tv Documentary RT January 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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it's a bicycle of things and it's saying that in this area, going to i think the 2nd floor of the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed in the occupied territories. a sort of brush shift up different my finances, washing, painful, undermining efforts to establish a face, fire in gaza on demands an immediate, the escalation of the conflict is ready for us to say they have in stock codes. the city of can units in southern gaza as part of what they called an expand safe attack. as pressure on these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu nouns at home and 24 more idea of troops killed in garza for fort se is ro is in the midst of making the deal with some us and hungry stop. they did not receive
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a death threat ahead of us announced a visit to neighboring ukraine next week. the most of the top stories this our, on our change, national visit, our website or to dot com for more time they show on josh, i'll be back at the top of the hour with no stories. the most that uh no, i'm going to continue to say $45.00 a so we have that. so in my, remind me on that as i mean, go that easily, but for sort of the 30 minutes from the most in the band setting and then set. so basically you have think kind of this as
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a new vehicle as a site, visit mobile, kind of go into that of my dentist. and i know that i'm gonna have a mutual fund, the co instead of going to the 9 talk to you. the idea that you spoke with the ceo will not be less than $1030.00. i think the thing would be the number is lorraine from a sort of the fee $30.00 slowly. and so had our, our either the part of the ongoing fee. we'll see you got an idea they want to you. is there any target from the time frame that i think the ceiling is pretty much is the time even
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though it is a message on your end tells me that the audio, the sort of the, the, the associate out of any sort of 90 percent of fully got it, i think i mean the persona and let me get for it. and what i assumed was it about what the the numbers on the, on the see. and would you be able to get them with the information i mean, the whole sorted. i imagine we'd us in mind as somebody again, normally uh, were you interested in the work this? was it on the end of the, of the
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a heavy m. o, for lame for them. assume get so many have given me the persona, the plus for. so i'm in the table and we just saw it. bill consolidate that on the buttons and the following from the possibly being the unit that only sold on because it'd be simple to easily without the but i so i don't know who i mean unless it goes in and us like on any of those heavy and what is the, what i'm it ends you almost out from the a base even able to disable, can see what, but it will see if i mean i pick the assignment out of that be able to separate bundle. i did go look at bustle and of matthew. so does this sound good in the can i have them come inside of that and also be a good i finally, i broke the so as you know, again what i'm doing, the one on the bottom allow the side and committee went in to say, let's go see on the doesn't but i you, but i mean going, why that under that i'm,
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i didn't the audio thinking so that i do model by then daughter who's the age of the model. interest on your key is ethan, go live. is it and spend some deals the associate on pay for that? he's going to the throw a deal, but care and kind of idea and so i'm not upset then doubled his hands on my side, approaching the woods. oh, you the who they've been there since then police ago years ago to these people get out of style going on in the middle of the under the new sit in data sorta going thing us him by saying i sense of what do we
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solve for allowed and he says, you know what, what that means, i'll give you a simple examples. and i mean, think demo, say they give a sense of the whole thing. it'll random danville. so instead of doing but in a say you better while you're going through my sales, i come by means the ceiling. and let's assume something that i might be got a like a st. when that i'm ready, like, you know, sending collision. if i'd rather gotten the money that i've seen either, i don't need it, but it's on the name of this and i want to use it and i'm new, say, guess anymore, edited apologize for the thought of it either. i was in some of them like that is somewhat of the media in, within my dentist. one is that a lot of the city a at that one city, other city, a federal edison idea program. i see the ibm see it the, the a month. oh man, oh, yeah, the most here. yeah. i mean my, you know, but i have to persona,
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i feel that people for whom do i want to take the domain name for 100 because of yeah, goodness, i'm going to see on it. and but i, you all know so, but i said he's c o a look for mike, is that the name of the hello, but uh the prius here, let me say no cellphone zone. i know some deals, you know, based on, but honestly goes you lot mind your idea that i fits on a k i and then i will if it goes to that, i mean on the he can only go see i'm a persona and then we'll grab a wanna be that me court. it was a, i'm afraid that the entity say i live money out and we got a who own the heart, the whole keeps asking me about a month. the city, somebody middle and went to say this, you know, see how long a for the, i'm not someone come 5 minutes or just on us. you know, we are going to, you know, say, and we'll just say you for them. you that i mean for sounds, how do you the status of the,
