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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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so again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the moscow brands the latest you create in slide on the city of lr chomsky as a terror attack. sponsored by european countries, be attacked left at least 15 civilians, dead and wounded in thousands more dropped on the the $34.00 people are killed as us or it strikes rain down on pockets across syria heavy rag of e. you said that the situation in the middle east is that they couldn't either the volume that the guns float. if i can see the effects, any dog that back to the red sea is a domino a domino effect. so russia salons the united states or strikes and syria and
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iraq say the washington has never looked for a solution and continues on the positive. sco destruction in k all send them to at least $1024.00 civilian lives locked in, the pair of ideas strikes and the $750.00 of rough i gather and i follow the un wanting to, that'd be here. we have maybe the new focus of these roles can pay prophecies, a pressure of proof, of despair that we feel for what comes next news . kind of the welcome to global news update on all the international. i have my club watching that moscow has branded a ukrainian attack on the city of lr chomsky as a total of attack sponsored by european states. kia stripe saw the city lights 15 people dead and 10 wounded, and many more trop, to another debris or 2 correspondence div sweetie. bring soft details on this. the
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wireless, another deadly in don't bust. ukrainian. a top struck a bakery in the city of lift the chimes, get a little dots for public us around 420 this afternoon. now this of course, would have been a busy time when a many people were believed to be in the body. agree then upfront, under the rubble, we know that doesn't subtract under the rubble. at least 10 people have been pulled out. now emergency services all working hard on the same, at least one of those is very critically injured. now this is a developing situation. so this test whole, unfortunately is likely to rise. now, according to the preliminary reports that ukraine attacked was kindly that with a high miles missed all these of course, the united states supplied long range weapons. now we're seeing an optic of these kind of attracted and don't boss own heavily populated civilian areas. this is a developing a situation. emergency services have been working very hard the afternoon to try
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and rescue people from the rubble that they are hoping of course that they'll be survivors from that. but of course, the longer this goes on the high that desco is likely to be, so it's that's another day, another terrorist hawk and be more crimes are being carried out in its own boss. with western supplied weapons of syria has lashed out the united states for fueling the ice fields have groups activities in the middle east, while also highlighting americas involvement in hand. spending the united nations from bringing peace to the region. all that has more as washington strikes multiple targets across the rock in syria overnight. it is not surprising that the american attack targets the eastern region of syria, where our syrian forces are fighting against the remnants of the dash terraced organization. while the united states is working to revive isis terrorist activity,
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the syrian arab republic expresses its deep concern over the state of paralysis of un security council. as to us, henders, its ability to assume its responsibilities in halting such dangerous violations. the analysis has made it yet another world wind in the middle east, by unleashing a wave of air strikes against what it called the targets and the positions of their wrong backtomy. alicia's india, rog and syria, of course, of the west has justified its uh, air strikes and those countries, uh, by saying that uh, these trucks actually are a retaliation for all the sundays. um air of drones strikes and by the rocky as long because as the scope of that killed 3 american troops on the georgia indian syrian border. but this as well of different countries under different observers have condemned the attacks by the united states thing. for example, syria said that the attacks are aimed at reinvigorating the ice as their group and syria, as the air strikes targeted,
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exactly the areas where the syrian army was actively trying to fight and combat isis. terrorist of course few are you now is also boiling in iraq in baghdad, the iraqi prime minister mohammed us, who would only also said that this tried the strikes are a, a violation of the rocky sovereignty. now we have heard that the rocky government has is going to summon the west charge at the fair in baghdad to hand him a note of protest over the american air strikes on the rocky territory. the turn of our claim and the bold areas of a rocket being targeted by us as rice at a time when a rock is seeking to ensure stability in the region. they represent the violation of a rocky sovereignty and disruption of the efforts, the rocky government, and the threats that could endanger a rock in the region with unforeseen, catastrophic consequences for security and stability. but of course, washington has a claim back to leave that it has, it had issued prior warning
