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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 29, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EST

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scenario we will return and correct the mistakes and the tragedies of the agreement . we will have joyce solvency between the river and the sea so that they will not destroy israel so that it will not be able to continue with you up in america. that's the program. the main problem would be, uh, airbags and guys have had bad. there's so many of them or that they would be a problem with the box. they probably want to kill us to have to go. they cannot be next to us, as you can see behind me, there is a map of gaza with the names of the new settlements that they plan on building and gauze. if the people here get their way, a lot of people who are trying to raise money, people are heading out paper, works out of propaganda. are handing out sheets like this, show israel, committing suicide by nurturing is really our was, it doesn't even say palestinians. it says is really arabs on the bottom. it says that you need to transfer be hours outside of israel as they were changing transfer inside on the other side of the seats are handing out our beautiful community and listening for references that god gave the land. the visuals to the jewish people
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and not to gentiles. if these people get their way, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble with the state of israel. this is why the reporting live from jerusalem. you are still thirty's, a concern to the account, paying to isolate russia on the international sport landscape is phone turing us the latest assessments on the director of foreign intelligence service. and most of the o. c corresponded in mind. the h. r has more details for us. a statement from the russian intelligence service says that according to the information they have, the usa is now concerned that it's n c. russia campaign that they've lost is now failing. national sports federations are increasingly changing their attitude towards this us sense of not admitting russian athletes, so competitions on top of that. the statement also emphasized that many global south countries are expressing interest in joining and taking part in competitions
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organized by russia this year. but the us is really dedicated to disrupt these upcoming events in russia, mainly put in its efforts on the world anti doping agency. and also specifically the agencies president who according to the statement, is interested in continuing his career after his term finishes in 2025. but also because he is openly pro american. and so this definitely will make things for washington much easier. they will be using this to fulfill their interest in the international sports arena. now another point, the statement has made was that this whole pro washington spends is really starting to irritate a lot more nations. because now this is making the world sports more interest driven, rather than about unifying nations. and so these nations are now starting to look
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into strengthening the world sports over into and the statements finally concluded that this path that the these nations are taking really just reflects the trend towards adjust. multi polar world is piece of about across talk. see my next discussing whether the reasons i see j rolling is a game changer from all of the rates as well as needs may. so he joined me again at the top of the yeah, thanks for watching the hello and welcome to the prospect bullhorn sign. people about here we discuss them, we'll newest pro, intents and purposes. israel has been indicted on the charge of genocide by the
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world's highest court. is this a game changer, as israel lost its long held impunity? also the establishment lothair campaign against donald trump continues. will americas democracy be destroyed in the process? and i'm joined by my usual guess george samuel way in budapest. he's a pod cast throughout the gaggle which can be found on youtube and locals in america. yes, we have martin jay. he is an award winning journalist. our gentleman cross type roles and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate it. all right, let's take it off of georgia in budapest. we've had a few days to digest the court's decision to bring genocide charges against israel, sponsored by south africa. and there's been a lot of talk about the significance of it, particularly since a ceasefire was an actually called for. however, given the 6 stipulations, it's all it is essentially is a call for a ceasefire. and since we've had a few days to digest, that nothing has really changed in terms of israel's behavior and gaza. george, your initial thoughts? well,
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i think those are my initial thoughts that's been of of no change in is well, what was striking was that within hours of the issuance of these provisional measures, israel announced over the u. n. w, a person now had been involved in the october the 7th attacked. the united states immediately echoed this is a yes, yes, yes, the, this is this a shopping or if it and said we're not funding in the you and out of the way any more. and now a number of other countries, the usual suspects, buquet, australia, canada, the stairwell widow, widowed funding in the subject has been changed. and that was the thing you know where whitney it was. what was an interesting question? what was his role going to do to change the subject? well, this was, this was it. and if you look at the, uh, you know, of the media now, never that talking about the so the, so really good are you an agency involved in an old attack business or a terrible of the west and media coverage has also been minimal given that this is
