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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EST

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joined the nato alliance on crow, has taken nearly a year to give the green light of the previous se, accusing the north country of hovering terrace. such as solomon has rectified for the membership of tomato which majority of the big parties supporting this will within voting in favor of switching the railing. a key p, a major cooperation partner, the nationalist mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h b. all 3 of them have voted in favor of sweden's joining the military alliance. well, this hasn't been an easy process. would. it has been waiting for about 20 months since this has caused supplies. a seed becomes a need to member back in 2020, to fill in another, another country which has applied for the membership at the same time, which was sweet then was a, has become a member of you last year in march and 24th $23.00 march which was within made
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wakeful so long while the fee reasons, so stupid. i'm try key is not really happy. i thought we did this thing. some of the members of the picky case are good. pick a case, consider the tire organization by to keep by the us as well as the e u and within 4 years have been actually a safe haven for the members of the p t k. so group, and another reason for full talk key to resist within the membership was it's, it's the most for big tense, especially the chrome bindings. and those kinds of actions happening in sweden and swedish as far as he's not really taking any action against. and another reason was of course of $165.00 to jets, which was homeless body was the delivery, which i see. uh, but uh let me look at these homeless is actually, uh no,
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none of these uh have actually really uh happened. uh we call cant see um concrete results here. uh, but square then is now with to become native member. say what we expect next is uh president. uh i do, i have to sign to bill in the upcoming space. and after that, we will only have hungry, less uh, as the last country as the last lease a member country to approve within membership to the military organization. what reaction tier to kids move from form agree come back to the end of this course on top of us. the basic pressure came from the united states because the united states wanted to give you the key to purchase every 16th aircraft. and they had put as a good to go to other states have put as a condition that uh, take your spot uh 30 allows suite in detroit made to take you was not in favor of
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sweden joining nature under the circumstances that i had described before. but they were pressured by the united states timing of that as a duke's took this, this is going sides with a, with a weakening of also gone for the like between the russia at the ukraine and the depth and seal, and the pressure being exercised all the ukraine to start negotiations. it also allows a free or hand connected to turkey to continue it's, it's policy against israel or the found this ticket issue. just put people going to return to breaking news. we've been following us for the last hour or so. and since the news came in a russian minute treat transport. ashcroft has crashed in the billboard region that's in the west of the country on board. the oil 7665 kept to do crating and subsequent being transferred for a prison, a swap. investigate is being dispatched,
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dispatched to the scene images, i'm beginning to come and you can see on, on your screen right now. that regardless, we've got our own producer heading to the site, so hopefully we'll get an incentive soon. but in the meantime, i do want to listen to a statement that the russian defense ministry is issued is on the 24th of january. this. yeah, at about 11 am, most scared. time and oil. $76.00 aircraft crashed in the belgrade region during a routine flight home board was $65.00 captured, ukrainian service, been being transported to the builder at region for exchange 6 crew members and 3 schools and a false commission, flew to the crash site to establish the causes of the crash? well we are covering this on multiple sites we bought like i said, all to produce some of them at the try of driving right the to the site. but now joint industry do biology correspondence on it depends too. um, so like i said, you know, this developing story, especially with accidents, you know, so that was an accident. what happened? what quotes that these details don't come out to quit teaque's paper being very
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tactful. so what do we know reportedly or not at the stage? well, at this point, we know that at the left man most go time, this call goes ship, which is in lucian, l. 76. a came down just outside the boat. god, which is down near the russian boot. that was the ukraine is, has neri that's been targeted by ukrainian missiles on and off for a very long time. back of december 25 people were killed actually in a missile strike in the region. as you can imagine, it's coming and heavy for now. allegedly, they was a warning this morning, but they were incoming missiles into the region that emergency was then cancelled, but as we know, 11 and this call goes ship, which was transporting 65. you craning prisoners of war for a swamp for russian prisoners was withdrawn, 0 came down. there is a suggestion from some russian deputies that it was hit by a missile. but that's not yet inc confirmed by the russian ministry of defense. we
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also know the on board, there were a number of crew and also asked schools for these p o w's. so 74 people we understand lost their lives in this crash. another details that's coming out right now is the fact that there was a 2nd call. i'll go plain that was following the same trajectory. also carrying ukrainian presents of pool, which turned back at the point. the vase plain came down. i mean, the social media pitches are pretty incredible. we see a huge plane coming down. we see that massive explosion. and yes, you know, it's an incredible situation. what we do understand is this plan is normally used to we a supply the routes to take military equipment. you know, it's a fairly large across. but yes, but the moment we understand that 74 people with adding treating 65 ukrainian prisoners of war. and there is the suggestion that this was actually a strike from
