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tv   News  RT  February 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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the, the american show has to talk a call soon, concerns an upcoming interview with russian president vladimir. he says he wants americans to get the full fixture on the ukrainian conflict. americans have a right to know all they can about a war. they are implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it, because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house, structures and back to the, to the you and his last down to the west will covering up the kids a trusted is in don't boss, he says he brains, regular shilling of civilians shows how brutal the regime really is at. as that you're printing in member of parliament reveals the last of the class, the dispensary printing on the commander in chief and his age. major reports that
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the presidency is a military need today. the court and everyone else gets a heavy with that i'd, they show up josh, and you're watching r t international 9th from moscow. stick with us in the next half hour as we take you through some of the biggest stories we've been following. the we begin with a swelling brim. i was making the rounds in the media which made our comments a surprise, but are in the true american showed host tucker, coughing as confirmed. he will be interviewing russian president vladimir putin. former fox news headline says he wants to share the other side of the ukraine and conflict, something western media, it really does. on the same day, the war and ukraine began. american media wetso spoken to scores of people from ukraine, and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents lensky. we ourselves
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have put a request for an interview with so and see we hope pete steps with the memories is already done in the united states or not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify. the wind speeds demand that the us enter more deeply into war in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugly. it's kind the kind it kills people. being well zaleski is grab every opportunity to take a job at moscow and american mainstream media outlets at no qualms with giving his side without rushes for violence. people in the west have to recognize it. natalie? well, not all wireless comment of that is not our wor, coleman for we pay the highest price is through is very important moment, not to lose the will not to lose these strong position and
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not not to lose your demarcus. or any of my colleagues, michael portray this costs. the anticipated interview with r t correspondent don't order for to a while after days of wild speculation. and tucker carlson, becoming the most discussed topic on twitter along side vladimir put in the tucker has finally confirmed that he will indeed be doing this interview with the russian president. this announcement. and his explanation for this decision came in the form of a 4 and a half minute video that tucker posted on his twitter account. and in that short window of time, he was able to be able to shed a spotlight on western hypocrisy for the entire american public to see the fact that we've seen so many interviews with ukrainians that support the key of regime. and with the ukranian, the president himself, but not one such a interview have we seen with vladimir approved at the same time our politicians and media outlets have been doing this. promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand, not a single western journalist, his father to interview the president of the other country involved in this
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conflict. flooding or putting most americans have no idea why put an inmate to do crane or what is goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's wrong. the americans have a right to know all they can about a war there implicated in. and we have the right to tell them about it because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house and is video tucker also said that this interview is going to be open source on twitter because obviously not in a 1000000 years with the main stream media really show anything like this contents that we're going to see soon. but we also got an idea of tucker's ideological motivations. first and foremost, that he said that the duty of journalists is to inform people. and it was really good to see him call a spade a spade when he said that the american public is unfortunately not informed when it comes to the cranes conflict. according to tucker,
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he says that that's because the mainstream media lies generally for emission. and that's created a situation where the american public doesn't know why russia launched the military operation in the 1st place. as far as we know, this is the 1st time he's attempting to interview the president brought him to put them right. that's right. tucker has said that he's tried to do it before and in this video, he says that the binding distraction spied on him both last time. and this time, almost 3 years ago, the buys administration illegally spied on our text messages and then linked the contents to their servers and the news media. they did this order, stop a put interview that we were planning the last month for pretty certainly did exactly the same thing once again. but this time we came to moscow anyway. if what tucker says is true, i mean, this goes back to what he was saying about the duty of a journalist being to inform people. tucker tried to do just that. and the same people who pontificate to the world about democracy and freedom apparently stood in his way. now we did hear reaction from the white house. they completely refused
