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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EST

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time, but again, probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the way you're saying it for yourself, at least 34 people are killed as a american palms rang down on targets in syria and iraq to the you. so it's the situation them at least and now stands for the critical juncture. immediate lease is of the little boy is that the cash flows. if i can see the effect, any dog at the red sea is a domino, a domino effect. the right presenter says one of its workers has been killed along with 3 civilians and is really shutting up a southern gauze and city of san eunice. also in this house program, the scenes of anger basically just boiling over an origin tina with police facing off
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against protesters right outside the parliament. the sweeping were phone bill by the countries new president does clear its 1st title the and we all live loud from moscow with our guests. find out for some serious commentary on a heavy eating stories on this type of a program on see. so syria has lashed out of the us for adding fuel to the i sold tiro groups activities in the middle east, also restraining the new when from bringing piece to the region about size, washington hit multiple pockets in iraq and syria. overnight. it is not surprising that the american attack targets the eastern region of syria, where our syrian forces are fighting against the remnants of the dashed terraced organization. while the united states is working to revive isis terrorist activity . the syrian arab republic expresses its deep concern over the state of paralysis
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of un security council as the us henders its ability to assume its responsibilities in halting such dangerous violations. a damascus meantime says washington is trying to get this revive terrorist activities in syria. the iraqi government, as school the strikes and open act of aggression, while the iranian farm industry called a continuation of such incidents, a threat to peace and stability in the region. and so, as a tension is a clearly rising across them, at least, policies that shape bogus is we're looking at how west and the states are viewing the overnight american asteroid. it's on syria and iraq. this latest escalation in the middle east. and of course the story of middle east and instability didn't begin on october 7th, but this latest episode certainly did with the homeless attacks and the as well as israel's punitive attack, then on gaza at the who the melisha in yemen. the there um, you know, you had a lateral blockade of the red sea,
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the attacks on shipping. and most recently this attack on this very interesting shady, a post 22, which is an american base on a, on the border between syria and jordan, which killed 3 americans service a people. now this a tragedy, of course a, it's always a charge of you. anybody dies in these types of conflicts. it was going to lead to an negligible us response. remember, this is a, an election year in the united states. and it was inevitable that the bite and would have to respond and he has responded in this way. let's actually have a listen to lloyd austin's comments on the american position regarding the attack. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose where we
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choose and how we choose pretty predictable stuff. but what about, what about the here opinions and um, what are they saying about this? uh, tinderbox is just being set on fire. yeah. what of course, predictably, given the geo political and geo strategic alignment between the you and the united states, roy, which were all very much aware of now as he was broadly aligned itself with america, is really to intervene. essentially the support of this uh, on mandated mission into the red sea to protect freedom of navigation as the americans and the british of porter. and i suppose it is predictable again that they would follow the lead of the united states. so that somebody shouldn't that. to joseph barrell, the top of the diplomat, see what he have to say to me. the lease is up a little boy. you that, that kind as broad as sort of delayed and there is that backs and bowls and leaving them both on those and saw it, i can see the effect any dog at that, couldn't do it right. see, one thing is related with the other, is a domino
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a domino effect to reach your set burrell. the mountain very famously proclaimed europe a garden and garden has a few tools of its own. at the moment, rory, as we can see with the farming protest. but she, of course, mentioned something interesting to, i think, interesting language, the other dis domino effect. i'm suppose we have to ask ourselves who started the who, who was the 1st person to tip the dominoes in the middle east. boy who are the architects of a lot of the difficulties there at the establishment of the state of israel and policy and territory. i mean, if you were to go back beyond october 7th, there's culpability. here from lot of europe's member states and united states also take us if you will, across the atlantic state side. often these american bottoms have been running down on a rock and syria. i'm assuming that the republicans are going off the joe biden. i, i said getting the hold on so to speak. it's an election year. we and very uh, a few things will occur on the geo political stage. the world stage, which has been very fractious over the last year, and that won't be manipulate as
