tv News RT February 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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the, the breaking news right now, the us confirmed the has carried out strikes on the rack and syria, and the pentagon says he was targeting the legs iranian back. maybe she has bad let them put inside the most important russian weapons, the superior to foreign country plots, while the country is defense minister, these is the latest numbers on keeps track and field losses. angel says it's dropping off. it's a military campaign in town units, and now it has upsides said $5.50 of rafa. leaving behind a trail of destruction in despair of profiting gas in the b. b a which one area in west of northern gauze was invited to place ready almost at the beginning of the ground operation. we were shocked by the extensive destruction of building streets and infrastructure. the
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progress is locked into national reaching you live from my new center and the roster and capital i am michael caught you up with the updates that would begin breaking news from the middle east for us as a now as the carried out multiple strikes across iraq and syria, let's not cross live to our correspondent caleb mopping, joining me and i might not from new york. caleb, why do you we know about the report it strikes? well, we understand that the us central command has now confirmed the air strikes have taken place in iraq and syria. the united states is saying that it targeted iranian backed forces. and at this point to 85 targets where he had, according to the united states, that's what the us central command is reporting. in addition to that, they say that a total of $125.00 explosive munitions were used. some of these attacks were
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launched from bombers that were based in the united states that flew from the united states to carry out the strikes. and this comes on the heels of the usa, bowing that it would retaliate for 3 us soldiers that were killed in georgia. here's what we heard from us, secretary of defense, lloyd austin, the president will not tolerate attacks on american troops. and neither will i our teammates were killed by radical militias back by or on an operating inside, syria and iraq. this is a dangerous moment in the middle east. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond. when we choose where we choose and how we choose. now from what we understand,
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the white house says this entire situation lies squarely on the shoulders of the as womic republic. i'll be wrong and they blame iran for this entire situation. this is biden's comments. yes, i do go to the point now, the islamic republic of iran said prior to the actions that we've recently seen that yet, united states continues to escalate its activities throughout the region. they will retaliate against the united states. this is what we've heard from leaders of the islamic revolutionary guard core. you know that we do not leave any threats without saddam so we don't offer a war, but we need a fable nor escape it. now it's important to know that
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a number of iranian aligned forces throughout the region have been targeted by the united states allies united states, and by israel law. there's been a number of strikes, carried out a number of prominence iranian military leaders and figures align with iran who have been targeted. and the us forces that are operating in syria are in syria, with out the permission of the internationally recognized syrian government. they are in violation of serious territorial integrity. syria is now back in a membership of the era league. there is a fully recognized country, but the usa is violating its territorial integrity, occupying its space. meanwhile, the iranian forces that the usa has struck in syria. are there with the syrian government permission, they were welcome to get into the country in the fight against terrorism in the fight against isis. and that's a context to this confrontation that we're not hearing in western media. they're leaving this detail out of their reporting. but many seer,
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this situation could very soon escalate. iran has several retaliated against the i states. united states says it is retaliating for 3 soldiers killed in jordan. this could all spin out of control very quickly and many around the world are holding their breath. see what comes next. well, that's a big question. what comes next? step of one is watching to see how it plays out. archie is caleb bumping. thank you for bringing us up to speed that i'd like to know across live to for my cdo security policy on the list of the pentagon. michael model, michael is good to have you join me right now. i know you've been following this development that the u. s military savvy has strong over 85 targets in syria and you, rog, what in your opinion is the motivation for this attack? well, the motivation clearly is the death of the 3. you us service personnel in jordan and the and, and so i think that that's what's the has motivated this and and, and,
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and as moffatt pointed out earlier, we're in syria illegally but we're in jordan, legally. we're in the iraq legally. so i think that we're going to be, we're going to be seen a multi tier action here. over the course of days. what we, this 1st crunch was 85, and then they'll make an assessment and then look at other targets. now, many politicians have called in binding to directly striking right. and we see some of business videos going viral, then people are reacting to it. but we see that no way right in territory was targeted. especially in this, in this instance. how likely is that to happen? for americans to strike iran in retaliation, that'd be goes ahead at this point, i don't see it. i think they're going to limit only 2, syria, iraq and then look for the and then they may even do minimal
