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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, everything we've done has been designed to try to deescalate the extensions mixed messages from washington. now that falters on responding to the killing of 3 us troops in the middle east, while at the same time blaming and jumping off the rhetoric against the around. which denies any improvement. if i can send the court sentences, former prime minister and run counted 10 years in prison for leaking state secrets charges, he denies claiming that diplomatic cable is pointed to western, but the efforts the iced him from home and in the wake of the latest deadliest, really strikes and kills
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a 6 year old palestinian girl is trapped inside the car of her slain family under debris. the red present say's its last contact with a trial sent to rescue. this is a picture of the 6 year old go high and he remain trapped inside the vehicle trying to remain for hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuated from the area . surrounded by is ready. tanks the around the clock across the world. this is our to international. let's get in to our top story at 1 pm in moscow. despite leaving a route for the killing of 3 us soldiers and a girl, and strike in syria on sunday. washington now claims that it's actually trying to de escalate the situation that says the white house comes under a wave of criticism at home for taking no action to avenge its trips that we are not looking for
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a war with iraq. so you can in conflict with the regime in the military way. and as i said in the, in the opening, we're not, we're not looking to escalate here. everything we've done has been designed to try to deescalate those tensions. and for us, it has been crystal clear. we will respond decisively to any rush and we will hold responsible. the people who attacked our troops will do so at a time. and a place of our choosing. a lot of mentions about around, but the country itself has denied any involvement in the deadly tro and strikes that hit. an american, based on the syrian border with jordan, to runs on boston or to the united nations has blamed the us itself for provoking the attack. they say from a rocky mill, its infection. who did claim responsibility. there is no group affiliated with the islamic republic of iran's forces, whether in a rock,
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syria or elsewhere that operates directly or indirectly under the control of the islamic republic of iran or ex, on its behalf. therefore, the islamic republic of iran is not responsible for the actions of any individual or group within the region. furthermore, the actions undertaken by the united states in syria and the rock are illegal and violate both international law and the un chapa jo biden's, feeling the hates over the situation with the western media, calling it the worst crisis of his presidency and law. somebody. let's suggest the military response. there's caution the white house against giving in to pressure to attack around warning that the region is already quote on fire. but they're really and political analysts still academic side. bahama brown. the police washington cannot afford a full scale conflict with a rum or indeed any other country in the region. despite its impressions, the americans have created
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a vicious cycle for themselves because they are losing the war or they've lost the war. they think that by expanding the war, they can maybe find the path to victory. but that path doesn't exist. it's highly unlikely that the united states would try to carry out an attack on iran. the response would be devastating and the united states is not prepared for war with you run all the us spaces in the region would be targets. and all those regimes that hosts us space is, would be seen by iran, as hostile and their infrastructure, their critical infrastructure, the oil and gas installations would be devastated. the united states cannot afford the conflict with the wrong the united states can't afford to conflict with. yeah, mean, they can't afford to conflict with the rock. it's this is not the 19 ninety's empty anymore, even back then the united states cannot attack him on. that's why they made it. i found this on any rock, but today they're not in a position to even have
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a all out conflict with the i'm in the 40 rock. well, something surrounding the significance as well. it's being reveal that us forces apparently failed to intercept the deadly attack on it's a legally station base in syria due to an identification mix up the wall street journal cites us officials of seeing the militant drone approach, the base, the same time as an american one was returning calls and confusion over whether the 2nd u. a b was friendly or not. a former senior pentagon anomalous michael maloof told dar t washington his only creating problems instead of bringing solutions are seeking to at least in the middle east. we really need some adults in this room at the end and they're nowhere to be filed. and right now it's not looking good. i mean, when you have people like lindsey graham and, and, and other us senators calling for direct hits on to ron. you're on,
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what's the point? let you know what, what, what, what do you want to do? well, you, you, you want to create a, a conflagration that's going to be world wide without realizing the consequences. they say they're, they're not thinking. it's all irrational. and i think that this policy that we have right now we're remaining in iraq and then illegally in syria has got to change immediately. part of that part of that response, i think by the uh, she, a resistance in iraq was basically the send a message to the united states to get out. so we need to really evaluate our policies in those countries from here on because we're only creating greater turmoil. we're not deterring anything. we're for part of the problem, not the solution will so many elements that 2 developments in the region, the us, the rock, they recently held
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a 1st round of talks of by dod pushes from washington to come to the end. it's military presence in the gold state. however, when grilled by journalists of pentagon, represented of claim that withdrawal. no, not on the cards. you sent the patient to see meetings or the shaving. the withdrawal of us for to 0. is that because it's been mutually agreed upon with the government to discuss this issue, or is it because the u. s. is not willing to discuss this request? and the purpose of these meetings, it will be a rocky mountain for a full withdrawal. it came after a series of american attacks and arm groups and the country washington claims it was targeting militants linked to a run. all that despite a declaration, you may recall back in 2021 by the us saying that it's come about mission in iraq had come to an end. then around 2500 american troops still remain in the country.
