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tv   Documentary  RT  January 25, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EST

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to africa form a judge should administered on take what he says that he a bus. how us believes that ask for can states must press that case. honda to get back what is white to leave us. back on the president of france, a noah said that they are being sold in many artifacts from africa because of the time to the 3rd and everything back. and really this is could encourage old african countries to ask for their heritage to come back because it was actually started by force. in the same time, we have to know that we would always look after every architect to come from countries that went on after to think to them. but when they unique out of sets should be shown into a gun museum, such as the for t, t and berlin, the surgeon and the roof. that is at the store in the richmond. and the 2nd thing that we need museum to stop in, but is what they mean by anybody is,
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is to stop buying, supporting offsets. and we think that any country we did a knows that when buyers, tony, i've tried to look better mid this country to ask it is it that i'm the fittest to one who oscar to officially for the a total of about $3050.00 through the national committee for the 30 started out specs we did discovered that port hoff actually did a steve this step to it was when the ship illegally and he bought it in his home for 10 years. and after that is a lump these back. but it that when you saw it, if it the love was different, did i clicked of all this evidence and i sent the letter to berlin to ask for the return of the past of the 50 to they wrote back to me in 2011 to say that they need the administrator to sign this method. and the time i became a minister, but that could not have the time during the so called that of new should to think
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about diversity. and just to have them do, you know, i wrote up edition for the 3rd and it was at the store and physics and this petition signed by to on that as selves. and i really need 1000000 egyptians to sign this document. and after that i, we deemed was different as well. that is how things are left and so forth. but we are expecting lots of developments throughout the day. so check back in on next. auto commentary takes to the scene. some tests very well to is michael in this process to get to europe 1st time testimony on much more. just a few more a on the i usually, i mean,
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the like that i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from the view. and he's got to be a good oh goodness, i don't know, brother in law and call it advocate to see that seem to see, you know, you know, getting on the not on the me look at it just like, well, he was like what you're just going to find you online. yeah. and go have i do to have it done on the music, on the mini malls and build them live almost every vendor, but i that i was with people have it. so that way, if i knew it seemed verified, owned by as a media enters around them, we do the import of canada. some of them you get out of them. would you see what the thoughts could? i think the government working with chasing my casa a guess of what an e s i phones, how do you, i mean, for that is for the gate or the mazda, and then one of the final levy, the best. so not sure, even if that part again, nothing will change when i see because i had only a 4 and her length and the all and i will only so what i said. so do you see the
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extent that my sent out and do works well? if for the wednesday, i mean, what's the minutes for them? they will not in my role g m, i guess, you know, for safe side, all we do is you'll get, okay, there will be a non de mentos video outcomes. they'll gumble, i can better look at my site, you see something you'll get a bit, and you'll see what i'm in though, and it'll compliment all available in the center of the city or equal to the dim bought the la camida, you'll get okay, what do you have the. 2 the higher the it'll give you the what is it? let's just see the middle seat on this email. sit down, go down. the sad part is ivy i seen on the face the the meeting
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id meant the seo and i went across what i'm being maybe seeing. i think i understand this isn't 0 english a resume. the service, you have bicycles. almost every c o maybe cause i see the assessor, they say that i don't look at the 2nd hand through to zillow, only know, but for the kids policy that the like kind of go to the, to me, the 30th is that like i in little places and so i can see at the time, yeah, mazda, finally, as the new model cannot in, instead of the single i can, you, can i put you the, what is i believe they got involved on once. i mean thing up inside of can level die for me. because some excess, you know, into, like, you're literally, you guys are ladies and nobody is going to resume. couple umbrella, perfect. i'm in pennsylvania. the i can send that can, you will see that us on data mazda mazda e,
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one for the little bit. and i bet so like a k noble s i leave for my page and when we sell city, i recognize that it will only come in there. but i will spell, not a grocer going up as an a blessed people to be so can see them to see go get a new a, be a cnn. said a lie as you get a feel of this ago. one of the 2nd bro, give me one of us on a given the able to be mighty fema. i'm sad, a liars and you can see that the color most i did give you the one. so say that i said, oh no, no, the event the me see me, lucy mean is that is in the mean is the unit veiled and lovely, supposedly wonderful cannibal for anyone else on the side you see in the middle based on the city it on of an idea of what i can do, and i don't like the value is it gets always on the unit and you do want to know i don't, i don't combine books on this of any set enough for them. i may not be able them
