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tv   Documentary  RT  February 8, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EST

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seen as quite a highest, founded as a lensky loyalist. quite the opposite to general was a losing, so his appointment to me and to other on was looking at the situation seems to smack of some kind of desperation and also a complete change that interestingly the key every gene has also tonight suggested the reasons why they have basically dismiss general's illusion. sunday include that we need a new type of strategy. we need to brush that will sweep clean, become fellow a stalemate on the battlefield. and we need to invest and investigate different ways to continue to win the war against russia. no, no real objective analyst would suggest that you train is winning the war against bush. you. so we're gonna have to watch this space and see what this really sorry is make change at the top of the ukrainian regime means on the ground security expert, michael. my new says that is the last case of a shuffle shows that helpless position that ukraine's armed forces find themselves
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on the battlefield. well, not surprising. it is, it is going to be a serious question as to what the morale is going to be among the troops themselves in ukrainian troops themselves. there is that stalemate, and this isn't what the zalinski wants to here. and, but what, what does that sound lensky have? that the, that's his, that's zillow's nice successor can bring to the table. uh, the funding is virtually drying up. um the, there isn't a logistical support for, for ukraine to continue the conflict. he's caught and i think he's groping. he does, but he does, realistically, he doesn't have the backing, the military and the financial backing to carry on a conflict that is lost. and the longer it goes on,
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the more trans russian forces become and it will make it even more difficult for zalesky to do anything. and i, i just think it's going to have a terrible ending up next, the 1st part of talk a call soon as much interest, a faded interview with vladimir putin. you can already watch the full interview on our website, our team dot com. in the meantime, that's all from me, my colleague, you know, neil is at the top of the hour with the latest and they show a josh bye for now. the on february 22nd 2022. you addressed your country and a nationwide address when the conflict in ukraine started. and you said that you were acting because you had come to the conclusion that the united states through nato might initiate a quote, surprise attack on our country. and to american here is that sounds paranoid. tell us why you believe the united states might strike russia out of the blue. how did
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you conclude that? since it's not that the united states was going to launch a surprise strike on russia? i didn't say so. are we having a talk show or serious conversation? here's the quote. thank you. it's a formidable series. that it's, it is that you were initially trained in history as far as i know. yes, i think the puzzle. so if you don't mind, i will take only 30 seconds or one minute of your time for giving you a little historical background. so when you please, some of the agent. let's look where all relationship with ukraine started from. where does ukraine come from? the russian state started to exist as a centralized states in $862.00. this is considered to be the year of the creation of the russian states. because this year, the towns, people of novgorod,
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a city in the north, west of the country, invited roodick of a runjun prints from scandinavia to reign. in 1862. russia celebrated the 1000th anniversary of its statehood. and in nob garage, there is a memorial dedicated to the one thousands anniversary of the countries in 882 roodick successive principal league, who was actually playing the role of the regent that route ex young son. because really because died by that time came to see if he was the 2 brothers who apparently had once been members of roodick squad. so russia began to develop with 2 centers of power, keep enough girl. and the next very significant dates in the history of russia. was 988. this was the baptism of russia when prince of let him hear the great grandson of rubric baptized russia and adopted orthodoxy for eastern christianity. from this time, the centralized russian states began to strengthen. why? because of a single territory, integrated economic ties,
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one and the same language and it after the baptism of russia, the same faith and we will have to print. the centralized russian states began to take shape back in the middle ages, prints the address of the wise, introduce the order of succession to the throne. but often he passed away. it became complicated for various reasons. the throne was passed not directly from father to eldest son, but from the prince who had passed away to his brother, then to his sons in different lines. all this led to the fragmentation and the end of ruth as a single state. there was nothing special about it. the same was happening then in europe. but the fragmented russian state became an easy prey to the empire created earlier. like gang is con his successes, namely by 2 con, came to ruth, plundered and ruined nearly all the cities. so the southern part including
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t of by the way and some other cities simply lost independence. while northern cities preserved some of their sovereignty, they had to pay tribute to the hoard for it. they managed to preserve some part of their sovereignty, and then a unified russian state began to take shape with its center. in moscow, the southern part of the russian lands, including kids, began to gradually gravitate towards another magnet. the sense of that was emerging in europe. this was the grand off to you of lithuania. it was even called the lithuanian russian doctrine. because russians were a significant part of its population. they spoke the old russian language and were orthodox slit, then there was a unification. the union of the grand duchy of lithuania and the kingdom of poland . a few years later, another union was signed. but this times already in the religious fear, some of the orthodox priest became subordinate to the pope. thus these lands became part of the polish lithuanian states. during decades,
