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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the pockets only quote sentences full appointment is to run con to 10 years in prison for leaking state secret charges he denies saving the diplomatic table is pointed to the west. and with that conspiracy that alf put him in 2020 a month to oppose the review the new sci fi proposal with israel. while an ultra conservative is wally tablet administer stays, the reckless bill will bring down its government. a war has been declared on the russians ports, russia some the cause of arbitration for decision to disqualify russian olympic figure skating champion, camilla valley
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a. but for full yet the a very room. welcome to you assistance 6 pm here in the russian capital. and this is on the international with the latest world news updates. as always, it's great to have me with the top story this our, the full, my pockets on a private, as to in run con, has slammed his trial as a fixed match. that's off. he was sentenced to 10 years in prison, as also the cool found him guilty of leaking state secrets. con was ousted from power in 2022. it has been in jail since august on corruption charges. he's repeatedly denied all accusations. and we're on concord. his suppose is to stay peaceful and go to the upcoming elections. and this is not a trial, but a fixed match whose outcome was pre determined. that is why i already knew the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me a severe punishment in this case so that you go out on the streets and pro desk, then they can leave. you had another false flag operation. second,
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they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry and one called was out of his prime minister and a no confidence those in april 2022. he claimed he was removed from office and the us conspiracy. tons of a cables on the pakistani on boston to washington proves his allegation. but we've been accused of misusing the cable which brought him to choose a sentence. those the owls thing, i'm trying to live in run concourse, massive process impact sound over the last 2 years. the
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local gentlemen springs has moved from near the prison where the sentencing took place is one week before the commercial election in pakistan. a special court established under the office of secret tact inside this prison on tuesday 100 board 5 or 5, just turn it on con, an export and ready start shop. maybe with good. i see. 10 years in did it beside focus. the charges, i guess iran calm, odd that he never returned and officer document called cipher returned by the bikes, funding invested in washington for the front office, cause of defense cleared before the court. that's i've heard about the us comes privacy. i guess the next that is the stuff like as far as the direct incorporated in fox funds appears on the charges of the violation of secret back date is particularly for that iran con, had left the site, but in 5 minutes to offers. when he had many, he had left him 2022,
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his lawyer declared the verdict as soon price right up the to the with on con supporters. to stay cool and calm. focus on next. general electors and a mess are found out in philadelphia. i'm on con, wouldn't be the only way to take a mold in the, from the did the, like i said, it, these are to have to give the word as i've a, from porting source of following these instructions. while you went on con, we are not seeing any major protest across the country, but there is an anger and mark, the supporters. i mean, the last time on our tv was really a parking spot, and we spoke with us on the car, a political analyst on historian who said that the circumstances, the name, wrong cons, case of pass. i click this a visually every month and focused on most what's happening. the usc was very
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unhappy in the wrong spot in the us locating the and the good of august on the established thing and government bending over backwards, but they're trying to gain us fever as the given the economic situation by august on find it. so in the middle of the game, often gong, hong 0. so the old a signal to the defendant, seeing but it has to do with the law of justice. now over to the latest in the middle east, militants have supposedly received the proposal for a new states. funded deal with tele, v finds are currently reviewing it. the size is waiting, secure, receiving and stuff and various directions, dont have consequences, but benjamin netanyahu is governments. if this still comes through, here's what we know so far off the months as it goes, she ations without to break through a need previous has been proposed to the him,
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us military through the last political change that the group wants a deal based on still paying is wells will on the palestinian and place the agreement is reportedly ended resuming the hostage exchanges for both sides. i can tell already, farm industry reason, he said as well as refusal to consider a 2 state solution makes the negotiation process more complicated. we spoke to professor and political analyst, ali all hell and go ha, he stays tel aviv has rejected any to state option despite cancels best efforts a deborah administer, but he, i mean, it's a, you know, it's been a bit of the, it's right to expand this roar and guys that on the makes it longer. he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is that i, you know, be in washington to expand the old and the out of world and in the middle east for one reason. because he knows very well, if this war stops,
