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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . nato is ukraine. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days just to avoid defeat. the by the administration knows victory over russia is a dead end. now, it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine, the process of being ukraine. i'm joined by my guess. when we're leon in washington, he's a political scientists author and a radio talk show host in florida. we have craig past the georgia. he is co hosted the convo couch, and here in moscow, everyone's favorite. we have dmitri bobby, and she is a political analyst and editor. it interests me. internet media project, right? telling me across softballs and the fact that music can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate possible. let me go to you 1st in florida, you and you got up early for this program so. so to that are guessing,
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washington appreciated very much. in my introduction, we discussed, you know, the change in narrow tube to as long as it takes an hour, i'll use my words, interpreting the administration to now to is to avoiding defeat. so if they're avoiding defeat, that means they can't win. so why did they continue? can you explain the logic to me? oh, and by the way, it's going to be very expensive to continue this senseless war that never should have started in the 1st place. go ahead as well. when you talk about, it's gonna be very expensive. i think that gives you the answer right there. it's who's going to make the money. it might be a loss for ukraine because they've lost so many soldiers. and so many wives, what a half a 1000000 now i think the average age of the front of the line. so we'll get 43 years old. but who really one and that is the deep state, the military industrial complex. sure. this wasn't as long of a war when it ends as afghanistan was, but it's going to be a high intensity what, where a lot of hardware went over very quickly. so, you know, i think that somebody did within this whole situation and it was the military
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industrial complex and they will just simply just do what they normally do. just use the mainstream media to kind of give you a little, you know, condolences to you know, for ukraine who far brush or the big, bad, bare and stuff. but peter, i do think that they're holding that p bank upside down and, and jostling for just one more coin thing. they can get one more page. they added this whole thing by typing it to border security. so, you know, look for the united states and so press hard on this, even though it's not a popular one with a lot of people. i still think you'll see the bite in the ministration get what i paid a out of this, which just tells you who won the military, industrial, complex, wilma, and a in washington. i mean, obviously this is tied to the election cycle. i mean, there's a, a, a flurry of articles to actually kind of build this. and if the, if the advent of a trump presidency, what does it come to pass? they want to make sure that they can get to, you know, more than one year that may be a, maybe 4 or 5 years on an annual basis. i mean,
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they would, they really want to build it into the budget here, which i doubt to be able to succeed in doing. but it's really just for binding to avoid humiliation at the polls. not that he has a doesn't have other problems to worry about. go ahead and washington, well, joe biden is able to make it that far, that that's still up in the air yet to be determined. there's also the, the rush of phobia and aspect of this, i think by continuing this conflict that enables the democrats to still talk about donald trump is vladimir putin, his best friend. and in, in the, in, in the west, of course we, we can't have anything along those lines. and interestingly enough, up for russian foreign secretary lab, rob, uh, it was reported in test, was talking about where the u. s. provided weapons are showing up outside of ukraine. they have, they are showing up in finland,
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they're showing up in suite and they are showing up in gaza. and this is a conversation that this is not a new revelation because there were discussions a months ago that a lot of these weapons were showing up in african countries. so this really seems to be a money laundering scheme. it seems to be a weapons dissemination, steam. and i think also there are a number of weapons manufacturers that were really angry at joe biden, for getting out of afghanistan, what they consider to be early. so this is a way of continuing to funnel money to those weapons manufacturers such as lockheed martin and boeing and raytheon who were making money hand over fist in afghanistan. this is a way of continuing to uh to, to keep that gravy train running. it will demo and we've heard from our 1st to guess here. i mean there's nothing i disagree with what you're saying. but the
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problem with it, with all of this is what about the ukrainians? i mean the calculations that we have heard here have nothing to do with the wellbeing of that country and it's people demo as well. i think it was, they have nothing to do with a well being or america else, or in general, people, really natal categories. and let's see what kind of forms we've had a problem. general separately. you have a stock number, you know, these we, if you were to, by the, by the us, how did say it was trying the why? because they reaction to cease control power. all right. well, uh mr. stone is the handle. they do, she doesn't have anything to do with dialogue, always try that. it's a different area. right. but she's most concerned, you know, uh so, i mean, i agree with, with both of our this, that there was a lot of private interest involved. most people for me, you brokerage,
