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tv   News  RT  February 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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domain, an example for millions of the press on the planet, the if the countries that defended their funding to own their law maintain their decisions, the impact will be kept us the traffic on the people up because lot, but right now as moving a dozen countries joined the us on the you in for spending funds to the un refugee agencies of palestinians underwater itself. doors have devastating consequences for the lives of the entire civilians. population of guns fighting intensifies in southern guns that don't cause would have deadly consequences. not only for me is wally as flights, but on the box, at least for the inspection of the field hospitals, also coming up this out. the
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non sixteens from the belgian capital this bomb is make clear, the fiery feelings outside the offices of the politicians. denali thinks the treatments for national producer, the a very well welcome. it has tons to pm here in moscow. and this is also the international for the very latest wells. news updates is good to have you with us. our top story, this, our a top united nations humanitarian committee has just west of the states to immediately with the that decision to freeze funding for the un relief and works agency for palestinian refugees underwater itself as won't have disastrous consequences of them. they were just being implemented by 17 nations plus the if the countries that suspended their funding to otherwise maintain their decision, the impact will be catastrophic on the people of color right now as the war
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continues, as the displacements continues, as people are mostly in the rush shelters receiving wheat flour to make bread from honora, receiving medical services from monroe. so the, in fact will be really a disaster. the situation is already got the stuff like in the case of our stuff in the west bank, including east jerusalem. and in casa, we share the names of all our staff once a year with the israel governments. we do something similar in all the whole countries where we work. so we do share the name of our staff with the governments of jordan, lebanon, syria, because we want to know if there are concerns from these governments. so we will continue doing this and we will continue to take very seriously any allegation of breach of professionalism by our stuff. the western states were quick to suspend the fun things. the under one of the is well accused. a dozen of the agencies
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employees have taken part in the october 7th terrorist attack, and while the un has vowed an investigation, the heads of 50 the agencies of the world body have warned of an impending collapse of the humanitarian system and garza. we had reactions through the holton donations from desperate civilians. the day of the this is the beginning of health because there are 2200000 refugees. people displays from the north through the south, and they are without shelter, food drink for anything you food is not available for these people. then we are heading towards the salmon and the disaster that is the worst and the history of humanity. please tell them up in peace time. we was 70 percent dependent on on the aid under was schools. i'm free health services. what do you expect to happen to us now that when many countries reduce the aid provided to underway will say, it is a major disaster, any catastrophic situation. but he's the only body to support the posting in people
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. and it's the only one that has the ability to provide assistance. we discussed the crisis with palestinian red crescent, spokes person and the ball fall side case stays the west in suspension of funding full on the wall. couldn't have comedy. it was time this. this is a games and i'll tell i'm one of the one we're calling on. we will have more humanitarian aids to get into garza and we need to collaborate together as a human nature is an old humanitarian agencies to be able to respond to this kill off emergency exhaust. and we are, and there's, i'm seeing in puerto own efforts to be able to provide all the humanitarian services to the people in costa, to i need the suffering of over 2000000 civilians in casa, yesterday. we have run out to do blood and then display speeds and how do need to the blog to save lives. we do have shortage of medicine and make a medical supply as well. and now with food,
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we with food to for you the patients that wanted to people, as well as townsend's of displaced people who are to consent to the out the staff. we have limit them in for the displeased people and for our son to only one need a day since the beginning of the escalation, we have seen as red as targeting civilians start getting health care workers, hospitals. and i'm here, this is and all who is there is justification, which is absolutely most of the time and not right and wrong. and it's just accusations because because they want to justify anything. they are doing civilians on health care workers and all should be protected. i'm not targeted a while the you enroll into the base. you want us, how are you in the situation and gone to is becoming even more dia, doctors of the northern hospital that which is being bombarded by the idea of several times in recent days. i was talking to provide a doctor,
