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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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a new actually, it could be as the following, the escalation of the situation in the middle east prussia is doing everything you can to help those being held hostage for russia. as presidents re commit, please efforts to mediate the release of all of the key that's still being held by a must come and get these way. department is to reject. they newly proposed the spot and prisoners. 12 deal with the guns and military kaufman finds himself and across as a rustle of some, even though makers corpus something. functions of the american journalist always tends to be where they seem to be. which side of it please. plus a turbulent parliamentary vote in pockets down a bit of security on the economic crisis as well as backlash over the recent sentencing. a full not prime minister, the position need a run the
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a very well welcome to you. it's 3 pm here in most go and this is all to you international with the latest world news roundup. it's great to, to have you with us. our top story this, our russia is pushing for the safety on release of old hostages. still being housed by himself a full months of war in garza, as according to president, putin who was hosted russia's talk, jewish officials for towards the criminal. of course, there must be an issue, thoughts in them, believe new us to get following. the escalation of the situation in the middle east, russia is doing everything you can to help those being held hostage. it is well known that the foreign ministry is engaging with the political wing of i'm us, and we have already seen some results of this work. of course, firstly, we pay attention to russian citizens, but then also to citizens of other countries. this also applies to the elderly and to their family members who have been through the holocaust. as i said,
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some results have been achieved, but it is necessary to continue these efforts. that's what we're doing. and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you when you might. meanwhile, us secretary of state and to the blank and is in is well for told for the officials the. there's some in the nearby westbank a boss. i'm happy to see the american foreign policy chief in the region. a number of locals in ramallah even burned images of mister blank and a head off his visit. i made a heavy police presence, protest as much through the streets, carrying signs telling the us diplomats, he's not welcome some of those, roddy. ang said, nothing positive can come from blink and strip as long as washington keeps packing, as well as a salt on garza. the firstly, this stand emphasizes our rejection of blankets visit as he is a partner in the war of annihilation against the palestinian people, which he clearly expressed since the 1st day through his participation in the israeli war council. secondly,
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we aim to assure the palestinian peoples denunciation of this visit have given that during his 5 visits to the palestinian territories, he was obviously declaring his defense of these rarely stands and crimes. we call on the world to take responsibilities to stop the war of annihilation imposed on our palestinian people in gaza. blankets, diplomatic total comes of as well as department as a, as reject to the terms of a new c spot and prisoners will deal with him. us sitting officials say more than 27700 people have been killed in the other place since october. the 7th largest middle east correspond to maria from ocean to texas with the latest set of talks. this house for that's almost 18 days since the last exchange that led to the release of $110.00 is really hostages from captivity in guys of his most recent proposal would be kind of a break for paving the way to the return of all other captives home, or at least some of them, but what's missing? yeah. who did talk about again, promises to destroy,
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have mass all or how much not just part of it, i'm sure. so that's, that's, that's really the continuation of the military pressure is a necessary condition for the release of the hostages. surrendering to how mazda is delusional demands that we heard. now, not only won't lead to freeing the captives, it will just invite another massacre. it will invite a major disaster on the state of israel, but none of our citizens would want to accept. he also said that they instructed the idea of to accident that i found, which is the major city in guys a south. the area near the diction bolt where more than a 1000000 palestinians crowding now including those who had to flee the fight in facilities in the north, so called internally displaced so many of them. and they are now held there and unbearable conditions. and that does not sound like a peace plan earlier on wednesdays. really defense minister at the meeting with the us secretary of state or visits as well. now said the answer of how mass was
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written in such a way that israel will not have a choice but to reject it. he also struck just like things in yahoo, that is where i will continue. it's how preparation in guys the because disagreement between the sides is that is ro made is clear, it is owner ready to offer a short pause in fighting while from us in mind that the idea of to stop the work completely so far, no. the vibe of the agreement is reached and it seems that her mazda is not the only one. israel has disagreements with washington and it's an yeah, jose dude has mentioned it was journalists earlier on wednesday, a couple of hours of the press conference of blinking, who is in israel again as part of his middle east tour, or has declared to promote peace in gaza the 2 politicians had pressures in different towns as well with into the speaking in jerusalem and blinking and tel aviv. that is also surprising. and they could be some tensions between the 2 allies
