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tv   Documentary  RT  January 28, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EST

4:30 am
is going to put con, nah, so they knew they would come and they had to evacuate to him and others. so please leave cause i'm not supposed to get them. now. i've seen that coming. he said no mama is going to it's ok. it will when you have a ceasefire, the only thing, what worries me that you are not on there because months to it is not for me. got stuck. his wife's room. does that, and i can go there if anything happened to you there, how can i do we do? how can i take care of you? i want to be with you with that's the only thing i want. somebody can't take me to an office or to con you and if i want to for my son, i want to look so he will not visual retail of this sunday and the weeks big news stories, i'll be back with more of both in 30 live for most of this is our to international the
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okay. i just let us know. so the syndic, some of them visitors or from you the goals for the the
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or the directed you mean? yes. and what is the ma'am this to damage the day. my name is latricia doors in the moon. use the queen. yes, the name was that as you get, they don't really need to be that beautiful glass. them just gets her face to invest flash or you can, we did conduct were listed it but your thing and the rest of it. yeah. because i put in your thinking that the kind of dental and vision rid us come down special wagner, you come down the bills to stay or even the rest of the check, you only have to. so i have that somewhere as close to order to move it down to the
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thumb. vip, just less than one way. uh yeah. does he have to the jessica surgical deals. what that is still for the initial are on eastern dot one meal, but that's such a negative slot that kind of jam or that you or to me. and i'm going to take your questions grab it wasn't yours boss, exclusively because that's endorsed opinion and you come down with a talk with ha, ha, click charlotte of
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the way it's adjusted to the slide the so what so that was what fits your experience on the vehicle and see if i do that. yes there. so they'll go with the for which i see and go to as soon as you can. so the judge must it unless it is a quick thing or what it says. no, it's not full of california to the minus throughout the moment. so those with that the formulas that there was no doubt in the symbol of the human levels. familiar with the word show but it was fast. so we need
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to know really simple cut out to the bone, you with a quote for them with that on your personal plan with a room. would you any we mentioned nash a mom? well, i mentioned that to various and calculate so a give the mean it was because of, okay, and when you have these near so, so we're going to start with that. what's that? no, i sprayed really bu watching me and you would you are. he has not come up with based on that sort of reason. i say this is then there's the one of the so you should have it, you should go through them as, as to, as the closer skim the one to assign. what are you and you've done with school and it also show and interview and you put out a successful peters, greater overtures, the
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the, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialist if i pull chance is just to have come and get over to your partner with you what goes into a spectrum of fuel hattermio, but known as the most efficient fuel. how special you on the horse on the west coast invest. okay. if i am going, if additional extra course. awesome. well sir, let's get the yeah. when you buy a new with, with you on this new for you on this fresh noise signal mazda typically will be for reception has been telling me 1st the semester and my last semester. but up to 3 is extension 2, you have coming to orchestra clothes or something like that. so what's your phone number? so now for participating in domestic dental or yeah, well the average of concern go so for the 1st or to to, to push that the ratio,
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the yellow surgeries going 0. ok. when you, when you do for us, when you a 100, what the motion is a beautiful sort of secrecy growing in chicago. so where does the thing leave video wise for, for, for so is that also failed. the covers grew more come for sure. it will work for me to actually buy 250 best pretty fast for the 1st i think there's, there's no chester for the us look ways to clear the picture below when you when you go, as we know when you have that, when your husband like you most of all, some nature fortunate by the stay action or some family or with the show. there was a more question with those original one moment which today. sure which of the
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course videos now, you know, numerous gospel, cool a story on to the ladies. and if i read it or students teaching them to come to check on the board has shown that admission your team will us to bring ship them to the doctor the for you the step one your students because there's 2 of them. right? yeah, move yes, just a little bit to bring you much to know. she found goods and you're still listed as when it's important page the pretty much the whole story is each other and i know
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definitely be more interested in the fall, which is atanya simpler, which it took you up when you lost somebody with a group of by sophie, was it just for places to go taska funny as the settlement for this to for this thing, i saw some yes. next to the team, according to the article abuto international living on this, you just order with the pictures around and speak. you thought was a little boy, the movie, a beautiful felicia. the soul of the age of was close to you for the call. it cannot
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list one, but the left 2 messages for super familiar with the video is over. so sooner to associated with the special for someone. and the reason it's precisely there's a coming you. yes you yes. very yeah. associated with him and he just has any mind . so what are you where he goes to a funny waiting list of the who's those took some time now is someone sitting in a uh conditional. what's your level of the vehicle is consuming? just curious, where do you set up a jail especially you're here with which can you look or succeed at work or
4:41 am
whatnot. castillo, as most of the business materials. lots and lots of anything, sister food or is it the hold on funding? and all that's inside that when i get those into the she was, this will just be a little follow the yours me see little story more with him. songs really are wrong. so even though for the future will deal with them. i hate to, you know, uh huh. was this book when you were in was it was for you is uh no, says your name is on the list of us. i need to facilitate the flow scholarship video. the history of the door of the jack on the one such as possible when you're putting it in the, the, the
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sort of spray of the set this just as a shortage or the let's use this to notice for slipping is just simply the
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steps you have just left new skills on this because of some of them is usually for the of the most trouble. no sample to me. but don't quite assume you just need some folks across the street books for the cable, which is if you can purchase a some of them, we use a fuel for the as the, the us on that just to get the tim. yes, they all sold for the okay. and you make sure that she is looking for was might as a customer under a annual offer to the show that some of what i originally did, even though that old bulk on
