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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the the depression president vladimir putin says moscow is working with them off to secure the release of is rarely hostages. that's as the as really prime minister orders the idea of his thoughts on gaza to continue rejecting a ceasefire deal with a mouse. in spite of the us secretary of state visits and tell him the sweden shuts down its own investigation into the north stream blast. well peeled, surprised when our sign hurst alleges that swedish and the danish pans were dirty. and when he concluded, was us lab sabotage. the us senate fails to adopt a border security bill worth $118000000000.00 tripping ukraine and israel of lump sums of military age and prime minister justin treat a reporter like personally invited ukrainian boffin s s veteran hung up for an
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official reception in september last year, russian embassy in canada has condemned the move, the right to live in moscow. you're watching archie international. we started in the middle east and a rock where the us central command says it has carried out the strike, which it claims killed a senior commander of cuz he has the law us this image circulating on social media allegedly shows a car struck by a us drone holding the commander us military says the has the military chief was allegedly involved in the planning and taking part in a tax on us personnel in the region there were call. last week, 3 us service members were killed and more wounded in a drone attack on an american face in syria, the russian president, vladimir putin, has held
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a meeting with the chief rabbi and the head of the federation of jewish communities of russia. the president called for russia's efforts and securing the release of as rarely hostages held by hamas in gaza to continue push the city to to, to nobody. if any of us we could, following the escalation of the situation in the middle east rusher is doing everything it come to help us being held hostage. it is well known that our foreign ministry is engaging with the political wing of from us. and we have already seen some results of this work. of course, firstly, we pay attention to russian citizens, but then also to citizens of other countries. this also applies to the elderly and that family members who have been through the holocaust. as i said, some results have been achieved, but it is necessary to continue these efforts. that's what we're doing and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. meanwhile, the secretary of state is in israel to try to work out a deal between our mazda and israel. however, despite his efforts prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war in gaza will
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continue our t middle east bureau chief maria, from ocean. that brings us more the prospects are rather unclear or earlier on wednesday, prime minister benjamin antonia who had a press conference here in jerusalem for is really media only and said nothing about a very much and dissipated potential deal with how much that has to be on the table we know for many days now with discussions and negotiations, how is ro, cats are age of us? there was even a high level meeting of mediators and friends as well. how for, that's almost 80 days since the last exchange that led to the release of $110.00 is really hostages from captivity in guise of his most recent proposal would be kind of breaks for the paving. the way to the return of all other captives home, or at least some of them. but the prime minister didn't mention that at all, at least for now. what did send yeah. who did talk about, again, promises to destroy, have mass all, or how much know just part of it. i'm sure,
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so let's, let's, let's really with the continuation of the military pressure is a necessary condition for the release of the hostages. surrendering to how mazda is delusional demands that we heard. now, not only won't lead to freeing the captives, it will just invite another massacre. it will invite a major disaster on the state of israel, but none of our citizens would want to accept sizes. he also said that he instructs of the idea of to act in that i phone, which is of a major city in does a south. the area near the diction folder where more than a 1000000 palestinians crowding now including those who had to flee the fight in facilities in the north, so called internally displaced so many of them. and they're in now house. they're in unbearable conditions and that does not sound like a peace plan earlier on wednesdays. really defense minister at the meeting with the us secretary of state or visits as well. now said the answer of how mass was
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written in such a way that israel will not have a choice but to reject it. he also struck just like things and yeah, who that is where i will continue. it's how preparation in guys are the biggest disagreement between the sides is ro made is clear, it is only ready to offer a short pause in fighting while from us in mind that the idea of to stop the war completely so far, no vibe of the agreement, is reached and it seems that her mouth is not the only one is what has disagreements with washington mentioned. yeah, jose dude has mentioned it was journalists earlier on wednesday, couple of hours ahead of the press conference of blinking, who is in israel again. as part of his middle is tour, a has declared to promote peace in gaza. the 2 politicians have pressure is in different towns as well with into the i was speaking in jerusalem and blinking and telling dave that is also surprising. and they could be some tensions between the 2 allies about the meeting with these really presidents early on wednesday,
