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tv   Documentary  RT  January 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

8:30 pm
as in for this situation, because the government tries to push the premium to a to gabrielle. and all calls will also have the origin to the, in the statement. in the midst of all the materials that was done by refreshes the us or by people who will be on to the move of the government. those little crazy because all the top stars the sour, don't forget to check out our website or to come from all the time they show our job. next is here we are a documentary on migration process to stay with all changes on the it would seem israel's war on god. so he's changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership in the world, the so called rules based order has been shown to be
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a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill in the i usually, i mean, the like that i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from that view. and he's got to be a good oh goodness, i don't know, brother in law and call it advocate to see that seems i see, you know, kind of getting on the not on the me look at it just like go here and i go to this going to find you online in the media near the, on the mini malls and deal go moon, there's almost 100 vendor, but i don't really believe it. so now i'll go ahead by noon it seemed verified on by you the media to enter the image of the envelope and i just, i'm be and you get, i don't, would you see what the thoughts do you think you got?
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most of them will chasing my casa a cause of what and what s e s i phones, how are you? i mean for that is for the gate who have the mouse and then one of the final level of the city that at that point, again, nothing will change. when i see me says that i'll wait for her and then they will and i will only so what i said. so do you see the extent that my sent out on both words know if with a wednesday, i mean what's the point they will not in my role g m, i guess, you know, for safe side all we do is you'll get okay, and that will be a non de mentos, many of outcomes, they'll come for a key better look at my site, you see something you're going to be. and you'll see what i'm in that out. and it'll come from info available in the center of the city or the one of the dim both the la camida you'll get okay. what do you have the
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higher the middle getting in the middle seat on the emails that sound good. yeah. and the sad part is heavy uh, some of the seen on the face, the, the being on even the ceiling. and i wonder if that's what i'm being maybe seen that take that is and this isn't 0 english on resume the service. you have bicycles, almost every c o, maybe closely to assessing colorado because they say that i don't look at the 2nd hand through to zillow only know, but for the kids to see that i feel like kind of go to the, to me, the 30th. if that like i in little places and so i can see at the time of the month of financing your model cannot in instead of lucille, i can, you can, i put, you know, what the, what is i believe they got involved from once. i mean thing up inside of a level for me because some excess seo into overly yes i literally you guys really
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is and nobody is going to resume double umbrella. but it's like, the main thing is, i'll send you the, i can send that, can, you will feel that us on data mazda, mazda e, one for the little bit. i, but so like a know what else i need for my page. and when we sell to say the machine is it, it will only come in there, but i will spell, not a grocer going up as soon as possible. so we, so we can see it and see, go get a new b a cnn satellite. as you get a feel of this ago might have a 2nd bro. give me one of us are giving us a would be um, anything from satellite and you can see them to seek out on notice. i did give you the one to say that i said, oh no, no, november. the me see me lets see mean is if that is in the mean is the only available and lovely supposedly the waterfront can apply to anyone else in the u.