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the poles were engaged in the colonized zation of this part of the population. they introduced a language there, tried to entrench the idea that this population was not exactly russians. that because they lived on the fringe who cry, they were ukrainians. originally, the word ukrainian meant that a person was living on the outskirts of the state near the french or was engaged in border service. it didn't mean any particular ethnic group. so the polls were trying in every possible way to pollen eyes, this part of the russian lands and actually treated it rather harshly, not to say cruelly. all that led to the fact that this part of the russian lands began to struggle for their rights. they wrote letters to warsaw demanding that their rights be observed, and that people the commission to year, including to keep a big part. and can you tell us what period i'm losing track and where in history we are the publish impression of using? i think it's
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a bill of things within the 13th century. now i will tell what happened later and give the dates so that there was no confusion. and in 1654, even a bit earlier, the people who were in control of the authority over that part of the russian lands address for so i repeat, demanding their rights be observed that they send to them rulers of russian origin and orthodox faith. when more so did not answer them, and in fact, rejected their demands. they turned to moscow. so that must go, took them away. but so that you don't think that i am inventing things with you. i'll give you these document while i type it does. it sounds like you're advancing and i'm not sure why it's relevant to what have you, you know, still think it, but still these are documents from the archives copies. here are letters from, from done community. it's key. the man who then controlled the power in this part
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of the russian lands that is now called ukraine's. he wrote to warsaw demanding that their rights be upheld. and after being refused, he began to write letters to moscow, asking to take them under the strong hand of the must goes off. there are copies of these documents, i will leave them for you, a good memory. there is a translation into russian. you can translate it into english later. russia would not agree to admit them straight away. assuming that the war with poland would start, never the less. in 1654, the pen russian assembly of top clergy and land owners headed by those on them. ski so bore, which was the representative body of power of the old russian states. decided to include a part of the old russian lands into the moscow kingdoms. as expected, the war with poland began. it lasted 13 years. and then in 1654, a truce was concluded. in 32 years later, i think
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a peace treaty with poland, which they called you tunnel piece was fine. and these lands the whole left bank of the deep or including key of went to russia and the whole right bank of the, the need for remains in poland. under the rule of catherine, the great russia reclaimed all of its historical lands, including in the south and west, this old lost it until the revolution. before world war one, austrian general stuff relied on the ideas of ukrainian isaiah sion and started actively promoting the ideas of ukraine and the ukraine united zation. the motive was all this just before world war one, they wanted to weaken the potential enemy and secure themselves favorable conditions in the board, the area of june. so the idea which had emerged in poland that people residing in that territory were allegedly not really russians, but rather belong to a special ethnic groups of ukrainians. started being propagated by the austrian
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general staff. as far back as the 19th century theorists calling for ukrainian independence appeared. all those however claimed that ukraine should have a very good relationship with russia. they insisted on that. after the 1917 revolution, the bolshevik sought to restore the state hood and the civil war began, including the hostilities with poland. in 1921 piece with poland was proclaimed. and under that treaty, the right bank of the deep river once again was given back to poland. in 1913, 9 off to poland, cooperated with hitler. it did collaborate with you to let you know, hitler offered poland piece and a treaty of friendship and alliance. we have all the relevant documents in the archives, demanding, and return the poland. give back to germany, the so called denzil colorado, which connected the bulk of germany with east prussia and couldn't expose off the world war one. this territory was transferred to poland. and instead of dancing
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a city of dance imaged, hitler asked them to give it amicably, but they refused. still, they collaborated with hitler and engaged together in the partitioning of czechoslovakia, may asking you're making the case that the ukraine, certainly parts for pregnancy and crane is in effect. russia has been for hundreds of years. why wouldn't you just take it when you became president of 24 years ago? you have nuclear weapons. they don't if it's actually your land. why did you wait so long? sure. i'll tell you. i'm coming to that. this briefing is coming to an end. it might be boring, but it explains many things. good, good. i'm so gratified that you appreciate that. thank you. so before world war 2, poland collaborated with hitler. and although it did not yield to hitler's demands, it's still participated in the partitioning of czechoslovakia. together with hitler, as the poles had not given the guns the card go to germany and went too far pushing
