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tv   News  RT  January 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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shown to be a complete fraud, where there is a leadership vacuum. others will fill in the we are the russian hill 7 to 6 plane crash side field. around me is this post with metal fragments, thoughts actually thoughts or the plane? human bodies and laws? explicit for tate here on archie as we get 1st access to the military transport plane crash sites, which moscow labels the terror attack by kia and the plane was carrying 6 to 5 between in present as of war for a swamp with russian russia as foreign minister sergey loud rama holds the press conference of the you and the he takes a makia for shooting down the russian play impacts with p o w's. and that where set to be returned to the train right after the plane will shut down
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cube cleaned yet another victory for value ukrainian armed forces. but as soon as it became known that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners, ukrainian propaganda immediately tried to cover up its joyful reports about the victory without the ukrainian office of media outlets initially celebrated the doubting of the russian plain. they abruptly changed best bags when they found out that their own soldiers were on board the credits midnight at moscow welcomes on global news coverage and our team to national i a michael point chat with the latest. now washington, military transport aircraft is crashed with 74 people on board. most of them you crate in p. o w's. the russian defense ministry has labeled the crisis. a terror attack carried out by ukrainian force as a list of a 65 present as a war has now been published. and now the plane carrying
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a t. u created and present as was diverted with moscow, putting the present a swap on pause. now the russian ministry of defense has released the statement on the trash. so i just looked at 11 15 am the key every gm committed a terrorist attack. as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down as it was flying along that you call up ski belgrade air fueled route to transport ukrainian service made for exchange. the aircraft was shut down by the ukrainian armed forces from the lips who settlement in the heart coverage and using the anti aircraft missiles system, the radar of the russian. you are forced to observe the launch of 2 ukrainian missiles on board. the airplane were 6 crew members, $65.00 ukrainian service min for exchange, and 3 russian service men accompanying them. the crew and all passengers of the airplane were killed. we've got as close to the crash site as possible because you can imagine there's a significant security operation ongoing here as the investigation into the crust
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that continues. what we do know is that it's been confirmed that it was the ukrainian and b latrete shut down. this and use an aisle a $76.00 aircraft, a huge aircraft it for engine heavy lift, the aircraft, the jet aircraft, which follows the backbone of the russian aerospace forces operations and humanitarian a transported suits and heavy equipment. it was shut down, it was hit by a missile and a crushed about a kilometer away from us. and a huge explosion occurred when it crashed. all of the people on board were killed instantly. we believe that there's a very gruesome and grim seen and not so far from here. locals told us that at the, the window shook the ground. sure, because this shiny deck of struck the ground, the terrible tragedy here is that not only have the clue and the score for these
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prisoners of war died. it seems that $65.00 of these ukrainian prisoners of war who were no doubt looking forward to be re knighted with their families, have died in a tragic twist of fate at the end of their own armed forces step prior to the confirmation that these ma'am, are on board, below all sorts of allegations and installations coming from ukraine from your train in the channels as well. but now, the reality has gone on has been confirmed by the russian ministry defense that 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who are on their way to a prisoner exchange with ukraine. and we believe there was another aircraft about 2 which turned back to the exchange. now obviously not going to go ahead and there again, this is an attack on a russian aircraft on russian territory. belgrade, of course, i'm so for terrible tax a new year. thousands of innocent civilians killed by a natal weapons, ford but ukrainian military. now one of the 1st on the scene was a produced from archie exclusive for tapes. here as we receive this report directly
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from the cry seen, we are the russian hill, 76 plain crush side fields around me is this post with metal fragments, but actually parts of the plane, human bodies, and load parts of the human bodies. and a lot, i think every who actually, every emergency service is here, ministry of defense, local government, that has the investigation coming to we will get to more or less let's trust live to former u. s. military officer. scott ben at scott is good to have you join me right now. friends has refused to hold an emergency un secure to cancel a meeting about the russian same price. why will that make this decision? what's your assessment? because francis, obeying it's masters, it wants to continue importing bray cheese and cheap wine into the united states
