tv The Modus Operandi RT January 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST
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the on tv and the 3rd is non disclosure agreements. image in order to work the campaign or work for government award for corporation. they make you sign the agreement that says, even if the government or my company breaks the law, i cannot disclose it. and if i do disclose, usually like given these other gentlemen so, so that's the secret governance. well, professor pastries, who are painting a very oppressive picture for all of us. but i think there was a one very uplifting message in our discussion. and it is that democracy, true democracy of stars within yourself, within your own family, within your own community. the way how you are treating life in general. this is a matter of personal conscience that no secret service can control. and i think this is a great freedom that all of us have. thank you very much for being with us today. and thank you for watching culture, sir. again on walter part, the
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the, or the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the hello, i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. and american journalist dies and ukrainian custody because only crime was critical reporting that didn't align with the war time propaganda coming from his home country. this week we'll delve into the diplomatic failures that led to gonzalez. myra's death at the hands of an american vassal state. and the bias behind which american life is worth saving. all right,
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let's get into the m o the . it wasn't his 1st run in with the law in crane, but because all aware of seemed to know that this last arrest would somehow be different. potentially, even leading to his demise, as he mused on his youtube channel. now, some called him a youtube or others, a journalist or writer, because all we're a war many hats. and he often lives much of his day in front of a webcam appearing as a guest or pundit on matters of geo politics expressing his thoughts on this or that. and often just sharing what real life was actually like for an ex pat in ukraine. so when the special military operation was launched and americans were deluged with david and goliath stories, gonzalo, we're often refuted,
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those claims dismantling the praise heaped upon ukraine as a beacon of democracy with his brave young president. for the mirror, zalinski, the s b u began knocking on his car keep apartment door. they paid him many visits and carted him off to jail several times. now, when the weather became more amenable in summer of 2023, we were decided it was time to head to hungary so that he might escape the prediction he made for himself in a social media post a video. he said he was within a few miles of the border, but this could be the most treacherous part. he said, watch, you have to recognize when you have actual control over some situation. and when that control is beyond you, and there is absolutely nothing that you can do me, nothing that you can do except move forward. so either i will cross the border into
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hungry in the next couple of hours. or i will be arrested again. and god knows what will happen to me. so if i post again here on the video and on twitter, then you know that i made it. and if i don't, then you know that i didn't, and i would ask you humbly that if you don't hear from me again, anybody and everybody was watching this video. please written that raise a ruckus, raise a fuss. because ultimately, you know, as you can see in the indictment that i posted on twitter of all of the pages are there, you can read it for yourself and ukrainian. and in english,
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the charges against me are just because of my opinions about this conflict. i did no harm to anyone and they arrested me because they wanted to have they wanted to have on the night news a short little video of how they are fighting the propagandist. that's it. that's why they arrest them. mm hm. big stores and stuff that i discussed that happened later when they realized that i wasn't a porsche mark. but the start of the genesis of this whole situation is because i had an opinion that went against the narrative. and that's why i went to prison. and that's why if i'm arrested again,
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i will die in prison. so i ask you, please, as many people as possible, the american state department knows exactly who i am, the situation i am currently involved in. and they know the fates that awaits me. they know it the you know, the, i'm not saying that the that i, i forget the wording. exactly. you know, i'm a little stressed out as you can imagine. but now that saying that the people are fundamentally good but for evil to clients. all you need is the indifference of good people. please don't, don't be indifferent to my fate. i ask you this very humbly. please recognize the of the well,
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the literal desk that awaits me. if this is, it doesn't work out understand what's going on. now that video proved to be his last, he was scooped up by the s b u before he could reach hungry. and in about 9 months, gonzalo was dead on social media, and many people around the world expressed their outrage, their sadness, their shock and horror. upon hearing this news being confirmed by his father gonzalo vera senior, joining us to discuss this and the diplomatic failure of the bite in administration to save an american citizen is daniel mc, adams. he is the executive director of the wrong paul institute and co host of the one paul liberty report. he also spent many years working on capital hill scale. thanks so much for being with us. uh so 1st the death of gonzalez,
