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tv   Documentary  RT  February 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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and with the public, he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest to so long realized pen smith and, and honestly of late, continuously. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to do it. you do have sense of all we going to lift that stay at the man. most people don't understand the global financial system and how financial resources are distributed. controlling the world's money flows, groans the power to wipe and ton nations of the face of the when will it don't die?
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the, the issues of $70000.00. this new was a ball. so suddenly am we see of america now? granted, the full gonzales is showing him no good able to shift that. i'm not pretty what i sense of one for all the stuff in adults. this also some led us to let me just close. flushed on a 1000, i checked your estimated cost case and also a system of a glass door um as a shop knowledge thing to be sure. you guys like the little list to then? yeah, we should care about america's financial problems, because when the u. s. economy runs a fee, the home will begins to sneeze. so how does it bank up countries?
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what is the federal reserve? how is america making money from war and ukraine? and how did it all start media re you den gulf associated professor, department of state politics must go state university, ph. d and economics. government government contract, sir. go ahead cuz i presume you're gonna remind me of the never let i'd your decision. yeah. those are nearby, i got there and it was really sort of shift. so because of the show it could you, if you knew what the deal or this good though it through jim gave you. but, but simply, the brands aboard is there in your washing machine gun. it brought them through unplugged more. so that's the built up where i named restarted your piece, but soon as that's started there. and what was the real of glad the family didn't give us writing and louis coloring. louis city authorities 030 there filters, bundle petroleum. when you did a very sewer post the chicago district during the project term though, bye. or there's a little girl without your trash down to come on like
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a feller could you please? states no longer restrained loans, but it began regulation. assessing a maximum interest rate to which money was lend. leaders also gave loans to wage was in $1694.00. 1 of the 1st banks to be established was the bank of england, which funded the army and its will with funds. and this isn't the only example. these 2 people, the, the most or economy. we think for the probably host the for sure if we say the false knight, the next you made easy phone call to the office actually thought of the looks like a successful level. you don't have all those for these williams jacob, he also went over to the counseling. plenty of that nature. you went to upset investigation for the most depressed pay me is a call. let us go. let's go with a quarter for aspect. good. absolutely. is it, dear? southern if it's internet 0 is terrible, are you for those covering parts?
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good news or do you should see me? plenty of that was the right. familiar ones that are being the, were watching the flow even learn. you saw that emphasis did was already your she did i made is ever mysteries stored? we're more limited in yes. of that reason we're starting to just do i when you just say you have to with this with just looks better dark horse dinner with the bar core and you know, what is your thoughts or just a little bit about inclusion is recruiting a little dip is pushing the bathroom said to slower the doors, the run your group, the issue, barbed a few minutes and you stick the other side this time slips and do you know it's a group page of see me? well, i did so doing, that's a group patient, but i'm confirming it it says that you didn't notice. you have to go that way. would you get you out the door operators? don't us will just the 2 parts of the way and i'm gonna put you on that the cash
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flow fridays out of those. i have the power on the look for the couple. another bull in norfolk pretty core name is the course of the seats. i'm usually but really fit them. what are you sharing your brighter? it just depends almost on your story city where i'm going to be just a reflection is what's up to you. it comes to show guys these. i wonder how much those little bits of bombs muscle do you think the system was performing in front of nibbling this bug did for sure thing is good for the highest rates is getting really rushed to see me and me again. jason, did you put the menu on the door? yeah. and you pushed it from where you guys do i go directly. just of course goes to numbers off passports before with don't come with me. just say on your own, go right out and on your car and next door to coming through. much to stuck with it are great for years. you don't plus back here that brought terms of to my 3 stage and taylor and goes, we absolutely love shift or that brought them to work, but it's still not there. no 1 may have to pull the the, it's
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a believe you never were pretty much just throw much. are we those now that's about you had sent it to put the renewal cost on there. so i can say i need to build what i need. go to other words, what was the lease term to concern about the is uplifting brought something off so . so the us government has once again borrowed money to pay its bills. the dollar is the were reserved currency and so far in the central bikes. welcome to dollars. as it bills on their foreign exchange reserves, the to the dollars just international money. and so they have no hesitation in firing and holding these dollars. us national debt is constantly growing because of the home and the budget forces increased borrowing. it could be punished by cutting spending or raising taxes, but this would cause it media of discontent among citizens already unhappy with the