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how does the bureaucracy of work in the west right now? or? uh, he does not reduce the results. you know, the english no, to save money will save bias or make the peoples by his bed. they used to make an impression, to make an effort for us right. of a 2nd. you know, why with the you will never say and it's been pretty clean, correct is repeating the same price. and you always say, you know, you'll get your price, salary, things may be going to the dogs, you know, you really do what you want to be paid. you know, you will keep your go. so we have the same uh, the same all blade years things from them. you know, they compare, rush, how much you know, uh, by the bad profit mazda at the same goals. you know, well the image is due to a i, i'm sure you heard this now. good from nikki haley that the on october 7th. what
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happened because it was hooton's birthday. i mean, wow, that's the extent of their, of their intellectual proud this. so let's go back to our guest in a no, i'm sorry, let's go to, let's go to craig and in florida here, you know, i'm deem a brought up democracy. well i as we speak right now hungry is in the dock as it were, with the e. u intake. basically want to take away its voting rights because it doesn't want to waste money on ukraine and essentially, and then the financial times had an expensive article on it is, this is blackmail. so they will, they, they want to subvert democracy within the e. u to pro pop up a pretend democracy in ukraine. can you explain that to me? yeah, i have a hard time explaining that, but anything is possible at this point, i mean nancy pelosi over here in the united states. one is saying that those 2 were calling for a cease fire taking a message that word from vladimir pool for crying out loud. you don't, i think those in ukraine who play the boy even get him wrong, will not only that war, but the, lose their head. it's like the old kissinger saying,
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right to be america's enemies. dangerous, but to me, americans. right. and it is fatal. but you know, i think that eventually you'll see a lot of people with the ukraine, whoever's less than ukraine, whoever does web standing that is will eventually pivot to the reconstruction of what's left over there. you can already see black rock and vanguard, putting their steak in the ground and grabbing a property left then right. but what i'm interested is right now is what happens with the russian federation. you know, how much slack are they going to give the new ukranian government, whatever that is, and whoever that is, when they come into power, it seems that when biting got back into power, you saw the whole language, the whole rhetoric of the russian federation, kind of changed even a lot of rob saying, i think it will be not beneficial for you to get involved in the black sea. so i'm looking at what's going to happen as far as the russian federation. i know they don't like to participate so much in regina change and you know, like the and i nodded states as a religion, but i think you'll see the russians get
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a little bit more involved with the permit that's coming to the you print out. so you bring up such a good point, you know, and it's something that i tried re, a reminder viewers. we look at, essentially in this program, we look at western narratives about this conflict in ukraine and let me go to wilma in washington. there's one element of the, of the conversation that is never added as a, well, what are the russians actually think about all of this? it's never considered whatsoever. the reason why i'm mentioning it is that, yeah, pasta is right. russia will have a very strong interest in who is in ruling in i q and ruling as opposed to governing. because it's, you know, what we have right now is we're gonna have what i think before that happens, it'll be a civil war inside of ukraine playing the blame game. go ahead and washington. well, i don't think it's as much of a concern of, of the who as it is in terms of the what and what i mean by the what is the
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audiology that those that will wind up coming into power are presenting. because if we go back to russia's stated the interest in this entire conflict in getting involved in the conflict in the 1st place, it was, it was to the knots of fi ukraine. and to see to it that nato, that ukraine does not become a, a, a part of nato. so now what i think is, is i think those issues are still at the top of the, of the list. and so i don't think it's a matter of who as it is a matter of what is being articulated and which, which is interesting when also i think when you add the finland in nato aspect of this, with the border between finland and, and in that long border between finland and russia and finland now becoming the new proxy here. and hopefully, you know, what we're seeing play as played out in ukraine will not make its way there the
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united states. well, i then try to start it somewhere else. well, i think the fans, you know, maybe they're not too many people alive, but the, that it's shared into their memory the last time they took on the russians and it didn't work out very well for them. you know? yeah, but it's not work it out of ukraine either way. the united states outside doing that can not disagree. there is no learning curve here. but dma, this is very convenient for nato because russia will still be the enemy for them no matter what happens, whatever outcome there isn't ukraine to oh, well, you're right. and well, it was very right. like you reminded us, you know, we'll have to change all the aspects of the 3 because she does it all in russia, dns and fine print. and the times you not only to prevent your brain from department and they told me only on pro laws that you really what's becoming a nature around. what do you have to know?
