tv News RT January 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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leapfrog where there is a leadership vacuum. others will fill in the we are the russian hill 7 to 6 plain crush side fields around me is this coast with metal fragments spots the key parts of the plane. human bodies, unload explicit footage here on our t. here's we get for us access to the military transport plane crash sites, which moscow labels a terabyte tied by kia. now the plane was carrying 65 you korean present as a war for us swap with russia. russia as foreign minister to get logged. rob holds a press conference at the you and it takes a mark key for shooting down the russian plane, packed with b o, w 's. and that was set to be returned to the train. the sewage right after the plane was shut down. key clean. we had another victory for the
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value ukrainian armed forces, but as soon as it became known that the plain was carrying ukraine, the prisoners ukrainian propaganda immediately tried to cover of its joyful reports about the victory as it down to play and makes headlines, incurring in media outlets that reported on t as roland, taking out the crowd, however, they quickly dropped any references to you, create direct responsibility. the hello welcome to the global use updates on our team to the national i a my club portion style russian. many tree transport aircraft is crashed with 74 people on board. most of them you trade in p. o w's. the russian defense ministry has labeled the crisis of tara attack, carried out by ukrainian forces, unless the 65 president, as a war has now been published. and now the play and carrying 80 ukrainian present as was diverted with moscow, putting the president,
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swap on pause and the russian m. o. d has released the statement on the crash. so i just looked at 11 15 am the key of regime committed a terrorist attack. as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down as it was flying along that you call up ski belgrade air fueled route to transport ukrainian service made for exchange. the aircraft was shut down by the ukrainian armed forces from the lips who settlement in the heart coverage and using the anti aircraft missiles system. the radar of the russian air force observed the launch of 2 ukrainian missiles on board. the airplane were 6 crew members. $65.00 ukrainian service been for exchange, and 3 russian service men accompanying them. the crew and all passengers of the airplane were killed. now one of the 1st on the scene was a producer from argy explicit footage here i, so we receive this report directly from the cry seen we are the russian hill 7 to
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6 plane crash sites. field around me is this post with metal fragments, but actually parts of the plane, human bodies unload bought. so the human body is a lot. i think every who actually every emergency service is here, ministry of defense, local government f. as the investigation committee, we will get to more of the number of casualties could have been higher if the pilots of the down played and had been stared away from the village. below. here was what local residents had to say. the pilots directed the plane away. they are heroes, there was a school nearby. children were studying. the plane crashed into a field. the village was not effected. everything is cordoned off there. there was no way to get there. but according to the farmer days in the area, no body on the ground was aged locals describe the movement of play in came down
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a very small as i was very scanned. i would like to sign as a pilots who died. i understand that he has a family goal addressed as so condolences to his family. but i would like to sign him for saving us. they themselves died. but say the village you wish to dismiss. we heard a strong rumble, went outside and saw smoke on fire. we had the 2nd explosion, it turned out to be much loud. we will run out and looked, thinking people would need our help. the plane crashed far beyond the village. it was very loud and scary. dark mode. we saw a red object through the window and opened one object free by then an explosion of red flash. and that was it. we didn't see anything exact in the explosion that we heard was an expression about 3 kilometers from the village for the possible. it was just some sort of explosion that so we didn't know what it was. we were endorse . sure. at 1st, i heard the roar of a plane engine. i opened the window to listen. it was in that lounge. i looked up and saw an explosion. black smoke can fire then
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a 2nd explosion with white smoke. i went outside the street was confident of blankets of smoke, which i didn't know. it was a plane. i didn't see it on the russian foreign ministry said, but he ukrainian forces shooting down the crops best defies to the criminality of key of government. what happened today shows once again the criminal nature of the new nazi dictatorship and key of its leaders are indifferent to human life. they proceed people as consumables and killed them at the behest of western patrons and with western supply weapons. it is absolutely obvious that zalinski is criminal regime nurtured by the us, and it's natal satellites poses a real and significant threat not only to russia, but also to ukraine itself, its citizens, and the whole world. while in agony, it is capable of the most monstrous atrocities. for the increase in may, in direct, the rate of intelligence has stated that they did not have any information about the landing or lining a trustworthy across so close to the was own. it's a keys,
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the russian side, a den of read actions to destabilize the situation in ukraine, and weak and international support. my colleagues were research, say, discuss the latest with our to correspond in charlotte dimansky. they admit that they was due to be an exchange of prison is full. so the queen has confirmed the costs of the story, but they say they have had no reliable information as to who may have been on that call go play. and that was done. they also say, rush, it didn't inform them how the present is what we're going to be transported to the region rush assess, it did, it says it's a standard procedure to transport prisoners will on military cost on immune statement. they say as a result of ukraine, not knowing how they're being transported. and this is really key. they say they don't need to know that the space around fellow garage needed to be kept safe.