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a hit historic rolling, i mean video and many people saw that that was cool, but just give it a pass and but this is quite serious. and the majority is was so overwhelming with is really judge width and his realtor. and he's ready to judge a vote for some of the provisional measures. so you'll have to say that this with, this is a historic rolling, a very damaging to israel. and so it shows that it's a public reputation. and israel, it is of allies of done exactly what you would expect. they've changed the subject . well, you know, martin, the, the, the claims against the under uh, officials, employees collaborating with a mazda and junior on october 7th. the, these are alleged from entered interviews slash pop possibly towards or
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a mouse spiders or people that have left gaza on that day. so that's, that follow up as a very, um, isn't often mentioned if at all where they got this information from. this is very much in line with the eye witnesses of systematic rape. so we need to learn more about it. but george is absolutely right to insult to injury. now we're just going to cut all of the funding here. this adds to the intentionality of what these proceedings are all about, you know, the intent to commit genocide and then you cut off the aid here. so another city is a significant thing for me, is that the name of the court decided that it has jurisdiction, which is extremely important in this case here. martin, your thoughts unless they were disappointed in the case i said of their own, i thought it'd be searched and is a deal breaker. you could say it is a new break on many levels. it will have impact and around the world on how we live
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. it conflicts and how we judge even america, whether we believe that an international criminal code in itself. but we specifically talk about his role. i'm not sure it will be a deal breaker. no. so it will, that will be a huge amount of impact. i mean the would genocide will specifically not used in the judgments. i think america will seize on this, and i think we can expect a veto united nations security council. and again, the coming days. and you know, well that will be other students in the line to direct media away from this case to try and diffuse its try and put it far away as possible. you know, many media i was supposed to be motion to them and in israel will be saying, you know, we need the, it'll take time, but this will post, but i'm not sure it will in, in terms of israel's reputation around the world. and we talk about amazing trade, you know, how is this, we're going to actually continue trading with countries within this hangover. it do other countries now take the initiative of using this as bases for more legal cases
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independently island? perhaps? no. you're right. the other talked about this in the past, you know, countries like person who have supplied these way. this was a ministry could, but i'll, we now implicit in this, you know, there's a lot of questions thing. so i'm a big martin. i think that's the key here. and go back to george here. the complicity. i think i think that all of us agree that is we obviously israel's is going to ignore this and you know south africa is l. a. moss as lawyer in south africa is anti submit the usual smears that doesn't impress anybody any more. but, you know, the u. k. the united states, you know, aiding and abetting, openly, eating a bedding in which is at least at the very least in directly countering what the court has demanded of israel. so, you know, the, the, the stench of genocide is, goes far afield in the united states is going to feel that and it's turning into domestic issue as well. i think it is a very big deal. i think it's
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a game changer. many, many ways the country in the 21st century that is being charged by the highest cords in the world of genocide is israel. that in itself is a game changer. george. i agree. i think that that part of it is a game changer because the genocide convention came into being precise in response to what was done to the jews in world war 2. and then for the israel, then to be from, as i said, not my guilty of genocide, but nonetheless, i mean, it was, there was enough that which is what the judges said. there is enough going on and off what, what a strength of a south africa has said that just to persuade us that israel needs to cease and desist from genocide all acts of more and more serious. that is really officials who make remarks that can be seen to be a, you know, an incendiary and triggering of genocide must be held the account. they must be
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punished so that those are indeed big deals. and what, you know, you will, we already have the bite in ministration. so that is, so can place it in the, in israel is actions that it's, it's paying the price. i mean that you did it just, it just can't get out of it. and the polls suggest that among young people of the there's a majority who believes that is right, it is committing genocide. and that the, by the know ministration is it is, is helping israel to do this. and this is quite ex, extra order that these are vital supports is a sofa is a very minimum bike is going to pay a price, you know, no doubt. so, i mean, we're talking about this way to buy new things. oh, what would change the electronics will it be? it'll be about trump. i don't show that's gonna work because they bought this so. so there's a word for truly you know that you're gonna just, if it turn around is that what, what, what we wanna talk about that?