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a ukrainian missiles, one deputy saying they killed their own just as they were about to come home. most . so can you, i think we'll probably expect we know investigates, have been dispatched to the scene. so i'm sure information will start to trickle it and i'd also like i was just reminding the few as we do periodically have prisoner swaps. so this is nothing out of the ordinary. we've had a number over the past was 2 years now. the last one was actually in january and it was the biggest and yeah, it's biggest one up over $200.00. looking at the figures on this out. there were 213 ukrainian prisoners for swapped for 248 russian prisoners support. so this is obviously something that does happen and obviously to the great relief overbooked families of those uh, service men captured. this was really part of the course, but it seems that that's something somewhat went wrong. so hoping to find out what that is. that was all to correspond to charge you for the 20 minutes. we thank you very much on it. the questions for administer hit out at washington is
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a bi lab tool diplomacy telling the secure to counsel about the us only talks about causes tomorrow, while ignoring what's happening today. so a lot for officer pulled out the us, the blocking attempts by the one to impose a safe spot, a texas listen, that is the swords up today. we have primarily from west and representatives. costs are focus not on today, but on the some more rugs of the palestinian is ready conflict as if the escalation and gaza had already sold. and the situation there allegedly no longer requires the attention of the council. but for the cross, the logic of the west and delegations is obvious. having brought totally councils much needed efforts to coal for us, the spot, the united states and its allies want to turn over is extremely inconvenient page as soon as possible, making them complicit in the mascot and least against civilians and goals that it seems that washington is once again, relying on it's supposedly effective, but in fact absolutely failed bilateral diplomacy,
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hoping to somehow set all the parameters of the middle east regulations that have beneficial to itself before the november elections aren't completely not caring about the long term consequences. we've been able to say, well, the russian foreign minister, who is here in new york city at the headquarters of the united nations, took to the floor at the meeting of the un security council called to discuss the humanitarian crisis in gaza. now in his remarks, he laid out in detail the fact this is having on the civilian population describes how the water is being poisoned. how access to medical care is not being made available, how the population is really suffering as a result of the ongoing is really bombardment. he also called out the united states for its complicity. and these activities and the prevention of humanitarian aid from getting to those who need it. here's what's the russian foreign minister had to say before the security council. this is for the most so you're safe. all
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council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this truly fateful challenge. the reason is all via cities because the united states is blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the blood shed in the occupied territories left. the perversity of american diplomacy is alarming. in research resolutions on a, the size and then costs with decreasing the intensity of military actions in gaza. probably that is giving a call blogs to continue the collective punishment against the palestinians. now in his remarks, he also condemned to the recent us airstrikes on yanna and the expansion by the united states and britain of the conflict and instability into young men which is done in violation of international law. he also condemned the assassination of iranian officials based in syria, where there with the permission of the internationally recognized government and said that these assassinations that israel has carried out our unlawful and will only contribute to the instability in the region. now the also emphasized that
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russia has said that palestinian statehood must be achieved and there must be a clear roadmap to it. he highlighted previous proposals. russia has made to move toward palestinian statehood and urge the western countries not to let alice denny and state who would be buried in the same way that they buried. the minsk agreement on the side lines of the session, rushes to help him out and met with the un secretary general. he will so how told with his counterparts in georgia, in algeria, switzerland and palestine, but as one as well, but in the cash relieves of washington baz responsibility for a lot of what is taking place right now in golf. i believe the so the us as an active combatants and what is happening inside of gaza throughout the region and what they've done now. further active participation in there is there, bypassing congress in order to send 2 separate weapons packages. but the number one thing is that the americans do not restrain is real and it's,
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it's acts of genocide, quite frankly, in the gaza strip. that's the one place where they could end all of this with a single phone call, but they refused to back down from their unconditional support of israel. no matter what it does, no matter what more crimes it commits. and of course, and they go around the world with their double standard lens and you know, to try and accuse others of committing crimes against humanity when what is real is doing is clearly perhaps the worst crime we've seen committed by a state actor since the colonial period back to our breaking news of a mind to a russian military transport across has crashed and the bell could reach and in the west of the country bordering ukraine. it was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on the way to a prison as well. the pain came down at around 11 a. m most good time in a field near the city of po, garage report suggest it had been hit by a miss file. i'm not too far teasing kids had been a why,
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of the plains route. investigators have been dispatched to the seat and, and now the identical transport occurring 18 ukrainian prisoners full has since been died spotted, and russia says the prisoner swap has been cancelled. yeah, croft is a multi purpose fixed wing principle. pain used extensively by the russian falls. let's just listen to a statement and given 5 d russian defense ministry. on the 24th of january this year at about 11 am most scared time. an oil 76 aircraft crashed in the belgrade region during a routine flight. humble with was $65.00 temps, ukrainian service been being transported to the belgrade region for exchange. 6 crew members and 3 squads and a false commission, flew to the crash site to establish the causes of the crash. the death toll from me is really a tax on thoughts on now. sounds at 25002490 people with more than 63000 wounded.