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into one in model. they born a so if i say somebody in the service goes into the, the settings and i don't was this, you don't want me to say, you know that because even get myself out of the whole. i don't know who the assistant, even us in, i live. i mean, i was on equal, or you know, for the money to big team down a scene said, i mean to get a ok for the side of the opponent for a little guy and we'll see on it because on the fever and we'll see on it so we'll be able to see and we'll send it to you as long as i'm being in c, i a to a get a ok. meaning that i'll give you a little bit about the note on that. so let me see. so it'll get howard odom. i proceed, i mean, visiting, went on. yeah. they'll know to buy ok so far out in colorado to buy certain colorado and miss diesel. only agreeing because i'm going to say
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a lady that i live. ok, so that means in as old as condos, i suppose. you and if you want to set them with the same thing, you know, for the the see me, i think they might say that maybe we can get a competency. and then what do you mean is especially a are on sort of my idea of the novel is a game for a system i guess and got a they mean it was black, florida got 90 percent of out of can seen as me said, the single single thing for some of them know some of the big data from the they've gotten me on because it, you that simple thing that i mean by me you and is able to look on that at that point yet. i feel that the best i feel is being those. they don't want them to say we that i didn't, they meant there, but i was split up as soon as i could get them to seek out of the form. i you don't know if you ever got this simple enough them something for them. you mean those
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that people do the bidding them feeling the blue santa santa particles toyota sense on my thing? is that id like uh, when i look for so like i said, i each in my name is as far as my ceiling in my payments that i supposed to put on that specific one for me unit. my name is the name from base and see that ends in the bottom. gotta be set off from based on that and the some of the other woman's okay was see and photo i see when we added for g like a, a one i guess i do see on our the last ones on audi, i need the little window. see, i guess what i'm saying, i don't know. do you have those? i know the significant, what else can you she got columbia heavy. i know it plugged in there. useful. but i'll be around, you can, i'll see i'll, i'll share, no, like to have it all depends on you. i will let you and i'm going to go into them as
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soon as i get in and see if i'm getting a swab the soon we're gonna need. i don't know it underneath the underneath the mouse. i mean, i think i'm into more. i'm in the get something new that's the only live a little bit busy to get. i had decided after looking to bring them onto the boards long. there is a good place, a little bit of cleaning, i, you know, the rest of it using the, the size of the annual identity or get ahold of somebody that hit on by the value. let me know when a little dining younger sister that they might leave anything except the a folk on the different media table homeless i gave you kind of a bad audio only pull, so like a size and maybe that and that's a really an invalid. and he says enough in our studies, because the and then your bus all i'm leaving this of the scenes us and they tell me, but so on. i can for that are 33. and i said, i am said the same back what. and they would show me what the sample is. you need us. i mean, what is that, you mean?
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is in need of a the some based on a given and, but didn't say, i guess what? so for, since i'm, i'm a deficit. i mean, what do we do offer, but at the end it goes, so we, so again, it was, it was, i bought it and does it for getting, this is what the sample or point added focal. so i need somebody to get input, but i think that is what it though could have been like i said, in the unlikely event that this book is nominated easily for the sample of all of them will get. so when a messy on a matter way goes, it will say that this what the kid i don't see. so monday the incl. yes, i had always time you a from the and i'm not always doing what they, they asked me where does that mean integrated? because that's a lot for the family and doesn't get the be made a payment fietta left. what about the desa either sized game on the when we sent, i'm able to tell you what like, what is the vehicle on the 11th the final off and with the letter that was on meet on the key. yeah. and id for the whole purpose here in oklahoma,
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but as to what the point is to what you a so we, i give us people in the you're gonna see might need to get it needs to get a moment for so normally the category of non duty i need to have the end to get by saying that it may also come, you know, no good. i mean, you know, getting this that i'd be able to get any problems if i mean i haven't get, this will buy it if last. so we had a model so but a more so, so i mean, it does say that it has like a single method save method seem disable in uh, seem to say like a 2 point is that again, nobody's any eli and for much on some of the diego, and is that one city or more than what we thought would be more or less? it would be one. your little ones is seasonal in the end, a little bit. it just doesn't really mean don't get lost. that's much those in the field and approximately 2nd, a lot of indecent ends and then the numbers don't have to meet on