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hitler to start world war 2. by attacking them. why was it poland against whom the war started on 1st september 1939. poland turned out to be uncompromising, and hitler had nothing to do but start implementing his plans with poland. by the way, the us i saw i have read some archive documents behaved very honestly. the doest opponent's permission to transit its troops through the polish territory to help czechoslovakia. but then polish foreign minister said that if the soviet plains flew over poland, they would be down over the territory of poland. but that doesn't matter. what matters is that the war began, and poland fell prey to the policies that had pursued against czechoslovakia. as under the well known motor top ribbon truck packed part of that territory, including western ukraine, was to be given to russia. thus russia, which was the name of the ussr, we gained its historical lands after the victory and the great patriotic war. as we
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call world war 2. all those territories will ultimately enshrined as belonging to russia to the us as well. as for poland, it received apparently in compensation, the lands which had originally being german, the eastern parts of germany. these are now western lands of poland. of course, poland re gained access to the baltic sea and danzig, which was once again, given its polish name. so this was how this situation developed in 1922. when the ussr was being established, the bolsheviks started building the ussr and established the soviet ukraine, which had never existed before. styling insisted that those republics be included in the ussr as autonomous entities. for some inexplicable reasons, lending the founder of the soviet state insisted that the be entitled to withdraw from the ussr. and again, for some unknown reasons, he transferred to that newly established soviet republic of ukraine. some of the lands together with people living there. even though those lands had never been
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called ukraine, and yet they were made part of that soviet republic of ukraine. those lands included the black sea region, which was received on the catherine the great and which had no historical connection with ukraine whatsoever. even if we go as far back to 1654, when these lands return to the russian empire, that territory was the size of 3 to 4 regions of modern ukraine with no black sea region. that was completely out of the question. in 1654. exactly. i'm just, i mean, you obviously encyclopedic knowledge of this region. but why didn't you make this case for the 1st 22 years as president that ukraine wasn't a real country? the soviet ukraine was given a great deal of territory that had never belong to it, including the black sea region. at some point, when russia received them as an outcome of the russo turkish wars, they were called new russia, or nova russia. but that does not matter. what matters is that lending the founder
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of the soviet state established ukraine. that way, for decades, ukrainian soviet republic developed as part of the ussr and for unknown reasons against the bolsheviks were engaged in ukrainian eyes ation. it was not merely because the soviet leadership was composed to a great extent of those originating from ukraine. rather, it was explained by the general pop policy of indigenous zation pursued by the soviet union. the same things were done in other soviet republics. this involved promoting national languages and national cultures, which is not bad in principle. that is how the soviet ukraine was created after world war 2 ukraine received. in addition to the lands that had belonged to poland before the war pots of the lands that had previously belonged to hungry and romania, just today known as west and ukraine. so romania and hungry had some of their lands taken away and given to the ukraine,
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and they still remained part of the ukraine. so in this sense, we have every reason to affirm since that ukraine is an artificial state that was shaped at stollins will do you believe hungry has a right to tickets land back from ukraine and the other nations have a right to go back to their 1654 borders know, i'm not sure whether they should go back to the 1654 board is. but given stollins time, so called stollins regime, which has many claims on numerous violations of human rights and violations of the rights of other states. 1 may say that they could claim back those lands if they as, while having no right to do that. it is at least understandable. have you told victor or bond that he can have part of your credit? because then you feel you never have never told him not a single time. we have not even had any conversation on that. but i actually know for sure that hung gadgets who lived there wanted to get back to the historical
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land. moreover, i would like to share a very interesting story with you. i'll digress. it's a personal one. somewhere in the early eighty's, i went on a road trip on a call from ben leningrad now st. petersburg across the soviet union through key if made us stop in keith and then went to west and ukraine. i went to the town if there was a voice. i know the names of towns and villages that were in russian and in the language didn't understand. in hon gary and in russian and in hon. gary and nothing ukrainian in russian. and in whom garry and i was driving through some kind of a village. and there were men sitting next to the houses and they were wearing black, 3 piece suits and black cylinder hats. high off. are they some kind of entertainers? i was told. no, they're not entertainers. they're hung gary and i said, what are they doing here? what do you mean? this is their land. they live here. this was during the soviet time in the 1980s.