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this person contented. it is a preview of the year before the ministration has, who has treatments up to the injuries testing interview? did you have a comments on either the interview or absolutely not pulling out of college or actually absolutely not a comment to be more clear periods. what do you think you're going to be the reaction to the following? this, this confirmation. what we've already seen, reactions based on the from when people understood that he was in moscow in general several days ago. and that caused liberals to throw an absolute fit across the internet. some people were saying that he shouldn't be allowed back to the united states simply for setting forth in russia. while others accused, the republican party of taking marching orders from moscow as prudent is trying to court the mag of g o p in the united states. in fact, one of the leaders of the mag of g o p is in moscow tonight. it's the man you see here with the mag, a leader, donald trump, tucker carlson. of course, carlson is now just
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a nother far right. conspiracy peddler with the show and the internet is no longer in fox. as we all know, perhaps we need a total incomplete shut down of tucker carlson, re entering the united states until our countries representatives can figure out what is going on. and he is a traitor. now if people are upset now, i mean, we can only imagine what kind of reaction we're going to see when this interview actually becomes public when people can actually see it. but it also makes one wonder why so much hysteria over just a small interview in the mainstream media. and more importantly, why is it costs so much fear in washington? perhaps it could be about the fact that after years of trying to paint this caricature of an evil dictator, allowing vladimir putting to show a human face, the american people could be a little too dangerous for the establishment in washington to the stomach. people to fox sports by any means of and nurtured on line mocking individuals who protest tucker costs as decision trained to be vladimir putin. social media use us way creek to point out that other journalist who had previously interviewed the russian
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president received no backlash yet. its cost was now being called a traitor. in response, some independent journalist called out the main stream media for demonizing, coughing for his decision. the only reason tucker carlson in russia is controversial is because the rest of the media has been all the way over for the censorship regime. why are they so afraid of tucker, talking to put in the corporate media does not want the american people to hear both sides. they are mouth pieces for the us military, industrial complex and the washington d. c. political establishment. their fear is rooted in tuckers, criticism of the military industrial, complex and government. i'm grateful for the stupidity of rupert murdoch, the wisdom of the lawn mosque and the courage of tucker carlson that resulted in the most important interview of our time. i'm looking forward to watching it how heard from former intelligence office,
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it us marine called scott breakdown. it says the washington is afraid that coughing is going to finally show buttons point of view as we have to deal with reality. here. tucker carlson is a unique phenomenon and he has the capability of generating hundreds of millions of use in a social media media realm that's outside of the span of control of the government and its main stream media laptop. so, you know, this is a, this is a threat to tucker has the ability, if he pulls this interview off and he does it in a credible manner to expose people about the reality of russia, at least the perspective of the russian leader, russian perspective. and so tucker, carson has a chance to, to present the russian leader in the unfurnished manner. and i think the russian leader would come off looking very good in such an interview. not because there's manipulation taking place,
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but because the things that he says are logical and should be heard by americans. this is a chance to start to inoculate the american people against the disease. the rest of phobia that the mainstream media in the us government has been promoting and this is why i believe the us government of could possibly have tried to prevent this interview from taking place. several people have been killed and others injured. and then he's really struggling to sing and city of homes that's according to the country's defense ministry. syrian add defense systems attempted to trust the attack, but in the end, several residential buildings with destroyed the largest. the teens are on the scene and working to cave. the debris, the attach this request, the un security council is conveying to address the cranes were sent stripe on the russian city of list. that task must go to this camp of targeting civilian areas in order to instill panic and create misery. of the 28 people died, including
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a pregnant woman and her child and a missile attack carried up in the ukrainian armed forces. we have no doubt that the targets and the timing of the attacks were chosen deliberately. there are a few recreational places in the city and the neo nazis deliberately waited for the moment when families would go out for a walk on a day off and cynically attacked. one of the only places of leisure in this a chance to strike was probably carried out with hi maurice. today, we'll probably hear claims that russia convenes meetings on ukraine too often we do not come up with excuses. ukrainian militants have become so violent that every week they hit civilian infrastructure and killed civilians on the territory of russia. this is the 4th terror attack conducted by ukraine against restaurant in just a month and a half russian ambassador. and in bands he gets up to the floor of the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations to expose the tragic consequences of continued us backing of the key every shame origin that is recently ramped up
