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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the push to save some of this will help you get to the impact of the the other issue is really good. stuff will also be unsafe. unsuspended, excuse me for tiffany. a dr. adage, in a hospital details how is rarely horses disguised in civilian clothing? it killed 3 sleeping tablets and in one of them needing especial treatment for a disability. the, the palestinian red crescent society post the chilling final phone call with a 6 year old girl trapped inside the car for slain. sound like the fate of the
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child remains unknown. after to day and former pakistani prime minister and monk han and his wife received 14 year prison sentence for corruption. a day after he was handed, the 10 year term for li came in the state secret. his former advisor assessment file was conducted with him on han, hasn't been even allowed. is the defense attorney. he has in his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower court. the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we're covering the top news stories from around the world's of the un has denounced in his really army attack on a hospital as illegal after soldiers disguised as civilians infiltrated the medical facility and jeanine and shot 3 sleeping palestinians. the organization is also
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called on israel to stop the killings in the west bank, which have increased since october 7th, a doctor. the hospital targeted told us more about the armed assaults today at 550 . and the so easy for us to is get inside the house because there seemed to be any, any clauses. and also they have the same understand losses. they went to the one on one floor where they attacked the meet the kind of stuff, and the then they go inside totaled and can do 3 people that one of those people is ation to have mean inductance. october 2023. he has a part of this is in has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions near him. one of those continuing killed the during the petition was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they
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can, those have to be eaten, they go outside the hospital, pushed through these on here from this one house and you get to impact one that has the other issue. many can stuff with on, so you on safe and this will to fix to the captive lead on data action bought on dance practice. the latest video circulating on social media shows is rarely special forces dressed in doctors, uniforms and civilian at closing reading. the if needs seen a hospital, the idea of says that targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claims that hamas fighters were hiding inside the medical facility. but hospital officials insist that the individuals were receiving care local health ministry has to condemn to the operation a new building. since this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation, excellency of the minister of health stressed in
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a statement. i'm cold on all international institutions and the world health organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities in combating this phenomenon and holding them accountable. thousands of gaza took part in the funeral procession for the 3 palestinians killed in the attack. on the evening scene, a hospital video footage shows devastated relative, says they pay their final respects with women morning their loved ones. as men carry them bodies through the streets. we heard from some family members and friends of those killed against the martyr mohammed because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs. today, mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters robs, came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda
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young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on that land to go home, however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights. dounia, what is the use to to of quite a 100 to, for the, for the us state department, however, has failed to see any wrong doing. and the deadline is rarely hospital attack, saying that israel is free to take any action to combat terrorism, even if those targeted are in a hospital bed. israel, of course, has the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice. but those operations need to be conducted in full compliance with the international humanitarian law. the,
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those operations include going into hospitals and murdering people in their, in their bath, regardless of whether they're so you know, this, they are suspected or so even known parents. so that's okay with you. so there was a lot in the premise of that question. obviously they, we did do know that they went into the thing all i went in until you complete people who were completely innocent. so let me say that is in think that then you would be condemning a power, right? we certainly would, but i would say the israel assets, if these were i'm us operators, they have said that one of them was carrying a gun at the time of the operation. so, but as a general matter, they do have the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice, but they need to be conducted they living in the hospital. so we want them to conduct their operations and compliance with their national humanitarian law. we would generally say that we don't want them to carry out operations in hospitals, but under international humanitarian law,
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hospitals do lose some of their protections if they are being used to for the planning of terrorists operations side of the analysts, dr. side name or told us this attack should be considered a crime against international law. it was considered as a success. we can see the thought of this kind of act to go. you can disguise russian guys as indians because obviously you do, you know, kind of a victory rather just go out of the sky kind of and at the same time expressed how the, you know, this is a crime. i'm the crime, i guess you're the crime. i guess international law, i guess the, a one dimension on the what we are not to see nowadays that after the 77 to buy that street and all kinds of, like i said, these are the people in so many levels. and for the very 1st time now using goals and using miss or store or cdns,
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and they are targeting the cities and the gums, it's only damaging and destruction in order always. a security guard has been shot and killed at l. i'm all hospital in con eunice, that's according to the palestine red preston, society the is there all the forces have continued to storm the hospital for the last 10 days and the p r. c. s. has reported intense selling by the idea of going on in the vicinity of the hospital. video footage, released by the is really military shows its troops operating in con eunice. according to the idea it is conducting a targeted rate on a weapons manufacturing facility used by the a stomach jihad organization. they also said they found an underground tunnel and