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a to the warranty government informing iraq and baghdad of the air strikes overnight. this as well. um, iraq has rejected all those claim saying for example, b r a y, p prime minister mohammed us, we'd only call those claims a lot this as well. the ron has also reacted to those of strikes on uh, the warranty and syrian territory. the united states claimed that it had targeted the positions of the all your g c o. it's for us, which is all the external operation wing of the iranian is womic, repetition guards core. but the i r g c here into ron has dismissed those claims saying that it has not lost a single member of its forces in syria. they are one and 4 ministry has also react is saying that the united states air strikes are a clear violation of international law and a breach of all of those countries. a territorial integrity. this is as ports by the iranian foreign ministry spokesman, us working on. in addition to americas,
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full support for full months of design is through reading through the emphasis and brutal attacks against the residents of garza and the west bank. as well as military attacks and the m and a violation of the 70 and to the total integrity of the country. last night's attack on cdn and the rock is in other adventures and strategic mistake by the way as government, which will result in nothing but an escalation of tensions and instability in the region. such attacks with foot are involved the us government in the region and undermine the claims of design is to team and gaza. united states size now planning to expand its operations against the iranian back targets embellishes in the region. now the republican senators were hearing that those um centers are the republicans in our senators, the heart calling for a more serious and more effective um uh, campaign against the warranty. and back then pro at ron miller. shes in the region . um and uh, what's happened last night, they said that it was just the start of
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a string of attacks that will target and punish those. they've gone back to groups . what this is one other one has time it against said. and recently i've heard from the wine and all your gc that any provocative measured by the united states will not go on. answer at moscow has demanded an urgent view and security council meeting the house to address the rep thing situation to the middle east. i comes as the russian for in the ministry spokes woman says that washington is flaming pensions in the region, leaving it on the cost of chaos. i mean, because ki, i feel that it is obvious that the strikes are specifically designed to further inflame the color, putting it off sugar by almost without a portion of it recently attacking targets of allegedly pro iranian groups and iraq and syria. and the united states is purposefully trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict and liberty, washington believing, and it's impunity continues to so destruction of chaos in the middle east of truck
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. good recent events confirm the united states is not to go and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region to assess as rise. we spoke earlier with all to use che bills who took a broader look at how the west views the latest strikes and highlighted the roots of the matter in this latest escalation in the middle east. and of course the story of middle east and instability didn't begin on october 7th, but this latest episode certainly did with the homeless attacks on israel ad israel's punitive attack. then on gaza at the hoot, the melisha in the admin. uh there. um, you know, you had a lateral blockade of the red sea, the attacks on shipping. and most recently this attack on this very interesting shady post 22, which is an american base on the, on the border between syria and jordan, which killed 3 american service people. now this a tragedy, of course,
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and it's always a charge of you, anybody dies and these types of conflicts that was going to lead to an inevitable us response. remember, this is a, an election year in the united states. and it was inevitable that the fight and would have to respond and he has responded in this way. but let's actually have a listen to lloyd austin's comments on the american position regarding the attack. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region, but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose pretty predictable stuff. but what about, what about the here opinions and um, what are they saying about this a tinderbox that's just being set on fire? yeah, well of course, predictably given the geo political and geostrategic alignment between the you and the united states roy, which were all very much aware of now,
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he was broadly aligned itself with the americans really to intervene essentially the support of this uh, on monday to mission into the red sea at to protect freedom of navigation as the americans and the british of florida. and i suppose it is predictable again that they would follow the lead of the united states. so that somebody shouldn't that to joseph barrell, the top of diplomats see what he had to say to me. the lease is a big boy and i think gotten as broad as sort of delayed and there is that batch and bows and leaving them both on those and solve it. i can see the right back to the dog. i couldn't do it right. see, one thing is related with the other, is a domino, a domino effect to region. you'll set burrell the mound. very famously proclaimed europe a garden, and garden has a few tools of its own at the moment, rory, as we can see with the farming protest. but he of course, mentioned something interesting that i think interesting language, the other this domino effect. and i suppose we have to ask ourselves to start with
