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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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it is a debt, and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine, the for pakistan. these are killed in a terrorist bombing during a raleigh and supports a former prime minister in run can, who's been sentenced to a further 10 years in prison. pulse of this, our phone bodies, pectin. black backs back started with plastic and cups from the front and the back . there are 2530 or even 40 bodies. a gruesome discovery is reported out the northern gals in school that was previously occupied by the idea of the ongoing invasion of the palestinian in place. plus over the years he's real, has targeted this place specifically and then attempt to destroy it inside whatever evidence remains. what remains now is of course, the remnants of what used to be
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a jail, a detention center. but for many a night, we report exclusively from the scene of a former prison in southern 11 on but was used by is really but forces to detain and torture people in the 1918 during the 11th civil war on french farmers this send all parties while locking rhodes across the country in protest, that's what they called on for treatment by friends and e. u officials and the blogs told agriculture a powerhouse the live for must go to the world. this is our to international pleasure, the heavier company for the news our the is low make state to risk group has claimed responsibility for a bombing that's killed at least 4 people inside the western pockets done the blood
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sugar rally and support a former prime minister run can who just hours before was sentenced to a decade in prison for leaking state secrets. wow. most of the victims were reported to the members of mister towns, opposition party. further, 6 people were wounded when a rig motorbike exploded near the valley for the ice. the leader, however, local officials say its own clear whether the demonstration was actually the target of pakistan is also gearing up for general elections. next week. a local journalist sent us this from the scene of the deadly blast. we did the bomb exploded year, adjusting the road when the p d. i election rally just passed the spinning and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed dead police and security forces important off the area. and while the dead and injured are being taken by private ambulance as to the local hospital and emergency has been declared and city district hospital. if my camera
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man can pen behind me, troops have just arrive to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber were improvised explosive device. put earlier in a statement from jail to nations. former cricket kept in the 9th of his 10 year sentence, as i quote fixed, much with a pre determined i'd come and run count who was interested in 2022 denies all charges against them and said that the incumbent, pakistani government conspired with the us to destroy his political career come already serving a 3 year prison term on a legit corruption charges has. busy served on his supporters to protest peacefully take part in next week's election. people have been routing across the country for the geo politician from the
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. yeah, there's been some big crowds. while a pocket study journalist find the following, report from outside the prison were in run can will not be incarcerated until the 781, excuse me. and that's one less he appeals. and he went a special guard established under the offers on the secret deck inside this prison on tuesday handed both farmer 5 mister evelyn con ex spot. i'm ready to start shop naples. could i see 10 years in did it beside focus? the charges, i guess iran calm, odd that he never returned an officer. documents on site for the region by the bikes, funding invested in washington for the final office to monetize the funds cleared before the court. that's i've heard about the us guns, privacy,
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i guess the mess them into stuff like as far as the direct and repetitive influx funds appear on the charges of the violation of the secret back date is particularly for that car and had left the site for the private and store office. when he had many, he had left him 2022. his lawyer declared the verdict as soon price right up to the with on some supporters. to stay cool and calm. focus on next general electors and a master firm now in philadelphia, and on con, wouldn't be the only way to take a moment in the month of june, july 3rd, did you start to have to keep the word of it from porting source of following these instructions while you were on time, we're not seeing any major protest across the country. but there is an end up and bring the supporters. i mean, a lot, hon. hold our to tv dollars really fucking spark was speaking to us from some about
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political level as how son bacardi suggest washington did play a role in getting him wrong, can remove from power. so basically every morning focused on most what's happening . the usc was very unhappy in the bronx on the us and the good of august on the established thing and government bending over backwards. but they're trying to gain us fever as the even the economic situation by august on find it says been due to the stability instability that came up in gong hong 0. so the old a signal to the point in active is there this sentencing, but it has to do with the law justice k turned out of our headline stories on southern gallons is where we go is really forces how strong the amount
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of hospital in con units demanding a buck to waste of doctors and display civilian studies. according to the palestinian red crescent. the idea of itself has released this drone flooded showing you're a strikes hitting targets across the palestinian enclave. meanwhile, in the northern part of the strip display, sibley's sweeping sheltering inside the nearby hospital have started to resettle a school that was occupied by is really trips for weeks. the following is a correspondence report from their local say, they made a shocking discovery after the idea of pulled out of that area, or how much somebody, somebody good. i'm reporting from the how much school in northern garza next to the indonesian hospital, the school to which the displaced return to more than 25 days ago. here was a large pile of sand. the school administration tried to clear away the tragedy and disaster was that this pile was filled with dozens of bodies that these really
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occupation had buried in some uh la fitness in the so that if it were working here to serve the people at home, ive been cully for school, for been living in the shelter, and people were brought back after 25 or 27 days. so if these really armies innovation and today as the school administration, the shelter management, we cleaned the school in the best way possible for me or brother bill dozer. of course, to leave this file sent. just as a bulldozer approached and the lift, the 1st bit of sand were shocked and here was the disaster. were found bodies, pectin. black bax bax, started with plastic, hancocks from the front and the back. there are 2530 or even 40 bodies. we couldn't count them all because the bodies were already to compose. i mean, we did try to open the backs to know whether these victims were tortured. we could tell whether it was a boy or young man. they're children. i mean very young man. let's say esther, brutal occupying force claims. these are militants. ok, but a child militant, this is a terrible tragedy to. so this is a new crime witness by northern gaza and one of the schools of shelters to these.