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let's just talk about truck. so i think it's, it is going to have at the very minimum a and major impact in the united states and all the more so george, that it's so many more things can happen between now and then. it looks very more and more likely that the conflict is it will expand into, into lebanon against has bought it, looking that way that a martin was press the into about that a few weeks ago. but looking at the region, martin, it's very interesting. it's in a way when you look at the chords provisional rulings on m and it is being justified in its actions because it is the signature of the, of the genocide convention. and it is doing everything and its power to stop it. and that's, you know, that's what human is doing. it's taking the lead in many ways. i know that western mean they're just terrace all this. again. i don't think the sticks anymore. i don't think people are going along with it, particularly when you can watch things in real time. so there's a lot,
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a lot of moving pieces here, but there's much, there's, um, uh, these provisional decisions here. the impact is going to have with the shape all over the place martin? yeah. and you can say the west of media trying to do is to attempt to reduce the impacts, you know, as, as best they can the reference to an are always interesting. um i worked with and was quite a bit a little bit on independence, didn't refugee camps and the i to the implicit somehow in this hotel. this is preposterous abstract, preposterous. you know, i mean there's a link to late to the age range where these might have found, you know, is, is probably very, very tenuous of rodriguez. but the timing of it isn't state isn't that, you know, i'm the, i'm sorry, i'm on you. do you think we're ever going to be presented with facts? i mean school brands like facts meets the record, interview relates to the, to the claim is a, that's all that is necessary. that's all this necessary. and all you have to do is look at the bbc coverage, you know, shamefully. they have an 8 minute report on this uh, new uh, uh,
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vacation. let me run a couple of minutes on the, on the, on the, i should do ruling. so that gives you that gives you the, you know, i mean there was a lot of to in crime from people in the u. k. about the, an on social meet is that gives you an idea also, you know, where we're going with this. but again, you know, it's interesting the, the, the impact on social media is extraordinary. social media is laser as well. so this is what it means to be around the world. uh, really turning in and being thrown off about this and actually seeing the site insights for what they all um but i, i have a feeling that some, you know, this is business. we're going to see a lot more of this. and um, as well as digging itself deep uh, deep uh, deep into a hole with i've set at the beginning of the, of the conflict from the, from october the 7th. i've written when this is over, i don't think so israel that we know today will exist. i think a new israel will have to match. and what's an interesting thought, martin? because george how israel will change it's. it's a, it's,
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it's open right now because there's so many possibilities of this conflict the way it will move in one direction or another. but it will be held the relationship to the united states as with israel and how the world sees that relationship, i think that's really key. george, it is key. and the problem is that the israel is going to have, is that it will not succeed in this enterprise the whole and was which is to destroy commas. so therefore, this was the risk that killing this total destruction this, you know, which again, you know, it's in the i, c, j, rolling the list, all the terrible things that have been done. they will be from the not a cheese anything. and then it's hot to see how we can just sort of pretend that well, this regular fine, well, we'll just move um go down to the next uh, negotiation. oh, you know, well, we are fine. we'll have one a, b,
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b anymore. we'll have somebody else. and then, you know, we'll, we'll have a next base plan and the next, the that, that, the, i think the judge you, right, that's going to be the next version that it with, if you get rid of b b then and read it, it's, it's a game changer, you know? no, it won't be, he'll be whatsoever. okay. it'll be just ways to distract from what we've been watching the play out on the rocks. 10 seconds martin before we go to the break, i have to disagree. i think a, b, b goes the thing though it generates a whole new debate space and within this route and around the world as to what the steps israel could take before accepting the american plan off having a 2 state solution which is governed by i don't see anybody in is rarely leadership willing to accept that or a gentleman. i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on somebody. i'm going to stay with our to the
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the, the welcome back to ground stocks bullhorn time peter a little to remind you were discussing some real news. okay, george, i want to go to you kind of a variation on a theme. what way we talked about with the, the, the genocide case against israel and establishment and the establishment in the united states is a really rubbing up the bi engineer to the rail. donald trump's um presidential bid, but through law fair, not through the ballot box, it's all it is. it's lost there. and we have this defamation case became too absurd on the face of it. i don't want to go into the details. i don't want to waste our time on it, but you know, a punitive, a cost that is going to be made to make making from pay. uh,
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but it was an 80 to a $1000000.00 or something like that or. okay. i mean, and, you know, we went through this before, but this is just the beginning that this is the 1st domino to go dark. it is the because as we were discussing in the, in the 1st of the, the, by the ministration is a historic lows. i mean it's, it's, it's, or is poll numbers that just pick it up through the flow it's, it's worth it. and clearly it only has one strategy, which is, let's make the selection of about donald trump. preferably if we can just simply get rid of the middle 111 way or another, we can just take him off of the about. but what just, what am i present? let's easy was even better 10. so this was the oh and, and plus we have newton, they have nikki haley in the, in the wings right here in the wings. so now you have this up simply upset, upset,