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c. in the middle based on the city and the 9150 and i'd like to come to the the invoice and get this on the unit. i do want to have a compliment on this. so let me set for my daughter. so not be able to mention one in mind on the board. and if i say somebody in the service goes out to the, the settings and i don't want the serial. and don't mean to say, you know that because even get a hold of the whole, i don't know who to go even though, but honestly can't even see natalie that mean i was on equal, or, you know, for the money to this team down a scene said i mean to get a ok for the side on the top, on a little guy and we'll see on it cuz on the fever and we'll see on it. so we'll be able to see, and we'll see what i can do about them being in c, i a to a get a ok,
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maybe the most you might think uh you say what about the load on that? so that again, let me see. so it will get, hold a note, i'm assuming this thing went on. yeah, they'll know to buy ok so far out in colorado to buy several, colorado and ms. diesel only agreeing to sign on to say a lady that i will get those documents in as old as close as possible if you want to set them with any but as soon as they need it for the the receiving end system. i said, i'm giving you the case by a level, but then see. and then what do you mean the s c a or some form of idea of the road is a key for a system i guess and got a they mean it was flat florida. got 90 percent of out of can seen as me said, the single single thing for some of them know some of the big data from the a bundle. got an e and says that you that sense of the thing that i mean by the union. so gone,
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but at that point yet i feel that the best i feel is being though they don't want them to say we'll leave that up. i didn't, they meant that by close to the end of it. so when i could get investigate that of the form, i, you don't know if you ever got this in front of them, something for them. you mean those that people do the bidding devin feel? nobody's gonna say i thought i'd go so you had a sense on my thing is that i'd be like, uh, one other person i guess, and i each in my name is it by myself. in my name is that i still go to that. i that's, that's a going for me, you, my name is the name from the base and see that ends in the heart of god, besides or from based on that and see some of the other women's. okay, was as he had told us see one bully, adam, thought g,
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i think it's a one i guess i'll you'll see on are the last ones on audi anybody. but one will see, i just want to say that alone, nobody handles the significant window. sidney sheeka, columbia heavy, i know it plugged in there yesterday, but i'll be around you can, i'll see i'll, i'll share no like chat with all that good, but i know depends on you, i will let you and i'm going to come from as soon as i get in and see if i'm getting a swab the soon we can meet. i don't know it underneath the, underneath the mouse. i mean, i think i'm in the more i'm in the guess i need. i feel like i'm on hold on to a little bit busy to get i haven't decided to put them onto the boards like there is a good place, a little bit of peanut, i in the front of it using the, the size of the annual identity or get a hold of somebody that hit on buddy if you let me know. when the youngest sits, bradley, my leave an easy and accept the a focus on the media to go almost like i do. can i use that audio only?
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cool. so like i said, i just made it up and that was really an invalid and he says enough and i thought he's taking the bus all, i'm leaving this of the scenes. that's quite a view to me, but so on. i can for that or anybody. and i said i'm, i am so the feedback what, and they would show me what the sample is. you need us. i mean, why didn't they, you mean is in need of a the some business here in about that say, i guess what? so for, since i'm, i'm a deficit. i've been in for the. yeah, i had it all for part of the even a groceries over and it was, it was, i bought it and does it for getting, this is what the sample for. but i did focus, so i need somebody getting pulled up and i think that is what adults could have been. like i said in the unlikely event that this book is nominated even less for the sap with some follow up on will get the when a messy on the matter way goes, you want to see it at the same. what the, what if in that office on like 8, i don't see so mind maybe incl. yes. i had always send you a some the some i'm not always doing what they, they asked me. where does that mean integrate with is that the same much?
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it doesn't say of the be made a payment to us for last. what about the desa either sized game on the when we send them, you can, we can tell you what, like what is the vehicle on the 11th and i bought a panel off and what was the letter that was on meet on the key and id for getting the see here in oklahoma, but as what the point is, so what you days will be i give us people in the you're gonna see might need to get it needs to get a moment for so normally the category of non duty, i put them in either end to get by saying that it may also gamino know, get, i mean, you know, getting this that i can easily get any problems if i mean i have to get this will buy it if we're so we had a model. so pretty much so, so, i mean, it does say that it has like a single method save method seem to feel in uh, seem to say like a to point us our data can nobody's, i mean, eli and for much on some of the data. and it's that one city or more than what we
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thought of something more or less, it would be one. your little ones is seasonal in the end, the little baby girl just doesn't really mean don't get enough that much. those in the field and single 2nd it right or indecent in the end of the muscle for numbers on the and then your muscle doesn't mean being living the but as need for somehow pursue moments ago. and the same thing was the message c, and also said that they say say can so indeed be going flexion if and that makes sense. i mean the people they need to have a sort of need on the person that need. i'm thinking you got a lot of my groceries in a little while. let me both so that lethal some for us. another woman such as a seat and the supervisor, the head for the how to make, i may miss any of us. for them it is impossible for me to hold them. be honest because a lot of it is the role that is received. i mean, does have,
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the lot of them is that essentially the cable, they might have a son when he, the extension panel will say this, the best one i can come to do. what do you focus on in female election k, you know, let me get on the list. some of these in the got him, us, or you know police, at least the side of the all for a model corner to forget he's coming to whom there is okay. me to meet on this one video and the other one is when i view them and instead of the one the form of the name of the id i'm in dental to buy this again, we're getting all getting i mean for the vendor, but it'll give us a new model, guess the photo, my view that have been side of it a little here. i know the drive on the here is always gonna be showing up on the person people in my life. so you'll notice this one, and this one is the same from the see one and the sort, and i guess and now the audio can see the vin symbol, the, but i said it'd be the other thing that is a functional,
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either several unit associate or not the back of the you. okay, you're gonna get a totally up, you name a mean, and this will see that on the left and we need to see if we can use i get it. can you standing on the, on the left or any supplements or the i'm in the comment that if i was looking to be in one leaving unless you open that up for you to as i look for my media a so that i sent that in most of the monthly people, possibly, i mean, unless you have a lot of literacy. yes. ok. so you would have in 9th, as in your model, so i didn't move it out. if i was only meant to continue, you can only i'm going here, but at the end of december, so you'll be in the, in the, in the morning can on the, my ma, get okay. in line 30 gardner big and natalie natalie, how you the
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the the at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent, natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of local
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b. both any resistance to the british was answered with double cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance has they are men, women and children are shot when ever they can be met with squatter, henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in $1846.00 plus strategy as bad as these rightly described as blood soaked and races. if at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent. then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had degrees still 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of full recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far.
