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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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of the so was this the top headlines right now in a continuation of, of breaking news on off the international. the russian defense ministry of truth is key of carrying off a terror attack on a russian military transport plate in the builder of the region that was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of a belt road, local se the pilots via the play and kilometers away from a nearby village to avoid impact, we understand no low boasts, but let's preparing the fuel to the us congress and the german boons, the stock, so that the deputies can finally realize where their funding and help. i need to report the plaintiffs down by ukrainian resolved russia. it says it'll take the case to the us congress and german going to stop. and that's the down flight and makes the headlines. ukrainian media outlets reported on key as role in the crash
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before all of a sudden dropping any references to ukraine involves the larger wednesday world news live headlines problem must go with so much talk about now. i'll guess i'll correspondence or more lined up. so we continue without breaking news coverage or not see international good to heavy with us. by the way, a russian military transport aircraft is crashed with $74.00 on board. most of the ukrainian po w's at this. what will happen though, apparently also being shot down by ukrainian forces that's according to moscow or the list of the 65 prisoners of war has now been published. now there was another plane carrying 80 ukrainian prisoners that was diverted and russian announced as the prisoner swap has been put on ports. in fact, the russian ministry of defense has just released the statement of the.
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so i just looked at 11 15 am the key of regime committed a terrorist attack. as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down as it was flying along that you call up ski belgrade airfield route to transport ukrainian service meant for exchange. the aircraft was shut down by the ukrainian armed forces from the lips who settlement in the heart coverage and using the anti aircraft missiles system. the radar of the russian air force observed the launch of 2 ukrainian missiles on board. the airplane were 6 crew members. $65.00 ukrainian service been for exchange and 3 russian service min accompanying them. the crew and all passengers of the airplane were killed. do freeney and leadership was well aware that in accordance with the established practice, the transportation of ukrainians service meant for exchange by military transport plane to the air field of belgrade would take place today. according to an earlier agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the culture of good check point on
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the russian ukrainian border. nevertheless, the nazi regime and key of took this step in order to accuse russia of destroying the ukrainian military. by committing this terrorist attack, the ukrainian leadership showed his true colors. it disregarded the lives of its citizens. it came on out with all the things that charlotte, to basically joining us here and this to do it for a continuation of on breaking news a lot. it's great to have you back in so quickly because the developments keep on coming here and as they do last year, we were getting a, a clear, a picture that's emerging now of this crash, russian official saying potentially up to 3 and miss isles may have targeted this russian illusion transport cross, but also in ukraine, they're all officials who are advising the public not to listen to outside sources and to only trust the official ukrainian government narrative on this. what do you know? yeah, that's why it's a pretty murky situation. we've had some clarity from the russian and medea's, she,
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her did not statement by describing this as being a terrorist. start saying this is a deliberate attack on the key of news that there was a prisoner swap. that was going to take place on wednesday. and also that he was informed in advance of the type of transportation that will be used for those prisoners of war. that is a normal thing to use military cost to take prisoners. it boils down to a region where the swap can take place up for me. yeah, if we haven't had any official statements, we've had some statements that have come up for your own, but it's mooning ukraine who said not to drool any premature conclusions as a result of this. need to trust the official sources, but they're all no official sources in ukraine at the moment. it's a vacuum in terms of what happened. presence lensky has been twitching on x. about other things, but not about this crash that now took place several hours ago in the vocal. i'd
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region russia saying that plane carrying $65.00 you creating prisoners of war who would do to be swamped on wednesday. we have though, had confirmation from some ukrainian sources that they were or was, it was a prisoner for us will each take place. but this is coming from the intelligence spokes person from ukraine to confirmed that they hadn't yet taken the place. let's have a listen to what he said to radio for us. the prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine was suppose to take place today on the 24th of january, a representative of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate. andre yourself told radio liberty. i can state that the exchange plan for today is not taking place. he said now we've also had a printed on social media. the names apparently of the 65 ukranian premier deputies that were apparently on this call go ship. of course,