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one recent strike hit the home of the somehow family and jamalia north and gaza killing at least 7 people and injuring tunnels. as a medical team from the palestine, red crescent has been up to see. look for pull tab they'll catch us about was about to is the striking, the jabante area is his and populated house belonging to these m. u family. the significant number of injuries and casualties have been reported with ambulances arriving off to urgent please from the residence of an f. 16 fighter jets dog. at the middle family home visit. zach has resulted in multiple casualties with more than 10 bodies extracted from the wreckage. and several others injured, the 3 story house, which was once filled with citizens and residents, as prompted the immediate response of civil defense and emergency cruise. they are currently working to extract victims from beneath the debris of the collapse building. do not show that they were on the streets when we heard the sound of 2 of
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16 missiles seeing smoke rising from here, we rushed to rescue those present in the house. we urgently need assistance in order to extract bodies and help the injured. many people, including women and children, have already been pulled out of the debris. the 2 f. 16 missile strikes have left a trail of scattered and dismembered remains all over the house lately and little sounds cuz she monetary and situation goes f a more time. it is children who are being hit particularly hot from the outside to the neighborhood to beta 100. and there was only one hospital in the most of the and type of specializes in treating the young. but even that, that's a sarasota. it just stopped equipment even better locally on this month when somebody went to see the challenges don't participate daily. almost the conflict in gaza casts the green shadow on children which have been the most affected group in this war. meant the difficult humanitarian and environmental conditions were now joined by come, i'll add one complex pediatrician,
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doctor him on given the ongoing war and humanitarian and environmental situations on folding. what types of cases are you seeing and what motivates you to continue such gordon? i think unfortunately, we receive a variety of different cases including we're spare, a trade gastro, intestinal infections meningitis. i sometimes even pediatric can certainly use the k units and goals and city in the northern region. the academy in operation. and we see a high influx of patients daily and a single day in the k unit we receive about 20 to 25 cases. this is a very large number. most of these cases require oxygen and also official respirators. of course, this is a problem in and of itself and we face significant shortages. sometimes we must even deal with extended power outages which lead to long ok and interruptions. and that's an increase in the number of deaths. we even have to do research cetacean also piece of labor for children manually. sometimes we ask the patients themselves to help us with the task. for example,
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today one woman had been breathing for her son for 3 hours. and also day is issues with the number of medical style. there's also a big problem with medicine shortages. and sometimes cases that require much about the lack of austin least do very severe complications. the work is very difficult and under unbelievable conditions the health care system is collapsing as an urgent need for international and relief organizations backs quickly to solve these problems. whether that means providing oxygen fuel medicine will opening all the hospitals. i appeal to all of humanity and humanitarian brief organizations about the necessity of help. the. this is the reality here in northern cause. it was reported by the doctor. it is necessary to act quickly to solve which, what remains of the health care system. most of us are t reporting from those goes well, i just wanted to bring you any of the updates that we do have, which is that a russian minute to transport aircraft has crashed and the bill good region in the west of the country. and it was carrying dozens of ukrainian prisoners,
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a who being transpired for a prison, not swap. i want to bring it now. all teeth correspondent, charlotte dimansky, who is joining me in the state. joe, i know they will keep you in on this. some details are coming in some a know, it doesn't seem particularly to what's happened, but, you know, report so no, that was still a little bit we can walk with. so what do we know? okay, so we know that the plane, uh, we came down near the belgrade region, which is a close to the russian border. and ukraine. this happens at 11 am most most good time. so local time for us that had been allegedly a miss so uh, wounding in region up, but that was then retracted. now there was also an accusation. this has come from one russian deputy and this not being confirmed by official sources. but this is you, shouldn't l a 76 plane was brought down by a miss. so i'll just say that's not being consent. although we do know that bel
