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tv   The 360 View  RT  January 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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and the potential donors who could invest in the future of construction. i've got to understand this full well when we do come to talking about the parameters of the day after we should take the following 2 factors into consideration. their principles important. first of all, the consolidation of results on the part of the posting and people themselves posting agents who have not had the opportunity to establish a state to for decade 0. and they now deserve for this issue to be resolved. and we would need the 1st and the main prerequisite for this is the unity of the palestinian nation. we believe that our posting in brothers and sisters will exhibit strategic wisdom and will issue any short term considerations. this go to any engine. nissan. fighting which might impede on nation building, except those most indians should decide for themselves what their future state will look like. who will govern and how they will govern in that state. and i think that's what, how wisdom colleagues, as cold as democracy, is up at the decisions imposed by external forces and the wisdom colleagues chairs
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to the social engineering categorically, unacceptable. and yet what just as important is the unity of old external use players. they should be guided, not by their political interest in the region. they should try to be, but it's because you, these interests through various housing and fractions. what do you say should be governed by is a desire to find favor with the, let's do you use a solution to the centuries old conflict as swiftly as possible? and there's some variation had made a contribution to achieving the subjective. they could just become part and parcel of a new effective mediation mechanism which could enjoy the trust or posting in the ends readies alike. and we'll continue working on then. this is another key fact that is the shake of the nature of data tuesday to inform you look for the assessment of the is there any housing in conflict? very little what's, it's imperative that we implemented as soon as possible when humans sent by z is
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ready. leadership cooling this formula into questions. we'd like to draw your attention also to maybe listed statements on the bottom of the state department about this topic. it seems that up so it seems that washington is once again relying on its supposedly effectively split in practice is a defeatist we did while actual diplomacy hoping to somehow fix the phase from pharaoh parameters of the middle east and settlement in the run up to the november elections without any regard for the long term consequences. we've seen this time and time again. each time the us please use it's the confident, unilateral policy in the middle east, this separate shuttle negotiations with regional playing together with the financial promises cus makes all of this was in an ever bloody escalation. we're seeing this, this time as well. washington, their age, the list and we're quintet. and since then it has been consistent,
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they've blocking more international effort, st. deescalate the situation at the capstone. the list of the american leadership is cynical and short sighted. this is well illustrated by a statement from mr. sullivan. at national security advise us, so please leave us your who said one week before the 7th of october, that the middle east has never been quite to then it has been the last 2 decades. as my colleagues over it shows up, the world is waiting with baited breath and i'm referring to the wisdom colleagues as well as waiting for you to realize that you'll step and disregard for multilateral diplomacy. you'll outright, the sabotage there off is always time in time again the resulting in the feet of minnesota. there has been ration much like overwhelming majority of the members of the international community that he sees. and it's obvious that the logic of confrontation, but he has been on the published any question. so that's 3 can only be of a come through collective if it should be under pen 1st and foremost by the interest of states in the region that's. that's so say i what you determine the
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state of palestine, zip, zip, no such green sure it's really visible. so we've seen the stuff normalization of relations between iran and satellite radio with support from china. as we've seen, syria returned to the league of our states and the dialogue is being established between damascus and you and glen. what's the way to better assist you in. ready international mediation, essentially, but it should begin to what's not interfering in these processes, not in a moment, not into turning the region into a form for an, an international, your political bachelor. it should be get towards creating the most conducive conditions for restoring trust the computer and you between countries in the region . this is what the rest of the initiatives get to what even after this acute face of the crisis is over games, as with consumers, definitely means we should to include that sleep was the convenient couple of patients at the material level to consolidate the positions of key regional plays and to come up with lots of practical steps in support of the restoration of
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postage in unit 3. when we get to the next agent or something we will need is an international conference on the release settlement process, and many other delegations speaking before me. mention this before the objective of such a conference would be the proclamation of the posting in states usually does the persons coming up with measures to ensure and what is reliable security forces is row and the normalization of israel's and relations with all of the states and also muslim state, so as a whole, and in fact, rush it before the idea of competing such a conference. so my memory serves me well 15 odd years ago if you would you, i hope when you get this idea, we'll get the attention. it was a sort of what both remains on the table is a broad initiative for some of the initiative to set up a really we collective security zone in the persian gulf and in the middle east as a whole human categories degree permit system would in french come from building measures and insurances of this quote,