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the facility was heavily damaged. the report that my mood sub i interviewed a doctor at the c. i mean, i mean especially i would that be mostly, but this is the our, the hospital in the title is a tower area. of northern guys um and it has come under a number of strikes throughout the war and we just rarely artillery directly targeting the building. we can now speak with local doctor mohammed sally. la police tell us about the conditions at the hospital after the repeated attacks by the idea of national. we have been providing health services to the citizens of northern gauze or from the beginning of the israeli aggression. the hospital was besieged rate team days and it was targeted full times. many of its medical personnel were killed in addition to the rest of the hospital direct and some of its employees. all of this is jeopardized, the health care system in northern garza and the work of our hospital. the editor said if i can, so just what sort of direct impact have these really strikes had on the medical
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services and clinical capacity of the hospital? is this the fat and the attacks over the past 2 days have affected 50 percent of the hospitals capacity as $48.00 beds were taken out of service by the shelling of 2 floors designated for the wounded and the sick. these were also the 2 flaws allocated to doctors without borders of strategic partners. out of the hospital, we are a non governmental organization that has been working for 5 years. treating the wound to the northern garza, we have many partnerships such as the world health organization and doctors without borders. in addition to partnerships with o, united nations organizations, and we've been submitting distress close to these groups on a daily basis. some of these international organizations coordinate to the entry of medical aid, but we're unable to deliver this aid hedge you to these really patient preventing them from doing so many medical aid convoys were blocked and we kind of bring them here from southern gaza. yes, the, by the had they had to do things. these are systematic is really strikes to undermine and we can the health care system and northern gaza. a little bit that
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did as 11, how not since the beginning of the aggression we have seen the israeli occupation forces targeting medical facilities and the health care sector. in general, many government hospitals were hits. we are non governmental hospitals, but we have been targeted more than once. they are seeking to attack everything related to the health sector in northern garza to completely overwhelm the medical systems. thank you. dr. ethan, who. yeah, it's the s m a. so a clearly systematic policy by these really occupation forces to restrict and undermine the strength and capabilities of hospitals. here in northern guys, i'm amid the continuing idea of aggression and bombing of the enclave. moving south to tanya, it is now west offset from the world health organization have managed to deliver a central supplies to one of the last remaining working hospice. what was in the end place is comes in mid report that's local citizens and the data state. today we are running out to food
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a crowd gathered upon the arrival of the w h. i would call in boy as the aid was distributed to most of a 1000 patients at nasa hospital. so does that don facilities say palace, city, and children are especially valuable to academics, spunk, by a critical, a lot of essential resources. we'll go ahead and remove that. this is a vivid example of the spread of outbreaks and dangerous diseases due to the over crowding of displaced people at the hospital and the lack of cleaning and sanitation. for example, this child is suffering from a fungal skin disease on the head, and this is not the only case as to many others have been recorded at this hospital . they hit the u. s. military set on wednesday, and it's sold down 3 raining and 10 year many drones. the developments and the red sea con, limited ongoing intervention by the us and u. k. against the who phase of our tax on ships. also, you have many toast. the un security council has gathered to discuss the escalation with washer,
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accusing the west of being the will switch to peace and the region producing reduced to electric clinic, whereas the aggressive actions by our security council colleagues, the width of the okay, in the red sea, remind us of the barbaric and illegal natured bombings of yugoslavia, afghanistan, iraq, libya and syria. at the same time, the thesis of fighting terrorism and right of self defense is exploited shamelessly . we categorically condemn the aggression against you have been conducted without approval by the un security council. we had against stress that the unlawful and provocative actions by washington and london, both a direct threat to international peace and security and funds of mind the global order based on the supremacy of international rights and the central role of the un . meanwhile, us republican presidential hopeful nikki haley has made of explosive statements as in washington to bomb iraq and syria and assassinated, leading a radiant figures. you're saying now is the time to hit or on. now's the time to
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hit their leaders. it's different, don't go and bomb the go to our infrastructure, the infrastructure and a rack in syria. you start with that 1st you do the sanctions and you take out a couple of their leaders. that's the way in their country in there. if they're in their culture, you do like solo money when they left the country, you figure out where they are, our special operations can do that. and then you take them out as well. that says the us insists that iran is to blame for a recent slide find a rocky militant group that killed 3 americans. so just at a base on the, in the boat is the in between syria and jordan or something claims the medicine. so in a radian proxy and accusation denied by officials and the as nomic republic, i'm of the us has made no response to that to attack americans forces have phones militants ha, gets in a rock, syria and human a number of times since october, the 7th of the so called islamic resistance groups step up their attacks. we faced us military bases across the region. american olsa is active as sarah flounder. as
