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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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in the, the sweden shuts down its own investigation into the north stream blast. it won't feel it surprised when our sy hersh alleges the swedish and the danish hands were dirty. and what he concluded was us lead sabotage. the chief of the international atomic energy agency makes is a 4th visit to your of the largest nuclear power plant. i'm in a year long of russian accusations of ukraine risk in nuclear disaster by showing the area freedom of speech is our birthright. we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. that says tucker carlson sits down with the russian president for an exclusive interview, creating a frenzy across the western media. and some outlets criticizing him for doing his
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job as a journalist and the canadian prime minister invited an s s veteran to the country's parliament where he was treated with applause last september. according to the russian embassy in ottawa, the you are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we start with breaking news from western russia. we're a powerful explosion has rock the factory and where to you. the look emergencies ministry says technical work at the facility cause the blast. a video circulating on social media shows a huge column of fire and smoke. there is no official information yet on casualties or damage at the sides, or bring you more information from the ground as we get. it's the. the swedish prosecutor's office has officially pulled the plug on its
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investigation into the sabotage as a north stream gas pipelines in 2022, stockholm claims that failed to identify any suspects or lead saying it now lacks any further jurisdiction. for the case, the russian foreign ministry has condemned to the move the see if see, i see this with these prosecutor's office has officially decided to stop the federal investigation site and the lack of swedish jurisdiction in the case. it says to justify the end of the investigation by saying within has nothing to do with it. and on the other hand, you happily meet the politics who have something to do with the investigation did not receive anything from you during the course of the investigation. well, it's kind of a math houses this, let's remember house we didn't get involved in. didn't know the trunk story. didn't have anything to do with style colors to absolutely nothing. and the sabotage of no streams took place in sweden so they can amik zone and their favorite subject
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ecology. what about it? well, this within believe that there was no environmental damage caused by the bloss, this we did just for it is initially demonstrated that they will not serious about bringing the case to a conclusion or even investigates and the dental. so just to give a little bit of background on the situation, several attacks were carried out to destroy the noise frames pipelines back in september of 2022. now these pipelines was built to deliver russian natural gas to germany via the baltic sea. but the question of who did it and who was behind these attacks remains unsolved. germany, denmark and sweden have old carried out each their own investigations. and now sweden has conducted the investigation into these mysterious explosions, should be closed, at least from its side. according to the swedish authorities, they now finally have a good picture of what happened. the preliminary investigation has now reached such
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a state that the authorities have a good picture of the incident and that nothing has emerged to indicate that sweden or swedish citizens were involved in the attack that took place in international waters. they've also added that there has been international cooperation in the investigation with several other countries named lead denmark and germany of the german investigation continues. but because we didn't, has essentially pulled the plug from the investigation as they see no more reasons fit to continue. they've handed out their findings to germany, but no further information came out. now after the attacks washer, as the you went to carry out some independent investigation on the matter, the un declined the proposal. the us and nato called these attacks and acts of sabotage. while most cold calls them an act of terrorism. previously, russia has blamed the us the u. k. and ukraine to be the culprits behind these bluffs. and it's really not surprising because when you look at what happens after the destruction of the pipeline,
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russell was especially cut off from the european markets. and europe went to look to work with other energy suppliers, namely the united states. sweden is also confirmed that whoever was behind these attacks has done it in a deliberate acts and be on the jewel politics. the leaves that came out from the pipelines were huge environmental disaster. so, as you're really turns out to be behind, all of this will have a big price to pay. i mean, well, sweden and denmark know exactly who is behind the sabotage of north stream, as, according to feel, it surprised winning investigative journalist, seymour hersh, who was the 1st to claim that the us was responsible for the destruction of the gas pipelines, linking russia to europe. in 2022, a one year ago he published a report accusing the ca, norway, of carrying out the underwater bombing. mr. her, so the operation was personally approved by president biden. the plan was allegedly