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the now it's not send out a or a system issue, especially a symbol new and you're likely was most us for the producers to finish from when you model or something that i smoke the thought aspect of the vehicle. so the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the source of the godaddy degree. and then if the kids took the ministrations them he has not seen it keeps separately too much because of the children who are there's a cook, they'd be able come with a visual beverage and as much to feeling as was continuous. ms perez for joe is there's only 2 color of grids to cut off cribson advertising this opinion, dollars extra fees. and that's what it says about the slot the slough circle. if you're more interested in the shuttle and then just use the post modest,
4:47 am
you might just use the past most often about sugar units. morgan and shimmers, and i have to hit a moist, processed the actual then your body, the short spice. nice. go down and go to at once you just woke up spice on adult dishes toys that previously quit. so somebody has to have sufficient interest to remove just to start the new toner issue, just plummet. national logistics should of course, can accomplish because you should either deal with the state of
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tennessee or sheila, looking for the use you can get all so certainly the ones that are often used cars robinson assemblies or how's the long story? and we could also go to the game. so because the both of these, his both the bells and that you really just such as the one where you're picking this cup out of this almost to the police getting the, what's the reason for me, please? the bushes which is in are so much can email the decision the summary if the team is really to, to see the degree of so yes, my yes, the assuming of which with the we're going to see if i chose to process the board versus whom she must ok, or how do i access? now, those are so special moment lecturing and we've done such. and yet i just showed that there was a sheet over the course of combat elements. very bad. the. what on,
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what do you put the c for mediates with no changing the gym to me, the one of the boys mentioned now that i was admitted to the blue book on 6 more than that of the season. the mazda, most of the, the one that was nice, good, a good number one. if not that good to be a good for now, is it will come, come on board and get us to another, provides a variety of like, like, good movies. me, you know, that you know, that we know now the good i have never been picky because i do anything that they need to submit again from web design anxious to do to live in the trash. but just so it will come with the pleasure swinging down that you will for digital is the slow run museum with us just like a kid that a player to i just didn't i didn't yes. just depends on what god has to be the, the, the media. this is the story that it shows here on just the, tonight's us to get those books for. yeah. and supposedly also what
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we choose a to or if i want you to kind of show it to her for the less than that, what it would say with your interest is you just, you know, also say on your thoughts are. so we're for the most for the life and this plan wish to symbol sylvia menu that we move to the need to look at that or who was at the brand. i don't know it just just yeah, the disposal manual. sheila, in one of those 2 will glove and with only open your mind while you boy yep, the spark or so the good thing there for numerous, so it won't let me up like smart, superior, well knew
4:51 am
a while now we really send that to them. you know, on the phone or see that's not the but also the julie is because the sign in the spitting across the center of the call to both of them would be allowed to participate in incident report and also to put in but you don't want to proceed and also the introduce nimble as credits for the,
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for the goals. and because you did the homes for the thought that they would fit into the store them based on the video. so that works here when you want me to start, blow up the eclipse without somebody about the claim over here, there's a solution of serious nobody calls my wish. previous to bowsman, you sound behind you? yeah, i'm glad you agree with me. we just the way i wish to that because we were just as few as long or the customer who you know, can review this correct for us to a soho who? intrusive? most of things
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what about missing? do you want to do that because you missed the frontier? was somebody it was before you know what the originally but i also the number echo long at the core was more since just just the you get to create a motion for the people can do it. this i'm going to throw it in. yeah. that's a the shape long is that go with as to waco was at the scratch co within the square foot length, but this was the customer for one that's sold and the push focus q a senior meeting
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the key and just to assure sure there is just read this before and i don't to shake or cute the house also such as the for what's the story slash like our national just for prior to that. so those are and just to split a chest. that's very strange. like a kid named is a separate in the industry up as well. yes. and the 1000 the finals flush the toilet this morning. this tiles
4:55 am
good. those ladies shamia ste. yeah. came on board with a former ship. i shall not ship to that question. you probably just push for the just a finding last one. i had an issue with a capital and is it ask somebody to purchase the rates are doing the shirts, the shirts, a career livingston vision, what's the size of which we can we should have a sunroof buckner for me. and i have nationwide nationwide would actually be a different starting the shipper when they're gonna show single appointment . sure, so there is a whole day. see if we're changing that fucking name, cindy, me, speckled on the me. when you pick this thing is that,
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don't you with the prisoner shane shim, s d, u, d t o w x? do you do this because people come but they mean usually, you know, do you do anything different than the user story, dvd, you can change that of course, kind of the way to do so let me know you called name is h b, e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical, it would be a pretty good. do you need me to do what he gives you to pretty, pretty sepia
4:57 am
the see would you which do supposedly did you meet with the sensor? but then most, i'm gonna keep it at norfolk, but i mean, that's a really loud noise. the media circulation for the detail for the speech. it's you lose reason with the money to the kitchen, the time it's the groups and you know employees the land
4:58 am
is that possible use of the stuff it's nab. yeah. it is nice. we here you mean? yeah yeah. sure. as simple as
4:59 am
a chat is good. the the the
5:00 am
the the the depaula sent in slum, the reported suspension of funding by nearly a dozen western countries to the un relief and works agency coming after israel claimed some of the organizations stuff were involved in the october 7th terrorist attack. the international court of justice, orders that nothing yahoo government to prevent a genocide and gaza speaking exclusively to our, to the palestinian, impossible to turkey said only the international community come forces. really just all that's a soul indicator suggest that israel will continue the suppression. but this requires the international community to take responsibility and extra maximum


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