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they've excluded straight to us. the problem with the choice process before the so there's too much of this is i've just deep requirements, not express here. submit item. so image of matters the way the cards, no problem, no, no, open up in the front and then for the test. and if i know for one of the of the street, the pensioners pretty much full time to go buy from a bit lower print skills from over the proof of those types of stuff that are coming out, the learners all figured out well for sure. and so the
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most of the triple just the front of the it's almost at the moment when the system, the good english as a human side, you can kind of ideas of them use the data i think um, and also a lot big deal. any other like the lawsuit so this at all you'll see an awfully goes on the scene. you need a little someone have for the gun on your see if i'm going i have for the go on the most of the for, let's see on there for like to buy. so for so you know, in the that you 100 gum wayne but a bunch i guess i within that i have and so i don't see and then you have to get problem. and most of us, what about if you need, do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think 75, i'm not going to the godaddy in. come out until i've seen that book. definitely gone. no, no,
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my case is and we have finally 30 on that and i guess within the single the se not, i mean it has an audio video. and so we just had our, we went in, i gave it to you, i get it on your see of it. are you wanting to tell me? do you want to die like one on the go after and on the book says another policy on it. you'll get on this was any other way they added, they kind of do it on, you know, sullivan is that also, you know, them being promoted vanya, they'll send you guys, i'm going to be able to get sonya c o 2. boy, then are you at the appropriate c? that's not how this summer yes is a year. yeah. this how do you have know how to solve the get it from being already said, of course it can condition and all the money will get along. the 11th is what we should get into said look, i mean it was literally and then it'll be interesting at the end of august. and as always, as you get into the classroom, i've been a little bit. i'm a single and
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a flight kid in, but it's getting a lot. it is. oh boy, it and now my legs missing. so i'm going to somebody say there's industrial gas invested. they a get back to the works it and that's what i meant that if i'm not that, that has been under a 100 different and it gives us a benefit to the newly cannot even get done in this in its own. yeah. mean. so no problem in the i but when he though don't last, you know, the style, you know, you know, to be, i is, is voice. when i push the on that those. because again, the problem was never stealing. they told us, see the audio talking to you and to them because i got up on an order showing up for have you been doing this though? is this a good that goal for them? if we, if i say that it's not in the middle and they will not at all and i'm, i'm not, yeah, it can be in the see not a little bit by side, not big on the eyes and digging us. i'm worried up most of any, the setup initial impulses you'll get to get the media landing of them into them in on sales, and then they can be a how to get there. i mean, debbie ended up on
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a site and looking at that my son, noah delilah. forget i read it again, a little study uh, sending that to the so data in portable stuff. you'll get an, i guess you'll see some of what i think i forget to do it. i'm not going to shouldn't getting logged in. if i'm, you know, make it that way. i can get that. yeah. you can send it. got it. let me find media the of the, like you said out, and they said that it should have been sooner. so here's the thing that are going to be me, your need, you need any mean if it's on the front that kind of thing got on some in my hand, is that this thing? i don't, i don't see, believe it is a lot of the my name is that a thing i looked up as wonderful and safe. let me give it a minute facility and come again almost have a little. i got a feeling the rest of the gentleman's email. he knows as to the new this thing that another one, the new level views have been seeing the as i have seen it when i go to
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the point of the st. louis, forgive me. i let them or minus, or the village of all it all or the i get, i'm gonna have one out of 200 out of the photo my vision. but i gave the movie up on it. i get a different view of american view. you will. yeah, you know, i was sort of a new laptop so you know, so to get them with the jeffrey amendment in my name is, is that he never a single either how this will c l a i think or okay, how it was and see i can see much less that a little bit more for you and i last, almost the last time on my check on this one i can find you on the team. ok. you that of the for me to will. that is so much. so get in mind if you want me to leave it at that link, i feel i'm like going id, but then they will have my kids to the office. and in my hand, is it, it says the name of the meeting, the union is able to bond. is that a problem? this is the thing that i thought i said was, you know, solver, as long as the answer, companion of existence isn't available, everybody has been having a sort of idea what hits us up some and see what is sitting in about out of this on the funds that i couldn't find the some is what i'd be like if someone would,
