic discontent with how the government deals with a plea of the hostages. every weeks, thousands of people take this theresa in jerusalem in tel aviv to express their anger and frustration and disappointment. also in one day a group of relatives of hostages storms, apollo mentally, committee session and the connect. so it is really parliament demanding the lawmakers to do more to free the loved ones. some professors were holding up signs, saying he will not sit here while they die. they are, these are some pictures from the can ask that the
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while the war during zone discussions are held on post war scenarios book as i'm arab countries backed by the us. i'm working on a proposal that would create a pathway towards a palestinian state and exchange for normalization between saudi arabia and a 0. washington also says in good commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction altogether street and work towards palestinian lead governance of the in claims off to the war. how to say if it's going to work out as a israel seems to be on a different page, prime minister in antonia who repeatedly rejected the idea of 2 state solution. say he's proud to be the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of the palace state of the state. also stress. and he believes israel should have what he calls security control over guys and but again,
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too early to talk about what will happen after the war has the idea offensive that according to palestinian sources already claimed the lives of more than 25000 people still continues with israel not ready to inquiry, to stop it as well. uh, regarding this potential to month a ceasefire. we gave to reaction with a saudi foreign policy research. i have a listen to this. well, this is the situation. this is why both of this is why in particular israel is saying no, there is no ceasefire because it will just give them an opportunity to re arm and recalculate and then re attack. and therefore, there has to be an absolute destruction of how must now the definition of absolute destruction, of how math isn't it. so struggling to find a new kind of attraction, people don't know what the track, what eliminated by mass means, politically its infrastructure. and therefore, the only way to get a cease fire,
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a sustainable ceasefire is that if there is a political horizon, and that's the problem. and that's where really the era states come in. and, and right now what i think the error states are doing is that they're not willing to engage in any kind of process. while the credit of conflict is reportedly attracted a huge number of foreign troops or most anal raised to 5. the key of recently it list stuff is old, alleged french, most in areas killed, and a recent russian striking the city of hot gulf discussed this earlier without these charlotte dupon ski is more more evidence coming out about the individuals who killed allegedly in not striking call have just a few days ago, there's this list now on social media that score the names of individuals. the alleged to beat french information online suggests that the oldest was in the late forty's. the youngest was in the early twenty's and we've been able to get some
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information on social media about some of these individuals who are set to being killed and not attack, but it starts off with one. this is charles bethel, lisa, who is apparently born in 1996 and has apparently been in ukraine for about a year now had a bit of a bagel and social media. there's lots of pictures of him wearing armies, fatigue showing him in areas that look like it's a coming back soon. and all of these pictures or hash tags with ukrainian flag, there's also videos on a tick tock account that apparently is his account. and i just want to give you a sense of one of these videos where you can clearly hear individuals speaking french the
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from another individual we've been able to find some details about is somebody called alexis bill who is apparently born in 1986 and has been in ukraine, allegedly for around 10 months. so we don't know if this alexis field was a french soldier, but we do know that his family has very strong connections to the french ministry. in fact, his father was a colonel in assigned to military it. so this giving you a sense of some of the information that's coming out. i've also seen that needed to be with the french defense minister on french tv, who has said, yes, it may be some french in ukraine, but, you know, we're in a democracy. we called stop them, it's not a legal for them to go that. well, the russian foreign ministry says, actually he doesn't know french or if that's the case, because the french of penal code actually states that it is in legal for french
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national to go and fight full money for a foreign state. and it seems to justify themselves for the newly revealed frank. so the presence of many french mercenaries in the ranks of ukrainian armed forces. french officials became completely confused in testimony on the topic medicine react, saving i, the participation of an individual in an armed conflict on the side of a foreign states from which this person is not a nice if full monetary compensation is prohibited by lowering funds at the same time, if you read carefully becomes clear. french legislators laid out a safety net in advance, in case the vacation is all volunteers golf court. so the defense ministry has said yes, possibly some furniture that at the same time we've got paris the knowing that there were any french french ministries. we'll just fighting a new crane. but anyway, in the world, friends helps you brain with supplies of military material and military training in