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upset this extra busy. you know, this, all this, the mentally deranged woman making up stories. she didn't, and somebody has something or other happened. so 2 years ago, she doesn't know when that happens. she didn't report it up a time or anything else. and now i think, you know me will be next week, but suddenly in, in the coming days, uh, new york state will deem that uh, the trump organization created a commit to fraud and will hit him with something like a $400000000.00 fine. again, with, with the goal of bankrupting and so he doesn't have any, any cash at all. and then of course we have all of the criminal cases go low. that's a full criminal cases. that's a little being brought up. this is really a, quite a, quite extraordinary heavies it's, it's never happened in any, in a democratic state that you were you bringing in full list against the one bus,
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a particular bus. it was the leading political opponents. and this is a just a reflection of just how desperate the situation of the political establishment is the best formula. well, let's just simply call trump a fascist, and the races will be done with that and will win the election. they know that isn't gonna work. so if you really have to go into some rock stuff about the rest of yeah, i mean, and i think everything is on the table, i think everybody knows what i mean to. but what, martin, this is the most fundamentally anti democratic approach you could ever imagine. ok, they are they, in the name of democracy, there's some burning democracy. i think there should be a trial. i think there should be a jerry, it's called the american people and the ballot. that's where you have the trial in public with paper ballots. so blake, go ahead. mark, with the problem with the polls are indicating the which is that less fewer and fewer americans now have confidence in the whole system. and what we actually build
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the formula in the recent polls set as much as 18 percent of i just wouldn't bother setting up to vote. and neither candidate might be too worried about that. but them for the button attempts to put all the rigs and my boss, and apparently, you know, all jubilance the trump is not going to be the candidates. i find that old. but for them to do that, i think that puts them on a losing strategy because this form in the george mentioned, you know, it's how do you sum it up. it's, we go to the polls and we've done site for outcomes that we vote for a process flow to else. the other concepts, you know, and it started to be arguably within a re, trump. and that wasn't the turning point. and the american pumps that for me, but now we continue the same same. and a lot of people who look in effect for trump this time, i think would be swing voters who, what type of of bond and who, who may have traditional vote in the democratic kinds of things as a number of key states. what button is going to lose because you've lost the jewish
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load. he's lost the, the most in both. he's lost a young person's hubs. and now he thinks the way to do this is to put everything into a blank for it. so he's gone for the breakfast, you know, and he started off in south carolina where all incomplete waste installed and the 1st time round. but when we talk about getting gnostic, you know, um, on the trump side, he's got so much more a now to throw a bunch of data against hillary clinton and there's a whole list of things which we haven't got time to go to. but let's just go to the top one, the economy, you know, the applied by the no, no makes, i can't even say, you know, tell me how to, what is that what it means is, on paper we may be doing quite well with the economy. our lead to doing well, you know, mean, yes, it depends on yes. exam friends of the country club of buying themselves new jack. so you know, a new list yet. but that hasn't trickled down to trickle down effect. and this great economy hasn't worked on many, many americans humbled americans who don't understand too much about economics and
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politics. they decide about economics by gas pump prices and what they pay, the supermarket and biden's record on both of those is really bad. so he's got a real problems that, you know, but again, trump, every time we come on the show here, and we talk about some cases every single time without fail as popularity rises each time. and it's interesting, but now a, if you notice what his speech is, he is more and more referring now to the legal system to detect the district system in america. and i think that complaint, the more he gets hits, the more he takes to the podium and talks about how bad the legal system is and how much need there was an america for reform of the district. i think that resonates more and more more of what i think those resonate. george is that if they can do this, the donald trump, i think this is the subliminal message that people get if they can do it to him. you know, with law fair, they can do it to anyone. i mean don't,
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trump has deep pockets. ok. very key pockets compared to the average person, obviously. and, and i think this is what we so disturbing is a, you know, it's not even if you like trump or not, because i don't think that's part of the equation for the vast majority people we know who we is. that's what's most important. we know who we is. ok. he wasn't the dictator in office. he didn't do the things they did. they claim that he will do the returns. but this, this is these look, all 3 of us are basically intelligent people. but am i look at these cases, george? i scratch my head, i don't understand how they, what they're getting at. and i think that is, that's what with people, that's what people are taking on. this is just the con. i mean, this doesn't make any sense until it's got it. george sort of said money. it's about money. yeah. the last, right. and then when you think about this, if you go back to, let's say america 1984 in 1980. ringback all americans have a faith in this system that they thought they, well, yeah, we got the f, b i,
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we have a, c, i, a pentagon, they're all basically doing a good job. you know, they're all doing whatever they can in order to make america strong, advance a, a more successful. now, people don't believe that most seriously. the people don't believe it was the ones who used to be supporters of the of america, the american way of life. american governments, people with susie as likely voted for reagan in 1984. now believe that the system is reg, they believe that they prosecute the political opponents. that's a very dangerous situation to be in. and that's why i think trump is getting this residency spots attacking the state, you know, that they persecuting me. these are political hacks. well coming off the band, they want to send me to prison and, and people say, yeah, that's, that's it. that's who, that's what would the least f, b i is, and the problem life of buying lives at that. so that's the cost of for the black.
