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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EST

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the, the following, the escalation of the situation in the middle east prussia is doing everything you can to help those being held hostage. russia, as president reiterates his efforts to mediate the release of all of these still being held by come off as the as really prime minister read. jack said newly proposed to cease fire and prisoners swap deals with the guns and to let them tucker carlson finds himself in the process of process. so somebody, you know, makers cold for swapping sanctions on the american journalist for his interview with the bottom or not all this, all this to go see the head of the i a is here. this is for, let's visit to the zip irosia nuclear power plant and the expectations are, well, they are mildly high because he's next leg of the journey is most cool. the world
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atomic launch dog chief visits this, i thought it was a nuclear power plant, praising joint efforts with russia to ensure the security of this sent to that side, which has been repeatedly shall by you brings the last go to the world. this is our team through the help of your company for the news our, my name's you to know that russia is pushing for the safety and really so all hostages still held by some soft or 4 months of war in gaza. this, according to president who was hosted russia's top jewish officials for talks of the criminal. it was the soonest you thoughts and nobody can give us the gift. following the escalation of the situation in the middle east, russia is doing everything it can to help those being held hostage. it is well known that all for an industry is engaging with the political wing of i'm us and we have already seen some results of this work. of course, firstly,
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we pay attention to russian citizens, but then also to citizens of other countries. this also applies to the elderly and to their family members who have been through the holocaust. as i said, some results have been achieved, but it is necessary to continue these efforts. that's what we're doing. and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. would you mind? meanwhile, us secretary of state, obviously blinking these in israel for talks with officials there. he's also expected to meet policy and in prison must move a bus. but some in the west bank onto really happy to see the american foreign policy chief. i'm great locals rallied in what i my left with some burning images blinking ahead of his visit and made a heavy police presence. protesters marched through the streets, carrying signs, telling us diplomats. he's not welcome. some of the palestinians say the expect nothing good to come from blinking strip. as long as washington keeps barking. israel's soul stung gatzo of the genesis visit by the us secretary of
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state is being rejected. we request that the president refrains from hosting this criminal and as the us is a fully fledged partner in the merchandise it is attempting to sell in the region today does not embrace the minimum legitimate national rights of the palestinian people. up lincoln's diplomatic tour comes of israel's prime minister, has rejected the terms of a new cease fire and prisoners swap deal with some us. benjamin netanyahu insist that the war now into it's 5th month must continue until the gas and the militant group is going to take. the wife died. palestinian officials say more than 27700 people have already been killed in the end. they have since october, 7th, ortiz, middle east bureau chief, me, it's an option to us the details. so the latest talk held for that's almost
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a 2 days since the last exchange that led to the release of $110.00 is really hostages from connectivity in guys of his most recent proposal would be kind of breaks for paving the way to the return of all other captives home or at least some of them. but what's missing? yeah. who did talk about again, promises to destroy, have mass all or come out as not just part of it. i'm sure it's the, the continuation of the military pressure is a necessary condition for the release of the hostages. surrendering to her mazda is delusional demands that we heard. now, not only won't lead to freeing the captives, it will just invite another massacre. it will invite a major disaster on the state of israel, but none of our citizens would want to accept. and he also said that he instructed the idea of to act and that i phone, which is the major c t in does a south. the area near the diction boat where more than a 1000000 palestinians crowding now including those who had to flee the fight in
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facilities in the north. so called internal displays. so many of them and they're and now how they're in unbearable conditions. and that does not sound like a peace plan earlier on wednesdays. really defense minister at the meeting with the us secretary of state who visits israel now said the answer of how mass was written in such a way that israel will not have a choice but to reject it. he also struck just like things in yahoo, that is where i will continue. it's helping ration in guys because disagreement between the sides is ro made is clear, it is owner, ready to offer a short pause in fighting well for mazda mind, that the idea of to stop the work completely so far, no, the vibe of the agreement is reached. and it seems that her mouth is not the only one. israel has disagreements with washington and it's an yeah, jose dude has mentioned it was journalists earlier on wednesday, couple of hours ahead of the press conference of blinking,
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who is in israel again as part of his middle is tour, a has declared to promote peace in gaza the to politicians had pressure is in different towns as well with into the speaking in jerusalem and blinking and telling me that that is also surprising. and they could be some tensions between the 2 allies that the meeting with these really presidents early on wednesday blinking rates are a to the need to release remaining hostages, which is close to impossible if israel rejects have masses proposal. and also blinking and directory mentioned the idea of the palestinian state that is row has long been rejected, including after the war and guys have started again, the fates of the potential deal with my mouse isn't clear, but on says day israel's war cabinet is set to meet to formerly discuss the offer, and we might expect to hear some news after that to maintain the world is entering an age of tales. tom is the stark warning from the head of the united nations.