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but we heard from the rocky parliament member sold outside the who stays the talks on winding don america's military presence and must become a cornerstone of any future negotiations between the congress, a gloss, an empty key for the us says the meetings will revolve around bilateral relations. the question is, how can that be a discussion about future iraqi american relations without addressing the issue of the american forces in iraq? what is happening is semantic and conceptual quibbling, through which washington aims to mislead american iraqi, in global public opinion. what's the purpose of this, and what is the strategic framework agreement between the rack of the united states? this is linguist to conceptual manipulation, to must be a legitimate presence of foreign forces, primarily american. how can we establish bilateral relations with the united states of america, which is accused of violating the rocky sovereignty by subsidizing abou mark de,
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i'll move on to this custom solely money. i made the ongoing operations against the right do not forget the occupation of iraq in 2003 broke disaster to erect on the peoples of the region. while the other region was unstable, which is not as bad as it is today. even said i am jose ins. invasion of iran, q rate supported by american as many documents show that for washington, but as primary and full responsibility for causing the tomorrow. unrest, instability, and provoking was in the region. i'm a washer on the phone. diamond and washington always up to escape some clouds, the issue which shows its reluctance to leave despite the repeated requests by a rock. we are engaged in a war of terms and the goods sticks with washington, alongside our political, financial, and economic struggle under fights against the legitimate foreign presence on the rocky soil. america selected desires to leave the rock, the appointments of can you emboss it,
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is not designed to end withdrawal negotiations, but rather to arrange a new and permanent american presence in the country. following the embarrassment caused by the strikes in iraq and syria, barton netanyahu of the repeated fairly is in the bottle of annihilation and gaza. the shifts in the balance of political, military, economic and financial pallets will negatively impacts americans presence, which is in a gradual decline and capacity. strengths results is dominance, uncontrolled. therefore, the u. s. claims to any excuse to stay, despite the transformations that are happening, even if there is no logical resemblance with reality on the grounds. even what happens in gauze originally, and relates to america's general vision, need to protect the existence of design estates and controlling areas or energy sources and certain countries in the region as possible. basic strategies. this is pushed washington to try to buy more times to absorb and contain iraqi strikes and tries to influence public opinion in the country. while embarrassing the rocky
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governments by discussing negotiations. i didn't want to cut a little island why that would be significant and immense investment and development opportunities a has. and before that, iraq will be liberated, along with restrictions imposed on the countries funds deposited in the federal reserve, binds unbutton on oil sales, will be listed. the national will and sovereign rights of a rack will also be freed, as well as its free thinking, which has been penetrated by american concepts terms, metaphors, perceptions and ideas with the dogs in southern gals that a young palestinian girl was left trumps. unimportant lee remains inside a car after was shot out by the idea of killing a number of her family members. the local red presence sent the team to rescue the 6 year olds. let's say contact has been lost with the medical unit. this
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is a picture of the 6 year old girl high and he remain trapped inside the vehicle, fight a pull and bloody occupation forces resulting in the mall to them. of everyone inside 6 individuals kind of remained for hours pleasing for our teams to read and evacuate. have from the area surrounded by is variety. tanks but also in southern guns. have these really military sites. it house destroy the symmetry of the mosque in the routing, out of some of the tunnel that we're in the city of can unit is the idea of doug a must of pits up the side of the stomach graveyard while leaving the mosque, which is durable phones were reportedly used to collapse the tunnels underneath israel, how to choose come us of using the location of cover, thereby depriving it of protection from the adf assaults, will display civilians fear that these really front invasion may soon completely engulf the entire strip. not moving to the southern most city of ruffled leaving no
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safe place in the and bottle. then to many refugees also say they have nowhere to return to their homes, have been destroyed by the idea as well as the much we fear that the military operation will extend and reach rafa because we escaped death from the underwear shelter center. in con you nice. unfortunately, there is no place i can take refuge because there is no empty place so that it has become impossible to find a tent. all those who are displaced took refuge in rafa. israel did not leave a safe place that it did not reach. they entered the shelter and con eunice, we left behind the dead and wounded there, and they deported us. i'm not sorry. what i see a most is the future and then known and will terrifies me most is when i go out to work in the morning and leave my daughters, i fear that i will return and not find them. i see that i would not be able to keep my daughter's will and safe. the war is continuing,