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rather a few patients still insists on this arrogant policy of killing and intimidation unfilled executions. so perhaps this crime raises many questions, whether the bodies were executed here in the schoolyard, or in the nearby cemetery. and then verify just the army says, i'm abroad and buried in this pile of sand here in a brutal way. well, israel has confirmed, its military has begun pumping sea water into the underground tunnel system used by some us encounter. thus, despite fears that some hostages could still be trumped inside the sprawling network, or even cooperation between units and the ideas and the ministry of defense, various tools would develop to channel large volumes of water into a mazda is terah tunnels, in the gaza strip. this to represents a significant engineering and technological breakthrough to combat the threat of on the ground to infrastructure. well, some critics say that israel is now resorting to desperate and dangerous methods
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against the background of inconclusive results in the war with on us the united nations previously born the flooding, the tellos could have a devastating effect on civilians on infrastructure. israel's flooding of tunnels with salt water could have severe adverse human rights impacts. some long term civilians must be protected. well, we discussed this with a former deputy director of the us state department office of counter terrorism. laurie johnson say's the is really a night spent is merely an attempt to cast a positive light. so for its lack of progress on the positive as the deeds of p, our victories the, the war is not going well for israel. the they, i've been basically stymied by him us. they have not made significant progress and is that in yahoo said eliminating how most of the refining it's very difficult to eliminate homos but they are eliminating or the palestinian people civilians. so
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putting out this kind of story is one of those ways to say don't look like we're, we're making progress, we're pumping salt water into these tunnels. they indicate, oh yeah, what? but, but before we pump the salt water in, well, we go through and do a thorough study and make sure that there's no damage to the soil or to the water table. i mean it's, it's, it's really not sensical of that, but they're suddenly environmental leak concerned while they're literally blowing the gaza into bits and pieces well across the is really border in lebanon. archie has exclusively visited a former prison where it's really bach forces detains and tortured people in the 1980s during the lebanese civil war. now the facility was run by the so named sites. lebanese army recently released archive documents reveal the details of
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serious human rights violations of the jail. israel has denied responsibility for crimes committed in a ton of time. the human rights watch, n g o, those states israel must be held accountable reporting from there. here's ortiz, yes. and becket is behind me is a deep, dark secrets, the israel. these are trying to cover this prison, namely this he em jail has been in service for decades up until the early 2, thousands in which living on has experienced numerous wars and numerous times israel has targeted this specific jail, essentially, to cover its trucks. today it serves as a museum, highlighting some of the important factors in how the is really operated when they were in these areas. so yeah, for instance,
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and many other territories along the southern they'd been on were occupied by these, randy's and during the occupation they detained and tortured thousands of prisoners . today this stands as the museum monuments, the testing to the atrocities carried out by the israelis when they were here in the museum also displays the different types of weapons that were used. the nature of the occupation in living on in display here is a barrel bombs that the backs to 2006. when the war, of course came to live in on one more time inscribed behind me, is a fragment of that barrel bump which says made in usa, essentially suggesting that's us. made weapons were also used when israel conducted submitted to our activities in southern lebanon. the same vision isn't as rarely tang, and on the vehicle, dating back to the old wars between 11 on an israel and to the picts. just how
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they did this is not much needs to be said, but definitely is armor and was destroyed as a result of much of the blasts. much of the armor has been pierced most likely by explosions. inside you can see canisters that at one point did house explosives or rockets. and continuing this, our tour, and this sense of the museum listed is a bunch of details in what describes the events surrounding what happened here in this jail, from torture, interrogation i to let's, why did you send them, which translates to the value of health by themselves this and this actually depicts that this was not the only jail. there were others like this. here is
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a list of collaborators from different parts of the country for much as you want them from. some of the, the list goes on these collaborators worked with these released to ensure that these really received intelligence as well as information on the happenings in southern lebanon. and that worked for their favor, but continuing is the actual jail. so let's take a look together as we uncover some of the details dating back to the old days. this was a holding area for the most part, but the thing is in 2000 and then 2006. this jail was destroyed. many suggest that the joe was destroyed and it was a deliberate attack to erase anything and everything from history which explains the museums. but it is very difficult to explain and describe what happens here. over all that time. what else is on display are numbered of armored vehicles. these