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for me to the attacks on civilians, the united states and the united kingdom, both sang a familiar song, landing russia for the entire conflict, saying that the civilian deaths would never have happened if the war and not taking place in saying the war is entirely rushes false. the kremlin bears full responsibility for the uncomfortable death and destruction brought about as a consequence of pollutants war of aggression against ukraine. russia is the only aggressor in this war, and the only one that could end this war today. so when russia comes to this council intends on disseminating the propaganda, let's just instead, or remember who was responsible for this war, and this terrible human, the cost when russia campaigns to undermine the supply of wisdom weapons. as they do again today. let's just instead be proud to spend resolutely with ukraine. we knew much was today we heard cynical arguments that we would not be sitting here
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today if the rest consideration has not started. the wor no gentlemen, if we had not started them special military operation, tragedies like the one in list, a chance would not have happened almost repeatedly every day as they happened every day for 8 years until 2022. but you didn't notice it then. now, recently there was a discovery in georgia of a plot to attack a russian city bombs that were described disguised as essentially car batteries. and that points to the terroristic nature of the ukrainian forces and how they carry out activities in a similar nature to isis. and other extremist groups, here's what the russian ambassador had to say about that issue before the security council. the seizure of explosives in the george and russian border has also become public knowledge. they were intended for a terrorist attack in verona shouldn't possibly in tbilisi alone. major from zalinski is party is behind this action, which was aimed among other things, placing the blame on georgia. here's where the western money goes to fund projects
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in the style of the most notorious terrace from ices. ukrainian army feels like an act with permissive this and impunity. they feel the unconditional support of brussels in washington. so why is russia being blamed for this, this american western narrative that russia is responsible for everything that goes on in the conflict? it doesn't seem to match reality, but it just gets repeated over and over. earlier i spoke to international attorney clack pressed, and he says the spot must close efforts the human is likely on likely that is to condemn ukraine's attacks on civilians the united states. as for the original members and as the veto power of united nations and no access can be taken because the united states will be taught and you have britain and france as well. so those 3 countries that are make, make up part of the, the supporters of ukraine and this conflict uh the,
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the link to anything. so there will be, there'll be no action taking the benefits. anyone in the right. sadly it's, it's the same old story and they'll be complaints made. the un security council can mean, and there'll be no action taken by the united nations to curtail this terrace activity in a separate year in security council meeting regarding the crisis individual list rushes. and while i called on the washington's policy in the region, you're pleased to us violating international law for the sake of its own geo political game. that story is coming up later in the program. the inside ukraine disputes are even more apparent in the security council. as are you creating a member of parliament, has revealed a social media post of the countries?
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president, intense, defiant, is commander in chief and the general's deputies. in a recent interview, let them use the landscape address the potential shakes before to check them out. they. there was much talk about the role of the commander of the armed forces. general was a looseness and his possible removal. it's a, this concerns the people who lead ukraine, a reset and a new beginning are required. and not only in the military spear, it's true. i am thinking about a replacement, this issue concerns the entire management group that drives the whole country. double. the risk between zaleski is amazing is started last summer, doing caps failed to counter offensive tensions rose after the commander questioned . the president's policy is followed by the ukrainian need of pointing the finger extenders. me just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a style night. there will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough in maya
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. and should be responsible for the results on the battlefield. there can be complicated personal relationships, but ukraine is not about the personal. i expect very concrete things on the battlefield. and despite this incentives and his popularity is grown with western media outlets, referring to him as the iron general make, while back home, the commander has a 20 percent high approval rating. then precedents and let's get the cable. i asked full reveal that the overwhelming majority of ukrainians oppose the losing these removal was only 2 percent of citizens supporting the landscape proposed for shuffling of commanding offices for so when in german, let's say you know how she is of the opinion that the president may face a military coup in response was told by the official, the concept and vision sustained support for as i lose me and reforms that would lead to the end of the zalinski regime of coal zalinski near the lose the was
