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tv   News  RT  February 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the problem is february, the 6th 2024 units involved. so i'll take a trip it, among sort of schuman re establish and contact with us for the 1st time in 2 weeks . that's, that's nearly 100000 palestinians. i believe to be dead or wounded or simply missing and gaza is the result of his rails for months long minutes. riam caution. this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her. the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared in gaza. war takes a very heavy told on the innocent. there's new bones, lay alone in hospitals with family members. nowhere to be fun. and as
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ukrainian and p reveals, are landscape funds to dismiss the ukranian army commander in chief and his a media reports the president, his vehicle of a military news in the us finding the world life from las go with your news, unfiltered, as always. so good to have you with us for this broadcast on odds. united nations really excited works agencies of palestine. refugees has now said that a nearly 100000 palestinians have been killed, wounded or simply missing. and goss isn't the star of his rails bombing campaign 4 months ago, also contributed mental. schumann now has been one of those missing, but finally, re establish contact of the 2 weeks of absolutely nothing. he said to us this report, the over 2 weeks of the 1 in the morning had gone out with
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a table for them to use our city to check our tense projects the most of us because we opened anything positive circuits in it was as usual up against it has noises anyone at any time these devices, phones so we live developed over technology and one of the tents. we were surprised to see several drones of to choose and immediately lots of stuff. and advanced tax
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firefly. accessible to come into the area i talking specifically is we have to run for cover and for the last 2 weeks had been going from house to house out of 16 homes, snipers phones armed with an items and see 4 phones that kept going to different houses hostile house, after several attempts you were able to make to get back to the hospital. i want to thank you for all the support that you have to and the supports for the work that has continues
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the last 2 weeks. which leads to continue with my absence as well as the children in gaza who are bearing a very heavy burden image. this ongoing wall and the central part of ink life hospitals have done the very best they can to catch the newborns. some however, had been opened right off the bus while others had mothers who never sold them. so one this shared with us this story. now this baby girl is 39 days old today, so far, no one has come to collect her. she was born in an all water hospital. after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. this baby's in merkel has she emerged from her mother's womb without a heart beat, and after resuscitation, and 3 weeks and intensive, dear, the baby is stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared on the number of new bones that need health care with our hospital doubled
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after the mess displacement from the north. yeah, we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and are facing problems we have never face before. for example, giving birth and very poor conditions, such as displacement tense when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment, meaning a closed warm place, but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tense or for children who have not lost their parents. the struggles remain. essential. supplies are critically showed over crowd and has also led to the spread of disease. and yet, despite all of this, they remain well gaza, which the united nations has cooled, a quote, graveyard for children fast and very troubling statistics right now completely a loan, 817000 kids during the international court of justice. herrings on the case against israel, the acronym there was established in gauze as hospitals to describe the plight of
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a young. what's highlighted each day, yet more desperate people would be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering. a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to entire multi generational families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian children will become w. c. n s. s. wounded child, no surviving family. the terrible new acronym bore now to this rose genocide will a search on the palestinian population in gaza in the u. k. activist of created this, it's a powerful image on the beach, on the southern coast, laying out more than 11 a 1000 sets of clothes to symbolize the children lost in the war, which is by the way, the same number according to the palestinian ministry of health. that installation you're looking at right now goes for 5 kilometers and it does serve as a poignant reminder of the tragic toll of this war. and that's the hunger crisis
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and gaza reaches unprecedented levels. attempts to get relief into the enclave of proven to be very dangerous. for example, the united nations relief agency in gaza. they say that one of its trucks waiting to get aid into the north of yank. faith was actually attacked by as ready forces. on monday, the assumptions between filling centers ready, protesters have a forklift broken out of the board and check on the cavity i'm show on demonstrated . so if you're not trying to blow up a truck some getting into the name of the crisis palestinians, that result is a desperate mattress. for example, northern gaza, an area that's been isolated for months due to the idea of basically leveling it, stopping locals of now ton to bird feed for substance as the un sounds vietnam over at least 400000 gallons, being quote, actually in simon. and we heard from some of them the 1st we had