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it's not his mission, but it was ukrainian missile, but it is old. but if we don't need to keep the safe space in the why would we in addition to that, we have had evidence that he was aware that there was due to be a prisoner swamp, on wednesday, january 24th, which is today. this came from the intelligent spokes person who was given your name to be to free re do, you are confirming that it was the way the prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine was suppose to take place today. on the 24th of january, the representative of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate, andre yourself told radio liberty i can state but the exchange plan for today is not taking place. he said being pulled open that it was due to take place. it's now not taking place. you have to one to walk at the same time. we've had comments coming up now, former ukrainian parliamentarian, who is absolutely furious with the situation because we're still haven't heard from
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president so lensky because we still haven't heard from the ministry of defense. let's have a listen to this one. you creating an m p who up until now has been fairly supportive of present savanski. just say it's a totally up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has to be heads up through keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flaps in kiev and levels, it's really comfortable to think about what his grades and historic, really a very strong statement, accusing them up essentially hushing up the situation. what about the allegations that's actually coming out of must go to the west in ms. i'll swear you to attack this a russian illusion. transport cross. do you have any more details about that?
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yeah, so obviously we've had the russian m o d statement, which is describe this as being a terrorist act. and we've heard from move makers in russia who's made claims that there was more than one me, sorry, that was a to what's displaying that. there was also a secondary plan that was also carrying p, a deputies that manage to divert out of the area. um, we don't show where those have gone now and also this occupation that it's not just any weapons that we use to in this attack dismissal attack. it was actually weapons that came from the west. that spring, you will post those little make us have to say in regards to that, just similar to due to a lot of this is an act of terrorism. it is a plant and prepared action that cannot be viewed in any other way. this is the murder of their own soldiers or being transported to be handed over. the premium leaders are terrorist, fascist. they are people without shame, without conscience. and without any morals, they simply do not have them. and i can't that i made it guns. gimme
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a mean american in german to me sell shot their soldiers in the year their own. their mothers are waiting their way through wasting their children more weight than the pilots of our military transport aircraft for carrying out a humanitarian mission and were defenceless. people were shocked with watkins less preparing the fuel to the us congress and the german boot into stock so that the deputies can finally realize where they're funding and helping. it's and not to resume fed by biting crohn's shots and other politicians. they must realize, responsibility ending peace must impeach them up as well as ukraine does come out and admit that he did carry out a muscle strike and it did that for kill some of it. so the 65 p o w is in front of the fine. of course, this would be a massive problem for care for present. so then scales. so something that he won't have to just justify to cleaning people, but also possibly west them back is. what about what about anything in the ukrainian media, or they touching the story and if they are touching the story of this after off coming down, how are they charging well,
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they have been covering it. but interesting a, we've had a change of headlines and quite dramatic and not long off the we were aware that this crash had taken place. or you quincy, a proffer we profit, which is one of the main papers, suggested that they had sources within new cleaning all me cleaning. it was then me solid and they carried this attack at that quickly was deleted, and it reverted to a very blond head line. and we don't know the reasons for that. however, there are some suggestions of what could have changed that situation. one is a statement from the queen and only but someone wanting citizens not to drill premier jewel conclusions to own the trust official source is also we have a statement from the coordination h q of the treatment of prisoners, which is a government department in ukraine saying that the shouldn't the mass media warning them and citizens, again, not to be posting things that aren't coming from official sources. but this is
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problematic because in ukraine there are no real official sources at the moment. at least giving a key of perspective on this situation. either watson, dim and ministry of defense, has published a video with one of the ukrainians who was on the ill fated slide and is now presumed to be dead recorded in 2022 can explain how he was treated by you, treat in come and as a note that he may have been speaking on the juris. sure. so those are 2. i wanted to levels we are considered as cannon fodder. everyone understands why our leadership treats us so coldly. they don't explain anything. they just throw us on the battlefield. more than 15 people came plus the lieutenant was over 10. don't know anything about military affairs. there were a couple of people who had previously served and an ask and a 55 year old grandfather who was half shell shocked. there were rumors about this battalion that is sacrificed as people they do not take care about anything at all
