tv News RT January 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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to the all jerry i. busy for the un security council to convey and in a big to force israel to implement the rulings headed down bobby international court of justice. which us, i think the world has already realized the absurdity of israel. and the condemnation of israel at the hey, court has justified that in it, ron local, say the i c, j. preliminary ruling on these are all these agree upon from justice, ought to be as remain that he's well made march on with its destruction of gaza, as it's backed by the united states. and frenzy is getting dumped on by its own fall. but as even as tyrus dropped the plan to cut the diesel subsidies strands of buildings and normally smooth ceiling,
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highways piled high. the hello. this is the international reaching you live for my new set tire in the russian capital. i am michael watching all jerry is convening the united nations security council in order to implement the ruling, all of the international court of justice and the genocide case against use all the north african nations. foreign ministry says it's high time, but he's ro, adult, tennessee of is held accountable for its actions. how jerry considers that the ruling of the international court of justice announces the beginning of the end of the era of impunity from which the is where the occupation is long benefits. it's to give free range was oppression a bit palestinian people and repression of or they legitimate rights. so on friday, the hey court issue, the series of rulings on emergency issues in the case submitted by south africa.
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it's interesting instructed hero to present genocide in gaza as well as stop and polish, a need public incitement for right that i've must do not a list of measures in the report. fast to the i, c j in the month, 2 elements are sufficient, that the court further considers that israel muscle sure with immediate effect, that it's military forces, do not commit any of the aforementioned decks. the court is also of the view. israel must take measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. the court further considers that israel most takes immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by palestinians in the gaza strip of friday's i. c. j. a ruling has been
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welcomed live many states including a rod which saves it as a victory for south africa and palestine cross on locals, bad se, but the condemnation of use well by the court is a step forward. all those highlights, but the american support for each real only emboldened stella v. a side sailors, all these rail has done the lots of oppression and has killed a lot of people. so the best thing to do is to condemn it. at least the ceasefire should happen to mount rich a bit on the us and israel, a one and sure the american send it to is the scientists say i'd like to pass on in the well but image is broken, but they have no problems because the economically strong and they all the most is of the world. yeah. this is a service really only we can imagine like the international note on some of the week before. and it does not matter for them. if it comes emission is issue as long as the for some us and u. k is behind, it puts us, well, i think the world has already realized the absurdity of israel and the condemnation
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of israel at the hey, court has justified that supporter of spectrum. roger latoria messages are poor and yeah, and to south africa as this case against as well seems to be gaining momentum at the international court of justice. i see you one soft court has ordered as well to prevent the genocide of the policy. the people in the gaza strip. i say you won't time advocates of palestine give on hale for tory is pro palestinian measured and different are wanting it for falls. have been issuing statements to express their support for their roles as well as foreign minister who said i'm or up the loan. young, congratulated south africa as well as the dns over pretoria success of the i. c j. i would like to congratulate the south african government and people, the people of palestine and south africa's foreign minister. now that depend door on the country success and its lawsuit against the zionist regime with the international court of justice. i once again reaffirmed the islamic republic of a run support for the south african governments initiative from over 2 weeks. the
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international court of justice has been reviewing the south african case, accusing israel of committing a genocide in does up on friday, the court ruled that israel has committed some of the acts alleged by south africa . of course, it's not the final or they can in fact it's what's known as crime, i'll say shape, which refers to evidence not sufficient to establish a fact or to raise a presumption of fact, unless we bought it needs or a ruling issued by the court, ordered 6 provisional measures, including for as well to prevent genocidal acts, i assure the provision of humanitarian aid to civilians in guys of the ice age. i also ordered israel to preserve the evidence of genocide. i just submit a reports to the court within a month regarding its compliance with the order. it won't views this as a success. and as though calling for the trial of his where the officials today, the officials of the fake is really regime or the most notorious people in the
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world's public opinion, who have to be brought to justice immediately for committing genocide and unprecedented war crimes against palestinians. meanwhile, civil finds the root cause of the trouble in washington. it wanting an official say the united states is behind all the 26000 lives laws. thing does up just the start of the conflict and that as well as just the cannon fodder for the westwood bassett, san visions of the region are going to leave with more than 10000 thousands of military hardware. violence broke out. the say the west has also torpedo efforts to hold these wally campaigning does up by storm wally, rectification of all us security council resolutions that i've been calling for a permanent ceasefire. the topic i want you to from i'd has on different occasions said that if it wasn't for washington as protocol on military 8 to 12 eve, the idea of what have not been able to for us ahead with its operation. and the bucket enclave world's public opinion will never forget. the white house is full