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not to maintain with these really president early on wednesday, blinking rates are rates of the need to release remaining hostages, which is close to impossible is israel rejects, have masses proposal, and also blinking and directory mentioned the idea of the palestinian state that israel has long been rejected, including after the war and gather started again, the fates of the potential deal was high. mass is unclear, but on size the israel's war cabinet is set to meet to formerly discuss the offer. and we might expect to hear some news after that meeting. on tuesday, the us house of representatives fell to policy republican leg bill to provide a separate $17000000000.00 a package to as well. the democrats are pushing for a broad deal that would also include more money for ukraine. congresswoman alexandria costio cortez demanded washington stop sending cash to as well. well, palestinians have been killed in bonsa, and this is not,
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or this is slaughter. and yet, after all these destruction and devastation then yes and then nothing, yahoo government is still nowhere close to their stated objective of destroying him off every day. americans should not tolerate this squandering of our resources without oversight on such an inhumane and effective operation. especially when we are living paycheck to paycheck. the american journalist tucker calls and nothing else that he's heidi anticipated interview with the russian presidents will average 11 pm at gmc today exclusively on his self titled network. it will then be posted on ex for many twitter. as well, mister causes teaser announcements has gone to dev and 97000000 views. the backlash are that he's one on one with president putin had spread to brussels. some a you low may cause a now cooling for the american journalist to be sanctioned for visiting most go, discussing why the west doesn't what the russian needed to be had his would tired
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us congressmen to and political commentator wrong pull just podcast co host donald mcadams. i think the people who want to be in power, i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution. they think that they can ignore that. so they, they try to silence people by either ridicule or say, in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what you're tapes. the most is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information and that's exactly what the latest don't want because they're a sore. terry, and at heart, they don't want you to even hear the other side. we also got reaction from us doing less non political analyst, enjoying that for ro, late he say somebody you documents have gone into to tell italian mode of, of what used to be called freedom of the press. i guess on the stand europe is a very different place than it was. you know, 40 years ago it's become a total terry. it'd be very clear about that. your,
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let's not shy away from making such a strong statement. there is no freedom of the press in europe today, but on the major live on the other national levels. national media are controlled by the government and they only promote the government narrative, the governments of york. they consider russians to be their main enemy. and anyone who tries to give russia a platform to explain itself, a force is going to be labeled a traitor anatomy and they will try to sanction and attack and destroy the person. therefore they're going after tucker carlson. this is the new reality of your voice . we your has gone back to the thirty's, because of the sit down marks the 1st time. let them have patients been interviewed by western journalists since it since the outbreak of the client conflict 2 years ago. however, some incumbent on the form american officials are not impressed. hillary clinton among well, it shows me what i think we've all known. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, if you actually read translations of what's being said on russian media,
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they make fun of them. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. if larry says hillary clinton would speed up on this and she's the one who presented a reset button to brush in leadership, that was miss translated into over charge of when she was the secretary of state to get in. the bottom line is tucker, is doing what journalists should do. let's hear the voices of those that may not be getting the attention in western europe and united states are generally when the truth about what's been happening has been so covered up that they have fond over themselves to dr. presidents and let's be they view celebrities. the huge movie stars, the sport stars and dash to gave to the doctors a wednesday. and yet nobody has told the other side of the story. well, the bottom white house wants to continue to pour billions and billions of dollars that you trained with no accountability with the transparency of where the money has gone and they're pushing for another $60000000000.00. i think what terrifies them about the, the tucker carlson interview is it people will finally get more of the story that
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they've been denied through the mainstream media. and they can't keep that story down when the doctor is going to put it out on the internet. to me, well, be accept platform. i don't know. you don't last has reacted to kohls from some vegas for the rest of the talk, a call. and he says that his cooling folder, just to be, to detain cit themselves before i'm behind falls on the south of thompson's visit to moscow on the west west coast with can be found on our website on the base. the big day impact is done with millions heading to the pose this this day to elect the new parliament. the criminal vote comes and made some turbulence, political on security events, including a series of terror attacks and a sentencing a form, a prime minister handle positionally the iran contra decades in prism of correspondence. astrology. buranski takes a closer look at what's the stake in the main play is all names you may have heard before. no. is sharif a form of 5 minutes?