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attacks inside of your rock itself. because of the local politics there, they don't the, the iraqi government is talking to the americans do to leave. so and, and already i think the militias, the ship, alicia's were given 6 days notice and they probably long ago left. and i think that's the same with the i r g c and syria. they probably of all left, united states telegraphed the what their intentions were. i think that was purposeful. so they could clear out and then minimize the damage my god. but at, but it was inevitable that our us red line was crossed when they killed americans. and that's not the responding to. okay. now what have we hurts from words from biding about punishing those responsible for the type of the american service man. what does biding, has it tends toward flanking, to run directly tell you about the motto as a whole. is the us military ready for
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a confrontation with iran directly? you know, i think that would definitely open up the, the, the entire region to, to a war. and some folks are even suggesting world war 3 i, i think he's trying not to do that. he's trying to minimize it. he doesn't even want to have a war on his hands as he's going into the elections in 2024. so this, i think he just wants to respond to them, then wait to see what the rain and responsible be if any. but given that 6 day notice, i think that the, the, the, the personnel, the height target personnel, they were looking for probably cleared out long ago. so, and, and we'll see what we'll see where, where it goes from there. but um i, i, i, i know that there's a lot of clamber on capitol hill right now to go after the, to go after ron. if that happens, then that raises everything up to a whole new level of conflict. and we get more deep,
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more deeply involved and we basically are fulfill what netanyahu wanted us to do in the 1st place is wage direct confrontation with iran. and there are, i'm sure i know that there are target possibilities that have already been suggested to the president. he had the run in terms of the options that he would have at his disposal. so i think it for ron, doesn't respond to this, then you won't see any further response. um, after the us finishes, it's uh, uh, it's bombing campaign. but who knows of it this, this is very volatile, is very uncertain. like is that with you, right? as a whole new level. well right now, how prepared is washington to widen the scope of such a task considering its already involved in bombing yemen, syria and iraq, as well when we're low on ordinance, the united states is not really fully prepared for this. the are our own defense
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department hasn't received this budget and, and what, where, what they're basically the been funded for on is our fuse if you will, financial fumes. yeah. we, we provided all the ordinance to where much of the ordinance to uh, to ukraine and, but here's another problem for, for, for a, for a bite. and if he says that iran is uh, through its proxies, is working to bomb and hit us the assets and, and he's got to go after iran, then that race is the next question of what does mr put and then use the same logic to go after nato countries and the united states, ukraine. so he's got a policy the level he's on his hands. so that's why i think you'll be hesitant at this point to do anything directly against iran. but once, once it starts, how do you, how do you stop? and we're on a slippery slope right now. and,
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and the leadership i've got has got to be very, very calculated. and all this, what told are you saying this is going to take on the united states considering america's interest supporting ukraine on one hand, supporting israel. and then more countries are there to be, you know, to, to be pockets for united states at this time, spread all out, all at the same time, but we're over extended, us is over extended. it's broke, it's $34.00 trillion dollars in the hole. we saw what the results were in its campaigns in a rocking and afghanistan after 20 years. and they were both total disasters, nothing to show for it. i think that we need to re evaluate our, our, our policies and what our, our strategic interests really are in those areas. now we, what are our reasoning for being in syria and in iraq is to go after ice as well. you know, when that 1st occurred back in 2004, 2012,
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when they set up the caliphate, there was, there was nothing, there was no resistance available today we have that the rock, especially with it's a popular mobilization forces, are quite adequately trained and capable and, and they have going after ices remnants that exist both in iraq and in syria. we need to re evaluate our position there and leave the right now every day that we're there, we're just digging ourselves deeper into a hole and we're meeting netanyahu's expectations of doing his dirty work for him. and we just need to re evaluate what our own interests are. we need to guard our own border for change, rather than worrying about everybody else has borders. all right, 1st american news outlets. sabbott retaliated, 3 strikes were on the way, and later i'll make that the word retaliation from the reporting. why do you think that may be as well? i don't know why they did that, but it is a retaliation for it's, it's meant to be
