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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the found on say, the american forces violate or bulky software and say, and threatens to end the presence in the country that condemns fresh us swine corner bulky territory. they killed a come on the of the kits, hired hezbollah, been in the mountains. dissipated took a coffin into the wood, vladimir putin, his schedule to arrow on the june of the streaming network. at 11 p. m, g m t. you can watch the full, broad, top 10 on all take on. so it'd be the end parliamentary vote against and pockets on i'm at security and they can not make crises as well as backlash over the recent sentence. think us pull a p. m and the position leader and run the
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very welcome to you. a 60 i'm hearing loss going. this is on the international with the latest world news roundup is great to happy with. it was thoughts with the boiling tensions in the middle east. the rocky government just lessons to end the us sled presence in the country. that's off the washington conductor. the new strike on his territory on wednesday, killing a good time has been up military, come on, the fact that has condemned the attack as a violation of the countries sovereignty, the american forces has repeated irresponsibly. all the actions that would undermine the established understandings and hinder the initiation of bilateral dialogue. by this act, the american forces jeopardize civil peace, violate your rocky sovereignty and disregard the safety and lives of our citizens. even more concerning is that the coalition consistently deviates from the reasons and objectives for its presence on our territory. and during the studio biopsies
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fiorella is about for you. well, thanks for coming in. so we'd see the series of restaurants on iraq over the past week. could you just bring it up to speed on the latest things? well, as you mentioned, this has been a serious so strikes. and as we just heard, the us and our allies are just seeming, we intend on continuing to raise the probability of more chaos in the region. now they're violating nation sovereignty constantly with a rap. we're seeing the echoes of the us war from 2 decades ago. that it's still affecting us today. now the latest to a strong strike was confirmed by the us us center. com and the commander was a frontier, all savvy, as well as 2 others that were killed during the strike. now the government of iraq had explicitly warned that this was unacceptable due to other previous attacks that had taken place. the pentagon and turnbo claims that the commander was responsible for directing attacks on american forces in the region,
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and therefore this was retaliation. but in response, there had been much criticism to the us as options for one and major general of the security media. the sell over rock stated that this was a violation of sovereignty and a clear aggression as well as a attempt to drag the entire region into unstable conditions and that the us would be responsible for any consequences that may emerge as the inner part has also condemned these attacks saying that the, these are american primes in young men, in syria and in iraq, and of course are bleeding violations of security and stability as well as international law. but the question is, what has been the us this reaction to all of this? well, make us have a listen. i don't know indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties at this time. the united states will continue to take necessary action to protect people. we will not hesitate to hold responsible. all those who threaten the forces
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safety. well, it seems like washington and its forces are continuing to deny and dismiss this whole thing. the reality is there have definitely been casualties in prior tags. perhaps not this one, but it seems that the us is trying to wash their hands off of all of this, ignoring the fact that they shouldn't be there in the 1st place. this is talking about national sovereignty and they're clearly uh, disrespecting or ignoring that when it comes to the us presence in iraq is very hard to remember a time what they was the so you know what's behind they said during presence. well, it seems lizzy mentioned washington, seems to want control the entire region. and let's not forget that they have a role in radicalize, in certain entities in the region, and have also used for proxies to do so. now the us government did admit recently that they did not actually notify, but died about previous attacks last friday,
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which targeted more than $85.00 sites across both iraq and syria. so clearly this is going at many uh within many software and countries and this caused civilian casualties. and they had initially claimed otherwise. speaking to reporters on tuesday, the white house national security council spokesman john kirby corrected a prior statement that had said that there was pre notification to iraq, the officials before last week's reb. let's take a lesson and i deeply apologize for the year. and i regret that any confusion that it caused it was based on information we had for that. it was provided to me in those early hours after the strikes turns out that information was incorrect and, and i certainly regret the error. and i hope that you understand there was no new intent behind it. no, no delivered to intent to deceive or to be to be wrong. i don't know about you,
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nicky, but it seems hard to believe that there was no intent to deceive in saying this was a simple error or considering that they had insisted that all of this was done in co operation with the rocky government. because until recently the rocky government in the us had been having talks to port cooperate further. but this statement is a literal opposite of what was initially claimed. and it seems like this is an attempt to also push away the fact that the us is responsible for collateral damage or civilian casualties, as we would more humanly call it. and in other words, they lied and they got caught. let's take a look. we did inform the united government prior to the strikes security. as for this specific response on friday, there was not a pre notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred. and so again, this is just after us writes on off the stop and all team regions,