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you who, who was the 1st person to chip with domino's in the middle east. boy, who are the architects of a lot of the difficulties there at your stablish with the state of israel and policy in the territory. i mean, if you were to go back beyond october 7th, there's culpability. here from lot of europe's member states and united states also take us if you will, across the atlantic state side off the visa, american bowman's have been writing down on a rock and syria. i'm assuming that the republicans are going off the joe biden as they're getting the hold on, so to speak. it's an election year movie and very uh, a few things will occur on the geo political stage. the world stage, which has been very fractious over the last year, and that won't be manipulate as a weaponized if you like. and of course, the speaker mike johnson has come out now and said it's about time. the, the bite has been soft on a run. you know that davis sat back and allowed these a rainy in a line, malicious free rain in the region. let's have a listen to what he actually had to say. there's something that we do for the
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button, the administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing around has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time for present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy, if like he think iran has failed to promote peace, america must project strength. and then i can say it's, you know, they, they always loved to have like a full time president time the, you know, if the economy is in trouble, if they needed destruction, they go to war with some pull on within country and some part of the world but as you say, with the election coming up just around the corner in the united states, i guess america has to tread very carefully now in the middle east. would you think this is an obvious deflection? but in the meantime, it's a balancing act and inflamed an actual full on war with the run around so very capable, well, resorts, the regional super power, if you like. and if a hot war with boots on the ground was to begin in an election year, that could also be catastrophic for the bite and administration. we we've spoken with political commentator and john list bradley blankenship and he suggests,
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based on its past track record, are you that is phase will come out with the same record. if you decided to take all the run in the us, they say this. and so they use full spectrum dominance, they're always using all their capabilities at once and always trying to apply maximum pressure if the us is not doing something, it's because of the, it's not able to do. it doesn't have a capability. i think that windows choose for coding jordan, that would have been the moment of us would launch a war against iran or do something more. but i just don't think that's possible because they would lose. i mean, they lost in vietnam. they lost in afghanistan because they got their butts handed to them and i guess, and frankly we also the v is happening there. and i just don't think the us actually can do this. i think it's all rhetoric. we're starting to see a situation where, you know, here national law and various multilateral bodies in the world are not just for powerful countries. we're starting to see in many ways the global south start to
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start to win in the international stage. yet, at the same time, these institutions are set up in such a way where the powerful maintain their power, the un security council, 3 of the billing video having members on the u. s. u. n. c. r. western countries. these institutions need to be more democratic. they need to represent the rest of the world or we're just going to defend further in the army get in and to gather now who are a pair of overnight he's really strikes, killed 24 civilians in the sovereign city of rossa. a residential building has been no blazer, agent, local health professionals confirm the 4 women and 3 children among victims. another strike targeted the refugee camp in the area we had from some of those the survive. the israel still gets a clear to the children to old people and women. the children were just sleeping and suddenly the bomb and happens got to live children and afraid escaped death
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with as well as people leave your home. so you go to the zones considered save the and wherever bel seen as go, they get bonded. why do notes these just revenge, they just want to bring destruction to people. and that's it. the other that the slides follow. a warning from the united nations that ralph a, maybe the new focus in these roles, ongoing military campaign. in recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hosp, the gas us population of some $2300000.00 people. most are living in make shift structures tents or out in the open, proffers a pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next. i met the humanitarian crisis and the bodies literally piling up. these really prime minister has demanded that the closure all the you and relief of work agency for policy and
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refugees. that may be western states have already caught funding to the un agency following claims that some of it staff for the involved in the office of a 7th, a massive time. however, $800.00 civil sub and some of the us and europe have now published a letter of protest. they say the west and support for each roll. the match to a great validation. they reached the national mall and now unfolding humanitarian crisis in gaza. hayes, the focus of the latest episode of golding on the ground. the former dean of habits, kennedy school of government says the american support for ease while is damaging washington so cold, the soft palate. you can watch the entire show on our website. our fee does come well, here is a quick look. you can win a battle and lose a war. and now there's in terms of tactical successes of these release of demonstrating that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of the soft