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that's why force has to be used. you know, get the newspapers was, it was there was already a training in sense which was in fact a range of community base all the, all the works. there were several locations where americans had what they both kind of samples with all of those codes. what is it more than they do based in the main? so russia based together won't be boss who grade will be common. and in the same story about feeling this way to check the lesson, press the goals over meaning to exercises on the baltic, sea unit air, you know, all the codes. but roger wasn't, they give you a square feet. it's just we just caught between 2014, so okay, they might have to jump in here. we have to go to a short break. and after that short break,
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we'll continue our discussion on ukraine state without the the, the, the video of alleged to abuse by an officer. today, the sheriff's, deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her who
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sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and then there are others besides, this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline, black children. he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops fee for never gonna change your mind. so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. the welcome back. across the dock were all things are considered. i'm peter a little strange,
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but discussing ukraine the hey, let's go back to past the in florida. i really the, the new strategy mate looks like now at least up until the election and maybe the rise of the rationale for the additional age. 61000000000 or so is new security commitments in low of wanting to take we take last territory. so i'm not really sure how that supposed to work. i think it's kind of a substitute and it's an excuse to give money here because essentially it's so is ukraine going to give up these territories? if it's not going to retake the territories and why doesn't they make peace? why doesn't a ask for a ceasefire? i mean, you know, these are these new security arrangements which were done in the u. k. did it last month, the us as replicating it right now. that doesn't solve russia, security problems, i don't know what's in their minds, it just perpetuating the same problem. and that problem ended up in an arm conflict pasta to well,
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i think that the russian federation understands that the ukrainians and not really wanting to show over here. they're just listening to whatever the west says. so they just go along with it as long as they can, the peter, as to what to point out as the, you know, d, my and doctor when we were talking about the stakes and what was going on, let's not also forget that there were over a dozen bio labs in which the russian federation took out immediately as the action started. so that also raises the whole space here as far as how, how the russians will react and moving forward. but also to when it comes to the main stream media in the united states, they're not talking about ukraine. i mean, never. and that's why i continue to say that i think that they will eventually get this money over here. because so many people in the united states, especially the populace, right, are so much concentrated on border on the border itself. so they're gonna find a way to wrap up some more money, some wandering cash with the border, and eventually these republicans will for why? because the mean, because the populace in the, in the mainstream media, they don't give a damn. as far as you know, what goes on and ukraine,
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they're oblivious to it. and so with the people. so that's why i think we'll find more funding going uh, you know, to ukraine and that's going to happen. so i mean, as far as strategy is concerned, i don't think you can make any sense of it whatsoever. i mean, the russians are just waiting this out. we knew technically from the beginning they had no chance of losing. but i think we have to define what winning and losing is to really get a grasp on what's going on over there. yeah, well that's why i said this. i'm calling this pro a program avoiding defeat. i mean, what they did, they want to starve off to feed because they know victory is illusory. but that's not solving the problem there. wilma, with them. if i go back to you in, in washington, i've looked at some of these border negotiations. i don't know what these republicans are talking about, that those are not real negotiations. that is just a way to get money and money laundering through because it's not that's not border control. i don't know how you feel about this emigration issue here. but these republicans, this they're,