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these strikes also killed 16 people and the rocky prime minister also condemned it is forces us violation of international law and more and more us address. and so we're seeing a repeat of all these violations, but the reality is there seems to be a nothing stopping. then let's take a look. the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this regression, which is a false claim and misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws, a good one has mickey as we just saw, these calls for aggression and ending and respecting international law. done anything to allow the us to stop their actions. it really hasn't done much. and this has force as expanded into young men and syria as well. the us,
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i'm the u. k. have both carried. it carried out a series of strikes in a young man. 36 targets and 13 locations are across the young man who have been of ports fighting the is really is and the us, the us as well through attacking the shipments in order to support bozza. now, of course, there has been a claims that this is again, a violation of young and sovereignty and that this is only going to result in more stability in the region. but it seems like this is, uh, this is still an issue that the us is actually continuing to pursue as well. and the fact is that the us and their proxies are not changing their behavior, no matter what. so some in a rock have called for perhaps a more aggressive approach going to the you went directly and actually asking for the immediate withdrawal of all troops with inability to enhance their defense
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capabilities. and russia has, as well agreed to this, saying that the united states is claiming of planning the flames of this conflict. the middle leasing, making things go to a tipping points as well. and be permanent representatives to be you and the russian permanent representative to the you and did say that this is a complete violation of international law because damascus has an agreed to having us troops there. so again, the question is, why are us troops there? what are they doing? why are they violating international law? and perhaps what can be the consequences of them doing this? and therefore, this is a reason why others like the islamic a resistance movement has said that if the rocky govern, it doesn't take immediate and resolute action, they will be the ones to respond to these us attacks. and that they will do so in a way that is effective and when it's inappropriate. so again, this is a be a escalation that we're seeing in the region. and this is obviously not helping out
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the teal political stage right now where there are so many explosions going on literally and metaphorically, as well, where things could really get to a point of no return. indeed many thanks for coming in fear rela, appreciate that report. okay, washington's, the european allies seems to be distancing themselves from us offensive operations in the middle east to also contribute to rachel mazda, and brings as more on this or whatever washington wants to start bombing other countries. it always acts like that girl in high school. you know, the one i'm talking about, the one who can't just go to the bathroom on a room without driving along entire entourage. remember former us president george w bush's coalition of the willing for invading and retaining, changing saddam hussein in iraq. but the appearance of the involvement of a bunch of other countries in foreign bombings always helps to create a facade of multilateralism. a show of support, and unity. and of course,
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the sharing of responsibility for whatever damage the us is just going to decide to do unilaterally any way. and the sweetest operation in the middle east that's already seen american bombs dropped on a rocky. i'm in syria is really no exception. this morning. we launched operation, prosperity, guardians, under the umbrella combined maritime forces, and under the leadership of task force, 153. that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea in the gulf of a wow, that sounds really impressive. a lot of heavy hitters involved there in terms of countries. guess if all those guys are involved and who really cares if by they did not get authorization from congress for use of military force or that any of the very limited scenarios in which the american president can legitimately use force
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without congress is permission like self defense, against immune it's attack or the rescue americans abroad haven't actually been met . but it wasn't long before some european countries named by the pentagon, started acting like washington's regime change. mobiles was just a creepy ice cream truck that they really did not want to get bored into. we cannot join in sudden acts of war without authorization from parliament, even if they aim at protecting international c traffic we will most participate unilaterally. interrupts the operation. france does not want to get involved either at stake or europe's relations with middle east or partners like egypt and saudi arabia who have opposed us airstrikes in the region. meanwhile, the european union's defense ministers figured that the block would start up its own red sea patrol mission. eventually one of the reasons maybe because the doesn't
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consider the who these, who are launching, attacks on the ships in the red sea, in support of palestinians being hit by israel and gaza to be a terrorist group. unlike washington, the blocks chief diplomat sounds super psyched about the whole thing. every body should try to avoid the situation becomes explosive has been repeated once and again that the middle east is a boiler that's can explode. a is not really that into it. a big chunk of the you also sees the gas a conflict as a powder keg that could light up the whole region and would rather give the drama wide for spain, belgium, ireland, slovenia, france, notably. and there's also no interest on the part of the block to get involved with washington is targeting of iran back fighters in syria and rock either. so it looks like the you is quite content with this idea of tying up the potential future launch of their proposed read. see operation in the usual brussels. red tape.