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antonio gutierrez also sees the world body itself, is no more defined it done ever, including on the word and gals that see more of the u. n. chief. and he will address plus reaction analysis on our team. so the no american journalist tucker carlson has it. no, it's not. his bombshell interview with the russian leader will be earned exclusively on his self titled network at 11 p. m. g m t. today, thursday, earlier the kremlin, explain why loving were putting chose to accept carlton's request for an interview in and you want me for you to talk to tell us and stance differs from the west and media. it's not for russian at all. no. is it pro ukrainian rather it's pro american, but at least he's stance makes a contrast to one of those traditional anglo american media. well, mr. carson's teaser and i'm spend all 5 entry posted on the x platform has already
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gone 100 are quite incredible. 95000000 views, it's the 1st time lot of we're putting will or has been interviewed, i should say, by a western journalists since the break of the ukraine conflict 2 years ago. however, some incumbent on former american officials are not impressed with this. it does that make sense? and among them, well, it shows me what i think we've all know. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, if you actually read translations of what's being said on russian media, they make fun of them. i mean, he's like a puppy dog of what conservative radio, hostile political commentator steve gail gave us his tact on why american politicians would rather turn a blind eye to carlson's interview with love him or to the bottom line is tucker, is do a with journalists, should do, let's hear the voices of those that may not be getting the attention in western europe and united states will define white house wants to continue to pour billions
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and billions of dollars in the ukraine with no accountability with the transparency of where the money has gone and they're pushing for another $60000000000.00, keeping my under the united states. our budget for our us marines is about $53000000000.00 and yet buying and wants to send another $60000000000.00 to ukraine . i think what terrifies them about the, the tucker carlson interview is it people will finally get more of the story that they've been denied through the mainstream media. and they can't keep that story down when the doctor is going to put it out on the internet part of what they fear, that he will draw more eyeballs to the truth than the western media has been able to draw to their lives about what's been happening in the eastern you prayed, just as they've shut out and blacked out the information about how you brain has been brutalizing, the people in don bast on this blue hogs for the last 14 years. um, there's political backlash over tucker carlson's one on one with president putin.
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in brussels as well. some of the, you know, makers are not calling for the american journalist to be sanctioned for his visit to moscow. retired us congressman, turn political commented our roman, pulled out his co, who's done in the canons. discussed why the west doesn't want to hear what the russian leader has to say. i think the people who want to be in power, i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution, they think that they can ignore that. so they like try to silence people by either ridicule or say in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what irritates the most, is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information. and that's exactly what the latest don't want, because they're restored, terry and at heart. they don't want you to even hear the other side. some more reaction to bring you from us journalist and political as john verbally. he believes some new governments have gone into full to tell
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a terry and mode over what used to be called the freedom of the press. we have to understand you're is a very different place than it was. you know, 4 years ago it's become until tell terry, if you very clear about that, you know, let's not shy away from making such a strong statement. there is no freedom of the press in europe today, but on the major live on the other national levels. national media are controlled by the government and the only promote the government narrative, the governments of york. they consider russians to be their main enemy. and anyone who tries to give russia a platform to explain itself a force is going to be labeled a traitor anatomy and they will try to sanction and attacks and destroy the person . therefore they're going after tucker carlson. this is the new reality of europe it's. we've your has gone back to the thirty's for x platform owner. e long mosque has reacted to calls from the some commentators on no official for the arrest that
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fucker carlton. he's offered to arrest anyone calling for the attention of the american journalist. over his interview with the russian president can find more on tucker carlton's visits to most go. his sit down with a lot of more put down a whole lot more are designed at ortiz, dot com. the american strikes on a rock are continuing. the us central command sees it has carried out in the attack, which killed a senior commander of the cut t because below a part of the tree group. this friday july digitally shows the destroyed car that the officer had been travelling in at the time of the restaurants, frank washington claims no civilians were wounded. indeed tech and the figure it kills had been instrumental in the recent attacks on us bases, which left 3 service men. that the head of the international atomic energy agency has led
