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tv   News  RT  January 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the, the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shifts in the occupied territories. rush, desktop diploma denounced as washington for undermining efforts to reach the tablets to cease firing, gazda, and demands an immediate. the escalation between ease, rather than have mast is riley forth. they say they have in circles, the city or county it isn't southern gaza as part of what they called an expensive attack as the pressure on 5 minutes. the news that yahoo balance at home and 24 more idea of troops are killed in gaza report series rule is in the mix of making a deal with a mass hungary stop the problem. i'd receive the death rides the head of it's now to visit to neighboring ukraine next week.
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the . this is our team to national reaching you live for my new center in the russian capital. i. a michael watching with the updates process for administer has slammed to the us for blocking attempts by the united nations to impose the fees firing. gazda was the level of cold for an immediate de escalation and the fighting between these roll into mass. he made those comments while addressing the un security to cancel. october responding to caleb bump it was that the u. n. in new york had sent us this report. well, the russian foreign minister, who is here in new york city at the headquarters of the united nations, took to the floor at the meeting of the un security council called to discuss the humanitarian crisis in gaza. now in his remarks, he laid out in detail the fact this is having on the civilian population. he
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describes how the water is being poisoned. how access the medical care is not being made available, how the population is really suffering. as a result of the ongoing is really bombardments, he also called out the united states for its complicity. and these activities and the prevention of humanitarian aid, from getting to those who need it. here's what's the russian foreign minister had to say before the security council. those are for the most so good. so for our council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this to lead your faithful challenge. the reason it's obvious that it is because the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed. in the occupied territories, a sort of the perversity of american diplomacy is alarming. it's vito's resolutions on a cease fire and then calls for decreasing the intensity of military actions in gaza . clearly that is given a parts of the launch to continue the collective punishment against the
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palestinians. because now in his remarks, he also come down to the recent us air strikes on yanna and the expansion by the united states and britain of the conflict and instability into yemen, which is done in violation of international law. you also condemn the assassination of iranian officials based in syria were there with the permission of the internationally recognized government then said that these assassinations that israel has carried out are unlawful and will only contribute to the instability in the region. now he also emphasized that russia has said that palestinian statehood must be achieved and there must be a clear roadmap to it. he highlighted previous proposals. russia has made to move toward palestinian statehood and urge the western countries not to let palestinian statehood be buried in the same way that they buried the minsk agreement right now to gather now where israel says that its troops have and set cold the south with
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the city of can eunice, according to the palestine red crescent, once the v and was killed while the idea of attack, the interest of the all amount of hospital in the city. the organization said that is really drones or targeting everyone, moving around the facility and receive the support from a local john list as explosions i heard in the background. the situation and i noticed is getting heavier from bottom line. so then destruction and killing people there. but these are on the streets, the fire on the flight is all very because i or the city and says the home area to task just trying to found the city they have. i noticed the 50 and the resistance is by the fierce the bombardment could be hit every single 2nd. the area, the world health organization condemned the fighting in the area, urging that the valley was needs to stop on your screens wide now palestinians
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moving closer to the egypt and border as a result for the ease ready advance via one of the largest you and shelters and the city local john list, how does i silence? has this latest report from rafa. so there's multiple as facts here and the sudden areas specifically and the main focus and how do you in this right now because there is a escalation and had units. uh, very necessary that, uh, this is for the 1st time, the idea of, uh, where the, the people are the medical uh through inside the, a mazda of hosp, with them to start evacuation for their civilians in sandersville left to the state . because there's less specific, safe car door for the display. so seeing an insight findings to flee or evacuate many places in town units like the request sub, as well as the cap,
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move the islands the got wanted by the idea that they should, i've seen factory rates. i used to offer the city a dispute, basically now that are the medical crew of the ambulance is the allowance of they are afraid that there's many casualties on the side of roads because the album has got caught can move from the center. so i'm talking about the a loss or a hospital and also the breakfast and con eunice. so basically the people here, this displaced people from god's load and here's who sheltered inside. and eunice, they basically can see the, is there any tax of the, is there any but does this and their own eyes? this is what we see on the videos you'll see from low consorts of the adf is really making making of the a ground operation really wide and have eunice i use really has reportedly propose
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the 2 months these fires do have mass lead is according to officials close to the discussion that they offer has been put forward 3, egypt and then category media does the archie middle east view achieve might have an option that has the details. the police reports havent been to the sound officially yet, but if tomorrow we could certainly talk about the brake. fluid reports all the israel has offered him as a deal that includes at 2 months long ceasefire, which is the longest pause in fighting ever offered or accepted by israel. according to the deal, whole 136 remaining hostages will be released starting with the women elderly and those who are in critical medical condition and then the rest, including is rarely soldiers. the voters of that hostages also supposed to be returned to israel. the proposal also reportedly includes the i d s withdrawal from major cities in the gather street, which might a lot of video return of palestinian civilians. they are according to the u. n.