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blinking rates are rates of the need to release remaining hostages, which is close to impossible if israel rejects have masses proposal. and also blinking and directory mentioned the idea of the palestinian state that israel has long been rejected, including after the war and guys and started from, from the region that are for sure reviews. what i've heard, including this out of your ideas as well as i do believe there is a very positive future, positive genuine region addresses as well as for file security piece that also answers the aspirations of a 1000 people. you can see that it's only reinforced
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with friends and partners again, the faith of the potential deal with high math is unclear, but on size day israel's war cabinet is set to meet to formerly discuss the offer. and we might expect to hear some news after that meeting. the swedish prosecutor's office has officially pulled the plug on its investigation into the sabotage of the north to stream a gas pipelines in 2022, stockholm claims that failed to identify any suspects or lead saying it now lacks any further jurisdiction. for the case, the russian foreign ministry has condemned to the move. the see if see, i see this with these prosecutor's office has officially decided to stop the federal investigation site and the lack of swedish jurisdiction in the case. it says to justify the end of the investigation by saying within has nothing to do with it. and on the other hand, you happily meet the politics who have something to do with the investigation did
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not receive anything from you during the course of the investigation. well, it's kind of a math houses this. let's remember house we didn't get involved in the navi chunk stormy. didn't have anything to do with style calls to absolutely nothing. and the sabotage of no streams took place in sweden so they can nomic zone and their favorite subject ecology. what about it? well, this within believe that there was no environmental damage caused by the bloss, this we did just for it is initially demonstrated that they will not serious about bringing the case to a conclusion or even investigates and the dental. so just to give a little bit of background on the situation, several attacks were carried out to destroy the noise framed pipelines back in september of 2022. now these pipelines was built to deliver russian natural gas to germany via the baltic sea. but the question of who did it and who was behind these attacks remains unsolved. germany,
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denmark and sweden have all carried out each their own investigations. and now sweden has conducted the investigation into these mysterious explosions, should be closed, at least from its side. according to the swedish authorities, they now finally have a good picture of what happened. the preliminary investigation has now reached such a state that the authorities have a good picture of the incident and that nothing has emerged to indicate that sweden or swedish citizens were involved in the attack that took place in international waters. they've also added that there has been international cooperation in the investigation with several other countries named lead denmark and germany. now the german investigation continues, but because we didn't, has essentially pulled the plug from the investigation as they see no more reasons fit to continue. they've handed out their findings to germany, but no further information came out. now after the attacks washer, as the you went to carry out some independent investigation on the matter,
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the un declined the proposal. the us and nato call these attacks and acts of sabotage, while most cold calls them an act of terrorism. previously, russia has blamed the us the u. k. and ukraine to be the culprits behind these blast. and it's really not surprising because when you look at what happened after the destruction of the pipeline, russia was essentially cut off from the european markets. and europe went to look to work with other energy suppliers. namely, the united states, sweden as also confirmed that whoever was behind these attacks has done it in a deliberate x and beyond the jewel politics. the leaves that came out from the pipelines were huge environmental disaster. so who ever really turns out to be behind all of this will have a big price to pay. i mean, long sweden and denmark, you know, exactly who is behind the sabotage of north stream. that's according to future
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prize winning investigative journalist seymour hersh. she was the 1st to claim that the u. s. was responsible for the destruction of the gas pipelines linking russia to europe in 2022. a one year ago he published a report accusing the ca, and nor way of carrying out the underwater bombing. mister hurst, that the operation was personally approved by president biden. the plan was allegedly set in motion in june 2022, and the pipelines were mines by the u. s. navy, according to hers, the nato ball tops drill in the baltic sea was used as cover for the bombing scheme to the perpetrators reportedly waited a few months until the dust from the military exercise had settled before the minds were largely detonated remotely in september. the pipeline that passes through the economic zones of denmark and sweden, which had been cooperating with germany and the investigation into the blast. however, the probe has failed to turn up any suspects or leads so far. mister hurst said, the sabotage of north stream aimed to block europe's access to cheap russian gas