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a delegation on that visit to this upper rosie a nuclear plant under russian. the luxury protection raphael cut off reported positively on combined efforts to ensure the safety and security of the facilitate . moscow has accused of, of deliberately targeting. what is your largest nuclear station for like the conflict with more? here's ortiz, ego, or should of the war in ukraine brought the issue of nuclear safety back into europe, spot life. in the very 1st days of the military operation, russia established control over these upper rogia atomic power plant. since then, the facility became the target of regulate shillings keeps the work out. so the key of regime continues publications in order to create a nuclear disaster at the zip powers you powers on to me on august 28th from ukrainian troops used to trying to attack the territory of the pond to the the drum was shot down while approaching the special building, number one, the load which stores american my nuclear fuel in solid radioactive waste,
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in the international atomic energy agency, took up the task to put out the fire. mister glossy, the head of the i. e a is here. it is full of the visit to the zip irosia nuclear power plant and the expectations. uh well, they are mildly high because he's next like of the journey is most cool. it's been over a year since the 1st visit over i fi in crossing director general of i a to the plant in a conversation with me, he admit that he hasn't got much closer to the goals of his mission. well, unfortunately, we have conflict in the world. this is the role of, i mean, the national immunization to, to provide even the most difficult circumstances, this bridge that allows even if it's difficult for ideas to be exchanged. and then of course, uh, finding the best uh, solutions in this case uh, we talked technical,
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technical solutions because we are not discussing politics here with discussing technical issues. this is how i see it. yes, we are concerned that there is no direct dialogue. we hope these weekends, but what is important is that these bridge through the each month and i told them, would you say that the quote visit you have come closer to the mission? just very quickly said, no, i think by my mission i would come on mission. would it be accomplished when there is no danger anymore when there is no uncertainty anymore? and of course, the relation between the i e a and somebody will continue forever or for at least this blunt is operating so, but it, in the current, extraordinary circumstances our, our, our mission is, is, is far from accomplished. we have to make sure that there is no problem. there is no accident. there is no inconvenience. indeed, cost into tax is the biggest,
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but not the only challenge the facility faces. for months of the plant has been stopping of the water to cool it's. we act as that's off to the dam down the river stream collapsed. previously, it was repeatedly bummed by cube forces. the plant also has been understaffed and its existing employees receive threats from ukraine for multiple reasons. according to the information we have, the pressure on personnel through for us continues. they're still attempting to scare people. same time i, a director general does not hold back from praising russian personnel for securing the power plant on the ground regarding the, the safety. he is ready and monitoring good by the self that at, at the plant. we see them as out of equate. we are, of course, i understand the looking at this, what is that work is it's an effort which is extremely professional here that i see
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at. but of course, because of the reasons i mention, we got a war, there could be a fact that would be a black house. that could be many things that are beyond the capacities of people. here we cannot say is absolutely stable, but we see i'm extremely professional. to work here, given the size of this, i propose your power plant a nuclear meltdown could have the 2 noble capacitor feed pales in comparison. experts agree this is far from an actual possibility. for now, a fragile liquid librium that might be one unlucky strike away from collapsing. i'm a guess done of reporting forms that perhaps you will see the okay update on the story that's shock many some months ago. canadian media reporting that prime minister justin trudel personally invited a ukrainian boston s. s veterans to an official reception. last september the
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russian embassy and also has responded to the latest revelation. now what's especial, he was prime minister justin to don't mean bought to desktops criminal to the parliament last year as recommended by the print in canada and community. the 5 months later still that silent, don't you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. was kind of like every once in a while here in france, i'm designated world war 2 or did is just simply pops up. usually when there's an excavation involved, it shows up in passing on a work site somewhere in the same thing seems to be happening right now. it's a canadian prime minister justin to go except with actual nazis or rather one particular nazi who fought for. i ukrainian watson ss volunteer unit, so the episode involving a 98 year old yellow slab hunk of being celebrated and cheered in canadian parliament during a visit from ukrainian president buyers. when's the last call? just is not being put to rest. quick reminder of what happened there. we have here
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in the chamber today. ukrainian canadians cleaning canadian world veteran from the 2nd world war from fort ukrainian independence against the russians the fall. and now information has come to light in the canadian press, in a form of an e mail to hong kong from through those office of the prime minister, inviting hunger to a private reception with the fluency entry to together in toronto on the very same night as always these visits, apartment in ottawa, okay. never actually attended that event about a 1000 people did though. but it's the fact that the invitation was sent out from curios office that put 2 days behavior back under the microscope liberal party line was that true though? had absolutely no clue, it was all wrote as false. so you know what that means?