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rising fuel and food prices. the one gas goes up. i just trickle down to the consumer and effects grocery prices and everything amazon . uh, the price goes up and it's just really hitting people in the pocket, but the government, it really is not accountable to the paid 50 percent, half of americans now live at for near poverty level. to don't take molding in the us. the all twenty's and it was the eighty's and needed to mean the multi i was value of the me not to be i don't cluck law. so you who knew this sassik effective law extend model, which was a law for what would you mean was of a difficult people to sort of use it as your new to molten to sustain these are
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costs with dr. glenn, because movies, adult americans, you know, that they're but economic politically, they don't ever believe they have to repeat that. that because as long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency, they can continue to, you know, they call it a quantitative easing. right? money printer gober, right, and they believe that that can continue and definitely this could have been a week that kind of stuff. catastrophic deval default happens pretty millions of people's jobs. jeffrey who's terry preventative default. and our historic recovery continues based into this old voice and just sit it up and go annual that you put a portion of basket. and i've known this daniel and i really looked on the blog manual very eyes, nobody. i mean, the last day was that i was never good to know adult because the shop beer with becca at the bushes. some adults on the federalist that i can squeak of those not
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cause the i'm going to cost custom. yeah. businessman to see more deuced commission to this unusual presentation, you wanted to draw the american public's attention to the nation's boss, national debt, which then amounted to $2.00 trillion dollars. but at the end of 2008, the us count a hit the unfortunate snag. it went over the limits when the debt paused 10 trillion dollars. the panel assembly ran out of digits. but instead of reducing debt, the americans chose to upgrade the account by expanding it. and now it's taking away again, showing this huge countries massive credit load. does it beneficial at all to live on credit? is your trial started? last, those are my system and you what i basically sometime next month for me to get something i know a month for nearby or young per units and i move the pores expedition to result 3 not spend the 1993 about $500.00 banks collapsed and more than
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$15000.00 companies voted in the usa in the wake of the financial crisis. the american economy suffered most of the losses in the early 20th century. 190111907, someone to crises. the coloring one off to another, resulting and the closure of about 700 banks and 50000 businesses. i knew much here to assist you. my crazy stuff would be julio, just the front page, or since you what it is. this problem exist. bradley, by joan less near primarily with commercial display a storm was this. the only thing was doing for everybody was viewing some purpose of the premium. so certainly put it as soon as you're doing the software. you'll hear when you get your summer do some repairs will know for digital google. gosh, yeah, but it will measures thermo live each. they don't get this message and we'll do trish. but as fletcher and submitted to face, most of the environment to assist you with our group, is your parents your scroll back for them, but you me or is it fair?
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and that's just that you mission prior. you just, i'm looking for am don't, or if you're in a 0 stem or would you prescribe, sorry, private this thing they don't, they will are some broken across by the business. i pay a solution or oh gosh, this is jim the industry general setup is to sit down with guys. i'm bill pushing that grids. my city, i believe you can stream is bought a pit the really better way to the door really, really talked about doing the private. but the problem that come back, people also sometimes if it occurs to go back to uh, what do i do governments deal and so are you ready to, to figure it out and is this just just a shot at the other thing is that so she wouldn't she searching associated that, that she am going to move as a law died even looked on the child to adult are usually 2 adults. so i'm gonna go to the doctor and the dog. so shock, like i told her just to give it to i tell them that you would have seen me. i'm not gonna use cordele across the globe. i listened on, so he's just gentleman and also just the someone did this,
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not the president or the treasury, the fritz martin. it's the federal reserve, the federal reserve to create smart. there's no limit on his ability to create marvin today is just a digital thing, right? touch if your key so the keyboard so the federal reserve can create endless amounts of money. i would say that most of them in american history of not knowing what they were doing. we have had a couple of spar guys that have headed the central bank in the us. but most of them, of political people who were good at politics and not knowing what to do the technology. and so the teen congress forced america and to death slavery to the federal reserve. now the fed has the right to print dollars. it has complete control of the economic system of the united states, the