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of the bottom level money assessing for the next step. what about it is still saying 0 and then what can also send them? so being one of them know how to set, say, sally, and they will send that over to that via so it's telling the system own money that you give them and like i, you know, it's kind of heavy and i don't think it would that be your level is yeah, if i little i was enjoying that, i mean, yeah you're, i mean this is, i'm on the sale. gotta say that, but obviously, and i thought i said it was a say i could either of them a deal or less. the land went up to see they've got to say, oh, then see a little bit of money into it. but i don't, you'll get a or a 10 it out of a 2nd. i'm going into full that see on there the most kindly. no boss, i need a the when i see the see on them. you said yeah. valencia barney deeds. uh if i could get it get by the mind inventory. i use that i, i didn't go more than that almost the end to see that, but it's still not about that out of it to see if they've been to single methodist
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mathematical emphasis photo last a lot for me the by know the name, what's the deal yeah, i think it's a lot of money out of it and we'll meet on the, on my side of we model by side of we model on the bottom of the policy itself because they they convince him that i person, i mean, i don't think that he thought of from 30 so vigilant the menu, well it'll be a sample k northeast going out and what it will be can of was you and the buzz you from what i booked on the some of the one of those a physical mostly with the media. well, they look a good, he's what they need to live, a sufficient thing on those. so let me see what it means. you're not assume level heat up by the almost the able to pass the owner but doesn't get us in february. and let me set up and we'll see if they would get it got so i can get an idea of what do you think us. ok with that i'm feeling i like a little bit of the and i think that's the only like in the name of k loves the guy
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sent me a big gas cable. perhaps i just wanna speak to me. so i looked at the sort of the, the sort of the person i gave them a compliment to them, and i just want to give you the compliment. i like when you use what, okay, cuz i get billed to you. i'm a list of people i might as it is with anybody. so if he's in a little bit better, so typically he said he get the money to do some that the probably see what a sort of my video soon with. i mean, i'm was going to when i did, i don't know what the question on the sort of level of the, a level 511, a good way model. let's assume we model the, i'm with them for lam uh the, the house on the assume you get out of the, the data. not why even a video because it'd be defensive. but on the
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internet, i'm in tablet one that i filed a little house in the way. so what to get to that, but i will have no one for me. i know the stuff over on the 2nd day in the state of know, guess and wasn't able to all the or do this, but i'm go a will really want them went into my for my for would it not the negative fit that the law, the nice what else on the face of the frequency and one is the thing i'm in the you know, one of the, the single i thought somebody last week i'll see you in douglas. i have the little face of the federal government is somebody is and sorry, i know the listening uh, monique on. yeah. and my, the from the ministers on the visual vice and the ceiling and the place has an idea
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of a like a, i say you quite a startled friend. they all of that because he didn't. and then later on in the must have gone up and up a minute i'm going to need us give them a little button, got in and it will open the the i'm the scenario html folder and see if i left or not useful company. i think that's a good thing. yeah. for the kid i told them fine. yeah. as we'll see how to do so. mean it will hear a little better moodle and on that, so not a big company that i'm facing. so now those are a couple of minutes, so if i use it, i will see you tomorrow. and we're going to send the model label.
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but if we need to do that, i'm in the other for the, this was probably bonuses again. seem for see the answer to that off of input to see that uh let me get i see why we don't pay the cost. i didn't know it. how does that do you have it on the vehicle? but i want to see if no new messages already. i'm on the, i think up, i mean get out for get a lot. i don't mind it, but they're all, instead of going into the one of them, you know, get them off to nobody else. i feel not to be in law, obviously the end of the month for the quarter, but a just, almost, i didn't know anything about the d. n a. so what i thought that i saw the story guy going on the guy, the point on he says the old days meal. nice. i sealed the record on. he says he
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owns sound good on us. it cool sounds here he left a b to come in, stay for the one that came through on wednesday, and i see a lot of people in san francisco city. so i don't buy a comma synagogue, but i for those that will not be now. i guess it will be i see on that that i know you said you don't really know fairly, as i said, i mean i thought it might of them that you medical science here cuz you have the last 8 of going use of our friends here. go ahead and bring the possibilities with those in the i'm on the the
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it would seem israel's war on guys that he's changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership in the world, the so called rules based order has been shown to be a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill in a little boy, the main focus on anything on douglas, you know, way in bailey. as you may see that the in a little but if it goes to the most of the late getting it from the end, i think on the, on the apple and look at this, i can see the basic amazing game again. or why don't the benefit people is that this one doesn't, don't necessarily have to solve the gun based on one of those on this own things. i mean, i think what i owed, and obviously fin the people in the bottom line in my, on the individual, the other one. the one thing in the center of the community does not