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american journalist tucker carlson has announced that he is highly anticipated interview with the russian presidents will at at 11 p. m g m t today on his self titled network e commerce, the board cost in full on this channel. i'll see requirements as it will publish the interview on friday morning. my time say will be viewed by a wide audience as well. mr. carson's interview teaser has gone to devin 99 millions. use the bob plaster as a he is one on one with president page and is spreading across western media among politicians is prompted some journalist to alleged that western governments are trying to suppress different opinions on the spot wide scale of interest. the white house came so it's not important that anyone i think it's pretty obvious, should be very obvious to everybody. what has to britain is done in the grain. and the quote is completely bogus in the end and ridiculous reasons for what she tried
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to justify it. i don't think we need a another interview with latimer button to, to uh, to understand his brutality. i think the people who want to be in power, i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution. they think that they can ignore that. so they, they can try to silence people by either ridicule or say, in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what you're tapes. the most is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information and that's exactly what the latest don't want, because they're restored, terry and at heart. they don't want you to even hear the other side. us doing less times political analyst, strong verbally told is there is no room for opinion, said this from the government narrative in the us. and you are the american cover has been harassing him hounding him. you know, he's, i'm, so of course i got a call on the trainer i, they're going to call the trainer the possible to,
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to harass him, to try to discredit him. there's no free press look what they didn't. they tried to destroy his career. it chased him from fox news and came back only, but through his incredible will power and strength and his belief. his belief in america is blinking. the american people is believe in sleep in modern europe and in north america there is no room for other opinions. there's no room for other things. there's one narrative, it's the government narrative. they lay down the law in all other media companies, journalists, and it is, they have to follow that narrative. there can be no deviation whatsoever. we just look at this reaction how strongly are for most things are reacting to and stuck across these simply doing his job. he's a journalist, his job is to interview people to gather information, and then to let the public make their own conclusions for no, no longer possible in modern europe. and in the united states, where most media companies under the control,
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the governments either directly or indirectly. there again, there's only one there to, and it can be no deviation from the call. so the sit down those and looks at those times. a lot of my patients been interviewed by western journalists since the outbreak of the ukraine conflicts 2 years ago. however, some incumbents in form, american officials on notes impressed hillary clinton as among the well, it shows me what i think we've all known. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, if you actually read translations of what's being said on russian media, they make fun of them. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. it's larry. so hillary clinton would speed up on this and she's the one who presented a reset button to the russian leadership. that was miss translated into over charge of when she was the secretary of state. again, the bottom line is tucker, is doing what journalists should do. let's hear the voices of those that may not be getting the attention in western europe and united states, particularly when the truth about what's been happening has been so covered up that
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they have fond over themselves to dr. presidents and let's be they view celebrities . the huge movie stars, the sport stars in the dash that gave to the doctor's zalinski. and yet nobody has told the other side of the story what divine white house wants to continue to pour billions and billions of dollars that you trained with no accountability without the transparency of where the money has gone. and they're pushing for another 60000000000. i think what terrifies them about the, the tucker carlson interview is it people will finally get more of the story that they've been denied through the mainstream media. and they can't keep that story down when the doctor is going to put it out on the internet. the a big day in pakistan has millions of voted to elect to new parliaments on those a poles have now closed. the commercial votes, consummate turbulence, political and security events, including a series of terror attacks on ponti offices of a sentencing of full, a prime minister and run pond to decades in prison. no trajectory another 9 people,