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are at least it was in one point in service of the is really army destroyed as a result of decades long conflict as well as other arm and vehicles. it almost depicts this feeling of, of, of a cemetery of tank cemetery, but what also adds a little bit of color to this, to this prison is of course, the artillery launchers. they are almost here as if the people are being poetic, but more importantly, sending a message. these are currently pointed in the direction of israel. that in and of itself is significant. this is the site of the i'm jail behind me, among the destruction in the rubble. this is where the detainees were held. and over the years israel has targeted this place specifically and then attempt to destroy it inside whatever evidence remains. what remains now is of course,
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the remnants of what used to be a jail detention center. but for many a nightmare. the local say, this pole here is famous and it is famous for one specific reason. they say the israel, these would tie up the prisoners and detainees high up, crucified them, and electrocute them in a display of torture. that could only be described as in humane because it is high up in the distance. the people in the surrounding villages could see what was going on. much of the structural integrity of the surrounding buildings had been kept intact. and then the corner is what resembles holding cells holding cells in which the israelis would use to keep the detainees and a method of torture specific for interrogation to get information from whoever it was they were interrogating. of course, working together with the local collaborators, they ensured that this prison was full of at least $5000.00 people,
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including $500.00 women. but it doesn't end there. the structure for the most part has been attacked. the ceilings have been destroyed. this one here has almost completely fallen down more holding cells over there, and they don't just and there there's another one here which is probably one of the most barbaric examples that i could provide. they would keep the prisoners in here. and just for comparison, this is how small and talk the spaces. i don't think i would fit in here. it's difficult to advocate that anyone would fits in here. but they would be kept in these cells for long periods of time to ensure that they could have these got the detainees talking this method of torture continued for many, many years until in the early 2, thousands this prison was shut down. this area was occupied at one point,
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and then these railways had to give it up. and when it did come into the control of the lebanese, to ensure that the story would get out and they are trying to do their best to preserve much of what happened to you. today, the cells see some, some lights. but the only reason why is because of the structure has been damaged to the point that it is allowing some light to see. and i'm looking at the cells these, these are just prime examples of, of the levels of torture that were implemented by the israelis looking inside of the cells. i don't even think they're big enough to fit a bed inside. just displays a level of in shoemaking treatment by the israelis against the detainees and see i'm jail to the jail of course, house different types of prisoners among them were women. there are no official numbers because there were no official records kept books. estimates suggest $5000.00 people were kept in fee on prison since the day it opened. and this wing
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here was the women's wing which suggest that these 500 people were kept here. $500.00 women that were also tortured alongside them, that the fear today is if israel decides to declare war against 11 on then c, m will become one of the many front lines, fee, and jail will also be targeted according to locals. they suggest, whenever it israel decided to come into lebanese territories, this jail was one of the very 1st targets for a specific reason. they suggest that they just really want to ensure that what happens here many, many years ago, stays in the past. but if the lebanese have anything to say about it, they will ensure that this place lives on as well as the memories. yes, and it can r, t and c, m, southern brother don't of the known from protesting farmers have blocked highways, leading to par as in
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a bid to make the government address their grievances. we'll keep a close eye on at developments or run the french capital throughout the day. but also i want to show you this on the streets. i'd side you headquarters in brussels, barbed wire, and bar ears have been erected around the european parliament building. in the belgian capital, by pro testers who say they make less money than what it costs to produce their food, making competition with other countries simply on sustainable. they also complain against new policies to allow imports of much cheaper ukrainian products. while european areas produces that they are restricted really by green energy goals. okay, let's take a look now to a package put together by our correspondence
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a rachel at from the center of par us now and giving us a real sense of what's being happening there. pseudo tells them off by 15th of march, the b. c. subsidy will have been paid into form is bank accounts. we will be working with the read just to make sure payments. the on farmers are made in the next few weeks. some have been waiting for over a year. fresh farmers had been out in full force since monday afternoon, blockading the major highways, heading into and out of paris. the seas of paris is what it's being called. now this here is the a 13 highway heading north west from paris, right out to normandy and beyond. now, a single day of protests last friday has now turned into a nationwide collection of, well, what amounts to here as, as pretty much a street party, i would say complete with food trucks, style concession,