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and israel is continuing with its intention to invade or fall and displace woman to hoffman and people. if the war ends, i will no longer have a place because israel destroyed my house with its me south, up in the central gallon and the city of dirt all belong on this really striking monday, reportedly left at least 20 civilians killed dozens more trapped as well under the ruins of collapse, buildings, dramatic footage from the scene shows the devastating aftermath as local scramble to search for survivors and salvage anything they come from the debris of their destroyed homes. survivors say their heart broken by the killing of so many civil truck. we came and found the house destroyed. they were attacked by an f. 16 a no one survived. everyone was massive into the rubble because of the winter conditions. we cannot zoom the bodies young man and trying to dig with the hands to recover the bodies. now, after the court's decision, we expect to the severity of the ground, the tech on palestine would come even a little bit. but unfortunately,
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things are getting worse. these riley's are increasingly aggressive and are still killing and displacing the positive in people and get on. it is just a new and house owned by farmer store, hosting some of their displaced friends, the family on the 2nd floor of the house. they were, he'd buy something bigger than a me. so you could see was a bomb because it should the whole area. there were more than 40 people in the house. they have all be march or yesterday we recovered the bodies and today will continue takes you there remains the house of struck without warning or the the okay, now their big story of the day of pocket's done. court has sentenced. former prime minister, him run, come to 10 years in prison, after finding him guilty of leaking state secrets. mister kendall was austin from power in 2022, who's been in jail since last august on corruption charges charges. he repeatedly denied being involved in a local journalist and it's not about sex. spoke to me earlier on the case
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against a farmer 5 list uh at amazon. com that uh the he never returned and also showed document card the cipher origin by the den bikes, penny invested in washington to the funding office. and the letter had said that, uh, if the pakistani parliament does not uh, also the wrong time uh for as it prime needs to date it will be consequences. uh saw that this letter and the, the copy of this letter was uh, with the 5 mister the ron conn. and that, that's uh sensitive document is missing. and the court said that it went on. com is responsible for that. and it is on relation uh, fox 5, stupid ex, his lives. uh said that he was uh, confident to you as a smiling because he wasn't expecting on that. so he signed a message to his father was and he said that the you should concentrate on
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elections and you should go with a man, cool with math, cool and calm and must focus on the the working day. and you must come out from the your homes and in a large number about. and he said that a mess of are turned out. will you be a success? freddy's party. and the prop park spent according to the lot that they have to more forms. one is the high court, the slammer by the high court, his lives are 2 pending to be in the higher court. and if they appear to be had court and that the desired results are not to come out from behind court, then they have another form. the supreme court off bikes on which is the single and the largest court. so they have another for them for not being there. so today they said that they trust the parts tiny cords. and uh, that's just a realism in it. just as part of what i'm finding the
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right list for an attention to the self. forget deadly developments. there. 54 people, including 2 un peacekeepers helping killed scores more wounded after gunmen at talk to a village in the old rich region of a b. i, a territory claimed by both suit down a neighboring side suit on. the shooting spree was linked to a lum dispute between 2 tribes in the disputed area. the government were reportedly from the new word tribe. consider the 2nd largest ethnic group inside the united nations has condemned the balance that killed its peacekeepers from pakistan and gala. the secretary general conveys his deepest condolences to the government and people have gone off and practiced on and to the families of the deceased civilians . he condemns the violence and attacks against the peacekeeping force and calls on the government of south sudan and sudan to swiftly investigate the attacks with the assistance of the peacekeeping force, known as you next fall,
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and to bring the perpetrators to justice. he reminds all parties that a tax on you in peace keepers may constitute war crimes. a journalist from saddam told us that you or the rich region, it's long being played by violence, and the un mission has failed to bring stability the audience. the incident is out today and it says there was an incident area. it's gonna say in the oil and we, we can see this flash, it seems 2021. not a lot of people get angers more than 50 to the lives 50 to was being in the serious that injures those young people like borderline for a long time. this is, are your have, it's fine online in making the scan of the scanner mess. invest situation there. unfortunately, the reset of peacekeeping already from beginning already mastery, what's making there is no more secure. we see this for people frequencies from these. and also we, ne, a part ryan between soneta sciences and both country for some discipline teacher.