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or whether they have served with or not, whether they can fight or not, they throw them on the battlefield. they hope that these units will hold people back, even if they can't do anything at all. the kid has previously been accused of targeting their own troops back in 2022 separate ukrainian soldiers died. a number of attacks carried out by their own side, argues romano course are. i've come about the story. these are just some of the bodies of ukrainian soldiers, which were killed by their own ukrainian army overnight. now these guys, they've been killed by shrapnel. meanwhile, these guys right here, their bodies had been burned as a result of a strike. beyond recognition criminal experts from russia and from the next people's republic are now working on documenting every single body of every ukrainian soldier. you know, nice. i mean,
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this is the ukranian authorities insisted on using this place of detention. it was discussed previously, so they knew perfectly well where the prisoners were being held and that's how they took the lives of their own soldiers. a sue crane in armies used high caliber high mars artillery systems when they struck this battery just after 2 o'clock at night . now there were at least $600.00 prisoners and of this barrick alone. now, according to a russian and defensive industry, this was a pro vacation on the part of the ukrainian army organized rental force. a large number of ukrainian soldiers are laying down their weapons as they know about the humane treatment of military prisoners by russia. this outrageous provocation was aimed intimidating ukrainian soldiers and preventing them from surrendering over the last couple of weeks. the members of the nationalist, as on battalion, started giving witness accounts about the war crimes committed by them and their superiors. apparently,
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those war crimes were commissioned by the highest authority in key if, as the result they were punished by hi maurice or so they were wanted systems and these are just some of the fragments of that high caliber shelf earlier my colleagues were research i spoke with the russian military expert and political analyst, i exam that step one of the pundents said that the plane crash appear to be the result of authority. pan depression by key have to escalate the conflict as we can analyze. so the real situation and what i can see as a military expos, surely it was an attack, it was a planned attack. and surely, uh, this, uh, some fragments of the rock as right now. uh that shows us that possibly was use the ontario systems from united states matter of fact 2 or possibly uh, german iris t me. so if we will analyze the capacity for this, uh, those systems,
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for example, better like pre has an operational distance about 160 kilometers. mm hm. if we uh, we'll analyze the distance between the belgrade and hanukkah, for example. it's about $75.00 to on the test and. busy to the board, the russian, i'm great in boulder, about 37 too long. it doesn't so cranial side could easily use. so those type of anterior all systems that have been provided by the nato countries and from the exactly the united states and germany. so what we can see those are moments that was provided to to defend so that i real squeeze all for green, was used in this terror attack. people were killed and some civilians could be
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damaged. the for not the pilots. real heroes want to take them and not change the course of the plane. does that mean now that the only tactics that key of has less basically random acts of tetra or? uh, not random. i think it says system and surely uh they last on the proms line. uh, they don't have an estimate to officially i talking about was there. and surely now they're trying to make more media attacks to uh, book all the possible thoughts and do for have talking about the uncontrolled escalation. because if we will, sees a strategy of the nato. if you'll see the strategy of united states, they don't want to be some this region and they want to involve will act as a rush. i stopped them that has spoken with reporters. i made his visit to the un
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headquarters in new york, a foreign minister say get law for off began the press conference with the news about keeps forces shooting down the russian plane that was carrying ukrainian po w's living there. since i have to start from yet another case of using terrace methods by the key of regime in the morning of the 24th of january, moscow time a russian, you'll 76 transport plane was shot down while transporting 65, you creating and military personnel from moscow to belgrade, accompanied by 3 russian officers in 6 crew members. all of them were killed. ukrainian prisoners were being moved to the belgrade region for the exchange that was agreed upon by moscow and kyo. instead, ukraine hit the plane with anti aircraft missiles from the harcourt region right after the plane was shut down, key of cleaned yet another victory for valiant ukrainian armed forces. but as soon as it became known that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners and cuba officials didn't know that there was going to be an exchange. ukrainian propaganda