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the is back. is the head of the pocket stone, loosely meek. if he wins, he will become pm for 4th time pledging to make pockets dawn great again, up to what he claims was. views of ruin will not allow for us. there is like him wrong. com and his party to rule pakistan. again, they have ruined the country. we will rebuild spike as time. another contend is below all, bhutto is a doughty leader of the pocket stone people's policy. he's previously served as a country is minister of foreign affairs and he's the latest and the boot is a dari political dynasty to seek power. some parties want to divide you based on religion of those based on your sex sort of city, the pakistan people's policies, the only policy which one is to serve you with that discrimination. then of course, does the elephant in the room in law and con, i'll speak from power in 2020 to the full of crickets, a is languishing behind,
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balls of to being convicted of everything from 4 to an improper marriage. he's bought from standing in his potentate p t. i has been poached by the authorities even. it's elect to low go. a court kick bath was fund and now it's candidates a force to run this independence. these are the main faces in a race. it's crowded. there awesome. 14 parties on the ballot. so what's the wood on the street? i'm doing it and not a i don't have any hope for this election because of how things are being done. how one political party is being targeted. what is being done to enroll and con, is making pockets, don, lose respect in the international community. nobody respects punk is done. they think anything can be done in pockets done or not. what would be, as you heard back there's a lot and so it is all cheering and. 6 and that's because the soul is being played by host of issues. why using installation is heck pockets fraud with the cost of
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basic food steps more than doubling the countries all, some simply in fact, and a deal with the mass is due to run out around the same time as any new government takes office. what economic pessimism is high facing bucket stones democracy is low . one question that keeps being off is whether external forces or playing a role in this election khan has accuse the us of being that force. how many a company come to america has? oh, not america, but a foreign country icons name. i mean from the fulton country, received a message. they say that our anger will banish him wrong con loses this no confidence vote. that of course is denied by washington with respect to the comments that were reported. not to speak to private diplomatic exchanges, other than to say that even if those comments were accurate as reported,
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they in no way showed united states taking a position onto the leader of pakistan on a be that maybe so. but at the time when the u. s. is increasingly important in itself in the middle east focused on is a power that it wants on its side and may seek to wield its influence upon whoever wins this election will have a lot to contend with. not just a moans from the white house. political violence has already waste its head in the days leading up to the pole. the focused on a country in which some 40 percent of people live in politics has a long and difficult road to travel to recover the window,
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it takes all they say that could prove to be quite a handful. tension is a heating up in east africa, off a c o p. a recently sailed a controversial deal with the supporters to a public of somali land, the government of somalia, which does not recognize them on the line. doesn't independent states loans. the agreement that would give easy or ip access to the red sea as somebody and president has 2 items to go to war if necessary. and the prime minister is now trying to downplay the crisis. e, c o, b, a does not acknowledge war against any country. in principle. however, some forces are trying to incite conflict between the 2 nations, which should not happen. the peace of somalia is the peace of the c o. p, a. the development of somalia is the development of our country. we believe we are brothers. a dispute between the neighbouring east african nations which have been simmering for decades recently flies out some of the shop decline in commercial
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shipping. so we the red c due to a tax on vessels by militants, from yemen. on the enter, the us, which is seemingly seeking to stir up. yes, another regional conflicts to promote its own interests. he's all to shape those with the breakdown. when you hear about a conflict between to strategically important the african nations, it's always worth taking a little deeper. and when you do surprise, surprise, uncle sam has been at work stimulating this court and sewing division. and this isn't exactly breaking news. washington's been storing of trouble in the region since 2007, with millions of dollars pumped into some of the land by us and jose, purely to fund democracy. not for example, the counter growing chinese influence in the region. it would have come to the us to show them that we have the same enemy. and our long term strategy is we want to be closer to democracies and market economies like the us. we are countering china and the chinese influence in the horn of africa. and we deserve
