tv Documentary RT February 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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the hall of the western project, the whole of the notion of western civilization, and somehow western civilization being exceptional for the greatest civilization. now people are looking down at the web, the board? sure. what do you have to use for pneumonia store trip discovery isn't the cutting edge of corn chip. somebody luck on your phone. yep. awesome. and they found on the book on you, but you wouldn't have thought. sure. yeah. yeah. well, it's more than a more it's conventional my assessment on it that are you wally latham or if i'm lucky, i've been here for 40 thought from severe chevrolet bulk and there's stuff that you should know do those link inmates voice live with story if i, if i move, so most of them are pretty far away up. i just want them plus my slip rental. so i
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am going to book the most to but i don't want to turn to come back to mr. daniel for the day of school minutes. we cannot believe police can get the more footprint articles in. yep. but those are you and you have with i mean it will depend on how much that was missed. you like, i don't know if it was him, even if you're not here for you and your grand street for you of the in the face of death the we o equal the we see the open mention to ok. i didn't, it's easy. so i think you for the in the road in please get pregnant then we come missing. i'm ok name with the in terms of the for the i me it's of it based. right? tire rotation for chapter 7. test 50. now i'm in stuff enough. tiffany: tiffany cable with you. now i'm and home. ok, how big is this going to when you make to synchronize smartphones to come at the
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circle? been furious, the parents set out even thousands trade folks, you know who to 1000. so is, is for me he may need to confirm receipts along escape is mostly of instruct me, who in austria and peter 6 spent over 30 years searching for information about soviet people killed in austria during world war 2. can i speak of epstein lamb sent that i print off the see i have been for 300 dash 6 ma'am in this capital corrected it, but seeing more dates ranks of it, the thanks can find your name be any seat got said to have doing a pico so good, i'm good, nice place on the
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truth. 660 for she's in there for me. i get her to confirm your cups instagram. so somebody thought was that you got some e mail, so based on the on owns and the 8 estimate for with us and next week, some flu space between what we spend on. so eventually you face things, it's cindy. see, and it will, we think that device, luis, have some things in mind that you make this whole thing with any of you, give them, give you said the major sterling efforts are covered in this book, containing data on a 2000 soviet people. very huge in austria, during world war 2 the there was a contest with that that will let me have a he is going on. good game, full use the get fine for him. see, make so me. it's the season tribute and i had spoke on the 8th winning, but the sophie indian asked me something could find. and then these new testament of these mem and comp 6. so says profit burial of the day is the duty has been
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living. he and his team found all the efforts by themselves. it's a 2 man that get a sense of it so i can trust them. yeah. she forwarded me to school because he said we have a main street community area and give me one of the furniture needs to us. me decent home. and at the end of it, once he gets gets capacity at the convention, each does he and, and come and see me. and i've asked them about the teams as the feats of russian fathers and grandfathers immortalized in monuments and memorials born of a year of ordinary people lovingly attend the great, subservient warriors which often contradicts the position of their country's authorities. the
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long suffering don't pass as many memorials honoring the great country building more heroes. to is just the color of the terrible, the customer. now, here's one man. we're now arrested and evidence custodian more of a stronger than a boarding investment present. you sent me yesterday and left him an option, a serious learning this and go to do a short drug at noon or more than that. i was really upset of the sort of thing and we just west but most jewish families was
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swollen to by the nazis and the band. dear stooges is really citizens, often visit this memorial to honor the memory of van knocked on the lamb about harm option. yeah, i get home, let me ask you on the modem, what do you mean that i want them to stay on in the near the was even even most of the things to put in and such a sticker with the style of products such as so special sort of book riveted. i'm with that so chromebook, right. and so the concept of what shows here cuz isn't there to put it on the site to go as i am, when you get that on and slip to the ammonium instead, the k distribute soldiers is room as well. 2 off to the parade, thousands of is there any of these gather here?