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support for the zionist crimes against the palestinians, and will always take notice of the regimes criminal acts. it won't has praise. there was us as groups attacks against the american forces and the region in support of that was studios what those actions from given to a while. i have not been able to and the gaza award, the one down load. so the i, c, j will link as a viable measure that could make the west think twice before further providing support for as well. well, reaffirming your on support for south africa's initiative. i'm here of the long run 1st has come of course, across the world to jump on the want to get as for the wage behind pretoria as move into a policy and in protest as a california save us presidential bite in this complex that in genocide perpetrated by these really ministry against civilian st. garza. and that's the message for the cross some major streets in the city of oakland. as demonstrators demanded
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n. c u. s. military support for each row that they have even taken their case to court in an attempt to prevent the us meet it from sending ministry supplies to as well. and they said to us, stop diplomats enter the blinking. then the defense secretary and load often were also liable for war hundreds of protest as have blocked off barclays bank branches in london over lads funding fort usual amid the warring gas. and they demanded the blank cause of the financial institution, and called for a true state and the conflict. the test as held up follows tv and slides them bad as pulling for an end to the quote. barclays, lot of money reports say the dozens of demonstrators ended one of the bands that entered one of the bang strategies in london shouting demands to stop financing. use local activist your russell sent us this report from the verified with
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the. 7 loan of course containers on the company. 7 continues which are being used in the civilians in john. so this process comes to the into and judgment of the international court of justice, which is a historic result. the 1st time that one of the golden circle of 17 or 20 western countries. and there are lies throughout the world,
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and of course is rarely a nation. so the nato countries primarily in the middle east, the 1st time that one of them has to be not to be labeled as committing genocide. i expect to be a farm as in front of digging in when he comes to the dispute with the government. the protest continuing to grow with getting even more roads and major highways being blocked by attractive . and that's even after the country is prime minister has made concessions to appease the demonstrators, including a pledge to cancel on, on popular diesel attacks, increase our to contribute to our rate of mass than it has the story. i'm surrounded by about a 100 tractors and they belong to the farmers who live and work on their farms in this very region. now, what are they doing here? well, they have issues like foreigners and several other countries in europe right now
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with what their governments are doing. and ultimately saying that they're having a hard time trying to make and as neat as a result of not only european regulation, but also what they describe as french regulation. but ultimately it's attempts to be kind of like the teachers packed in europe and imposes an additional layer of bureaucracy on top of what the news already imposing. and they say it's just becoming untenable and it up is coming up. we're here because we are tired of everything that the french government is doing and the new rules it is imposing on us. on top of that, we have to follow your p and rules all the paperwork. the tax is going up, everything going up as always produce more or less. i didn't even have the same rules as my european neighbors. nuclear me still this to us. we have no income over the years. the situation has will send. and now we've come to generation with sides of everything. we're out of breath. we even fellow a chosen to go study instead of continuing to work into from the government,
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needs to hear voices of us of the i think the demonstration is good because of farmers on a paid enough. it's important to show that the profession of a farmer is now to tell you to know if in the world best movement here is part of a larger moving across the whole country. of farmers gathering in areas like this on highways and conducting what they call. not a total blockade, but a snail operation. so in front of ideas of it as soon as possible. now what that means is that cars can still get through to go, or they need to go, but they have to go off the exit and then they have to go towards the bottom of the ramp and then it has to kind of do a little turn and get back on an entrance round and go around that they are gathering today because the prime minister of france, gabriella tyler. he's now made his way to the south of france to explain some measures that the governor is going to introduce and hoping to maybe just get these
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tractors off the highways. it's unclear whether or not that's going to work. these guys seem to be in it for the long haul and or waiting to see some very specific measures taken that is, that significantly change things for them. things are just really pressuring their profession, pressuring them financially. they also said that the costs of everything has exploded, the grades coming in from ukraine. as a result of that, you dropping customs and duty at the board. or if you create to help ukraine is coming in and just flooding into france and twice as much as last year, even they said in terms of grain from your current coming into france and depressing the price of their own product, can make it very hard to for them to make a living on top of all the costs of regulatory measures they're having to contend with and the specifics of what i'm hearing in terms of why things are getting so expensive for the farmers. i mean, i brought up the issue of ukraine and the greys coming in from ukraine depressing
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the value of the french funding products. but there's also the cost of energy that exploded. that's a problem that everybody knows about here in europe. there's also the fact that these machines here, these tractors, what are they made of iron? where does iron come from russia? what did the you do to russia section? so that means that the costs of these machines has gone up. and the same holds true for fertilizers, they said the cost of fertilizer has exploded. now fertilizer is also from russia. they said, and several farmers mentioned that now it comes to another supplier. and they said probably even involves russian fertilizer being sold to that other supplier. and then bought by the european market at a much higher price than what they paid when they're just getting it directly from russia. who's a protest as have gathered outside the u. s. embassy in bulgaria to voice out. the outrage about american foreign policy demonstrate as use the