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these really devastating and noticed the reformation and guys are less about 2000000 people internally displaced and exchange. a number of palestinian prisoners will be released from israeli jails. but as we hear israel will not increase if we all them the exact number of names as we understand yet to be discuss all the reports as that the do olsa offers some senior leaders to lead gazda, which sounds rather surprising and not the logic given that destroying the militant growth is one of the key missions of the war according to israel. but again, these reports are hard to be verified for now. on monday, not 10 meeting with the families of the hostages prime minister mentions the reason is really pushed still on the table without giving any detail with auto operating. so this could be they offering it to the for talked about how their prime minister made it clear repeatedly. that is why it will not accept any deal that would imply
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the end of the war. and there were several offers on the table before the most recent, one brokered by the us, caught her in egypt, was rejected by israel for that fair reason and demanded to stop the fighting. while israel remains determines to continue the war and g, as i have to say that these really public question is the frequency of the idea of military operation, it doesn't seem to help bring hostages home plus have miles, is far from destroyed almost full months into the war the idea of less around 70 percent of how masses fighting for us intact, according to israel's own estimates and the palestinian milton, the grove seems to remain strong and capable of attacking. just recently the idea of confirmed 24 of its soldiers were killed and a sold by him ass. the fema during the fighting in the center of the goals this trip $21.00 was a fight as will killed the forces operated in the space. this separates the authority sacraments from gaza. nick from, according to what we know at this point and p g missile was apparently fined by
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terrorist at a time that was securing the false. and at a time, an explosion occurred into 2 story buildings which collapsed as a result. while most of the forces inside and near them, the buildings apparently exploded as a result of mines. the forces planted in them, we're about to explode, the buildings and terrorist infrastructure in the area of a to the force of all the potential deal with him as kind of i mean the growing domestic discontent with how the government deals with the plea of the hostages every weeks, thousands of people take to the streets in jerusalem and tel aviv to express their anger and frustration and disappointment. also in one day, a group of relatives of hostages stormed at parliament to a committee section in the class. so it is really parliament demanding the lawmakers to do more to free the loved ones. some professors were holding up signs, saying he will not sit here while they die. they are, these are some pictures from the class that
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the while we're doing zone discussions are held on post 4 scenarios book as an arab countries backed by the us. i'm working on a proposal that would create a pathway towards a palestinian state in exchange for normalization between saudi arabia and is ro, washington also says in good commitments from arab countries to participate in the reconstruction altogether as 3 penned work towards palestinian lead governance of the in claims off to the war, how to say if it's going to work out as a israel seems to be on a different page prime minister, antonia who repeatedly rejected the idea of 2 state solution saying he's proud to be the one and only who could and will prevent the establishment of the probably state of the state also stress. and he believes israel should have what he calls
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security control over guys and, but again, too early to talk about what will happen after the war has the idea offensive that according to valley students, sources already claimed the lives of more than 25000 people. still continues with israel notes reading to inquiry, to stop it, and ask the possibility of a ceasefire between ease within him as hangs in the balance. we spoke to someone directly affected by the negotiations. jennifer last are still waiting for her math to release her boyfriend. hey, it's been already 3 months that i didn't know anything about the interest condition . i don't know if he's alive or not and no one has the answers. i feel kind of happy that is wrote finally suggest something. but from the other side, i'm very frustrated because i understand her masa are very hard to convince. it's a huge problem. i don't know what can help us. i've just so hopeless. i feel that i
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will never see andrea again. the we have to goes okay. one of them is to discharge from us. i think it's something that i'm not sure that we can achieve. ok, but this is one of the goals because we want to live in israel and in a safe environment without a walking on the street and being afraid of someone who can not pass or kill us or rape us. so this is why the war needs to continue in some point. we don't enjoy the war. it's very important to say loud, ok, we don't enjoy the war. we don't enjoy dead bodies in this part or the guys posting and people who we don't enjoy. this is or follow the, the development at the level of the united nations, secure the castle, russia, china, and several other countries have been calling for a concerted efforts to ensure that this whole pension be escalates.