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we are out was definitely sad news, but at least for me it wasn't a surprise. i mean, it seems like the writing was on the wall for him and it wasn't a surprise to you. i mean the death itself, but perhaps more surprising what little the white house did to help free him if any effort at all. i mean not joe biden and not tony blinking. how did a us citizen get left to die? and what we can only imagine was our ukrainian go log for yeah, i mean, part of me, manila was surprised. shouldn't be surprised. but i wouldn't have thought that the by the administration would be so brazen. in completely ignoring the plight of an american, he had a pretty big following on the internet. a lot of people were tuning into his shows . i mean, he was extraordinarily valuable because he was an american on the ground telling us things as he saw them at
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a time when not many journalists over on the ground in that area. but that also made him a huge danger. because as you point out entry introduction, he challenge the narratives of divided ministration was relying on of a plucky little ukrainian democracy, defending our values against the, the hordes of russians invading ukraine. ah, so he challenges that and was dangerous. i didn't think to be honest. so that the administration wouldn't let it go as far as it did, because it is clearly a black eye on this administration. now, how comparable is gonzalo story to that of join assigned? i mean, many people, including his wife, stella, have described julian's case as murder in slow motion. are the 2 cases comparable? and i think they are comparable in one sense. and i have the state to say this, but gonzalo layer is an american citizen,
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was an american citizen. he was born in california. i think some people would like to discount that because his name sounded more according to his south american heritage. he was an american, he was held in a country that was funded, armed, trained, and, and what's essentially a puppet of the united states. therefore the us government had a legal responsibility, not necessarily to spring him from jail. although the, the offences for which she was arrested are quote, justifying the russian invasion of ukraine, which the rest of us would just say, basically free speech. she saw things differently and was arrested for that. the case is different though than say for example, he was just a petty shoplifter and he picked up some things in a car coff department store that he didn't pay for. well, the state department would have an obligation to represent him, but not necessarily to spring him. this was a very different cases was
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a political case. and the fact is they did nothing to help him. yeah. and, and like you said, you create a supposed to be a us ally, that we can go as far as saying a vassal state at this point. if all it would have taken was one stern phone call from biden, or blinking to zalinski to free gonzalo, why didn't they do it? i mean, compared to all the hoops that they jumps through to free the w, n. b, a star, brittany griner. that pun, is intended from russia, where she was actually found guilty of drug charges. and she was, of course, the, the lesbian, african american olympic gold medalist athlete who checks all those diversity boxes, score and lots of points with the bite and bass in an election year. you know, coming up in the us, mainstream media, of course, all over that story, diplomatically the by the administration twisted themselves into not to free her trading her for victor boot,
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all the people that instant miss russian arms dealer who the media called the merchant of death i mean, nicholas cage even played a character inspired by boot and lord of war. if boot was so dangerous, so notorious. why trade him for a basketball player, but not even bother to send the nasty graham to ukraine about gonzalo as well? because like joining us onto, you mentioned earlier, gonzalo layer a told the truth, he told uncomfortable truths for the us government, which is the rhetoric does not match the reality, whether it's in the or to liberate iraq or the war to liberate ukraine. both of them saw on the ground and saw from their source is something that contradicted the sources. and i would say probably, i'm certainly blinking new about about gonzalo there are, but i would say probably the person with their fingers on the pulse or the trigger depending on how you look at it, wouldn't be victorian knew. and no doubt,
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she's watching it like a hawk. she knew gonzalo was there. gonzalez, father emailed the state department constantly. i heard from from, from several people every week, every couple of days. what are you going to do for my son? how are you going to help my so they knew what was happening. the fact is people liked victoria knew and then victoria herself wanted him dead. and now he's dead. yeah, he was definitely like julius on inconvenient to the state and the narratives to manufacturer consent for, for war time and time again. we see this the story line. don't go anywhere, daniel. i got a lot more questions for you. coming up next. we'll get into diplomatic precedence in standard operating procedure. when americans get locked up abroad, we'll discuss it when we return with daniel mc. adams to type the m. o will be right back. the
