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tv   Documentary  RT  January 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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one station i call as far as the government to and it's a to free, the hosted is held in the, in the street by that's a lot and we go through an action because we see that the government that doesn't do anything. the newest president joe biden was interrupted to multiple times by pro palestinian protest. us during their resend speech in new hampshire, demonstrate to screaming and i quotes genocide, joe and free, polished on, were immediately shuttled down by biting support. us. have a look on how it went down the
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right to me deeply. first, we're going to have this further down here while i'm sorry, the this going to go on for a while. they got this place the we spoke to demetrius delani as breakfast and full of photography form is democratic faction. he said, the western world, the noise is randy atrocities, even when they are caught on camera. i do not think that the western world is ready to accept the idea that the state of, as israel is committing an ethnic cleansing, genocide, despite the prior examples that were caught on camera that are given on or the killing of a person or human being. it called plugged by answering questions they've just
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brushed it off. and the world especially the western world is really accepting these atrocities. not only that, but generally side joe in the white house, is for supplying weapons to commit these will crimes and claiming to be a pro democratic person. right now i would think that the world is waking up in the voters or where she got and whoever, whatever wrote volunteers shouldn't have supported or still supporting the jeremy side. we have a price at develop blocks. this will not go on check the blood of the innocent people, big guns up, somebody got a fee for it, starting with western politicians. but also it's gonna come back to this random society that has proven to be in the side of society in the 21st century. this such
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societies do not usually last or make they the book fairs without continuous drawers. and at the end of the day, sub destruction, and those are the top stories here on our, to international this, our website out. com features an extensive coverage of stories from around the world. so make sure you check it out. i'm, they show on josh. i'll see you at the top of the hour the most that i know that i continue to say 45 a so we have that. so in my live my number that's, i mean go that easily,
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but for sort of the 30 minutes and that must cannot be that until the band so that so in that sense of the still you have a gun with it as a new vehicle or the side of the printer, so that a month that you sent me the dates that i sent it out of the person that i sent you, the dfcs area or whatever the seo or the marketing would be. my number is lorraine lee from his own. and honestly, i went ahead and put them into a hold of a 30 slowly and a half hour hour either on the
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part of the only people that are supposed to receive any kind of idea they want to invite you, i guess the timeframe that i see the seal extreme, i guess the time even though is the message on your end tells me that the audio, the sort of the, the, the associate out of any sort of like if assuming only got it . i think, i mean, the sooner the sooner you get for it and, but what i assumed was it about what the, the known for an agent model, numbers on the, on the c. and would you be able to get them with the information? i mean, the model sorted out much and we doesn't mind. it's just somebody again, normally worried it, you'll see it on the end of the, of the
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heavy m o for leave for i'm assuming just so many have a kevin with the persona, the plus a for. so i'm in the table and we just, i certainly can totally get that on the buttons inside the apartment and thrown it must really be any time during the evening that only so hold on because it'd be simple to easily we though the but i so i don't know who i mean, i put it in as it goes, ends in a 2nd area and it's heavy. and what is the limit ends you almost out from the base even able to table can see what, but it will see if i mean i pick this. i me that and i'll be able to handle bundle i did go look at bustle a in the mail for those who sound good in their lives, and then let them come inside of that. and also we're gonna send you the, the so as you will keep the one on the bottle. okay. yeah,
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that was on my side. and midway info said, let's see on the the but i yours. but i mean guys why that under the video game. so that i do model and thought it was, there's a maintenance united the jeffrey model interest on your game is ethan john. does it and does it include in the associate on pay for that? he's going to, they put on me when we have to throw a deal, but in canada and for most that then doubled to see and so on my side of broad things. i did a little though you the who they've been there since then police ago isn't until the people get out of an upside local. i'm going in the mid one, know the
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under the new sit in data sort of going thing us him by saying, i say so, but to be solid foot allowed and he says he'll know what, what that means out of getting a simple examples. and i mean, think demo say they give a sense, it'll hold a little random danville the inside of the room. but in a say that, oh yeah, going through my sales i come by means a less. it seemed like i'm doing that. i might be kind of a like a single one that i'm ready, like, you know, sending can you send it, but i'd rather gotten the money that i've seen of them. i don't need any better. so now the funding most at the end of new se, guess anymore at little form is a lot of it's a, almost in some of a lot that is somewhat of the media in, within my dentist one. and that a lot of the city a, at that one city of the city,
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a federal edison, i have to dial program. i see the ibm. uh see if the, the manual. yeah. the books here. yeah. i mean, i know, but uh, but the persona possible that people are the commercial name for one item because of yeah. so i'm going this unit and by, you know, less of price that nissan c o a look for them. i guess the point that i'm pretty is here. let me say that one is telling us and deals, you know, based on, but honestly does you lot mind your idea that office on a k i did, i will, is that go see that? i mean on the he can only go see, i'm a persona and then we'll grab a when i be that record it. what can you, i'm afraid that the entity say island money out and we got a good on the heart. the whole keeps asking me about in my city, somebody middle and will not say this, you know,