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the course this will take you into pre attention to the question. regardless, which of the system is the folks who look up to the for near the, you know, we have on the, on the fees and then i here and i'm just, i'm assuming you performed out in the, in your room. good in the you know, it's a zone was born in europe. i need to fail to simply do it the, the so called humanism of western countries as selective and discriminatory. the death of an american or european is deemed to tragedy. but no, t is a shed for iraqis. afghani is syria, palestinians, russians and even ukrainians here at the supposed allies who can be romped and salted in droves. but whatever is on. so bush and not all will shuttle. it
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wasn't showing around was because there was a ceiling dues stood talking about the particular teeth. the name is the list and the side here for them giving us the data and supports ukrainian neo nazis. the west brand of murdering fascism respects. no one never has the lease termination of peoples and territories of economic interest to them has been going on for centuries. the
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talking to western politicians seems a pointless waste of time. they adhere to the principal, but mike is right, the fcc maybe the so does the market think here me id shop is here and since i'm in hosting on stay embarrassed. the fears about the creek. oh, see ralph myrtle beach, vincent is he said to be a trap we can talk to later. the cars are pretty much the cost on the ottoman it can't do it so. so i look at the
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monday me into that. i was just gonna separate it. yeah. because the said, the collective west goal is to live at the expense of others, the best of the source. and then just that all done for you. sure. to supplement of soon we present any problem for and i'm not sure if it's on the screen. i saw a bit of addition to that. i still would the news limited to not to the issue, but somebody to give me a call. so can you hear the rest of the book? this is for 500 new fords. the book, are you able for me to credit the newest record for me? or whether it's the one that says which scans or points it's a plastic loose, right? do you see if it might be a boiler, football game, you know,
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the, i guess it was a pleasure. best balance of people's the best way and what cause issues of mutual recalls. and then you said something. i mean, if i give them the spelling of the lecture, but i'd like to bring up with you as well, but i needed, it was also for listening or hello loosely useful, much on the so very simple most of the most find out what that means for some muscle video, i think it was just the shape of the machine you're in a solution. most of the piece. yes, i as we get on there and then just get brush up. think o s, and i'm just a little bit of music phineas or the loungers from williams. i'm
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the, by the name of the visible eunice. introduce the dealership. i mentioned the, you probably need the, the, the parts on stick with section to the semi regarding that those are at least 30 pos, door them up. but the, the school, these are things different processes, smoke of loans here in ukraine. certain people believe they have the right to exterminate the inhabitants of dumbass. this belief of rooms a long time ago in children's textbooks, which stood from an early age, the russians, the enemies that must be killed. and in this process, historical thanks was shamelessly revised. this but i gave you a couple of guys,
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i swap tickets off the box for for a vehicle at the the work order. if it is only part you stitch in your account, let me just get on board blue. shield blue and you must appeal naga rome like you did. 40 bubbles. you get a free a deal. isaiah: what could i email got bought or just reaching out to new york so may have to mean the one level g. c. charles watching affordable korean. excuse me. when you pull on the corner of buffalo nearby, you may have a just a car. yeah. bill them for you because like spine even here, but it was you can just click on shop company and some lights look up any do normally it's in the probably days 20 by 50 in the most school kick more skate if they even look like a piece of what you know about your someone's was much did it during the trip i we shall go into more and more for, for the treatment of pretty available me go on the more on my board check on the interest for the day. we got a lot of buffalo and my oldest kick christy on that now cried. you must logics
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across my got it off my board showing the restaurant for 1st line. yeah, i'm still working. it's nick in on your computer frontier the up to the of the way you have couple of minutes. i mean, yeah. so the ups come on board for us. not sure what it looks like, a lot of the why. it's the biggest problem to both of you know, what you saw the exposure to the most pretty much almost over to the people see us in the northern region. no bullshit. postpone too if you're going to be a slave. yep. you're so what's your, what's the story about the class on the show? some of the, some of them was in rid of appointment to here to go into a model crane to the store to go could i ask that all the specs on the phone or suspended but i'm not sure huge. come on. you to forget a lot. so could i ask that a fund started for the even though i need to go on the management of sending
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a different phone guy and given the loan just adjusting his phone? is it the north scepter card that i know there is which method of payment for the gallery i am looking into was worth the criteria before the march is done. and one in step is to pull the wool. once it's tim, i've lots to push through and this it shows facts, but i'm going to call the point of my 2 songs. this 1000 there's like i was on you this is one of the was most dreadful aspects. the civilians and soldiers from both sides are found to every single day. they need to be identified that relative strength on the bodies buried the sails listened here. really,
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people are doing this work. and hardly anyone knows about that. they won't be written about in history textbooks. no songs on poems will be composed about them. nevertheless, they all suffer the hardships and terrible consequences. i was, i suppose source narrative corp, ludlow, pull out the portion of it almost. i don't know if it was just sort of like the revision of orange, but before that attempt for us, when one wants to for numerous for versus a mission of voltage, great space, i'm giving me a solution supposedly switched gears. we didn't have a large, it doesn't live up since yesterday and through the phones, but i'm with us for fun. come in at the more, but i'm with us or near a computer for you better with thank you for the war with y preference. i went to the to do this just to live in your list of learning and those are for some little more on the internet from you for us to find them. keith trevino? yes. versus nozer here. solution warrior them used to be seen you. those are peters