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slogan, hands of the bumpkins to express the discontent about to us, into the lines in the region. many of the fibrous abundance of choose washington of trying to drive mulberry and to the free and conflict. they also said that the us as meddling in domestic affairs in bulgaria with influence of a sudden politicians be consider overtly friendly to washington. a 2 years ago today, the siege of leningrad ended by them and put it and has taken part in opening a memorial to the victims of the nazi genocide to be treated against the soviet people. he says a more than roster remains committed to fighting fascism. when you are finished on the outcomes of the noun and big trials that condemned fascism are being reversed today. in some countries history is being rewritten, and execution is are being hailed. the neo nazis adopted the ideology and methods
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of the nazis in the both estates. tens of thousands of people are declared to be sub human, deprived of basic rights and subjected to persecution. fascism has returned in the form of the key version. we will do everything to finally eradicate fascism as well . the opening ceremony of this memorial to the soviet people and victims of nazi genocide during the 2nd world war just wrapped up with vladimir putin and bella, russian president, alexander lucas jenco, giving speeches honoring sylvia heroes of all nations, russian, bella, russian, and many others. they also denounced 20th century fascism and its revival and modern day ukraine, and they paid the respects of this monument to those millions of soviet people who struggled in the fight against fascism during the 2nd world war, germany's foreign ministry also released the statement today, taking responsibility for the crimes that it's not the predecessors have committed against the soviet people. now, this monument itself is
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a big testament to the russian governments. continued dedication to the memory of these millions of soviet people who suffered through the 2nd world war. both those who survived it and those who unfortunately were killed. now, this is very important on this specific day because 80 years ago the red army broke the siege of letting broad one of the most devastating sieges in all of history. over a 1000000 civilians were killed as a result of it, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed defending the city and trying to break the blockade. let's take a look now at those traumatic events that came to make up this very tragic part of history. the legit to my change. there were 4 of us kids. it's good that my grandfather from my mother's side was a cabinet maker. she made viennese furniture which was very expensive. she was one
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of the most famous cabinet makers in saint petersburg at the time. you had with glue that it was made by boiling, thanks to the supplies, if she had, we survive to locate. so did our family and friends the news? what do you think tight small pieces of bread to my chest, and i have to put them in my brother's mouth from time to time. and then one occasion, when my oldest sister entered the room, i had a large rats perched on my chest, attempting to bite my fingers while i retreat the bread. the. i stayed at home a lot looking after my grandfather and grandmother and bringing them hot water to drink. and also there was tram that was making stops on the ascii street. and on this tram corpses were carried to the cemetery.
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the nice one, the recreation began. i was told not to give away my younger brother if i left good to anyone. i was responsible for him because i was the eldest. we the older ones were put into one car and the kids were taking into another car. well, the elders were traveling past through a lot of the but the car and the transport of the kids went under water in ice with the kids inside. recently became known that the car had been pulled out. it was full of toys and the bodies of children who drowned. we were all wet and damned in our car. we were loaded onto the train. the 1st stop was in gas levels, so many women rushed into bag and one of our arrived there. we waited all night. we were told that there would be a train and the carriage would be with the children from leningrad. after rushed onto the train,
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they began to change our clothes and brought us warm underwear. it's not just in russia, the people are paying the respects to those who suffered in jerusalem local, some of whom were able to escape the city while it was on the seed, laid reeds, the candle of memory, monument, representatives from on these ready foreign ministry as well. as diplomats from russia and lose deflects upon the memo, the memo memorial was on field 4 years ago when the city dedicated to the heroes in all the defenders and residents of letting grad that were heard from some of the who talked about the job page and faced the black car that got the when the german surrounded the city, i was let in rush with my mother. i was 10 months old at the time, we came to land. what from bella ross for? we are on vacation. when they arrived, we found ourselves in this most terrible winter in which were barely survived during the siege was so small and became seriously ill for those who survived those
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who had a feeling of extraordinary love, love for the country love for their people. this is very important for everyone, for the whole world is that our descendants, remember the feeling of pride. today we're doing ever fee to perpetuate their memory. no, you have look on it. some of was 3 years old when the blockade began to do a full foster children in 941. our father died and the language front mom worked especially hard and goes a job in the dining room so that she could at least bring some food for us. it is important to remember these days so that these holler at this happened to the people and the entire soviet union does not happen again. to move shedding glasgow, i am of in grata, and i will remain gone forever. i am to go to overseas survival of course to still because opened and spoken about the now family when that but so we need to presented the so the see to a pastor loan. and so the book 8th association,