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a self defense efforts by the united states. and i, i knew it wouldn't occur before the bodies of the 3 service men were brought back. and, but the ones that did fly from the united states had to have left the united states much earlier this morning in order to be over target by 1600 are by 4 o'clock our time the eastern time. and, and, and that's, and that's when the 1st bombs began to drop. so this was all calculated and, and it was all in it. but the dignified turnover of the bodies occurred just before that. so this is meant to be the response to that. and so i think that it was a retaliation. i don't care how, you know, you put lipstick on a pig. it still take, it's a, it's a retaliation. right? we have to leave you here now for my cd oh security policy on the list at the
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pentagon. mike of models, thank you so much for your enclosure. thank you. now washington, and it says that baghdad must do more to protect american troops in the country. and that's a message coming from the us state department does washington carries outs twice a new rag, reportedly in retaliation for a deadly attack on one of its basis in the region. we have made clear to govern iraq for months going well back the well before this attack over the weekend, we wanted to see the government of iraq do more to police attacks on our forces to hold accountable those responsible for attacks on our forces. and that if that we would not hesitate to take action to defend ourselves, they, rocky government has longed united states to withdraw its 2500 troops from the country with formal talks at that kicked off last week. however, just in general, read the pentagon said it's not planning to pack up. i'd ship out bagdad said it's
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also an odds with the washington in terms of finance. they buy it a bold and potentially dangerous move the countries. but parliament has called for the use of current fees, other than the petro dollar for oil sales. the us treasury is still using the pretext of money laundering to impose its sanctions against the rocky banks, which requires a national stance that puts an end to these arbitrary decisions. we renew our call to the government and the central bank of rock to take rapid measures to get rid of the dominance of a dollar by diversifying our cash reserves from foreign currencies. patton, p, the q, the united states of homing livelihoods, a simple the rockies by functions imposed on several iraqi banks over alleged activity benefits and you run these complicates energy payments to ride as you rocked depends on gas and electricity supplies from its neighbor pressure. they get rock over its trade with you run the us has used financial leverage as the
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countries donna all revenues deposit that in the us bank accounts we'd makes baghdad beholden to washington to access its money. just this past october, the us ridiculous center request, independent to rocky politician the sod all with the lead, the size of the dad. they have to turn its back on the dollar. now the rockies hurts because of the dollar. and it's because of the lack of the dollars in the market because the americans are withholding era p money, which is kept in american bands and the american refuse to sell that the iraq, you money, your auction property, refusing to send it to air. ok. so, so iraq could use, it's basically it's a black i blackmail. i really vicious blackmail against the ordinary man in the streets. we have a commodity which is oil. we need the return of the sales of this oil to come to
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the country. so we can invest it in the people themselves invested in, in the local economy invested in industry and so on. and now we cannot because they are off all the economic system in new york. i'm to try system is being taken out by the americans using that dollar as a, as a weapon against that nation. so yes, we do probably have to work out a system where we could move away from the dollar. and uh, definitely to save that, you're all key economy from the americans. we may have to move into another direction. another a boss gets off of the new car. this is the russian president vladimir put in the has on the line disappear. i read to you of russian weapons over ukraine's west and in ports a good source,
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but we still wouldn't be to especially monopoly in order to be successful on the battlefield today. one must react quickly and appropriately to events as they occur . success is achieved by the one who reacts quickly to the means of the feed used by the enemy, quickly responds to it and not only finds a way to suppress them, but also it makes their own more effective means whoever does it faster, wins or defense industry demonstrates a very good pace and quality of work here. of course, if we compare modern nato armament and the armament of the last period of the ussr, it is inferior in some respect. by not always. if you take our latest armament, it is clearly superior to all of them. last year, we also supplied our military equipment to world markets with billions of dollars. but of course, we need them today to cover both civilian and infrastructure facilities. because we see how this government behaves. it is hitting civilian objects and the border needs to be covered. russian president vladimir person said that the latest russian weapons was superior to those of, uh, nato and other western countries are parties on the military,
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industrial complex. now this employee some 3 and a half 1000000 people in around 6000 enterprises with 10000 sub contractors. and she was talking to these, occlusal rating, so rushes success on the battlefield. and he said the policy you in the hall told them hall, somebody and jones have been created in the defense industry. russian president vladimir purse and also mentioned the terrorist attacks taking place. it particularly don't, yes, was to missouri and so so that's what is called the ukranian armed forces has turned into a terrorist organization shooting at ambulances. there was an incident when ukrainian almond vehicles tried to enter the next the tank. men were talking to each other over the comes a local resident came out of his house, a private home. he had his family, their children running around somewhere. one of the tank men and ukrainian soldier just went and shot him, not an attractive. so you have the tuckman,