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set in motion in june 2022. when the pipelines were mine to buy the u. s. navy, according to hers, the natal ball tops drill in the baltic. sea was used as cover for the bombing scheme for the perpetrators apparently waited a few months until the dust from the military exercise had fully settled. and then the mines were allegedly detonated remotely. in september, the pipelines passed through danish and swedish economic zones, and the countries had been cooperating in the blast investigation along with germany. but the pro has failed to turn up any suspects or leave so far. mister hurst also said the tablet sabotaged was aimed at her tailing, europe's access to cheap russian gas, preventing berlin from developing relations with moscow at the time bite and ordered the destruction of the pipelines. the american fear was the chancellor schultz who at the request of washington, had shut off 750 miles of russian gas in the new north stream to pipeline that was ready in the fall of 2021 to be delivered to
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a port in germany. might change his mind and let the gas flow using german economic worries and reinstating an important energy force for german industry that would not be allowed to happen in germany has been in economic and political turmoil since we spoke to you on over the director of the trans national foundation for peace and future research. he believes reading this politically motivated to curb, the pro visit prepares to join nato. i am not surprised more surprised by the single argument being used by the prosecutor. namely that sweetened does not have jurisdiction over this. i'm not a lawyer, but i can save you from legal expertise and sweden that you can claim your addiction in this area because it's an exclusive economics on a suite. and now i would see it in a lot of frameworks. sweden has just is just about to join nato and it has accepted
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17 us base, is through a bi lateral agreement. i know, i think that it's understandable and that would be mine. i bought a system that says we just go with does not want to. 1 have any conflicts or even antagonizing whatever by saying that we have seen these them back to that point to the us. and also, i mean if it's us diction was a problem that possibly know the last one to know how to use things to accomplish. so i think there is a political thursday to co motivation behind this type of closing down what is an extremely important investigation because the destruction of north street is not something minimal, it's, it's unique. and in modern history, the director general retail grossey has led to delegation from the international atomic energy agency on a visit to this upper rosa nuclear plants under russian military protection. he has
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reported positive land combine efforts to ensure the safety and security of the newest. they are selling moscow as acute cab, deliberately targeting a plan to try out the complex parties. it goes down off reports that was the war in ukraine, brought the issue of nuclear safety back into europe. spot lies in the very 1st days of the military operation. russia established control over these up the roads, you atomic power plant. since then the facility became the target of regulate shillings gifted as the counselor, the key of regime continues publications in order to create a nuclear dissolved stewart. this, it powers you powers on to me. on august 28th from ukraine in troops used to try and to attack the territory of the pond. the drawn was shut down while approaching the special building. number one, the lord which tools american, my nuclear fuel and solid radioactive waste, and the international atomic energy agency took up the task to put out the fire. mister glossy, the head of the i. e a is here. it is full. let's visit to the zip irosia nuclear
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power plant and the expectations. uh well they are mildly high because he's next like of the journey is most cool. it's been over a year since the 1st visit over f i n crossing director general of i a, a to the plant in a conversation with me, he admit that he hasn't got much closer to the goals of his mission. well, unfortunately, we have conflict in the world. this is the role of i need the national immunization to, to provide even the most difficult circumstances, this bridge that allows even if it's difficult for ideas to be exchanged. and then of course, uh, finding the best uh, solutions in this case uh, we talk technical, technical solutions because we are not discussing politics here we're discussing technical issues. this is how i see it. yes, we are concerned that there is no direct dialogue. we hope this weekend,
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but what is important is that these bridge through the each month and i told the guy, would you say that the boat visit you have come closer to your mission? just very quickly said, no, i think my, my mission, our come on mission, would it be accomplished when there is no danger anymore when there is no uncertainty anymore? and of course, the relation between the i e, a and some of those a will continue forever or for at least this plant is operating. so, but it, in the current, extraordinary circumstances our, our, our mission is, is, is far from accomplished. we have to make sure that there is no problem. there is no accident. there is no inconvenience. indeed, cost and to tax is the biggest, but mostly only challenge the facility faces for months to be planned has been starving of the water to cool it's. we act as that's off to the dam down the river stream collapsed. previously,
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it was repeatedly boomed by cube forces. the plant also has been understaffed and its existing employees receive threats from ukraine, 3 or 4 months of the police. according to the information we have, the pressure on personnel through for us continues. they're still attempting to scare people. same time i, a director general does not hold back from praising russian personnel for securing the power plant on the ground regarding the safety. she is ready for the monitoring compatibility. self that at, at the plant had we see them as of the great we are of course, i understand the looking at this, what i see is that work is an effort which is extremely professional here that i see at. but of course, because of the reasons i mention, we gotta was, there could be a fact that would be a blackout. that could be many things that are beyond the capacities of people.