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u. s. government help, watts in for the us. i hear you say, well, let's take a look at some of the land strategically important position on the map. it occupies some prime real estate along the gulf of aging, near the entrance to the above. i'll not deep straight, which just so happens to be a major ceiling per which almost a 3rd of the world's shipping costs is. of course the who it is in the m and a recently highlighted just how vulnerable these waters are. but it all seems kind of familiar, right. think of taiwan and you'll get the picture. and just like in taipei, the us is trying to ride to horses ones, and that usually ends badly. the united states recognizes the federal republic of somalia, sovereignty unity and territorial integrity, which includes somali land. we believe the status of some of the land is an issue for somalis, including somali lenders to decide, i want to know you and members actually recognize some of the land as
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a sovereign states. guess who do you have you go to taiwan? and while the us is all about integrity of borders under rules based order elsewhere, it seems more than happy to celebrate the new found friendship between these 2 legally own recognized territories. a great to see taiwan stepping up its engagement in east africa in a time of such tremendous need. taiwan is a great partner in health education, technical assistance and more. and despite washington's a power and support for democracy in somalia allowed us actually single tedious sleep act. an ethiopian military incursion into the region back in 2007. that seems washington's ala carte morality knows no bounds in africa, asia, or in ukraine. and when it comes to international law, washington can seemly make up the rules as it goes along. the kenya, base international relations, profess massaro. yeah, new names says that this finds the rights to go to wolf on both sides. he's not
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talking to countries on oprah pets to find with each other. you don't need somebody to go to the spirit region despite the ground standing in order to be true. don't think it's i don't think most countries want to find in the good thing is that if you, we have been to the ones i think done by the neighboring country, but it will do their own thing. there's one thing to say you'd like to go to me, see what do some of that to be seen? deployments somebody else's territory items. so i've seen both sides of tone down a little bit and rather than this and they're going to golf course the, some of us you can jump in somalia at the, the name of it. and at least at least be bidding the name of robinson this. and then those we might be leaving something in that, but i don't think they will be, will have the environment is not going to sleep well on either side because it can be very disruptive. and bob boy has taken the right step towards
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ending an in human form of punishment. as according to amnesty international in response to the countries recent announcement of supposing the abolishment of the death penalty or just find this progress. the european union still have concerns about the nations human rights situation. i see you council as extensive in the alms, in fargo and asset freeze against and bump way defense industries for another year . we discussed the sanctions with a fall. i. myra para, information on publicity directive for these involve way african national union. it is a, given that the searches of against somebody has never been to do with the other cations that's of us stated in, inside your paper. the such as have always been about the lender, the issue whereby we have the import or people by uh, pretty connecting them to the mass of that as well. and this does not seem to be in sitting well with the e. u and the american government and the bridge just because they didn't put us in
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sections. but it's going to include such as a natural human rights abuses, bennett and his mama. because what you've actually done is we have pre aligned to connect to the people we land, which is quite a symbol for human rights abuse. mitchell could win communities and started in some bubble. it's really, really nice to do since and but what we're doing now with it. well, we a lot bye thing. we're landing on most of the constitution. but clearly the issue is with the european union, because they did not accept our institution of the legs to the people when this was one of the central cent eastern states. and it's the independence negotiations. we mentioned something to know that if it's a rich man, it's like us to house. it is said, that's the key you wants to continue perpetuating the legal sanctions on the basis of a life. i have said this before, we're challenging to you to show any evidence of abuse. is that the cleaning
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this is o, quoted thinking, this is for propaganda to substantiate and justify it. cool faces action against a southern states which is decided to be public, its own citizens. so this is just an unfortunate case of a foreign policy which is aggressive, which is being a perpetuated based on forces. but my, my linkedin captions. what do you need to be clear on is that assumptions? i've never given them to benefit to people, such of them puts so that it can be punitive punishment for the people. and so they suffer and some just relates to the demands of the both destruction. so the issue is to ensure that the people over and above a sofa, the outs to ensure that the people's in but way to not, i see the single positive being the people it was. and bubble should go back into the stone age. really wants to destroy all kinds of economic issues and some of those assets is one of the main ways. and there's this thing to do that,