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garage has been recently attacked over many months by or attempt to tax by you claims with missiles in the region. now we understand from the russian ministry defense, this claim was a call group plane, and it was carrying ukrainian prisoner as a pool. they would do to have a christmas. what for russian, a presence of will. on the other side we understand that there was $65.00, you cleaning prisoners will on board this, and of course it was also the crew on the escorts. we understand 74 people. saskia have been killed in this incident. there was an investigation on the way this emergency crews up the site, but it doesn't look like anybody suffice. if you see those images from social media, you'll see a large plain coming down and then this massive pool of fire exploding a, it really doesn't look like a tragedy. now, as i mentioned, not consent, but it is suggested that this was done by
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a ukrainian mississauga. now if that's the case, this plane was carrying you cleaning presents a pool. it means they have targeted and killed that a and menu were perhaps hours or days away from being swamped for russian prisoners was to be able to go back to the families and ukraine. so a tragedy for both sides because we don't know what this means. and so the russian principal also that were waiting for that swamp. we also ins found that there was a 2nd call good place that was also carrying ukrainian prisoners of war. so that was following the same directory, but that turned back when the 1st plane came down. of course, for a, it is safety reasons. i just want to bring you some information that we seeing from the ukranian source. again, not confirmed, this is from ukraine and based news paper that is at saying and admitting from are you creating sources within the military that it was a premium missile? the pull this down. but this paper is saying it was carrying ukrainian
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please best saying that it was actually carrying s 300. so this was a tall gauge at a russian plane that was about 2 weeks supply the operations. but i say that's not confirmed and that's come from the ukrainian source, a confirming from the slides that it was a miss. so on the russian side, we understand this was a call good plane. this was transporting p o w's to have a prisoner as well. and of course, many present swaps of being taking place over the last 22 months. the largest one, just a few weeks ago at the beginning of january, a couple of 100 soldiers on both sides were sort so these are most things that we see in the current special military operations down in ukraine. but belgrade, being hacked or attempted to be hit almost on a daily basis, we have sources suggesting from the russian side unconfirmed. but this was the cleaning we saw and sources unconfirmed from the cleaning side. also suggesting
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that it was a missile that hit this russian plane pressure says that killed fuel on board a 70 for individuals including 65 declining presence of o, y, and all this is all, it's very difficult to trust and all of the information that comes out nowadays, especially on social media, the images also fluctuates and i saw a missile trace the pipe smoke following a missile strike. again, that is just a report. it's just people speculate to on what could be, but definitely a lot of theories. but like he said, really attractions to both sides because watches and all confirmed that that prism is what will be canceled. that was the all t correspondence shot it too, but for joining me in the student, thank you very much. let's see this post sunday, a full couldn't attend across the crest in the mountains of afghanistan, on 4 out of the 6 people on board actually managed to survive. the private medical mission was transporting to civilians from thailand to moscow by india. and one of the survivors was able to reach
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a nearby village to ask the help the interest to then taken to coppell for the treatment to passengers. a russian businessman and his wife died according to preliminary information. both the engines of the cross broke down during the flight . we spoke with the father of the pilot or the my son sent me a message that he had originally flights of toilet. and although he was not meant to, but apparently it was very urgent. i didn't track him on flying right off, but when i heard the news that a fall content plane crash that ref dentist on, i immediately realize that my son died. it was a huge shot for a whole family because it is almost impossible to survive and such a disaster is impossible to land. a plant in the mountains at home, and everyone in that situation including relatives who were waiting for this medical flight to moscow, or had the same opinion that it was unrealistic to land a plane in these mountains opposite church service. and we prayed for my son as if he was alive. but i reacted skeptically to this. and at that moment i received
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a message that they had full survivors. i didn't k exactly who survived. the main thing was that my son saved full, sold my son a dream defying since childhood. he learned himself how to fly on old times the back row and got his license. he's a very good pine. i'd say the already flight home. the well, this case will definitely be included in the world history. it flies to the pond as did not lose that. heads found a plastic when the snow capped mountains adelante the plane professionally. they felt for their lives. they did it well. they all the heroes and iraq to people have reportedly been killed and others wounded. up to us forces congress administered groups the the, the this on verified for tip. so to make some online claims to show the optimize of the a tax us central come on. so that needs to 3 minute treat facilities were targeted