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a weapon at least if you like. and of course, the speaker mike johnson has come out now and said it's about time. the, the bite has been soft on a run. you know that davis sat back and allowed these a rainy in a line militias, free rain in the region. let's have a listen to what he actually had to say. there's something that we do for the button, the administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing around has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time for present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy, if like he think iran has failed to promote peace, america must project strength. and then i can say it's, you know, they, they always love to have, like, a wartime president. time the, you know, if the economies in trouble, if they needed destruction, they go to war with some pull on within country in some part of the world. but as you say, with the election coming up just around the corner of the united states, i guess america has to tread very carefully now in the middle east. would you think this is an obvious deflection? but in the meantime, it's a balancing act to inflame an actual full on war with the run around so very
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capable, well, resorts, the regional super power, if you like. and if a hot war with boots on the ground wants to begin in an election year, that could also be catastrophic for the bite and administration. we had this conversation further here on how to you crossing live now to a john list and political company that bradley blanket your battery, is bradley great to get you on the program. thanks for sharing your stuff today with us here at moscow. what do you think of this story, overnighted stripe. so, me, look, bradley, obviously the us is trying to send a clear message here, but do you think it's going to get the reaction that's looking for or could we also be looking at the potential opposite effect that of washington once here? you know, so today actually racks a committee of security in the parliament has called on the government to haste in the exit of us troops or other countries. in fact, for the past several years, the racks parliament has voted to have us troops lose the leader soil in syria. they've been there illegal. ready from the start and you saw of course,
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syria calling on the un security council to do something about this. i think that especially with south africa's case against is really nice to jane, the victory that they had, the small victory there to play with preliminary decision. we're starting to see a situation where, you know, international law and various multilateral bodies in the world are not just for powerful countries. we're starting to see in many ways the global south start. ready start to win in the international stage, yet at the same time, these institutions are set up in such a way where the powerful maintain their power, the un security council, 3 of the billing vito having members on the u. s. u. n. s. c. r. western countries, i think that we're really now at a turning point, especially with the conflict between israel and him. us where, you know, these, these institutions need to be more democratic. they need to represent the rest of the world. or we're just going to descend further into army get in. yeah, you know,
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i appreciate you saying that bradley, pretty wiring comments, frankly, but i think it just about on points. let me ask you this, you know, the reuters washington the western political establishment. they, they, they'd like to refer to visa iranian proxies or across the middle east. and, you know, i, i kind of makes me pause for a moment. i'm do you, do you think that because there are many alleged factions out there, the mainstream media likes to call it, ronnie, and protest all they all iranian proxies or what. but perhaps you have certain functions that are just sympathetic to iran, but washington says right here in iranian proxy, but coming off to you, is there any way to read between the lines on this to, you know, i think that, of course, iran does logistically support many does organizations many that only has below and many of them in iraq. but of course, there's something that just the largely agree with the to ron and what they've done and in the region, standing up to the us, standing up to us empire, a withholding their economy. it gets against the sanctions from the united states. and as the other guest mentioned,
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iran is very important actor in the middle east. it's one of the 2 main regional powers. the other big saudi arabia that maintain significant influence in the country, the usaa saying that it's going to defend its troops. but the thing is that i realize the about us empire is that the us, they, they say this and so they use full spectrum dominance. they're always using all their capabilities at once and always trying to apply maximum pressure if the us is not doing something. it's because of the, it's not able to do. it doesn't have a capability. uh, i think that windows choose for code and jordan. uh, that would have been the moment of us with launch of war against iran or do something more. but i just don't think that's possible because they would lose. i mean they, they lost in vietnam. they lost in afghanistan, they got, they got their bus handed to them. and i guess, and frankly, we also have the videos happening there. and i just don't think the us actually can do this. i think it's all rhetoric personally. i feel like i, you mentioned a full spectrum dominance. by the way, that's a great book by a f william angle, the guess that we used to have here regularly here on,
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on the international. so the idea is washington said, years ago, was it back when a general wesley clock was a 4 star general and he was in the pen to go in and they came to him with a document and they said right, the going to invade? what is it 4 countries and 7 years or something along those lines. and then iran was definitely on that list of countries as well. so it does seem as a broad, a long term plan here. and of course you've heard people talking about forever, was the forever was benefit washington during the you know, did a unilateral unipolar moment, us might have been able to do that, but it can't have it. there was like 20 years ago. i think, i think you said, i mean this. i mean, i'm glad you said that, bradley, because you know, a few months ago and president g came to most go in the wake of when he gets re election. he said, we're witnessing the biggest changes in a 100 years and russia and china driving those changes. you think that somehow linked to the geo politics and the end of the bottom is writing down in the middle east right now that we're seeing. is there some sort of pushback against this multi point of world? absolutely, of course, you know, just in 2023 i had the chance to travel into many different, you know, emerging,