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while we know the security of said he's gonna freaking all the neighbors kind of recess today, need all of it are connected with into the each other. well, you're just always doing her best. they are going to vision, was people in there in the, for the ridiculous people for about i think if i could use key things, they think they do their best to saw this guy. you know, is it asian? and this is kind of anger between 2 fingers. to continue their job for a long time, but it's still, it's kind of this price and that according to the word that how things are going to be affected by the security. ok and update on a story we've been following close the for some time. scores of french farmers have block major highways again, leading to par us as they protest over a range of grievances despite several measures and launched by the government. now, industry workers in the biggest, the agricultural power hi say they're under paid and are being show by excessive
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regulations for the sake of the quote. reading agenda. farmers argue that a push by the government and retailers to bring done food. inflation has left many producers simply unable to cover high costs for energy, fertilizer and transport. a plum to phase only to tax break, for farmers all, and the use of diesel seals. that's also a bone of contention. some of the protesters, a part us, is throwing them under the bus. for february, we want to earn a decent living from our professional, say like what today agriculture is under attack from all sides. they claim that we pollute the environment, that we interfere with everyone. we are passionate about our work and do not forget that our role is to feed the whole of france and these we try to do this as best we can on, but we are constantly being put in the way money. and so we are not satisfied with many things, for example, about the notorious law in the field of agriculture and food, the wage issues and the import of products from other countries to france. normally,
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we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the road closures. but the government does not hear us in any other way, so we sometimes work 80 hours a week. and what is the result of our work is not appreciated. we carry a lot of administrative and mental burden. and most importantly, even if you want to create jobs, it's very, very difficult today because costs are constantly rising. we also heard the thoughts of an official for the french union of independent police officers who said, fellow, you state some brussels itself, well, they need to pay more attention to the struggle. farmers in the block spread basket, a feel have to be irreparably not heaved to believe that a couple of promises made by the government will be able to solve the deep problem faced by the world of agriculture. in a few days. in addition, there is no franco french solution. it is mandatory to enter into negotiations at the european level to some extent. and here there is a risk of getting into
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a dead end. and when we talk about a deadlock, then at some point there is a radicalization of social movements that these radical groups joined in joining the protesting farmers. and many law enforcement unions of finally realizing the law enforcement agencies can no longer be allowed to serve as a regulator of public protests in crisis conditions which have been continuously replacing each other since 2018 clashes between law enforcement officers and protest as i'm not excluded. and what we ask, and what we very much want is that there be no violent clashes and that a political solution be found as soon as possible. but we also have no illusions because if you're up does not respond to francis demands, then we will find ourselves in a dead end situation. and we risk eventually coming to this. this resentment of farmers is explained by the free competition in the international arena. due to which we import products to funds from countries where the workforce is less
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trained and receives lower wages than an e u countries. ukraine springs to mind here which has come to the fore again because we import incredible volumes of ukrainian poetry produced at low cost and in very deplorable conditions. but besides ukraine, there are also south american european and african markets, where we buy products at a much lower cost. so the problems of french farm is, are exactly the same as in other e u countries. but the level of wages and expectations from the quality of products completely different. we, europeans have imposed strict rules on ourselves in the field of environmental but section. but at the same time, we import products produced without any restrictions. now the ukraine conflict, it's been increasingly spelling over into formerly peaceful parts of russia, civilians in the belgrade region recently came under
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a fresh wave of deadly showing by keeps trips, ortiz shape it was, is in the border area and follow this, this report. so people have found a lot of suffered so much in the last 2 years from indiscriminate. shelly shillings bombings and drone attacks, the people of the city attempting to get on with their lives. because here the, there is a shrine that has grown at the city symbol, if you like, the symbol of belgrade, which itself has suffered shrapnel damage from it to set munitions. we believe that landed here on the 3rd of december. sadly, given the indiscriminate nature of the attacks on the weapons used, it's for the civilians to pay the highest price. on december 30th, $24.00 people were killed including 3 young children, hundreds were injured. there's absolutely no military infrastructure anywhere near the sites. just ordinary people going about the business,