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see what someone come by means or just on us. you know, we are going to, you know, say, and we'll just say you for them. you that, i mean, it sounds have, you know, sometimes i'm in the morning. you said the video people are the same for the next step. what about it is still saying 0 and then what can also send them? so they want that they have not heard of that set to say, sadly, and they will send that over to that be it, say selling the system. i want money that you give them a like i you and my mother is gonna acadia and my mother to the police here. if i little i was enjoying that. i mean, yeah, you're, i mean, this is, i'm on the sale. gotta say that, but obviously i thought i said it was the say i could either of them a deal unless the land went up to see the data. so all the and see a little bit of money into it. but i don't, you'll get a all the tended out of a separate on so getting into full that see on there. okay. well, can i know the boss how the the, the when i see the see on let me say the valencia barney the if i see i get it
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can by the mind inventory i use that i, i didn't go more than that. almost the end to see that, but it's on the, i don't know about that. i'm in the see it they have in the single man last month, a man on campus, a photo lost a lot for me. the value of the name. what's the deal? yeah, a lot of money out of this and i saw on meet on the plus sign them. we model by side of way model nobody or nobody will proceed as tall because they they convince him that i person, i mean i don't think that it or from 30 so visibility menu 1000000 will be a sample k. norfolk is here now and what it will be can, what is your name on the right bus you from what i booked on some of the one of those just of i'm assuming familiar with it. okay. okay, here's what they need to live here. so if it's in that bundle, so let me see what it means. you're not assumable here, but a mobiles time ago. and i bought that seo and i bought doesn't get us in february
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and then the setup and we'll see if they would get a cost. so i think you'll get an idea of what do you think us will go out and feel a little bit of putting in there when i see the sooner, like in the name of k, loved to get me open gasket the product, but just wanna speak to me so haven't been sort of the, the sort of the person that gave him a compliment to have them going up. i just want to give you the compliment the like when you use was okay because i get billed to you. i'm gonna get, we looked at the book and it might as it is with the name of the. so if he's in a little bit of better, so the a pretty good. he said he get the money to really some of the digital probably see what a sort of my video soon with i mean the motion of when i get i don't know what the question on the sort of a little bit of a way model of the way model the lam uh, the, the house on the scene. you get on to the data,
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not why even a video get to be defensive. but then for a lot a the, the, i'm in the little house in the way. so when i get to that that i will have no one home, i know this talk over on the 2nd day and disability. i'm able to fit the no guess. i almost negate all the old, but it's, but i'm go a or really want them going into my world. my for would it not the negative fit that the ticket that i'm on the nice. what else on the face of the frequency and get on the go and my name is bob. i'm in the you know, one of the middle this, even though i thought i left without seeing this, i have the a little place in the middle for them. and i'm going to somebody is and sorry,
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i know the listening uh, monique on. yeah. and money from the ministers on the face and got to receive us even in the san antonio. suffice. it was an idea of a like a, as a you quite a startled friend the because he didn't and, and, and then later on in the must have gone up. it doesn't mean that i'm going to use it. i'm labeled and got in and it would open the dining i i'm the scenario somebody and then okay, you know then say that i'm too old and see if i left or not israel company. i think that's the yeah, hold on by me. i also see how the how to do so. i mean it only a little that a moodle and or not. so not a big company by law,
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the size the phone. i don't know if i use it, so i will the bad front of them send the model as well. but if we need tons of that, i mean, i look for the, this was the scene for see the you as to cut off very soon. i live in perfect. we'll see you later. busy the let me get, i see why we don't pay the last i didn't or how does that they have it on. it will still get into more of the amount of legal but i wanted to, you know, not demetrius, the teddy almost fairly picked up. i mean, get out or get a lot. i don't mind a bit that are listed according to the one. it doesn't mean that i will get them on soon or what else i feel not to be in. lots of see the end of the month for the quarter, but a just the someone said didn't know. i think that the, the, it,
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i think is what i thought that i saw the story guy going on. the guy they put on he says, sealed is neil going on. he says you didn't call it only says seo, sound good on us. say because i was here last a be to come in say part about it. i don't want to sample the only thing i see in a table instead of finance here. so 50, so i don't buy a comma synagogue, but i forgot that will not be now. i guess it will be, i see on that that i know you said you don't really need a fairly a. this is, i mean, i thought it might of them that you medical forensic and you said is going use a lot of friends here. go ahead, but is it possible to put those in the i'm on the a little boy limited docusign. things are going to let you know, roy and bailey,
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as you may see that the in a little. but if it goes to the in line also as well as getting it from the end of it on the, on the apple. is that okay, let me see. so the, based on the basic cable again, or whatever the $600.00 is it people is. this one doesn't, don't see. so the total number of people. so i think on, based on one of the, this own things on the, on the port out and then the people in the bottom line is going to be a lot of money or they have money on this one. the one thing in the community does offer to buy some people from me and property, the boy close it, but i don't see the a little bit, i'm guessing, cuz i'm in other places so that you know, marketing them in the
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forget how do you make it i mean, a lot the data and the model seem to think they, i say go ahead of that with me from up. i mean, my data real pop up. i mean it, i, d, e, i've got a lot of freedom. i live in europe at once and they've got the best one. when i got a friend of mine said you're going out about a complaint when you hit the wrong side of a button and delete the setting up a fight. and i don't know how now it looks like a little demo invited me will know what i, what i want. i want to that's totally not the one i'm we're about to believe you the most likely the anymore. mississippi this uh this uh, this one of the he wanted to see that the industry so basically no point in december. yes. open enrollment. and when is that right?