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dealing with the west, the official site but zalinski would be a dead man walking with the army, which is in favor of the general. he's going to have him use an a on his hands. the already of my colleague, well receive respect with the u. s. military officer, status level crap. his a key says that at the end of the day is washing team that co grass keeps, moves both on and off the field. and then once i do have the pentagon, and depending on who is quite happy, working with the illusion is there person bigger guy, they can control and they're more or less trying to do on in a hands on control in ukraine. and they trust them. on the other hand, there's a state department new and i need to know what's up with donna. right? they want to be done after replacing the regatta, as low strategist, madonna, what is her person? and he's a might surface person. and the thing is productive is that there is not just the
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terraces he's on the terrorist. he's the, he's head of this through there as organization. and now he's looking at getting his hands on the entire of the you create in military as a terrace organization. the problem ukraine is it can't wait on the battlefield at best. it is kind of by time it's going to have a new kind of security defense. it's just going to get pushed back. it's going to be quite in uh, stalling for time. the only way to keep the p r machine running is by making bigger and bigger terrorist attacks. if that's the west, either a dozen c terrorism or b e r, right? so it offers a great victory and it strikes against uh, the ego uh, russian empire. uh, its own receipts. uh what the west narrative uh needs to be at least as far as the state department. as far as am i 600 sir, told to me about the book. the count flow of aid into ukraine is, is it, is it? let's get a position where it has to make for died off the main guy so that he gets his stuff
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from washington because i use every tory a newton, but they won't boot donald's to be the main guy. but then this is illusion here as well. um, what's the best way to continue with the flow of aid? so you can although we know it's a bottomless pit these days to the dollar. so it is going to continue. not only is uh, not, not only as that you broke it hungry into, uh, allowing money. uh, 50000000000 over 4 years. so, but 12, uh, 12000000000 change. uh, there is a new set of bills going through. looks like the uh, balance republicans will sign off on it and it's going to give you credit of $60000000000.00, the vitamins pushing the problem is and it's not just but the money, the money is actually most that money is actually going to run the ukranian government because when the cosign uh, the uh, the signed the budget for new credit government, there was a $48000000000.00 hold that budget. and that was for everything, non military. so pensions, uh, salaries,
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etc. so while the american taxpayer is being crushed, i, uh, is, are storing in violation of benefits are being cutting europe. the benefits are being cut in america, the us government. and along with the european union are now paying pensions without paying salaries in ukraine, according to the united nations for needs and works agency for palestinian refugees, almost 100002 palestinians have been killed, injured or missing in gaza since the fighting began. full months ago. mass, so she was an an hour to contribute was among those who went missing, but then contacted us after 2 weeks of silence. he has his latest report over 2 weeks of 1 in the morning. have gone out with a table hold on to our city to check our tents projects, the deformities. most of the circuits
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in it was up against it has noisy project, anyone at any time these devices so we live developed over technology and one of the tents. we were surprised to see several drones at low altitudes and immediately advanced tax firefly, accessible to come into the area of talking have
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to run for cover. and for the last 2 weeks had been going from house to house. out of 16 snipers tools armed with an items and see 4 phones that kept going through different houses house to house. after several attempts, you were able to make it back to lots of hospice. i want to thank you for all the support that you have to and the supports for the work that has continues the last 2 weeks, which needs to continue with my absence or with his presence over to india. now and as your week has kicked off,
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the event is being held and go and as being dumped. the country's largest energy exhibition and conference attract in hundreds of participants from around the globe are tutoring june trauma is a b vent and brings us the latest. this is the 2nd edition of india and no gee, we where he needs to be inside the business. he does want to see, make us all gather together to themes analogy, the signs of the main focus, the agenda we read in the g n, n a waste and some 17 and a human that sells them across the world. so i'm willing to india, they will be moving by lots of with the indian college box. now they all, it's fun for me to shoot that on the line, the indian n o g on steve, remember india did steve jobs. stan, define old west and sanctions against multiples and continue buying more and more or would that be a data establish itself as a song, the player in this newborn or the markets?