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he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political. the future behind the bottom of this country is the presence. but i know that's how much has always been insisting on the whitening. does the whitening mean as 0 and that is the prisoners from the city. and there are more than 1000 find a city in the prison noticed amongst them children, women, and people. and there's less who spend $4855.00 is that the is the 5 years. and those the is there really isn't. a guitar has been working very hard since day one . as you perhaps know for a ceasefire, for is a medicine oxygen, the fuel gasoline for cooking at
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a distance and the other items or more of them being an 800000. the finest thing is in does want to see spa proposal is on the table is ready for his are intensifying. there was hawks in the enclave self because of health. when is reset, that is one is targeting doctors and patients and i did the communist is main hospital as being blockaded for the 2nd week as well. claims ability targets, terrorists, mendoza, you know, idea of hospitalized potentially legit lisa and get sold, just conducting raids, low tasting launch weapons especially is including a rocket launch and it is really territory. they also, it concerns identifying and taking on what they say was a terrorist cell in calling eunice as they continue to bone barnes b enclave goes as death. toll has now was nearly 27000. meanwhile, the palace city and by present, posted an audio recording of a conversation with a 15 year old go trap to the cost surrounded by the is really me. she was allegedly
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killed by the idea of during the children conversation, a warning, disturbing audio coming up in the room. and how about the in the caribbean? the individual see all the a little a little and that a 6 year old palestinian government was also trapped inside the car after it was shot by the idea of getting a number of the family members. the local right president said to team to rescue the young girl both say that has those contacts with the medical units. this is a picture of the 6 year old go high, and he remain trapped inside the vehicle, fight upon buddy occupation forces resulting in them all to them. of everyone inside 6 individuals,
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heinz remained 4 hours pleasing for our teams to reach her and evacuated from the area. surrounded by is ready. tanks for the south display sconces, infinity is ready. ground invasion may seem complete in gulf the southern most city of rafa, leaving no safe place and then found, sold in place. many refugees also as they have no one to return to us. the hopes of being demolished by the idea as well as the much we fear that the military operation will extend and reach rafa because we escaped death from the underwear shelter center. in con eunice. unfortunately, there is no place i can take refuge because there is no empty place so that it has become impossible to find a tent. all those who are displaced took refuge in rafa. israel did not leave a safe place that it did not reach. they entered the shelter and con eunice as we left behind the dead and wounded there and they deported us. i'm not sorry what i
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see most is the future and then known and will turn as far as me. most is when i go out to work in the morning and leave my daughters, i fear that i will return and not find them. i see that i will not be able to keep my daughter's will and safe. the war is continuing, and israel is continuing with its intention to invade or fox and displace woman to hoffman and people if the war and i will no longer have a place because israel destroyed my house with its me. south. says these dogs all be gone. the conflicts, the anti and mit at least has been in flames, yet rise up until october 7th cus was claiming that the situation in the region was calm. us secretary of state times we think analyses literally circumstances a most the last thing that ever before. this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue that we've not seen a situation as,
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as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region. since at least 1973, the middle east region is quieter today. then it has been in 2 decades. on the u. s . continues to add more fuel to the middle east flane despite blaming around for the killing of 3 us soldiers and a drug store. i can see where you are on sunday. washington now claims it's i to be trying to de escalate. the situation of the wife's house comes under a wave, of course, just as i'm at home for taking no action to avenge is troops. meanwhile, a wrong house denied any involvement in the deadly drones twice. it has an american face on the syrian border with jordan. sharon has blamed for us itself so provoking via talk so many rocky minutes and as faction that did claim responsibility form a cd, a pencil going on the list, michael move told on t. washington is only creating problems instead of bringing solutions to the middle east. we really need some adults in this room at the end and they're nowhere to be found. and right now it's not looking good. i mean,