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you know that some of the us she says the not own level here in any move in for us in all of his social 3 might have been looking at some level here age when i have this one, he says he on yes, another be ready to from that means that a few months ways it's still city, a fit and things we've had in victor. so would you possibly look into that? i'm no, i'm not gonna get into one of the schools to see and your last name, click on it and go to setting it is what i'm about. i can pick it up well, history, let me hard on the failed. fatal. go get. the thing is you don't want to get something to say that you live in the world like joe. and i believe i've been getting a lot of them on the if the but he doesn't get a lot of them when i would get exactly that database because we have to be kind of able to get a full set accordingly. so i will get to assign these, i'll put the very easy for the ultimate, of course, and that's what we're going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be lucky because he's going to go a little bit, but as a and it gives him a and the phone. no, but it's a nice that i'm going to use a really good fun. but of that, another question i need to do, i need a hassle to get by the take is a be to be in the that it doesn't mean it added interest in the form. i get simple
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formulas. low cost means that are those that are within the of the services and i gave them the
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by the comment they gave, i'm hung up my data. anybody said no, no, i have not my data. enjoy them both in a god you know somebody and i would, i guess is no say dose. is anybody anybody maybe say i've lived in about 100 of my data by me get out of my way. them dollars here. the satellite, you know, i think i had the vehicle on a how many of us have you i need all in the system, but i mean yeah, mom, i'm even going to dial. i live in vegas. i see you're within the waiting for the state. yes. certainly, i mean that anybody, you mean by the way, maybe uh, we'd be sending the same way. now if i want to get into my end and dotala yonah bible, so instead of going to say no to might, i will edit. i mean, i want to come, you know, see if i've, you know, and if the error is saying you already send me that. i think i may not be able to bubble up. my dad, i do gotta be in if muscle to get to that at least out of the head of the button.
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but i can be in that in that email by it. i mean, he said, why not? yeah, that would it be swear to just throw in the slow leak your little the the don't seem to come look me up in the google kitty of the world because you all look at this is the other vehicles of the
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of the bus, the to the store in the lucy did a so was is out of, is it the, the guy use the unit the
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your to the, the is to available is the that competitive. but i good good. and most of the i did most some places, but some of the be done at the sky. see good, we'll look pretty good. good. good, good levels of the 1st for the uh, most of the
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the, the, the people just hit the button. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the
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russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best in most, all sun set up the keys to progress be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request which is the same? israel's war on god? so he's changing everything. not least of all the west claim tomorrow. leadership
9:00 pm
in the world, the so called rules based order has been shown to be a complete fraud. when there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill in the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed in the occupied territories. the 3rd rush has stopped to come up and down since washington for undermining efforts to establish a ceasefire. and garza and the mountain immediate, the escalation between israel and hemlocks. former us president donald trump, winston g o. p primary in new hampshire. as for raised for the 2024 republican presidential nomination is on the way congress stuff. different mattresses, a guest threat to ahead of as announced the visits to neighboring ukraine next week


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