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immediately tried to cover up its joyful reports about the victory and is now trying to find some other explanation. the russian foreign minister began in his press conference by speaking about the downing of the prisoner of war plain and the situation surrounding that. you mentioned that russia has called a meeting, an emergency meeting of the un security council on this matter. however, it appears that france has blocked this meeting from taking place. they've used their power as the acting president of the un security council to prevent this emergency meeting requested by russia from moving ahead. as the russian foreign ministers press conference was taking place on telegram we heard from the deputy ambassador dmitri pull yan ski. then he said that he really hoped france would not do as had been done previously. regarding the boots incident, i had the opportunity to ask the russian foreign minister about the anti russian rhetoric. we've heard from both american media and american politicians. and if
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this means that they are possibly psyching up the population for all out war against the country, here's some of what he said when answering my question, the sure status. i hope that there are still smart people in the us bite and said that a few cream loses russia will go to the baltic states, finland, and so on. president prudent has already commented on this matter, saying we have no desire or need to attack anyone. neither militarily nor politically, nor economically, we would have had no need to launch a special military operation if there had been no coo and ukraine. and then when the mens could agreements were signed, it turned out that no one was going to honor them except putting the special military operations to became in editable after years of trying to convince the west that there is no need to create a direct threat to russia on our borders, we also heard from the russian foreign minister regarding the situation in the middle east, in particular, how israel continues its bombardment of gaza and how the united states has played
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a very negative role in this whole situation. preventing humanitarian aid from being delivered, enabling israel to carry out it's ongoing atrocities. and essentially, over the course of years, not going along with what russia has been pushing for all this time, which is a road to palestinian statehood. he describes some of russia's diplomatic efforts to resolve the palestine question and russia's approach to the middle east and the boiling tensions of that region here is some of what he had to say. see to do to reduce it to lead to it's a for all these long decades. they have talk circles around the necessity of establishing a palestinian state and tried to dissolve it and have the initiatives if the same patterns to be repeated. now we will be so in the seeds of get another conflict in another outbreak of violence to us, it seems absolutely essential that efforts are made to restore palestinian unity. the all house to me and factions come together and announced the restoration of the
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pals to me and people of which will be a solid foundation for a future palestinian state that's good. now to me blinking was recently in the middle east. he said the south africa's lawsuit against israel and the international court is just strapped in the global community's attention. so from resolving the palestine, israel conflicts through claiming they are given attention, but it is being distracted. we haven't seen any attention from the us. now, we also heard from the russian foreign minister regarding the aspect of the history of the region that doesn't seem to get acknowledged every time the united states has overthrown or the stabilize the country. often in the name of its war on terror, the result has been more instability, more terrorism, and the expansion of instability and terrorist forces within the region. i touched on how the record of the united states in the region is just not good in the united states. doesn't seem to really be making things better for any part of the middle east. here's what we heard from the russian foreign minister,
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the size. so then you should be able to use this as for the current crisis and the implications of us policy in the region. they're equally understood by all not a single campaign that washington has undertaken over the last decades referencing it's fundamental security interest, even 10000 miles across the atlantic, where it has added security threatened not a single campaign has resulted in a better life for the country that was attacked, some countries practically don't exist, libya, for example, it statehood has been completely destroyed, interact, everyone knows how shamefully american diplomacy tried to justify this aggressions, completely failing to do so with its so called physical evidence. incidentally, the islamic state emerged after this invasion of iraq and veron lies the us influence on the middle east. they tell everyone that they will deal with it all themselves. speaking of the palestinian israeli conflict, they stopped the quartet of international mediators and took everything on
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themselves. we see how that ended. this is just another example of a situation where the american leadership brings tragedy lever. i've also discussed the crisis on the korean peninsula and the rising tensions there and a recurring theme throughout his remarks was that in many countries that were once colonized of now established their own independence. they've started to walk on their own 2 feet and develop their own economies. and it seems like the united states is not willing to accept that the rise of the bricks, nations and the bricks, economic union, the independence of various countries from the former colonized world and their desire to participate and join with countries like russia in china, in the process of development seems to be something that the western leaders are actively trying to prevent, trying to stop the new global economy. that is emerging, the world is simply not centered around wall street in london anymore. and there is a new economy emerging around the world. this was a theme that came off throughout the russian foreign ministers remarks talking