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their crime purely being russian. that'd be close enough to the ukrainian border to be reachable targets for this indiscriminate artillery norton peters are much in this is a terrible tragedy for the people of belgrade or we grieve together for the children and their parents who did not celebrate new years eve. this was a terrorist attack by ukraine. they knew exactly what they were doing, which every one was in a festive mood, shopping and buying presents. and then this terrible tragedy occurred. so of course, a city that's evolving to face the reality of almost daily random artillery strikes and attacks has to of all the has to protect its citizens and its buildings like this large shopping center started doing that with the city of the director. these huge concrete barriers to give protection to civilians in the event of a strike with the sirens happened to start the cobra yoke. on the 30th of december, when we heard the explosions, there was one incredibly loud bang. my husband and i realized that a rocket had hit the house is next to us. there was black smoke all around the
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buildings. opposite were hit, windows were shattered, and bodies were lying in the street. everyone was in a state of shock and it was hard to sleep at night. so one of the terrible realities alive though in belgrade in the city center and all over the region, is that people have to have access to the shelters. but as you can see, audrey citizens here in belgrade going around their daily visits for me. civilians have to be close to these structures which have been erected by the government at every vote. stuff in the region. only 35 kilometers south of the city of belgrade. lies the smaller town of should beckon because of shit, beck, and was closeness to the ukrainian border. it is suffered terribly under a continual around them ukrainian artillery strikes on a rock and attacks on the civilian population. well, we've turned to ship back, you know, a small town very, very close to the cranium. border calls is only kilometers away, but the border itself is very close by. we were here
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a year ago. we're building like this one we're being shelled heavily by ukrainian forces. so as you can see, the shelling from the ukrainian forces has caused significant damage, not to military infrastructure, but to ordinary civilian homes. this building was shattered by rocket, far from the ukrainian side of the boar, and the people had to flee towards belgrade and we covered that last year. but the people are slowly coming back with an air of determination to claim the homes on their lives. here to back you know, portion of it in the life here is not that hard now, but it's scary at night. sometimes we're used to it. and after the shelling of the city in the summer, everyone went away. when we came back, it was scary at 1st, but now we are used to it. well, it seems that the darkest of times can bring out the best and many of us, we certainly met one of the best at bell garage, regional children's hospital. a young russian surgeon who struggled and succeeded
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in saving the lives of many of the children who are terribly injured during the december 30th, attacked by mutual funds. and on that day around 20 children with blast injuries and shrapnel wounds were brought to us. we treated the children, some of whom were later transported to federal clinics. it's difficult to be aware of what these children have suffered. our job is to treat them regardless of whether they come in with a cold or with an injury. all children must to be treated ukrainian military's random attacks on should back in no civilian infrastructure, have been devastating. many houses, home shops, and public buildings have been destroyed, but the people of the town are determined to take their lives back. in many cases, improving the homes that they are rebuilding. we spoke to some of the people driving the project forward will apply these new solution to load bearing structure of the building was damaged and the shelling we have rebuilt the whole structure of the building, as well as the water gas and electricity supply systems. we are currently finishing
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the furnishing works on the damaged flats. the work is almost complete. the building came under attack in the summer. soon after it was safe, we began reconstruction works. thank god, no one living here was hurt, the reconstruction works or paid for using budget funds. the people do not have to pay for anything. so as you can see, ordinary lives continue in extraordinary circumstances. despite the threat of ongoing drone attacks, miss tyler tex artillery shells fully, people continue their lives, they go to the library, they go to the shop, they educate their kids, and they move about very carefully. and this new reality, which is dawned in belgrade, particularly in the order settlements like here and ship back, you know, their bravery under determination to rebuild their lives and continue here is absolutely remarkable. and it's something to behold, tables for or t, it should back in a builder of a story of truly unrelenting courage,


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