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we carried out all the events related to the siege so that the history could not be reading or forgotten. those which of learning grog bassetti, a capital f, which headline tax, special and strategic political importance is a symbol of resistance and bravery are to his documentary, leningrad, unbreakable tells the story of those charlotte's through constance, shelling, bombing, and farming. you can watch the full film on monday, but for now here is a short clip. the feeling we use or huge city under siege for the 1st time in history. and it didn't surrender the preserved despite the loss of more than a 1000000 people. nothing like it had ever happened before periods which are likely to escape flies in humane sufferings,
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were endured by the people of deceased leningrad bombing. cold. darkness hungry and dense, looked at the sage of leningrad, forced international bodies and soviet authorities to set new principles for weld order to ensure nothing blanket could happen again. the blemish and memory of these events pauses from generation to generation. probably in almost every family the you can look forward to back on monday, the shipment of russians week has arrived and the west african nation of booking. a fossil last year has been providing free supplies of grain to a number of countries in africa to resolve issues of food insecurity. a local
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journalist, max in the bottom bar, i sent us this report of the ladies in order to solve the problems of food security and african countries and supplies of free rushing grain of the guns to be delivered to a number of countries on the continent that particular shipment of russian waits arrived in the capital, it became the fast. so why could do good today the official ceremony of receiving russian weight by the administrative solidarity, humanitarian affairs, and national reconciliation took place that he said the 1st of all, it is a demonstration of solidarity of the people and authorities of the russian federation with those from work in a fossil, it is also an expression of the good called duration of relations that exist between our 2 countries. and finally, our country is going through a difficulty monitoring situation, which we're not silent about. it can also be regarded as a contribution a systems support that this country provides to our people who need help. now, the fact is that we're neighbors with many countries that have access to the seats . so when the questionnaire rose about the delivery of we to our country, we decided to take it through the board of abba john. the weight was delivered to
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be done by ship. and from there that weed was delivered to work in a fossil by trucks or trucks, through our carriers, through the national transfer to duration that they've got to do this onto this initiative. rushing, grading went through somalia. molly eritrea central asia ends involve way pressure has supplied approximately $25000.00 tons of grades, age based countries and tell your total is part of the agreement. so on the free food delivery most your will send a total of $200000.00 times of grades through africa. another project is also under development, according to which $1000000.00 tons of russian grain we sent. it took out the pricing and for the supply 2 countries in need and you don't get on the city either . we spoke about that good. so i don't think it was a difficult task when actions are coordinated when they are synergy and them, nothing is impossible. i think we have done a good job with burkina faso and what's up regina foss with diplomatic mission, teen abba john. we were able to correctly organize the process of grant arrival and unloading. and here we are. we can observe this very important moment and put it in our memory like this is on do for the decision to supply grain to african countries
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. the frank was announced by russian president vladimir boots and on the sidelines of the 2nd brush advocate summit ends in petersburg. and disregard the screen initiative testifies to russia, delivering on its commitment at all the indian army has develop than a i base technology to come by the so called honey shopping by and to be spies the checkbook upgrades and the what's the messaging system in plains to aid combined as to determine which so does that most susceptible to espionage tactics. the soldier is expected to immediately block on solicit that messages from on know numbers that may seem to be too good to be true. those who continue with the conversation, i've already monitored. previously the indian army said the was, it was for the victim to a multiple honey trapping. tabs, primarily by pakistani, spies are the most in symbols. attempt happened last year when
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a peg defend his by posing as a girl was successful, the a hyundai dropped the defense research and development organizational fish all at that offer. sold, then divorced, sensitive information about an indian, made myself so swift. we are contacted by a retard indian military officer. i sent a call. connie says the technology is domesticated made and will help prevent intel leaks. one of the oldest professions of costa spying on the other hand, women i used for it. i knew i have to be very careful as to adjust and that is something the indian ami past. due to prevent the online, i need topic to prevent into that place. their knowledge is absolutely state of the indian. absolutely, indian. it's in house that i because want me to go on to any for the black form to be able to do that. then you lost much of its capability. yeah, i think that is the only way is to prevent, as i said, from on online,
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i need topic. i'm. this system does help us that new uh, monitoring. i don't want to find out what the mindset is all about, how they react to certain cumulative situation. and then you know, and then prevent him from the me a victim of the site, but say, yeah, so i, that's all from me now my colleagues desktops will begin to bring a few more sco, reset and pop up by the the the
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the access, you mean? yes, i was in the band this to spanish desk that might be a new issue. should georgian munoz, the queen. yes. the name. what's that as you get a little niche for beauty, beautiful gloss, them just gets her 1st children best plus or you the store. can we just come down where it is? did you put you on one thing and the rest of it? yeah. because i put in your thing to the kind of dental and vision, read us them down as a special wagner, you come down the bills to stay or even the rest of the check you.
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