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about how the united states is essentially trying to hold off the future that is breaking through across the planet. and now back to a top story, a russian military transport aircraft is crashed with 74 people on board. most of them ukrainian p o w, use the russian defense ministry. his describe the crush as a terror attack carried out by you create in force as smart lift of a 65 present as a war has now been published. and now the play and carry a teeth cleaning and present as was dive did with moscow put into prison. that's what bill on pause now let's press the live to our to correspond to try both in the, at the side of the plane price chaise. good to have you join me right now. can you give us any more updates about the situation on the ground? well, yes, mike. yeah, you join me from about uh, 40 minutes where the east of belgrade,
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wherever you just travel from that we've got as close to the crash site as possible . because you can imagine there is a significant security operation on going here as the investigation into the cross continues. what we do know is that it's been confirmed that it was the ukrainian military shut down this illusion. i l. a $76.00 aircraft, a huge aircraft to for engine heavy lift, the aircraft, the jet aircraft, which follows the backbone of the russian aerospace forces, the uh, operations in humanitarian aid, transported suits and heavy equipment. it was shut down, it was hit by and this so and a crushed, basically intact here about a kilometer away from us. a huge explosion occurred when it crashed, all of the people on board were killed instantly. we believe that there's a very gruesome and grim seen and not so far from here. locals have told us that at
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the, the window shook the ground. sure, because this shiny deck of struck the ground as you say, the terrible tragedy here is that not only have the clue and the score for these prisoners of war died. it seems that $65.00 of these ukrainian prisoners of war who are no doubt looking forward to view and nodded with their families, have died in a tragic twist of fate at the end of their own armed forces. prior to the confirmation that these member on board, we had all sorts of allegations and in simulations coming from ukraine, from your training in the channels as well. but now, the reality has dog and has been confirmed, as you say, by the russian ministry defense that 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were on their way to prison exchange with ukraine. i believe there was another aircraft involved too, which turned back the exchange. now obviously not going to go ahead and there again,
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this is an attack on the russian aircraft on russian territory. belgrade, of course, having suffered terrible attacks a new year, thousands of innocent civilians killed by a nato weapons for it, but ukrainian military. and yet again, it seems that natal supplied weapons of shut down a russian aircraft on russian territory. kidding. not only the russian crew, very suddenly on the score, but also 65 of the own prisoners of war making their way back to ukraine. like a wide shaped bos. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed with the developments that are the hunger and prime minister they to all by and has called for his country is parliament to rectify sweden's accession to nato. hungary has been on the increasing pressure from bates west and allies offer became the last need to member state to delayed and no big nations entry into the block smell. earlier this week, the tech there's a problem and agreed to allow us. we didn't to join the lines and that's after more
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than a year of to ki, contesting the issue over allegations. that's the no, a big nation had been habiting curtis terrorist terrorist we spoke with a retired tech is naval officer who previously held senior positions in nater instead. but the enlargement of the block is not in the practical interest of its members in reality. in fact, the 12th of cold war is so we didn't want that to become a member of the day, thought it flooded and understood much better than today. but today, no one clearly understands that he is on this $1000000.00 question. does he need to, to not be in the more and more because the more you and the nature then the less chance you will have to operate in that organizations that are many nations expanding their territories, which to me is expanding a responsive all of these the funding territory and significance of member states are on for on those $50000.00 square economic,
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there's additional territories coming from sweden is not good for an account. we need to consider the additional responsible fees. so that's territory. so all they know it's not in practical is not good given pay having so he does. inside of natal, i have a feeling that took these for the us at the very initial step above the turkey is going to on the pay because of the pot station of so we didn't territory inside of naples, territorial defense system. the touch burden will increase then, you know, return to, that'd be compensated by some additional military practices means and the, the say, incentives, it doesn't happen. all right. are to the companies where you can get further details of the stories. we're following this. our certainly more updates in less than 15 minutes.
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