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a is nicky hayley's aggressive statements point to the town to productive nature of washington's foreign policy. to the corporate media. she says exactly what the bible says, what trump said, what obama said, i always talk tough. threatened with countries and po sanctions, targeted assassinations, and list troops and war. really no new, nothing new. she's talking about all. let's have some new sanctions. serious been under sanctions more than 20 years or rack 34 years and continuing around since 1979. that's 45 years. so the sanctions continue, the targeted assassinations continue. what it means is failed, failed, failed policy, of a dying empire. frankly. no new thinking about how to cope with this, just make the same big threats and, and keep on making the same actions. it doesn't matter really. it's what
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impacts us profit us corporate power. and it isn't stopping any of these countries from asserting their right to be free of us. true. and, and that is what a rock is demanding. they've been calling for us troops out for quite some time now to brussels. now, west schools are furious on this of the siege, the parliament building, the moulding action from the unions, officials of what they call the dia, states of national agricultural sectors. the,
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the heated ronnie came and made a nearby summit of 12, e, your officials. i'm all the blocks leadership side away from facing the workers. they were met and praised by hon gary employment as in victor old. but who's also in russell's for tools back in brussels, will stand up for the voice of the people, even if the bureaucrats and brussels blackmail us as well followed demonstrations a split across europe over the last several months as protest is subject to the green agendas tough environmental rules, vice and get into costs under the influx of cheap agriculture products from countries such as ukraine. they say these thoughts does make providing food for europe uncompetitive. this on this of blocks roads in berlin on southern france, where obstructing apples,
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access results and thousands of arrest. the national banks have posted a record process flying in the face of nitty 2 years of unprecedented west and sanctions, as, according to a new report on the financial times, countries, banking sector rates in 16 times more money last year compared to 2022. when most of the restrictions were implemented over the ukraine conflicts, the boom has been partly attribute to to the national purchase of assets that was sold off by west and companies as they fled from russia. it comes as the eyes, the i m. s has upgraded as projections for the sanctions countries, economic growth space. yet we discussed development associated with finance, with specialist on the optic contribute to questions throughout the whole, started the special military operation. that thing we've seen with our own eyes. what's happened with the russian economy and i think is you see a more infrastructure being developed, new homes being built, know these things. and it's quite clear why that is. that's because the economy is
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doing well. if economy is not doing well, you don't see things like this. but when you see when, when the economy is doing well, you see, you see new developments. you've seen these things going up and see massive infrastructure projects happening. and that's really the case as to what we're seeing right now in russia. we use the economy is bearing the fruits of it because you know, more money for bonds is certainly good news for investors. but it is actually translating, it is converting to the rest of the economy and the russian people. yeah, i would agree with that. 100 percent. just saying that if you travel around russia, which i do quite often, if you go to the regional cities like last week, i was in a city who really honest, which is one of the regional cities of russia. this is a city that's during the 90 suffered quite a lot with through economic troubles now is booming. you've got brand new factories being built. you've got brand new out of plant developments being built. and most importantly, you've got young families being able to afford to buy these homes, and you really can't say it outside of the western economies. right now. kind of put a point you about the political ramifications of all this. and, you know,
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when you have headlines like this in the f t a know the article, is it people to notice it gets notice, you know, not just by people reading it, but by authorities as well. you have something like europeans and spending 2 years buying expensive fuel from other countries. it's hurting people. me are you it, you officials, for instance, are they listening to this? do you think after so much time, so much effort into trying to punish russia that it's not working? it's doing the opposite. that well, you know what? maybe negotiations instead of punishments i. e sanctions. maybe that's the way forward. so i thought that would quite the union, but what we can see is in the electoral cycles of a lot of european countries, it's a good job. many right now we've got a lot of the freedoms policies that, um, well i would say i wouldn't quite say pro russian, but more friendly towards russia, pulling my realistic maybe. yeah, yeah, exactly. wayllace wayllace, right?