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destroyed as and the palestine red crescent society has posted the final chilling phone call with one of its volunteers and a young girl named in the 6 year. busy that was reportedly trapped inside the car of her slain family, surrounded by is rarely tanks of 15 year old girl died in a hail of gunfire. heard earlier on the phone, the red crescent says it has lost contact with the teams sent to rescue the child. here are her last words from the phone call. as the big heavy. i have an a a how big the big have i'm a mini dad, a middle i'm the good. got the big. however it gives me the stuff. oh yeah, i was one of the seems to be the only got the latest from
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a spokesperson for the palestine red crescent society in the ball far saca. she said she is worried about the fate of the last girl and the 2 p or c. s. employees who went to rescue the child's we are having constant feed and panic regarding the safety of our sins and or what could needs up to this moment. 45 hours have passed and we don't know what the fate of what critics yusef and my who have had been to serve the girl the time. and the only thing we want to know is what's happened for the 6 years old girl. i can't even find the words to describe the how to are our team witness over the one when that a lot of times they have 15 years old. she was killed over the phone when she was at the 11 emergency line. she was saying i'm surrounding by is where 80 times they
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are fighting us and then our team have here this continuous function with these accusations that as well as making you guys to and why and on one now facing these funding suspensions, what will it ultimately spell for garza's humanitarian aid, this, this is in kim's, in a time, one of the one we're calling on. we will talk more humanitarian aids to get into garza and we need to collaborate together as a human nature against an old humanitarian agencies to be able to respond to the scale of emergency in costa. the scale of the crisis in gaza is just a huge, and we are, and there's a need for the old efforts to be able to provide over the humanitarian services to the people in casa to any they, the sufferings of over 2000000 civilians in casa. so this, this is an,
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is absolutely going to have a negative impact on the life of the display, people in gaza who are benefiting from the other. what services? because basically, also, or what have shelters, which now house thousands of displaced people a bomb has been found outside the is really embassy in sweden. the bomb squad has a cord into the building off after the object, reportedly a hand to bring the aid was spotted. even though it has already been disarmed and officials said, the object would have detonated if it weren't for the swift response is really investor has said his country, it will not be intimidated by terror. the incident happens. i mean the ongoing war and gaza in less than a week after the a rainy and embassy in stockholm was attacked. turning a blind eye to actually had problems like weakening economies in europe. the german news outlet bill and has it published an article floating a link to report that says every other german citizen fears an attack by russian
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president put the author of war correspondent thomas roper joins me now in the studio. to discuss this, quite a surprising report to that, every other german is afraid of a russian attack is the space and reality of that with its best and reality, independent media they read. now make the big show to extend the german spy. life gets hotter, more expensive, and so on why they have to spend 100000000 on the, on the, to be on the army. while there is no money for pensions and so on that there's a, this has to be explained somehow. and i see this just as a, as a kind of a making pendant can be a minister of defense in germany since october already says you have to be ready for was so and now the media is taking this topic. yeah, we were discussing this in the news room before the program. uh it is this really just a fair long rang rather than focusing on the real issues at home it's, it's almost like the media is trying to find an enemy that people can focus on. so
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that way they're distracted from actual problems. i'm oldest joking. the german government's always funds to find somebody who's guilty, whether it's 14, whether it's corporate, whether it's climate change. somebody is guilty of the problems in germany, but the german government can't do anything. and we see this again, um they put the focus of something else instead of solving the problems at home. mm hm. yeah, there are a lot of problems that europe is facing at the moment. we have striking farmers weak economies. why isn't europe addressing the real problems that people are facing? because them, if they would do they have to ask for them for the reasons. and the reason is the day, in fact, follow an american policy which comes to europe fighting russia. so there's a function of working worst for europe then for rough, for the rest of the company is going through your piece of problems if you would face, and this probably would have to name it. and this would raise questions. so the policy itself and some of the governments, we constantly here in the western media talk about russian propaganda. you know, rush says behind this information or behind election results that people are
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unhappy about the same time to the western media rights about the threat from russia and this looming war in europe. is it really just russia that's engaging in propaganda here? well i'm to be honest, i don't seem to have some propaganda at all because we're actually media blocked to be in europe. so hope that may prove a gun that was to have blocked incense or so they have to make somebody guilty. that's the whole point. and we, we can take really every topic and we find this. so they find someone who is guilty of their problems. and i flaunted school that the government is responsible for the life and your country. but nobody loved that. everybody else responsible except the government. so what's that? yeah, excellent point to about russian media being blocked in europe. so here's the propaganda coming from, you know, we understand information was leaked from this reports. it could, somebody could been intentional and why would that be um, in general, for leaks or intentional. but if we have a secret paper and somebody quotes from that, they would just have to find the what's the blow of the one was it was