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so who we, we can get 90 to 95 percent of the black loads and you know, give hispanics and we'll get 75 percent of them. and that's uh, formula we, we will be re elected batteries and it'll work because trump is eating in to that black road because of the many blacks a yeah, that's what we've been saying all these years. yeah. but what specifically wondering what's, what's really interesting it, and i'm glad you go back to 1984 george, i think it's a good benchmark. i mean, back in 1984, the republicans where the party of the rich, the democrats with a party of the port that's but that's very simplistic, but i think it holds water. but martin, the republican party, it represents before the powerless and the, and that's be the, that's the attraction that trump has for them is that they have no power. and he has a lot of power and seeing if we can see what they're doing to him. we see an inversion here and, and it's not about race, it's about class at the end of the day, martin, but a nice movie folder, america have a significant amount of clout around the world,
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particularly in the middle east. and you know, to make the comparison today what i think though, to, as a beginning to recognize more and more but stupid comment, but made just before it was elected about saudi arabia being a prostate. how about it's really punching him on the os now because you know, what's the difference for next 80 for a now is the middle is particularly comforted, less out of the rapier and rushes together. now control international dust pump prices. and that's really gonna apply to investor really going to hit him very hard because, you know, it is that people will use that as a benchmark. but coming back to jump to, i mean, we do know who trump is. you know, we, we, he's pretty, is pretty on a mess here. i mean, he's really in your face, you know, you know how he operates much. but i think a lot of people in america a angry at the system and it's beginning to generate debates and took all levels about the system itself. and i think people may well if we, if we do the same same phone there again,
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people may well start lobbying and writing and chatting on social media about it's time that america have pops something like you're paying proportional representation model. because this, this tooth to, to this po, to rise model, which i don't, i don't know. i don't know, mark them far more pessimistic george. i mean, if, if it ever got down to that kind of debate, then the lead. so the say we don't need a lesson sydney said that that's where they will go, they'll, they'll, they'll say, you know, it's because of the, the, the drum bins and the in the mag and they destroyed democracy. so we'll just coordinate him. a hillary clinton is queen. note that there's more likely going that way. been changing the system that would actually enfranchised people. 30 seconds george. i think that's right. because um, you know, the sorts of things may happen in the next uh, 910 months. uh, maybe even to prevent them election from taking place. you know, the big stream service that's possible. yeah, it's fine. okay,
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awesome. now i'm really when you think of me, what is bible really care about? the bible cares about all of these wars and all these interventions. that's what he's been about throughout his career. he doesn't care much about domestic policy, but when he comes to ukraine, this route, that's what he kids most passionately about. i think the public sense is that it doesn't, you know, it doesn't care about policy that he keeps the border open, you know, you know, and, you know, george, he gets his own, his own war is uniquely own more. yeah, man. okay, so he'll go down in the history books, cried gentleman, that's all the time we i'm going to take my guess, americans and in budapest, and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time. remember prospect rolls, the
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the breaking news, hey, on, on the international. at least 3 people are killed and several injured in the latest do. crating and selling of don't buy panko. boyles, the in the us over the killing of 3 of the soldiers, by drones in the middle east. but president find themselves to explain what he's going to do about that. the number of attacks on american led forces in the region has exceeded 150 seconds. folks. hope of these attacks the direct message to the administration about the level of the middle east towards us policy . and we do as president also sales to explain how we go to deal with the texas with value and what else are sees or distorting ways of one of the stakes that.


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