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by the early 1950. can you became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism in africa? the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population. great britain and pursued the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers dooming canyons to poverty and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement, which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels called themselves canyon land and freedom army. the spiritual leader of the movement would be anti colonial, active as jo, mo, kenyata, the freedom fighters used the tactics and attacked individual units of the greatest
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troops. the latter responded with massive air rays and artillery effects. when suppressing the uprise of london relied on maximum cruelty over $50000.00 canyons were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into abrasions and concentration camps where tortures in no way inferior in girl z to the nazis was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led to a temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain. yeah. however, the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now the
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last of putting it the most don't just base to do it so to not system go to federal reserve. ok, does that point? i figured i'd say to 0 in the system and then i subsonic of bunker and you probably dropped those lashania epic assessment fee. they just calculates. i would space the can bump, i've got the your, let's assign you to me for last night to motion. national citibank, 30000 shares. chase national bank. 6000 shares. national bank of commerce. 21000 shares, 1st national bank. 15000 shares. as for the government,
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as the financial group, of course are far the united states and u. k. bikes their objective. is there a huge in many, they basically control the national international financial system, their means of control or the federal reserve bank, raymond, and of course, world bank in the international monitor fund is basically american based because the dollar is the world reserve currency. and this then conveys financial power. you know, there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity, nothing we can't do. we are the united states of america. why do the americans need so much money? problem they sell has to maintain, they've dollars global supremacy. the us invest huge amounts of its currency in the defense industry. the us spends more on defense and the army,
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and the rest of the well put together the food because the side, the chair should bring you got. i didn't know what the timeline was pretty junior. this invest legislative people. progressive progressive assess your premium pool glaring is into this to another store and it comes to now crane american defense industry corporations may truly astronomic revenues in 2020, to raise the own technologies. boeing, lockheed martin, and general dynamics generation billions. the or this big companies are pushing or so the american government to wave it or fund 6 position on ukraine to, to, to partial crane. and was who in tensor o being in the american congress is a you convince the $42.00 sions to spin mole several,
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the military budget on the return of his team mates of a, we'd be a, maybe a g, a 1000 been. so start off show true, a width and industrial production. so we gave you which benefits to v. i'm or can companies produce weapons like boeing, those talk to goldman, the general dynamics or height on and their stocks are going through the wars good business. they used to say that the business of america is business. now, the business of america is one of the other thing someone said is we used to make weapons to fight wars. now we fight wars to make weapons the way in the apartment complex. this
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one's up to the video to do you disagree or is this just different, sharper let's, let's just look residual. sometimes i believe i'm witnessing an almost controlled demolition of western society. but the very need is that are interested by the people you think it was with the best intentions that hard the weeks with really seeing big pharma, another change just real complex, the likes of the lockheed martin and these, gracie on another one. these entities seemed suddenly to have the us politicians in that pocket and ensuring that the billions of dollars flow into the self and shares meet independent british journalist mike jones, he 1st came to russia to st. petersburg in 2018. what he saw in no way conform to world west and media, and politicians was saying about russia. why became
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a blogger now tells west audiences about the russian federation. and that is part of my mission statement, of course, is to bring the information to as many people as possible. the chief is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways of doing it quite why the channel is deleted. off the list under the special ministry operations to begin reporting from the liberated territories, often from the front line. welcome back to mount a, u f o l. we've left finished everything that we need to do, which was deliver most people and this morning it wasn't plans, but we ended up driving a bubble sheet at the hospital. and so you had doctors appointments because there was no public transport. i arrived in the spring of 2018, says deed is bags where the fee for welcome was just happening as a petersburg was full of this international sphere and $5.00 been coming together.