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posing the road to russia, to china and south america. and you see that the attitudes that people have the global north is just not the same. i mean, people in china and russia, even though russia is in a state of war. when you're in moscow, you don't feel that you feel that people are filled with hope that their lives getting better and they're becoming a more powerful nation and china, you feel the national rejuvenation of the chinese nation. south america is quite turbulent, but generally you see us allies getting worse and use the countries that are more independent getting better, like brazil for example. and i, it's true. i mean, it's totally true that we are already in a multi puller world. there's no going back to that and us even it's inputs in the middle east. i mean, china said so many diplomatic victories lately, you know, ending the salary. iran proxy conflict, essentially the bringing the defect to close the warranty evan. and now trying to help syria get out of this mess. presently she was in syria or rather it's our president charles, i wasn't saying i was in china for the $0.80 and that was personally she and now they get, they're getting
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a lifeline for their economy. that's been the major thing for the warrant. syria is the fact that the us sanctions, the caesar act is during that economy. and essentially, the way i see it is just the good guys are currently waiting in the world. you know, after all, this time, western domination, off the hundreds of years, of course of gravity took about the global style. so the brakes uh the s c on as well, quickly becoming well put into schools and unstoppable force. a bradley blankenship and american john wisdom, political commentator, joining us live here or not to international. a great pleasure. thank you very much for your time. he's been the again, the guys are now aware of 3 civilians killed and 6 wounded and is really showing in the hon. eunice that's according to the red crescent, which also said that one of its own employees was killed in the attack. is rails that defense minister has said the idea of submission in a fine unit has nearly over. now the southern most city of the fact is in the process for the as rarely managed is next target. that is, despite the size of the southern part of english as long as you know, previously designated as a safe zone. meantime,
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the u. s. foreign policy chief says israel is actually creating a dire situation in the cell. is around this continuous military activities in this house. pushing people are going to teach in both other l. one medium people in this house that has been displaced progressively. again, this is huge in boulder and the claim that there with saved zones. but in fact, what we see is that the bomb bean effect and disagree, the relation continues and that is creating a very dire situation. meanwhile, the in the north of the about old and clay, people are trying to rebuild the shock of lives off to the idea of withdrawal. but you can just see if you yourself have a look right that homes blocks of apartments just destroyed and rubble was that the area was heavily damaged. there were no homes to live in. so we will live in times to get houses were destroyed and our families and children were
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killed. we don't know where to go. we call on the arrow button world nations for immediate cease fraud, because they've been a genocide. they must spend no efforts to conclude just the sign. what are, despite the di humanitarian situation, these ready prime minister has demonic get this. the closure of the united nations relief fund work agency for palestinian refugee. a many western states have already a couple of the funding to the un agency following allegations that some of it stuff are involved with a mass on october. the 7th were kicked off the war, but $800.00 civil suff and some america and europe, and now published a letter of protest. they believe that western support of israel is amounting to a great violation of international law. of the unfolding humanitarian crisis and gauze are the focus of the latest episode of going underground of the guests to the former dean of hobbits. kennedy school of government, suggesting in the interview that israel is damaging washington soft power. you can
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watch the full episode online at auntie dot com, but for now a pre k, you can win a battle and lose a war. and now there's in terms of tactical successes of these release of demonstrating that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of the soft r and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties and gaza has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft power in recent years let alone uh, gaza. well, and if it, again i, i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the disproportionate, the killing of civilians in the cause of war uh bite. and his plead
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for the israel east is take a more measured approach. but it, there still damage to americans, sauce power. and while all lies may still be on gaza. right now. videos have a most on line from the west. bank of an idea of soldier reportedly assaulting a child will show you on verified footage allegedly trying the moment of attack. the victim allegedly beat not by the idea of soldier, was reportedly on his way to buy some bread. the victim's brother later gave an interview, claiming that the goal of his riley forces is quite simple, to instill fia and the local population just in the house on last week. and then what happens with my brother is as follows. my brother was home, so went down to the supermarket to buy bread, and encountered the soldiers at our house door where they told him to go back home to be my brother stopped at the door. they bid him and assaulted him. then she went out again and stood at the entrance door of the house. they came back in a saw the team again. they were bidding him before,