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all
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sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz phone, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say it would twist? which is the welcome back to the m. o i manila chant, hollywood, a listers like clear danes have depicted harrowing stories of an american being
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locked up abroad unjustly. and the consternation that it creates for washington. but is this true in real life that you'll make, adams the executive director of the wrong paul institute is back with us. thanks so much for sticking around, daniel. so well, let's go to this whole hollywood topic. i can think of the case of laura ling, a journalist working for the now defunct current t, v al gore's brief media venture. she's the younger sister of journalist lisa ling, who at the time in 2009 was a special correspondent for the oprah winfrey show. so these 2 women are well connected to say the least. so after a 140 day captivity in north korea, we saw bill clinton himself, fly into pyongyang to rescue laura ling and una lee. another american journalist,
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captured with lane was wings life more worthy of savings and gonzalez as well. we're in a depressing era. manila, where everything has now been politicized. you know, and this was one of the triumphs of, of the soviet leadership in, in eastern europe and the soviet union were even your personal and interpersonal relationships were politicized. we certainly have the politicization of justice here in the united states, someone like gonzalgo lira who told uncomfortable truths, what's to be ignored in blacklisted. whereas somebody a, as in the case you mentioned who could give a black guide to north korea? well, that's a unique opportunity, you know it's, it's something to be taken advantage of. and so all of the animals in the barn are not equal manila. i think unfortunately, any gonzalo lira sadly found that out both of them. both of these were, were practicing journalism. but one of them was doing the right kind of journalism
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and one was doing the wrong kind of journalism. and that's why he died sadly in a cold dungeon. yeah, and i think it's really worth mentioning, highlighting the fact that, you know, she's a link right. she's one of the link sisters who and they're connected to oprah, you're connected to our gore who is directly connected to the former president of the united states. you work for, you know, you work for these people. right. and. and the narrative of the north koreans and what have you, it just all worked out really well in, in a ms. ling's favor, obviously, to have bill clinton literally fly in and, and rescue you after a 140 days. i mean, i'm not, you know, disparaging or downplaying what they experience, but it's worth pointing out that these are people that are elite themselves. right? absolutely, in gonzalo wasn't, and in fact, you know, you have the situation. what is a journalist nowadays, you know, the, the mainstream media of course,
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would like us to think that only they are qualified to be journalists. but you know, american confidence in the mainstream media is that an all time low? so you have citizen journalist like gonzalo lira and many others who are reporting from on the ground and giving us troops. of course, we mentioned this onto earlier in his entire operation or about people telling us the truth that they were seeing and witnessing with their own eyes is what journalism used to be. but nowadays, that can be inconvenient for governments like us governmental runs against generic . yeah, and so they are a little bit about your background. you worked as a staff for on the hill for many years in those years. i am willing to bet that there was a story or 2 of americans getting in trouble abroad. i mean, we're kind of rabble rousers looks troublemakers when we go abroad. so some names, i'm sure we've never heard of senators house members of those people from their home state have probably stepped in to apply pressure at state or perhaps the white
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house to free their constituent bring them home. gonzalez bureau was a california native from burbank. i mean, this hits close to home. oh, literally for the both of us both be in california. native gavin newsome is the governor and adam shift the what are the cheap right cheese. so cheap, but that works to cheese. russia gate. uh uh, people that were propelling the story. this hoax out of a chef. he represents burbank, not a peep out of them. what's with this? inconsistency of support from even the local side, the local state representatives as well. of course, as you know, manila, it was adam shift himself. we saved us from the russians, and the russian influence in getting donald trump selected. that was a personal achievement of pretend himself. so the fact that gonzalo there is also
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pretends agent means that adam is not going to lift a finger for his constituents. maybe as you say, if you had come from an elite family that had donated a few $1000000.00 to his campaign, he might have seen things slightly differently. i'm being facetious, but of course, you know what the point is that someone like gonzalez lira living in car car is not well connect. like adam shift don't care if you make a noise on capitol hill. usually it's because there is some political benefit to be derive from making it. and remember, when jamal could show, can you was murdered? he was a journalist, a map look at the a look at the uproar in american elite journalism circles over the murder of him. nothing at all about gonzalo lira. so you have this to cheered system. where if you're in with the, with the group, it's politically in favor. well then you have a champion and if you're not, or you just die in silence. yeah, it was,