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a whole by so think of, i mean, boy flows it, but i don't see the on because he does the price a so the that you know, my husband and the forget how do you make it i mean, campbell, a lot the data that every model seem to fit gas, it will have it with me from up. i mean, by data real pop up. i mean it, i, d, e, i've got a feed in my line, you know, bad ones. and they got the best one. when i got to find the model, you said you're gonna automatically think when you hit the wrong side of a button and delete the setting up a fight. and i'm mobile now and it's like a little demo. and by that, i mean, i don't know what i, what i want, i want to, that's totally not a lot more about it. believe me, the most likely the,
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the anymore mississippi this, uh, this, uh, this one the, he wanted to see that the industry. so basically, no point in time of year, so let me know when is that a real estate on was the soonest we'll see. yeah, the pointing to guy on the guy who believe seems difficult as it goes to the single, the bottom lucy, part of the city of those it is, wasn't nobody me doing this? i know, you know, the, you know, place or the rope i say to friends, you have the money in because i find them both of them in. and then you know, the most of the other for the, some of the information that i initially see that and this will assume that i think on the blessing on the, in the why it wasn't as a. but i said that, i mean i think you'd have to think of it. i wanted to get the thing got when i think i got out of the mean me lower, i lost a lot of heat to get i finger to get the same things. i figured,
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i think that all of them and it said, okay, i will call when i'm out. if i leave love, you sat on the phone, i see that and does it go ahead? not by that, but i live the and i think i get a sense of the haven't gotten meaning that i didn't want to do that. i guess i'll have to follow to both the disappearing involved in full in english, 2 and a half here in a sort of way that the money i get for him to be 3. 0 one. but he was severe. it's one of my english. i didn't look at the item based on that a warranty. so what is it going to say though, 9, but if someone didn't belong to c 9, if i'm missing a certain, realize i need a say that the policy to monitor for one of my last 8 bits this into the system for them in say a me got nothing but assume this happened and then what was, was he finds you by the got the last 8 years on the side of them for us. and we
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don't even know what's it, i mean, oh good. i'm almost out of leo and that's all i guess what? i'm a little while people people decide is amazing. you need us. yeah. i feel that they are coming all day little by the now i'm into the done. you know what i'm coming with? i'm in the, the is i don't see and thought of when to the body by any of the, there matter, i go forward, i lose the malware. we have no like the load on it. fine. yeah. the logo supposed to see what we, i don't know. they're going to think goes a little bit over to see kind of fine. yeah, no, i'm not showing you the, this one was here, not a problem. i do want to tell you that with, you know, that on monday the notice i have that if i'm going to be in the order,
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is it gonna be, i'm gonna put it in my account idea. when can we just in case decided that you bought solid middle somebody video by the they laughed loudly like you and said, you get some info. is anybody on the bus the only less or not getting out of it or see it was just kind of the need to find out but to see on the sign you up, i'm going to see and all that with all the but i will, you will come and see i live and benefits yourself and i said, are you gonna pay him for the hell? believe people get it. oh the like. can you see hold on. yeah, no, i use it for the other new line and is i don't see a pretty good deal. and the other thing was more about the one that i think i was using. what if i'm a little bit of money? i definitely got going to see i want to see and somebody that lives in the home, i see what the other people in the ceiling that was better. i think i losing losing one a little by saying that is so boring. enjoy going in the esl, he's ok lie to black people on you say that for my on the names where is the single
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band in the what we are not deal with. a black one only go skinny land b y blast associated because if you on a convenient little place a little bit the same or let's see on the left you in this is uh the, almost the whole year. not the, the one is a little bit on like a level be it will be like the vendors, you know, commute is anthem blue one you had a single get allow them to like one is the youngest one. is it lucy? it was an independent corner. was to see a bus on the go on. yeah. i the me and they don't. and i don't know, mia and associates is the cmc on the board on you know that i'm going to get, i'm not mean because if you had on a little bus at both ends, you will do it. i bought it soon because at the end of the things, you know, it all gets at the end of the business because it isn't the family because i only
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think are serious going. okay. law, i'll think i'm not in an old affiliated one case with i'm with a new york city. good. not just in coming to the i mean assume sunny for the missile place, but can know simply to meet that and also. but to me that and this i really don't want this a place as pioneer me moving to out of my pretty got and this is and see what i'm kind of in and out of my novel conflict of interest in ca golfing button on the side of the realm of the middle and they will go back and say, you'll get again and you'll meet more the video, i'm need out of what it would be in one be made out of us. yeah, pretty got the most and know you to think about it says that the goal for caleb gas and we do, but it's how do you ideal for everybody at all? why would you please? because like i said, i think i've been an agent to a couple of it a bit. yeah. oh, i think they got to be small. i would probably be looking in when i think i not have made the hot davis and autumn,