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here we cannot say is absolutely stable, but we see i'm extremely professional to work here. given the size of this, i propose your power plant a nuclear meltdown could have the 2 noble catastrophe pales in comparison. experts agree this is far from an actual possibility. for now, a fragile liquid librium that might be one unlucky strike away from collapsing. i'm a guess done of reporting from the pros. you see the saudi arabia has reiterated its firm stance on normalizing relations with israel. a move being pushed by the united states. that kingdom has confirmed that normalization will not be realized until the post and in issue is resolved. the kingdom has communicated its firm position to the us administration. that there will be no diplomatic relations with israel unless an independent palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capital. this re odd statement came and
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reaction to a us national security council. spots person news briefing, who said discussions on the issue are ongoing. both sides responded positively to continuing normalization discussions. at the same time, we will before the 7th of october and the still now having discussions with our counterparts in the region is real and solid. you read the obviously the 2 key ones about trying to move forward with a normalization arrangement between e's real and saudi arabia. so those discussions ongoing as well. we're suddenly received positive feedback from both sides that they're willing to continue to have those discussions. but that is a separate track, and that's related specifically to trying to get this extended command tearing pulls in place. both are really important. the that's across live now to site archive, the washington bureau chief for the jerusalem based palestinian,
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that newspaper all the codes said good to have you on with us. what do you make of saudi arabia statement on normalizing relations with israel? i think it's is really consistent uh with the solid, the policy all along. i mean there is, there was much share and made up the perhaps behind the scenes of normalization uh, talks. uh, but the truth is that the subsidies have expressed this position back in 2002 in march, 2002. and the so called an initiative and a piece initiative that was adopted by all of the country that and exchange for a house. and stay with the easiest one as its capital and the resolution of the rescue, the issue for you and resolution and then so on. we will have that all these countries will have yeah, normalization with israel. so what we have seen over the years is basically very consistent statements,
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almost the same. now we understand that the dividing administration has, is sort of moved away from, let's say, the 2 state solution. and from that uh, resolving the power steering issue or fulfilling the promises upon which it came into office. back in january 2021 and focused basically normalization. i made a much larger issue of it perhaps than the trumpet and refreshing to add. but that does not the change of facts on the ground. and you know, the sodium ravia lives in the model and the in the real world. and they know that the october 7 has basically changed everything it, we sort of position the past, send an issue and center on center stage. you know, they, they know, i mean they are not going to say now where that is, where it's committed, war crimes, one after the other to many genocide we're going through or does res would the
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normalization. so, and that is the purpose of this statement there. say, look, when the time is right when the time is proper. when there is a pals student stayed in independent testing date with the east jerusalem as all right, looks like we've lost our connection with. so you there are cuts out who was speaking with us. uh, from uh, from washington d. c. hopefully we can get re connected with him. right. the canadian media reporting that prime minister, just in true though, personally invited ukrainian boffin to assess veteran who called for an official reception in september last year, the russian embassy in canada has responded to the latest revelation. now what's especial, he was prime minister justin to don't mean bought to desktops criminal to the
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parliament last year as recommended by the print in canada, in community. that's 5 months later still that silent, don't you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. was kind of like every once in a while here in france, i'm designated world war 2 or it, it's just simply pops up. usually when there's an excavation involved, it shows up in passing on a work site somewhere. and the same thing seems to be happening right now. it's a canadian prime minister justin to go except with actual nazis or rather one particular nazi who fought for our ukrainian watson ss volunteer unit. so the episode involving a 98 year old yellow slab hunk of being celebrated and cheered in canadian parliament during a visit from ukrainian president buyers. when's the last haul? just as not being put to rest quick reminder of what happened there. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for from fort ukrainian