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including 2 children on 6 security officials have supposedly been killed on those same day following at least 28 tests and assume and similar attacks will by suspected on groups on election eve of last and launch of town and south west impact is done has also been reported to security guards were killed and 9 wounded, new opposing station in the search last today, as i said, shows one of the main candidates for my progress and no watch to raise the arrive to vote. he leads the pack us on muslim league now was policy and of the strong content that is a bill our while abuto is our chat enough, the pockets down people's policy policies in charlotte diaz, the texas through the state, the main places on names. you may have heard before. now is sharif a form of 5 minutes? the is back, is the head of the pocket. stone was the meek. if he wins, he would become pm for full time pledging to make pockets down. great, again,
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of what he claims was, views of ruin will not allow for us. there is like him wrong. com and his party to rule pakistan. again, they have ruined the country. we will rebuild spiked his time. another content that is built all bhutto is a doughty leader of the pockets on people's policy. he's previously served as a country is minister of foreign affairs and he's the latest and the book is a dari political dynasty to seek power. some parties want to divide you based on religion of those based on your sex sort of the pakistan people's policies, the only policy which wants to serve you with that discrimination. then of course, does the elephant in the room in law and con, ousted from power in 2020 to the full cricket to is languishing behind bars of the being convicted of everything from 4 to an improper marriage. he's bought from standing in his party. pci has been poached by the authorities,
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even it's elect to logo a court kick bass was banned and now it's kind of, it's a force to run this independence. these are the main faces in the race. it's crowded, they're also 14 parties on the ballot. so what's the wood on the street, bab galaxy, not a, i don't have any hope for this election because of how things are being done. i got one political party as being targeted audience fairly well. what is being done to in ron con, is making pockets, don, lose respect in the international community. nobody respects punk is done. they think anything can be done in pockets done. now what will be, as you heard back, there's a lot of voters all cheering over and that's because back a solid is being played by host of issues. rising inflation is hip pocket taught with the cost of basic food steps more than doubling the country is also not simply in debt. and the deal with the i m. s. is due to run out around the same time as
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any new government tapes office. well, economic pessimism is high, facing bucket stones, democracy is low. one question that keeps being off is whether external forces or playing a role in this election khan has accuse the us of being that force. how many a company come to america has? oh, not american, but a foreign country icons name. i mean from the fulton country, received a message. they say that our anger will banish you wrong con loses this no confidence vote. that of course is denied by washington with respect to the comments that were reported. not gonna speak to private diplomatic exchanges, other than to say that even if those comments were accurate as reported, they in no way shows united states taking a position onto the leader of pakistan on a be that maybe so. but at the time when the u. s. is increasingly important thing
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itself in the middle east focused on is a power that it wants on its side and may seek to wield its influence upon whoever wins the selection will have a lot to contend with. not just a moans from the white house. political violence has already waste its head in the days leading up to the poll. the pocket stone, a country in which some 40 percent of people live in poverty have a long and difficult road to travel to recover the when to take school, they say that could prove to be quite a handful so it can use to india now where energy week is taking place with more than 35000 participants when they have a 120 countries. we discussed india, russia,
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a cooperation and an exclusive interview with the minister of petroleum and natural gas for the world's most pope to this country. india and bought the address a noise. and if everybody had boswell, a lot of people bought a lot of us and stuff. so let's not get into it. you know, i'm not sure noise coming from through the pipeline to hungry was exempt. they're not talking about not rushing noise going through the pipeline to china. it was exempt, rushing noise, going from the body cycle into japan is exempt. so what is left of the, what the, the sob has decided to weapon isaac. you're not to say audiological days. we will not by when go to do it, but it didn't stop all imports, desktop google pods, but they will continue to import gas. they're continuing to import other curriculum in of those. so what is it in there because of the size of our economy? we can only compete with the law that economies regarding uh, compete with the smaller we 60000000 people go to the federal bunk every day to