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when you have people like lindsey graham and the and, and other us senators calling for direct hits on to ron. you're on, what's the point to let you know what, what you want to do, you, you, that you want to create a, a conflagration that's going to be in worldwide without realizing the consequences . they say they're, they're not thinking. it's all irrational. and i think that this policy that we have right now we're remaining interrupt and then feel legally in syria has got to change immediately. part of that part of that response, i think by the a see a resistance in iraq was basically to send a message to the united states to get out. so we need to really evaluate our policies in those countries from here on because we're only creating greater
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turmoil. we're not detouring anything. we're for part of the problem, not the solution which has been declared on russian sports. that's according to the russian olympic committee who was flanders the sports arbitration court decision regarding camilla valley f. s. case and bows to respond. the reaction came of the court roads to disqualify the fig escaping staff of full use on strip the russian figure. skating scheme of his gold medal for the 2022 by jake, the lympics. unfortunately, the cas decision is negative. it has long been impossible to rely on the objective of t and impartiality of this international structure. we know this taken into account those cases where the r c itself is taking part is a policy, including in the case regarding our exclusion on the basis of the decisions of the i o. c executive board. in fact, a will, has been declared on russian support and as we see anything goes, well,
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joining me in the studio now is all these. it's all i do. but i do show that this has gone on an, on the for a number of years now. point is that the latest on this be scandal really devastating. and that's, since by the code full value of a who has no just 17 years old. she's still a minor yet she's to be stripped of all of her metals, all of the earnings she's made in her very short international career. she'll also be stripped off the finishing gold medal and biggest part of the team russia. so to all of her teammates and the russian and big committee is up in arms about this, it says that actually the court ruling schools, gates fits of rules, which means that this should and has impacted the team. and it still says that there was a huge question still hanging on the timing of when these do thing allegations made against probably it, but let's not forget, she took the test in december 2021 and it was almost 2 months late to just stuff that she played this big splash at the patient olympics,
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that these allegations post a message for 2 years in the public space that has never been a meaningful answer. supported by facts and not ridiculous replies to the question that was initially the subject of great doubt, white valley. eva's doping test taken in december 2021, was kept for a month and a half in a swedish labord tree. despite all established deadlines. as the russian embassy goes even further than this, this is the embassy in the us saying that, you know, this decision means that the cheating, the russian team having the metal stripped away. and it means that those metals will go now to teen usa. and this saying that given the tensions they were surrounding at the lead, up to the pacing olympics between the west and russia. this is a political decision all of this fits into the main stream of the hybrid war, unleashed by the west,
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against the russian federation. us authorities do not shy away from outright pressure on support structures in order to prevent highly competitive russian athletes from appearing at competitions, especially under the russians flag. a little russia says it still can see it is the team is being the win, is that the beijing olympics and it could look at challenging this decision by the court. and so the take us through some of the background leading up to the scandal . well, well yeah, if it was a name that everybody knew in the we'll devise skating even before she's made it being the only international scene you're seeing. everybody was desperate to watch to. i mean, every thing is, she's a genius when it comes to the rings. when she arrived in beijing, she's part of the russian team. she's taking part in that challenges and she's produces historic movement in olympic history. this put truthful jump the 1st time this has ever been done, like a female, and she's only 15 years of age. then of course,
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came these allegations when she's at the start of this incredible career ahead of her. everybody's focused on her and then we have social media and the world's press . turning on her not remembering that she was just 15 years and making these allegations as if they were real at this point was at this point, it was just an allegation. and this, as i said, it came and it's these mounting tensions between russia and the west before the war and praying. and some people suggesting that she was being used almost as a state coach. and that's one of the reasons that they held back these results. and went after her at this time, we oversee it was on the big international stage. i saw that it would be keeping a close eye on what happens next. and they scanned a lot of teachers when they're sort of depend, steve, or anything, somebody says, well that's the cause live. now supervisor alice, a casual or for folks on suppose politics on culture,