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and getting c i a funds to do so. so it will do whatever divided the ministration commands france to do commands germany, to do despite blowing up their nord stream pipeline commands britain to do so. it's very sad. it shows you that the united nations and the united nations security council really doesn't have humanity in their best interest. certainly is not a force of equilibrium and balance and justice. because how else could you not have a emergency meeting to discuss this unless you were advancing of the agenda of psychological war, kinetic, or economic war and diplomatic war against russia? and this is one of the, the leverage points. so russia showed, of course, be doggedly pursuing all of this to be known. russia, of course, should print out the photographs of every one of those p, o w prisoners and say this is who the ukrainians murdered in cold blood knowing
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that they were going to murder them. knowing that there is no loyalty by the zalinski regime towards its armed forces. does the lensky regime looks at the armed forces of ukraine, the poor souls, that they grabbed off the streets and thrown in uniform without any training. they are sticks to be thrown on the bonfire of uh, zalinski is madness and this is a prime example. so i hope also it teaches russia that they need to ensure that every time or every missile, every weapon that comes in to ukraine, by bus, by truck, by railroad, needs to be blown up before it even stops once a once these uh, armaments across the border they should be eliminated. in fact, i'm surprised that any railroads, even still function, and russia really, really can't fall into a trap, but it needs to up the tempo and realized that the ukraine,
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regina splitting as voice by the disagreement of the ukrainian parliament. i, i think they see the incoming and they're preparing by criticizing zelinski in the hope that their political lives will be spared when rush it comes in and finally uh, resurrect a sane regime to replace this murderous insane regime that currently serves washington dentist. all right, got that. do you believe that best refuse could likely also have anything to do with the fact that the russian armed forces recently took out french method areas and the strike on the com? that's a very good uh, insightful assessment. i think that's precisely why macross and in his childish ways and is similar in mature french diplomats are some house nurse nursing this incident child tantrum and colonial prejudice against russia for ever questioning that the sex i blew
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mcroy on wisdom of the bolts tear. ac is perverts that occupied that political regime for 300 years. i think it is a expression of revenge against russia. that's why they're holding off it. it shows overwhelmingly that they're not interested in the truth of this terrorist attack. and mind you as a military officer, i can tell you prisoner exchanges go through multiple levels that last sometimes weeks, if not months to set up. the chain of custody. the transport, the, the air left, the chain of custody. upon landing the routes the communication channels to ensure the safety and the pick up, all of these things have to be put in place. the problem is russia is dealing with a dishonest. actor escapes a frantic after a drug addict. death during the form of the zalinski and is his la bottom lies
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a cabinet. so they, they have betrayed this, they betrayed russia. they betrayed the world. they betrayed the even the sentiment of prisoner exchanges, and they murdered their own forces. and that's the narrative that should be carried across to every ukrainian soldier. consider yourself dead if you uh, want to try and return to ukraine as a p o w ukraine would brad the murder you liked, they've done in the past. then have you tell the story and the story they're afraid of is that russia is a hospitable kind of balanced, intelligent nation that doesn't want war. that simply wants to put an end. the us had gemini hostilities that weren't put in place and 24 themes that has led to bio chemical labs, all sorts of corruption within the united states. and has put the world into a position of conflict like never before. so they're afraid of the narrative. getting out the rush is really the best friend of the ukrainians, while so lensky is their biggest enemy is evidenced by this act of murder. or why
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not the russians foreign minister currently? yeah, the you, any new york is addressed to res, ready policy? an issue is saying that a to stay solution would be the only way to resolve a conflict. what is your thoughts on the long term solution to the piece in the mid lease? i would agree with the prior russia assessment and others that have said the palestinian state is probably going to have to be imposed from the outside because netanyahu is a liar. and he is pursued nothing but the disintegration of palestine and the people. and the steve bery of the land since his political career began 30 years 40 years ago. so the palestinian state is never going to arrive by the hands of, of the united states is real or the current palestinian leadership. for that reason, i think the bold action that russia could take that with this stablish and show
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rushes, the leader of the free world would be of russia. turkey um, china headed a convoy a flotilla of naval ships and landed on the beaches of garza and landed with food and bread and medicine and water and landed with temporary shelter and landed with plans to expand into gaza street by street block by block growing life to replace the death, the ashes in the, in the shattered remains of the cities. it has to be a nash, an international flow tele unable. so you uh, ship landing that resembles done curses because the pageantry of the spectacle of that. so it would be reminiscent of the great moment. so the past where we've had africa, aid or farm aid or other seemingly global celebrations of humanity where people come together. i think this could be one of them and the israelis would be hard pressed to attack. a russian ship a turkish ship and