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they're essentially lying to their public saying that as a deal in play and then blaming it on trump for goodness, like he's not even in office here. i tend to agree with what processing is that they're going to find a way to get the money, even if i have to fudge the border, go ahead in washington. well, the border discussion has never really been an honest discussion in terms of trying to solve the problem. have any of these issues ever been honestly discussed since a game? so because, for example, a lot of the data that they're using in terms of all, now there is this incredible increase in immigrants crossing the border. well, they don't talk about the fact that the manner of, of, of, of, of border protection and arrest has the, they've changed their processes. and since they've changed their processes that has resulted in more arrest, that doesn't necessarily mean that there is just dramatic influx of people trying
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across the border. they don't talk about us policy in latin america. they don't talk about the impact that american economic policy is had on decimating the economies likely in these countries which are forcing people. they're not talking about us policy and haiti, which is forcing haitians to try to find a better life. so it's never been an honest discussion, it's never been a serious problem. this is really just more blather and blabber for the sake of the election. and they're playing into the uh what trump, the one of the cards the trump was playing in the last selection. anti immigrants sent them in racism and, and, and xenophobia fear of the other. so whether it's rusher fabia or whether it's 0 phobia as it relates to just a whole cadre of immigrants trying to come into the united states. it doesn't really matter or, or, or maybe we're just not, we're well,
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or maybe we can talk on some common ground. it's just another way to spend taxpayers money. it's just another way to print money. and someone somewhere will claim a political victory. and, but i have, i have an idea, go ahead, listed as homelessness is on it is on a historic right. seems to be cute, not did states of import. there are a number of things that could, that were us tax payer dollars could be spent that would benefit americans as opposed to lockheed martin, boeing and raytheon. well, those are they all, you know, they base is, you know, the closer we would, we don't have money for that, but there's so many for that. there's not, you know, that's what we, they always say, but there's always money for, for israel, ukraine, etc. dma again, you know, when i look at the, the, the coverage from so called the think tanks that don't seem to think very much is that they don't take into account rushes ames and they've already been aired on this program here. the knots vacation and demilitarization. that's the vector which they have to understand how russel will react to anything that any initiative that
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the us is a ukraine's primary back or we'll push demo. you're absolutely right. that's the right of all these things. so when we, they will go like this. you are absolutely right. and then the senior moment. oh, you know, you mentioned category. in this case, number 6, i'm going to give would be the financial times it's. it's our very best president. it's b d u o c o that we will. thank you poor. i'm good areas because you don't submit, we will wake up for nation. we will be grades. are the standards will crash your point? i mean, you know, basically essentially a dma. essentially what they want to do is they want hungry. they look like ukraine . i thought you know that it was supposed to be the demonstration of bank where you credit would look like the you, but no way want to turn hungry into your credit and keep going the amount. exactly
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. i mean, we have been told that the u gary g believe instead of this, always populates that if you are a member of the you know, guarantee that you leave the diesel lifestyle, you know, and now we see, you know, you use something very different, you know, these are people who hires you for doing something wrong with disagree. your names, those were go, don't write a game. i just was told them that, you know, we talked about us money for, for green forest community for this is just a little bit said that it was a very good deal, you know, invest, do you agree and all was why? because i cool. we have been able to destroy and degree the russian army substantially. oh, nice. you know, you spend hundreds of thousands of lives of degree just, you know, the deal russians and now you sell it to the american probably go. so this isn't going to be stupid because as the sounds people seem to think that students are
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always smart no, soon as you've got to be better students. and again, you know, how does these do ropers who work? just don't say the wrong things haven't would be they, they think your mobile friendly, warm installed you. otherwise you can say very simple things you can say. and it's nice that to be cute, sort of people. it's nice, that's what i'm going to be on a call. i guess i want to make some for so, i mean it's, it's a real oh, you know, india in this and misery ration here past that. it isn't really incredible. it just simply incredible to me. we have the you meeting there, they're gonna try, they're going to put a lot of pressure on a picture of the bottom to go along with them. i don't think he will in the end, but at the same time, in the mean this gathering of, of, uh, uh, countries in the u. they're talking about a, a long term,