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white fluids and it was new week. now with forced to eat what animals each week, body and cold. and this is very difficult for us to smoke. well, i have a family of 11 managing somehow and we've come to divide by and into quotas for our children in the morning. we're suffering and not, not children are very sick and ready to start and get the family of 13. and then will you be my sister suffers from kidney disease and i'm going to get my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes because it's i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal fee, it is good for you. i am hungry money, i barely h. okay. do you mind a terry and aid comes through egypt, but in the north of gaza we don't side yet. for the hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it's quarter of the to the middle east right now. off to washington bottomed iraq over the weekend. append to go on spokesman. the says the country is a quote valued pot. and you've been very clear in terms of what we're, the groups that we're targeting, and the capabilities that we're targeting,
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that are associated with the i r g c. and i ran in the back proxies who are facilitating and conducting attacks on us forces. and that, that is our focus. obviously, when it comes to the iraqis, iraqi security forces me iraqi government, iraq is or value partner. continue to work closely with that rack on counterterrorism efforts. and i'll just leave it at that. the strike is covered at $85.00 targets across iraq and syria killing at least $34.00 people. now the us said it took the action and response to the depths of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack along the syrian jordanian border in late january washington. initially planned to gaze baghdad, warning to the on the attack and that it was a coming on the way. but later was that by saying notification came off to the campaign ship. we did inform the iraqi government prior to the strikes. securing, as for this specific response on friday, there was not a free notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred
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. by god said washington's 1st narrative was a lie done to create the perception that his actions would not illegal. the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this aggression which is a false claim and misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws, that's what i'm all right now causing a lot of independent politicians, odd old will probably be starting by for us in baghdad. very good evening to you. so i apologize. i think that is about a 2 or 3 2nd delay in the transmission, but your thoughts on a washington's a contradicting statement that they gave baghdad prior warning of the tact your thoughts. uh uh yes, they actually lied at the beginning and they wanted to implicate they rock and
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government and this a new ad sausages. as a later they realized that they can't do that because we do have records and we do have a democracy in iraq is not we are not to dictate to country like other countries in the middle east. that depends on the protection of the united states. it's a democratic country and anybody could be elected to pallets. uh, so the animosity in iraq is rising to unprecedented levels against the united states. so they are doing a damn lying, the making mistakes. they are fueling the hatreds at was the american administration. and the attacking the son is this time, not only this, yeah, the in the prediction, the part of they said they attacking bases that are close to iran or connected ideologically to eat on. but now they attacked the suddenly it's who have nothing
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to control with it. on that they killed a number of the civilian a sudden these and the local protection forces. i guess i'm the guy the from this one, the a quarters of a rough idea and the city closed the car. so whatever they're doing, they're doing it's wrong. and the implicates trying to implicate their rocky government. that's was another big mistake that they eventually was do this claim. so yes we could do. we could see this doubt about randy randy at making a mess of the whole thing. yeah. so, so america says that it will and back died before the strikes that turned out to be a lie, then it back track on the comments. but also washington saw the us was very quick to deny reports of civilian casualties despite it making that wasn't sufficient. evidence your thoughts on that? a while we have a dead bodies,
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we have people, but women and children are dad. we have the names of their dates of the, of their actual bodies, civilians who are living close to the, the, the basis of their we're definitely not accurate in their attacks. they attack the civilian a village and not to the uh, the, the, the public mobilization. you and it's, and the, this time they didn't attack the bases that are connected to it on our own. the claimed to be connected to the gc they actually couldn't have kind of attacked. the rocky owned public mobilization. you and it swap paid by iraq or part of the ministry of defense. and the part of the, under the leadership of the sup, i'll be a commander, chief, the prime minister as so whatever they are saying now,