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a chinese ship. it's all lined up next to each other. you can even extend the invitation to the united states, but put them perhaps in the back of his con voice. but then again, you wouldn't want them behind you cause a stab you in the back. but you could put a ron, you could put saudi arabia, you could put a whole grouping of international ships with one purpose to deliver food and medicine in children's toys and blankets and water to a people that in the next month or 2 are going to resemble the skeleton, skeletal resent remains of zombies, v o, p a that we remember in the past. the guys, the situation is going to defend from misery, to slow death. and the only way to change that is from the external nations to unite and to deliver humanitarian aid and not pay attention to what israel or the united states or the united nation say. and i think they could do that either before the international court of justice renders the decision,
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which hopefully will confirmed genocide or even before. and i'd say there's more nobility in doing it before this judgment of a war crime against israel to show that the world can unite on the, on the grounds of easing suffering, sharing love, and defending the uh, defenseless. that's why i became at officers to defend the with the defenseless. all right, we have to leave you here now scott bentz for my u. s. military officer. thank you very much for your insight on this issues. i thank you. all the number of casualties could have been the higher if the pilots of the down plane hadn't stepped away from a village below. here is what a local resident had to say. the pilots directed the plane away. they are heroes. there was a school nearby. children were studying, the plane crashed into a field. the village was not effected. everything is cordoned off there. there is
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no way to get there. now, according to authorities of the area, nobody on the ground was injured by locals. describe the moments of the play and came down baseball as i was very scanned, i would like to sign as a pilot to dine. i understand that he has a family goal addressed as selling condolences to his family. but i would like to find him for saving us. they themselves dies, but say, the village you wish for these fish. we had a strong rumble, went outside and saw smoke on the sly, and we had the 2nd explosion. it turned out to be much louder. we'll run out and let thinking people would need our help. the plane crashed far beyond the village. it was very loud and scary. dark mode. we saw a red object through the window and opened one object free by then an explosion of red flash. and that was it, we didn't see anything exact in the explosion that we heard was an expression about 3 kilometers from the village source and for the profitable it was just some sort of explosion that so we didn't know what it was. we were in those charges at the
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1st i heard the roar of a plane engine. i opened the window to listen. it was in that lounge. i looked up and saw an explosion, black smoke and fire, then a 2nd explosion with white smoke. i went outside the street was covered in a blanket of smoke, which i didn't know. it was a plane. i didn't see it either. washington foreign ministry says the caribbean forces shooting down the crops testifies to the criminology oakia of government to what happened today shows once again the criminal nature of the new nazi dictatorship and key of its leaders are indifferent to human life, the perceived people as consumables and killed them at the behest of western patrons and with western supply weapons. it is absolutely obvious that zalinski is criminal regime nurtured by the us and its natal satellites poses a real and significant threat not only to russia, but also to ukraine itself, its citizens, and the whole world. while in agony, it is capable of the most monstrous atrocities be occurring in main director rate
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of intelligence has stated that they did not have any information about landing and transport aircraft so close to the was own. it's a choose the ross inside a dinner break actions to destabilize the situation in ukraine, and we're getting international support. my colleagues were research, they discussed the latest with our tea correspondence, shallow dimansky. they admit that they was due to be an exchange of prison is full . so the queen has confirmed the cost of the story, but they say they have had no reliable information as to who may have been on that call go play. and that was full time, they also said rush, it didn't inform them how to present is wolf. we're going to be transported to the region rush just as it did. it says it's a standard procedure to transport, prisoners will on military cost. and in the statement, they say as
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a result of ukraine, not knowing how they're being transported. and this is really key. they say they don't need to know that the space around in belgrade needed to be kept safe. it's not his mission that it was ukrainian missile. but it is a full, but if we don't need to keep the safe space in the why would we in addition to that, we have had evidence that he was aware that there was due to be a prison. this will on wednesday, january 24th, which is today. this came from the intelligent spokes person who was given your name to be to free re do. you are confirming that it was the way the prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine was suppose to take place today. on the 24th of january, a representative of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate, andre yourself told radio liberty i can state but the exchange plan for today is not taking place. he said the important that it was due to take place. it's not