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a publishing secret information. they don't do it, they publish and say, hey, we have this story. so this of costs, especially weeks, you'll see the difference in this new can, for example, snowed this, whatever the, cuz i didn't want. and the hunting for snowden front, for more than 10 years. and then we have many, many weeks and nothing know rich. and so, of course, it's on purpose and interesting to think russian relations between you and russia can ever return to normal given the state of affairs currently. not very soon. i'm more when you, when you see the nonsense i'm from, from russian politicians, they tell they don't touch europe and then in concert anymore they, they don't talk about your people. they talked about american politics and they look quote that the europeans don't have an old products. so how to deal with somebody who's not acting on decisions. i think this is going for a long time, a good relation between russian, you mm hm. what, what, what's your feeling about how german voters actually feel is set setting aside, you know, this propaganda from the western media as far as relations with russia. are they in
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favor of the current policies for mosque, or would they like to see a song of relations that we have? the suggestions you have and you would be um, so called far away party id, which now they have protests in germany because again, some kind of believe many, many protests because the, if they were growing and, and there was a fee of that, they could, for example, take regional governments and some of the above the set of parts of germany. and now we have a big, maybe a complaint against this, which is because the germans, i'll type it, see the progress of the farmers and all see the rich and attaching from all politicians and media. these parties, which is the only real position, whether you liked them or not, but just the only appears up as if we have in germany. do you think the, the average person in, in germany can see through the propaganda from the media? because i know in america where i'm from the media, there doesn't have a lot of credibility anymore. people know that they're basically being fed a certain narrative. is that the case in germany as well? well, yeah, that would when you look at this. so there are reports that like less than 50
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percent really trust the media anymore. so on the one hand you have nearly half of the country with drastically media, but you have 50 percent who don't. so it's quite divide. it certainly is that right, i'll turn more correspondence kind of scrubber. thank you. thank you. but now to, as in bob blay, were officials report a disaster as the color outbreak has already claimed over 400 lives and infected more than 20000 individuals. the government has launched a cholera vaccination campaign aimed at countering the deadly disease. local reporter keep baptist springs us more on the story. it isn't bob ways of dealing with a deadly color outbreak with at least 447 depths recorded sofa and 21000 cases recorded. nationwide. it says to do with an clean water, pause, substitution, and unconnected refuse has been the reason behind this outbreak. it's a disparate site with most trains as song of misery that is echoed across all 10
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proteins as of as in bob way at atlanta is picked up hunting the nation claiming lies and suffering. hope. the remaining hope is lift up to the medicine inside the drip, the minister to the patients struggling to stay alive. doctors and this is the face, up to the exhaust and become the reluctant conductors of hope, breathing life back to the muscles across the country in the hospitals itself is like this behind me that have led to the outbreak of cholera ends in probably the government that was involved with says that it's doing what it can, and today it is officially rolled out a campaign to vaccinate about 800000 people nationwide. why did we say we failed? because we did not have a profile. what of us to be t as in bro, but suddenly patients, one of the shifts in the gave us and this is why after discovering this is
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challenge, we have government is digging up on itself to take all the nurses with visiting houses to buy dual administering free doses of the color of vaccine in the affected regions of the country. however, skeptics argue that they help i lived a little too late. are those chris and if the vaccine we really bring about change? the problem, we're still dealing with burst sewage pipes just down the road from here, the situation is not looking good. some of us are skeptical about these vaccines because we can track, did call or in the past. and we are afraid that if we take the vaccine, it might make us sick again. but the main issue we are still facing is access to clean water and hygiene, easiest. when other we are still drinking and treated water. our community is growing and expanding coupon. so there's a need for profit planning in terms of housing as people are not being catered for pop up the shops, a completely packed with people selling and clean products. the steel gets
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a complete breeding ground for color and the government needs to take action to an anti grass court. this final bond has sent a in this to former pakistani prime minister in wrong con and his wife to 14 years in prison. they were found guilty of a legally selling state and gifts that mister congress seems during his time in office a day earlier, he received a 10 year term and a separate case for leaking state secrets that charged focused on a cipher released by mister con, which he claimed as evidence of a us back to plot to oust him in 2022. he has denied all charters noting that the trial was a fixed match with a pre determined outcome. his parties, secretary general, has called the court's decision, quote, a travesty of justice accusing the judicial system in pakistan of thinking to new lows. while his former advisor helps the decision, will be reversed soon by the high court or the way that the court is conducted