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what is your fault in that regard? but the united states and e 0 have said the war has to continue. i'm glad you said that. you don't want the pensions to go on, so don't do thing. but it's time to really sit down everyone and say it is time for us to call it a day here with this tensions i do think that the rest of the was to the health is around to do more pressure on how much. and we need to find a solution and the end, and then we could lease in some kind of piece together. okay, because i do want to say that jewish people will always live on israel. then also muslim, we need to find some kind of a solution to live together without terrorism. russian government is really trying to help. i am surprised that they still not to pressure enough on how much i think
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they can. i think they have so much more potential, but i'm aware for their help and willing to help us and i appreciate it a lot. so we keep on the same, some kind of contact more than the this or at least by the way it also tensions continue to rise in the middle east. we were able to get some insights from a former rainy and foreign minister. he said that he's what was trying to drive the us into a big a war, including by opening a front against the run, a lisa fault. the key is realistic thing to drag the united states into war. but i believe americans have realized that the design is the entity route. it's 75 years of existence has not put the interest of the united states ahead of its own. rather, the entity has exploited their interest for its own survival. now look at the current differences between biden's and that's an yahoo! in my opinion,
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that in yahoo is defeated fight. and he has shown that israel has done great damage to the us interest, especially to the political position it has held on the international stage of america, is now known to the global community as an accomplice to the crimes and atrocities of the zionist entity. after which people talk to the streets, to condemn us actions in support of his rule. all in all, i can rule out israel take here from the step and opening a new front with the wrong and going to war against it to yourself, god willing, we will soon see the victory of the resistance. we will see that the western world led by the united states, is bogged down in political contradictions that they created. and then if that means their political have ok, receipts will be exposed to everyone to unit americans are always calling for human rights and freedom and international forums. very serena's and even in western countries, but they are silent about the brutal killing. i collect the genocide of the people
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of gaza with them if they have made no move in that area. so how will they be able to talk about human rights and international forums ever again, that they will not be able to talk about international treaties and you and conventions on war and respecting the rights of people in the future. hungary stop diploma has received a desperate to handle a visit, announced a visit to neighboring ukraine next week. the little ones that become gary and delegation will be targeted with a possible explosion would have passed, has confirmed the message was received by its embassy in cab. again, taking up the yesterday, we were on farms in our embassy, in case you have received a death threat from the ukrainian source, possibly with the intention of disrupting or trying to prevent the organization of next week's minister of foreign affairs. meeting hungry is interested in our cooperation with you cream. i will meet with my ukrainian colleagues next week. the premiums have assured us that they will take the most appropriate security measures
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in order to ensure that due creating hon. gary administer meeting can be held safely, enforced colorado, a very disturbing incident from ukraine. indeed, i stated, the hon gary and foreign minister of foreign affairs and trade receive this letter, bringing ukrainians, threatening his life. specifically, if he actually went through the meeting and you credit on the letter was also full of hatred for the hon, gary and government, and even went as far as stating that they should order a coffin for the top diplomat hungarians. we hate your government, which continues to do everything to make us lose the war. do you think your minister will just come to us after criticising ukraine? we don't think so. on january 29th, they will get an explosive reception. even an arm or train could not save you. we recommend that you place an order with a funeral parlor so that they can start making your coughing for for administer c r till so that it matches his height. god forgives, but ukrainians don't. of course hungry has stated that they are not going to be
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intimidated by these threats and that they will continue pushing for an unconditional ceasefire peaceful negotiations and has said that this pressure will not stop them from their feet to push for peace. the country has repeatedly brought you creams a session into nato and has stated that this does not go towards their national interest. now this sentiment was echoed by the state secretary. we see and feel that the pressure is increasing. the polish prime minister attacks hungry is pro peace position with unacceptable statements and for administer. peters crypto receives death threats for those who think that the hum, gary and for administer is scared. do not know peter crow. those who think that they will break us with threats and pressure have no idea about tung ariens. they do not know us. we still want an immediate unconditional ceasefire. peace talks and peace see are to, has been against sending money and weapons to ukraine and has criticize the use sanctions on russia, on multiple occasions,
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stating that the sanctions actually hurt you more than they hurt russia and the top to whom it has also stated that russia is no threat to nato, and they would never go against nato militaristic, leaf stating article 5 as well. it's not surprising that you create in the west have been largely critical of the minister and of the hon, gary and government as a whole. the meeting is expected to continue on january 29th. as a precursor to the meeting between hungry and prime minister victor, oregon, and the ukrainian president water mirrors on ski. now we've heard from a bullying state department, also state parliament member. i've had gone to linda man and he thinks that bill ukrainian government is behind the death threats against a hungary and for administer. i think the governmental paul uh to unplug typed this uh, a tech king. people interested in the my tech guy and solutions. i think that landscape insight does not interested in any magic solutions. he is interested in
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more with friends and more fighting and more killing people. it's not a new for him. okay. and did it a long time ago? i remember it was sometimes in not done by the legion in the 20182019 i, it seems the same. let us follow him little crazy. and so i'll just and no credit union. so put me on those admitted toilet. so at least as you remember to join them, there's 12, this list that has been kind of general guy humans as times. so it seems that the government of okay, i'm not really is interest to find a diploma that goes to an ocean for this situation because the government ties to push the premium to a doing area. and of course, lots of atlanta origin to get in that statement, most of probably not for us was done by refreshes the us or by