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taking place. you have to $1.00 to $1.00 at the same time. we've had comments coming up now, former ukrainian parliamentarian, who is absolutely furious with the situation because we're still haven't heard from president so lensky because we still haven't heard from the ministry of defense. let's have a listen to this one, ukraine in m p, who up until now who's been fairly supportive of present. so then skate to say, it's a totally up. everyone is sitting around keeping quiet, but we're the defense minister is nowhere in sight. the presidential office is out of contact. everyone has to be heads up through keeping quiet and just watching and waiting for someone to blame this on. of course, when you're sitting in warm flaps in kiev and revolve, it's really comfortable to think about what his grades and historic, really a very strong statement, accusing them up essentially hashing up the situation. what about the allegations
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that's actually coming out of must go to the west in ms file. so i used to attack this a russian illusion. transport cross, do you have any more details about that? yeah, so obviously we've had the russian m o d statement which has described this as being a terrorist act. and we've heard from rule make is in russia who's made claims that there was more than one miss file that was aimed to its displaying that there was also a secondary plan that was also carrying peer deputies that managed to divert out of the area. um, we don't show where those have gone now and also this occupation that it's not just any weapons that we use to in this attack, this miss all attacked. it was actually weapons that came from the west. that spring you will post, as will make us have to say in regards to that, just similar to due to a lot of this is an act of terrorism. it is a plan and prepared action that cannot be viewed in any other way. this is the murder of their own soldiers or being transported to be handed over. the training
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and leaders are terrace, fascist. they are people without shame, without conscience. and without any morals, they simply do not have them. and i can't them yet. i made accounts gimme a mean american in german to me sell shot their soldiers in year their own. their mothers awakened their way through wasting their children for waking the pilots of our military transport aircraft who were carrying out a humanitarian mission and were defenceless. people were shot with rockets less preparing the fuel to the us congress and the german boot into stock so that the deputies can finally realize where their funding and how big it's and not to resume fed by biting crohn's shots and other politicians. they must realize, responsibility ending peace must impeach them when you put up the well, if you claim does come out and admit that it did carry out a missile strike and it did the full kill some of it. so the 65 p o w is in front of the fine. of course, this will be a massive problem for care for present. so then scales. so something that he won't have to just justify to creating people,
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but also possibly west and back is what about what about anything in the ukrainian media audit? touching the story. and if they are touching the story of this after off coming down, how are they touching? well, they have been covering it, but interesting a, we've had a change of headlines and quite dramatic. and not long after we were aware that this crash had taken place, or you couldn't see a pro off or with prostate, which is one of the main papers, suggested that they had sources within new created anatomy, claiming it was that miss all. and they carried this attack at that quickly was deleted, and it reverted to a very blond head line. and we don't know the reasons for that. however, there are some suggestions of what could have changed that situation. one is a statement from the queen and only, but someone wanting citizens not to draw premier jewel conclusions to own the trust . official source is also we have a statement from the coordination h q of the treatment of prisoners, which is
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a government departments in ukraine saying that the shouldn't the mass media warning them and citizens again, not to be posting things that aren't coming from official sources. but this is problem, i think because in ukraine there are no real official sources at the moment. at least giving a key of perspective on this situation. of the process and ministry of defense has published a video with one of the ukrainians who was on the ill fated slide. and this now presumed to be dead recorded in 2022. he explained how he was treated by ukrainian commanders and know that he may have been speaking on to do a rest. sure, so those are 2. i wanted to levels we are considered as cannon fodder. everyone understands why our leadership treats us so coldly. they don't explain anything, they just throw us on the battlefield. more than 15 people came plus the lieutenant was over 10. don't know anything about military affairs. there were a couple of people who had previously served in an ass ganges
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a 55 year old grandfather who was half shell shock. there were rumors about this battalion that have sacrificed his people. they do not take care about anything at all and whether they have served with or not, whether they can fight or not will they throw them on the battlefield. they hope that these units will hold people back, even if they can't do anything at all. so my kid has previously been accused of targeting their own troops back in 2022. several ukrainian soldiers died and the number of attacks carried down by their own side are to his room and cast out of a cup at the story. these are just some of the bodies of ukrainian soldiers, which were killed by their own ukrainian army overnight. now, these guys, they've been killed by shrapnel. meanwhile, these guys right here, as their bodies have been burned as a result of a strike. beyond recognition,