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the and then your muscle doesn't mean being the living the but as need for some apples to moments ago. and the something was the message she and also said that they face a simple indeed be going flexion. if and that makes sense. i mean, the people, they have us, what i need on the person that need, i'm thinking you got a right to buy groceries in a little while. let me the so that lethal some for us that other human side as a seat. and this is the, the be a have for the how to come. you come in this and it was what it was impossible for me to hold them. be honest because a lot of that, he would think he's the one that is just the, i mean, does i pressed on and still find your limbs? a lot of them is that essentially the cable. they might have a son when he that in for the set up on extension. and i will say this, the best one i can come and do any focus on any fee mind for the you know, the meet on the list. i'm with him, look at him, us or you know police. i lease the saddle,
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all sort of model corner still forget he's coming to the need. you need to know somebody and the other money i don't is when i read them instead of the one, the most of the name of the i'm in dental to buy this thing going to getting all getting on him for the event the bus will be model guess the photo, my view that have been side or a little here now, the drive the here. if somebody can be shown to cindy blair, my, let's see, i'm not this one. and this one is the same than this one into the sort. and i guess and now the audio can see the vin symbol, the but i said to be in that is on so either several unit associated with it or not the of the back of the u. k. as in a, something when i get a thought of the opinion, i mean, unless i see that on the left and we need to see if we can use i get it. can you
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standing on the, on the left or when he saw me through the, i'm in the and i can come instead of looking to be in one leaving unless you open that up for you. as i look for my media a so that i send the message from the get the key to one of the people possibly. i mean, unless you have a lot of literacy. yes. ok. so you would've been 9. doesn't have the photo, i remove it out. it was only meant to continue the colonial more here, but in the interest of or so you will be in the, in the, in the same day and then the line, the mortgage can on the my mind get okay. in line 30 got another bits, and natalie, natalie, hey, the same wrong just don't safe
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house because the application and engagement equals the trails when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can on the side you can kind of the us are gonna use the data for the guns and
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also a big, big deal. 11. i had the other, the last 2 and so this have all you've seen last week. i remember seeing the, there was a, there's one i have for the gun on the see if i'm going i have for the go on the know, so the for, let's see on the like the price of a so, you know, and then of that, can you 100, i'm waiting for the funds, i guess i within that i have and so i don't see and then you have to give problem. and most of us, whether if you need do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem, i think 75, i'm not going to the not go daddy's and going to love seeing that book. definitely kind of i don't know. my case is some way out, but i only 30 on that and then yes. and then the single, the 2nd, i mean, that has an audio video and as we just had, i, we went in and i gave it to you, i get on the, let's see of it. are you wanting to come? do you want to die like one on the go? that's the one on the book says another policy on it. now you'll get all this will send you out of the, the gunner for the, you know, sullivan is. how does he know them being promoted by any of us?
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and you guys, i'm going to be able to get sonya c o 2. boy, then are you at the appropriate saves? acknowledge other software. yes. is a you yeah, this how do you have know how to solve the is it from being already oh, i said of course it can condition and all the money to get them loans numbers elise of getting concerned with them being big or small. so it was at the end of that and then it'll be interesting at the end. and as always, as you get into the classroom a little bit, i'm a single and a kid in, but it's getting a lot of it is. oh boy, it. and now my legs missing somebody, somebody say there's industrial gases investigated, you put them into the works it and that's what i'm into. if i'm not at that, i've been under a 100 different and stick in the tape. i know they cannot even get done in this in
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its own. yeah. mean. so no problem in the, i have a when he, that was the last, you know, the style, you know, you know, to be i, as is push, when i push the on that those because again, the problem was not, were still under dollars. so the idea though, thanks you and i'm to, i'm, i can't get up on an order showing up or have you been doing this though, is just to get that goal for now. if we, if i say this instead of the middle and it will not at all, and i'm, i'm not, yeah. and can you be enough? see, sorry, i'm not a little bit by side, not big on the i can think of this, i'm worried up. most of any, the setup initial invoices you'll get, i'll get the video line, think of amended them in on sales, and then to get an idea how to get them in debbie at the top of site and look at that. my son, noah delilah. but again, again, a little steady uh, sally, this would, this would data me, but it was still going to and i guess you'll see some of what i think i just pulled out of forget to do it. i'm not going to shouldn't getting logged in. that's fine. yeah, you know, make it that way. i can use that. yeah, i am sending out for me. if i media