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itself. in the last, you know, 34 days in particular, you know, amount of hon hasn't been even allowed. is a defense attorney. he hasn't, his lawyer hasn't been in or out to represent him. there's been no cross questioning or witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower court. everything in terms of procedural in procedural wise, has not been conducted. we still haven't got the final orders even passed on to us is get the, the charges to put on him or, you know, buying the us, buying the state gifts by cheaper prices. been evaluated by a fee witness that they've created the out of there. so there's an amount of han was dry, it was tried to be forced to sign his witness statement, but she refused cuz he said, my boys are not here. so i even know that there was a hearing going on and then the verdict is going to be taking place. so it couldn't have been more of a sham kindle record as it was inside. and again, for the view as this is inside the prison is not a full fledged court room where it's national or national media or public can
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attend. this is within the premises of the prison that inbound honda is residing. and so, you know, we know that once it goes to higher quotes, we will, we will, in this case, is as they have no legs to stand on before he was arrested. last year con walked back his allegation somewhat against washington in an apparent hope to return to power and amend pakistani us ties. after receiving the 10 year sentence on tuesday con, address to supporters from jail urging them to protest peacefully and take part in next week. some general election was ousted as prime minister in april 2022, and eventually arrested last august, facing a series of criminal cases con, had earlier accused and incumbent in pakistani, government of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career. both his ousting and subsequent prosecution sparked a mass of protests and pakistan over the past 2 years. a local correspond, it brings us more details about the latest updates to the story. a farmer prime
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minister named armstrong and his 5 please. i'd be the are best able to send things to for b, b as in 10 years involved these big cubes, osborne, we've asked them to come to me to do battle had quiet press at 1st i guess, to enhance the accountability for funny dining a. julie said, we see it from so the account please. i guess under the value assessment, be the best plan for you on a john. i'd be a part of finding out of the way it can be validated farmer and for so you conducted heading at 12 or the other day. and when the farmer prime used to using place or for for an auto band form 40 people for 10 years. and so therefore they find out because i wonder if the sermons be able to be speech does not appear to be for the for to be the verdict comes 30 days before the thing that's, i'm in the election. we think we do, are you through our capacity? i read
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a stand up press on and be don't any elect on the same was following him or on concert. this 3rd serve, piece of orders are peaceful and we have not seen any major porters across the country. referring to this case earlier, the caretaker prime minister noted cons, fate should be decided by the court. well, former prime minister should buzz to read, who now leads to poles, has supported the court's decision against con and says he will never reveal upstate secrets. what hours after he was sentenced to a decade in prison on tuesday. our rally and con supporters in south western pakistan was hit by a bomb blast. this nomic state terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack that came. busy to at least 4 people the close of the victim is where the port of the members and mr times opposites. and to see i party in a further 6 people were wounded. one or bank motorbike exploded here, the rally for the else to theater. local officials say, however,
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it is unclear whether the demonstration was actually the target as pakistan is also during a for a general election next to the local journal. i said this is free for, for from the scene of the deadly plus uptick. we did the bomb exploded year edge in the room. when the p d. i election round just has to spend and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed dead police and security forces important off the area. well, the dead and injured of being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared consuming district hospital. if my camera man can pen behind me in groups have just arrive to collect the evidence or to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber or improvised explosive device i use. the 3rd conviction of iran con, comes as the week before national elections that are scheduled to be held at february 8th. his advocate says the sentence was handed down in a rush, and now con is disqualified from holding any public office for a decade. again, the former prime minister,
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a special assistant sad because he says con is still the most popular leader. despite of being behind barnes, the airings were conducted in such a rush and so unlawfully it was obvious that there was, there was a pre determined decision to be given before the february 8 elections and the next 8 on days. and the point of this is to create an element of fear to create an element in people's mind that a month on is now wiped off on the political landscape of the box on and to suppress his popularity in some way. however, it is very miscalculated to mount hon is the most popular need of the country. i hope you have a scene and these 2 sentences has only further advocated that. and that's being made. people give them more results to come out on february 8 and vote for mr. hall . and so i think it's actually going to walk the other way. but we're afraid of security threats. we've got bummed loss going on in our leaders. most of us are in hiding. we cancelled public riley's barely,
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especially in the province of been jobs. houses are being rated today. are on our p t i headquarters all sealed off straight off to the straight off to the verdict. um, so you know, this is not an action, this is an absolute champ. alright, just stay with our to international up next. continuing the documentary series of molly overtime and the french colonial legacy. by the
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the, to re toes you pray. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days, just to avoid the fee. the binding ministration knows victory over rush. it is a dead ends. now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the sick,
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awful lot go that you got to get better. you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you, hey, say, i mean would, would you need to lock up the people that are drug addicts because going cold turkey is like going through withdrawals and a lot of these for people to withdraws, giving them money will kill them so you just gotta give him the valve cover, right? no one go us. no one. not very good, but truly getting worse and worse every year. as we go. the


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