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one asked him why he did it a man and attracts who came out of his house. he has a family at home. his answer was that they're all terrorist to you just like that. he just shot them. well, what is that if not neo nazis, and that's what it is, i won't even talk about the standing ovation for a real assess veteran in canada. we've reported from the st just 2 weeks ago of a marketplace massacre in which 27 men and women and the civilians were killed. these were men and women that was setting you have made vegetables, have you made for these 5 decides of the road, poor people. this was a densely parked a civilian abbey. and now these all the crew, our sales we came on to fire on monday, as we reported from another ukrainian, the top 3 people were killed. but this was just outside a supermarket on right next to a busy a sorry, if everybody may have posted in for signing this at a time when the russians defense ministry is given. an update on the conflict on in particular focusing on ukraine's loss is on the battlefield of to the failure of
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the enemy's counter offensive. the russian army retains the strategic initiative and continues to misconduct. the reduce, the enemies come by potential. as a result of the complex combat action, the losses of the crating on forces have been pos, month exceeded $23000.00 people killed and wounded are much more than $3000.00 units of ministry weapons, including foreign ones, were destroyed in order to prevent the collapse of base defense, the crating of leadership is throwing its remaining reserves into battle to demonstrate at least some success to its western jury, just these and lensky regime and prevents terrorist attacks against russian civilians. these because what's her being described as catastrophic? i'm saying 23000 ukranian service personnel killed or wounded on the battlefield. another story who said that may or may reserve it so now being thrown into what is essentially a meat grinder to prevent the complete collapse of cabs defends. now, he also discussed the destruction of these western supplies. he was particularly
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talking around high mazda and patriot missiles. bradley fighting vehicles and to that, but tongues, he said this is depleting west to be supplies, but also is that the military industrial complex is making vol sums of money out to this. now this co comes in the context of a crisis. with false mobilization, we've seen the image using the footage of ukrainian men all fighting age trying to free the country on a game is footage of men being dragged from restaurants, capillaries, and other public places to be forced to go to the front lines adjoining the fighting that was perhaps no surprise that the crazy men all tried to flee the country. they've seen a soldier pointed out the disregard that the key of government has for it. so just as we so resubmit with the downing of the aisle $76.00 playing over belgrade, this is a core of course, a minute to transport play and it was at the time carrying around $65.00 ukrainian
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p o w. c. statements are coming at a time when that's basically a pretty public spot that's boring over between savanski and his a military chief, a general solution that he could, can you tell us any more about that problem, this very public spot between president zalinski and veterans. so illusion is really now coming to a head. there were people who was circulating, they've been, they've intensified over the past few days. the loose news about to be a slack not well. this started where he was a filed a counter offensive not to make a very different assessment. so let me describe the situation as a style might. of course, many people said that that was over the optimistic savanski issued a very public view to him. and he said that this was not the case that there was no style mike, that the price was the viking press on the platform failed. i mean, even try to convince, perhaps his west to be supported as the ukraine could still uh when, which situation, i think you know, the hasn't turned out the to be the case now is illusion. he has written in
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a number of western publications. most recently sit and he's being critical of this is the false mobilization, both the latest amendments to that particular around the mobilization of women, the mobilization of disable people. and he said that really we need 500 or use, are you creating these 500000 people to be mobilized in order for any kind of success? the lensky is said simply, well, there's no money to do that. um, we don't have the resources. so this is a very precarious situation, and here the 2nd of the, let's do probably is, is a very big risk. a very big problem for the ukranian president. the listening, of course, is immensely popular amongst the ukrainian people. he's also talked to, amongst ukraine's west in boxes, which many have said to, um, this led to them put a pressure rooms and then ski and leaning on him to so that he rolled back from this decision to start zalinski, who was a part of your folks assigned
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a president tools, a decree off the so loosely refused to re resign. he was reported, they offered a job elsewhere. so this is a very big crisis. and of course, the west. we have one on this and we met the, the ones that are funding this. and of course the question is, renee knows that who is worthy and charles is also worth noticing that to victorian unit and made another appearance in t. i have of course, she was lost in the square during the my down to dishing out cookies, but she met with the ukrainian prime minnesota. she met with a foreign minister. she met with the last case chief installed, but most negatively. she didn't be, was elect see himself, but he's real defense minister has it as the idea of measuring the con, yeah, this is near the, over with the southern most, toyota rav for the next chapter, and it's a sold. the mazda is con. eunice brigade boasted that it would stand against the id