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it's very depressing because obviously the circumstances surrounding how gonzalo lira died and, and, and you actually wrote a, a piece about this for the wrong paul liberty report. i believe that you kind of really, you kind of stick it to joe biden. can you elaborate for us a little more about the circumstances surrounding his death? i mean, this has been, i mean, we talked about, we talked earlier about about julian assange, stella, his wife calling it murder in slow motion. this, this was, you know, a little faster than what we're seeing with us on, with a 9 months he was dead. can you explain a little bit of those circumstances and why you were so angered when you, when you heard that he passed as well. he had detailed before he was arrested on the border of hungary. he a detailed the torture that he underwent in a previous incarceration in ukraine. all the things that they did to him, he alleged, and i believe that they were true,
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are horrific and are hard to watch. that's put it that way. so you can only imagine what it was like when they say, when they nab him on the border. you said, why didn't you sneak over? well, people might not understand, but there are a lot of us that come, gary is on the border between ukraine and hungary. and ukrainian government has a taste for nagging them and putting them on the front lines disproportionate to the percentage of the population. so my guess is it was very well guarded when they picked him up, trying to escape that probably angered them because he could have made a single political thing, hadn't gotten away. so one can only imagine the circumstances of his, of his incarceration. the ultimately died of double pneumonia is longer had collapsed. so he was literally fighting for breath for the last month or so at least and finally collapsed and died. that's just so grand and an awful. and lastly, the death of an american. it lisa used to be a very serious issue,
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but will the death of gonzalo era would cause perhaps you think this being an election year will a cause? any law makers here in washington to reconsider the funding in ukraine as it should? and i would hope that it would, i would have been public and it's more opposed to the somebody i hope that are posted on principle rather than just so political points against biden. and if any of them are they should, they should take up the cause they should say, look, this is the kind of government. this has been kind of regime we're going to be funding. i would hope people, luxury vance and marjorie taylor green and a few others have i think, been pretty honest and pretty upfront about this. this is a perfect example. this is something low hanging fruit for them to cling on to, to uh, to oppose further funding for ukraine. and diego, tell me if i'm just kind of high in the sky or being idealistic. but i mean, i'm the child of immigrants, right. i'm the 1st american born in my family and it was always my belief and my
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understanding that this country kind of goes abides by the rule of leave, no man behind or woman or, or they are. i don't know what climate we're in right now in 2024, but leave no man behind. right. but that doesn't appear to be the case of we're not treating everybody equally. when an american has locked up abroad with no diplomatic effort is even put forth. i mean, doesn't that raise any red flags to our civilian population to say, hey, something is wrong here. i'm going to be afraid to travel now, because of something happens to me. this administration's not going to help me. you will make your generous donation to the button to administer the before you take that trip abroad and you should be just fine. send a nice little of know to add them ship and you'll be just what yeah, that's kind of sounds like where, where we're at and it's just you gotta make sure you donate to your local
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politician before you go abroad to ensure that god forbid anything happen. that you're taking care of what a democracy were and what a time to be alive. daniel mcadams. thank you so much for being with us. daniel mcadams is, of course the executive director at the wrong. paul institute, you can learn more about their work at the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity by going to ron paul institute, dot com. so unfortunately gotta leave it right there. thank you so much for your time and insight. explain that. so as you can see in the us, the land that purports to be the greatest democracy on earth and claims to value the lives of its citizens. claims to protect its nationals abroad. failed gonzalo lira. he paid the ultimate price, he paid with his life for the crime of critical journalism. and i don't know mean
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tweets about joe biden. i send my deepest condolences to his family to that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that digs deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host middle of chan. thank you so much for tuning and we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o, the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in the
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