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realist. you know, you've got, you know, old and have hungry who's always been, you know, always been a, a realistic product. what's hungry 1st, even beat somebody who's your city, you stuff. you've got, you know that, that, that shows you. if you took an opinion polls they don't, it was correct, but they do tend to show you the way that the vast amount of public opinion with the post amount of public opinion is. and i think we're seeing now people, people that people are hungry, people of color. and when you have that, you're going to see a change and hopefully that's going to be changing the positive change with finally, you know, g, f is willing to sit down on the negotiating type with russia pushed by their rifles to do so. and we can see united see, see a more positive outcomes of the situation for the people that cause the washer. and the foreign ministry has welcome to ruling by the international court of justice dismissing most of t as accusations that gave small scope over the years longer military conflicts and for the positive east and ukraine. the international court of justice did not follow key, as legend fundamentally refused to recognize russia was an aggressor. the cold also
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rejected. ukrainian insinuations that the done yes. can move guns people's republic sir allegedly terrorist organizations. these conclusions are of particular importance in light of the fact the key of hope to use the court's ruling to support its demands. the transfer threats of russian assets stolen in the west. in the introduction of international restrictions against russia. the new claims filed the international pulls of just as low, so you're back in 2017 accusing russia of funding rebels and zone. but as a decade to goes the i c j concluded that the alleged supply of weapons and training as well as the downing of the image, 17 outline, and 2014 was not covered by the scope of the convention. the quote did however rule that why should have failed to prove alleged violations by individuals but refused toward the most go to pay compensation to victims. as kids has requested cards, us based international direct line. preston says the i c j throughout the most serious allegations that ukraine had, levels of games, russia,
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people or collect the most serious charges, included the financing of terrorism. and of course, the i, c. j rejected that and found that the russian federation is favor. i think that was the most important fact and claim that was resolved by this decision, the only pursuing the only violations that the last huge i did find were minor violations with respect to the russian federation. late involved the failing to properly investigate the claims of terrorism. i'm not for meetings, enough plugs, instruction in schools in the ukraine language and for him being the parts are minority from exercising or using a representative bodies as especially their own form of government on the try me in
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peninsula. and those issues are, are pretty minor. the, the major one which key of wanted was the finding the, the provision of arms and weapons to the domestic republican, the goss people's republic, thought to help them defend themselves against kia, constituted the funding um, of terrorism in the i. c. j rejected that. so i believe this is a resounding victory for the russian federation. a somali born american congresswoman has sparked outrage by critics a in slave intentions and of lawless tile east african regions. and a recent speech around atlanta of mazda and she strongly supported somalia. and his territorial dispute with the separatist, the public of somalis on some of us politicians of quote, for the democrat to be strips of citizenship and even deported saying she's abusing her position. is just some of what she actually says too much for that much. i'm
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a couple of days ago, we heard that some people who called themselves tamales or east cling to the somalis. i've signed a memorandum of understanding with iep out on access to the c. small it is for somebody's only as over 45 percent of small the us population on those even ethnic somalis. the us government must know that we will safe called the interest of somalia for as long as i am and congress in somalia will never be in danger and it's montez will not be stolen, but ethiopia, or anyone else it come, does this kind of okay, most of the break away on recognize with public called somebody lines, signed a deal with ethiopia on access to the red sea region recently become a circle point of global attention of the t. shipping root was repeatedly targeted by militants from yemen. some on the list suggest to us is now especially interested in driving a wedge between somalia ending c o p a of the status of somebody that can you based