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unfortunately, we cannot take any american uh, community k, as a fax or at face value. definitely they are lying and they are meddling and things i have there is no meet with you. there is no need for them to to come so hard on iraq when the problem is with somebody else. why attack iraq? yeah, i think you might get that. you know, you make a good point. so i mean, i have no idea and i was just going to pick you up. you know, it was also put in the set in recent months. he can't take anything at face value that comes out of washington. i think you'll echoing the same sentiments that from the rocky capital, you know, when it comes to so, you know, america says we will, in baghdad before this drives them is all we didn't want them. what about the civilian deaths, americans as old? we didn't know anything about civilian deaths, you know, it reminds me of the dentist on and for years they're always all these bobbing
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reports. he's campaigns with a wedding party. people are below debates in afghanistan or go farmers or sheet poto is just getting blown to bits by these drones. it just reminds beginning and you simply cannot trust what is coming out of washington old line leave with junior these days. i mean, there's always some kind of cover on that stories. i mean, let me ask you this. washington still says that we value our friends job bodies in baghdad. it's a close close relationship and yet here's baghdad saying, get the head out of here. well, what is the city what you think americans doing a good right now? good job right now with diplomacy across the middle east. oh no, definitely not. the. the losing friends by the day. the by the minutes i would say they, uh, they made a mess of things in the middle east as starting from guys, the syria, the ceiling, the oil, and syria. they, they're meddling in iraq,
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killing iraqi civilians. and there is no need for any of that. they are, they are definitely not diplomatic. they valid cowboys. i mean, everybody, we, why never believed in the positive that men because really i cowboys and, but as soon as they are, and they don't understand diplomacy, diplomacy is that you don't choose guns and diplomacy. but assume that the only language they understand, unfortunately to innocent civilians are paying the price. yeah. so you just go back to vietnam and america just became so it in for most for it's gun boat diplomacy. i think you nailed it. best thought i'll move to libby as an independent politician in baghdad. but about what about i need a 20 pos 6 in the evening, your time or the pleasure. thank you very much for joining us here. we'll talk to you in too much. thank you. thank you. very much let's go to yemen now where who the 5 is obstruct 2 condo vessels, one american, one british,
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both in the red sea that report according to the group's spokes pass. and now who, with these say that these attacks and the respondents to american coalition bombings of yemen on sunday. adding that they have every right to respond and defend against what they called as western aggression. meanwhile, the russian envoy to the united nations slammed washington and his allies full scouting tensions in the middle east. best suited to ben's us did. he delivered his comments during an emergency session that the un security council, which was cold, specifically to address the recent american bombing campaigns in the middle east, the cheapest limited by striking a rock in the syria. then not just stays this deliberately trying to drag the largest countries in the middle east into a regional conflicts. at the same time, the fact this such actions lead to an escalation of tension and the depth of civilians does not concern strategists in washington, williams is the largest usaa operation in the region since 2003 was entered by
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barton as an act of retaliation. for an attack by drones of unknown origin on an american base illegally located in syria, it has no justification. we say in this, an attempt to influence the domestic political situation in america and a desire to somehow correct the file image of the american administration in the international arena in law to the presidential election rights. russia emphasized the legality and unacceptability of recent us accents. now, the united states carried out springs on both syria and iraq, and they said these actions were self defense in response to the recent attacks on us troops in the region. however, the results of these us attacks were injuries to civilians, dest, etc. now serious touch the floor of the security council, an act of some of what process is saying is an example of the. ready lives of people in the region being sacrificed for political gain squared towards your who
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else to be that the american aggression has led to the killing of $37.00 civilians and military personnel and the destruction of several residential buildings. and even historical sites were not spared from this aggression. the us administration repeatedly uses the same deceptive pretexts to justify its attacks. the root causes of conflicts, suffering, and instability in the middle east are the destructive policies of washington. the us invests in terrorism by supporting i. so and other terrorist and separatist groups, successive american administrations have misused their permanent membership in the un security council of interfered and the domestic. the affairs of other countries, including syria, syria rejects the idea that the territories of member states and the blood of the people have become a platform for american election campaigns, you know, but the damascus asks the us administration to end it's illegal military presence on syrian territory when it rocks up to the floor of the security council meeting,