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speaker was solely responsible for the invitation in recognition of this man and is wholly accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. this initiative was entirely my own individual in question being from my writing and having been brought to my attention no one including you, my fellow elementary ins or you create in the ukraine delegation was privy to my remarks prior to their delivery product through himself in front of the boss to prevent trio from taking a direct hit from the scandal or even the liberal parties, electronic chances for taking a hit or even canada more broadly for taking it because the incident that definitely go on international and apology is out every holocaust survivor and veterans of the 2nd world war proof, what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual and to
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the hallowed halls of that kind of idea empowerment and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation in view of the scandalous events and the canadian parliament which involved honoring a member of the criminal nazi escalades, the information in the presence of president zalinski. i have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to poland. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood up together and applauded a former nazi a soldier of the scholars, univision, good, simply disgusting, canadian ukrainian congress such as a ukrainian lobby group. put forward honk his name for the reception with to go and zalesky and broken. now says that the parliament's protocol office would have had the whole list is added by the prime minister's office with a fine tooth comb before the invites were finalized and ultimately sent out. and it's all being characterized as you have another screw applied to go with the opposition, demanding to know why to go was not forthcoming about all of this at the time. so
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true to live again. for months he's been saying that only the speaker invited before my nazi to the ukraine prisons to visit it, go to global embarrassment. and the russian propaganda when to through this became another random liberal under the bus fully failed that. now with lunch with this office invited the form and not say to meet the crane president. keep in mind that the canadian press, notably the ottawa citizen, already underscored canadian defense department reservations. when they showed up in 2018 to train ukrainian ass off battalion fighters. ultimately, to eventually fight russia, i noticed that they were covered and not nazi tattoos. and in that case, and also in the case of to those. they seemed more worried about the public perception, the problem by nature of their own actions. let's stay with this story because we heard from canadian lawyer and commentator david frey heights, who sees the case,
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is a self made scandal by the country leadership. its its political showmanship, fair game, embarrass justin to though even more than he's already been embarrass. make the request of knowing it's not going to happen, but the man is a pathological liar. he is a chronic ethics and violating prime minister pathological liar, incapable of telling the truth and will allow, or course his underlings to follow on this order for him so that he can preserve his own. his own tyrannical rules as p. m of, i'm canada, it's a joke, but he comes out and says, i didn't have any knowledge of this is a joke. but they have so little knowledge of history that when they get up to standing, obeyed a man who fought the soviets in world war 2, that they didn't put 2 and 2 together. then on the spot, there are a bunch of incompetent, corrupt phones, and the world has seen it. now if you bear in mind, this is the same just intruder to demonize the otto of protests for 3 weeks, calling them not seats, calling them bigots. anti semite races that upholds this is the same man calling
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other people. nazis literally giving a standing ovation to a literal nazi. i don't know how someone is a former nazi to a literal, not see, lying about his knowledge of this as if they don't have to vet everybody who comes through those quote unquote, hallowed halls. they knew the invited to some other event the same night whether or not it's because of wrote, invite them to parliament. it doesn't matter. the man is a pathological liar. a 2 times ethics breaching to the prime minister there should be political help to pay. the only problem is, i mean it's so embarrassing at people want to forget about it and move on and, and not to let the other pull the materials off the hook. either. everybody in there gave them a standing ovation. who's not understanding that someone who thought the soviets in world war 2 was fighting on behalf of and for the nazis. okay. 2 sides to asia and a big 10 pack is done with millions heading to the poles to elect their new parliament. today. the crucial votes comes and made some turbulent political on