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international relations stall that in a car? yeah. mooney told is that such fiery rhetoric from the us congress, women, it's dangerous for east africa as a home. comments about the some of the lambs. memorandum of understanding who the feel be. is jim evaluated this in much more? somebody's in that sense because it goes in again, is a physical oh no, no construction likes bunch of to but look is going to wash your boat. as did you, it was that she was going to use the united states and projected for more time a section of what somebody just at the expense of the neighboring countries. so when she stopped talking about, going back to the good us, i'm malia, the conception the dentist in that field and trustworthy discussions. and so i'm,
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i'm here today because the project failed. so for how to stop talking about the, to the right thing. it is, this is through the computer in the region box, you can get a serious situation and that is what i'm going to do. and so when she says she is class, so molly and then was nothing as part of the use and as it was so pushing, there's a lot of interest in the dentist interest is really what i mean. i don't think i feel about it for me, us senate stuff, tara read is doing the department of justice for $10000000.00 in damages. miss reed says the agency of a so an s b. i cover up of her case against job i, to whom she accused as of sexual assaults while she was a center in 1993. when he was a sense of brother as a result of the actions carried out inside the run silver operation. cassandra,
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by the respondent, f. b, i at our claimant has suffered severe emotional distress and anxiety was subject to to death threats was on no police availed on have her communications on financial records sees done for quoted and was forced to apply for asylum to a side country. incredible. say of her life and liberty. what's our ground to the as an exclusive 1st interview earlier in the studio here on thursday, the telling her those 3 things to us federal authorities on the incumbent president biden. the s b i n g o j. a since joe biden, it went into office, started to target me and went after me. and so this lawsuit actually addresses the web and ization and put us how the f, b i n d o. j has been politicized based surveillance to me. and when i did not know i was being surveilled, they opened a d o. j did a sealed case against me. it's still not knowing what's in that field case. a grand
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jury was in panel, but what i do know is a twitter attorney had contacted me and said that they had gotten sealed warrants for all my communication meeting, g mail, twitter. every thing you can think of on social media as a us citizen, i thought, oh, well, you're gonna get a death, right? you go to law enforcement. these were online. these were, you know, so that was under the purview of the f b. i didn't know that the f b i was actually targeting me. obviously they're scared of the fact that i have cooperating witnesses. they're willing to go on the record. i was about to testify before congress, and now you have, there's 7 other women that had complaints that were silenced. i was, threatens, there's documentation now and legal documentation of the threats and of what was going on. so i think what he's afraid of you, they're trying to protect not only right now his trying to run for president, but also his legacy of, of more of the days latest news updates on documentary some sense. you've always
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seen visit our website all to dot com. i'll be back to the top of the i was more the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going on the ground, can the
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pictures everywhere. to be whatever details in vegas
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a 1000 cows come from l. a. a council ever cuz philadelphia they think is a good area just to get good drugs. and so you come down from so you come down or you start, you can come back in a way that you use, you know, family members know you down here or stuff like that. that's why i was saying that there was a kid to lay right here. both where sit, that's now bow a, sit down where 21 sit down. this is the trenches. we gotta showed them. this is like little we sit like this is a little be living exam. if i can tell you, i can't tell you too much, but the, this is how we learn because the government no law give us no money. states no
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bonus, faith and they say nothing though, homeless people was in this building. homeless who was living in the building. they had to shut it down, covered it up, there was an it guy to the point. it got to a point they, they were living so hard. they had to break in a band ability because the government don't want to give us no money. no, it's very badly. but in general, in general, how follows if i did them there almost died bullet who below. whether it's a boy. the bully who my brother in law died. january 24th 2019 the i shot 30 times. and actually kind of scared because i was only 13.


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