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they preserved the hon gary and language, and gary and names and all their national costumes. they are hung gary ends and they feel themselves to be hung carrion's. and of course when now there is an infringement. why that and that is and there's a lot of it. so i think many nations are upset about transylvania as well as you obviously know. but many nations feel frustrated by the redrawn borders of the worst of the 20th century and worst going back a 1000 years. the ones you think you mentioned. but the fact is that you didn't make this case in public until 2 years ago, february, and in the case that you made, which i read today and jessica, you, you explained a great length that you felt a physical threat from the west in nato, including potentially nuclear threat, and that's what got you to move. is that a fair characterization of what you said? i understand that my long speeches probably fall outside of the genre of an interview. that is why i asked you at the beginning, are we going to have a serious talk or to show you said
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a serious talk. so bear with me please. we are coming to the point where the soviet ukraine was established. then in 1991, the soviet union collapsed and everything that russia had generously bestowed on ukraine was dragged away by the latter. i'm coming to a very important point of today's agenda. after all, the collapse of the soviet union was effectively initiated by the russians. the ships, i do not understand what the rushing leadership was guided by at the time, but i suspect there was several reasons to think everything would be fine. first, i think that the then russian leadership believes that the fundamentals of the relationship between russia and ukraine was, in fact, a common language. more than 90 percent of the population. the spoke russian family ties. every 3rd person there had some kind of family or friendship ties, common culture, common history. finally, common faith, co existence within a single state for centuries,
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and deeply interconnected economies. all of these were so fundamental, all these elements together make odds good relations inevitable. the 2nd point is a very important one. i want you as an american citizen and your viewers to hear about this as well. the former russian leadership assume that the soviet union had ceased to exist, and therefore, there were no longer any ideological dividing lines. russia even agreed voluntarily and proactively to the collapse of the soviet union, and believe that this would be understood by the so called, now in scare, quotes, civilized west as an invitation for cooperation and associates. yet, that is what russia was expecting, both from the united states and the so called collective west as a whole. they were smart people, including in germany ego involved, a major politician of the social democratic party, who insisted in his personal conversations with the soviet leadership on the brink of the collapse of the soviet union. that's a new security system should be established in europe, helps should be given to unified germany. but
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a new system should also be established to include the united states, canada, russia, and of the central european countries. but nato needs not to expand. that's what he said. if nato expands, everything would be just the same as during the cold war. only closer to russia's board is that so he was a wise old man, but no one listen to him. in fact, he got angry once we have a record of this conversation in our archives, we, if he said, you don't listen to me. i'm never sitting my foot in moscow. once again. he was frustrated with the soviet leadership. he was right. everything happened just as he had said, he would. of course it did come true and i, and you've mentioned this many times. i think it's a fair point. and many in america thought that relations between russia and united states would be fine with the collapse of the so being in the end of the core that the opposite happened. but you've never explained why you think that happened,
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except to say that the west fears a strong russia, but we have a strong china of the west does not seem very afraid of. what about russia? do you think i to convince policy makers they had to take it down as the west is afraid of a strong china more than it is a strong russia because of russia has a 150000000 people. and china has a one pop 1000000000 population, and its economy is growing by leaps and bounds over 5 percent the, it's used to be even more, but that's enough for china. as bismark, once put it potentials, the most important, china's potential is enormous. it is the biggest economy in the world today, in terms of purchasing power parity and the size of the economy. it has already overtaken the united states quite a long time ago, and it is growing at a rapid clip. let's not talk about who is afraid of who, let's not reason in such terms. and let's get into the fact that after 1991,