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security for the whole states in the region. as you know, repeatedly version federation has some concrete proposals on this and we're discussing them with old interest isn't punch is actually the junior. the full going is how we see the way forward, but 1st of all, and i'd like to repeat this, we need to achieve an immediate cease fire. so i'm posting in territory, so it's both conclusion. i'd like to call on capsule members once again, not to full for the usaa insurance. is this saying that supposedly everything is under control, that the us is dealing with the situation on the ground? we call them members. teams will not put himself to see this. the question of these 10 percent of a posting in across the state, there's not much point of view visit to them a here's what's important. it is for the council not just to reaffirm that there is no alternative is to the existing international legal framework on this issue, your domestic cute of issues. the council must also charge this specific way forward and it's the timeframe for its implementation. so this is not just a political,
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judy spinning from general assembly resolution security council resolutions, metric principles and other room you decisions. this is merle james and company on the internet for community recall and security council to implemented was president . today, some delegation was deemed it acceptable to rachel off at 2 nations that's leveled at to the russian federation because we are conducting a special note, your operation to combat not to them in kids, from a movie still to colleagues which you noticed. but incidentally menu, we knew your conscience is very heavy way down by the statements. but that's your problem. however, that really would let us just go that we cannot very, the idea of posting and he was statehood. and just like we buried the mist agreement was dated 2015, the guarantors of those agreements with friends and germany. subsequently friends in germany, admitted that they didn't even really think that they would implement them. we cannot,
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as such ships do illegal actions to be taken visiting the palestinian people. thank you for me, i think is excellent. all right, that was a speech by the russian foreign minister say agree, elaborate on the united nations security council. he has touched on several things that the meeting was conveyed to discuss issues in the middle east, particularly. and there was some points that he made that he took a swipe by the united states for blocking every effort towards the resolution of the conflict in the middle east through it's a veto on the efforts towards fees. he made reference to the issue of about $30000.00 civilians killed in the middle east, especially in palestine, women and children being in. ready he talked about cities being destroyed, and he wasn't even made a created a picture of the future of what gas is going to look like with diseases. and you know, because of the dump technical issues waste some of that ever one that'd been exposed to diseases and all kinds of he made here and challenges in there that he
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emphasized rushes position when he comes to the efforts of the many tier and uh, efforts to help people that women, children, the elderly, and john lives and everyone who is in the middle east. and he said that the russia supports lost in peace and cease fire. in the middle east. he talked about the importance of the 2 state solution, finding a platform where the kind of piece and these are all lost in pacing these ro and lasting peace and power spine. he also talked about, touched on the need for israel to have a long lasting relationship with all the arab countries around this. so this piece for prosperity, for, at all citizens or all the countries in the middle east. and he said that now is the time for that critical discussion to be set rolling. he also condemned the attack, seen the young men uh, the weather us alongside its allied the britain a carried all the attack seen in yemen without the permission of all the united
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nations security council. and then he also made reference to the condemned israel strike in the syria saying that it goes a long way to escalate the tensions in there. but he also emphasized that's there is a need he condemned. he condemned the israel, so you condemned the attacks in israel on the 7th of october and said that they shouldn't, it won't be valid anywhere. he condemns all kinds of volumes anywhere at all. so that's the meeting that we had there. now moving them now i said need to countries continue to public key with weapons and crates of cash at the blogs, the secretary general says that there is no danger at this time coming from russia against this member states. secretary general, you personally, do you believe that even notice the future, let's say in the cage, any russian,
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russian thanks can enter any european capital like baltic states. we don't see any uh, volume store even then set against and they do all i made that statement and the 2nd to general analysis, nato will be conducting the blog law. just drill since a cold war with 90000 troops taking part, including those from member elect sweden by the exercise expected to stop later this week reported me able to demonstrate the ability to quickly deploy forces in defense of europe. now, earlier we spoke with the independent uh, john list that lose the rebecca who offered to his opinion on what's being called the russians. right. the problem is not felt in bag and the higher ranking officials of tomato are all the european countries. the problem is, own regular t, v, in the news everywhere in western europe, the role that jen wolf and gun on salt lake. they go into
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a sort of bleed screen game saying, you know, we expect the russians to attack also tomorrow, and they wouldn't be involved in the day off the want. you know, this is completely ludicrous, but these guys are on tv all the time. and you're on the list, love it. so bucks that the one of the blocks main objectives since the completing ukraine started what to avoid a full scalable in europe. luke just for a moment, have a listen to this. we had 2 tasks. one will support ukraine, the older child school. so of course, to prevent this order from escalating to full scale war between russia and later. and we didn't adopt by deploying moore, calling about the troops to the eastern part of the lions at by is further increasing or defense investments. and also by exercising. do you think the steps that taking all conducive to ensuring piece and you're not very excited signing arms to ukraine?