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many thanks for joining for the program today. i 1st of all, what's your reaction to the task rolling regarding value of this case? and i'm not completely surprised. i mean, nothing in sport really surprises me nowadays. they've been following and analyzing it. besides many as all the same, it does seem exceptionally harsh on a young woman who really has a prestigious talent. i'm my reading my understanding of what happened at the quote about vacation for sport is that up to this point, it had been assume the valley eva had somehow ingested the thames ed that that is the band substance, which is a treatment for and china and related heart problems, it is being taken we understand by one of her grandparents. she was staying with her grandparents. and the assumption was that she had adjusted it via a contaminated play or a spoon or somebody from
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a country that somehow picked up a residence, a vestige of, of the drug. somehow she didn't know about it. that was the popular assumption. and people out to this stage of accepted that until the quote of all betray supersport said that they weren't satisfied. that she had taken it unwittingly. as a role in sports, in any case is not the same is not true justice in the sense that if someone drops a rolex watch in your gym bag and you don't know anything about, it's a new discovery you complete in this and saying, i didn't know anything about it, and you're not responsible as someone else has done it, it's different in support. is that substance is in your body. you're in violation of supporting codes and you'll guilty. and that seems to be what has happened spot . there is a caviar here. i think that is old,
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most certainly going to be an appeal and there is one more adult, shall we say that that the be a suddenly boss or a could be. 1 a way forward for valley ava that is the swiss federal tribunal. they will, the russians will present that case that i'd say the value of it did not know about this. she was a minor, she was an innocent in all this, i need any case. the drug really isn't that much of a performance in hans anyway. was also a sounding of about this case, is that in addition to the disqualification of value of a full year's tassels are moved to strip the russian and fig escaping team of his gold medal from the 20 towards the bicycle. and take the case that always happens in sport, that is, that that's understood if one member of your squad or they go to another team. but the squad who that is competing in the event is disqualified, the whole team goes. so everybody knows that that's happened many times before,
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so that part is the least surprises of this. okay, so it seems slightly finally on fact to me, but that's the no way to go, don't get me wrong. okay. i think this is really harsh. and by failing is that the will be a pretty strong challenge when the appeal goes forward. that will say, as i said a few moments ago that this was just a young girl, an innocent and all this who somehow inadvertently ingested a banned substance. so wasn't really procured and given to by coach in a, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage. it's an accident. in other words, the way there was a move that this is something about being on t rush. so there's something gone to rush. you're about isn't that russian athletes are being unfairly targeted. what actions do you think can be taken by russia to protect russian interests and the interests of russian athletes? do you think? no, because they're to think about it,
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they have to go along with that and take the brakes when they are. and the brakes of it's not old as individuals, not as russian represent me be the russian, i live that committee is still also still asking for an audience as to why the results evaluate his typing tests taken in december 2021. we're now 70 a month and a half later. so what's your explanation for the delay? does it look suspicious? i told you, as the initial delay was at the swedish lebow tre, and that was the reason given in any case, was that uh the, the coverage locked and had caused delays. and so it was 6 weeks late getting to the system above the time it was an and then of the competition at the winter olympics was already over after that she was pretty much cleared. and that was, that is the boat anti doping agency did like that. and so went to the quote above
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the price of the sport. and it's taking all this time to filtrate its way through in a sense that is a bit of a, a blessing in disguise here because it means that part of the, for your band will be back dated and she will be eligible to start competing again . it's about and holds in december now this year, but in december 2025. so that's the kind of the blessing, as i say, they the, the, the, the silver lining. if there is such a thing in a case like this, you'd still be a young woman. so you should still be a young woman. but do you think that disposal this home, do you know that the bulk of what has a huge impacts on her career politically and the care the other think you don't have a huge impact table and have a good impact that let's face it. yeah. someone. so as you call it can be for 4 years. somehow she's got to retain her interest. her motivation,
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she's got to get training. and this is a very technical support, of course. so somehow she's got to try to keep that competitive edge. and that will be difficult, but of course i'm not a coach. you know, i'm not responsible for guiding athletes through her coach is going to have to do exactly that. but others, it kind of career reserve. and as i said earlier, i think there is this one last hurdle to climb and, and who knows? in switzerland they may look on her small, kindly, and say, no, we think the code of arbitration for sports is being too harsh. you will reinstate to who knows, who knows that's watched a space that we professor alice cash my old number of books on suppose politics on coat so many thanks for your time. appreciate it. a lot of pleasure. protesting valez info wrong. so i'll blocked the road to tell you set by then yak, pull to in the country, south stables,