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selectively, a response to a recent attack on an american minute to base in western iraq. all depends. good. also said that it's navy conducted several retaliatory strikes against whose st minute trends the structure to and to ship missile sites was reportedly destroyed. the us, as the targets were presented, an imminent threat to much and bustle vessels and its navy ships in the region. despite the strikes, washington insist, it's not looking to escalate the situation. well, 1st of all, i wouldn't define it as conflict again, i would define it as action that's being taken to disrupt and degrade who the, who, the capability to conduct the attacks against the international community. our focus here is not to escalate or get into a conflict with the with these, our goal is to prevent these continued attacks against the international community and international shipping, transiting the red sea. the goal in ukraine continues to impact
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those fall from the phone lines. the city of done yet is still reading from a recent missile strike on the market. the top 27 people, steve sweeney, takes up the story. on sunday, this marketplace was busy with local was doing that daily shopping. it was a bright, sunny day, much like today. around 10 am. the hustle and bustle gave way to kyle's as you cried, new miss all strike killed. 27 people. for them died here. flowers mark the spot in which they were killed. the fruit and vegetable was that they were settings lay strewn across the floor. the blood is yet to dry. and the community remains in shock to these continue to pull in from across russia and indeed across the world. locals and officials, a laying flowers in memory for the 27 people that were killed here, locals have expressed and they will. those results sold to be held to account, but you crate has denied coming out the attack. president zalinski says even claims
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that russian was responsible for the seniors. there were more than 50 russian strikes with multiple launch rockets systems, as well as dozens of air and missile strikes. over the stay alone, russian savages shells more than $100.00 of our cities, towns and settlements across 9 regions. the genetic regions came under the most brutal russian attacks. unfortunately, there are dead and wound is my condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones. but despite presenting no evidence, he's been backed by an army of online trolls claiming it was a full flag or staged. some have even used the months ago when a sick and an attempt to plead for more homes to be sent to ukraine. this tweet to paste are being deleted, but there is a concerted effort to deny the truth as many dom on that key have is charged with war crimes. ukraine has continued. is a tax across the don't. yes, republic. 2 people have been killed in a drug store. i can use in a voucher while districts of the city have come under ukrainian shedding, leaving
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a number wounded. the un secretary general condemned a tax on civilian and it was in the often mazda at the tone, yet small k masika coating for them to be stopped by his wont is i'm simply being ignored. ukraine continues to act with impunity with a full barking of the west. this is steve sweetie, all to and don't yet city. the talkers parliament has finally backed sweden's bit to join the nato alliance. i'm for a have taken nidia yet to give the green light of the previous, the accusing the north country of harper and terrorist, the bottom, and has lots of sites where the membership ultimate. so what's the majority of the big parties supporting this bulletin voting in favor? of switching the railing, a q p, a major cooperation partner, the nationalist, mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h b. all 3 of them have voted in favor of sweden's joining the military lines. well,
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this hasn't been an easy process. wouldn't, has been waiting for about 20 months since this has caused supplies to become a nate to member back in 2020, to fill in another. another country which has applied for the membership at the same time which we did was a, has become a member of last year in march and 24th $23.00 march, which was within made wakeful so long while the fee reasons. so super untied key is not really happy. i thought we did this thing, some of the members of the picky case, our group secret case. consider the tire organization by to keep by the us as well as the e. u and within 4 years have been i see a safe haven for the members of the p t k. so group and another reason for full talk key to resist within membership was it's,
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it's the most for big sense, especially the crown bindings. and those kinds of actions happening in sweden and swedish authority is not really taking any action against. and another reason was of course of 165 to jets, which was almost friday was the delivery, which i see uh, but uh let me look at these homeless is actually, uh not, no, none of these uh have actually really uh, happened uh we called we cant see um, concrete results here. uh, but square then is now with up to become native member. say what we expect next is president. i don't want to sign the bill in the upcoming days. and after that, we will only have hungry, less uh, as the last country as the last need to member country to approve within membership to the military organization.


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