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r and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties and gaza has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft power in recent years let alone the gaza. well in it again i, i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the disproportionate, the killing of civilians in the cause of war uh, biting his plead for the israel east is take a more measured approach, but it, there still damage to americans. sauce power a sub the appliance to colon urgent, un security council meeting is tensions between bell grade and comfortable arrive, and that's, that's pushing that leads to bad. the use of his being then uh,
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adding to do use the euro to majority sub communities. so being the president alexander, of which it says that the bad will have died. consequences a husband quote to you. you've been curts, he made this decision on his initiative with the following goal. and that goal is the ethnic, cleansing of the serbian population to this subject serves as go to one variable, living conditions. kosovo is not a member of the european union. and in 20 o 2, they una, laterally adopted the euro as their currency. the euro is not a legal means of payment and costco inventory here, nor can it be nor is there a single act that would enable them to do so comfortable as long time all eyes, washington and london have asked for us to not to postpone this coverage of plans use of the euro is wide spreading comfortable the spot. the break of. ready public not being a part of the you, but a large part of the region sub you and community rely on build grades,
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financial support that is paid and did as soon as i step on guide each research of the institute of european studies in bel grades as a comfortable will continue to oppress subs, as long as the student has allies in the west. this move is a ladonna, you know, in a clear attempt to continue the process of happening. closing goal serves the serbian orthodox church. it's constantly being targeted. it's uh uh, it's churches are being seized by the legal obedient. all right. these also the post offices of, of the, of serbia. both of these are being attacked. one was looted today, also one he want the workers were arrested. uh and uh, the serves are being treated in they believe in, in fact and we can help our hiv. uh and uh, i mean what the is doing all this uh from day one since he took office. so uh,
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instead of, uh, providing some kind of prosperity he is. uh, providing more. uh, i think solving is the answer will be, uh, but what is that is this backing that you guess from the west, especially from great britain. and they did camera and visit the police on the 4th of january. and he's supportive policy is divided, being for the he supports is basically ethnic cleansing of terms. and it seems to be the friends and the united states are playing the group top here because a state department recently came out with a statement that is condemning. but he's, you know, that he's from them in the san francisco for these and costs. a lot of my thought here. however, if serbia does not, uh, put uh, some real pressure. and then, uh, i don't see how anything will change at the end. the west is only accelerating the
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problems for deserves and it is also together with the customer all daniels of the parts of, uh, all efforts for the uh, the crimes involved the service from uh, from the airlines. i recently defeated pro bathing presidential candidate from taiwan largest opposition party has been elected as the parliament new speaker . and i'm gonna be a bit of a problem for the new administration. our to is if you ever lost ease about half the story, a hi, once future has been on the west as radar for quite some time. as the u. s. continues to oppose china via taiwan. and when the islands pro western separate test, william, why won the presidency on january 13th, the entirety of western main through media wasted no time inhaling it as a huge victory against communist china overseas now and
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a resounding victory for the ruling party candidate in ty, one's presidential elections seen as a blow to china, william ly campaigns on the status quote, to appeal to voters who want taiwan to stay the same, not independence and not warmer relations is mainland china, which is why his victory is a set back for being night has been labeled a troublemaker like china, beijing warns people against voting for him, but that's only painting part of the picture for one, the beijing friendly k m t candidate secured the speaker's chair, this past thursday, a position that will give the chair substantial power to check all of life policies regarding china, thanks for the support of the kmc legislative focus and 2 of our independent colleagues, i was able to win the speakership with 54 volts, my shoulder, the responsibility of initiating reforms in parliament. and i will devote myself just driving for the interest of the public. the people are expecting
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a fresh start and a reform at the legislative one, which will solidly bring happiness to taiwanese. that's my responsibility. and now while the speaker is required by law to remain neutral in parliament, she decides which bills are put up for a boat in the legislature which control spending. so he could block the lie administrations, legislation regarding defense budgets and domestic spending. everyone should be loyal to the republic of china and taiwan. if it is an opposition party, it should be the republic of china. taiwan z low, we allow possession. we must find ways to protect the sovereignty and security of the republic of china and taiwan. some people in this country still don't 100 percent agree that taiwan is their country. the idea of the loyal opposition party comes from the u. k. and as a norm among the democratic countries inside, ty, ones 2024 presidential results were weak for a lie with the pro west candidate grabbing only 40 percent of the vote,