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picnic tables, lots of beer, both in hands and on tables and other beverages being served up a tent with the tv set to the news to watch the coverage or any announcements that might come up. it's important to underscore that the interior minister as ordered the protection of these protest adults, which really speaks volumes about the kind of public support that the french government knows that this movement has. we're talking 89 percent support, according to the latest docs, a pool, french furnace, or gabriella tubs inaugural speech defense parliament on tuesday. having just taken office earlier this month was supposed to be about his grand vision for france. that totally got the rail to him. now everyone just wants to know what the heck is going to do about the farming prices. i do uh, when i mean these people listen, we have a minister who speaks very well, let's just say. but now we want to see something concrete. and i don't think there's anything concrete in what has been presented. we expect small the minutes
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that didn't mention any operational measures for the farming community. what was set on friday is a fax but with no further fluid today. so the mobilization will certainly continue unless there's something more specific on the other don't, don't you? uh we start our demonstration last tuesday and it's less than a week. we stopped on friday evening waiting impatiently for the speech by mister tom was supposed to put every culture above all else. however, in the end, he did absolutely nothing to help us with today. we went up to paris to help our colleagues, to show the government that were here. this can continue friends, can mobilize and sold their to with our profession. several other departments can join us just as we do. we're here for as long as it takes, the prime minister said that you'll be cancelling the tax increase, not lowering the tax canceling the increase that was planned for $0.03 a liter per year on farm fuel, which was meant to one climate change transition. and also introduce regulatory relief that really sounds like shipping an ice cube off of an iceberg. farmers
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blamed france for grafting regulations of their own on to even more crushing e u regulations, which is french president evaluating my calls, golden opportunities to shift the blame or at least try to onto brussels. so he's going to pay a visit to on the electric cleaner. so the vendor lies the european commission president this week with in brussels. and he's expected to ask that the you stop flooding the block with ukrainian farm products that are helped with the same quality standards. well, crushing the value of farming products here in france. so while the farmers and even my car now blaming the you, some of the french press has been saying that it's for us as vault. but the farmers here telling me that their grievances, long pre date the situation and ukraine doesn't pop up due to i do not think russia is to blame here at all. i believe a number of circumstances affect the situation,
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but we have been making these demands for several years. they are no longer new. whether it isn't the social speed or ecology or means of production, i can't just stand by. one thing that i've heard here is that ukrainian products have been coming into the u more since the ukraine conflict popped off. but who's responsible for letting them in the u. turkey and russia were warning at the time that it was actually all ended up for a big chunk of it was ending up here in europe and turns out that wasn't fake news because we're now seeing the impact of that on the ground right now. rachel lars. to a lot is are midweek news for off, for now, i'll be back at the top with more of whether it's the big stories to hope you can join me then the, the, the
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time i'm are expensive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the
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at the end of the 18th century, britain began by illegal opium, afraid in china. this hard drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the foggy l. b. a. however, the ruling chinese ging dynastee tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards sobar lee arm denmoore, lead train chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england and open it's boards for trading the legal good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery.
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destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty and the due opium wars fled to the transformation of this or less deal empire into a semi colony of european states. and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese. the plato is you, pre narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days, just to avoid the fee. dividing. ministration knows victory over rush. it is a dead and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine, the sun per month. so as you walk, who see on continue comes on. so look at this of prescription auto mall on the
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pretty much it all set. i last saw it, looked at the key running the list, securities equal minus. those you missed, you do something, but i don't you think much of it, my just because your logic, i stipulated to remind you in the blood the rest. if you have a mazda, the, that they're free, i learn a little more, to remind you to speak to you today of all the call numbers on the menu. so the composite me kind of what it is that the kind you slice level of entity it and then in their pocket i'm on it and gum. come on buddy to, to book it. so i'll see some of the method are due to do the death of both of them . the go to the casino system to.


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