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independence against the russians. the hall and no information has come to light in the canadian press, in a form of an e mail to hunk of from the street. those office of the prime minister inviting hunger to a private reception which who in the entry together in toronto on the very same night as of these, these visit department in ottawa. okay. never actually attended that event about a 1000 people did though, but it's the fact that the invitation was sent out from through those office that put 2 days behavior back under the microscope. liberal party line was that you don't have absolutely no clue. it was all wrote as false, so you know what that means. speaker was solely responsible for the invitation. in recognition of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down
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. this was a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. this initiative was entirely my own individual in question being from my writing and having been brought to my attention no one including you, my fellow elementary ins or you create in the ukraine delegation was privy to my remarks prior to their delivery product through himself in front of the boss to prevent trio from taking a direct hit from the scandal or even the liberal parties, electronic chances for taking a hit or even canada more broadly for taking it because the incident had definitely gone. international and apology is out every holocaust survivor and veteran of this 2nd world war proof. what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual and to the hallowed halls of that kind of do empowerment and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation. in
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view of the scandalous events in the canadian parliament, which involved honoring a member of the criminal nazi escalades, the information in the presence of president zalinski, i have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to poland. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood up together and applauded the former nazi a soldier of the school. is he a division? please go ahead. it's simply disgusting. canadian ukrainian congress such as a ukrainian lobby group put forward honk his name for the reception was to go and zaleski. i wrote it now says that the parliament's protocol office wouldn't have the whole list invented by the prime minister's office with a fine tooth comb before the invites, were finalized and ultimately sent out. and it's all being characterized as you have another screw applied to go with the opposition demand me to know why to go was not for coming about all of this at the time. so true to live again. for months he's been saying that only the speaker invited before manase to the ukraine prisons
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to visit. it goes the global embarrassment. and the russian propaganda when to through this became another random liberal, under the bus for his failure. now, with a loan to this office invited the form and not say to meet the crane president. keep in mind that the canadian press, notably the ottawa citizen, already underscored canadian defense department reservations. when they showed up in 2018 to train ukrainian ass off battalion fighters ultimately to eventually fight russia. i noticed that they were covered and not, not see tattoos. and in that case, and also in the case of to those, they seemed more worried about the public perception, then the problem by nature of their own actions. all right, let's go back to our story now on saudi arabia reiterating its stance on normalizing relations with israel and move that's being pushed by the united states . the kingdom confirms that normalization will not be realized into the palestinian
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issue is resolved. all right, we've read connected with it, said erica. here's the washington bureau chief for the jerusalem based palestinian newspaper outputs said, thanks for bearing with us. you were saying before we lost our connection with you, that saudi arabia has always been consistent in its statements about normalizing relations with israel. we heard from the us national security council that saudi is responded positively to continuing discussions on normalizing relations with israel . and just wondering, are these contradictory statements on the same issue? well, i think that the, the administration, the basically what they're saying is a great deal of which from thinking they're, they're saying that the solid is right around the corner. worried about the app and normalization. expand the abrahamic, a court to what the but the truth of the matter is, is that the saudi arabia has always to do the same kind of principle. they and they're the ones that basically authored the ad piece. and it should it back in
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2002 and they stuck to it. they say that and that api. so initiative, it talks about the creation of how students stayed with the tourism as it's capital and independent states. and as a sovereign state uh with the, the issue of the refugee is being resolved. so, and they have stuck to this all along. and now i know the people that i always tried to propagate and the bite in administration positions like thomas friedman, another. they tried to create a great deal of noise and around normalization, while in fact the saudis does not seem to have moved away from their stated position. mm hm. yeah. this how do you say there will be no normalization of relations with israel until the promised and in issue as result, human says it will not stop a tax on his really ships until the war in gaza is over. why isn't the us hearing what these countries are saying? well, i knew this this way that they nice the,