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f. now it's falling apart, and i am telling you, here we are completing the mission and con eunice. and we will also reach our office and eliminate everyone there. who's a terrorist who's trying to harm us. the after from you guys like maybe all the places across the enclave. why the idea of has being a scene of rulings and budgets, according to the latest figures that the desk told and gather since october has more than $27000.00. while the number of when did, has stopped 66000 compounding those numbers, the un says that the median children in the region require mental health support us for months of war. i have 4 families apart. we spoke with one young boy who was now the only one to pick out for siblings after his mother was killed in an id of attack. to and how funny that when the war started my mazda assembly, send her a message that my grandparents were sick, and knew that, sure urgently. so she went through them with soon received in use. as my grandfather's house was struck and my mother had been killed minnes laser house
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next to us was also here. and my father asked us to bring bags of clothing, so we could take shelter and, and see if a hospital was done today is there. while my father tried to recover my mother's body from the rubble, so he could barely hear the children's building unit ship a hospital was attacked. and the idea of drop leaf let us telling us to head south . when we loved the hospital, we were targeted by me, so my father on goes and my grandfather's family are endangered inside gunner city . my father wasn't able to recover my mother's body so he couldn't even say good bye to her. we tried to proceed my father to head south with us, but she refused to leave. this is very hard for me. it is difficult for me to raise my siblings alone. i go and press the button and yahoo to stop the war. so we can return to gauze a continuous start isn't get on with our lives after the war. i will take responsibility for raising my brothers right after that, hide he, every through from the northern parts of the angle, a local john list. mom would sab,
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a when they're to see what's left behind and 5 this report. i mean the got to be a lot from area in west and northern gauze. it was invited by is ready all my at the beginning of the ground operation. israel did not withdrawal from the re even during the humanitarian 1st. today we reached this area off to the id f withdrew last night. we were shocked by the extensive destruction of building streets and infrastructure k. we see a factory which shows that economic life is also being destroyed here. this is a newly built area, previous date was a boss, agricultural land, a recent years it was transformed into a residential area. so it's new, the built and relatively upscale area, away from the noise of the city, but now is being partially or completely destroyed as if an earthquake hit. this morning, medical teams came back here to retrieve bodies from the houses and the streets would be due to the pool state to the right. they have to transport the manually the, i'll try them every connex the sultan's to the north, the sea,
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to the west. the 17 area to the east and l just right to the south. so it's a vast geographical area where it's ready. alma was station for no less than 3 months. in the distance on the is right. he bought it from the north west of that last year is ready. um, a rolled in face spackles took place between the resistance and the id f. and they would dozens of 5 belt bombings ahead of the advanced by his radio about these ready occupation forces use the policy of 5 belt bombardments a score of policy before the advance of ground forces. this results in extensive destruction and today citizens were time to search for the items of belongings, hoping they might find something that would help them in the tragic conditions they faced here in northern garza and i have 2 houses, one of them north and l. cool, and the one in the golden hole, they were both destroyed. when i returned, i found everything had been completely destroyed. i wish i hadn't come and seemed as life is depressed and looking at the tower, seeing how people are scattered and in disarray. it's can comprehensive of
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a tragedy in its to his sense of the word, but completely unimaginative roxanne, i kinda explained how terrible the destruction is. there is no way to reveal or repair, no hope to fix anything from total destruction. these new towers that hadn't even been inhabited yet, we're just tore it off, so the error has to come unfit for leaving completely uninhabitable. not suitable for life at all on the street alleys. even the environments here changed that i called eric nations to see the situation. we're in incentive with the may god guide everyone. let's really think about ourselves and our people for living for the strategy and experience and justice and lost her family because somebody in elk flush, somebody from the far north of gauze or from the city of butler here in front of the egyptian city. this city was established in built by the egyptian reconstruction committee in gauze at one of 3 cities at there's another city in co rama and another ins offer in central gallows that is ready occupation made it a legitimate target for its full place.
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