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the is it use it on these? i believe that it should have been sooner. so who sitting at a google me you any mean if i because i'm not from that kind of a thing that i'm so i'm in my hands that this thing i don't that i'm so glad it is . a lot of you, my name is the thing, i look it up as one of the people i've given them in facility and that i'll come again. i'm almost out a little. i got a feeling the rest of the gentleman's email. he noticed that he knew this thing that the level of use of the beam, seeing the, as i have seen it on, i goes to the point of the st. louis, forgive me. i let them know my innocence or the thing of it. you only live at all or that i give them a have one out of 200 ideas before my vision, but i gave the movie up on it. i get a view from 0 from viewer can view e, well yeah, yeah, that was simple finance assessing as to get on with that a just a moment. thank you. my name is the thing. i'll either have it as of yet. i think
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we're okay. how it works and see i can see much less a little bit more for you. and that's like almost the last time of my check, unless i can find you on the team. ok. you that of the for me to will. that is so much so good. am i left for you? i'm gonna leave it at that link. that's the landline cannady, but it's and then we'll have my kids on 5th in the machine. yes, it is. so the net or the new name units able to buy and develop them. this is this thing that i thought i said you saw, but as long as the answer companion of it isn't available, everybody has been having a sort of idea what hits us at some and see what is sitting in about out of this on the phone that i can send the some is going to be there cuz some will, you know that some of the us she says seen that, i don't know if you're having any move in for you at all. okay, so let me look into a level here when i have this one you see on here. so one of the units are from them inside of the model. ways. so city a fit and things we've had in this for so would people support the someone was
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supposed to see? you don't have to click on it and go to the notary. so what i'm about 10 thinking it was still not that hard or the failed. they don't get ok, see any them why, but it's something to see that live in your and i believe i've been getting a lot of them on that. you forget doing that, but he definitely get a lot of them when i would get a septic on database because we have to think i'm able to get a full cycle on me. so i will get you to send these out. but the very easy for both, i'm going to put you on the way we're going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be a little bit ago. he's going to go a little bit, but us 8 and then it gives him the and the fun. no, but it's a nice keep that i'm going to use a really good phone. but of that, another question i need to do. i need a hassle to get by this figure because it can be to be in the mean it is and being it as for similar like my form, i get simple formulas but cost me and that are those that are within the of the year. i give them the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the by the comment they gave, i'm hung up my dad. i mean by that he said, no, no,
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i'm heading up my dad. i enjoy them both in a god you know somebody and i would, i guess is no say it does. is anybody anybody maybe say i've lived in a level heard about that by me. get out and then dollars save you sad us. you know, i think it had the vehicle on you have to go somebody in either in the system but i mean yeah i'm, i'm, i'm even able to dial out of and diagnose i see human sending way through the state . yes. certainly. i mean that anybody, you mean by the way, maybe uh, way through streaming instead of waiting on someone to get into a low end and download your bible. so instead of going to say no to might, i will. and if they meet, i will come, you know, see it by the end. well know. and if the error is saying you already sent me that i think i may not be able to bubble up. i did, i did gotta be in as muscle to get to that that would be sort of level headed up on, but i can be in that in that email by it. i mean, you said why not? yeah. that would it be sweat? oh, just throw in the
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a slow leak your to the, the seem to come look like the the little getty of the, the world, the poor. assume the all look at it. sure. the, the, the of the voice of the the, the, the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the, the, it was, uh, the guy your, the unit the your, the, the, is still available as
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a victim of thieves, but good and most of the most for some place. but so the be done at the sky. see good, we'll look pretty good. good. good, good for the most of the people just hit
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the button the the, the big the band list to go ahead. the disney will be quite assumption. i'm not sure. but after the civil, which if one of the city and the more successful, the somebody, even if i video students to, to go to check on board is showing that envisioning here. and then we left ship them to fax. the only available solution accessible was in your
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portal on the so was this the, the most i pro t ups role in the downing of a minute tree trunk, full tech carrying $65.00 ukrainian p o w t. it says it was never warned. it needed to keep the tasks face to face. those types to come right after the plane will shut down. key is cleaned yet another victory formed valiant ukrainian armed forces. but as soon as it became known that the plain was carrying ukrainian prisoners, ukrainian propaganda immediately tried to cover up its joyful reports about the victory cross blocks most days, requests for an emergency un security council meeting on the downing fault. but


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