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fill up. so obviously that's the defense of skin today. the situation is that in parts of crude oil are the biggest item in, out in port bhaskar and equally the export of petroleum products is the biggest item in unexplored basket. so we will import from whatever we can really support or whatever we can. now there are a lot of new plans coming on the block, whatnot, bottom, oh, big plus a guy and as new, i think of shooting. i'm is new. that may be as new, but as the lives of lot that are members of a big logic corresponded to engine sean. the also attended the form and go and send says this report from the event john, the indian was to save all the best lines. the g, 6 del from all across the world, have gathered their delivery. they want collaborative challenges and opportunities at a time when the was raffles with and no g crisis deal to the 2nd edition of the india
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n o g week. the indian, minnesota sodium and natural gas has been meeting voiding by lots and just like before and of done it again, it's, yeah, the one lead us on the one of the houses of exhibit those thousands of delegates that has gone. yeah, but there was 6 for williams including russia, canada, u. s. u k. so that's dialogue on the emails need to ship. once again, this is about an o g, but of course the main main agend off for in the notes is 0 for the coming years. and in terms of for the operations, big companies, there's a force on india. this is one of them was to look at as a partner tons of the heating up in east africa. the ip here recently sit with a controversial deal with this separate this with public of somalia and governments
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of somalia, which does not recognize the monte non doesn't independent states. sums the agreement that will give a if you, if you access to the red sea as ammonia and president's house threatens to go to war if necessary. and the therapy and prime minister is not trying to downplay the crisis. e. c, o, b, a does not acknowledge war against any country. in principle. however, some forces are trying to incite conflict between the 2 nations, which should not happen. the peace of somalia is the peace of the c o. p, a. the development of somalia is the development of our country. we believe we are brothers. a dispute between the neighbor and east africa nations which have been simmering for decades recently. flagged up at a sharp decline in commercial ship things with the red sea due to a tax on vessel was my buy militants from yemen. and then to the us with just seemingly seeking to stare up as another regional conflicts to promote its own interests, his unties the shape of his with the breakdown. when you hear about
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a conflict between to strategically important african nations, it's always worth taking a little deeper. and when you do surprise, surprise, uncle sam has been at work stimulating this court and sewing division. and this isn't exactly breaking news. washington's been stirring up trouble in the region since 2007, with millions of dollars pumped into some of the land by us and jose, purely to phone democracy, not for example, the counter growing chinese influence in the region. it would have come to the us to show them that we have the same enemy. and our long term strategy is we want to be closer to democracies and market economies like the us. we are countering china and the chinese influence in the horn of africa. and we deserve us government help . and what's in it for the us? i hear you say, well, let's take a look at some of the land strategically important position on the map. it occupies some prime real estate along the gulf of aidan,
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near the entrance to the above all month, deep straight. which just so happens to be a major ceiling per which almost a 3rd of the world's shipping cost is. of course the who it is in the m and a recently highlighted just tell vulnerable these waters are. but it all seems kind of familiar, right. think of taiwan and you'll get the picture. and just like and type pay the us just fine to ride to horses. it was. and that usually ends badly. the united states recognizes the federal republic of somalia, sovereignty unity and territorial integrity, which includes the molly land. we believe the status of some of the land is an issue for somalis, including somali lenders to decide, i want to know you and members actually recognize some of the land as a sovereign state. guess who do you have you go to taiwan? and while the us is all about integrity of borders under rules based order elsewhere, it seems more than happy to celebrate the new found friendship between these 2
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legally own recognized territories. a great to see taiwan stepping up its engagement in east africa in a time of such tremendous need. taiwan is a great partner in health education, technical assistance and more. and despite washington's a power and support for democracy in somalia allowed us actually single tediously backed an epo pitting military incursion into the region back in 2007. it seems washington's ala carte morality knows no bounds in africa, asia, or in ukraine. and when it comes to international law, washington can seemly make up the rules as it goes along. can you based international relations professor, my sorry, a new name says that despite the rights to go to go from both sides, he's not for can countries are it will per patch to fight with each other. i don't see somebody to go to the disability really despite the ground standing on normal defense budgets. i don't think those countries want to.


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