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timing will not have been any better. that's tensions in the red seals, so samsung is about lots of my do to or incisive what i've been given to understand for myself. you know as a disease, that is something that will be discussed in to find out who apples with an o g twice is analogy security for the leasing ac do on the emails. leadership is able to provide some simulations, some alternatives, some opportunities to the challenges that all being used by the world. the next few days are going to be to show we will keep a tab on all the developments coming out of the in the i n o c v c r in the indian west, and see to one respect with a gulf. now, russia's brunbridge and the oldest like lines of the come friends, he says, must go a new data. he can look forward to increasing corporation in the energy sector.
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yeah, so that's the most of what we see great prospects for supply mechanical engineering products. of course, from our point of view, there are prospects and cooperation on the supply of machine tools to the russian federation. we reached a preliminary agreement last year, issues related to the technology of the processing of oil and gas chemistry. on the indian side, they have enterprises that are ready to share their competence. so we have a 2 way interaction that is beneficial for everyone. we didn't see any barriers for ourselves. in general. we believe the india and a number of south east asian countries are quite stable aware of interaction with our country and understand that there are prospects for interaction rather than supporting some strange restrictions imposed by inc comprehensible countries. the washington has violated international law bikes floating iraqi land for the sake of its own geo political game. that's the message must be present during the separate un security council meeting regarding the crisis in the middle list. i
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just want the sticking with the bug, the other was the shift. so despite the bag, that's what she's meant. and the security field, the situation on the ground remains fragile items. among other things that's due to the american attempts to turn the iraqi territory into an arena for settling geo political scores. and accomplishing this narrow mind is domestic political tasks that somebody in washington is failed policy on the middle. the settlement and the upcoming us presidential elections are american colleagues continue to see themselves as the self proclaimed as arbiter of human destinies. and the worlds of john's army, those allowed to commit any lawlessness in any violations of the international law . or on friday, washington struck more than 85 sites in iraq and syria killing at least 34 people. the attacks killed both civilian and state personnel according to iraqi authorities, despite the fact that the u. s. claims that was targeting iranian proxies following the strikes a bunch of guns folks best them referred to black as
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a valuable partner. we've been very clear in terms of what we're, the groups that we're targeting, and the capabilities that we're targeting, that are associated with the i r g c. and i ran in the back proxies who are facilitating and conducting attacks on us forces. and that, that is our focus. obviously, when it comes to the iraqis and iraqi security forces me iraqi government, iraq is, are valued. partner continue to work closely with a wreck on counterterrorism efforts. and i'll just leave it at that. the us as a to the action in response to the data of 3 american soldiers in a, during the attack along the syrian jordanian border. in late january washington, cleaned it informed baghdad of an impending attack, but later admitted notice came after the campaign. so we did inform the iraqi government prior to the strikes securing as for this specific response on friday, there was not a free notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred
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by debt, says washington's 1st narrative is on true dawn to create the perception that its actions were not illegal at all. the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the fax by announcing prior coordination to commit this aggression which is a false claim and that misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws, we heard from independent politicians are almost needed. he says the risk between washington and the middle east grows wider with every show of force. the women and children, dad do have the names of their dates of the, of their actual bodies, civilly. and so i live in close to the ve the bases and they were definitely not accurate in their attacks. whatever they are saying. now
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unfortunately, we cannot take any american community of k as of facts or at face value at 50. they are lying and they are mentally losing friends by the day. the by the minute it's, i would say they, uh, they made a mess of things in the middle east as starting from guys, the syria, the stealing the oil and syria. they, they're meddling in iraq and they don't understand diplomacy. diplomacy is that you don't choose guns in diplomacy, but to assume that the only language they understand and unfortunately to innocent civilians are paying the price. those are the top stars, the ssl, uh website, onto the com as well story. so don't forget to check it out. i'm a nationwide josh, i'll be.


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