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according dsl. this is not the usual in our area, the check in the want to create a general sense of fear i'm on us. so when we see the soldiers, we go inside the house is forbidden to stand industry. they want to and still feel like this. it don't so and in general, everyone in our area, whether a child, adult or young man is generally solved. yes, yes, he's a child from our neighborhood, but he escaped them for later on they slapped him. he kept trying to see. my brother stood still until the bidding phones you know, feelings built and it was built in 10 days ago, was my cousins factory who were sitting there on 5. so just after you started breaking things in the shop and began beating us, who were a 3 man and they cornered us in the shop for about an hour and they came to us. i mean the red cross as well as several associations from jerusalem and on they came to comes to can report. and after they left and the soldiers came again and sold it, us about a fee, and we have filed a lawsuit and
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a complaint with the violence cause only increased the entire armies at war and cause a conflict. and the result farm is made up of the settlers from the area from colorado, our button. they go out and roam our area whole times everywhere. and without coordination like a gang or something. while they're being angry scenes on the street. so, but us out as, as a contract, as a flashing head to head with police demonstrate is alvin 4. so what does a sweeping reform bill put forward by the countries new president of the out of miller? the police have, i tried to break up the crowds with a tear gas rubber, bullets water kind of has to and they also called on the bus barrel, which did passes 1st testing. congress contains hundreds of articles that could usher and sweeping free market reforms. new presidents that as well and that reversing years it'd be kind of a decline. the protesters of boeing to continue that fight. they hit me. they
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threw gas at me because it is the only way to contain us, retirees. and what? because because we are defending ourselves because the feel that is the inside, the congress does not defend us, then not defending all rights. we have to get out. i had contributed for 40 years, so that today i could have a dignified old age and yet i have to continue being beaten. well, you're not going to see a government has just the right and that tells you you're going to suffer. you're going to have a bad time, and that's just making a sufferer and making us have a bad time. and due to this is a disaster. besides, this thing is the hardest, the situation is now critical to be able to have $12000.00 or $15000.00 pesos per day to be able to really have breakfast, milk, everything every day. something goes up every day and i have to work for myself because i don't receive a subsidy. so i recently defeated pro paging presidential candidate
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from taiwan largest opposition party has been elected as the parliament you speak of? well, no surprise that could very well put a spoke in the wheels of the new presidential administration, which is typically well pro western leading. so let's learn more, shall we, is all to use to be around it is about a hi. once future has been on the west as radar for quite some time, as the u. s. continues to oppose china via taiwan. and when the islands pro western separate pissed, william, why won the presidency on january 13th, the entirety of western main stream media wasted no time inhaling it as a huge victory against communist china overseas now and a resounding victory for the ruling party candidate in taiwan presidential elections seen as a blow to china, william ly campaigns on the status quote, to appeal to voters who want to. i want to stay the same, not independence and not warmer relations has mainland china,
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which is why his victory is a set back for being night. has been labeled a troublemaker by china as being ones people against voting for him. but that's the only painting part of the picture for one, the beijing friendly k m t candidate secured the speaker's chair. this past thursday, a position that will give the chair substantial power to check all of live policies regarding china. thanks for the support of the kmc legislative focus. and 2 of our independent colleagues, i was able to, when the speakership was 54 votes, i shoulder the responsibility of initiating reforms in parliament. and i will devote myself to striving for the interests of the public. the people are expecting a fresh start and a reform at the legislative view on which will solidly bring happiness to taiwanese . that's my responsibility. and now while the speaker is required by law to remain neutral in parliament, she decides which bills are put up for a boat in the legislature,
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which controlled spending. so he could block the ly administrations, legislation regarding defense budgets and domestic spending. everyone should be loyal to the republic of china and taiwan. if it as an opposition party, it should be the republic of china, taiwan z low, we allow possession. we must find ways to protect the sovereignty and security of the republicans of china and taiwan. some people in this country still don't 100 percent agree that taiwan is their country. the idea of the loyal opposition party comes from the u. k. and as a norm among the democratic countries inside, ty, ones 2024 presidential results were weak for a lie with the pro west candidate grabbing only 40 percent of the vote, a 17 percent dip, and the 2nd lowest winning chair for an elected president. since 1996 this past presidential election was actually opposition to lose because the deep uh, that's 2 terms as the president's and they were deeply on hoxluth alti one day