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they lined up with series and emphasizing that these attacks and the presence of us troops throughout the region is a violation of the territorial integrity of the internationally recognized government. this is, and the united states is simply disregarding the rights of other countries with its continued military act ciboney in the region. however, when we heard from the united kingdom and the united states, both countries said these attacks carried out by their armed forces were somehow self defense. and from there they went on to point fingers at the as lawmakers public at the wrong pressure called this meeting. under the false pretense that the united states has no ground to respond to attacks that have killed us personnel. it bears repeating, therefore, actions us forces took on february to are necessary and proportionate is consistent with international law. and an exercise of the united states inherent right to self
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defense. united states has repeatedly and in some instances, directly warner, on a better tax on us personnel, on the country around continues to escalate directions across the region by enabling these proxies deputy attacks. when the, as long as republic of the ron address the meeting, they emphasize that this version of events that we've heard from western media where all these resistance forces throughout the region are simply on orders frontier on and taking your ron's directions and everything they do is just not factual, that these resistance groups have their own autonomy, the us and you can meet. i know that dissipate attempts to distract the attention away from the root cause of the current situation in the region by falsely putting the finger and blame on you on all of that resistance grew up in the legion of independence and the decision and actions, multi rated by the legitimate,
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twice on the international low that are handling the, the gold presence of u. s. in the territories. many countries spoke up at agree with what ross they had to say that us actions are unacceptable. it was quite a meeting to see a difference of viewpoint when it comes to deal political events between major countries represented on the council. they agreed or ukrainian m p has let it slip on social media that the countries president is looking to stop his commander in chief, but adding some booty along with the general's deputies to it as follow a recent interview. whereas the wednesday discuss the shakeup on a tally and see the a set of miles a request that there was much talk about. the role of the commander of the armed forces general was a looseness and his possible removal of fact. okay, so headed to this concerns, the people who lead ukraine, a reset tables and a new beginning to are required. and not only in the military spear, please when it's true. i am thinking about doing
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a replacement lasonya. this issue when it concerns the entire management group that drives the whole country we've had for about a week. now these were removed as the lensky was going to give me the old heave ho . he sort of to no idea. also talking about it, but then he get this in to do to a tally in t v where he oh, but says yes, not say he in a bunch of others or going to other times in the u. k. has been to looking at this and saying this is a standoff between the political class, basically labeling this as the odd in general versus the country's best saves when i think you can guess who's who and not fight. it says what this is really about is how popular major, general symphony actually is in ukraine. and that the time says is a threat to zalinski is natural that the presidency is a potential arrival in his army chief and may be bracing to fire him. there is
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martial law in ukraine, so the not so discrete power struggle between the 2 men is the closest they can come to testing each other strength. so when we talk about popularity, let's be clear. the lens key still has been waiting for some time. it's current, he said that he's down to the room. 62 percent in the opinion polls. so news need, meanwhile, it's only 90 percent when it comes to popularity. that really gives you a sense of how involved the gap is between these 2 individuals. and this has been a long standing wiper rate. now, seymour hersh, who's a pulitzer prize winning journalist, is written about this. he's a man who checks to the people in the power at washington. the receipts will they give the information, but maybe not. they details. and he says, he knows what this piece is really about, was told by the official, the concept, envision sustained support for as i lose me and reforms that would lead to the end of the zalinski regime of coal. zalinski knew that so lose that he was dealing with