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the crew and the school. it's also died when a crash landed there's those allegations that it wasn't just one me solve, but 3 missiles were directed in this region and we know that there was a 2nd play. also carrying around the ac prisoners of war, which they voted immediately off, the adult miss. all of that should be hit, stop playing. and now we also had information. this is coming out know from the child person of the defense committee of the state. do met talking about the fact that this is part of a logic swell of prisoners. so we have the fuel settle with somebody else will say this is the 2nd eel, 76 aircraft followed, which was carrying about 80 more prisoners of war. we managed to turn it around, do you create a leadership was well aware of the impending exchange was informed about how the prisoners would be delivered, but the ill, $76.00 aircraft was shut down by 3 patriot or irish t missiles of german production. well, i want to talk
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a little bit about the situation on the ground. you've seen those images will re, we've got this wreckage, that's all across the field. you've got snow on the ground and there is a sense from local residents that what is certainly a tragedy could have been much, much worse. and they describing the pilots of this plane as being a hero because they say he diverted it from. what would it be in a civilian area with schools, with homes, a village, and this thing, this could be much less. the pilots directed the plane away. they are heroes. there was a school nearby. children were studying. the plane crashed into a field. the village was not effected, everything is cordoned off there. there is no way to get there. a known investigation will take place when it's done from the russian authorities that teams are going down to have a look what's happening they can oversee, you know,
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coming through the wreckage wilcock. exactly what happened. but that is already accusations that the me so that was allegedly use the hit this call, the plane came from the west, is helping us into what the, the track person of the speak during the russian part of it had to say, i kept him in, i made it guns, give me a new me american in german to me sell shot their soldiers in year their own. their mothers are wasting their way through wasting their children for waking the pilots of our military transport aircraft who were carrying out a humanitarian mission and were defenceless. people were shot with rockets less preferring the fuel to the us congress and the german boot into stock. so that the deputies can finally realize where they're funding and helping. it's and not to resume fed by biden, crohn's shots and other politicians. they must realize, responsibility ending peace must impeach them of what you put up in the. meanwhile, i'm going to reiterate that has been no official response from keith as to what happened in this incident at 11 am most good time at just north of belgrade.
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however, we do know some of the cleaning newspapers, how they covered it in the moments in the aftermath saying they had sources from ukrainian ministry, ukrainian army that had said, this is us, we've done this. and they said that was the reason is because they believed that the cargo plane was actually carrying pots or me solves for the s 300. and they saw as being a legitimate target. when image did actually caring po, delta use, those headlines were retracted. i suppose pipes that comes off what i mentioned earlier about the, on the, it's been a warning citizens known to be during prime of fuel conclusions. and in addition to that, we've also had a statement from the coordination headquarters of the treatment of prisoners. it was in ukraine saying that, you know, there is a new then looking into this, but again, in fact, you know,
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information coming out from kids, no stamps. and what happened on the same time, they're already pointing the accusations that brochure and saying, rushes trying to to muddy the waters. hey, so it's a really interesting situation. it's got russia saying this is a terrorist act. this was deliberate with evidence inquiry. knew that the personal for swap was taking place on wednesday, and at the same time we've got ukrainian officials note here of suggesting, you know, don't come to present to conclusions because this will look full on k of if it emerge. if they admit that this was then and you know that the western political landscape knows exactly that, charlotte, because the western price. if you look at some of the fox, bbc and some of the other outlets out there, they're only headline is a russian cargo plane has crashed in western russia. they say nothing about missiles, nothing at all. that might implicate the key every dream for a tragic bout of friendly fire, all the solitude whiskey,
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with the latest updates on this breaking news. thank you. while i one of the policies producers in the area and was, well the only one who was actually given access to the scene have a listen to this russian minister on fun stuff. but so they were 65 degree in prison. and so 4 and 6 crew members, along with 3 escorts on the police, they were moving to bill, good for prisoners of war exchange. we, we do know now that the plane will shut down by a while. you cranium petro. today a defense system full, i receive, they do my folks us and said that's a local t a in the, in the village of y'all, blah blah, now told me a little cold, but booster told me that she had 2 or 3 feud explosions in the skies. uh uh, and i like to shed light on how it was in belgrade, where we were at the moment when this happens. uh,