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and prevent berlin from improving relations with moscow. at the time, biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines. the american fear was the chancellor schultz who at the request of washington, had shut off 750 miles of russian gas in the new nord stream to pipeline. that was ready in the fall of 2021 to be delivered to a port in germany. might change his mind and let the gas flow using german economic worries and reinstating an important energy force for german industry that would not be allowed to happen in germany has been in economic and political turmoil since we spoke to you on over the director of the transnational foundation for peace and future research, he believes sweden is politically motivated to curb to pro, but as it prepares to join nato. i'm not surprised more surprised by the single argument being used by the prosecutor,
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namely that sweden does not have jurisdiction to over this. i'm not a lawyer, but i can see you from legal expertise is waiting that you can claim your addiction in this area because it's an exclusive economic zone of sweden. now i would see it in a lot of frameworks. sweden has just, is just about to join nato and it has accepted 17 u. s. spaces through a bilateral agreement on the i think that it's understandable and that would be my hybridization, that this will you just go with, does not want to have any conflicts or antagonizing whatever by saying that we have seen losing that to that point to the us and also, i mean if it's us diction was a problem that possibly know the last one and a few things that happened. so i think larry is a political, a political motivation behind this type of closing down. what is an extremely
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important investigation? because the destruction, i don't know, what streaming is not something minimal, it's, it's unique and in modern history. so you said it has blocked a bill that would include a to a bus, you, crane, and israel. the legislation failed to receive the majority as it was not supported by republican lawmakers beside the new aid package for ukraine and israel, the $118000000000.00 bill aimed at a restructuring of us and border policy. this was a compromise to gain republican support following 4 months of wrangling. but g o p law makers said the bill had no chance even before the vote for their part. democrats sharply criticized a separate bill to support israel, which was rejected today by the house of representatives. journalist and author, daniel is there says the failure of the past. the bill shows the disarray over the nations priorities on capitol hill of their, their real, this real chaos on capitol hill. the republicans are a complete disarray. the democrats don't know what to do and um,
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it's not an all clear what will happen and what's happening. some of the american political system is entering into a period of real breakdown and or probably the only get worse in the coming months, especially if the democrats tried to put trump on a bond trial in may or june that will raise the temperature even more americans are very where we are either tired of all these endless wars. america has been war virtually nonstop since the 19 ninety's. i'm so so americans are, are jaded they're, they're cynical, they don't believe what they're being told. and certainly the ukraine has a long, rich history of political corruption. so therefore people feel justified being skeptical of the, of the assurances they're being given that the money is being well spent. the canadian media are reporting that prime minister, just to ensure to personally invited you currently involved in assess veteran hook
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up for an official reception. in september last year, the russian embassy in canada has responded to this latest revelation. now what's especial, he was prime minister justin to don't mean bought to desktops criminal to the parliament last year as recommended by the current in canada and community the 5 months later still that silent, don't you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. was kind of like everyone's the while here in france. i'm designated world war 2 or it is just simply pops up. usually when there's an excavation involved, it shows up in passing on a work site somewhere. and the same thing seems to be happening right now to canadian prime minister justin to go except with actual nazis or rather one particular nazi who fought for our ukrainian watson ss volunteer unit to be episode involving a 98 year old yellow slab hunk of being celebrated and cheered in canadian parliament
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during a visit from ukrainian president buyers. when's the last haul? just as not being put to rest quick reminder of what happened there. we have here in the chamber today. ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for from fort ukrainian independence against the russians. the hall and no information has come to light in the canadian press, in a form of an e mail to hong kong from through those office of the prime minister, inviting him to a private reception with zalinski entry. though, together in toronto on the very same night as always, these visit department in ottawa. okay. never actually attended that event about a 1000 people did though. but it's the fact that the invitation was sent out from curios office that put 2 days behavior back under the microscope. liberal party