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people who will be going to the group of the government, those little green ad now to west africa, the united states secretary of state type in the blinking has pledged $45000000.00 in financing directed by promoting the stability of the region and the american top diplomatic initially arrived in the island nation of cape before heading over to ivy coast. then he visited my jury. his last stop is to be in on golda. the trip is taking place at mid increase sessions just beyond the, the other side of the continent. and that's as a us and it's a lie. the u. k. have been attacking many who with the groups of a commercial access to the right. see the walls shipping companies have been looking at western africa as a safer trade route to the trade car that's on the red sea through egypt. so as canal has become increasingly dangerous, reports say that around 80 percent of cargo vessels previously she had to,
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through that route, had been forced to change calls and navigate around africa. traveling around the continental could be more than 3000 miles longer. and that's potentially pushing up prices to cover the extra transport cost the area we talked about blinking advocate to a with ashcroft patel, a political analyst, and the member of the south african bridge council. here is what he had to say is a huge push by the us in the west to make a intervention lamenting and cultural intervention with a variety of programs and visits to west african countries. the back truck is also the visit by the chinese foreign minister. and it does seem that the us uh 1st and 2nd street east following the
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right to the african continent. he's under a huge, a mess you can do for the ease and the engagement by the wrist and the us and the european union as well as well as the brakes nations all have huge, significant programs in africa. it's up to african governments and citizens in business, men and business woman to take advantage of the different opportunities of a texas bonham and has agreed to let's we didn't do, i need to go to kia previously, delayed gratification to sweden's request for about a year as an accused to know the country of have her intent iris. the stop was a long voice of decision for about 40 months. within has been waiting for this decision for turkey, for joining the night to which uh it has taken so long to get the types of
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requests uh full within uh to accomplish for something its membership um such as, um, cutting in price with the cobra pay k which is considered the choice otherwise they should might to a key by the us and the you um and also not seeing. so you have a full p k per um, members in, in included as well as taking a step back to me. so i'm gonna be out with tenants to entry on each of those supplies. the live rate of f. 16 parker jets from the u. s. c. within membership. well, none of these really actually happens. at this point. we know that sweden has made some promises, but none of these has students membership to make this today with a vote of uh, 286 in favor of about 346 was the main. the majority of the
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apartment moving atp, uh, atp name a partner, coalition partner, the nationalist, m h p, and the main and position c h b, all of them approved within members within membership to meet them. so that was a big part of the part of the part of my 2 c m piece oil thing and support of wood . and what happens next? well, together with a key, there was another country unplugging its fee, again for the membership that's fun, great. but hungry to um, approve. 6 the membership in the coming days as is as it has approved a fill in membership. uh 10 days after. uh you put them on the membership last yes . um. so we are expecting now present it on um to sign um to approve uh this membership and uh in the upcoming days me see uh within uh, becoming a me a member of nato on the summer in july in the us. uh,
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it's actually enjoy the mason meeting that we've heard from for my greek bassett, a need as chris on top of this and then he said assembled decision to accept. so we didn't need to. busy isn't greatly, possibly due to pressure from the united states. the basic pressure came from the united states, because the united states wanted to give to, to a key a to purchase at 16 aircraft. and they had put as a good click, united states had put as a condition that took your spot 30 allows a suite in detroit made to take your it's not in favor of sweet and joining nature under the circumstances that they had described before. but they were pressured by the united states timing of that. as a duke's took this, this is going sides with a, with
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a weakening of all of the conflict between the russia at the ukraine and the tendency of the pressure being exercised all the ukraine to start the go stations. it also allows a free or hand to turkey to continue it's, it's policy against israel or the palestinian issue. and before we go, some breaking news coming in from the middle east flag the united states as low as to strikes against what he alleges are rainy and of our affiliated, the militant groups operating into rock by the attacks of reported to be retaliation for an assault on the us based on sunday, that the insured for american service man, you can certainly get the details of that on our website as we get along with said to bring you more details to also us the info. and that's all for me now my colleague, i do show a josh will be in to preview more stories at the top of me. i buy from
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the they would seem israel's war on god. so he's changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership in the world, the so called rules based order has been shown to be a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill in the the whole from the fi, you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian alms holes might have gone unnoticed. but the pirates contacted journalist to ensure this boils would go public. and so the name of the ship that home, the biggest shipment of arms became known over the world. and with this efficiency
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on the other 3, said the duncan chest or fellow grabs trays, and you can host and load them there. is to pick this up at a booger? assume there's the phone. yes. so what do you mean on the tape? because i'm gonna put them on the phone whenever you have new follow up into a new, a story that we sent you yesterday. a problem with those are pretty much less than that. there was no us at the feeling unscrupulous to people casual because here donald trump, of course, the coordinator, almost new polish out. it's a little i'm, those are much almost go i it's a full chance and let's go out. it's not much real good. the stuff to the other thing is all of them both create muscle and the stuck total can offer you the the vessels captain who remain didn't, can.


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