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full compliance with international law. france has no mercenaries, neither in ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others. it is clearly not the hold for if i've done a bit of digging, i found that in 2022, the french foreign ministry confirmed the death of a french citizen who was fighting in ukraine. i hear later in 2023, the foreign ministry again in france, confirming the death of a french citizen who was acting as a sold in ukraine. and prior to that strike oak hall cape, just a few days ago, french media had been reporting over the past 22 months or so. the french nationals had gone to fighting ukraine and the, the least 8 had died. so it's we know the whole truth and it seems to be a lot of confusion coming out of funds to clearly doesn't want to admit that they could be french missionaries fighting a new card. and as nato countries continue to pump the key of with weapons and crates full of cash, the books, so could a general says there's no immediate danger of this time in coming from rusher
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against member. stay similar to the general. you personally. do you believe that even notice future, let's say in the cage any russian russian, thanks. come to enter any european capital like baltic states, we don't see in the volume or even then set that against any needs. while i made that statement, the secretary general announce nato would be conducting the blocks biggest drills since the cold war with $90000.00 troops. taking part, including those from member elect, sweden, exercises kicking off later this week are reportedly able to demonstrate the ability to quickly deploy forces in defense of europe. while i discuss it down here with independent journalist lucas, if i haven't listened to what do you have to say? the problem is not salting back and the higher ranking officials of tomato are all the european countries. the problem is, all right, and your
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t v in the usa or anywhere in western europe, the role that generals and gun on salt lake, they go into a sort of bleats creek game saying, you know, we expect the russians to attack also tomorrow, and they wouldn't be involved in the day off to the want. you know, this is completely ludicrous, but these guys are on t v all the time. and you on the list, slap it. so bucks that the, one of the blocks main objectives says the conflict in ukraine started was to avoid a full scalable in europe. luke just for a moment, have a listen to this. we had 2 tasks. one will support your grain, the older tom school. so of course, to prevent this order from escalating to full scale award between the rush i made. and we did that by deploying moore, calling about the troops to the eastern part of the lions. and by is further increasing our defense investments. and also by exercising to do you think the steps that taking are conducive to ensuring piece and you're not afraid,
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side signing, arms to ukraine. this doesn't bring peaceful. all you know, the european union has, uh, the, the organization that i'll send this money in arms to ukraine is called the piece supposed to be very funny, isn't it? a piece means water to select or well, and we shouldn't send most and erase to you, right? and we shouldn't send, for example, taurus massage from germany to ukraine, and that is a good indication that the politicians start to really think about it. you know, a large majority of women stock in germany refused to send taurus themselves to craig. so they know that it's not right, they know that ukraine is losing the complaint and that queued up should stay with or from it. so i think we will be, we will see a decrease intention and then the whole mongering tools on tv in the coming weeks.
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the us on the okay, have once again conducted joined strides on the who the positions in yemen, yemen by the way, the poorest country in the world. they've had to go on, says 8, so cold pockets were hit. the it is the 2nd time that america and britain have launched a coordinated stripes on yemen. although american warships typically carried out the run to the attack. the asteroids come off to the who, the said they attacked the u. s. military cargo vessel, the ocean jazz. washington meantime denies the ship was here. before the latest strikes, the who the ministry of out of stone responds to what it called aggression from
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anglo saxon. i know for the many armed forces, emphasized the response to the american and british offenses will inevitably arrive and no further friends will go unanswered or unpunished. in addition, the emily armed forces commit to continuing to prevent navigation by as riley ship or ship's headings. the thoughts of occupied palestine, and so israel stops the aggression and lift the blockade on the palestinian people in the balance of the k through and so as to route through this. it was canal grows increasingly dangerous, around 80 percent of cargo vessels that being forced to change cost and navigate around africa instead of the root pumps. the cape of good hope is more than 3000 miles long, which means high prizes for you and me. and everybody to cover increased transportation costs. meanwhile, new zealand is evidently pitching in as well. get this 6 military policy now headed to the middle east as part of an international coalition to maintain security and
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the red sea. and the move was announced by the countries prime minister and the early i spoke with a political come and take the alley risk he gave us his take on the international co relation to the us is rounding up. it's funny when you refer to this, you know, a 6 member team you're talking about or do you want to just trying to talk about an international coalition. and when you have these very, very small, i'm up as i think that doesn't reflect very well on the american statesman. said that this is indeed an international collision, as it's become clear. and this is more like an american british joint task force, the contributions my other policies like australia and other nations. i'm merely symbolic control combat roles and the same applies now to this announcement which was made mine, yours 11. but i think that um, a broader topic is the fact that, um, this takes a lot to see if some of these folks have been mentioned. i bought an anglo saxon