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this doesn't bring me so, you know, the europe here in union has the, the organization that sense money in arms to ukraine is called the piece. a fundraising piece means what it looks like or well, and you shouldn't send mercenaries to you and shoot and send for example, taurus massage from germany to ukraine. and that is a good indication that the politicians stopped reading. think about, you know, a large majority of women stock in germany refused to send torres themselves to craig, so they know that it's not right. they know that ukraine is losing the complaint. and that cute should stay away from it. so i think we will see a decrease intention and then the whole mongering tools on tv in the coming weeks. now to breaking news, the texas parliament has agreed to lead suite,
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enjoy nato to key or previously delayed ratification to sweden's request for about a year. as a, a key is to know the country, you have her interests, but let's cross live to our teacher responded to the bond in symbol. now that's good to have you told me now what details can you give us about this historic decision? well, that was a long way to the decision for about 40 months within has been waiting for this decision for turkey to approve its joining the nature. but it has taken take you so long because the time pete had some requests uh, full with a uh to accomplish before somebody gets membership um, such as, um, cutting in price with the cobra. pay co pay, which is considered the sorry. so that i as action my to a key by the us on the new um and also not seen. so you have a full, uh p, p, k for members in, in, included uh, as well as taking
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a step that to me. so i'm gonna put you out with tenants entry. need to go supply the delivery of f. 16 parts or just from the u. s. c. within membership. well, none of these really actually happens. at this point. we know that sweden has made some promises, but none of these happen and has a membership. the mesa today with a goes up to see 186 in favor of about 346. well that means the majority of the apartment rolling atp. uh 80 piece main part, the portion partner, the nationalist mh fee fundamental position c h b. all of them approved within members within membership to maita. so that was uh, that was uh, that was a big part of the problem. uh the part of my to cmt um uh what. ready and
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support ups would and what happens next? well, together with a key there was another country unplugging its fee. again for the membership that's really weird. hungry to um, approve the membership in the coming days as is it just has a to fill in the membership. uh, 10 days after a test to prove simmons membership. last yes. um. so we are expecting now as an add on um to sign uh to approve uh this membership and uh, in the upcoming days let me see uh with the, uh, becoming a me a member of a so and uh this summer in july in the us its it's a texas to join the mesa meeting right now that i've done how our tea, correspondents, thank you very much for joining us and bringing us up to speed with all that. and now to west africa, united states secretary of state,
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onto the blinking has pledged $45000000.00 in financing directed at promoting stability in the region of the american top diplomatic, initially arriving the island nation of cape. but before heading over to the ivory coast, then he visited nigeria. his last stop is to be in on gola trip is taking place at mid increase tensions just be on, on the other side of the continent. and that's as we knew as and it's all on the utah. busy he had been attacking the ebony for the, the group over commercial access to the roads. the, to the red feed bill was shipping companies have been looking at western africa as a fav trade route. now the trade card that's on the right see through e give suez canal has become increasingly dangerous. reports say about around 80 percent of cargo vessels previously headed through that route. have been forced to change cause and navigate around the africa, traveling around the continent could be more than 3000 miles longer. and that's
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potentially a pushing up price is to cover the extra transport costs. your political analysts. uh cuz um with the si, size of the us presidents in africa is intended to gain support from the continent . the u. s. at this moment is quite, you know, because of what is happening in the media is they need, so i lies available to need some alternatives. my kids explicitly for images, so that changes in africa is to try and get a we can support it says, all the. busy places individual east were 3 guys, made the to the question between a senior and the sites that they have been raising back here. and there was a looking for tended to and my kids, especially for n, it's because of the instability in the late fee. they expect the inside of the
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sections. so at the moment they're looking for an alternative to markets where they can get energy. that's why you saw them going fast to west africa because now here a good full time they to use. they have good child that they have good rest. yeah. they, they have a lot of friends in the middle east so they don't rely on the west anymore. that's why it's going to be very difficult for. busy ways to confuse applicants to control out in front of the idea. and this particular moment the 52 people have been arrested in venezuela for allegedly plumping to assassinate president nicholas my doodle. cut all kinds of claims of the c. i helps the groups in numerous instances and if it got some support, it's like the writer we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and i emphasize the psychotic obsession against the life of the president of venezuela. nicholas, my daughter, morris, and against the minister of defense, general chief vladimir petrie,
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nor lopez, with a direct participation of us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligent services of the columbia army. not been as well and the fall. where do you say that be aware of 5 plots against president and nicholas monroe and the country's defense minister being total. both officials have previously accused of the us and columbia, facilitating attempts in them on their lives. then as well as defense minister as also claims, the washington is organizing fonts on behalf of the legend, sergeant groups all 7 political lives. diego say care. i says that the us has a long history of august reading high for fall off estimations in latin america. you're going to think of a high profile list of the nations in nothing. american general that all happens before they even think of also i'm being 30 think the funding for longer than 48 than right now. there's no, do you want government refuel just to the,