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so obstruct to the major types of to instructed while the major highways needing to paris. these were range of grievances, one payments to green policy issues of the spot meshes announced by the government to address them and which is circulating online repose. research hires, hey, as renewal piles off as the, the polls and blocking the ring rows, the government has declared that obstruction of major power is that force would be a red line workers and the biggest agricultural power. how say that of the pace of being chosen spike sensitive regulations for the sake of the green energy agenda. farm is argue that a push by the government has retailers to bring down sued insulation. is this many produces unable to cover high costs for energy. so it's eliza on transport, some protest as a power system, load them onto the box instruction. we want to earn a decent living from our professional, se lakewood today, the agriculture and the tack from all sides to the doctor. they claim that we believe the environment. we interfere with everyone, me,
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we are passionate about our work and not and do not forget that our role is to feed out the whole of france. and they said, we try to do this as best we can on, but we are constantly being put in the way for money because it is, you know, we are not satisfied with many things. for example, the notorious law in the field of agriculture and food, the wage issues and the import of products from other countries to france. we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the road closures, but the government does not hear us in any other way. and so that we sometimes work 80 hours a week ago and what is the result of our work is not appreciated, but we carry a lot of administrative and mental burden. and most importantly, even if you want to create jobs, it's very, very difficult today because costs are constantly rising, but you put in a non official for the french union of independent police officers told is that fellow he states out in brussels itself, needs pay more attention to the struggle of farm is in the books, bread baskets in the home. and so do you have to be a rep, really not here to believe that
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a couple of promises are made by the government will be able to solve with the problems faced by the world of agriculture in a few days. in addition, there is no franco french solution it is mandatory to enter into negotiations. i think you repeat and level to some extent, and here there is a risk of getting into a dead end. and when we talk about a deadlock, then at some point there is a radicalization of social movements that these radical groups joining, the protesting farmers, clashes between law enforcement officers and protest as i'm not excluded. and what we ask, and what we very much want is that there be no violence classes and the political solution will be found as soon as possible. but we also have no illusions because if you are up does not respond to francis demands, then we will find ourselves elected in situation. and we risk eventually coming to this, this resentment of farm is, is explained by the free competition in the international arena. it's due to which we import products to funds from countries where the workforce is less trained and receives lower wages than an
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e u countries. so we import incredible volumes of ukrainian poultry produced at low cost and then very deplorable conditions. but besides ukraine, there are also south american european and african markets where we find products at a much lower cost. we, your opinions have imposed strict rules on ourselves in the field of environmental protection. but at the same time, we import products produced without any restrictions. the, the global breaks the blow kind of recently accepted 5 new member countries into as ranks, including egypt. hayes, one of representative hines, is, tell us about russia's presentation for a 2020 full strategy as it seems. the championship and we're very excited and we're happy to be here. it's our 1st part sufficient as a phone member and we're glad the newer honors extra that this has taken place under the restaurant presidency. and we have a, the restaurant government that has put for us in
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a vicious agenda for 2024. and i think it said reflective is very effective of the changes that we are facing each and every one of our countries, the unprecedented overlapping crises, 5 new members are participating together with the family members. i think um, there was a, i'm not sure now in the sense that the of, of the family members to expend brooks to bring like minded the countries through which we do have excellent by that's in the relations and the because of the end of the day and the global finishes the do need to global solutions, and i think we look at things in a similar way on so many fields. and but for egypt i would say that we have seen or celts as a member of the park through rich since its inception. the only one was somebody that i would request that because of our vision and the golden rule that we have


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