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the west, the official side. but zalinski would be a dead man walking with the army, which is in favor of the general. he's going to have him use in a on his hands. so get you pulled coal ready already, because about exactly what some of the, including the russian foreign ministry spokesperson marie is a. however, who said this is like watching a soap on phone. she like in the to the us popular soap, santa barbara, when it comes to the ongoing calls it in ukraine. charlotte, i mean, militarily and politically, it just seems to go from bad to worse. but we do know that this, this dissension among the rang send the ukrainian up a echelons. it hasn't erupt overnight, has a no, that's why i mean, go back a couple of months ago to the stall, to be autumn in 2023. and we have this ad opinion piece binds in, usually in the economy, state waste, huge oil prices across the world because he admitted that ukraine was failing this much voted time for a fight and see if that was going to north crush or off. it's sort cuz he said, look, we failed, we're not doing it. in fact, this was at
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a stalemate. the infuriated so landscape because he of course, was still going cap in hand as he is now to west and power. se, nope, just give us more money, give us more weapons, we can defeat russia, and clearly is top general the military command, a new queen, the same story made that's not happening. we are not winning this rule. so what we've seen is this big divide between what's the lensky and solution ac, just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. and you should be responsible for the results on the battlefield. there can be complicated personal relationships, but ukraine is not about the personal interest. i expect very concrete things on the battlefield and come on. yeah, well it does seem that this is about the personal gift and it's about about popularity. so many things. but also there's this question. over the conscription,
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the mobilize ation of $500000.00 new boots on the ground in ukraine. the legacy says this was something loose and usually called for solution. he says no, i didn't. and he's also criticized the new mobilization, the new conscription, new and ukraine, which is to lower the age of those who couldn't join the army and become scripted. so in the end, the days that lucian has got the popular public support, he's also about the loyalty of various right wing groups as well. but i guess the question was, if indeed, so lucian, who really does get fired, could that be some sort of blowback to that landscape? thank you. have, do you think? well, i think that's got to be a fee is something zalinski is going to be concerned about the least needs of mine who really is popular not just amongst ukrainian people, but amongst ukrainian military. this is a mind that's let them for, to use this as a man who tells of straight how it is. so you can imagine this idea is that not just he, but also talk military price across the country could be. i was told that
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a that must be a huge concern to those guys who are on the front line right now. when you get concern like that and leveled up with some of the reports, we hearing about problems with mental health, with those who are on the front line issues with the health generally, that might could cause some real problems. and there are some suggestions that could even lead to some sort of meet you need within the army. so let's case taking a huge gamble. here we go. is it usually not just popular but ukrainian say 75 percent, but they do not want him to be 5 if disapprove with the idea compact. only 2 percent. that's a yeah. you know, you could get really depend on that. again, it's, it's a big chasm to zalinski, taking a huge political gamble. and if he loses head on, you know, there's a big church that he could, he could be the one that ends up fighting for his political life. you're off the charlotte guy was also discussing this with a former us military officer astonished solve it. could have been phonetic. now he
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says at the end of the day, it's still washington who's continuing to choreograph key of steps with politically and militarily the uh, behind the lose the are also a lot of the, uh, the right wing groups. uh they don't like the wednesday, but they'll fall as a wednesday as long as those is there. there's also other elements. of course i play here. one there's uh, there's a break in uh, in the us side. uh theres uh, several factions in the us government and text this as, as we say it's not quite is to collect and fine. and then once i do have depended on, uh, independent government was quite happy working with the illusion. is there a person that you guys can control that are more or less trying to do on hand? i hands on control and ukraine and they trust them. on the other hand, there's a state department, new and new. know what's up with donna? and they won't, but don't have to replace illusion because the doctor, regardless is no strategist, madonna. what is her person? and he's a might surface person. and the thing is redone upstairs. he's not just
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a terrorist, he's on the terrorist. he's the, he's head of this boom. terrace organization, and now he's looking at getting his hands on the dates. are you created military as a terrace organization? ukraine is it can't wait on the battle at best. it's kind of by the time that it's going to have a new kind of steam defense is going to get them pushed back. it's gonna be uh, finding uh, stalling for time. the only way to keep your machine running is by making bigger and bigger terrorist attacks. if that's the west, either a doesn't see terrorism or b e r, right? so it offers a great victory, and it's striking gifts, the, the evil russian empire. it's only feats of what the west narrative uh needs to be, at least as far as the state department. as far as am i supposed to talk to me about the book, the comment flow of aide into ukraine is, is it, is it? let's get a position where.


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