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line was that to go had absolutely no clue. it was all wrote as false. so you know what that means. the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation, in recognition of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. this initiative was entirely my own individual in question being from my writing and having been brought to my attention no one including you, my fellow elementary ins or you create and the ukraine delegation was privy to my remarks prior to the. ready delivery product through themselves in front of the boss to prevent trio from taking a direct hit from the scandal, or even the liberal parties, electronic chances for taking a hit or even canada more broadly for taking it because the incident that definitely go on international and apology is out every holocaust survivor and
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veterans of the 2nd world war proof. what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual and to the hallowed halls of that kind of idea empowerment and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing of ation. in view of the scandalous events in the canadian parliament, which involved honoring a member of the criminal nazi escalades, the information in the presence of president zalinski, i have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to poland. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood up together and applauded the former nazi a soldier of the school. is he a division? granted, simply disgusting. canadian ukrainian congress such as a ukrainian lobby group, put forward hunkers name for the reception with to go and zaleski and wrote it now says that the parliament's protocol office wouldn't have the whole list is added by the prime minister's office with a fine tooth comb before the invites were finalized and ultimately sent out,
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and it's all being characterized as, yeah, there's other screw applied to go with the opposition, demanding to know why to go was not for coming about all of this at the time. so true to live again for months he's been saying that only the speaker invited before manase to the crane presents to visit. it goes the global embarrassment. and the russian propaganda when true to through this became another random liberal under the bus for his failure. now, with a loan to this office invited the form and not say to meet the crane president. keep in mind that the canadian press, notably the ottawa citizen, already underscored canadian defense department reservations. when they showed up in 2018 to train ukrainian as off battalion fighters ultimately to eventually fight russia. i noticed that they were covered and knock nazi tattoos. and in that case, and also in the case of to those, they seemed more worried about the public perception that the problem by nature of
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their own actions. all right, let's cost live now to david fry. hi, lawyer and legal commentator, david russia has requested the extradition of yours love who thought, what response do you expect from canada to that? but i, i, i heard heard the same room rings that there was call for his expedition to poland as well at the time. that's that i don't see happening any time soon. there is no, as far as i understand concrete evidence that can come even as an assets, nothing soldier committed any atrocities that there needs to be hard evidence of specific atrocities committed even to entertain. that idea doesn't matter. it's, it's political showmanship. it's fair game embarrass, adjusting to though even more than he's already been embarrassed. making requests, knowing it's not going to happen. but the man is a pathological liar. he has a chronic ethics, violating prime minister pathological liar, incapable of telling the truth and will allow or worse his underlings to fall on this or to for him so that he can preserve his own. his own tyrannical rules as p.
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m. of, of canada. it's a joke, but he comes out and says, i didn't have any knowledge of this is a joke that they have so little knowledge of history that when they get up to a standing obeyed a man who fought the soviets in world war 2, that they didn't put $2.00 and $2.00 together, then on the spot, they're a bunch of incompetent corrupt phones and the world is seen in that are. are there any legal implications though, for justin true though, or is this just a really bad luck for western liter? personally inviting a nazi veteran to an official reception. i don't think there's any legal ramifications. i haven't really spent much time thinking about potential. i mean what, what could there be? you know, you know, i don't think there's any reasonable, plausible legal ramifications there should be political ones. if you bear in mind, this is the same just intruder to demonize the auto a pro test for 3 weeks calling them not seats, calling them bigots. anti semite races that upholds this is the same man calling other people. nazis literally giving a standing ovation to
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a literal nazi. i don't know how someone is a former nazi to a literal nazi lying about his knowledge of this as if they don't have to vet everybody who comes through those quote unquote, hallowed halls. they knew to be invited to some other event the same night whether or not it's because rota invited him to parliament. it doesn't matter. the man is a pathological liar. a 2 times ethics breaching prime minister there should be political help to pay. the only problem is, i mean it's so embarrassing of people want to forget about it and move on and, and not to let the other problem in series off the hook. either. everybody in there gave them a standing ovation. who's not understanding that someone who fought the soviets in world war 2 was fighting on behalf of and for the nazis. is they need a refresher course in history. i think david canada, the us, a new crane of all voted against you and resolutions seeking to combat the glorification of nazi is um, what are your thoughts on that i um,