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because they're cobit policies and to because of the guy when the economy is not doing well, because of the us sanction mainland china, which makes a lot of excitement for april to sell to their mainland customers, current president of the last one, the presidency beat size. the opposition is divided however, iep party lost the parliamentary elections. so now we have a situation where the main opposition party, they just align with 2 independent party members. they weren't able to lock in for speaker of the part of me and which means the new deep president who is telling me into the office. he will face a hostile legislature and he basically, you'll be elaine dot president for the next 4 years. the election also didn't see the democratic progress party d p, p, or the coolant tank k m t. when a majority in the legislature with the t p. p losing its majority from 63 to 51
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out of a 113, resulting in a home parliament in a clearly divided region. now this happened in the 2 thousands. so as the saying goes, history could be repeating itself in the election results have fully showing that the p p did not represent the island, nor did it represent the mainstream public opinion of taiwan. the p. p remains in power, but it will not change the basic path and direction of cross straight relations. it cannot prevent the historical trend of the reunification of the 2 sides. what's more, a survey by ty one's mainland affairs council in october 2023. found that over 60 percent of voters support the current status quote of the islands on determine political status and remain neutral. i'm reunification and independence. so contrary to the lesser of western headlines, ty wants current political administration, is such a blow to beijing if anything,
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the current divided climate in the region signals the uncertainty with china still holding an upper hand. let's get back to our top story for you right here on this live program from moscow. a middle eastern states basically outraged off the washington attacks both iraq and syria over night. serious as the move only makes taro groups in the region stronger and the us has restrain the you when from bringing peace to the region. how to listen to this. it is not surprising that the american attack targets the eastern region of syria, where our syrian forces are fighting against the remnants of the dash terraced organization. while the united states is working to revive isis terrorist activity . the syrian arab republic expresses its deep concern over the state of paralysis of un security council as the us henders, its ability to assume its responsibilities and halting such dangerous violations.
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and let's take this conversation further crossing live now to tyrone where it's just not nearly full p. m that as all t's are use of july to use have good afternoon to you obviously. and in the wake of these overnight strikes with gauging reaction across the middle east. can you tell us more for more from where you are? what are people saying about the american bombing come from of course saw the united states on leashed a wave of far what he called retaliatory attacks targeting the positions and the locations of iran backs and electric groups in their watch and syria, well foresaw. it has drawn angry reactions from it wants syria and iraq and even other regional countries. of course, as you mentioned during the grab indeed edition, and the syrian government has called down the attack as a violation of the syrian sovereignty. of course, while the not a states calls that there would sally, a tory attack to try to punish those who killed 3 american troops on the syrian jordanian border. when it comes to the syrian says,
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it calls those um air strikes against the syrian territory. an attempt by the united states to try to we can the syrian army in its fight against isis terrors. as it argues that those, the air strikes targeted areas where the syrian army was actively fighting isis terrace. now syria has said that the united states seems to be colluding with the random remnants of ice as to try to reinvigorate their actions. and the region of course of united states also struck several positions in iraq to try to of course retaliates for those strikes against the us military in the region, targeting god that hush, the shabby basses and the is womach resistance in iraq, of course. and now this has drawn again out an outrage and iraq out from the rocky officials. now the fury is boiling now in the rock, calling the attacks as
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a violation of the rocky sovereignty, of course, of baghdad has a set of course to call in and some in the west charge a death fair of the united states in baghdad to try to express its of its opposition to all the united states actions against the rocky territory . let's think of a sense of what this at the time of our claim and the board areas of rocket being targeted by us as dr. at a time when a rock is seeking to ensure stability in the region, they represent the violation of a rocky sovereignty and disruption of the efforts of the rocky government and the threats that could endanger a rock and the region with unforeseen catastrophic consequences. for security and stability went out of the united states claims that it had issued a prior warning to the rocky government ahead of those attacks. now, as to donny,
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who was the prime minister of the rock, has said that these are lies, and these are government spokesperson for the, for the rocky government has said that these statements are false and that they are aimed at misleading the international public opinion. and he said that these aggressive strikes against the rocky territory are a breach of security in iraq and then in the region. and these actions will ports iraq on the brain calls the best. let's not forget that what happens in iraq will turn this crew on the united states as during the past months . we have heard a lot of comments and reactions from the rocky officials calling for the withdrawal of the american forces.


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