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1st of all bill got. those has been bundled, the constant shelving for almost 10 months. i mean you create and um it targets it on a daily basis with molto as how is this a try going me to and a short range me. so basically everything they the house so sirens can be held if you're in there. you can see or you can hear the defense systems into something or in the sky, but this time was they thought it was different because it was just like, it was over whelmed. with 4 rooms with sirens, tv and radio were shut down by the shut down by russian emergency ministry warning, the ox, everyone to go to the shelter. we owe you. people on the phone. i hope will read the reports on the price side of out of some of our locals of the valid throughout the region. describing the moment when the plane crashed switched to this issue. we had a strong rumble, went outside as will smoke on fire. we had the 2nd explosion,
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it turned out to be much louder. we will run out and looked, thinking people would need our help. the plane crashed far beyond the village. it was very loud and scary. dark mode. we saw a red object through the window and opened an object free by then an explosion of red flash. and that was it. we didn't see anything exact in the explosion that we heard was an expression about 3 kilometers from the village of a was just some sort of explosion that so we didn't know what it was we were in those charges for. so at 1st i heard the roar of a plane engine. i opened the window to listen, it was in that loud. i looked up and saw an explosion. black smoke can fly up in a 2nd explosion with white smoke. i went outside the streets was confident of blankets of smoke, which i didn't know. it was a plane. i didn't see it. well, i spoke with a adrian expert and geopolitical analyst. i say hilde a lot to to discuss these latest event. and the very 1st video that i've seen about
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as we can see the problem going down on a very, very steep left, mike engel, probably trying to avoid houses and living areas. and then i've seen another video which at the end of it wasting the next guy, quiet smiles, which clearly indicates that something exploded up there. okay. okay. so we already know that your opinions acknowledge that the very beginning that the by mistake probably, or for any given reason items, it's impossible to say right now. it was most probably shut down. but, but generally speaking, i mean if, if we can just go to one side of it, i mean, the, the lucian at across is a massive transported across. i mean, like the uninstalled off, are we talking some really big pieces of equipment here? i mean, these are basically been pretty reliable of what cost is for, for, for the russian military or not. it's very reliable aircraft that has 50 years of existence, but been through a different kind of retrofit with new engines,
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new glasgow pick and everything. it's very strategic at work force. it leads to. so basically, i'm just not the point, but i mean the rely, the reliability of the traffic is not in the question. there are an use. and you said also several that you said in some of the footage we saw that it looked like there was a small explosion in the sky like a half perhaps assigned to an impact maybe of a miss aisle. not connecting with this across. i mean, but right now, i'm being an aviation expert serial. there's hardly, it's not, there's nothing less self, it's at cross. now. it smashed into the ground. you started norma's fireball, coming from it. how difficult now will it be to investigate the true cause of this? well, 1st we will have to gather the remaining of that aircraft last probably to identify the remains of that after us. them put them back together. but unless we can listen to the cvr and the d of the are that were probably in more. and
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so the circumstances are no, and the goal is exactly are you have to be the mind and web based explosion. i had an impact on the aircraft flying capabilities by itself. and that, that is going to take time is going to take play is going to take the golf course. it is what, what about, what about the doesn't it across like the illusion that does it have counts and measures? does it have any kind of defense capabilities that you're aware of any and see miss all abilities? well, this was a you, money, tare and flights, bringing ukrainian prism as a war back home. and the tragedy of this is that as a human that you many during flight, i do not know the story, a number of the sacrifice. i did not know exactly how it was equipped for the sacrifice, but most of the time, civilian aircraft on not equipped with the d quarry or anything like this
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customer's is and, and probably it was not the case. but that, i mean, once again, it's a you many during flight mixing up the military flight, even these, the lucian, 76, is use the military or in civilian alliance in different uh, c. i. s. countries well as russian officials slammed those involved in the tragedy to ukrainian media outlets, the 1st reporter will the incident change the narrative regarding those responsible . the 1st off with the report on the crash claim that was quote, vege all refer right. the key of troops, the 2nd one directly called it and i quote, the work if you cranes forces surprised surprise all of a sudden both headlined to a very quickly changed dropping any reference to the involvement of the key. okay, it has that previously been accused of targeting their own troops back in july and september of 2020 to several ukrainian soldiers dying and attacks carried out by
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their own side of corresponding picks. it up these are just some of the bodies of ukrainian soldiers, which were killed by their own ukrainian army overnight. now, these guys, they've been killed by shrapnel. meanwhile, these guys right here, their bodies had been burned as a result of a strike. beyond recognition, criminal experts from russia and from the people's republic are now working on documenting every single body of every ukrainian soldier. you know, nice. i mean, the ukranian authorities insisted on using this place of detention. it was discussed previously. so they knew perfectly well where the prisoners were being held and that's how they took the lives of their own soldiers. ukrainian army used high caliber, high mars artillery systems when they struck this battery just after 2 o'clock at night. now there were at least $600.00 prisoners in this barrick alone. now,