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a 17 percent zip, and the 2nd lowest winning share for an elected president. since 1996 this past presidential election was actually opposition to lose because of the php uh, that 2 terms as president and they were deeply on fox the outside one day because they're cold at policies and to because the guy when the economy is not doing well, because of the us sanction on mainland china, which makes a lot of excitement for him on april to sell to the remaining customers, parents, president of the last one, the presidency. the size of the opposition is divided. however, the party lost the parliamentary elections. so now we have a situation where the main opposition party, they just align with 2 independent party members. they weren't able to lock in for speaker on the part of me and which means the new deep president of who is telling
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me into the office. he will face a hostile legislature and he basically, you'll be elaine dot president for the next 4 years. the election also didn't see the democratic progress party d p, p, or the coolant tank k m t. when a majority in the legislature with a t p p losing its majority from 63 to 51 out of a 113, resulting in a hong parliaments in a clearly divided region. now this happened in the 2 thousands. so as the saying goes, history could be repeating itself of the election results have fully showing that the p p did not represent the island, nor did it represent the mainstream public opinion of taiwan. the p. p remains in power, but it will not change the basic patent and direction of cross strike relations. it cannot prevent the historical trend of the reunification of the 2 sides. what's more, a survey, but i tie one's mainland affairs council in october 2023. found that over 60
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percent of voters support the current status quote of the islands on determined political status and remain neutral. i'm reunification and independence. so contrary to the luster of western headlines, ty, one's current, political administration, is such a blow to b. j. if anything, the current divided climate and the region signals uncertainty, which china still holding an upper hand several family members of the him as hostages and victims of filed the lawsuit against the trip. the color of the exchange buying guns at the keys of facilitating transactions which we used to finance terrorist groups. defendant finance process, numerous transactions associated with him. austin related palestinian terrorist groups between 2017 and mid 2023. providing a clandestine financing tool. that finance deliberately hit from us regulators of
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the lawsuit was filed on behalf of us citizens who according to the legal claim web guarded main, taking the hostage already injured as a result of a mass attack. on the 7th of october, according to a wall street journal report within the span of 2 years, the policy name is not made. you had received the equivalent of $93000000.00 via crypto. as i said, review claims him as received $4.00 to $1000000.00 during the same period. and as of now buying on this has frozen over 100 accounts, allegedly links to him as a big blow request of these ready law enforcement. my colleagues were researched. ready this across the potential mis use of trip to exchanges with a panel of experts. these platforms of good buttons, they are playing at walk with the lives of people. these of platforms are being used by money, loaners of dealers that are funding not a court date, drug money,
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or those things that i know generally done, dig shows and people out of the, of the drive that the money through these black phones no matter how good something is they'll only be a 2nd percentage of them is use. so she wanting to run us as fast as significant. i mean, every kind of war situation. i'm more obvious comp being that should give you full access to resources to buy data needs, especially food. i to name which is which are necessary for the device. you're suggesting that a lot of crypto dealing risk, it's almost like the black market or the doc where people are using it affairs. and if in the various means with weapons or drugs or whatever it is, but, but all off to work semi just said we're happy to do. do you see some kind of middle, middle ground for support? i mean, what, what, you know, people trying to get, you know, food of fuels and water perhaps using these crypto platforms. a i but the thought of inside me to the extent that i know that what are you saying click bulk,
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as he can be used for the, for the border. he does as well as providing food show data, but it's been since so many of the things that are already getting means for providing any, you know, money for these kind of effective date are probably because the other many other that they need for my dish and the worldwide they provide these that and leave the people who are already protected, not in the water. that's a situation that the, that they don't need that the people that i do for with them that the progressive buying lot use. but all the various activities beast jeopardize the nation by you providing assistance to that article groups and the, you know, i got up with you said the group. so what they had to, you know, of what, all kind of the reasons i would say, you know, we, that's the reason i've been used to use by now to get this thing shows that people will not explode that to get for the games such as went on.


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