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yes, it was either sooner so. so yeah, the pointing to guy on the guy who by the way, uh, seeing if he goes, it goes with a single bit both the one on the bottom lucy, bye video. and don't say it isn't open to meet on this. are you the video, the vice or the real positive friends? you have the money in because i find them both of them in. and i've been, you know, the most of the other for some territory and from that i initially see that and this was, you know, i think on the list that owned in the line wasn't as a what i did, i mean, i think you'd have to think of it, i wanted to get that thing got when i think i got off the mean the lower i lost a lot of a lot of the to get out laughing. good. take it. i see things. i think it, i think that off on and it said ok, i said to call when i'm out. if i leave love, you sat on the phone, i see the end of this lot by that, but i live the and i think i is the meaning that i didn't want to do that. i
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guess i'll have to follow to both the disappearing involved in full in english, 2 and a half initial request that the money i did for him for him to send me 3. 0 one but a little bit. it's one of mine, but i'm looking to see why the interest on that one is it won't get stuck on sale 9, but if someone gives you man c, 95, you're completing a certain realize, i mean, it's say that the policy to monitor people, one of my last 8 bits, they send us at that point them in say, i think we got nothing but assume this opinion familiar with the so sometimes you find any kind of the most useful side of them for the you. even though, what's the most out of the o, and that's all, i guess, a lot of people, some people decide is amazing if these are the lead us. yeah, i say the toyota on the camino, they will, by the end of you're done. you know what? i'm coming with them in
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the, the is, i don't see and thought of when to the movie vanya, the, there matter, i go for, they lose the malware we have. no, i like the fun. yeah. you know, and also see what we, i don't know, they've got that. they've got a lot of really to see tiny fine. yeah. no, i'm not showing you the, this one will see another problem. i do want to tell you that with, you know, that on monday the notice i have that if i'm going to be in the order, is it going to be able to come in and put it in? i got an idea. when can we just in case decided that you bought southern middle somebody buddy, hold go by the, the you and say that the gap, loosely some info is anybody on the bus the only last or not can i will see you at a so cannot if need to find out what to see on the thing up, i don't assume that i would all die, but i will,
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you will come and see i live in beneficiaries of what i say they gonna pay him for all of my help police. people get it. oh is there like, can you see hold on. yeah, no, i use it for the other thing online and is i don't see it and i think got the older . and the other thing was more about the one that i think i was using with the form a little bit of money. i definitely got comment. see, i want to see and how much apples and i'm actually with the other people in the middle of my ceiling. that was better. i think i'm losing losing with a little by saying that it's so important that i enjoy going in the esl piece. ok. latham black people nearly say that for modern calling for is the other one, which is a little bit impulse and on what we're no b o n e n d y that's associated with the company and gone little place a little bit. but the see on the left, you in this is the, almost a whole year know the, the a little bit on lot a lot will be it will be like them in this, you know,
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come you is anthem blue echo and yet a single get allow them to learn more, this is you guys can the policy and of course, as we end up in this corner was se, se a box on the corner on? yeah, i totally independent panel and i don't know media and associates is the c and c in the port on you know that the listed without ownership because if you had on a little bus at both ends, you know, we're doing about assume because at the end of the end of an issue with the ends, you know, it all gets at the end of the been it's because it isn't the family because i don't really think our system going. okay. law, i'll think on not being in all the affiliated, one case with i mean with a new york city. good. not just in coming to the, i mean assume sunny for the visual vice but can know simply to meet that and also to meet it in this area. we don't want this a place as pioneer me moving the out of my feet. and this is and see what i'm kind
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of in and out of my novel conflict of interest as me confident that enough that us out of the most, the middle. and they would open and to say you're going to them and you have to meet more the video, i'm need out of what it would be in one of the meet at a see. i think that the most and know you to think about us has that vehicle for okay, low gas and we do but it's how do you deal or it will go to the at all. why would you put it? because like i said, i think i have been an agent to have couple of it of it. the whole set of sending out to me small i would probably be looking in when i think i not have made a payment in automatic. you might have been looking for that or when you set up the new in with the new and the lady, either way around and billing date thing, daniel. and generally when i was in a job, the only you'll see on the side of the book i'm young. and because i need to show you the address they sent us,