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which is not legal on the international level, any rules per se, but they are using the law of the jungle to punish us, to put us into, to try and put us into subjugation to try and take away which one of them began independence. they wanted took away our rights to self governing and making self center decisions. we are willing to work with people from all over the world, but we have to work on what terms and don't terms which gratify our indigenous people. we cannot be split contrib citizens within our own countries, simply because it's definitely important as the we have to put towards those 1st. we only have ones above which we have no other country to turn to. so we have to make the best, the whole country for people. we have a nice example of all, so it doesn't come with me. just come in and visit inst above with. so simply visiting the it as well in the united states functions. this is just one of the companies all mentioned to to save time, but this has been made to all of
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a lot of united states. so it took a picture to unicorn alone, which is why we also agitate to put a multiple no, we cannot continue to allow other countries to up. it suddenly impose the legal sanctions. but you want to try to simulate the functions should be imposed upon a treatment of the un, but no, as in other countries, putting these functions unilaterally. we're not going to central the un. so this simply process and tells us this is no democracy. we've been international politics, so we need to re record this and such as the countries we tend to be to do this because uh, we have to find one another. then we have to push out the other 2 months. and we are thankful because it actually has been one of the instrumental countries and ensuring that we keep the heads of up to what it has been difficult. uh because you know, essentially it's cheaper to follow a power to compete. you've got tons of other nations in this into this most view of
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quantity to extend the course. but however, i know the policies are present. none of the we've seen one of the 1st is the growth of percentages we've inside of could so. so it's also high time based on the net or the functions, but they're not deliberate and the important impulse that they expect to them to do . we have surviving. we have driving and red, develope ibex. we have a powerful documentary d telling the story of judy the song to on the wiki leaks control the say, i'm with more days news. i'll be back at the top of the hour. thanks. won't change the same wrong. just don't need to shape out the application. and engagement equals the trails
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when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground, the the the,
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the 2nd superseding and got involved. 18 charges which include 17 charges under the espionage act and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dining room relates to the 2010 which he likes publications. so the collateral matter publication. the rules of engagement, rock, the diplomatic cables, being all along. same respect of iraq and afghanistan and the guantanamo bay files . we filed a legal challenge against that expedition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about a piece of process related to the spine on us as his legal team, and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described, the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concern about the application of the u. k. us treaty, that treaty prohibits x regarding someone for a political offense. the
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united states has applied for his extradition, but is treated as a criminal in this clause car to this is, julian is a dangerous terrorist who is going to flip out on a k installed gunning everyone down in the cold. i was sitting up in the gallery watching this astonishing spectacle of injustice and order to talk to his lawyers. he had to kneel down, fresh, easy that's across. so a cause here was they had to say and to tell people is absurd. it makes it very difficult for us these legal team to take instructions from join when he's sitting behind us, we have to be constantly watching to see if he's got instructions on what's
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happening during the course of the hearing. and it's very difficult to talk to him in a secure and confidential way, because in order for him to communicate to us, he has to say it loud enough so that the people next to us can often hear it's our opposing counsel. that's unsatisfactory, of course. and when we made an application, now legal team identification during the course of the hearing to have him sit with them. it was denied the same case of the case of the case brought against him. this is what i would call punishment by process. we are doing our best to push back on this using legal process, but it is incredibly political. and anyone who observes this case, or to recognize that this is a case that is political and it requires a political resolution the, it's not a legal battle at all. it's a political battle, it is based on.


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