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are why you couldn't you my are here her but i she and your know pause i heard on your end up with such a one way. wish i'm a little more me. i've got the sooner for you, for the, for when i was on the throne us with what's on the push, the 5 me on the committee to fit or is this and i was i but i the more emotional and beloved my wife should remove should have been on the shipment with us, so i need to stay in west virginia and i was just curious when you're gonna send me to the family. the mouse isn't much different. so given an impulse humorous, can you kind of similar spring wants to look for a pullman, washington come with us. oh, a funk. i'm gonna just decided this is the lowest. you know, just if i get you to pull another shut, but most of most of it takes most of the store, not for sure. so somebody to just sit on your somewhere. so the more you could have the frontier, i'm unable to discard the phone, but i knew the story was able to get the lizard from one table, google from somebody to me. so, so, so no,
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i suppose there were some notes around here. say here on here on the land lease clear, i need to shift the proper cheetham was, you know, see the scenario for them or, or new promotion here with kasanya come congregation with a 100. okay. and you're good to me. i know several guys, group counsellors who have lost loved ones or were left homeless and without food and also negotiates with the ukrainians on the exchange of dead soldiers parties. process that isn't always peaceful the foreigners landscape, but i don't have about them 5 minutes ago. i don't apologize. i don't you coming in and yet this does this? yeah, we're going chunk of your comes along, but there's a little dodge talk a little bit about it. that's why i thought we have such a known design in the paper to go into our district administrator for some office time doesn't wage evidence of the ukrainian armies. crimes could be lost
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on the mass graves level to the ground, the lug people's hope of finding their relatives, and burying them in a decent manner, remains the story hasn't ended until they have found and bear it. the time set to lunch on mister immunize is, of course, a meeting is one of the will, and will be there when the discount will go with some crazy production of some. we just split the dish and still i'm still, i'm good because of the years in here and there's a chest, a little bit more serious. there's an issue that of committee. i've got to think of some of the
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refresh diseases even as a student to to which started as soon as not sure. great. and i will check with them. they will send was the problem the it was a launch mass graves on the dad works. you identified and buried in a christian man. however, not all of them. so the work is ongoing. the launch memorial was opened here quite recently. huge. you see fit to the store and then we're going to get you a new one with your motion. perhaps you consider to do speech and language just so we use this is charlotte, you said, you know,
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should go under new media. can you put your apartment over to mr. little get interested on storm. good. now somebody, are you familiar with this group like you just needed some nutritionist and installed it, or is it gonna go to move on to be necessary for us to be with me? but do you think you will need to do is go into mazda, video, supervisor, mazda, division of federal diseases. we get in one of the boston graves ground ottam in particular, was going to should, we should find this. i'll give you enough time. do you feel comfortable? no. what do you want to know the mood, snow, green skin color identification started and i'll start an apple changing the apartment. and what you can do, do you cover the different cards as much as to the
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new sheer voice simply exclude you? what's managed you? the torching would be, and i chose to uh, the mirror with our team is each not mine. and when you, her team car's been doing so so far is that there's no way of course to mortgage. can you pronounce your so much priest, alexander, and mario rector of the church, the vendor rates, the attendant, this icon of the mother of god in new guns handles. funeral is in accordance with all the adults kind of put them. we're going to have 3 if they can get her to go to court. that is all over the and there was no since i, california is on cook, was necessary to put on we for monday. so what was this william police give this drive a us or she just where usually many there are no a few single to americans do have the good news is able to do little for, for both. certainly a lot of the button that 0 and there's
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a should be or decision because the near for controlling and promotion but just because like when we use the other one, i shall go into the board. we're now sure you know, for sure the board to stream and watch the mortgage. this results somebody wants to furnish the faults of already in the course is worth a little difficult on machine of granules and there's uploads for folks to read on . we talked to him, profession here before, and that you just put in to see both of them, but we're looking at the grid on the if it happens that in life couldn't be saved, then it is right trumpet that everything should be done to ensure that us is buried
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with dignity the, this is walter memorial. employees do the, the on many as a business skeleton crew of phone members and 20 people in total. ready the medical board is for as long as for me to go to the both of we're going to cause a nation is because those need but it's from the district. and the reason continues to somebody from your computer and up always where you was in the longer what the different a for sort of the level should immediately can where you can send you the
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the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm at the, in the $65.00, the keys $195.00 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question,
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did you say they requested the israel to a self selfish interest is not just destroying is rep is not only destroying the so called legitimacy as well in the eyes of the world, but it's destroying the whole of the western project, the whole of the notion of western civilization and somehow western civilization being exceptional for the greatest civilization. now people are looking down at the where the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, and the and 6 year old girls and guys are whose story went viral after her family was fired, owned by the adf, is found dead. along with the red crescent, i'm the lens teen sent to rescue her. the humanitarian group says the killings where deliberate these really made a trip or best thing said the southern garden city of rafa. where over a 1000000 display civilians a sheltering, we hear some of the fiery contrasting opinions and the scene 28000 people did amended them. 12150 children. let's say that's low. they have a login for the name of the in in
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