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i should say that again, actually let me to make sure i understood the question right canada, the us and ukraine have all previously voted against un resolutions that would seek to combat the verification of naziism. why, why do you think i wouldn't want to venture a real time. a answer to that question that one can hypothesize, but i wouldn't want to make a fool of myself. i might, you might contemplating in real time, but now like a actions, i say at some point speak louder than words. but you know, i often say on my, on my social media platform confession through projection and when adjusting to, to runs around calling, people massage is big. it's not these anti semites races. it's very telling that he is the only one with a proven track record of all of the above life. yeah. and going further by the potential implications to true though canadian conservative m p 's or calling on him to resign as prime minister over the scandal. how dangerous is this situation for true though? i mean, do you think that he'll be able to hang on to power,
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or is he in real danger here? and i will. okay. so if, if he's not in any immediate danger because he's being propped up now with his functional coalition, with the new democrat party, the n d p jog me thing. so i don't see any vote of non confidence, which would, which would be what is required to trigger an election before the next rook legally required election to 2025. so he's being propped up by his partner in crime drug meet saying the conservatives are going to make, you know, some, some political profit out of this as well. they should, but down and the dude has survived to confirmed ethics violations. i don't want to call them tough, long done. but this is what happens in a country where the prime minister owns the media, controls the narrative through hooking by crook. and that you have a very weak opposition party because you have for the have of the conservatives. yeah, he's, he's, he's taking jobs on twitter now, but they've been a very weak opposition in any event to true though. and they're the same both rooms or standing up there clapping as well. they didn't invite them, but they gave him
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a standing ovation as well. so there's plenty of blame to go around. but true, i was not in any immediate political threat. i don't see him surviving the next election if he's even the leader of the party. but he's, you know, made it clear that he's gonna, he's gonna stand there regardless of what the people want. the source that we're section of the ss veteran, as we know, sparked outrage, not only in russia but poland as well as you mentioned, seeking his extradition. what do you think is the largest significance of this case for countries that suffered nazi atrocities? with the larger implication is that the canadian government is not a serious government and, and above and beyond being not a serious government. they are a thoroughly, and i say they being the liberal government thoroughly corrupt, early incompetent, and a dangerous government either just intruder wants to run around and call vladimir putin an autocrat then. well, you know, there's no freedoms in russia and whatever, legitimate criticism anyone might have against vladimir putin and the russian
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government. you lose all credibility to make those statements. probably, wouldn't you, yourself use violence to crack down on public protests. invite nazis to the, to the house of parliament, and violate ethics, left, right and center. so the problem is when there is a loss of credibility on the international scale, it has reverberations throughout the world where actual autocrats and actual tyrants no longer even need to pretend that they have any obligation to listen to something like just intrude or something like jo by that, as that is the internationally destabilizing impact of having corrupt leaders in you don't use violence against their own citizens, use lawlessness against their own citizens. freeze bank accounts with no due process immunizing banks, violent suppression of charter rights. when you have leaders in canada doing that, no other tyrant, anywhere else throughout the world even has to listen to the lecturing anymore. all right, we're gonna leave it there day before i hit lawyer and legal commentator, david, great to have you on. thank you. thank you very much,
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great to see you. it's all right and that's gonna do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague additional josh will be in next. um and just over half an hour's time, with a look at today's top new story by the the
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the at the end of the 18th century, britain began the illegal opium afraid in china. this hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the fall g e l b. and however, the ruling chinese gene dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the bar lee
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armed in for lead train chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open it sports for trading. the leads of the in 1856 branch and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops evaded the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the dew opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started each age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese.


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