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basically the ones to ignore that the entire world is calling for a ceasefire and gaza. the whole world. the sees what is going on and gaza at the american people by large majority calling for an a ceasefire. and guys, i'm for a minute and it has to enter in everything that we hear and read and so on. you know, every statement that has made it shows that there's a back to, there is a real and, and strong connection between what happens. in other words, see what happens. and in bases, the american bases all throughout with any rock or jordan is directly related to it . the one that is ongoing and that is really sustained by then i states of america by the by didn't ministration. but the administration refuses to believe that to believe that they think that these things are separate and they are dealt with in different fields. and, and that is, of course, you know, a lot of by policy, it's
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a policy that if anything shows can give you a failure on, pardon this with mist ration in addressing the vital issues. otherwise, the issues of war and peace, the issue, the vital interest of the region, for instance, the issues of the what the, it claim it said here's, do, let's say human rights and so on. that they really is you, you hear one thing and what you see on the ground and something entirely different . this administration need to realize that all these things are connected. and if they really want the ability of the region, they have 1st of all to do it to and the certificate violence, this genocide of war that is conducted by is really against that the palestinians are largely and you know, on, on population against the survey, small and mid issue, so you know, all of these things need to be addressed and address in rio and substantively not only in real time but substantively and real time. meaning that now you know,
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as it is happening now and not wait for the future. all right, believe with our site. erica, the washington bureau chief of the jerusalem based palestinian newspaper codes. thank you. thank you for having the russian presidents spokesperson has confirmed that blood in her opinion, sat down with american journalist tucker carlson here in moscow on tuesday. dimitri pesca, i've explained why president put and accepted carlson's interview request. and you want me for you to talk a tell us and stance differs from the west and media. it's not for russian at all. no. is it pro ukrainian rather it's pro american but at least he's stance makes a contrast to one of those traditional anglo american media or just mr. carlson has promised to release the video soon. meanwhile, his teaser announcement posted on the x platform has already garnered more than $85000000.00 views and also marks the 1st time the russian president has sat down
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with a western journalist since the outbreak of the ukraine complex. almost 2 years ago . most americans have no idea why prudent invaded ukraine, or what is goals are now we've never heard his voice. that's wrong. the americans have a right to know all they can about a war. they are implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it, because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. incredible reaction across the main stream media, mainly of cynicism, and they saw idea of slandering tucker carlson, who scored this huge career defining interview, describing him his being approved in speech a cnn which is former employer for many years ago. describing him was approved in supporting celebrity and a fall right to and that's the way to we both know that when you say somebody is
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a 4, right, anything the connotations are pretty well known with that it's you and taught. triple you baby, one step away from being evil and involved in dictate to ship as proven is trying to court the mag of g o p in the united states. in fact, one of the leaders of the mag of g o. p is in moscow tonight. it's the man you see here with a mag, a leader. donald trump, tucker carlson, tucker. carlson is lying from the streets of russia no less. tucker, coughing is not a journalist. it's not even close to her calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media for them. kaufman is lounging about and again, preaching his record conspiracy theories about the lying media dragging the us into support in asked the crime involved. now you may be wondering what the evidence is that talk a call soon is approaching, students will be evidence the one of the mainstream media have been given them. i sold this across pretty much every platform, whether this was in a video content on tv or whether this isn't an article is an old clips from took
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a call some show when he was a host of folks. that's quite a long time since he left folks. and this is eclipse, that comes from a today's prefer via to the start of the ukraine conflict. it could student a chance to sit down with a big supporter to might be worth asking yourself since it is getting pretty serious. what is this really about? why do, why he put in so much the turn from century, there was a very loud and influential a right wing voice that side was put in over and over and over again. also, we've got your list through writing colson, as well, saying that he's and nobody's saying that he's trying to reinvent himself and trying to make himself relevant to us. not last coming coming from jim saki who's a former white house press secretary under the by didn't administration. she's now a host on an american main stream network, of course growth, and is now just a nother. far a conspiracy further with the show and the internet is no.


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