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security events, including a series of terror attacks on the sentencing or former prime minister. i'm the opposition leader in but on come to decades and present our to charlotte. davinsky takes us through. lots of stick in the main play is all names you may have heard before. no. as sharif a former prime minister is back as the head of the pocket stone was the meek. if he wins, he will become pm for full time pledging to make pockets done great again. up to what he claims was, views of ruin will not allow for us. there is like him wrong. com and his party to rule pakistan. again, they have ruined the country. we will rebuild spike a stop these 30 year old young people will stand shoulder to shoulder with no watch sharif and sharp above sharif and play their role in rebuilding this country. sherry was removed from office during his previous turn due to an array of
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corruption charges. however, they were over ruled in the courts off that he would turn to focused on some full use of self imposed exile in the united kingdom. another contender is belong to the doughty leader of the pockets on people's policy. he's previously said just the countries minister of foreign affairs, and he's the latest and the book is a dari political dynasty to seek power. some parties want to divide you based on religion of those based on your sex sort of in the city, the pakistan people's policies, the only policy which wants to serve you with that discrimination and battery, the politics of hatred and divisions, daily policy that wants to resolve the problems of poverty, inflation and unemployment battery, the politics of political revenge by voting for the p p p. so p, p, p to 5 poverty, inflation and unemployment. then of course, does the elephant in the room, in the con, ousted from power in 2020 to the full cricket to is languishing behind bars of the
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being convicted of everything from 4 to an improper marriage. he's bought from standing in his party p t. i has been perched by the authorities, even it's elect to low go across or take bath was fund. and now it's candidates a force to run this independence. a problem in a country where almost 40 percent of the population is in mid to it and rely on symbols to help them choose who they'd like to vote for yet colin remains defiant, urging his supporters to make the voices heard our most powerful and meaningful weapons is that of our boat, and we must really to over throw groups where has been imposed upon us. these are the main faces in a race that's crowded there. awesome. 14 parties on the ballot. so what's the wood on the street? i'm doing it and not a i don't have any hope for this election because of how things are being done. how
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one political party is being targeted. the way things are being managed, i don't think the election will deliver incredible results with any that is. what is being done to enroll and con is making pockets don, lose respect in the international community. nobody respects pockets done. they think anything can be done in pockets done. now whether it is the government of diary or series, no country will respect, ok is done and that's a mass of us. but i think a lot of matters have been dealt with in haste. this should not have happened before the election. people should have been allowed to decide through their votes, who they support and who they favor. because as you heard back, there's a lot of voters all cheering over. and that's because back a soul is being played by a host of issues. why using installation is hate pockets fraud, with the cost of basic food steps more than doubling the countries all, some simply in fact and a deal with the i m. s. is due to run out around the same time as any new
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government takes office. what economic pessimism is high facing bucket stones? democracy is low. one question that keeps being honest is whether external forces are playing a role in this election. khan has accused the us of being that force. how many a company come to america has? oh, not americans, but a foreign country icons name. i mean from the fulton country we received a message. they say that our anger will banish him or on con, loses this no confidence vote. that, of course, is denied by washington. yes, it's a, it's a record reporting to be a pack, a stand, a document. i can't speak to whether it is an actual pakistani document or not. just simply don't know with respect to the comments that were reported. not gonna speak to private diplomatic exchanges. other than to say that even if those comments were accurate as reported, they in no way shows united states taking
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a position onto the leader of pakistan on a be about maybe so. but at the time when the u. s. is increasingly important thing itself in the middle east focused on is a power that it wants on its side and may seek to wield its influence upon whoever wins the selection will have a lot to contend with. not just a moans from the white house. political violence has already waste its head in the days leading up to the pole. the .


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