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se my amazon looking for the best on the side of the in with the new and the way the way around and doing the thing, daniel. and generally when i was in a job, the only you'll see a little, the side of what i'm doing. and because i need to share the satera. so those are covered. and if any say i don't need to be here, i'll spend the video in seattle funding and the for several, lucy testing. ok. and it and it, oh no, no, no building on nothing. i mean, i don't remember. let me think assume that i'm going to be in video, but kind of go. so then let me ask you this email, send me, that's what i'm going to send you that i'm able to call somebody 20 percent will see on it. hang. the guy said that i said was it, and what is the minority owner? i'm part of the lead on think it finally the and the thing it on this and the ask, you know, when you think about it, i had an invest in working with in the world. i think i see on this one the, the one of the demo is they don't come in
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a lot for me to go get on. so vandal and it's a bicycle and also send you an opinion. i use a lot. it has to meet with one to single the so you don't for that. let me see, you know, for the 2nd one was a wednesday. all right, but i see on the learning a little bit later, it was a my animal is what the, how i made a point. people didn't feel that you know, the place and i think the home, the navea or palletized the whole day or better because it by side, it's a commercial i'm going to go and i'm going to find out why see that? let me just see on this. so for i see i see what open click on audio, just one of the parts of the a lot of somebody said see, i see those things in, i mean either good, visual faces know of things on different things that are going to go into the say 48, and if i'm going to sing them in the glassy get on the link that is in the this business
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like plastic is on the on products get the link. that is the thing. but anyways, a guy you can take a me with the, i'm often going, okay, name is there, and one that i gave up and all that i'll all been throwing us into the system is, i mean i'm, i'm that i live like, when i mean there's a place the order we saw the you know what? i've seen the buddy 20 valley, a lot of i see either voice like that. they pull it out of him. dana a be not necessarily the 50, not a but want to be honest. i mean, or maybe i'm on my the only why we that soon. a young a lot, my data, the whenever you need them. maybe i'm, i'm a one time. i'm almost that the, you're the sort of like i was saying what i'm and so i left him a windowless and the live you that id the cd. go highlight my dad. i mean it, i gave the
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data, some of the needles within this have been data source review. i going and that me, that it me from be i'll call and i might have some idea, but i don't even look at the name of the local political under my associated and helping people because they will be not no conflict when i leave. if we think it's a good, you may not know computer go to that goal. i did a b, y, and my that is some people have, but this seems that i'm not gonna have no pickles, meaning was a sincerely the in those meetings that you got on bundles, may notice that you may notice go more like i'm do that. i mean, i'll just get on the line and then you'll see some that can be see that was can you of course the shop or some talk is he's fremont. and it's like i told him to fix the on demand notice. or if you're lucky for them, then you'll have to build don't,
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is a city model. i mean, thinking i'm the problem 3030. i'm thinking you don't segment out of a moist. it's was just a donation. was the name of the book. you know, the name of a, the own up any i'm or somebody the and off and that is a really small make it up on the scene is here. i thought i saw 3. she's, it's have a pointing, not any i'm of course, maybe you want me to decide you as possible that i've been there. a, like i said, when there's put some weight on that and what i'm, what i, what else i mean, which is what she said was uniformly customize them in those coming those to the end of the people names policy on what are supposed to be with this set up a little hobby and look up with, you know, what we do, i really gotta do a secondary, i mean that has to be someone i do that because in my document they don't see in teams or window e and i see that the remainder of them in the intended on the test plus forget i get, i was forced to get out. of course the nurse is here, which one is good? then i'm just going to be late and i was just on what she meant on the way will i that i just i'm, i'm not responding for the policy for them that are still responding. and i
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of the same rom, just don't you have to safe house to come after kids and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground, the expedient straight to us the result and show us, was there any process before the so there's 2 more we keep going. as i mentioned earlier, is i've just deep requirements. not express here, submit item. so you may to matters only can the cards no problem, no, no,
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open up in the front and then for the 5th. and if i know 4 will be street, the mention is pretty much pollution possible by from a bit lower francisco from over the proof of those types of products that are coming out the learners of figured out what you're for. sure. so the most is a little different levels and enough one to the it's almost at the moment when the system the good. what is she has a unit the
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