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50000000000 euro program for ukraine. what about the, the continents? farmers, haven't they noticed what kind of move they're in all, all across the continent, in france and germany in poland, etc. but they have money for ukraine. they shows you how disconnected these people are as well. it also tells you, you know, how much you know, how previously they also think that they're going to get away with us at the end of the day. but i mean, nobody's ever held accountable. you know, so the figure, they just, you know, we have a saying over here at the united states of amnesia, right? they'll just eventually forget of it. no it onto something else. so i think in europe they think they're going to do the same thing. maybe they'll start another world war or something, get taiwan involved, and people will automatically forget about what's going on. you know, it's crazy peter. the other day, i was watching the new hampshire primary. and there was a, nikki haley supporter that said that he, he was supporting nikki haley. he boated for biting cuz he refused to vote for trump in the last election. he's supporting mickey healey. because mickey,
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he's one of our biggest issues is the ukraine war. i mean, it's there demented over here. so i think the people in europe, the leaders in europe, the ruling class think they can do the same thing they do in the united states. just pivot to something else and they'll forget about what happened yesterday. and they'll concentrate and what's in front of them tomorrow. wilmer, what kind of um, role do you think ukraine will play in the upcoming election? obviously, we're all aware of what's going on in gaza, and unfortunately that's not going to be resolved anytime soon. the, the share mystery of watching and it, and we're all culpable. we're all witnesses. it's really degrading morally for all of us. but we're talking about you crate on this program despite and just want to pivot or does he want to just uh, pay up and hopefully like processing no one's really going to notice go ahead in washington. yes, i think that ukraine is going to play a smaller in smaller role as it relates to the narrative of the 2024 election
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because it is a lost cause. yeah, but it's biden's war, isn't it? i mean the own up to it. go ahead to go. well, we're going to see really to that's a very good point because i think the donald trump, once he gets on the camp, once he gets out of court and gets on the campaign trail, he will start to raise the issue of ukraine because it is trumps. because it is bibles war and it is a loss and he will be able to point to that. and so you see, i couldn't solve this in a day. i could have picked up the telephone talk to vladimir boot, and then we couldn't solve the whole problem. but now the united states has wasted all of this money, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. it'll be very interesting to see whether or not the main stream picks up on that trump narrative and, and shift its focus away. well, wouldn't you know where, where we have properties in gaza to what's happening? what was happening? what we have now? is it blinking, saying, you know, rushes already lost,
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but if they've already lost, why do you need 60000000 dollars? i'm sorry to ask these kind of questions gentlemen, that's all the time we have. i want to take my guess in florida, washington, and here in moscow. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are the see you next time. remember process the, the watching wires and why in this control if i give but plenty of the store in this, they should have been a short order for now. i'm not going to say lots of green scale when i am. what i
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in the future just though session on the finance that's just shiny or just is when you bought a new born, you sit almost in the the, the, the sick. awful lot. go that you got to get better. you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you, hey, say, i mean what, what can i do lock up. the people that are drug addicts, just keep going. cold. turkey is like going through withdrawals and a lot of these 12 school to withdrawal, giving them money with children. so you just gotta give them the value of it, right? no one goes, no money, not very good,
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but truly getting worse and worse every year. it has to be gone. the the, the, the 4 people are killed in a bone blast doing a raleigh as opposed to the full of pocket study prime minister in wrong khan, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison is ready for us as disguised. a civilians killed 3 palestinians and a westbank hospital to facilitate the says the men were a sleep but, but they were killed in the sleep for the time. from time to control, the state follows the decision by pope fences to officially less the same sex and marriage. as the head of the catholic church describes push back from african bishops as


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