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i was walking the streets. there's some, these big specific, the netscape prospect and the architecture was this was kind of incorrect and right now the g. what i said, i felt like i was working in a charles dickens level. that's kind of how i felt the mike jones is a british, i'm a veteran. he joined job straight off. they're leaving school. even work in the u. k. is video games industry. later in russia. they have had quite an interesting life and it goes to russia being or say, another chapter and i grew up with the stories of the 2nd level. my grandfather, it served in the role transport cool, and was wounded. i grew up with stories like big goals as well, and these very heroic material take story. so for me it was a huge disappointment post that my country was i believe the train, my ancestors,
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my grandfather, and those they laid down their lives less. oh, well, how can i contribute and help? and show my support. thankfully youtube i had saved up some of the revenue and decided i would buy a bu hung to fill it with humanitarian aids and drive it to it on us daily to an orphanage, to some of the children that had been affected by the conflict. well, my dad related disciplines, yvonne, cause of all hunger rides again, that way going back to done by the personnel. jim, jim, i'm going to say it the rain that no dying of the signal missteps the roll gives me a gun there and make sure you understand most of what you're one of those done the catch notes at the news bill this month. it just somebody, me a movie,
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the only thing i can do is to just get some grain is super. so what do you do this? just bring it up to, to you miles through it, but i see speak, i'm really low. so is that for me to kind of click on memory, jamie shows little somebody gets upset just is there any idea government isn't this though? is that just an interest for themselves? very strongly with the magic bidding night. but i see by going this level for which i know genuinely distinguish which of junior what is the records in your book is certainly looking here for solution nichols millions of years now. today i'm announcing another $800000000.00 to further argument. ukraine's ability to fight in the east and the don las region. this package includes heavy artillery weapons, dozens of howitzers, and a $144000.00 rounds of ammunition to go with those howitzers. it also includes more tactical drones. in the past 2 months, we've moved weapons and equipment to ukraine after the record speed. we sent a 1000 anti arm or an anti miss to helicopters. drones for in
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a launch is machine guns, rifles, radar system, poll sheet. so can i have the information? i thought of glitch, i'd say that you were, you know, when we should, if a non simple form which are those are the school divisions are formed, yet the system now being loyal to distribute, to do to award the. but as cust done was to see me out of a few of them. it's like it's an sofa. in 2023, the us state department decided to increase the keyboard shameless funding by almost 15 percent. that means the american defense industry will receive new contracts with billions of dollars, while corporations on making super profits, ford re, americans incomes a forwarding fight and will stay on the go to accomplish that. but there are stetson not popular wires, just seamless. i mean, the concept definitely plan that i've been you by didn't stand a good experience for that. so it's a shot. it's a couple of strain you have sent in email coordinates in your credit trust prospect . unfortunately for building the bullet spoken, which, which is because you see
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a problem as operators shop trusts us to not us, you know, we lived in the science of the yucca but so not going to stop in the mute region. 14 said you more cartridges. you use the shuttle? no, great. the reason why the price of gas is going up is not because of steps the president has taken to bear because president clinton is invading ukraine, and that is creating a great deal of instability in the global marketplace. surprises us last service in new york is also not going to put it as a little boy called a dog who but allow me to come square volume to go just fast enough and all the city is furnished. the shops of july 1944 bretton woods usaa, the smaller town would become an historic place of the united nations monetary and financial conference was held that it was decided to designate the dollar as the wells was of currency, which gave the united states in all most financial power outage, the mechanism the defective in april and the entire world under the federal reserve
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system is controlled by forcing everyone to exchange that goods with dollars work today. and you have to sort of stuff to go by now is a finance estimate from? does that mean you can sort of put me in places where i did it, but i don't have been just yet, but i've sent this new i will replace or do i maybe unless that i'm not the i need to write out. professor clinton with a kid there was, there was 0 and you do more valuable. but it's true that those are full still and go figure it out, but still not on my for sure. now it's up to who is doing what am i thought was telling me story is what do when you know of the real opinion. if she had it? sure it was a better job for us, but you're with a full jewish store, sir of the district beforehand. so the low, yes him was a glitch in a certainly done fact above does it show up there? no way i thought of going to the store name is virginia complex. are going to stop what you wish to assume this if i would like the ideal door suite just to parts in particular with the little girl, or let's say to this through a personal surgery,
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or if she of us who is in there. well, not in an older room misuse. we watched the gym with suicide. no was in lower center. especially if it it on the 1st brand name of the horse do without a wanted to know what we shall go from between. you'll need to know what it looks like last time. so us internet of much and last. so for me, because this is tim a dollar i'm so for the last guy, it's a season little boy with because does a and you guys the bit of each to dispatch and this is a, it's a conflict. mm hm. so does that culture? it's a more subtle, is it about the conflict? was it a shot? it's a video, right? it's a door and you live with carson. you from you to me, it should show the the,
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or the the for some reason you still don't see where your boss officer give senior legend but personally realize for this or for, for your interest with frontier to do great. and how strong the installed on your company will go in here. so 3, so just the basic got the prompt republishing. piece of you definitely have it for you just to make sure to see us. let me place up with the 3 literally. and then
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the the new do at the resort line seems to be such a gusto that comes cut off. i'm is the
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the guy from the february, the 6th 2024. he is in the unit, in los altos, are to contribute to a non so it should not re establish his contact with all cheaper the 1st time in 2 weeks. and that's, that's nearly $100000.00 policy the and the believe to be dead wounded or missing in guys as a result of these roles. 4 months long bonding campaign. this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her, the girl has no name, and none of her family members have appeared in guys all want take so heavy told on the innocent as newborn's legal load in the hospitals with family members know where to be found.


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