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when russia expected that it would be welcomed into the brotherly family of civilized nations. nothing like this happened. you tricked us, i don't mean you personally when i say you, of course i'm talking about the united states. the promise was that nato would not expand eastward, but it happened 5 times. they were 5 waves of expansion. we tolerated all that. we were trying to persuade them, we were saying a, please don't. we are as bourgeois now, as you are. we are a market economy, and there is no communist party power. let's negotiate. moreover, i have also said this publicly before. let's look at the old since times. now. there was a moment when a certain rift started growing between us. before that yeltsin came to the united states, remember the spoken congress and said the good words, god bless america is everything he said with signals. let us in, let us remember the developments and yugoslavia before that the auction was
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lavished with praise. as soon as the developments in yugoslavia started, he raised his voice in support of subs and we couldn't but raise our voices for subs in the defense. i understand that they were complex processes on the way that i do, but russia could not help raising its voice in support of subs. because subs are also a special and close to us nation with orthodox culture and so on. it's a nation that has suffered so much for generations. well, regardless, what is important is that yeltsin expressed his support. what did the united states do in violation of international law and the un charter? it started bombings. l great. it was the united states that let the genie out of the bottle. moreover, when russia protested and expressed its resentment, what was said, the un charter, an international law has become obsolete now. everyone invokes international law. but at that time, they started saying that everything was outdated,
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everything had to be changed. indeed, some things need to be changed as the balance of power has changed. it's true, but not in this manner. yeltsin was immediately drag through the mud accused of alcoholism, of understanding. nothing of knowing nothing. he understood everything. i assure you, well i became president in 2000. i thought okay, the yugoslav issue was over. so we should try to restore relations. let's reopen the door that russia had tried to go through and more over. i've said it publicly, i can reiterate at the meeting here in the kremlin with the outgoing president, bill clinton right here in the next room. i said to him, i asked him, bill, do you think if russia asked to join nato, do you think it would happen? suddenly he said, you know, it's interesting. i think so. but in the evening when we had dinner, he said, you know, i've talked to my team. no, no, it's not possible. now you can ask him, i think he will watch our interview. he'll confirm it. i wouldn't have said anything like that if, if it hadn't happened. okay, well it's, it's impossible. now, were you sincere? would you have join nato?
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look, i asked the question, is it possible or not? and the answer i got was no. if i was been sincere in my desire to find out what the leadership's position was, if he had said yes would, you have joined data cables because he had said yes, the process of refreshment would have commenced. and eventually it might have happened if we had seen some sincere wish on the side of our partners. but it didn't happen. well, no means no. okay, fine. the, the little one, no, no, no, no, no, not. for to most of the location of the unit
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731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great deal. so i knew that sort of thing. keep on my mazda thought disney junior, one of up from the sale of that i don't understand. i've wished enough to gradually go need. i know he didn't go some more or less than a j o. i had to put on with this kind of them of the, i don't know,
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a party bill. you come up person 0 dollars for the 1st level to do with the 0 to want this on this to should buy a new on a psych in sentiment simone gucci the yo yo. now, i'm gonna put them out there to give us that the the, [000:00:00;00]
12:00 am
the, the, if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it and come with it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that to stop american journalists, tucker carlson, brings the russian presidents views straight to western viewers. loved mere putting brakes done his take on the ukraine conflict from the global shifting geo political power. with the interview already having being viewed more than 50000000 times on the x platform, some american media figures on politicians helping clicked abroad,


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