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according to a russian and defensive industry, this was a pro vacation on the part of the ukrainian army. was the force a large number of ukrainian soldiers are laying down their weapons, as they know about the humane treatment of military prisoners by russia. this outrageous provocation was aimed intimidating ukrainian soldiers and preventing them from surrendering over the last couple of weeks. the members of the nationalist, as on battalion, started giving witness accounts about the war crimes committed by them and their superiors. apparently, those war crimes were commissioned by the highest authority in key if, as the result, they were punished by hi martha. they were warranted systems and these are just some of the fragments of that high caliber shelf. it's just a quick reminder for you about breaking news or, or not say a russian military transport aircraft crashed with 74 on. ready board $65.00 of
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them ukrainian p o w is that would it be transferred in a swap deal? the russian ministry defendant says it was a terror attack carried out by ukraine from its territory, with anti aircraft missiles. crating defense ministry has rejected all claims that was involved as well as the vacuum as prime minister, a storage critic by the way of western support. the key a has methods, ukrainian counterpart or 5 minutes the robot of feet. so previous we said he plans to veto key abs. nato bid at the meeting is taking place in the city of always go to and the other countries border. le ukrainian paula, but med list them onto the government were send the invitation. they cited it freight so the suggestion the key will have to see territory is to end the conflict of the slovak officials of back the p. m. and criticizing key of dependence on the west system asked for my done it in 2014 after the made and
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ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian president ordered the use of military force and ukraine? imagined mexico next to you with its defense minister and the entire political scene, including the president and the government under the full russian control, mexico. now imagine mexico joining a military organizations where russia plays a decisive role. what would you do? this argument is rational law. ukraine is not sovereign and is entirely under us control. robert fitz so told the truth about ukraine. it is also being written by the western media. yes, ukraine is losing. the counter offensive ended in failure. and if it weren't for the money from the us and the you ukraine would not have survive even 2 weeks. ukrainians have nothing to be offended about for voc, yeah, helps them enormously and people are fed up with it. it leads to nowhere but poverty and death. a hello, samuel monthly. each guy is a geopolitical analyst. he's not joining us live here in the studio. the most of
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the mothers ship here to give us more details on this compensation is great to have you here. very well, we'll continue, samuel, i'm to be a credit implemented. so it has claimed that he's reached an agreement with the, with well, to get some slow back companies to basically enable key up to by slow back weapons . now this to me 5 and start comp trust to feats those previous criticism of the you and the west policy with ukraine. it almost seems like a he's kind of tough and in a sense, what are your thoughts on this? well, he didn't, sir, actually because what fish so rejected, swear direct to sending directly creating the slovak other moments from so like really 3 me, but he's open to the possibility of ukraine buying slower are moments from slower companies. so there are some fundings from other european countries, sends money to ukraine, and ukraine is called see the ring to buy the moment. so,
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fits always rejects in direct and help with our minds about the he is not the interfering private military companies having business. so in your career with you, and you'll saying that he hasn't time because pizza, his whole campaign platform or a big pod, samuel was no more weapons, no more money to ukraine. but now you're telling me that he hasn't time, but he's found a way to kind of sneak around it so that weston money can be used to purchase slow bought weapons. is that correct? well uh yeah, and it rejected the heated, rejected sending with phones, but he says, you know, this is business if they don't buy it from slovakia they will buy from other so he's not in suffering for the 1st of companies like the ukraine they use to solve of how we had service, susanna. mm hm. they are interested in buying those. have it 1st bought the this was lots of maybe present sites in a such a way in media, but being slow. okay. he was presenting this position like we were on the
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a do crating with the money and uh, uh, maybe 3 eighths, dialect saved from stay the button. if companies will have any business with ukraine, they kind of have, i don't know. i, i don't, i don't like the sound you want me. i mean i, i like the thing. so i like is campaign platform. i like what are you have to say? i don't like this though. this is another way that she is. and another way, trying to find money from over here and weapons from over here to continue a conflict that has already been lost by nature coast america and their proxy war against russia. what do you think i missed the value of them as like, is a member of nato, the you? what do you think it's a member of the states of, of a partners will think of faith. so now you think they might change their attitude or they might say, congratulations. well done. your doing what we're doing well uh fit so has been criticized by sl over co position who is really