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grouping one gathering. and they, and they say needs to be more like an anglo saxon group. of the countries um, britain, the us squarely a museum and despite there being very, very limited contributions. and i think ultimately that plays into the hands of the community is because they've come with is, can say, look, we've defending against a full run outside intervention, which was, is forming outside the region. as you heard, there are no power in the country is in this group, and we're, we're in this so called coalition except soul behind which is the smallest in our country. and so i think what we're seeing is not a very wise policy on the part to be aware. so depending on the power of the west and government in a certain way, it does help the good standing these, the, with these on their own lines. the construction of egypt, 1st of a nuclear power plant, is entering a new stage of the russian president and his egyptian count about joining the ceremony via video cole, i believe,
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is witnessing the final concrete for the full power unit of the rolling complex. the russian estate energy, a atomic energy corporation and roles. awesome as playing a key role in bill. the bond nuclear pond, the country's president of bill for the l. c. c. highlighted the event is a breakthrough for egypt accessed to the quote, peaceful latham president, posing elaborated on the importance of this project has for most go cairo relation, the july's, the more weight, a new stages. beginning in the construction of the 1st nuclear power plant in egypt, this project is most important for russian egyptian relations. the implementation of which will, without a doubt, make a significant contribution to the development of the egyptian economy. egypt is indeed close friends and strategic partner. many enterprises built through joint efforts are still operating successfully and continued to bring real benefits to the egyptian people while paused, historical roots are deep, future developments will bear the most promising fruit of us the message from india
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. as the nations for administer visits, nigeria, we have a long, strong good district with a very firm foundation of cooperation that will be many new things happening. and that relationship, they will take into account new technologies, a new capabilities in both our country. so it's a very forward looking relationship that me and research we heard from a level of to teacher kind of list a s b s donna who highlighted them any area that in the india and africa can co operate successfully on the continent. it's certainly, you know, a bump in the home, you know, man, a whole lot in the country of the continent is promising is also, uh then in the box of peaceful moves. it works as a on the go. uh that is uh, because we will be looking uh very prominently in there, you know,
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manner that we drop off and on and move out the door on to go to uh word is one family own. and we also talk oh, on the right foot representation in the market, will it work? what do you guys looking at is it will be the picture. then we have uh, let's say a v been in single gained. there is, uh, you can only can be balancing that is better to go live. uh, the balancing. uh that is the degree balancing uh that is included in this. and therefore everyone gets the right place. there is a large amount of unexplored area between one to explore the or the region cooperation is possible and fear the want of uh sure, let's say a box or strip southwest. hundreds of more of the sky to them. the past 24 hours for the funerals of fine iranian military advises, killed by reason,
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is rarely strike in syria details, not without the easy receptor that grieving and infuriated to one is mourning the loss of 5 islamic revolutionary guards corps members for assassinated in his way the irrate in syria a saturday. their parties have now been transferred to the one for funeral, or senior officials, along with other people took part to bitch farewells with the slain members will be on your gc votes, force, or forces killing. and murdering our people will not stop us from continuing their past. we will by no means change our mind and will pursue our goal of destroying is really no economies to such attack. show israel's failure. and it's who was hospitalized gas because force and syria and they rock, it shows that so you against islam saturdays missile strike targeted a residential building. and they may ask us, which is probably have to be an intelligence center used by your boss sports force, which is the external operation. arm of the all your gc among those killed was your
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old saw the means on it the syria intelligent street from the gods force. along with his deputy sharon quickly way be connie's will call to get an act of aggression that will not go unanswered. people here covers these one of the republic to punish the perpetrators and so on as we demand that the i r g c. eventually the death of these people, these event is the latest escalation and this trend of tit for tat exchanges between long time rivals and one in israel. the attack came a few days after we won't hit what it described as an it's really intelligent sensor and it rocks curtis city of our bill again. and we'll tell you i just want to as well. so let's roll in the car montero attack on january 3rd. which targeted procession commemorating slain generals awesome. so the money as well as also going for last month, this house, the nation of say it was the most of it, and other senior member of the votes force in syria. and what is believed to be an attempt to pull one directly into the conflict height of us is, israel's main goal is to involve the run any during.


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