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it looks like the initial initially i'm gonna be the date here. i'll send the video in seattle funded and the 1st i've always the best. no good. and the no, no, no building on nothing. i mean, i don't remember anything, assume the mean video, but let me go. so then let me ask you this email, send me, that's what i'm gonna send you. the company's 40 percent will see on a new guy. so that was the able to tell you a little bit about my uni. oh not i'm part of the little you meet on. think it finally the and the need on this and the asking when you think about it. i am in this in with your let me go see on this one the, the one of the motors, they don't amend a lot or need to go based on so when the initial vice and also send you an opinion, how do i say that? i see meeting with one to simple the, they mean, you know what i see, you know for the wednesday wednesday only not right. but i see on the learn a little bit later and to see my animal is what the hell i'm leaving. but the guy
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in the face, and i think the home, the no idea or palletized the whole day for best uh does it, does that, is that in commercial i'm going to go and i'm going to find out why seeing that. let me ask you this before i see a single button click on audio, some of the parts of the me, a lot of somebody said, said i see those things in, i mean, either good by, you know, things on. if i can different things that are going, i think the end of the se, 48, and they put me in this independence. the been blocked. let's see. get on the link that it hasn't been busy. this plastic is on the busy road. get the link that is the thing, but anyways, a guy you can think of me with the i'm already going. okay. name is there. and one that i gave up and all that i'll all been throwing us into the system is, i mean i'm, i'm that i live like when i'm in this place, the
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good been done before the we saw the, you know, if i see the buddy 20, the if i save it as voice light, then they pull it out of hand dina a out of the night and i'll set it up. indeed, not a want to be honest. i mean, or maybe i'm wrong or might be only why we that soon? a young. okay. a lot my data the whenever you need them, maybe i'm, i'm one of the ones that the, the, you know, the sort of like i was saying what i mean. so i left him a windowless and the live you that, that the, the city go headlight. my dad, i mean it, i gave the data, some of the needles within this have been data for us. have you call me and tell me that it can be a good one or might have some idea, but i don't even look at the name of the local vehicle under my city and help them
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pick when it goes up. and that's no conflict when i leave, if we think it's going to be nice, no computer got a lot going to be to be with. and my bit is some people, but the things that i'm asking, i've no pickles meaning was. and sadly, the things that you got on bundles may notice options that you may notice go more like, i'm do that. i mean, i'll just get on the line and then you'll can assistant, let me see that was can you of course the shop or some talk. yes, he's fremont. and it's like i felt able to fix the on demand notice or can i need your help with a lot of it's a, it's pretty much, i mean take it on the bottom. the result is i'm thinking you don't segment the voice it's, i think it's just a thought interesting. even if the middle book, you know, the name most a, the own up any i'm or somebody told and off. and that is a really small make it up on the see museum. i thought i saw she's just have a point there. not any i'm of course maybe isn't it? the sadie is possible that i've been there a, like i said,
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when there's for some weight on that and what i'm what i, what else i mean, which is what she said was going to school really customize them in so screen those to the end of the what do you spell us? you're good for us. what's the deal with this set up a little hobby and look up with you. the gods or seconds you have and that has to be someone i do that because they might not. i meant they don't see in pendleton window, e for the let me see that the remainder of them in the senate on the has plus forget i get that. i was forced to give that as for someone else's here. as soon as you get that in one second, please let me know i was just don't what you meant on the non way will i didn't did i just i'm i'm not responding for the police report that are still responding and i responded, i'm back a you can edit my saddle and it was the same thing. let's just let her know or so for the pick up kind of from the city it on the is completely different really are the other will use experiment i into a c, c, the
11:00 pm
we are the russian hill, 76 plane crash sites. fields around me is disposed with metal fragments, but actually parts of the plane, human bodies, and loss. you're looking at a case of some teach here on the r t international as we get 1st access to the military transport plane crash side. an incident, multiple levels, a terror attack by kids. the plane was carrying 65, the premium for this, a war for us. what with russia for them and all the crashes also caught on video. the impact on the ground would have been worse, had the russian fall or not i, but it, it from the town right after the plane will shut down. kids clean yet another victory for value ukrainian armed forces.


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