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a role made to pro with them. they said so to this them of having connections and to load this from america working with them me feed. so it's rice now to have some balance fully fix, defend, so slow by getting through us. we'll see there are some possibilities that the european union may lift some of the donations to slower care for the on the carrot and stick. my friend, carrot and stick, but this probably won't happen. i think, fits, authorized to enter his new political term with. so you know, stronger positions position of power. he wants to show slower position and slower interest. he also surrounded himself with for people and advisors who shared these ideas. so yeah, i think you think you came across,
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samuel just being so strong during his con, paying, i mean, he was really like, i mean he was standing up straight, missed the feed. so i do worry that then when he, when he won his 10 year, it's almost like maybe some pressure has been applied in some way, shape or full nice just you know, i mean, look at, look at hungry for example. hungry was very much in lock step with slovakia. hungry was like no more weapons to key of no more cash. this is you're coming from victor, oregon and then feed. so started saying the same thing, but listen, ok, i don't, i don't want to take up too much. i appreciate you joining us and i appreciate you being forthright with me. the i'm the slope. i press only a head question, the unusual me uh town for this meeting, who is good on, which is a, a border time between the 2 countries instead of key of have a listen to what fits. so had to say about that, have a listen to this listing attribute, the key of like a similar district was, why do i need to go to kia when i can meet with the ukrainian prime minister and who's great? i don't see the difference or not. and you really think that there is
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a warranty? if you can be serious. so how would you read those comments as well? first, the full i with the thing that it's something special like the diploma thing made things they don't have to necessarily take place in comfort. so mm hm. box was face to face. so may be i would say may be making fun of was select only patients the previous bullet, additional space, 5 minutes and president of slovakia who came so key if and they were taking photos in numerous helmets. like if they were in some kind of buffalo. yeah, sort of a hollywood p. uh photo shoot, right. i mean this is what we do. we see it as an awful lot. i mean, when god, who was it was, it wasn't one of the american secretaries of state uh, recently uh, visiting one part of i was a part of eastern ukraine and, and kia have deliberately, deliberately shock miss austin, for a nearby village. it was blamed on russia and was asked me blink and i believe. and
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then they, at least they got more funding from washington because of this. i mean the that, that, that's theater involved. scroll down very involved, but it's, it's, it's doc, i mean, the games that are being played here that i don't know, you know, some of these people are just evil. let me ask you about this. all right. i mean, you know, the hungarian foreign minister feed us the article, he's supposed to be going for a meeting with the key of officials in the west and ukraine. but then he received strengthening glasses, written in ukrainian, basically saying that you and your delegation are going to meet an explosive welcoming when you come to ukraine. do you think that might have any apartments? can you relate that at all to to, to the slow box of feet so and that he's going for this meeting to should, should he be worried? and i the thing. so i think there may be some problems in the future because we have in slovakia, a lot of immigrants from ukraine, refugees of also
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a members of feed so far the smaller they receive some similar like the letters for home to sympathize us of the slow level position it didn't take place like considering from your plan in refugees in slovakia button this might take place with the i within a consider this to be a big issue for face. so in the future. okay. well, let me let, let's, let's hope it's not a big issue. i mean, when you, when you get a, a threatening letter written in ukraine in use which we visit in ukraine. and this letter says, you're going to basically going to be blowing up with a delegation. i mean, that's a pretty concerning letter to be honest with you. but to samuel, i might say each guy is a jew, a political analyst joining us, a life to discuss this about the and liter, the premier and faith. so and what he's going to ukraine is a we, we hopeful you know, cool a heads will prevail and we'll, we'll be okay, but a samuel, appreciate you joining us. thank you very much for being on oxy international. thank you as well. thank you. thank you. don.
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gary and our prime minister has confirmed his country support for sweden's membership, and the nato book comes as a tucker's parliament back stuck home was bid to join the alliance off the previous day, accusing the north country of hovering terrorist onto that mail to go and have details so if you simon has rectified for the membership of tomato woods, majority of the big parties supporting this volt and voting in favor of switching the rolling a t p. it's major quali sion partner the nationalist, mh p as well as the the biggest opposition party c h b. all 3 of them have voted in say for a split into joining the military lines. well, this hasn't been an easy pass. a student has been waiting for about 20 mountains since it's has car supplies. the seed becomes a need to member back in 2020 to fill in another another country which has applied
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