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to declassify their files, all the stuff you're interested in. back in the 9th of april, 948. so it's a, it's a, this is, you can even go even earlier in march and century. busy that shows how they try to shape and control the, the whole, the whole company and ever since. so it's something you could think of a lease or something like in this case then some and some of the current asian, but as well, it's more or less like the last one. this is something to have been going on. i believe it's the story. 25 years old, the farmers across the u had been expressing outrage of a what they describe this constructing environmental regulations and all the state policies that are crippling the industry and pushing up prices. demonstrators in
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front to use logistics. agricultural producer, had been blocking highways and even forwarding out shop knows of lanier and the jester of their discontent. one pressing zyden to where injured on tuesday and of car accidents connected with one of the protest rallies have been escalating as a european parliament. the elections are approaching in just a few months. and meanwhile, across europe, and lead to adf form is also taking to the streets, the voice, durango of or by similar concerns. the national capital values that was in, on dated with more than 1300 tractors, fox and other missionary blocking major rows onto the companies where you can get details of all the stories will follow. and we certainly bring you updates in a few minutes from now the
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the, in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt above and governments of southern vietnam. 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese, during this war into total health for the occupants. unable to cope with the
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guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burnt all alive. the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all and all. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is due and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the pop and regime. and so i got involved. however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 in vietnamese people became the
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victims of american aggressors. the military, no one, no, no, no. of the balloon float, little more than what they should of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great deal to bring it suddenly looking through here, keep a move model uh, mazda thought dismissed. you need to know if i'm doing my god,
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the most to i don't understand. i've wished and i've got to wait on, you know, to do some more or less than a j o side with this kind of them of the all party bill because you cannot push the couch. so for those people to go to 0, what this on this one should buy a new on it? hold on site can send me simone catering done on the, on the, on the, put them out to take the bus together. the 1st time in history and the entire countries culture as being canceled the very modern weapons cancel a culture. they need to ask that one without who says he has miles to the trucks,
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yet just me sitting on a particular phrase. now particularly refers to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it creates a few of those that i get to where he lives with to, which is over your. this chart is so is that the most of the, some rich, the one of them, the, the moist blood rushes created the pos 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that. it's up with somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know, she does not use it a little, some of the list. joining total comes of nation grows daily and now includes just asking you to call scale ourselves to curve, which i need to. yeah. so it's quick enough, but yeah. sheet of those things that were done with you dear. i'm
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a you the the the name of the this of him but he's, you got one of the, i see it in. and me say, guess i'm all. what had a little form is all i thought of it. a i want says and some of them like that is somewhat of the a media blast. yeah. you got one way just under then you will sit in video sorta
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the fits on a k. i knew i love is that goes to that. i mean, i think going on because the i'm a persona of a be that me court and stuff like that. i, i didn't go, don't get on, wants in the see that, but so that sort of, i, that i've in see if they've been to the single man to, to month a manual and all that. i don't want to lose the domain dimension on it. be gmc mazda minutes off on, you know, do the, i see them deluxe it and say i could either of them. but these are, let's see. let me look to see the status of the video in and out of the submit on. so being at that point, let's see on that the boss. see, i'm let me say the one of us, one of the steps have been in the meeting. the union tells me about every needs what somebody that guess i'm given. what's your, my products? yeah. okay. so you see the goals in a 2nd? i mean either it is by you say no thing then it's like that. and then jerry,
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i'm going to, i think, the 2nd floor on the rush, i stopped at the denounces the us for blocking attendance by the united nations to impose the fees firing guys that he did mine is an immediate de escalation, the fighting between the ease roll and have mass is ready for his saving, has and circle the safety of the town you. they sit in solving gas as part of what they called an extensive attack as pressure on time minister nathan yahoo balance at home. and when he more for more idea of troops, i killed the guys a report say these are all these are the mates of making you deal with them. as a honda or a stop different lives receive the depth right to head of as a now visit to neighboring ukraine. next to me.


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