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criminal experts from russia and from the, the next people's republic are now working on documenting every single body of every ukrainian soldier. even though nice. i mean, this is the ukranian authorities insisted on using this place of detention. it was discussed previously, so they knew perfectly well where the prisoners were being held and that's how they took the lives of their own soldiers. ukrainian army used high caliber high mars artillery systems when they struck this barrick just after 2 o'clock at night. now there were at least $600.00 prisoners in this barrack alone. now, according to a russian defense industry, this was a pro vacation on the part of the ukrainian army, organized rental force. a large number of ukrainian soldiers are laying down their weapons, as they know about the humane treatment of military prisoners by russia. this outrageous provocation was ended intimidating ukrainian soldiers and preventing them from surrendering over the last couple of weeks. members of the nationalist as
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on battalion, started giving witness accounts about the war crimes committed by them and their superiors. apparently, those war crimes were commissioned by the highest authority in key if, as the result, they were punished by hi martha. they were wanted systems. and these are just some of the fragments of that high caliber shelf that early on my colleagues or research a spoke with the russian military expert and political analyst, alexander, messed up on of the pundits that the plane crash appeared to be the result of as far as the planned operation by key have to escalate the conflict that we can analyze. so the real situation and what i can see as a military expos, surely it was an attack. it was a planned attack. and surely, uh, this, uh, some fragments of the ruckus right now, uh,
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that shows us that possibly was use the anto systems from united states, matter of fact, to, or possibly, uh, german iris t. me. so if we will analyze the capacity for this, uh, those systems, for example, better like pre has an operational distance about 160 kilometers. mm hm. if we uh, we'll analyze the distance between the belgrade and hanukkah, for example. it's about $75.00 to on the test and to the board. the russian and green in boulder, about 37 kilometers. so cranial side could easily use. so those type of anterior all systems that have been provided by the nato countries. and from the exactly the united states and germany. so what we can see those armaments that was provided to,
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to defend so that i real suisse all 4 crane, were used in this terror attack. people were killed and some civilians couldn't be damaged before not the pilots we or heroes won't protect them and not change the course of the plane. does that mean now that the only tactics that key have has less basically random acts of tetra. it's not random. i think it's the system and surely uh they lost on the product line. they don't have an estimate to physically i talking about was there. and surely now they're trying to make more media attacks to uh, book all the possible thoughts and different i'm talking about that on controlled escalation. because if we will see the strategy of the nato, if you'll see the strategy over united states, they don't want
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a piece of this region and they want to involve more excess. i've also stopped up my dis, spoken with reporters. i made his visit to the un headquarters in new york for many assessor get love became they'll be gotten the press conference with the news about keeps forces shutting down the russian plane that was carry you trade in p o w's. i live in a sense, i have to start from another case of using terrace methods by the key of regime in the morning of the 24th of january. moscow times a russian hill, 76, transport plane was shot down while transporting 65 ukrainian military personnel from moscow to belgrade, accompanied by 3 russian officers and 6 crew members. all of them were killed. ukrainian prisoners were being moved to the belgrade region for the exchange that was agreed upon by moscow and kia instead, ukraine hit the plane with anti aircraft missiles from the harcourt region right after the plane will shut down. key of claimed yet another victory for valiant
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ukrainian armed forces. but as soon as it became known that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners and cube officials didn't know that there was going to be an exchange. ukrainian propaganda immediately tried to cover up its joyful reports about the victory and is now trying to find some other explanation for the russian foreign minister began in his press conference by speaking about the downing of the prisoner of war plain and the situation surrounding that. he mentioned that russia has called a meeting, an emergency meeting of the un security council on this matter. however, it appears that france has blocked this meeting from taking place. they've used their power as the acting president of the un security council to prevent this emergency meeting requested by russia from moving ahead. as the russian foreign ministers press conference was taking place on telegram we heard from the deputy ambassador dmitri pull yan.


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